The house gave Kerimov to the singer. Was there love? Lena Lenina about Volochkova's true feelings for the billionaire Kerimov. About the war and the lost family

People who communicate with Suleiman Abusaidovich claim that it is difficult to talk to an oligarch. This person anticipates the answer. Mathematical mindset, Eastern wisdom and a subtle sense of benefit brought billions to the owner of a large Russian financial and industrial group. There are ups and downs in the biography of Kerimov Suleiman, but as a true chess player, he always quickly analyzed mistakes and played a new combination. Usually win-win.

The future oligarch spent the early years of his biography in Derbent, the oil capital of sunny Dagestan. Suleiman was born on March 12, 1966. He became the third child in the family of a criminal investigation worker. Abusaid Kerimovich, the boy's father had a higher legal education. Mother was involved in accounting in one of the local branches of Sberbank. At the time of birth, Suleiman had a brother, who now works as a doctor, and a sister who teaches Russian language and literature.

From an early age, Suleiman was addicted to sports. His main passion was judo and kettlebells. The boy excelled at chess and subsequently received the 1st category. While studying at the 18th school of Derbent, he admired the teachers with his mathematical abilities. However, other subjects were mastered by him without difficulty. The first educational institution of the future billionaire was graduated with honors, which gave him the right to enter a prestigious university.


After graduating from school in 1983, the young man successfully passed the exams at the Dagestan Polytechnic University, where he studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering for a year. In 1984, the educational process was interrupted in connection with the call for military service. Until 1986, Kerimov repaid his debt to his homeland, servicing strategic missiles. The years spent in the army hardened the young man and revealed in him the trait of a leader.

He returned from service with the rank of senior sergeant. Suleiman continued his higher education at the Dagestan State University. As a future specialty, he chose economics.

The student combined brilliant academic performance with active social work, and by the end of DSU he was listed as deputy chairman of the local trade union committee.

Career and business of Suleiman Kerimov

Suleiman Kerimov Having received a diploma in economics, in 1989 Suleiman Kerimov began to work. His first place of work in his biography was the Makhachkala plant "Eltav". Obtaining a position at a prestigious enterprise was not without the participation of Nazim Khanbalaev, who headed the Dagestan Council of Trade Unions and by that time was Suleiman's father-in-law. Thanks to diligence and abilities, as well as connections, within 5 years the young specialist made a dizzying career and rose from an ordinary economist to the deputy general director of the plant. In the middle of this five-year plan, the management of the enterprise created a bank registered in Moscow. Representing the management of the plant, Kerimov managed to seize a controlling stake in this organization. Fedprombank provided loans to industrial enterprises in crisis. Since that time, the entrepreneur has settled in the capital of Russia. Read also: Biography and latest news of the owner of Eurocement Group Filaret Galchev.

Since 1995, the businessman has been the head of the Soyuz-Finance trading and financial company, and after 2 years he is a researcher at the Moscow International Institute of Corporations.

Suleiman Kerimov's real business begins in 1999, with the acquisition of shares in the NTC Nafta-Moskva, which, with the arrival of a new owner from a mediocre oil trader, began to transform into a powerful holding.

In the management of a large enterprise, Kerimov revealed himself in all its glory. His intuition and precise calculation made it possible to raise the company to the level of Millhouse and Rusal, which set the tone for the Russian oil market. During 2002-2008, Nafta-Moskva actively replenished its assets by acquiring shares in promising industrial enterprises. Initially, loans from Vnesheconombank and later from foreign financial organizations are used as start-up capital. The holding acquired shares in Volvo, British Petroleum, etc. During this period, Kerimov met with the most famous financial tycoons, in particular, Bill Gates became one of his friends.

In 2009, Kerimov expanded the scope of his holding and began to engage in real estate. The “breakthrough of the pen” was the reconstruction of the Moskva Hotel, which became a five-star Four Seasons hotel. At the same time, an organization controlled by a businessman takes possession of a quarter of the shares of the PIK group of companies, which was the main developer of the country and was in a crisis situation. Kerimov improves the business of this enterprise and, having sold its assets, receives a solid profit.

