Spiritual health according to Christian. Orthodox about health. In view of the special life calling of the child

Only since the 11th century, the formation of certain medical concepts has been noted in Rus'. Information about ancient Russian healers and the spread of ancient Russian enlightenment among various representatives of the Russian people began to appear in the manuscripts, and the first hospitals were built at monasteries. In the minds of chroniclers, logical connections begin to emerge between devastating epidemics and factors of weakening health, reducing life expectancy in the next generation. Attention is also drawn to the detrimental effect of internecine wars ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign") on the health of the masses.

Old Russian chronicle sources testify to certain hygienic ideas that had developed in Rus' by that time - the use of medicinal herbs, minerals, mineral springs, mud for the treatment of diseases and general health improvement. The oldest Russian chronicle, The Tale of Bygone Years, describes a rite of purification and strengthening of health: “... wooden baths will be lit red hot and undressed. And they will be naked, and they will pour kvass on themselves, and they will lift flexible rods on themselves, and they will beat themselves, and they will finish themselves to such an extent that they will hardly get off, barely alive, will be covered with icy water, and then they will only come to life. And they do this every day, not tormented by anyone, but they torment themselves, and by this they perform ablution of themselves, and not torment” [Gavrilyuk 2003:21].

From a pedagogical point of view, the Old Russian collection “Bee”, compiled by monk Anthony, is of particular interest in this regard. The stories of the collection made it possible to come to the conclusion that already in the 11th century in Rus' healthy traditions of physical education of young people existed and developed. The compilers of the collection speak approvingly of the ancient Russian custom of wrestling young men at games, pay attention to the techniques that develop and strengthen the body. In the stories one can find many valuable and deep thoughts about the hygiene of sleep, clothing, housing, and especially work, considered as a healing factor. “A fair amount of goodness for the body is unhealthy health,” – this is how the main idea of ​​the collection can be expressed in the words of the authors.

From the 11th century, the focus on spiritual health through the religious experience of Orthodoxy began to dominate among the Russian people. Famous pastors of the Orthodox Church I. Chrysostom, Theophan the Recluse, Tikhon Zadonsky, exploring the aspects of spiritual health, considered it as the greatest gift of God.

The conscious fulfillment of the established laws of life, not because of coercion and fear, but out of love, brings a person health, happiness, joy and fullness of life. The ban on malice and slander, the cultivation of love for one's neighbor, a pacified worldview - in fact, the path to psychosomatic health. In particular, the commandment to love even towards enemies has an enduring meaning, as it blocks not only the explicit, but also the subconscious program of people's self-destruction.

In this regard, the recognition of one's own sins as the first step in the process of repentance has a special healing power. “Repentance is the holy altar of reconciliation”... this is not only regret about what happened, but also the realization of the need to change oneself so as not to make mistakes in the future. “Go the way of repentance, and the tree of life will gladly give you the fruit of life,” the Bible says. Repentance has a truly healing effect on the soul of a person, relieving oneself of the burden of guilt for committed offenses and from the oppressive effect of fear and anxiety. The meekness inherent in a Christian is not expressed in weakness of character, but, on the contrary, in the complete control of the mind over emotions and is a good illustration of the principle "Conquer evil with good."

The commandments of Christianity say that you can only talk to people in a peaceful state of mind; in whom there is no anger and temper, he becomes the abode of the Holy Spirit; who drives away irritability from himself, his body, mind, and soul are always healthy; he who is angry kills his soul: for people he is unbearable and disgusting before God; during a conversation, one should try to translate the conversation from empty topics to spiritual or at least useful topics; in a conversation with a neighbor, it is important not only what was said, but also the feeling that dictated the words; the tone can both warm, and dishonor, and caress, and humiliate; an affectionate word serves eternity; as often as possible it is necessary to say: "I'm sorry ...".

The Bible commandments instruct: “Let all irritation, and rage, and anger, and shouting, and slander, with all malice, be put away from you” (Eph. 4:31); “Jealousy and anger shorten the days, but care brings old age ahead of time” (Sir. 30:26); “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, but only good…” (Eph. 4:29); “If possible on your part, be at peace with all people” (Rom. 12:16); “Do not seek beyond the measure of what is difficult for yourself, and do not try beyond your strength” (Sir. 3, 21).

It would seem that the focus is on the health of the spirit and soul, and not the body. “What is the use of having a healthy body, but a relaxed and weak soul,” wrote T. Zadonsky. And at the same time, the Bible calls the human body the temple of the Holy Spirit living in it. For this reason, it must be in perfect condition. A person does not have the right to choose, wasting his health and abilities in vain, since both are given from above for reasonable use. “Against wine, do not show yourself brave, for wine has destroyed many” (Sir. 31, 29).

The control of the mind over the passions, the spirit over the flesh contributes to the abstinence not only from harmful and excess food, strong drinks, but also reckless words and deeds, idle pastime and everything else that does not benefit the body and soul.

Religion attaches special importance to faith in healing. This includes, for example, numerous cases of healing with the help of religious faith, when a believing patient turns to passionate prayer, strict fasting, performs them for a long time, devotes himself to this, and the disease disappears, surprising the attending physicians.

Faith as the most important spiritual component of health was discussed by K. Jung, A. Maslow and many others, who considered the essence of man to be the ability to self-knowledge, to go beyond oneself, to feel one's identity with humanity, nature and the cosmos. So, K. Jung wrote in his works: “I would like to offer the following facts for consideration. For thirty years, my patients have been from all cultural countries of the earth ... Among all my patients who entered the second half of life, that is, those who stepped over thirty-five, there was not one for whom the main problem would not be reduced, in the end, to the attitude towards religion. Yes, everyone suffers in one way or another from the loss of what every living religion has given to its followers at all times, and no one is truly cured unless he returns to his former religious attitude, which, of course, has nothing to do with belonging to that or another denomination, to one church or another.

A person who believes and lives according to the commandments is practically a model of a healthy life: he does not smoke, does not use drugs, eats simple, natural food, observes fasts, works honestly, does not steal, does not kill, does not slander, does not weave conspiracies and intrigues, puts the interests of his neighbors above own, busy with internal improvement, obedient to the authorities, honors parents, takes care of children. Let us note that, in essence, this is the ideal of a citizen of any country.

Thus, the foundations of the health-saving behavior of Russians are deeply national and are associated with ancient Russian customs and the spiritual experience of Orthodoxy in preserving bodily, mental and spiritual health.

It is no coincidence that valeology, focused primarily on the implementation of the reserve capabilities of the body of each individual person, originated precisely in Russia, which also has a large resource of natural health remedies. The Russian priority is due to the great experience of health-improving work accumulated in our country, the systematization of folk experience and scientific research on the mechanisms of long-term adaptation.

Back in the 60s of the twentieth century. The problem of adaptation to chronic stress was formulated, which was associated with the start of scientific expeditions to remote and hard-to-reach areas (for example, to Antarctica).

Undoubtedly, the authority in the development of the doctrine of health belongs to I. I. Brekhman. In accordance with his views, the science of health should synthesize contributions to the health of ecology, biology, medicine, psychology and other sciences, to carry out a direct path to health. At the first stage (early 60s), the objects of research by I. I. Brekhman and other scientists were natural medicines to increase the general and universal resistance of the body - medicines for the healthy. These years of research have given the practice of adaptogens, supplements.

Since 1980, the second stage in the development of health science has begun. A number of short-term and long-term observations were carried out to prevent general morbidity in children's and production teams. A number of monographs and thematic collections on valeology have been published. According to the approved programs, valeology began to be taught in some medical and pedagogical universities, in institutes for improving pedagogical skills.

Archpriest Nikolai YAROSHEVICH, Cleric of the Ascension Cathedral in Yoshkar-Ola

Man in Orthodoxy is regarded as the crown of creation - the pinnacle of the entire universe, which combines the spiritual and material worlds: "And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2, 7). A deeper teaching is contained in Christian anthropology, which considers man as a three-part being, consisting of body, soul and spirit 1 .

The relationship of the body, soul and spirit is determined by the moral state of the individual. An example is the words of St. Irenaeus of Lyons (II century): a person with a soul and a body is not a complete and perfect person, “a perfect person consists of three - flesh, soul and spirit, of which one, i.e. the spirit saves and forms, the other, i.e. flesh, unites and forms, and the middle between these two, i.e. the soul, when it follows the spirit, is exalted by it, and when it pleases the flesh, it falls into earthly lusts.

In relation to the overall health of a person, these three components are of exceptional importance, therefore, it is first necessary to consider them separately.

Physical health (human body)

In the Orthodox understanding, the human body was created from “the dust of the ground”: “in the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). And its place in this three-degree hierarchy is determined. It is to be a temple for the Spirit. "Don't you know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you?" (1 Cor. 3, 16-17) Hence, caring for the body, although essential, is not the main one.

In its bodily life, a person, in principle, does not differ in any way from the life of living beings. Basically, the "life" of the body is reduced to satisfying the basic instincts: life support, self-preservation and sexual instincts. But, unlike an animal, a person still has the ability to restrain the manifestations of these instincts, by satisfying their needs, to remain a person.

The sexual instinct in a normal society is regulated by a chaste attitude towards one's body. In Orthodoxy, it is consecrated by the Sacrament of the Wedding, which from the outside limits its manifestations in an unleashed form, helping to save the family and raise children; and from the inside, the sexual instinct is transformed from “mine, I want and give” into the highest sacrificial love.

Speaking about the life-support instinct, it should be noted that moderation is the main principle here. In Orthodox life, an adult and healthy person observes fasting, which is divided into bodily and spiritual. Bodily fasting is reduced to a dietary restriction. Spiritual - in moving away from sins and drawing closer to God 3 . Orthodox fasting also provides for a comprehensive abstinence: from worldly entertainment and amusements, marital relations and the manifestation of passions. During the fasts in the Church, the Sacrament of the Wedding is not performed, and the conception of a child during fasting is considered a sin that leaves a heavy imprint on his future. In the past, during fasting, entertainment establishments were closed, and alcohol was not sold in taverns.

In our time, the instinct of self-preservation in some people is turning into a way of obtaining some satisfaction and entertainment to the detriment of their health. Watching horror movies, extreme situations, searching for "feats", etc. - all this stimulates a constant release of adrenaline into the blood, which, in turn, leads to a depressed state of the nervous system and rapid deterioration of the body.

Indeed, what is useful for the human body is hardening and various loads and workouts.

A few words must also be said about the attitude towards diseases and doctors. The most complete Orthodox attitude to this issue can be found in the Bible: “Honor the doctor with honor as needed in him; for the Lord created it, and from the Highest healing ... The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a prudent person will not neglect them. For this He gave people knowledge, so that they would glorify Him in His wonderful deeds: with them He heals a person and destroys his illness. He who prepares medicines makes a mixture of them, and his occupations do not end, and through him there is good on the face of the earth. My son! In your sickness do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Leave a sinful life, and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin ... And give a place to the doctor, for the Lord created him, and let him not move away from you, for he is needed. At other times, success is in their hands. For they also pray to the Lord that He will help them to give relief and healing to the sick for the continuation of life ”(Sir. 38, 1-2; 4; 6-10; 12-14). The best representatives of ancient medicine, canonized as saints, showed a special image of holiness - unmercenaries and miracle workers. They were glorified not only because they very often ended their lives with martyrdom, but for accepting the medical vocation as a Christian duty of mercy.

Thus, the "body" in the Christian sense requires constant care in order for it to truly become a "temple for the Spirit of God" (1 Cor. 3:16-17).

mental health

The soul is the animating force of any living being and person, but in a person it also serves as a link between the physical body and the immaterial spirit. The body in this case is, as it were, an instrument on which the soul displays its work.

Conventionally, the "actions" of the soul can be divided into three types: thoughts, feelings and desires. The organ of the body, where the soul does its mental work, is the brain. The heart is considered to be the central sense organ. Desires are realized through the will, which sets the human body in motion. The results of the activities of our mind or senses put pressure on the will, which also moves the body. Thus, the soul and body are closely related to each other. The body transmits information to the soul with the help of the sense organs, and the soul, depending on this, controls the body.

If the life of the body consists in the satisfaction of instincts, then the needs of the soul include the satisfaction of the powers of the mind, senses and will. Here it is appropriate to quote from a textbook on dogmatic theology: “The soul is the lowest spiritual essence, in which the beginning of sensory perceptions, inclinations, sensations and rational activity is concentrated. The forces of the whole soul are conditioned by scientific research, works of art. Soul forces are directed exclusively to the organization of earthly life: knowledge is based on the data of experience, activity is aimed at arranging a temporary earthly life, feelings arise from visible states.

The human soul is immaterial, is a spirit, but in its lower essence is similar to the soul of animals. But the soul of man immeasurably rises above the soul of the animal as a result of the combination with it of the spirit containing the feeling of Divinity. The lower brain activity, which is also characteristic of animals, in man passes into reason, will, and a taste for elegance.

Spiritualization of the soul manifests itself in even higher forms when a person has ideal concepts, purposefulness, artistic creativity - the expression of human genius in all its forms.

From this we can conclude that the health of the soul lies in the constant "food" for the mind, the elevation of feelings and in the training of willpower, which in turn is directly reflected in the work of the body.

Spiritual health

Human life is far from exhausted by the satisfaction of only bodily and spiritual needs. Above them stands the Spirit (in fact, he is the personality of each person, in which talents and talents are embedded from God), which evaluates everything from the highest point of view and very often acts as a judge of the soul and body.

God created man in His own Image (Genesis 1:26), so the following properties of the Spirit can be identified: spirituality (i.e., immateriality), immortality, rationality (wisdom), literature and free will (choice). The following qualities of the Spirit are especially manifested:

1. The search for God or the search for truth (the thirst for God). Our Spirit cannot be satisfied with anything earthly. No matter how many earthly blessings a person has, he always wants something more. This eternal human dissatisfaction finds no rest until it is fully satisfied in God. A person always strives for this living communication consciously or unconsciously. “You, God, created us with a desire for You, and our heart is restless until it rests in You” (Blessed Augustine; V century) 5 .

2. Conscience - indicates to a person what is good and what is bad. And not only indicates, but also tries to force a person to correct himself in case of a mistake. For performance, he rewards with consolation, and for non-performance, he punishes her with remorse. Conscience is our inner judge, whose duty is to bring a person to God.

3. The fear of God is not fear of punishment for a bad deed, but reverent awe of the greatness of God. Fear of their unworthy behavior to offend God and lose touch with Him. In Holy Scripture, "the fear of God" is called the initial step in acquiring wisdom (Sir. 1:15).

Therefore, the "health" of the Spirit lies in the search for God, the establishment of relationships and further communication with Him.

“Jesus answered and said to him: Whoever loves me will keep my word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him” (John 14:23).

Relationship of spirit, soul and body

All three components of a person are inextricably linked and transfer their properties from the highest to the lowest. Small examples of their relationship can be given, although it is common for a person to not pay attention to such “subtle” features of each of them. Therefore, a person accepts their totality as simply the performance of a particular task.

1. Spirit as the main among these components.

For example, if a person came to the temple to pray, then we can say that he turns to God with the Spirit. The Spirit in the process of prayer subjugates the Soul, forcing it to think and worry about God; and she, in turn, having shown her character, keeps the Body in obedience: to stand still and endure the whole divine service. Having created this system, the immortal Spirit, turning to God, receives complete satisfaction, bliss and joy in communion; in this way he conveys a feeling of relief, purposefulness and good mood to the Soul; well, and the Body, although it experiences a significant load and requires rest, however, does not reproach for the time spent aimlessly.