Another significant event in 2009 is the purchase by Nafta of a 37% stake in the gold mining company Polyus Gold, and after 3 years Suleiman Kerimov takes almost complete control over it (95%). Since 2016, the son of an oligarch has been on the board of Polyus Gold.

In 2011, the oligarch became the owner of the Anji football club (Makhachkala), and in 2014 he got rid of most of his assets.

Of the "dark bands" in Suleiman Kerimov's entrepreneurial activities, mention should be made of the entrepreneur's friction with Belarusian law enforcement officers, which arose in 2007 in connection with dark cases around the largest fertilizer producer, the Uralkali company. Unsuccessful investments in foreign enterprises became major losses for the businessman. An attempt to save capital during the global crisis in 2008 cost Kerimov and his organization $20 billion.

Political life

The life of Suleiman Kerimov is closely connected with politics. Twice being a deputy of the State Duma of Russia (1999 - 2007), the oligarch successfully defended the interests of Zhirinovsky's party. Since 2008, the billionaire has been a member of the committee of the Council of Federations, where he deals with financial problems and represents the Republic of Dagestan.

Suleiman Kerimov's fortune

The current political activity has distracted Suleiman Kerimov from business. Having handed over the reins of government to his companies and got rid of foreign assets, the oligarch remains a prominent person in financial circles, his photos and videos are often found in the media. Including in connection with the participation of the senator in the affairs of his native Dagestan.

Karimov helps the republic a lot, not only as a representative of the region in the upper house of parliament, but also as an investor and philanthropist. In particular, on his initiative, large-scale transformations began in the hometown of Suleiman Kerimov - Derbent. The task is to make this ancient city in Russia the center of a tourist cluster, in which, while maintaining the unique architecture and historical appearance, ultra-modern functionality would appear. At the beginning of August 2019, the finalists of the Open International Competition for the development of a master plan for Derbent were determined, including the largest experts in their field from around the world.

It was also announced the resumption of work in Dagestan of the branch of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. It will be headed by the mayor of Derbent, Khizri Abakarov, who is considered a person close to the senator, capable of implementing the ideas of transforming the city conceived by Kerimov. In addition, a member of the Federation Council from Dagestan in 2018 announced the decision of his family to register a business in Derbent - in this way, the local budget will receive additional funds for development, and this is billions of rubles of additional income in the form of tax deductions. The senator had helped the republic a lot before, taking a lively part in all development projects.

So, with the direct participation of Suleiman Kerimov, a branch of the presidential center for gifted children, Sirius-Altair, was opened in Dagestan. It became one of the first branches of the Sochi "Sirius" in the country and a role model for other regions. The dynamics of a businessman's entrepreneurial activity can be analyzed on the basis of data provided annually by Forbes magazine (year - $, billion / place in Russia):

  • 2004 – 0,58/48;
  • 2005 – 2,6/16;
  • 2006 – 7,5/11;
  • 2007 – 12,8/7;
  • 2008 – 18,4/8;
  • 2009 – 3,1/13;
  • 2010 – 19/5,5;
  • 2011 – 7,8/19;
  • 2012 – 6,5/19;
  • 2013 – 7,1/20;
  • 2014 – 6,9/19;
  • 2015 – 3,4/31;
  • 2016 – 1,6/45;
  • 2017 – 6,3/21;
  • 2018 – 6,4/20.

Having a direct relation to the power structures of the Russian Federation, Suleiman Abusaidovich could not avoid the April sanctions of 2018. The oligarch's losses amounted to $ 1.4 billion, which is equal to more than a fifth of the businessman's fortune.

Yachts, aircraft

From 2005 to 2016, Suleiman Kerimov owned the magnificent Ice yacht. The ninety-meter four-deck vessel is made using the latest technology. Its approximate price is $160 million.