2. The body as the main one among these components.

Let's take as an example a person with a weak will and a predominant sense of instinct. Let's say there is a feast with a lot of booze and snacks. The body in the process of eating carries the Soul with it, and together they are already looking for variety on the table and entertainment at the table (bread and circuses). The spirit is still trying to guard this process. But now he is already giving alarming signals to the Soul and Body that the body is already saturated and it is time to finish the meal. After some time, in this struggle, the Body prevails and the Spirit becomes subordinate to the latter. Since Spirit is Spirit, it tries to satisfy all its properties through the Body. A person gets a state of dissatisfaction and thirst and ... most often ends with the fact that the instinct of self-preservation simply “turns off” the person, plunging his already unconscious body into sleep. As a result, the Body feels completely broken and sore; Soul - a feeling of disgust and hostility; Spirit - a feeling of emptiness and torment of conscience.

It should be noted that a person who lives like an animal - by instincts alone, will never get full satisfaction from sleep, food, alcohol, bodily intimacy, etc., because all this will constantly be not enough for him.

3. The soul as the main one among these components.

Most of our population lives this way most of the time. In order to comprehend his life, a person in this state chooses a certain earthly goal for himself (study, work, purchase of things, etc.) and strives for its fulfillment. On this path, the states of the rise of the soul and the fall of the “body” are possible. Having achieved his dream, a person is in a certain state of bliss and joy, but this joy quickly passes. The person feels some emptiness; the question involuntarily sounds: “what's next?”... Life in such a state is full of stress and disappointment. A person cannot “calm down” in any way and is constantly in the process of searching, sometimes going to extremes.

Thus, in a weak person who lives only by instincts, the body subjugates the spirit and soul and torments the latter. A person, living only a spiritual life, sometimes keeps the body in obedience, but cannot calm down and live according to the word of the Gospel - in joy ("Always rejoice" (1 Thess. 5, 16). A spiritual person receives unlimited help from God in his condition in all aspects of your life.

Addictions and overcoming passions

At baptism, a person receives a “pledge of grace,” which he must cultivate in order not to be a baby in faith, but to ascend from strength to strength, to become a “perfect man” in the grace and knowledge of the Son of God (Eph. 4:13). In this growth, man is constantly faced with a choice between good and evil. His spiritual side calls to God and perfection; the spiritual side wants to adapt to more favorable and comfortable living conditions, and the body wants to rest and relax (as in I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Pike and the Cancer”). Throughout life, a person is constantly faced with a choice: to whom to yield and what to do first. And this choice is not always correct. The Christian experience of life points to the main "diseases" (according to the Orthodox - sins) of the body, soul and spirit.

To begin with, it should be noted that a person does not immediately begin to commit certain evil deeds. At first, an attractive image of the alleged sinful act is vividly drawn in his mind. All three components of a person are included in the work: conscience passes judgment, good or bad; the soul evaluates this from the side of feelings and the possibility of committing, well, and the body, if it concerns its side, does not pay any attention to the first two at all. There is a certain struggle, the outcome of which depends on the moral state of the individual.

If a person does not reject this image with anger (anger is the greatest gift of God to a person to fight sinful thoughts), then a state of “desire” comes when I still do not dare to do this, but I already like it more and more. Then there is a state of "captivity" - the determination to perform the action that is contrary to my conscience. The captivating image has become so desirable for me that I no longer resist it. This is usually followed by committing a sin.

If a person does not stop, then this disease progresses, and he (as unscrupulous) does everything out of habit, not being able to assess the correctness of the act. Then a state of passion arises, when a person does everything to create an environment and commit a sin. In this state, he is not able to hate his sin, but, on the contrary, loves it, enjoys it and hates those who prevent him from committing it. Saint Isaac the Syrian (7th century) compares such a sinner with a dog that licks a saw, getting drunk on its own blood.

The word passion is of Slavic origin and is translated as "suffering and illness" 6 . Rev. John of the Ladder describes 8 main passions, which can be conditionally divided into bodily (gluttony and fornication); mental (anger, love of money, sadness); spiritual (despondency, vanity and pride).

To a healthy lifestyle

In Christianity, a healthy lifestyle begins with a correct attitude towards oneself: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). Loving yourself means working on yourself to become perfect and like God (Lev.

11, 44). Here it is necessary to build the right relationship in oneself: the spirit must be in communion with God, the soul under the control of the spirit, and the body - in submission to both. On this path, a person comes to know his shortcomings and passions. The resulting struggle can be described as a ladder along which a person moves: either a step up or a step down. The main stages of this path are indicated by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), of which we can note:

1) humility (spiritual poverty - awareness of the situation in which you are), 2) weeping for sins (repentance), 3) meekness (wisdom), 4) striving for truth (holiness), 5) mercy to all, 6) purity of soul (vision of God), 7) spiritual peace and reconciliation of the warring, 8) courage in persecution for a pious life (truth), 9) martyrdom (literally and figuratively) for Christ.

Perfection in a healthy lifestyle is impossible without repentance as an awareness of one's mistakes. Repentance itself is divided into 4 stages: 1 - consciousness of one's sins and the degree of their severity on the soul; 2 - contrition or sadness about perfect deeds; the desire not to commit them in the future; 3 - determination to improve;

4 - confession before the confessor (priest), who has the power to forgive and resolve sins.

So, gradually being cleansed of diseases of the soul and body, a person comes to a healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, about a healthy lifestyle, I would like to quote the words of the holy righteous Alexei Mechev († 1923): “Force yourself to get up early and at a certain time. Without a special reason, do not sleep more than seven hours. As soon as you wake up from sleep, immediately raise your thought to God... Get out of bed immediately, get dressed and do not allow yourself to luxuriate on a soft bed for a long time and remain undressed. Then immediately begin the morning prayers; bowing your knees, pray quietly, attentively, reverently... After this, take care of your affairs, and all your studies and deeds will be for the glory of God... Fulfill everything that is difficult for you, as a penance for your sins - in the spirit of obedience and humility... If there is time before dinner, then consider how you fulfilled what you decided to do in the morning ...

Never stop praying before dinner, and during it imagine that Jesus is dining with you; give from your table also to the poor... Watch carefully over yourself, over feelings, thoughts, movements of the heart and passions; consider nothing unimportant when it comes to your eternal salvation... Do not think of acquiring any virtue without sorrow and illness of the soul.

And for a short time do not remain in idleness, but always remain in labor and employment. For he who does not work is not worthy of the name of man and will certainly perish. During the hardship of the soul or cooling off for prayer and for all pious activities, do not leave the deeds of piety ... Listen more than speak: in many words you will not be saved from sin. Run away from even the smallest sins, for he who does not move away from small ones will certainly fall into big and grave ones ... Be sincere and simple in heart; lovingly accept instructions, admonitions and reproofs from others, even if you are very wise...

During dinner, remember the last supper of Jesus Christ, praying to Him that He honors you with a heavenly supper ...

Before you go to bed, test your conscience, ask for light to the knowledge of your sins, meditate on them, ask for forgiveness in them, promise correction, defining clearly and precisely in what and how you think to correct yourself. Imagine the bed as if it were your coffin and the blanket as if it were a shroud. Having made the sign of the cross and kissed the cross that you wear on yourself, fall asleep under the protection of the Shepherd ...

If you can’t sleep or stay awake in the middle of the night, then… pray for those who are in grave illnesses and mortal languor at night, for the suffering and the dead, and pray to the Lord that eternal darkness will not cover you…

During an illness, first of all place your hope in God… Refrain in every possible way from grumbling and irritability, which are so common during an illness…

Every year and every month make a severe test of your conscience. Confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries as often as possible... May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you” 7 .


1 “But the very God of peace sanctify you in all its fullness, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved in its entirety without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
2 Lecture notes on dogmatic theology. Russia. 1993, p. 123.
3 “The benefits of true fasting are great. Fasting refreshes the body, cleanses it, subdues it to the soul, gives rest to the organs of the body and generally promotes our health: fasting in many cases is the surest and cheapest medicine indicated to us and nature. Its main strength is in curbing the rebellious body and passions. As a horse is brimmed with a bridle, so is our body with fasting. The soul, on the other hand, according to St. John Chrysostom, strengthens from fasting, becomes capable of exploits. Thus, fasting is good for the health of the body and soul. That is why the Holy Church glorifies fasting in this way: “Lentning has come, the mother of chastity, the accuser of sin and the patron of repentance, the way of life of angels and the salvation of people” (Monday of the 1st week of Great Lent). From the holy font to the tomb. M., 1994. S. 83.
4 Lecture notes on dogmatic theology. Russia. 1993, pp. 124–125.
5 Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy. God's law for family and school. Jordanville, U.S.A., 1987, p. 127.
6 Church Slavonic Dictionary. M., 2000. S. 160.
7 Good shepherd. Life and Works of the Moscow Elder Archpriest Alexei Mechev. M., 2000. S. 9–13.

Dear Petr Vasilyevich,

honorable members of the professorial and teaching corporation,

venerable students!

Thank you for the high honor of being elected an honorary doctor of the Grodno State Medical University.

Since the healing of human souls has been and remains one of the main missions of the Church of Christ, to the extent that I, as a servant of the Church, also have certain reasons to consider myself among the healers.

Medicine as a science of health

Medicine as a science of health pays attention to a person in his diseased state. From it is also indispensable constant care for the prevention of diseases.

Medicine addresses itself primarily to the human body, that is, to the physical organism. But science is no less interested in the spiritual side of human life, because the more it encounters disorders of the human psyche and nervous system.

Medicine is also relevant to the realm of the human mind, as it has to deal with injuries or anomalies in the brain. In other words, medical science as such is addressed to the totality of human life manifestations, to the “whole” being, which is the only one in nature that has a triple composition: spirit, soul and body.

Today, professional and scientific specialization in medicine has increased many times over, but at the same time, we can talk about another feature of this kind of activity. Man is more and more considered not only as a biological mechanism, which doctors are called upon to repair, replacing or correcting individual parts and assemblies. Increasingly, experts are trying to discover the causes of many human diseases in the sphere of consciousness and will, that is, in what constitutes its spiritual foundations. It is in the current technological world that a person, with all the complexity of his three-component nature, requires to be treated precisely as an interconnected and unified whole, in which the physical, mental and spiritual principles cannot be considered as some isolated areas of life activity. Consequently, its treatment can no longer be of a purely local nature.

But first, a few words about the relationship between religion and medicine.

Medicine in the Old Testament

Medicine is one of the oldest sciences and practices. Many centuries before the beginning of the Christian era, we meet with it in ancient civilizations. In accordance with the way of thinking and way of life of ancient societies, medicine was not an isolated area of ​​knowledge and its practical application. All religious and ethical systems of antiquity associated the health or illness of a person with his behavior, with the moral state of the individual; in other cases, the cause of the disease was searched for in violation of the correspondence of the soul to certain cosmic rhythms and laws of the universe. But under all circumstances, the disease was correlated with violations of the order of life determined from above. In cases where magic was used to treat, as a rule, mental illness, the origin of diseases was explained by demonic influences.

The Old Testament, however, does not share this latter view. According to the Old Testament understanding, the disease is sent by God, or rather, it is allowed by Him for sins, and He can also grant healing if a person turns to his Creator. So, for example, the Jewish king Asa (by the way, his name is translated as ‘doctor’) fell ill in old age, but, as the book of Chronicles says, he in his illness he did not seek the Lord, but doctors. And Asa rested with his fathers(2 Chronicles 16:12-13).

At the same time, in the Old Testament, which pays almost no attention to the topic of doctors and is very reserved in relation to medicine, we find a passage that is an example of a very balanced understanding of how religion and medical art relate. In the book of wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach we read:

“Honour the doctor with honor as needed in him, for the Lord created him, and from the Most High - healing, and from the king he receives a gift. The knowledge of the doctor will raise his head, and among the nobles he will be held in high esteem. The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a prudent person will not neglect them. Was it not the tree that made the water sweet, that His power might be known? For this, He gave people knowledge, so that they would glorify Him in His wonderful deeds: with them, He heals a person and destroys his illness. He who prepares medicine makes a mixture of them, and his occupation does not end, and through him there is good on the face of the earth” (Sir 38:1-8).

But immediately following these words is this teaching:

"My son! in your sickness do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Leave the sinful life and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Offer up a fragrance and a memorial sacrifice out of seven pieces, and make a fat offering, as if one were already dying; and give place to the physician, for the Lord also created him, and let him not depart from you, for he is needed. At other times, success is in their hands; for they also pray to the Lord that He will help them to give relief and healing to the sick for the continuation of life. But whoever sins against the One who created him, let him fall into the hands of a doctor!” (Sir 38:9-15).

Thus, praying for deliverance from diseases in no way contradicts the use of medical art. But at the same time, Scripture calls to remember that the root of disease is in sins before God. Therefore, healing will not be effective if it is not accompanied by the return of the soul to the path of God.

Medicine in the New Testament

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ confirms the Old Testament notion that sickness is associated with sin. Thus, He says to the sick person He heals: Your sins are forgiven(e.g. Mt 9:2). However, the Savior shows a different attitude to the causes of physical illness when he speaks of a man born blind: Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this was so that the works of God might appear on him.(John 9:3). The Old Testament book of Job the Long-suffering contains such a very deep and detailed explanation of the cause of a terrible illness that befell a person to test his spiritual strength.

In the gospel story about the bleeding wife, the evangelist Mark says that this woman suffered a lot from many doctors(Mk 5:26) who could not heal her. And the Evangelist Luke reports that the woman turned to the Lord, having spent on doctors all the estate, but none could be cured(Luke 8:43). The softer expressions of the Apostle Luke may be due to the fact that he himself, according to tradition, was a doctor.

The Christian understanding of the medical impact on a person is determined by a peculiar dialectic of religious and medical attitudes towards illness and health.

In essence, illness and suffering in general are a consequence of the general sinfulness of the human race, ascending, according to the biblical book of Genesis, to the original sin of the forefathers Adam and Eve, committed in Paradise. God addressed the foremother Eve with harsh words: Multiplying, I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will bear children; and your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you(Gen 3:16). These words point to the psychophysical conditions that, after falling away from God, are perceived by man as “natural”, although in fact - from the biblical and patristic point of view - they are unnatural.

Suffering and susceptibility to disease have become a kind of “norm” of being. And the reason lies not only in personal sins, but also in that general sinfulness, disharmony of human existence, which is now its characteristic feature. This disharmony eventually reaches its highest point in the last, no longer curable disease by any human means - bodily death. The Apostle Paul calls death last enemy(see 1 Cor 15:26).

The perception of death as the last illness, and even more - as an existential catastrophe - is a distinctive feature of the Christian understanding of life. Doctors in this case speak of a “terminal state”, but from a Christian and even from a philosophical point of view, the borderline and ultimate is not a denial of being, but the deepest existential crisis that gives rise to a decisive question about the meaning of life.

God did not create death, but desires for every man to be saved and have eternal life. Constantly being in an ideological crisis, people should not neglect the Christian idea of ​​eternal life, because this is not mythology and not religious archaism. And this is not at all what Feuerbach and Marx struggled with: eternal life in the Kingdom of God is far from being a projection of life here into some kind of illusory “beyond space”.

The problem of all the ideologists and thinkers of modern times is that they did not bother to delve into the essence of the Christian doctrine of man and the universe. In their rejection, as they put it, of the “medieval” worldview, they turned out to be completely dependent on it, although they considered this worldview in a simplified way, in accordance with their own ideological tasks. In other words, they passed by the essential, arguing with what is secondary.

Paramount in Christianity is the call of man to eternal life. And only in accordance with this can one reason about the Church's understanding of the earthly life of man and his existence as the image and likeness of God.

Eternal life of man

It is the hope of eternal life that defines the essence of Christian anthropology.

Human nature is paradoxical. Being a part of the physical world and, from the point of view of physiology, one of the animals, man infinitely exceeds the whole world, since he is the image and likeness of God the Creator. Man is a rational, free, personal being, capable of endless improvement. The purpose of this improvement is not the acquisition of some superpowers, but the achievement of the inner integrity of the spirit, soul and body, or chastity.

However, this wholeness is impossible in a world where death reigns. What can be the meaning of freedom, rationality, sacrifice, if life is identified only with biological existence, which inevitably ends in death?

Therefore, the Christian understanding of man comes from the Divine plan for him: people were called by the Creator to eternal life in harmony with the Heavenly Father, with the physical and spiritual world and with each other. Moreover, “eternal” in this case means participation in the Divine being, which has neither beginning nor end, but is the Alpha and Omega of everything.

The fulfillment of this plan was violated by the fall, through which death entered the world. However, the saving act of God in Christ has opened the way for each person to the final victory of Life over death. This is stated in the Creed: I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.

Indeed, eternal life in God, which the Church preaches and preparation for which constitutes the practical content of Church activity, is not only the boundless life of the spirit and the infinite extension of the biological existence of the body. This is the restoration of a holistic being, spiritual and bodily.

From a biblical and Christian point of view, a person “consists” of the body, understood, according to the word of the Apostle Paul, as temple of the Holy Spirit(1 Cor 6:19), and from the soul, understood as a set of personal qualities and attitudes. And all this composition is enlivened by the breath of God: The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.(Gen 2:7). Man is thus a whole, or chaste being. The violation of the proportional integrity of this tripartite composition occurred at the time of the fall of the forefathers. This would inevitably lead to the degradation of mankind, if the best representatives of the human race did not restore chastity by the power of the Holy Spirit. The feat of the countless host of saints largely lies in the fact that by their existence they maintained life-affirming proportions within the entire earthly community and left behind a great multitude of followers, to which every person can join. When there are critically few followers left, human history will end as it was revealed to St. John the Theologian and recorded in the last book of the Bible.

The Old Testament book of Leviticus says that the soul of the body in the blood(Lev 17:11). This is a very precise formulation, the meaning of which is that the mental and physical in a person are not just interconnected, but penetrate one into the other. We can say that the body is spiritual, and the soul is corporeal. In other words, we are talking about the fundamental psycho-somatic unity of the human being. As one of the ancient Christian writers says, "the body is the organ of the soul." And therefore the soul is complete in the original sense only with the body, because it is part of it. From the Christian point of view, the soul arises together with the body, and the death of the body is a true tragedy because it breaks the unity of the human composition.

The Church confesses that physical death is not the final end of the existence of the human person. This death she figuratively calls dormancy, that is, a kind of sleep - after all, the state of sleep can also be understood as a temporary break in the “hard” ties between the mental and physical.

It should be specially emphasized that, speaking of the immortality of the soul, Christians do not mean at all the infinite existence of some kind of “light”, incorporeal substance, immortal in itself. According to the patristic understanding, the human soul is immortal not by nature, but by grace, that is, by participation in the saving action of God. Therefore, we can say with certainty that the expression immortal life does not point at all to an otherworldly existence, but to the deep quality of human life, the human personality. This quality consists in the voluntary determination of one's being within the framework of the Law of eternal life, the only source of which is the Lord Himself, the Creator of the world.

That is why the eternal life of man begins here, on earth, and is determined by voluntary submission to the Divine Law. I offered you life and death, blessings and curses,- the Lord speaks through the mouth of the God-seer Moses. - Choose life so that you and your offspring may live(Deuteronomy 30:19).

According to its theology and its anthropological views, the Church believes that someday, by the power and action of God, the bodily resurrection of all those who died a physical death will take place. And a person in the unity of his spiritual-soul-bodily composition will gain new sky and new land about whom the Gospel proclaims (Is 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1).

Church and medical art

Absolute harmony is impossible in the earthly world. And, unlike other religions, Christianity does not seek to achieve mental and physical harmony in its medical understanding as the highest goal of spiritual practice. On the contrary, the Church interprets patiently endured suffering as a way of spiritual healing. But this does not mean that the Church preaches self-torture! On the contrary, starting from the Gospel description of the ministry of the Savior and to this day, the Church testifies to many healings, including from physical illnesses, up to the resurrection from the dead. In addition, a Christian is called not only to personal salvation, but also to the service of the world and neighbor, which requires strength and, of course, health.

That is why the Church has never welcomed the refusal of treatment and the neglect of medical care. It only reminded and reminds that the roots of diseases, the root causes of diseases are always deeper than their physiological causes.

A confirmation of the reasonable and respectful attitude of the Church to medical art is the fact that many doctors, theorists and practitioners, have combined and continue to combine deep Christian faith and medical activity in their personalities. Striking examples of this are Archbishop-Surgeon Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), glorified with the saints, Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Surozh, now living, Bishop Konstantin (Goryanov), rector of St. Petersburg theological schools; in the Belarusian Exarchate, professional doctors are priests Igor Solovey, Georgy Neverovich, Nikolai Maryansky, Nikolai Vladyko, deacon Mikhail Perets.

In addition, today many doctors working in various fields of medicine are an image of a harmonious combination and interaction of personal Christian beliefs and fidelity to the duty of healing the sick. In the well-known social project of the Belarusian Orthodox Church - the House of Mercy in Minsk, there is a Brotherhood of Orthodox Doctors that is developing very dynamically. Over the past years, within the framework of the traditional Minsk Diocesan Readings, various aspects of the interaction of the Church with medical science and practice have been considered. A particularly wide field of joint ecclesiastical medical activity is opening up in the field of healing and prevention of mental illness.

The question may arise: is there a professional advantage for a doctor who is a Christian over his spiritually indifferent colleagues?

Of course, there is no objective advantage. A good doctor is always not only a specialist in his field, but also a person who treats the patient with special attention and participation, and the latter has no direct connection with religious beliefs.

And yet there is certainly a certain difference. For a believing doctor, if he is not only a good specialist, but also a good Christian, not only alleviates suffering and makes efforts to overcome the disease. His attitude towards the patient is deeper and more comprehensive. He sees a perspective of life over which physical death has no power. He knows that the attitude to treatment as an external means that allows a person to free himself from illness, as if from an annoying hindrance or misfortune, is selfish and cannot be a sufficient basis for genuine healing. Finally, he remembers that illness is a kind of call to deepen spiritual life, to search for a more correct way of life.

Illness as a possibility

From a spiritual point of view, illness as a state of broken integrity cannot be defined unambiguously. It exists in every person as a potentiality. And the famous formula “a healthy mind in a healthy body” hardly expresses the essence of the matter. As well as the inverse formula, since spiritual health does not always automatically generate bodily health.

Thus, the question of health and its standards, decided by medicine in accordance with its own medical criteria, is seen in a spiritual perspective in a different way, as infinitely more complex. The state of a person depends not only on the discipline of nutrition or on the so-called “healthy lifestyle”, but also on how he disposes of his free will, what goals he sets for himself and by what means he achieves them.

Let us take fasting, which the Church offers to believers as a means of spiritual and moral healing. Many perceive it as a kind of diet, as a form of "healing fasting." However, one of the main requirements of fasting is mercy, helping one's neighbor. Fasting is not about eating half as much as usual, but about giving half of your ration to someone in need. This is what the Church calls for in her liturgical texts in the very first days of Great Lent.

It is the same with illness: after all, it can be considered not only as a physical or mental pathology, but also as an individual event that forcibly removes us from the usual bustle of life. It gives us the opportunity, and sometimes makes us think about ourselves, about our mental and spiritual state, to rethink those worldly aspirations, often mercantile and selfish, which absorbed most of the efforts of our healthy body.

On the other hand, the experience of suffering refutes the self-confident idea that man is the ruler of the world, the owner of all possible means to prosperity, even in this temporary life. A person's own suffering opens his eyes to the suffering of other people, the state of which he sometimes simply did not notice or did not understand. Suffering is a personal experience of compassion for others, a school of mercy, a school of compassion. Such it can be, if we perceive it in the spiritual plane.

Medicine as a service and a feat

The Christian attitude to health and illness, to medical practice and medical achievement has many other aspects that cannot be touched upon in a short speech. It would be necessary to talk about church ministry in hospitals, and about the problems of bioethics, and about the dangers of excessive radicalism, which some believers and pastors show when it comes to modern medicine and treatment in general, and much more.

I think that the most important thing is that today we - priests and doctors - are open to each other, ready for cooperation and joint resolution of existing problems. I will say more: this is a special form of cooperation, because we are united by a common understanding of our activities, if you like, our work. In both cases, we are talking about service and achievement. These words are from a religious lexicon, but they are fully applicable to doctors and, in general, to those medical workers who directly care about the health of people who come to them for help. After all, in the current difficult conditions, the ministry of a doctor is often a real feat.

Let me conclude my speech by wishing you all spiritual, mental and physical strength, professional skills and a sensitive heart, by which, in the end, ordinary people - your patients - will always unmistakably recognize in you a true doctor who protects their soul and body.

May God's help accompany all your good deeds!

Thank you for attention.

Sickness and death entered human life as a result of the fall. Before that, a person did not get sick and did not know death. Similarly, in the life of the next century there will be no diseases and old age. A person will be forever young, happy, full of creative powers. But it is there, in eternal life. And here, on the sinful earth...


Experiencing pain and suffering, a person begins to understand how imperfect and fragile he is in this world and that sooner or later he will have to leave here.

Man is spirit, soul and body. And this hierarchy is reflected in all of his life, including various kinds of diseases that visit his life. Diseases in the spiritual realm necessarily affect the psyche and somatics of a person.

By violating the commandment of God, a person upsets the integrity of his body, as if turning on the mechanism of internal self-destruction. And the pain that arises here is often a signal that not everything is in order with us, that we have gone astray.

For example, in the case of alcoholism and drug addiction. The horror and strength of the suffering of these unfortunates literally force them to look for a way out. Often, the search itself is painful, and this is due to the fact that a person is looking, as it were, in the dark, groping, stumbling, falling and getting up again. When this way out of the impasse, out of the desperate situation is found, then a person can no longer be ungrateful to the pain and suffering that impelled him to active actions, forced him to tirelessly knock on the doors of God's mercy. “Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7), the Holy Gospel teaches us, and every sincere seeker will not be abandoned. It turns out that it is simply useful for an alcoholic and a drug addict, it is literally necessary to feel pain and remember the pangs of a hangover and withdrawal - they can stop him from breakdowns, remind him of future eternal torment.

Due to the occurrence of all existing diseases can be divided into two groups:
1. Diseases that arise due to a violation of the natural laws of nature.
2. Diseases arising due to violation of the spiritual laws of the Universe.

The first group includes diseases caused, for example, by malnutrition, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, etc.

The second group includes diseases caused by the violation of the commandments of God.

If in the treatment of natural diseases, medical assistance can be quite successful, then diseases resulting from sinful actions cannot be cured by medical treatment.

Here is what St. Basil the Great writes about this: Diseases come from material principles, and medical art is useful here; there are illnesses as a punishment for sins, and here patience and repentance are needed; there are illnesses for the struggle and overthrow of the evil one, as in Job, and as an example for the impatient, as in Lazarus, and the saints endure illnesses, showing to everyone the humility and limit of human nature common to all. So, do not rely on medical art without grace and do not reject it because of your stubbornness, but ask God to know the causes of punishment, and then deliverance from weakness, enduring cuts, cauterization, bitter medicines and all the healing of punishments».

« The cause of sickness is sin, one's own will, not any necessity.”, - said the Monk Ephraim the Syrian. And at the same time, according to the words of the holy Apostle Peter, illness often leads a person away from sins: Christ suffered in the flesh for us, arm yourself with the same thought; for the one who suffers in the flesh ceases to sin, so that the rest of the time in the flesh will live no longer according to human lusts, but according to the will of God» (1 Peter 4:1-2).

According to Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh, there are very fragile souls that the surrounding world can break, cripple. God protects such a soul with a veil of madness or some kind of alienation, misunderstanding. The soul matures in the silence of its inner world and enters eternity mature, ripe. And sometimes this “cover” is removed, and the person recovers.

Disease, according to the thoughts of the saints, does not allow passions to arise: « Every disease preserves our spirit from spiritual decay and decay and does not allow passions, like spiritual worms, to be born in us.”, - writes St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. " I saw those suffering grievously, who, with a bodily ailment, as if by some kind of penance, got rid of the passion of their souls.”, - points out John of the Ladder.

Sickness Brings the Sick Closer to God Through Prayer: « ”, exhorts St. Nilus of Sinai. The torments of the sick move the neighbor to compassion and prayer.

The disease is often imputed to a patient sufferer instead of a feat: « Whoever endures the disease with patience and thanksgiving, it is imputed to him instead of a feat and even more.”, - said St. Seraphim of Sarov. Illness has the power to soften hearts and make them aware of their weakness.. Sometimes only when we ourselves are seriously ill, in a state of helplessness and suffering, we begin to fully appreciate human complicity and care. " Saint Athanasius the Great, coming to Saint Niphon, who was lying on his deathbed, and sitting down beside him, asked him: “Father! Is there any benefit to being sick? Saint Niphon answered: “Just as gold, kindled by fire, is cleansed of rust, so a person who suffers illness is cleansed of his sins.».

That is, a disease with the right attitude towards it can bring a lot of benefits to a person.

So, based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions.

The Lord allows sickness and sorrow to people:

1. For sins: for their redemption, for changing the vicious way of life, awareness of this viciousness and understanding that earthly life is a short moment behind which there is eternity, and what it will be for you depends on your earthly life.

2. Often for the sins of parents children get sick so that grief crushes their crazy life, makes them think and change). In these cases, however cruel it may seem to the modern seculative ( i.e. indifferent to religion) to a person brought up in the spirit of humanism ( a spirit that deifies the body and puts its needs and desires above all else), but the words sound true: illness is necessary for such people to save their souls! For, first of all, the Lord cares about the salvation of the eternal soul of man, and for this, man must become a new being, the way he was conceived by God, for which he must change, be cleansed of passions and vices. At the head of life should be God and the commandments of Christ, and not temporary, transient health, prosperity, abundance of food and clothing. All this is a golden calf, for which the ancient Jews often changed their Eternal God, just as many modern Christians betray Christ.

3. In view of the special life calling of the child.

4. Often to cultivate our humility and patience so essential to eternal life.

5. To prevent evil and disastrous deeds. There is a parable about the Lord. Once Jesus Christ was walking with his disciples along the road, and they saw a man without legs from birth begging by the road, and the disciples asked why he had no legs? Christ replied: If he had legs, he would go through the whole earth with fire and sword».

6. Often, to save us from a big trouble with a little trouble. For if in this situation we remained healthy and acted as usual, some greater misfortune could happen to us, and so, pulling us out of the ordinary course of life with illness, the Lord saves us from it.


Now let's talk about the possible ways of healing from diseases that have appeared for spiritual reasons, and about the forces by which they are performed. Let's first look at this type of healing, as healing by divine power, which, like clairvoyance, given to a person with a purified heart, completely devoted to Christ, mostly an ascetic and ascetic. Such, for example, are the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the unmercenary Cosmas and Damian, the holy martyr Cyprian, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, and others.

Take a look at their lives. They treated first of all the soul and only then - the body. For the soul is an eternal thing, much more valuable than a temporary, transient body. And in the people healed by them, life itself changed, faith strengthened, the soul was cleansed of passions.

Thus, if we consider the healings that were performed by the power of God, we will see that the saints acted not by a biofield, not by pumping energy, but by the Holy Spirit. At the same time, first of all, the moral causes of the disease, if any, were eliminated. In the Gospel of Matthew, in the case of the healing by our Lord Jesus Christ of a “relaxed” (sick), we see that before he was told: “ Your sins are forgiven you, "- and then already" get up and walk» (Matthew 9:5).