The second yacht of the oligarch "Millenium" looks somewhat more modest, three times smaller than the first, but it impresses with its speed, which reaches thirty-one knots. This "toy" cost the billionaire €8.9 million.

Until recently, Suleiman Abusaidovich used the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700 as an air vehicle, which was sold in 2018.


About personal life from the biography of Suleiman Abusaidovich it is known for certain that he found his soul mate while still a student. His chosen one was a classmate Firuza Nazimovna Khanbalaeva. It was thanks to her father that the current oligarch began his successful career. The wife gave the businessman three children.

In 1990, the eldest daughter was born, whom her parents gave the name Gulnara. After 5 years, the family was replenished with a son, Abusaid, and in 2003, the businessman became a dad for the third time. His youngest daughter's name is Aminat.


Suleiman Kerimov's charitable activities were marked by the transfer of €1 million to the Pinocchio children's burn center. The reason for this was a car accident in which the oligarch got in 2006. Then he went through a long course of rehabilitation. The billionaire's concern for children also manifested itself in work on projects to provide targeted assistance to orphans and sick children.

Since 2013, the international charitable foundation created by Kerimov has been operating. It was here that the Dagestan senator donated the lion's share of his assets.

Thanks to the funds of Suleiman Abusaidovich, Makhachkala acquired a modern Anji-Arena stadium. Under the patronage of the billionaire is the Wrestling Federation of the Russian Federation and the Sochi Center for Gifted Children "Sirius".

Suleiman Kerimov today

According to the latest news, Suleiman Kerimov recently suffered a heart disease. Now, after recovering, he is in France, where legal proceedings are ongoing over his tax violations.

Just like in his youth, the oligarch continues to be fond of sports today, of which he prefers wrestling and football.

The oil king abandoned the daughter of actor Archil Gomiashvili

Their romance lasted four years. One of the richest people in Russia, the owner of Nafta-Moskva, Suleiman KERIMOV, generously endowed Katya GOMIASHVILI, helping her enter the open spaces of big business. But the heart of the oligarch is prone to treason. The daughter of the famous actor who played Ostap Bender in Gaidai's unsurpassed comedy "12 Chairs" shared the fate of her predecessors - singer Natalia VETLITSKY, ballerina Anastasia VOLOCHKOVA, actress Olesya SUDZILOVSKAYA, and if you believe the rumors, then TV presenter Tina KANDELAKI and pop diva Zhanna FRISKE.


General public billionaire Suleiman Kerimov became famous after being in a car accident in Nice in December 2006. Then the Ferrari driven by the oligarch crashed into a tree and caught fire. Kerimov was badly burned. sitting next to Tina Kandelaki escaped with minor burns. True, the TV presenter herself later denied everything. But somehow Tina opened up:

I met Suleiman at the time when he was courting my girlfriend, an actress Olesya Sudzilovskoy. Suleiman loves beautiful women - it's true. Soon he left Olesya and became interested in another friend of mine - a fashion designer Katya Gomiashvili.

Sudzilovskaya was only an episode for him, and a tender relationship with Archil Gomiashvili's daughter lasted for four whole years.

Generous Cavalier

When a girl is offered love and friendship by a man exhaling the smell of money, and Kerimov has as much as $ 14 billion, then it is impossible to refuse. So Katya Gomiashvili could not resist, although she herself is not from a poor family. Her dad, in addition to playing Ostap Bender superbly, was also a successful restaurateur in Moscow.

Catherine decided to make a career as a fashion designer. With the help of her father, she opened an atelier. Things were going the way they were. But since Kerimov appeared next to Katya, even world-famous couturiers envied her scope.

If a fashion designer has serious financial resources for brand promotion, he can be successful. You can buy everything now, - says Vyacheslav Zaitsev, having learned that Gomiashvili opens a boutique in London with the money of his lover. Designed by a Russian designer's shop, a very popular architect in England Ab Rogers. Katya's whim cost at least 3 million euros.