You can also cite many cases of healing the sick, performed at the relics and clothes of the saints. Here is one case from personal practice: a mitten that belonged to St. Immediately after this, the patient began to move the fingers of the paralyzed hand and was soon able to walk. The attending physicians were amazed at such a quick healing.

So, The Christian attitude towards disease is:
- in humble acceptance of the will of God;
- in the awareness of one's sinfulness and sins, for which the disease was allowed;
- in repentance and change of way of life.

It is very important to confess cleanly and often, not to have serious sins in your soul, since sins are the very window, penetrating into which the unclean spirit acts on our soul and body. Periodic communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ fills our hearts with Divine grace, heals mental and bodily ailments. In the Sacrament of Unction (unction) we are forgiven for forgotten sins, our soul and body are healed. Holy water and prosphora, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, also sanctify our nature. Bathing in holy springs, anointing with consecrated oil taken from miraculous icons are very useful. Frequent reading of the Gospel and the Psalter enlightens our soul and drives away the disease-causing effects of fallen spirits.

Prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other virtues propitiate the Lord, and He sends us healing from diseases. If we go to doctors, then we need to ask God's blessing for treatment and trust them to treat the body, not the soul. Your soul, except for God, cannot be trusted to anyone.

Having miraculously received healing from an illness, many did not pay attention to the beneficence of God and their obligation to be grateful for the beneficence, began to lead a sinful life, turned the gift of God to their own detriment, alienated themselves from God, lost their salvation. For this reason, miraculous healings are very rare, although carnal wisdom respects them very much and would very much desire them. " Ask, and you do not receive, because you do not ask for good, but in order to use it for your desires."(James 4: 3).

The spiritual mind teaches that illnesses and other sorrows that God sends to man are sent by God's special mercy as bitter healing cures for the sick, they contribute to our salvation, our eternal well-being much more surely than miraculous healings.

In addition, many diseases arise as a result of the influence of unclean spirits, and the results of these demonic attacks are very similar to a natural disease.

It is known from the Gospel story that the crouched woman had a spirit of weakness (Luke 13:11-16). She was not possessed, but her sickness came from the action of an unclean spirit. In this case, any medical art becomes powerless. That is why St. Basil the Great says: Just as medical art should not run at all, so it is incongruous to place all hope in it alone.". For such diseases are healed only by the power of God by driving out the spirit of malice. This happens as a result of the correct spiritual life of the sick person, and if necessary, the reprimands made by the clergy, specially blessed for this by the hierarchy.

Many Holy Fathers wrote about the correct attitude towards diseases. And many of them came to a conclusion that is paradoxical for a secular person. They recommended rejoicing in illness. Here is how the holy righteous John of Kronstadt explains it: My brother! Take my sincere advice: endure generously your illness and not only do not lose heart, but on the contrary, if you can, rejoice in your illness. Why rejoice, you ask, when she breaks up and down? Rejoice in the fact that the Lord has exacted you with a temporary punishment, “for the Lord, whom the Lord loves, punishes him, beats every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12: 6). Rejoice in the fact that you bear the cross of illness and, therefore, you are walking the narrow and mournful path leading to the Kingdom of Heaven».

The saints prayed in illness like this: I thank You, Lord, for everything that You deigned to send me for enlightenment and correction. Lord, glory to You for everything that happens to me! Be Thy holy will. Do not deprive me of Your mercy! Make this sickness be the cleansing of my sins!»

According to the teaching of the Holy Fathers, to those who endure the disease with patience and thanksgiving, it is imputed instead of a feat and even more. For a little suffering in earthly life, a person will receive a great reward in eternal life. If you do not treat the pain spiritually, it can harden. If, however, it is taken as a medicine from the hand of God, then the person receives Divine consolation and will be counted among the martyrs.

« Faithful is God, - encourages the Apostle Paul, - who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but when tempted will give relief, so that you can endure"(1 Corinthians 10:13).

When a person does not grumble, but gives thanks for suffering, he is worthy of great glory and is equal to a hermit ascetic. But if the disease is a very common phenomenon, then the ascetic exploits of desert dwellers are the lot of the few.

At the same time, Holy Scripture testifies that “the health and well-being of the body is more precious than any gold, and a strong body is better than untold wealth; there is no wealth better than bodily health. Better is death than a miserable life or a continuing illness” (Sir.30:15-17). The Lord preserves a truly believing and repentant person from illnesses. " If you obey the voice of the Lord your God, the Bible instructs, and do what is right in His eyes, and heed His commandments, and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring on you any of the diseases that I brought on Egypt"(Ex. 15:26). The Lord made this general promise not only in relation to the "Egyptian plagues." He promised to remove all infirmity from the believers, to deliver them "from a fatal plague ... a plague that walks in darkness, an infection that devastates at noon" (Ps. 91:3,6). In the Slavic translation of this psalm, it is written absolutely unambiguously: “ Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways» (Ps.90:10-11). The wisdom of God saves from troubles (in the Slavic text - “deliver from illnesses”) those who serve her (Wisdom Sol. 10: 9). As already mentioned, health is the original norm of human existence, and disease is the result of the fall. Therefore, one can and should wish for health, but at the same time, an appropriate Christian attitude should be developed towards illnesses.

« My son! .. pray to the Lord, and He will heal you, - the biblical sage teaches. - Leave a sinful life and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin ... And give a place to the doctor, for the Lord created him, and let him not move away from you, for he is needed ... Whoever sins before the Creator of him, let him fall into the hands of a doctor !" (Sir.38:9-10,12,15). The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church also wrote about the need for treatment. “Your illness grieved me,” St. Nektarios of Aegina wrote to his spiritual daughter. - You caught a cold due to dampness in your cell, as it was impossible to repair it with meager funds. Why didn't you write to me? I would send money... Don't freeze anymore, don't endanger your life... Illness hinders the spiritual growth of those who have not reached perfection. You need health for spiritual work. He who is imperfect and who goes out to battle will be smitten, know this, if he is not healthy, for he will lack that moral strength that strengthens the perfect. For the imperfect, health is a chariot that carries the fighter to the victorious end of the battle. That is why I advise you to be reasonable, know the measure in everything and avoid excesses ... Let P., together with A., take you to the doctor in order to make sure that your cold has not left any consequences. You should heed his instructions. Being in good health, you will be able to grow spiritually, otherwise your efforts will be in vain.».

« You can not be treated in the expectation that God will heal, - said St. Theophan the Recluse, - but it is very brave. It is possible not to be treated for an exercise in patience, in devotion to the will of God, but this is very high, and at the same time every “oh!” will be blamed, only one grateful rejoicing is appropriate". So, It is not forbidden for a Christian to heal or resort to the services of doctors. However, one must avoid the danger of placing all hope of recovery on doctors, medicines and medical procedures. The Holy Scripture speaks with reproof about the Israeli king Asa, who “in his illness did not seek the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chronicles 16:12).

The Christian must remember that whether he is healed miraculously or through doctors and medicines, healing in any case comes from the Lord. Therefore, according to the words of the Optina Elder Macarius, “in medicines and treatment, one must surrender to the will of God. He is strong both to reason with the doctor, and to give strength to medicine. And at the forefront of treatment, respectively, should put spiritual means: “ In illnesses, before doctors and medicines, use prayer”, - teaches Nil of Sinai.


Man is a whole being. Consciousness and body, soul and spirit are indivisible parts of a single system. To achieve complete healing, you cannot treat only the symptoms of the disease, you need to treat the whole person. It is necessary to determine what violations at the spiritual, mental and physical level led to the onset of the disease. Therefore, with The most important thing for a sick person is reconciliation with God, the restoration of a correct spiritual life.. The second stage of recovery is the acquisition of spiritual integrity, peace of mind, peace with oneself, awareness of responsibility for one's illness. In Holy Scripture we find a number of indications of the connection between passions and illnesses: Jealousy and anger shorten the days, but premature care brings old age."(Sir.30:26); " Do not indulge in sorrow with your soul and do not torment yourself with your suspiciousness; the joy of the heart is the life of a man, and the joy of a husband is a long life ... Comfort your heart and remove sadness from yourself, for sadness has killed many, but there is no benefit in it"(Sir. 30:22-25).


According to the patristic view, the center of a person's spiritual life is the heart. Here is what the Gospel says about it: For from within, from the human heart, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, an envious eye ... All this evil comes from within, and defiles a person"(Mark 7:21-23). The Psalter says this: Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a contrite and humble heart You will not despise, O God"(Ps.50:19). The heart is the feeling part of the soul and is considered by the Holy Fathers as the center of a person's spiritual life. " The heart here is meant not natural, but allegorically, as an internal human state, disposition and inclinations.». « A heart poisoned by sin does not cease to give birth from itself, from its damaged nature, sinful sensations and thoughts.", - writes St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Therefore, “the whole power of the Christian life consists in the correction and renewal of the heart,” accomplished through repentance.

Also, many foreign psychologists believe that the heart is closely connected with the area of ​​feelings. In traditional cultures, the heart was seen as a symbol of love, the center of human vitality. The heart beats with joy, shrinks with pain, people take a lot to heart ... It is customary to talk about coldness of the heart, heartlessness, kindness. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm.

We must understand that the heart is apparently the most sensitive organ in the body. Our existence depends on its steady rhythmic activity. When this rhythm changes even for a moment, for example, when the heart stops or races, we experience anxiety for the very essence of our life.

I will briefly repeat the Orthodox point of view on the relationship between passions and heart disease.

Retribution for anger (malice)- hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, strokes, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, neurasthenia, psychopathy, epilepsy.

Retribution for vanity, which is usually accompanied by anger, - diseases of the cardiovascular system and neuropsychiatric diseases (neurosis, manic states).

Coronary thrombosis and angina pectoris are increasingly causes of suffering for those possessed by obsessive-compulsive states and aggravated remorse of people who have great responsibility (physicians, lawyers and industrial administrators) - they, according to A. Lowen, are almost occupational diseases. The causes of heart disease are also:

1) fear that I will be accused of what I do not like;

2) feelings of loneliness and fear. Constant feeling that “I have flaws, “I don’t do much”, “I will never succeed”;

3) expulsion from the heart of joy for the sake of money, or a career, or something else;

4) lack of love, as well as emotional isolation. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly face manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Finding contact with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly alleviates the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery;

5) ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics are more likely to experience stress, and for them the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease increases;

7) a tendency to excessive intellectualization, combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment;

8) repressed feelings of anger.

Heart disease often arises as a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional closeness. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who forbids himself to show his love for other people will certainly face manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Learning to connect with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly eases the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery. Orthodoxy always calls for sincerity, openness, spontaneity in expressing one's feelings. " Be like children”, says Jesus Christ (Mt. 18:3). And children, as long as they are not spoiled by wrong upbringing, are always sincere and whole. When they feel bad, they cry, when they have fun - they laugh, love and openly talk about everything. This is necessary for maintaining mental and physical health. You can not drive your feelings and emotions inside. They do not disappear, but, according to the law of conservation of energy, they rush into the subconscious, from where they have a destructive effect on the person as a whole. You may ask: what to do with negative emotions? Shouldn't they be overcome? Of course, you need to work with them. At the same time, we must remember that hidden, for example, malice, envy or lust have a destructive effect on the body of a sinner. You need to get rid of them. How? For example, heartfelt prayer and repentance before God. It is good to use earthly prostrations, to read prayers of repentance aloud. To improve the body, you can do hard homework or sports. Fast walking or jogging until you sweat, for men - shadow boxing or sports games contribute to the removal of negative energy. Any kind of creativity, playing musical instruments or singing will also be useful in this situation. It's all for body and soul. But, as we have already said, we must begin with spiritual work. If you do not repent of your sins and existing passions, do not counteract and overcome them, everything else becomes useless. Since the root of illness, sorrow and misfortune will remain intact. And the temptation will be constantly repeated, taking possession of a person and destroying him.


psychosomatic reasons. Interruptions in the work of the heart indicate that you have lost your own rhythm of life and an alien rhythm that is not characteristic of you is imposed on you. You are in a hurry somewhere, hurry up, fuss. Anxiety and fear seize your soul and begin to rule your feelings.

The way of healing is in a change of activity. You need to start doing in life what you are really interested in, what brings you joy and satisfaction. Take time to be alone with yourself, calm your feelings, stay longer in prayer.


Hypertension (high blood pressure)

A person with high blood pressure may appear outwardly friendly and reserved, but it is easy to find that these superficial features are a reactive formation aimed at suppressing aggressive impulses. That is, external benevolence is not sincere, but superficial, covering internal aggressiveness. The latter, having no external outlet, bombards the cardiovascular system with accumulated energy, causing an increase in pressure. Hypertension patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory apparatus. They suppress the free expression of dislike towards other people because of the desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth, they can be bullies, but as they age, they notice that they push people away from themselves with their behavior, and begin to suppress their own emotions. If they do not have repentance, prayer, directed struggle with their passion, then self-destruction will continue more and more intensely. Also, unresolved, including chronic, emotional problems can serve as the cause of increased pressure. Before them, you must definitely find out, perhaps with the help of a psychologist, bring them out, experience them, rethink them, and thus resolve them.

Hypotension (low blood pressure)

psychosomatic reasons. Often this is despondency or a defeatist mood: “It won’t work anyway,” as well as disbelief in oneself, in God’s help, in one’s own strengths and capabilities. A person suffering from hypotension often tries to avoid conflict situations and avoid responsibility.

The path of healing. It is necessary to live an active life, set realistic goals and achieve them, learning to overcome obstacles and possible conflicts. We must remember that despondency is a mortal sin. " I can do everything in Jesus Christ who strengthens me”, - said the apostle Paul (Phil. 4:13). And every believer should make this statement his creed. The Lord is omnipotent. And if He is love incarnate, and I am His beloved child, what is impossible for me? The Lord provides for every person: And the hair from your head will not be lost”, - said by Jesus Christ in the Holy Gospel (Luke 21:18). Therefore, in the life of a believer there is no place for despondency. And if one is found, it means that a demonic attack is underway, which should be resisted by prayer, confession, reading the Holy Scriptures, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The cause of hypotension can also serve as a lack of love in childhood. If a child did not receive maternal love, was lonely, spiritually and emotionally abandoned, at the bodily level this can be expressed in hypotension. Again, a full spiritual life, saturated with love, when a person knows how to give and receive love, is the fundamental basis for healing from this disease. Physically, sports, massage, outdoor activities are useful - everything that will make life more intense and fulfilling.


Dr. Flander Dunbar of the Presbyterian Hospital in New York was convinced that some diseases were predominantly affected by people with a certain type of personality. People of the “gastric-ulcer type” may outwardly appear ambitious, strong-willed and stubborn, but hide under this weak will and character. That is, a person, violating his natural nature, adopts a style of behavior that is not characteristic of him. He wants to seem different from what he really is. And he constantly forces himself to do so. This emotional discomfort and the experiences associated with them, even if driven into the subconscious area, give disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract at the bodily level. Complete healing is possible only with awareness and repentance of one's sinful inclinations (pride, vanity, conceit), humble acceptance of oneself as one is, and in natural, sincere behavior that expresses true emotions and feelings.

Gastric problems: ulcerative colitis, constipation - according to psychotherapists, are the result of "stuck" in the past and unwillingness to take responsibility for the present. The stomach is sensitive to our problems, fears, hatred, aggressiveness and worries. Suppression of these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to oneself, an attempt to ignore and forget them, and not to comprehend, realize and resolve, can cause various stomach disorders. Prolonged irritation, manifested in a state of stress, leads to gastritis.

Often people suffering from gastric diseases try to prove to others their indispensability, they experience envy, they are characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety, hypochondria.

People with peptic ulcer disease are characterized by anxiety, irritability, increased diligence and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, resentment, self-doubt, and at the same time, increased demands on themselves, pride, suspiciousness. It is noticed that these people strive to do much more than they can. They are characterized by emotional overcoming of difficulties, combined with strong internal anxiety. Such people constantly control themselves and loved ones. Rejection of the surrounding reality and dislike for anything in this world, constant fears, an increased sense of disgust can also lead to peptic ulcer. The ways of healing lie in strengthening faith in God and trust in Him. It is necessary to learn to endure, forgive and love, to enjoy life more and not to focus on its negative manifestations, to cultivate positive emotions, love and peace in oneself.

Nausea, vomiting

psychosomatic reasons. There is something in the patient's life that he does not accept, does not digest and from which he wants to be freed. It is characterized by intransigence, a categorical unwillingness to accept this or that state of affairs, subconscious fears.

The path of healing. It is necessary to accept everything that happens as the Providence of God, to draw positive lessons from everything, to learn how to assimilate new ideas, to fulfill the commandment of God about love for enemies.

Motion sickness (motion sickness)

psychosomatic reasons. At the heart of the disease are subconscious fears, horror of the unknown, fear of travel.

The path of healing. In learning to trust yourself and the one who is driving. Believe in the divine Providence of God about you: and a hair will not fall from your head without the will of your Heavenly Father.


Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with. Their reasons are as follows:

1) unwillingness to part with an outdated way of thinking; stuck in the past; sometimes causticity;

2) accumulated emotional anxieties and experiences that a person does not seek to part with, cannot or does not want to get rid of them, making room for new emotions;

3) sometimes constipation is the result of stinginess and greed.

The path of healing. Let go of your past. Throw old things out of the house and make room for new ones. Work on the mental attitude: "I'm getting rid of the old and making room for the new." Remember the Providence of God for you, about His love and care. Accept everything that happens as if from the hand of God. In confession, speak out the thoughts and feelings that torment you. Overcome the love of money, develop in yourself non-possession and love for your neighbors.


Flatulence is often the result of tightness, fear and unrealized ideas, inability to "digest" the growing mass of events and information. The path of healing is to develop calmness and consistency in actions.

Learn to set goals and achieve them. Make a plan and act, but don't get carried away.


Its causes are animal fear, horror, restlessness, as well as constant discontent and complaints.

The path of healing is to strengthen faith in God and His good Providence for every person, regular confession and communion, the development of humility in oneself.

Diarrhea, colitis

Psychosomatic causes are manifested in strong fear and anxiety, a sense of the insecurity of this world.

The path of healing: when fear sets in, pray to God and the Mother of God. Read the 90th psalm many times. Learn to trust in God. Bring fears and worries to confession as sinful manifestations.


Heartburn, an excess of gastric juice, indicates repressed aggressiveness, as well as various kinds of fears. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is the transformation of the forces of repressed aggression into an active life position, as well as creativity and those ways of overcoming aggression that were indicated above.


Diseases of the mucous membrane of the large intestine

The cause of this disease may be the mental sphere of a person. Layering of old experiences, sinful daydreaming, pondering past grievances and failures, a kind of trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past - all this can serve the development of this disease. We must remember that our mental sphere is constantly subjected to violent influence from the demonic world. And if we do not sober up, that is, uncontrollably accept all the thoughts that come to us, then we find ourselves defenseless against the destructive influence of fallen spirits. You need to constantly cultivate good thoughts in yourself, and drive away the evil ones with prayer and repentance at confession.

Hemorrhoids, abscess, fistula, fissures

Psychosomatic causes are manifested in difficulties in getting rid of the old and unnecessary in life. Anger, fear, anger, guilt about some past events. The pain of loss, unpleasant emotions driven into the subconscious.

The path of healing. Calm and painless getting rid of the old. Work on the attitude: “What comes out of my body is what I don’t need and interferes with. So, everything that hinders and hinders spiritual development leaves my life.” It is necessary to develop in oneself hope in the good Providence of God.


The kidneys symbolize the ability to get rid of what can poison our lives. The causes of kidney disease are psychosomatic. They are based on a combination of such negative emotions as harsh criticism, condemnation, anger, anger, resentment and hatred with strong disappointment and a sense of failure, as well as low self-esteem, seeing oneself as an eternal loser, a sense of shame, fear of the future, despondency and unwillingness to live. in this world.

The path of healing. Control over your thoughts, overcoming fear and anger, increasing self-esteem, developing patience, humility and love for others.

Kidney stones, colic

Psychosomatic reasons: aggressive emotions driven into the subconscious, anger, fears, disappointments. Renal colic is a consequence of irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with the environment and people.

The path of healing is in the development of humility and patience, trust in God and His good Providence.

Inflammation of the urinary tract, urethritis, cystitis

Psychosomatic causes consist in irritation and anger at the opposite sex, anxiety and restlessness.

Path of Healing. Hope in God, the ability to forgive, endure and love.


Psychosomatic causes:
1) overreacting to disappointments and failures;
2) feeling like a worthless loser doing everything wrong;

The path of healing. We must accept everything that happens as a condition of our salvation, as a medicine sent by God Himself. One should realize: “I can do everything in the Lord who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). Psychological work to improve your internal self-esteem.

Diseases of the adrenal glands

psychosomatic reasons. Depressed mood; an overabundance of destructive ideas; disregard for oneself; sense of anxiety; acute emotional hunger; self-flagellation.

The path of healing. It is necessary to cultivate a creative principle in oneself, to develop the ability to love and sacrifice oneself for the sake of one's neighbor. Regularly participate in church services, actively contribute to the works of mercy. Be realistic, tune in to positive thoughts and emotions.


psychosomatic reasons. Acute rejection of people, events, situations; anger and feelings of hopelessness; loss of joy in life.

The path of healing. Development of love, patience and compassion for people; hope in God in everything and life according to the commandments of God.


There are two types of diabetes. In both cases, the blood sugar level is elevated, but in one case, the introduction of insulin is necessary, because. it is not produced in the body, and in another it is enough to use sugar-lowering substances. In the latter case, it may be caused by atherosclerosis. Diabetes often occurs in older people who accumulate a lot of negative emotions in the subconscious: grief, longing, resentment for life. They have the impression that there is nothing good (sweet) left in life, they experience a strong deficit of joy. Diabetes is terrible for its complications: glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, vasoconstriction of the extremities, especially the legs. The patient often dies from these complications. At the heart of these diseases lies a lack of joy.

The ways of healing are in faith in God as the source of life, joy and love; in trust in Him; thanksgiving for everything; in repentance for all past sins. It is necessary to remember and implement the words of the Apostle Paul: Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. Thank you for everything"(1 Thess. 5:16-18). Learn to rejoice, to see the good, and let the bad pass by. Learn to give joy to others.


On a psychosomatic level the basis of problems with the eyes can be the reluctance to see something, the rejection of the surrounding world as it is, as well as the accumulation of negative emotions in the soul: hatred, aggression, anger, anger. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and if these sinful passions are alive in the soul, then they cloud the inner, and then the outer vision. To overcome this tendency, we must remember the Providence of God about each person and about the entire existing world. Everything that the Lord has allowed can play a positive role in our salvation, if we perceive it correctly. The sinfulness of other people should be perceived with pity for them, love and compassion. By committing a sinful act, they destroy themselves first of all, moving away from God and surrendering to the power of demons. An Orthodox Christian should not turn away and hate, but endure and pray for them. With such an attitude, the cause of psychosomatic illness will also disappear. At the same time, people often say: “I hate you”, “my eyes wouldn’t see you”, “I can’t see you”, etc. Pride and stubbornness prevent such people from noticing the good in the world around them. Taking demonic thoughts for their own, they see the world in a black light, through the eyes of fallen spirits. Naturally, with such a vision, their vision is destroyed. It is necessary to cultivate good thoughts in oneself, not accepting demonic ones, to live in communion with God, and psychosomatic causes will be removed.

Dry eyes

Dryness in the eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis) can be generated by our evil look; unwillingness to look at the world with love; sinful attitude: "I'd rather die than forgive." Sometimes the reason can be gloating. The stronger the negative emotions (anger, hatred, resentment), the stronger the inflammation of the eyes. According to the "law of the boomerang", aggression comes back and hits its source in the eyes. Accordingly, healing from this disease occurs along with the eradication of sinful actions and attitudes, repentance at confession, the development of kindness in oneself, the ability to forgive and benevolence towards everyone around.


psychosomatic reasons. Most likely, you look at the world with evil eyes. Within yourself, you cultivate anger towards someone.

The path of healing. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards a hated person or circumstances. Learn to forgive, endure and love. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and in many respects their state depends on thoughts. Learn to accept good thoughts and drive away evil ones.


psychosomatic reasons. One-sided view of things. Strabismus that occurs in childhood reflects a certain behavior of the parents. Most likely, they are in deep conflict and act against each other. For a child, parents are the two most important people in the world. And the conflict between them literally tears the soul of the child in half, which can also manifest itself in eye diseases.

The path of healing. Reconciliation of parents and close relatives, unanimity of father and mother, their love and attention to the child.


With this disease, intraocular pressure rises, severe pain in the eyeball appears. It becomes difficult for the patient to look at the world with open eyes.

psychosomatic reasons. Some old resentments against people, fate, circumstances press on the subconscious of a person. There is constant heartache and unwillingness to forgive. Glaucoma signals to a person that he is subjecting himself to strong internal pressure, bombarding his nervous system with negative feelings from the subconscious.

The path of healing. You need to learn to forgive and accept the world as it is. In prayer, turn your feelings and thoughts to God, ask Him for help and intercession. Don't be afraid to express your positive emotions. Wash your eyes with holy water several times a day, ask the Mother of God and the saints for help. You can recommend light physical activity, long walks in the fresh air, taking air and water baths, some breathing exercises.


Most often occurs in older people.

psychosomatic reasons. Lack of hope for a happy future, gloomy views of the future, expectation of old age, illness, death. Thus, self-programming for suffering in old age occurs.

The path of healing. Faith in God and immortal life. Understanding that God is love and will reward with joy and happiness to everyone who chooses the path of light. Awareness that there is a need and its charm in every age.


Today, these ailments affect many people. Anyone who does not find sufficient strength in himself to overcome the disease, in fact, simply escapes responsibility for his own life. Behind all this lies a lack of trust in God, a fear of making mistakes, a lack of boldness. The beginning of getting rid of asthenic manifestations will be the realization that God is Love. He cares for every person. Opening to His holy will and living in accordance with it is the task of every Christian. And when you are with the Lord, nothing is impossible for you.

Mentally asthenia may be the result of past unsuccessful endeavors. Having been defeated several times, a person sticks the label of a loser on himself and gives up in advance the thought of the possible success of his intentions. As a result, low self-esteem dominates his entire life.

Here you need to increase your self-esteem. We must remember our successes and successful undertakings. Associate them with the upcoming activity and say to yourself: “As I did it then, so it will work today.” And praying to God, start your own business. To avoid self-confidence, which can also be the cause of failure, a person must constantly remember that he is not better or worse than others, but like everyone else. And if others can do it, then he can do it too.


Cancer has long been considered a disease beyond individual control, irreversible and incurable. Cancer strikes without warning, and it seems that the patient is almost unable to influence the course or outcome of the disease. Recently, there have been several widely publicized attempts in the scientific community to change this view. According to the current theory of this disease, cancer cells are constantly being produced in every body. The immune system successfully fights back by flushing them out of the body until one or another factor reduces the body's resistance, causing susceptibility to cancer. A significant body of evidence suggests that stress reduces resistance to disease by affecting the immune system and hormonal balance.

According to the psychosomatic theory, cancer is generated by unforgiven grievances, excessive fixation on some kind of loss, hatred, loss of the meaning of life. Hidden grievances of the past, anger and anger, hatred and the desire for revenge literally devour the body. This is a deep internal conflict. The place of manifestation of the disease also depends on spiritual causes. For example, damage to the genitals indicates that our femininity or masculinity is affected. The defeat of the digestive tract is associated with rejection of events and unwillingness to forgive; respiratory organs - with deep disappointment in life.

Path of Healing. To avoid this disease, you just need to live according to the Christian commandments, be able to endure, forgive and love. This was also commanded by Jesus Christ Himself in the prayer to God the Father, which He gave to people. "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Just as the Lord forgave everything to everyone and even prayed for His crucifiers, so He commanded His followers to do as well. For healing, a complete change of one's worldview to a Christian one is necessary. You need to take responsibility for your life, illness and health. Determine the meaning of your life and rid your mind of everything alien. Try to enjoy life more.


Nervousness often manifests itself as a state of internal restlessness - urges and impulses for disorderly activity due to chaotic emotional outbursts. A person is aware of the need for change, but does not understand what exactly he should change. Nervous, he experiences internal pressure, constantly feeling that reality is not as he would like. He either rushes about in search of solutions to problems, or painfully adapts his requests to reality. Most often this happens because a person has not gained faith in God and has not rebuilt his entire life in accordance with the commandments of God. Nervousness can also arise due to a discrepancy between the desired and the actual.

In this case, a person should calm down and analyze the causes of his nervous state. Having found out, take spiritual and mental actions to overcome them.


Let us now consider the main types of psychopathy and their moral causes, indicated by Academician D.A. Avdeev.

1. Excitable psychopaths, epileptoids: the cause is pride, the passion of anger, anger, intolerance, rage.

2. Tantrums: the cause is pride, the passion of vanity. Common signs are the desire for an external effect, posturing, capriciousness, egocentrism.

3. Schizoids: the reason is the passion of pride, emotional coldness, alienation, non-contact, lack of love, preoccupation with oneself.

4. Unstable psychopaths: the reason is the passion of pride and anger. Extremely strong criminal orientation, lack of any mercy.

5. Cycloids: the reason is pride, despondency, vanity. (The change of phases is shorter than the phase of euphoria and longer than the phase of depression. Lack of moral guidelines, substitution of their moods.)

A severe mental illness that darkens the mind and will frees from responsibility for one's actions. People suffering from Down's syndrome, oligophrenia, autism, schizophrenia and similar diseases, God judges differently from mentally healthy people. And what is forgiven by the first, will not be forgiven by the second. Therefore, one of the ways to save the soul, which the Heavenly Father chooses, is a congenital pathology of the brain, which limits or completely disables. Elder Paisios Svyatogorets speaks very categorically on this score: mentally underdeveloped children are saved. " Without much difficulty they go to heaven. If like this, spiritually, the parents consider this matter, then they themselves will benefit, and will have a spiritual reward.". In one of the letters of St. Theophan the Recluse there is a remarkable phrase about weak-minded people: “ Idiots! Yes, they are only idiots for us, and not for themselves and not for God. Their spirit grows in its own way. It may turn out that we, the wise, will be worse than idiots.».

Epilepsy, convulsions, convulsions, spasms

psychosomatic reasons. Often these diseases are caused by strong mental stress, which can be generated by causeless panic fear, persecution mania, a feeling of strong internal struggle, a desire to commit violence. A person so inflates himself with “his” thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes erratic movements. During a seizure, consciousness is partially or completely turned off. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious and outside influences. Often, but by no means always, these seizures are the result of possession and madness. Often, epilepsy is detected during adolescence, just at the time when puberty begins. This is the so-called crisis of adolescence, when the control over emotions and thoughts in children is minimal. Patients are often characterized by a high level of subconscious aggression towards the outside world and other people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy. All this testifies to the deep spiritual defeat of such people.

The path of healing. Awareness of one's sinfulness. Deep repentance. Overcoming the passions of pride, anger, rancor. Control over your thoughts and feelings. Prayer, participation in church sacraments. Verbalization of one's feelings and experiences, development of openness to the world and people, trust and love for others.