In the spring of 2006, at the height of her romance with Kerimov, a boutique "Mia Shvili" appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds in the capital, a little later she changed the sign to "Emperor Moth". At the same time, at the end of the house on Novy Arbat, to the envy of Katya's competitors, there was a giant banner on which the American film actress Chloe Sevigny flaunted in clothes from designer Gomiashvili. Another collection of the beloved oil king was advertised by top models Kate Moss and Devonian Aoki. Models of this level charge from $30,000 to 150,000 just for a fashion show. For participation in an advertising campaign, rates increase tenfold.

shook it off and left

In April, Katya unexpectedly announced the sale of the latest collection and closed boutiques. Everyone wondered why she turned the hyped case. It turned out that the reason is banal: the oligarch abandoned her. And what is the modeling business without his money? Another juicy detail came to light: Katya is pregnant.

And just the other day, the site dismantled Ekaterina Gomiashvili and her recent interview with Vogue magazine. The fashion designer shared with the "gloss" her longing for a certain oligarch:

He told me: “Katya, we are very strong. And if you do what I need, then break you. Do what you want - break me. It's impossible". …I have no grudge against him. It just hurts when a person who has done nothing but good to you does this to you. figured out who this oligarch is, for whom the fashion designer suffers so much: “One of the versions says that this is the billionaire Suleiman Kerimov.” And as absolutely unambiguously hints, Katya is pregnant from him: “They say that Kerimov has fully recovered from the car accident, but there are no rumors about new hobbies. And Katya Gomiashvili is expecting a baby. It is already known that it will be a girl. knows what he writes about, because his mistress is the wife of another respected oligarch.

If the news on the site is true, then Katya had no chance. Suleiman has been happily married for a long time, he has three legitimate children. He just collects beautiful women. As one of the visitors to the forum wrote under the nickname blue eyes, "Suleiman ... he dusted himself off, ticked the box and went on."

However, according to information from other sources, Katya was going to marry some Italian not so long ago. But something didn't work out. Perhaps the groom just found out that the girl is slightly pregnant, but from another.

List of Don Juan

* The loudest was Suleiman Kerimov's romance with Natalia Vetlitskaya. The businessman, without hiding, appeared with the singer at social events, and many mistakenly considered Vetlitskaya his wife. On his 38th birthday, he presented Natalya with a diamond pendant for $10,000. And in parting, so as not to remember dashingly, he presented a plane and an apartment in Paris.

* Vetlitskaya was replaced by the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The predecessor, not wanting to put up with the loss, threatened her rival that she would pay her off with the help of bandits. Kerimov hired security for a new passion. But she soon did not suit her rich patron, and they parted. After their breakup, Nastya started having trouble in the theater.

* Forgetting the ballerina, Kerimov became interested in actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya, and then met with designer Katya Gomiashvili for a long time.

* The oligarch was also credited with close relations with Ksyusha Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki.

How to live in a "golden cage". The wives of Russian oligarchs Usmanov, Abramovich, Kerimov, Deripaska and Khodorkovsky were labeled. The wife of the latter was called the "wife of the Decembrist." A PHOTO

The “Top-7” rating of the oligarchs’ wives, published today by the RBC agency, includes the wife of the founder of Metalloinvest, Alisher Usmanov, Irina Viner, the beloved of the main owner of Evraz Group, Roman Abramovich, Dasha Zhukov, and the wife of Rusal co-owner Oleg Deripaska, Polina Deripaska , the wife of billionaire Alexander Lebedev Elena Perminova, the companion of the co-owner of the Capital Group company Vladislav Doronin Naomi Campbell, the wife of political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky Inna Khodorkovskaya and the wife of one of the main shareholders of Uralkali Suleiman Kerimov Firuza.

Irina Viner, which occupies the first place in the rating, is presented in it as a "sports lioness". She is known, first of all, thanks to her own achievements, being a coach and president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Irina Viner raised many Olympic champions.