Hyperactivity, nervous tics

psychosomatic reasons. A common cause of the disease is the parents' rejection of their child as he is, their lack of trust in him and lack of love. Perhaps the mother of such a baby had abortions in the past, or the parents considered the pregnancy untimely and undesirable. Perhaps, after the birth of a child, parents were visited by thoughts that the worries that appeared prevent them from being realized in life, moving up the career ladder or arranging a personal life. Often the cause of a child’s illness is resentment, mutual claims, lack of love for each other from his mother and father.

The path of healing. When parents change their behavior, begin to truly love the child and each other, the child calms down and relaxes. Prayer for the child, communion in the Church, accustoming him to holy water, spiritual reading and prayer helps a lot.


psychosomatic reasons. Fears, anxiety, struggle for a "place in the sun", vanity, strong emotional experiences. All this makes it difficult to relax, calm down and disconnect from daytime worries. An unclean conscience, guilt can also contribute to the formation of insomnia.

The path of healing. It is necessary to change the approach to solving emerging problems. Learn to trust yourself, other people and, most importantly, God. Trust in His good Providence, putting oneself completely into His hands makes a person free from fear. It is necessary to cleanse your soul with repentance, reconcile with your neighbors, and sleep will improve.



Asthma, lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as the lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back the air currents incoming from the outside world, testifies to the fear of frankness, sincerity, of the need to accept something new that every day of God brings. The skill of accepting the Providence of God in mournful and joyful circumstances of life, trusting God and, as a result, gaining trust in people are an important psychological component that contributes to recovery.

We list only some common causes of asthma.

1. Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppression of sobs. Fear of life. Reluctance to be in a certain place.

2. A person with asthma does not seem to have the right to breathe on his own. Asthmatic children tend to be conscientious. They take the blame for everyone.

3. Asthma occurs when love is suppressed in the family. The child suppresses crying, is afraid of life and does not want to live anymore.

4. Compared to healthy people, asthmatics express more negative emotions, are more likely to get angry, offended, harbor anger and seek revenge.

5. Suppressed sexual desires and at the same time mental immersion in them. On a spiritual level, repentance for impure desires and thoughts is necessary here. When attacking them, it is necessary to read the Gospel, the Psalter or the Theotokos rule (12 or 33 times read “Hail to the Virgin Mother of God”). It is also necessary to channel sexual energy into a creative channel.

6. Asthma in children is most often caused by fear of life, strong unmotivated fear, unwillingness to “be here and now”, self-blame.

Pulmonary diseases

Them psychosomatic causes- depression, sadness, fear of taking life as it is. Patients often consider themselves unworthy of living a full life, have very low self-esteem. The lungs are also a symbolic ability to take and give life. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide their feelings of inferiority.


psychosomatic reasons. Depression, excessive sadness, despondency, intense melancholy, originating in subconscious aggression directed at the world and people, life and destiny. The lack of a full life and the meaning of existence, the fear of breathing deeply.

The path of healing. Finding faith and the spiritual meaning of life. The ability to forgive and seek the Providence of God in everything. Develop patience and humility. Constant reading of the New Testament. Full Confession and Communion.


Often its cause is a nervous atmosphere in the family, continuous arguments and screams. To overcome this disease, it is necessary to establish correct family relationships, to achieve a peaceful, spiritual atmosphere in the family.

Runny nose

Psychosomatic reasons may be: the body's request for help, internal crying; feeling that you are a victim; non-recognition of one's own value in this life.

psychosomatic reasons. Feeling of loneliness, abandonment; desire to attract the attention of others: “Look at me! Listen to me!" On the other hand, cough acts as a kind of brake. A cough can interrupt the emerging conflict, help shift the negative accents of the conversation.

The path of healing. In the first case, you need to learn how to express your feelings in a worthy way, not to drive emotions inside, especially positive ones. Be able to properly analyze negative feelings.


psychosomatic reasons. Strong fear of life and emerging problems, distrust of life. Frequent states of anger, resentment, irritation caused by unwanted events, fear of their repetition.

The path of healing. Faith in God, hope in His good Providence. Fight against greed. Regular reading of the Gospel and the Psalter, frequent confession.


Often its causes are stubborn resistance to ongoing events, rejection of them, as well as constant tension, fierce persistence. Refusal to see the good, constant pessimism.


Often it is generated by maximalism, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility and fear that not everything will go according to plan.

Psychosomatic roots sclerosis and its varieties are often rooted in a lack of joy. Learn to rejoice - and your vessels will be cleansed! Metabolism largely depends on the emotional mood of a person.

Rejection of the surrounding reality and hatred for what is happening, constant tension - all these processes negatively affect the state of blood vessels and often lead to atherosclerosis. Often people with vascular sclerosis are very stubborn. They stubbornly refuse to notice the good in life, they constantly insist that this world is bad, and life is hard and unbearable. Such a state arises from unbelief and demonic influence on a person. “Always rejoice, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything,” the Apostle Paul teaches us. If we live in the world without God, without hope, without the help of the grace of God, then our destiny is sorrow, sadness and illness. Only having acquired the highest meaning of life, fulfilling the commandments of God, do we feel the joy of the presence of God in our hearts, we receive grace through the sacraments of the Church.

To change the destructive mental state, one should learn to perceive the world and events as they are. If I believe in God, then I know that He is looking after me. Therefore, whatever happens to me happens according to the Providence of God and is directed to my good. For example, in order to acquire the necessary virtues or overcome pathological passions, I learn to change not the world, but my attitude to current events. I try to promote the triumph of good by my prayers and righteous behavior. Reading the Holy Scriptures, and especially the Gospels, helps a lot in acquiring such a dispensation. It is necessary to learn to enjoy life, to see its positive aspects and to thank God for everything.



It is generated by a sense of vulnerability, the need for love, chronic pessimism, resentment. Rheumatism is a disease acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. Patients with rheumatism usually attract people who constantly criticize them. There is a curse on them - their desire to constantly be "perfection", and with any people, in any situation. In Orthodoxy, this sin is called human pleasing, based on vanity.

Treatment of the disease should begin with overcoming these sins.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The reason for its occurrence may be an overly critical attitude towards ourselves in various life dramas, which we often create for ourselves, not noticing the joy that surrounds us. First of all, it is a sin of despondency, excessive introspection, low self-esteem.


psychosomatic reasons. Often this disease leads to being in a situation you hate, fear and anxiety for the future, disapproval of others, and often self-disapproval. For some time, trying not to notice the feeling of being overwhelmed and overwhelmed, a person builds up a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with himself, which finds no way out and makes him “swallow resentment” every day, mostly far-fetched. One of the causes of this disease is an incorrectly chosen direction of the life path.

The path of healing. Think about whether you have chosen the right profession. Does it allow you to unleash your creative potential or slows down your development. Work should give not only money, but also the joy of creativity, the possibility of self-improvement. The way out of this situation is either to come to terms with the circumstances and try to accept them, or to change your life at once. The spiritual path is the acquisition of humility, the calm acceptance of what the Lord sends. Pray for help and for those around you.


psychosomatic reasons. A stop in inner development, clinging to some dogmas that are outdated for you and, possibly, false principles.

The path of healing. Spiritual development and self-improvement.

obliterating endarteritis

psychosomatic reasons. Strong subconscious fear of the future, self-doubt, anxiety for financial situation, hidden grievances.

The path of healing. Trust in God and His Good Providence. Repentance for unbelief. Warming up faith in the Lord.


Most often this is the result of depression by the hardships of life. Overcoming it with faith and prayer is the way out of this situation.


psychosomatic reasons. Lack of joy, fear of life, inferiority complex, old grievances.

Way to overcome. It is necessary to determine exactly where (work, money, relationships, love, faith, prayer) life does not bring joy. Once you find existing problems, start solving them. The most important thing is to find a living communion with God, the source of joy and happiness.


psychosomatic reasons. Joy is leaving your life, being forced out by old grievances, distrust, hatred, anger driven into the subconscious.

Way to overcome. It is necessary to forgive all insults, learn to endure, forgive and love; remember that God is love, light and joy. Thank God for everything as often as possible, drive away unkind thoughts from yourself.


Many experts consider them a warning that you should reorient yourself to the most important thing in life - love and joy. Holy Scripture calls for the same, and Christ Himself, and many saints of God.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, mononucleosis

psychosomatic reasons. This disease signals that love and joy are leaving a person’s life. Most often it occurs in children. In this case, the reason is rooted in the relationship of the parents, their constant irritation, resentment, anger at each other.

The path of healing. We need to find the reasons why love and joy have left our lives, and eliminate them. Parents of a sick child should make peace, maintain a favorable family atmosphere, and pray together for the child. It is good to go to church together, with the whole family, to go to confession and take communion with one confessor.



psychosomatic reasons. On the one hand, fear, distrust of life and a sense of guilt, on the other hand, flight from life, unwillingness to recognize its shadow sides.

Way to overcome. Hope in God, prayer, confession and Communion. Possibly a meeting.


Often occurs as a result of the following reasons.

1. A person suffering from headaches underestimates himself, gnaws at himself with excessive self-criticism, and is tormented by fears. Feeling inferior, humiliated, such a person treats others in the same way.

2. Discrepancy between thoughts and outward behavior.

3. Headaches also often come from the body's low resistance to even minor stresses. A person complaining of constant headaches is all tense and clamped both psychologically and physically. His nervous system is always on edge. And the first symptom of future diseases is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients, first of all, teach them to relax. It is also necessary to try to control your thoughts, not to accept enemy thoughts, to bring your thoughts and actions to unity, to learn flexibility and tact in dealing with other people. You should say what you think, and move away from communication with those who are unpleasant to you. Accept yourself as you are. Learn to see the good in people. Try not to see the bad, or at least do not focus on it.

Fear can also cause headaches. It creates excessive tension, anxiety. Find the phobia that is bothering you. Learn to trust the world around you - God's creation, to believe in the good Providence of the Lord for you. Life in harmony with oneself, love and trust in the world around dissolve any fear.

Often a headache occurs with its constant simulation. For example, a reference to it helps to evade some duties. So, a woman, trying to avoid sexual intercourse, refers to a headache. She does this once, twice, and then with the onset of the evening her head starts to hurt regularly. And pills won't help. Here you need to calmly sort things out with your husband and make an informed decision.

Learn to be mindful and calm about your headaches. Take it first of all as a signal that something in life is going wrong. Do not suppress it with pills. They can only bring temporary relief. Suppressing pain is not the same as curing it. Find the true causes of your headache and eliminate them. In the spiritual plan, the actions should be as follows: forgive yourself and accept yourself as you are, ask for forgiveness from God, rely on His Holy Will, and your headache will disappear by itself.


Migraine is a neuralgic headache that is most often localized in one place and tends to appear with a certain frequency. Often arises as a result of hatred of coercion, resistance to the course of life, sexual fears. Migraine affects people who want to look perfect in the eyes of others, as well as those who have accumulated irritation with reality. Simple painkillers do not help here. As a rule, such pains are calmed by tranquilizers and antipsychotics. But only temporarily, since drugs do not eliminate the immediate cause of the disease. And the causes of migraine are most often the same as in the case of an ordinary headache, but certain neurotic character traits are still layered here. In a spiritual sense, a person suffering from this disease must fight human pleasing, overcome vanity, develop humility and patience in himself.


Fear, which has passed into the subconscious, can be one of the main causes of amnesia, or memory weakness. And not just fear, but an escape from life. Man tends to forget everything. What advice is most often given by close and unpleasant situations? "Forget about it!" And if you follow this advice, then over time you can feel the deterioration of memory.

Sometimes, with the help of amnesia, the subconscious protects a person. Events associated with physical pain or severe mental suffering leave consciousness. But the negative experiences driven into the subconscious do not disappear, but continue to bombard the human body with negative impulses. We need to pull them into the realm of the conscious, re-experience and work out a constructive attitude towards them. You need to speak your feelings out loud, take them to confession, express them in prayer to God, ask for His help and protection.


Brain tumor

A brain tumor often occurs in people who want the whole world around them to match their ideas. Such people are very stubborn and refuse to understand and accept the point of view of others. Everything around should be built according to their will. This leads to aggression towards people and surrounding circumstances. Such individuals are characterized by condemnation, hatred and contempt for people, which, in turn, is a product of pride and selfishness. Healing from sickness must begin with repentance, humility, and meekness. One must understand one's modest place in this world and not try to remake it, but first of all work on oneself, overcoming one's self. “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved,” said the Holy Fathers. And only on the path of such self-improvement can this disease be overcome.


The following reasons can cause sore throat.
1. Inability to stand up for yourself, express your thoughts and feelings.
2. Swallowed anger.
3. Crisis of creativity.
4. Unwillingness to change and accept ongoing life processes.
5. Resistance to life changes.

Throat problems arise from the feeling that we "have no right" and the feeling of our own inferiority. A sore throat is the result of constant internal irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to everything, there is confusion and some confusion. The condition of the throat largely reflects the state of our relationships with loved ones.

Way to overcome. Realize yourself as a beloved child of God. Believe in the Providence of God, His cover and protection. We need to understand that we are no worse and no better than others. You should develop the ability and desire to change for the better.

Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis

psychosomatic reasons. Fear of expressing your thoughts aloud; swallowing, suppressing anger and other emotions. Feeling of one's own inferiority, dissatisfaction with oneself, one's appearance, actions, constant self-flagellation and at the same time condemnation of others.

The path of healing. Learn to express your thoughts and feelings directly. Try to overcome low self-esteem and inferiority complex. Eradicate self-love and vanity in yourself. Refrain from judging others. Accept and express yourself as you are.


Symbolizes self-esteem, personal uniqueness.

stuffy nose

psychosomatic reasons. Inability to recognize one's own worth, doubts about one's masculinity, cowardice.

Way to overcome. Increasing self-esteem, trust in God, His mercy, Providence and love. Cultivating courage.

Runny nose (allergic and children's)

psychosomatic reasons. Suppressed feelings, tears, inner crying, disappointment and regret about unfulfilled plans and unfulfilled dreams. Allergic rhinitis indicates a complete lack of emotional self-control and may be the result of a strong emotional shock. Sometimes a runny nose is its own
a figurative request for help, and more often in children who do not feel their need and value.

Way to overcome. Learn to freely and independently express your feelings, adequately evaluate yourself. Strengthen your faith and trust in God. For children: more parental attention and love, more praise and encouragement.


This disease is most common in children and is characterized by the growth of lymphoid tissue in the nasal cavity.

psychosomatic reasons. Dissatisfaction with the child on the part of the parents, reproaches, frequent irritation on their part, perhaps their disagreement with each other. Lack of true love between husband and wife (or one of them).

The path of healing. Parents must change by developing love and patience. More love and patience for the child, less reproaches. You have to accept and love him the way he is.

Nose bleed

psychosomatic reasons. Blood represents joy. When people have the feeling that they are not loved and not recognized, then joy disappears from life. This disease is a peculiar way in which a person expresses his need for recognition and love.

The path of healing. More attention and love from others. Develop love and faith in God. We must realize that He always loves us and never leaves us.


The mouth symbolizes the perception of new ideas. Oral diseases reflect the inability to accept new ideas and thoughts.

gum disease

psychosomatic reasons. Inability to implement the decisions made. Lack of a clear attitude towards life.

The path of healing. Strengthening faith, life according to the commandments of God.

Bleeding gums

psychosomatic reasons. Lack of joy, dissatisfaction with decisions made in life.

The path of healing. The search is always and in everything for the will of God, faith in His Providence for us. The introduction into practice of actions that correspond to the instructions of the Holy Scriptures: “ Always rejoice, give thanks in everything, pray without ceasing».

Wounds on the lips and in the oral cavity, stomatitis, herpes

psychosomatic reasons. Prejudice towards someone. Poisonous and caustic words, accusations, swearing, bitter and angry thoughts are literally driven into the subconscious.

The path of healing. Forgive insults. Speak negative emotions, confess them. Develop love for your neighbor.