Irina crossed paths with Alisher Usmanov in the gym. Inspired by The Three Musketeers, the young man took up fencing. However, Usmanov then did not dare to approach the already famous gymnast. A few years later, they met by chance on the street in Moscow. Viner, who survived an unsuccessful marriage, came to the capital to make a career, and Usmanov studied at MGIMO. It took the future billionaire only a few days to charm the girl: his trump cards were charm and encyclopedic knowledge. Young people began to meet, and then live together.

Daria Zhukova the creators of the rating nicknamed Abramovich's "garage girlfriend". For her sake, the oligarch divorced his wife, who bore him five children. Daria Zhukova is known no less than her companion. Today she is the editor of the social life website, heads the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture and the Iris Charitable Foundation for the Support and Development of Contemporary Art, created with the financial support of Abramovich. In her free time from work and social life, Zhukova plays tennis, does yoga and runs.

Daria met Abramovich in 2005 at a social party in Barcelona. Since then, the couple have often been seen together: they watched football, traveled, went to parties. A year later, the official wife of the lover of large yachts could not stand it and filed for divorce, which, according to the press, cost the billionaire $ 300 million, four London villas and two apartments. Now Abramovich and Zhukova are raising two small children: Son Aaron Alexander and daughter Leia.

Polina Yumasheva, she is Deripaska listed as a "business lady" in the list of wives of oligarchs. The marriage of Boris Yeltsin's "adopted granddaughter" Polina Yumasheva with Oleg Deripaska looks like a good deal, as a result of which each of the spouses received pleasant bonuses: she - money, he - access to the highest political spheres.

Now Polina owns several publications. Among them: "Hello!", "My baby and me", "Bear", "Story, Car" and "Empire".

Top Model Elena Perminova presented in the rating as a "criminal fashionista". Alexander Lebedev became not only her husband, father of two children and sponsor of her stylish images, but also saved the girl from prison. In 2004, a 17-year-old model was detained at a club while trying to sell drugs. She was engaged in this business together with her common-law husband Dmitry Kholodkov. Worried about the threatening consequences, the girl's father wrote a letter to State Duma deputy and millionaire Alexander Lebedev with a request to protect his underage daughter from the influence of a criminal group. The oligarch took up the case, which was decided at the highest level: Lebedev's lawyer Yuri Zak defended the girl. Thanks to Lebedev, Elena was sentenced to 6 years of probation. Her accomplice was sent to a colony for 8 years. To restore her reputation, the girl then starred for anti-drug posters under the slogan "Say no to drugs."

After the successful completion of the criminal case, Elena was often seen in the company of her benefactor - the 27-year age difference did not bother the girl.

Naomi Campbell in the rating is traditionally called the "black panther". In the 90s, the beauty was considered one of the most sought-after models: she represented brands such as Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, her photos adorned the covers of leading fashion publications. At the same time, Naomi has long been assigned the title of Hollywood's main brawler. Among her most high-profile "misdemeanors" are the beating of a maid and scandals at the airport.

In February 2008, at a Vogue magazine party in Brazil, Naomi met Vladislav Doronin. The friends of the supermodel who watched their communication claimed that it was love at first sight. To conquer the “black panther”, the Russian oligarch showered her with gifts: a house was built especially for her on one of the Turkish islands in the shape of the eye of the Egyptian deity Horus. It was worth the girl in a conversation to drop that she likes Brazil, and her lover presented her with a penthouse in Sao Paulo. Naomi was also given a palace in Venice.

True, now there are rumors that the couple broke up. And precisely because of the scandalous nature of the "panther".

Inna Khodorkovskaya entered the rating "Top-7" as "the wife of the Decembrist". Over the past 10 years, she has had to come to terms with the role of the wife of a political prisoner. Having married Mikhail Khodorkovsky, she experiences his ups and downs with him. The criminal case and the arrest of Khodorkovsky came as a shock to Inna. For two years she was in a deep depression, she even had to be treated and take sedatives.

The courts made Inna a public person. Unlike Mikhail’s mother, who takes an active position and often communicates with journalists, the wife of the country’s main political prisoner, by her own admission, does “invisible work”: she goes on dates with her husband, carries packages to him.

In seventh place in the ranking, Kerimov's wife is "eastern prude" firuza. The couple's romance began during their studies, and soon the lovers got married. For Kerimov, this marriage turned out to be a winning ticket, since Firuza was the daughter of a Dagestan party boss. According to rumors, it was the father-in-law who helped Kerimov the graduate get a job as an economist at the Eltav electronic plant. Kerimov quickly made a career at the enterprise, and in the early 90s the family moved to Moscow, where the businessman began to represent the interests of several TV manufacturers from different CIS countries.

Firuza is a real oriental wife. She does not like social events and the attention of journalists. The woman is busy raising three children and helping her husband. There were no photos of her on the web.


In a recent interview, the famous dancer Anastasia Volochkova admitted that the main love in her life was Senator Suleiman Kerimov. Their romance lasted about three years, but even after breaking up in 2003, the ballerina continued to write love letters to him.

Anastasia Volochkova is a great, beautiful, sexy and mind-blowing prima ballerina. Born in 1976, January 20. A woman who has everything - great talent, incredible beauty, she has everything except love. Although Anastasia already has a daughter, the ballet queen has not yet met her betrothed. Apparently, like all geniuses and talented people, she is unlucky in some way.

Volochkova had many novels and lovers who seemed to her the last - for life, but alas, they were never successful. An incredible beauty, a brilliant woman, but there is still no love.

Many people know that businessman Suleiman Kerimov is a collector of famous beauties. The famous Lezghin had affairs with many divas of Russian show business, including Natalya Vetlitskaya, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, and then met with designer Katya Gomiashvili for a long time. There was also TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, singer Zhanna Friske, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, etc.

Volochkova and Kerimov love story, why they broke up: revelations at the walls of the Investigative Committee

According to Volochkova, "more than Sulemainchik", she no longer loved anyone in her life. “He is a representative of a Caucasian man, in whom there is nobility, honor, dignity. He has an amazing sense of humor, ”the ballerina described the senator.

Note that Volochkova unexpectedly opened up at the building of the Investigative Committee, where she applied for her ex-boyfriend Chermen Dzotov. It was his fault that intimate pictures of a ballerina appeared on the Internet. The businessman himself claimed that the candid photos stored on his phone were stolen by hackers.

Recall that Russian Senator Suleiman Kerimov was detained in France, where he was charged with tax evasion and money laundering. Later, the official was released on bail of 5 million euros. A member of the Federation Council was confiscated his passport and ordered him to report to the police several times a week.

Round-the-clock surveillance, the presence of bugs and voice recorders in every room of the apartment, no more declarations of love. And again a blow: Shvydkoi, who had awarded Anastasia the title of Honored Artist the day before, says that her position is third in the corps de ballet. Volochkova, the great ballerina, is broken.

Suleiman Kerimov and Anastasia Volochkova were a bright couple, journalists were always interested in their personal lives.

In the announcement of one program, Nastya spoke frankly that she wanted to have a baby from Suleiman, but received threats from an unborn baby. And many other things that could noticeably hit the billionaire. But such revelations were hastily cut from television. Even the name of the ballerina, TV people in a hurry confused, calling her "Anatsasia".

“It became a terrible event in my life, I was severely punished,” says Volochkova. The audience was shocked, and the star said on Twitter that cowards and liars work on television, that they received a call from above, as well as Anastasia herself, because Suleiman's friend called her with threats.

Volochkova did not name the last name of her lover in the past, but after the statement it became clear: the temperamental man is Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov, here is his photo:

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Member of the Federation Council, Russian businessman Suleiman Kerimov was detained by police in the French city of Nice.

Let's read what they took for, what he is famous for and with what beautiful famous ladies he lit:

“Late on the evening of November 20, Suleiman Kerimov was detained at the airport in Nice, he was taken to the police station,” TASS reports.