Smell from the mouth

Psychosomatic causes:
1. Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge.
2. Dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts. In this case, the past, false attitudes and stereotypes of actions clearly interfere.

The path of healing. Acquisition of the virtue of meekness. Repentance for the sins of anger and revenge. A zealous struggle with these passions. Speech control. An end to judgment and profanity. Sobriety and the fight against bad thoughts.


Problems with the tongue speak of a loss of zest for life. Psychosomatic causes. Negative emotions and feelings enslave a person and prevent him from seeing the positive aspects of life.

The path of healing. Forgiveness, reconciliation with enemies. Development of love and Christian forgiveness in oneself. We must remember the words of the apostle: "Always rejoice, in everything give thanks."

Diseases of the teeth

Psychosomatic causes:
1. Constant indecision.
2. Inability to capture ideas, analyze and make decisions.
3. Loss of vital activity.
4. Fear.
5. Instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, awareness of the insurmountability of life's difficulties.

Path of Healing. To overcome lack of faith, always and in everything to seek the will of God, to live according to the commandments of the Lord, to actively participate in the sacraments of the Church.


Ear inflammation (otitis media, mastoiditis)

Psychosomatic causes. Unwillingness or inability to listen and perceive what others say, listen to the opinions of other people, which is a product of pride and pride, an attempt at self-affirmation. As a result, anger, irritation, annoyance accumulate in the subconscious, which leads to inflammation of the ear. If this disease occurs in children, then most likely they cannot or do not know how to express their feelings. Most often, the disease occurs as a result of a recurring state of fear, fear of others. For example, when parents often quarrel, swear, the child reacts to this with an ear disease, as if telling his parents: “Be attentive to me! I need peace, tranquility and harmony in the family.”

The path of healing. For an adult - overcoming pride and selfishness, developing the ability to listen to others and admit one's mistakes. For children - a change in the situation in the family, the peace and love of parents, increased attention and signs of love for the child from relatives.

Deafness, tinnitus

psychosomatic reasons. An unequivocal rejection of someone or something. Unwillingness to listen, understand or accept other points of view, caused by stubbornness and pride. As a result, there is a strong aggression towards the outside world, which leads to hearing loss. If a person does not want to hear and understand something, then the body, following his order, tries to isolate himself from the outside world, which causes deafness.

The path of healing. Inflammation of the ear always indicates the presence of an internal conflict. Here you need to listen to the voice of your conscience, check the compliance of your behavior with the commandments of the Lord; resolve internal conflict on the basis of gospel truths. It is also necessary to work on the acquisition of humility and patience, to learn to overcome aggression and pride.

Acoustic neuritis

psychosomatic reasons. Nervous strain as a result of the perception of negative emotions, thoughts (requests, complaints, crying).

The path of healing. Cast everything you hear on God. Inner prayer during such fellowship, prayer for those in need of help, regular confession and Communion - this is help in this illness.



psychosomatic reasons. You experience a lot of pressure from outside, it seems to you that the world is against you, you are constantly humiliated, and you are a victim. There is a feeling of a distorted life, resentment and hatred for the imposed way of life, negative thoughts, emotions, petty grievances, claims that rise in the throat. If the disease occurs in children, this indicates the destructive behavior of parents in relation to the child, possibly excessive severity, pressure.

The path of healing. Learn to be yourself, openly express your desires, forgive and endure, be indulgent towards others. Parents of a sick child should change their attitude towards him and towards each other.


psychosomatic reasons. Too many events at the same time; confusion, disorder; petty grievances. If a cold is accompanied by strong nasopharyngeal discharge, then children's grievances, unshed tears and experiences can also be the cause.

The path of healing. Forgiveness, repentance, prayer and reading the Gospel.


Psychosomatic causes:
1. Longing for the unfulfilled.
2. A strong need for control over ongoing events, which is often accompanied by increased cravings for the absorption of food. This craving stimulates the secretion of the stomach, and a chronic increase in secretion in a predisposed individual can lead to the formation of an ulcer.

The path of healing. Change your attitude to life, stop controlling every act of your neighbors. Realize that everyone chooses his own destiny and is responsible for his own life. Strengthen faith in God's providence for our lives, develop a regular prayer rule.


Women's diseases often occur for the following reasons.
1. Rejection of oneself or rejection of one's own femininity.
2. Belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.
3. Abortion.
4. Multiple prodigal cohabitation with different partners.

The path of healing. It is necessary to realize your gender and live according to feminine nature. To understand that I am who I am, and God accepts and loves me this way and is ready to help my spiritual transformation. It all depends on my choice. It should be realized that fornication is sinful, but not marital relations, because God originally created a man and a woman and commanded them to multiply and inhabit the earth. It is necessary to repent of abortion as a mortal sin that kills the child in the womb, and suffer the corresponding church penance (punishment). Repent of prodigal sins and feelings and continue to lead a chaste life.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa)

psychosomatic reasons. Anger at a partner sexual guilt; conviction in the impotence of a woman to influence the opposite sex; vulnerability in his feminine.

The path of healing. Refusal from an unrighteous life, from prodigal sins; overcoming selfishness. It should be understood that love and prayer can change for the better any person.


psychosomatic reasons. Feeling of insecurity, feeling like a potential victim, expecting only bad things from men, inability to be realized as a woman. Replacing true love with some other feelings.

The path of healing. Love and trust in God and people. Strengthening faith in the good Providence of God for us.

Fibromyoma of the uterus

psychosomatic reasons. Rancor towards her husband or other men, strong resentment, selfishness, constant scrolling of previous grievances.

The path of healing. Try to learn to forgive, endure and love. Develop humility and pray for those around you. Change your behavior with your husband.

Cervical erosion

psychosomatic reasons. Wounded female pride. The feeling of being feminine.

The path of healing. It is necessary to change thoughts and behavior in relation to oneself and men, to overcome an inferiority complex. We must not forget that you are the way God created you, which means that you are beautiful. Remember that love and a kind attitude make a person attractive and necessary to others.

Dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularities)

psychosomatic reasons. Hatred of one's own body, doubts about one's femininity. Male-directed aggression, guilt and fear associated with sex.

The path of healing. It is necessary to accept yourself the way you were created by God, and remember that everything created by God is good. One should keep chastity and purity, but remember the blessing of the Lord on marriage and offspring.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

psychosomatic reasons. Strong fear of childbirth, hidden subconscious unwillingness to have a child (at the wrong time, from the wrong person, etc.).

The path of healing. Faith in God and in His good Providence for our life and the life of the unborn child. Since the Lord allowed it, it means that it is better for us. You need to want and wait for the appearance of a new person in the world.


psychosomatic reasons. Strong fear of the birth of a child and the future associated with this, uncertainty about the reliability of the father of the child, a feeling of untimely pregnancy.

The path of healing. Trust in God. Nurture the responsibility for yourself and future children.


psychosomatic reasons. Distrust, contempt for men, prodigal life in the past, resentment, jealousy, hatred, aggression towards the opposite sex. Unclean thoughts, passion for pornography, erotica, etc. Fear, uncertainty about the future, lack of readiness for the appearance of a child. Fear of spoiling your appearance, figure with childbirth.

The path of healing. Changing internal beliefs, overcoming fear of childbirth and the future. Change in value orientation. Surrendering oneself to the will of God, developing in oneself love for God and neighbor.

Breast disease, cysts and lumps

psychosomatic reasons. Excessive concern for someone, living someone else's life. A state of codependency.

The path of healing. Changing attitudes towards yourself and the world around you. Overcoming codependency.


psychosomatic reasons. Fear and excessive anxiety about the child, disbelief in one's own strength. Fear of not being able to take care of the child.

The path of healing. It is necessary to betray the child to the good Providence of God, to raise one's own self-esteem, to strengthen faith in one's own strengths and capabilities.



Psychosomatic causes.
1. Fear of being "not up to par."
2. Sexual harassment, guilt.
3. Social beliefs.
4. Anger at a partner.
5. Fear of the mother.

The path of healing. Refusal from vicious life, from prodigal sins. Marital fidelity or chastity in case of loneliness. Refusal of passionate thoughts, appropriate films and reading, prevention of masturbation. Repentance for past sins, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

prostate, external genitalia

psychosomatic reasons. Long-term resentment, anger, claims and discontent towards women. Fear for one's masculinity, subconscious fears. Feelings of guilt on sexual grounds (treason).

The path of healing. Changing your worldview, forgiveness of insults, developing love and compassion in yourself. It must be realized that women are a “weak vessel” and require special love and indulgence. Prayer to God and pure confession of the sins committed.


psychosomatic reasons. Self-hatred, fear of others.

The path of healing. Strengthening faith in God and His Providence for our lives. If God is with us, then who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31).


psychosomatic reasons. Fear and need for protection; dissatisfaction and self-hatred; self-criticism and self-criticism; excessive concern for the health of children; filling emotional emptiness or experiences with food; lack of love and satisfaction with life.

The path of healing. Bringing your thoughts into a state of harmony and balance; rise in self-esteem; strengthening faith in God; life according to His commandments.


psychosomatic reasons. This is an old, deeply hidden inner spiritual dirt, something disgusting, striving to come out. These are deeply suppressed negative emotions, anxiety, fear, a feeling of constant danger. Or anger, hatred, guilt, resentment, a thought like "I have stained myself." Another possible reason is a sense of insecurity.

The path of healing. Complete repentance for all sins. Removal of negative emotions from the subconscious. The acquisition of humility and forgiveness in relation to others. Cultivating positive thoughts. Awareness of the infinite love of the Lord and His forgiveness in case of repentance.


psychosomatic reasons. Desires that go against our character; internal dissatisfaction; repentance without repentance; the desire to overcome a difficult situation by any means.

The path of healing. Bringing our desires into line with the commandments of God; repentance for sinful aspirations; the realization that the meaning of our life lies in the search for the will of God and life in accordance with it; pure and complete confession; a prayer to God for a change in a painful situation, an understanding that God is omnipotent and nothing is impossible for Him.


psychosomatic reasons. Constant strong irritation, driven into the subconscious; hiding your true feelings; guilt that you have stained yourself with some unworthy actions. A rash in children is a signal to parents about the wrong relationship with each other. In women - negative emotions during pregnancy; lack of calm and affection, attention and tactile emotional sensations.

The path of healing. You should remove negative emotions from the subconscious, learn how to openly express your feelings. Pure repentance and faith in the all-forgiving love of God are necessary. With children's rash - a change in the relationship between parents; unanimity, increased attention to the child and the maximum manifestation of love for him.

neurodermatitis, eczema

psychosomatic reasons. A child with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, which does not have the support of parents, therefore, there are disturbances in his organs of contact. There may be extreme antagonism, rejection of someone or something, hidden and overt aggression; mental breakdowns, severe stress.

The path of healing. Rethinking your childhood, forgiveness and justification of parents for the lack of love shown; prayer for them; forgiveness; sincerity, openness, liveliness of expressing positive feelings. Place yourself and your entire life in the hands of God.

Allergy, urticaria

psychosomatic reasons. Lack of emotional self-control; deeply driven into the subconscious and striving to break out irritation, resentment, pity, anger, lust; rejection of someone or something, suppressed aggression. In children, the disease is often a reflection of the wrong behavior of parents, their thoughts and feelings.

The path of healing. Forgiveness; cultivating love and patience in oneself; change in their attitude to surrounding stimuli; the search always and in everything for God's will and life in accordance with it.


psychosomatic reasons. Strong feelings of guilt and desire to punish yourself; stressful situations; increased disgust caused by hatred or contempt for anything in this world.

The path of healing. The realization that we live in a world created by God whole and harmoniously, and God provides for each of us; complete repentance at confession; acquisition of humility and forgiveness.


psychosomatic reasons. Self-isolation; a feeling of alienation from the joys of this world; old grudges. Lack of feeling like a full member of society; inferiority complex; stressful situations.

Path of Healing. Strengthening faith in God and His good Providence; overcoming an inferiority complex; forgiveness.

Pimples, acne

Psychosomatic causes. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance, rejection of oneself.

Path of Healing. Learn to accept yourself the way you are. Clear your mind of dirty, obscene thoughts in relation to the other sex.


Psychosomatic causes. Constant internal stress; anger driven into the subconscious.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to remove negative emotions from the subconscious, control your thoughts; often confess and take communion.

Fungus, endermophytosis stop

psychosomatic reasons. Inability to forget old experiences and grievances; unwillingness to part with the past.

The path of healing. Forgiveness; cleansing of negative emotions. We boldly move forward under God's protection.


psychosomatic reasons. Feeling of insecurity and constant danger; feeling threatened; contemptuous and squeamish attitude towards many people.

Path of Healing. Hope in God and faith in His good Providence for us; overcoming self-love and pride.


Psychosomatic reasons s. Fear, strong internal tension, stress; distrust of reality; trying to keep everything under control.

Path of Healing. Changing attitudes towards oneself, people, the world; acquisition of the Orthodox worldview.


psychosomatic reasons. Hot temper, rage, anger. People with liver and gallbladder disease often suppress their anger, irritation and anger at someone. Driven into the subconscious, negative emotions first cause inflammation of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile, then the formation of stones occurs.

Such people, as a rule, are prone to excessive self-criticism and condemnation of other people, they are characterized by pride and gloomy thoughts.


Psychosomatic causes. At the heart of this disease are pride, anger, "bitter" thoughts for a long time. Colic often comes at the peak of irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with others.

Path of Healing. Development in oneself of humility, patience and meekness; struggle with negative thoughts and cultivation of good thoughts; repentance and non-repetition of past sins; development of love and compassion for others.


Psychosomatic causes. Those prone to these diseases usually find themselves unable to cope with life's problems. At times they experience a terrible fear, a desire to hide from reality. They are characterized by an escape from the real world. It is generally accepted that these diseases develop as a result of a conflict of the individual with himself (intrapsychic conflict) or with other people (interpsychic conflict).

The path of healing. Strengthening of faith, deep repentance for committed sins and frequent confession. Constant prayer rule, daily reading of the Gospel and the Psalter, regular communion. Finding the spiritual meaning of life.


The lower back symbolizes support and support, so any overload, both physical and emotional, affects its condition.

Lower back problems often indicate that you have taken on an overwhelming burden (too much fuss, haste).

Diseases of the lower back

psychosomatic reasons. Hypocrisy; fear for income and for the future; lack of financial support.

The path of healing. Repentance for hypocrisy and greed. The development of the virtues of truthfulness, sincerity and non-covetousness. Strengthening faith in God and trust in Him. Understanding that everything on earth is perishable and nothing of the earthly “good” can be taken with you to the next world.

Diseases of the middle back

psychosomatic reasons. The patient feels guilty. His attention is focused on the past. He seems to say to the world around him: "Leave me alone."

The path of healing. Deep repentance and confession of the sins committed are necessary. One should live in the present according to the word of the apostle: "Forgetting what is behind and stretching forward" (Phil. 3:13).

Diseases of the upper back

psychosomatic reasons. Illness can be caused by a lack of moral support, feeling unloved, or repressed feelings of love. It is characterized by convulsions, tension, fear, the desire to grab onto something, to catch on.

The path of healing. We need to realize that God is unchanging love. We change, but He is always Love. Pray to the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel and the saints. Express positive emotions freely. Participate actively in the sacraments of the Church.


Psychosomatic causes:
1. Hypertrophied conscientiousness, the desire to be punished for their "sinfulness".
2. Hateful situation; the pain of dealing with an unloved person.

In the first case, neuralgia is a kind of self-punishment for supposedly monstrous sinfulness. And here the path to healing lies in the realization that God is Love and desires salvation for every person. God does not need our pains and sufferings, He wants us to follow the path of spiritual perfection, and He is always ready to help us in this.

In the second case, it is necessary to understand how and why such tense relations arose between people. What is your partner trying to tell you with this behavior?

Path of Healing. Reconciliation with one's neighbor, forgiveness of him, prayers to God for him, work on one's own humility and patience.

stroke, paralysis, paresis

psychosomatic reasons. Strong jealousy, hatred; the desire to avoid responsibility, any situation or person; deep-seated "paralyzing" fear, horror. Rejection of one's life and fate, tough resistance and disagreement with current events. In this state, a person feels unable to change anything in life, he literally “paralyzed” himself and doomed him to inaction. People prone to paralysis tend to be rigid, unwilling to change their minds and delusions. You can often hear from them: "I'd rather die than betray my principles."

The path of healing. It is necessary to realize the falsity and sinfulness of the thoughts that led to such a state, and to be cleansed of them. Realize that there is a way out in any situation, that God is omnipotent and can help us if we turn to Him through confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries, unction. Sometimes a stroke is caused by a subconscious need to reunite the family. When disagreements in the family reach their limit, the experiences caused by the “hopelessness” of the tragedy can hit the corresponding centers of the brain. What is needed here is not fruitless experiences, but prayer to God, love for one's neighbor and a righteous life according to this love.


Psychosomatic causes. Cultivation of fleeting, incoherent, scattered thoughts; lack of concentration, concentration; inability to deal with their problems. “The head is spinning from problems,” sufferers of this disease often say. Having no definite purpose in life, they rush from one to another.

Path of Healing. Think about why you live in this world, what is your main goal in life and prospects for the near and more distant future. There must be clarity and discipline in your life. This will give you confidence and allow you to stand firmly on your feet. Faith in God, trust in Him, following the commandments of the Lord give clear life guidelines.


psychosomatic reasons. The desire to stop someone in his action and the feeling of his own powerlessness to do this; intense jealousy.

Path of Healing. It is necessary to realize that God gave freedom to man and does not impose His will on him, especially since a person cannot control the fate of his neighbor. We must look for ways of agreement and find a compromise, pray for our neighbor so that God will soften his heart, enlighten him, and our faith and love will work a miracle.

So, from all of the above, it follows that passions and sinful habits cause many mental and physical illnesses. As research results show,

  • retribution for gluttony - obesity, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, atherosclerosis ...
  • retribution for voluptuousness - diabetes, allergies, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the teeth, intestines ...
  • retribution for addiction to alcohol - alcoholism, personality degradation, psychosis, degeneration.

The list can be continued, but what has already been said is enough to recognize a direct connection between sinful passions and various kinds of diseases.


There are people who are especially prone to accidents and fractures. There is a special psychopathology here, the result of inward-directed aggression.

These include such categories of self-destruction as suicide, neurotic incapacity, certain types of alcoholism, antisocial behavior, self-mutilation, intentional accidents, and polysurgery (i.e., a pathological attraction to surgical operations). Below we will consider in detail such a problem as the propensity to accidents.

More than 20 years ago, the German psychologist K. Marbe noticed that a person who has once suffered an accident is more likely to suffer again than someone who has never experienced anything like this before. And Theodor Reik, in The Unknown Assassin, drew attention to how often criminals give themselves away and even carry out their own punishment through a deliberate accident. Sigmund Freud describes the case of a man rejected by his mistress, who "accidentally" got hit by a car, meeting this woman on the street, and was killed in front of her.

In 1919, M. Greenwood and X. Woods investigated the characteristics of accidents at a munitions factory and came to the reasonable conclusion that most accidents occur with a small group of individuals - in this study, it was found that four percent of the factory's women accounted for twenty-eight percent of all accidents. The basis of this accident proneness, Menninger argues, is the prevailing cultural belief that suffering expiates guilt, and that the individual who applies the same principle to his own personality acts as an internalized judge demanding suffering for his bad deeds. Suffering alleviates the remorse of a guilty conscience and to some extent restores lost peace of mind. An accident prone person is usually someone who once took a rebellious attitude towards his parents and subsequently transferred this attitude to those in power, combining it with a sense of guilt for his rebelliousness.

In traffic accident statistics, the United States National Security Council found that among car drivers "there are about fourteen times as many people who have been in accidents four times as there should be on the theory that failure could only be pure accident, while people who had seven incidents during the time taken for the study, there were nine thousand times more than the laws of probability prescribe. Moreover, people who have suffered many accidents, as if under the influence of an unstoppable force, have fallen into the same type of accidents, and Menninger argues that, based on his experience, examination of those who, as they say, "drive like a suicide" often convincingly proves that's exactly what they're after.

In general psychology, traumatic events in early childhood, along with adolescent events in the patient's life, are considered to be the main sources of neuroses and many psychosomatic disorders. In observing patients in unusual states, it has been found that their neurotic or psychosomatic symptoms often involve more than the biographical level of the psyche. At first it might be assumed that these symptoms are related to traumatic events that the patient had to experience in infancy or childhood, as traditional psychology describes. However, as the process continues and the experience deepens, the same symptoms become associated with specific aspects of the birth trauma. In this case, it can be traced that the additional roots of the same problem go even further - to transpersonal sources, to unresolved archetypal conflicts and, in particular, to ancestral sin.

Thus, a person suffering from psychogenic asthma could, first of all, experience one or more events associated with suffocation in childhood (perhaps he drowned, had whooping cough or diphtheria). A deeper source of the same problem for this person may be a situation close to suffocation while passing through the birth canal. To completely get rid of this form of asthma, it is important to extract from the subconscious the experiences associated with this problem and try to “speak” them.

Painstaking empirical work has uncovered similar layered structures in other conditions dealt with by psychiatrists. The various levels of the unconscious are rich repositories of negative emotions and sensations and are often a source of anxiety, depression, feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy, as well as aggressiveness and fits of rage. We can also talk about the demonic influence emanating from this source. Reinforced by later traumas of infancy and childhood, this emotional material can lead to various phobias, depressions, sadomasochistic tendencies, crime, and hysterical symptoms. Muscle tension, pain, and other forms of physical discomfort resulting from birth trauma can develop into psychosomatic problems such as asthma, migraines, digestive ulcers, and colitis.

According to some reports, suicidal tendencies, alcoholism and drug addiction also have perinatal roots. Of particular importance appears to be the affordable use of anesthesia during childbirth; it is possible that certain substances used to alleviate the pain of the mother teach the newborn at the cellular level to perceive the state caused by the drug as a natural way to escape from pain and anxiety. These findings have recently been confirmed by clinical studies linking various forms of suicidal behavior to specific aspects of biological birth. Among them, the choice of drug-assisted suicide was a consequence of the use of anesthesia during childbirth; the choice of suicide by hanging - with strangulation during childbirth; and choosing a painful suicide with a painful birth.

Traditionally, the roots of all these problems can be found in the transpersonal sphere: direct demonic influence and disposition to sin. And through him - subordination to the world of fallen spirits, going along the line of the family tree. If these people have not brought complete repentance for their sins, as well as their disposition towards them and the desire for sins, then they are completely dependent on demonic forces.

Our understanding of emotional difficulties is not limited to neuroses and psychosomatic disorders. They can develop into extreme psychological disturbances called psychoses.

Traditional attempts to explain the various symptoms of psychosis in terms of psychology have not been very convincing, especially when clinicians have tried to interpret them only in terms of biographical events experienced in infancy and childhood. Psychotic states often include extreme emotions and physical sensations, such as complete despair, deep metaphysical loneliness, "hellish" physical and mental anguish, violent aggression or, on the contrary, unity with the Universe, ecstasy and "heavenly bliss". During the manifestation of psychosis, a person can experience his death and rebirth, or even the destruction and re-creation of the entire world. The content of such episodes is often fantastical and exotic, featuring various mythological creatures, visions of Paradise and the underworld, events related to other countries and cultures, and encounters with "extraterrestrial civilizations". Neither the strength of the emotions and sensations nor the unusual content of psychotic states can be reasonably explained in terms of early biological traumas such as hunger, emotional deprivation, or other mental disorders in the infant.

An important aspect of the unconscious, birth trauma is the result of a painful and potentially life-threatening event that typically lasts for many hours. Thus, it is definitely a more likely source of negative emotions and feelings than most other childhood episodes. In addition, the mythological dimensions of many psychotic experiences represent a common and natural characteristic of the transpersonal realm of the psyche, according to Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. Moreover, the emergence of such episodes from the depths of the unconscious can be seen as an attempt by the psyche to get rid of traumatic consequences and further self-regulation. It may also be a reminder from the mystical realm that the lifestyle of a given individual is disastrous for him. All this makes one think that many of the conditions currently diagnosed as mental illnesses are treated accordingly with the help of suppressants. In fact, such states can be psycho-spiritual crises, or "spiritual extreme states", which can also be caused by a person's mystical afflictions, starting with possession and ending with rage. If such states are properly understood and clarified, as well as helping a person to find the spiritual meaning of life and direct him along the path of churching, then such measures can lead a person to healing and transformation. I personally know many cases of spiritual and bodily healing of people after their repentance, changes in lifestyle and participation in the sacraments of the Orthodox Church.

Faith in God and life according to Orthodox canons protects a person from many mental and physical illnesses. Compliance with the laws of spiritual life (the commandments of God) leads to the harmonious development of the human personality, which determines his mental and physical health.

Archpriest Alexy Moroz

Health is determined not only by physical indicators. Spirit, soul, body are the three components of health. If they are harmoniously developed, then the person is happy and healthy. With an absolutely healthy body, the soul can suffer. This is due to aggressive and negative thoughts. For this reason, diseases can appear in the body. To get rid of them, you need to change the state of mind.

What is mental health

Spiritual health is a bright way of thinking, a pure and kind soul. It manifests itself in the absence of evil thoughts, envy, jealousy and hatred. This is the ability to enjoy life, to be in harmony with others and with oneself. Spiritually healthy people realize their abilities, overcome the stresses of modern life, work productively and contribute to society. Religion, spiritual practices, self-development and reading the necessary literature helps to improve mental health. If a child has been instilled with life values ​​and moral norms in a family, then it will be easier for him to follow the path of life and develop himself.

To gain mental health, you will need a long work on yourself and your habits:

  • doing good deeds;
  • refusal to communicate with aggressive people;
  • contemplation of the beautiful, the study of art;
  • thinking about your purpose;
  • showing love for the environment, protecting animals and the environment;
  • respect for others.

Here is just a small list of what you need to do to achieve the goal. Mental health helps to define life values ​​and rethink lifestyle.

The concept of mental death

Spiritual death means the fall into sin. Man is physically alive, but his soul is dead. When a person turns away from the righteous path, he moves away from God. Death is separation. Physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. Soul death, which is of greater importance, is the separation of the soul from God. The Lord told Adam that the day he ate the forbidden fruit, he would "die." Adam fell, but his physical death did not happen immediately. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord, they “hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God.” Communication has ceased. They were spiritually dead.

A person without Christ is spiritually dead. An illustration of this is the ascent of Jesus Lazarus into John. Physically dead, Lazarus could do nothing for himself. He was not receptive to all stimuli, did not pay attention to life around him, was left without any help or hope, except for the help of Christ, who became "Resurrection and life." At the call of Christ, Lazarus was filled with life and responded accordingly. In the same way, we were “dead,” unable to be saved, powerless to perceive the life of God, until Jesus called us to himself.

Mental causes of illness

People themselves create a negative environment that affects health. There are spiritual causes behind most illnesses. Here is some of them. They can help identify key areas of emotional impact on the body.

Alcoholism: feelings of worthlessness, guilt, inadequacy.

Allergies: rejection of one's own strength.

Alzheimer's disease: refusal to fight the world. Hopelessness and helplessness.

Amenorrhea: self-hatred. Refusal to be a woman.

Anemia: fear of life. No self-confidence.

Asthma: the inability to breathe for oneself. Suppressed cry.

Crohn's disease: stress. Excitement. There is no sense of certainty.

Blisters: self-resistance.

Epstein-Barr virus: feeling that you are not good enough for others. Lack of internal support. Stress.

Deafness: rejection, stubbornness, isolation.

Hepatitis: resistance to change. Fear, aggression, hatred.

Dysmenorrhea: aggressive attitude towards oneself. Acceptance of your female body.

Diarrhea: fear. Rejection.

Constipation: incomplete relief. Strong connection with memories from the past. Sometimes stinginess.

Blood pressure. Increased: long-term emotional difficulties that have not been overcome. Reduced: lack of love and care in childhood.

Cataract: inability to see obvious things in close surroundings.

Colitis: insecure. It's hard to let go of what's over.

Conjunctivitis: anger and rejection of what is happening in life now.

Cough: the need to speak out, to be heard.

Fever: aggression. Combustion.

Menstrual problems: rejection of female destiny.

Narcolepsy: extreme phobia. An attempt to escape from what is happening around. unwillingness to be here.

Neurosis: restlessness, struggle. Doubt about the correct way of life.

Addiction: running away from yourself. Fear. Not understanding how to love yourself.

Osteoporosis: thinking that there is no support in life. Mental pressure.

Chill: mental contraction, withdrawal and willingness to retreat.

Pancreatitis: anger and irritation from the fact that life has lost its meaning.

Parkinson's disease: anxiety and the desire to subdue everyone.

Pimples: small outbursts of aggression.

Cancer: hate, stress.

Vomiting: violent rejection of ideas. Fear of the new.

Convulsions: fear.

Rash: irritation. An immature way to get attention.

Nausea: phobia. Deviation from an idea or experience.

Turning to God and self-development will help get rid of these ailments.

spiritual healing

Mental healing is aimed at healing the soul, uplifting the spirit and healing the body. A spiritual healer helps people to direct their forces to the source of life - God. The healer helps himself, others, or even the planet come closer to coming to terms with Divine truth, authentic light with more peace, love, balance and harmony. Spiritual healing helps people in many ways, sometimes unexpected ones. It helps a person cope with a difficult condition.

In his work, the spiritual healer uses methods of influence:

  • meditation;
  • prayer;
  • spiritual practices.

Methods such as rituals, church services, ceremonies are also healing. These methods are effective, they penetrate the soul and can completely purify it.

When to help a person with spiritual means

As seekers of God do a highly spiritual practice, they may be attacked by high-level negative energies that intend to hinder their development. The energy of the seeking person becomes insufficient to repel such attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the energy with spiritual means of healing in the following situations:

  1. if a person is weak, he will not be able to heal himself;
  2. if a person is physically unable to protect himself: is unconscious;
  3. if he had no practice in a certain method of treatment.

Who becomes the healer

The healer becomes:

  • a holy, spiritually developed person;
  • monk;
  • a person who has a gift from God.

When spiritual healers consistently practice morality, they are protected from negative destructive energy. The valuable gift of spiritual healing that they distribute to students is the transfer of their spiritual practice so that their followers can help themselves on a spiritual level. This method is reminiscent of the proverb: "Don't give a man a fish, give him a fishing rod", it helps the student to become independent.

Soul Practice

Spiritual (true) experience becomes an integral part of spiritual life. A spiritual person is one who acknowledges his sins, confesses them, and repents. He is sincere in his faith.

Christian teaching claims that God dwells in all Christians and they can know him directly through faith in Jesus. Such an experience can be divided into three stages: ascetic, contemplative and "unified", in which God becomes "face to face" to the believer. The third stage, commonly called contemplation, refers to union with God. The experience of union varies, but it is always first and foremost about being reunited with Divine love. The main idea is that God is perfect goodness and love.

Religious traditions offer a wide range of confessional practices to gain spiritual experience:

  • extended exercises often used in a large communal circle; used in various tribal and neopagan religions;
  • prayer;
  • meditation. Meditation practices are used to calm the mind and achieve harmony. Meditation focuses on breath, concepts, mantras, symbols.

We wish you to achieve harmony with yourself and come to mental health.