Member of the Federation Council, billionaire Suleiman Kerimov was detained in Nice on a tax evasion case, media reported, citing the prosecutor's office.

Telegram-channel Mash reports that we are talking about the events of 2005-2008. A month ago, searches were carried out at Kerimov's villa in Nice.

This is not the first incident with Kerimov in this French city.
In November 2006, he got into an accident on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, and then ended up in intensive care.

In addition, other Russian billionaires were also detained in France - for example, in 2007, police during a raid to combat prostitution took Mikhail Prokhorov and his partner Oleg Baibakov into custody.

Kerimov, a senator from Dagestan, is one of Russia's richest men. Moreover, in recent years, his fortune has significantly decreased: in 2016, according to Forbes, it was $1.16 billion, and in 2011 it reached $7.8 billion.

He is a billionaire because he was given large loans from VTB, with which he bought shares, which he then resold at a premium.

In late 1999, Suleiman Kerimov bought shares in the Nafta-Moskva oil trading company, the successor to the Soviet monopoly Soyuznefteexport. Subsequently, this company became the main business tool of Kerimov.

In 2003, Nafta-Moskva received a loan from Vnesheconombank, which was invested in the shares of OAO Gazprom.
Over the next year, Gazprom's share prices doubled and the loan was repaid within four months.
In 2004, Sberbank provided Kerimov's structures with a loan in the total amount of 3.2 billion US dollars, which was also invested in shares, and subsequently fully repaid.
By 2008, Nafta-Moskva owned 4.25% of the shares of Gazprom and 5.6% of the shares of Sberbank.
In mid-2008, Kerimov completely withdrew from the share capital of Gazprom and Sberbank.

By 2008, according to Forbes, he withdrew the bulk of his capital from Russia by investing in shares of foreign corporations.
Analysts estimate that during the economic crisis, this decision led to a loss of almost $20 billion as a result of margin calls.

Wide coverage in the media received an accident in which Mr. Kerimov got in Nice in November 2006.
While driving a Ferrari Enzo, the businessman crashed into a tree, after which he spent a month and a half in the hospital.

During the collision, burning gasoline splashed out of the bursting fuel tank of the car onto Kerimov's back.

According to eyewitnesses: "Kerimov ran out in flames and rolled on the ground, trying to put out the fire, he succeeded only after three teenagers who played baseball nearby ran up to him."

It was reported that TV presenter Tina Kandelaki was in the car with him.

The loudest was Suleiman Kerimov's romance with Natalia Vetlitskaya.

The businessman, without hiding, appeared with the singer at social events, and many mistakenly considered Vetlitskaya his wife.

Thanks to Karimov's connections and money, the singer's clips were played on television for months.

Vetlitskaya was replaced by a new passion. Kerimov's imagination was shaken by the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

Having met her former lover in a restaurant with Nastya, Vetlitskaya, in a fit of jealousy, promised to give her rival a good job by hiring bandits.

Anastasia made every effort to take Kerimov away from the family. The deputy and oil businessman had to suffer the same fate as Kerman and Leibman, whose rather happy union with Anatoly Sobchak's daughter Ksenia Volochkova was destroyed overnight.

Forgetting the ballerina, Kerimov became interested in the actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya. However, her serious demands turned out to be too high even for an oligarch.

Then Kerimov met with designer Katya Gomiashvili for a long time.

Their romance lasted four years.
Suleiman, generously gave Katya, helping her to enter the open spaces of big business.
But the heart of the oligarch is prone to treason.
The daughter of the famous actor who played Ostap Bender in the unsurpassed Gaidai comedy "12 Chairs" shared the fate of her predecessors.

Suleiman also met with the sex symbol of the Russian showbiz Zhanna Friske.

Suleiman Kerimov is married. He met his future wife Firuza (1968) while studying at the Faculty of Economics of the Dagestan State University. V. I. Lenin, where she was a classmate.
The couple have three children: daughter Gulnara (1990), son Abusaid (1995) and youngest daughter Aminat (2003).