The driving force of any development according to dialectics is. Crossword on the subject Philosophy - on the topic General. The world of physical states is called...

    "The whole world is a text," says the philosophical school... hermeneutics

    "Truth is an agreement," the representatives of... conventionalism

    From the point of view of conventionalism, the main criterion of truth is ... an agreement between scientists

    From the point of view of pragmatism, the main criterion for truth is ... success

    Analysis of the dynamics of scientific knowledge becomes one of the central problems in the philosophical school... post-positivism

    The attributes of matter are... universal and inalienable properties of material objects

    B. Spinoza believed that there is only one substance that is the cause of itself - this is ... nature

    The basic concept of the materialistic approach to history is ... socio-economic formation

    The existence of a certain class of natural objects (microorganisms, plants and animals, including humans) is called ... life

    In Italian philosophy, the image of a utopian state - the city of the Sun - was created ... T. Campanella

    In Marxist philosophy, the science of the most general laws of the development of nature, society and thinking is ... dialectics

    The following levels are distinguished in thinking: mind reason

    In modern European philosophy, the question of the fundamental principle of the world is solved with the help of the concept ... substance

    The basis of the modern biological picture of the world is the principle of ... evolution

    At the heart of the modern scientific picture of the world lies ... theory of relativity

    At the heart of the philosophical picture of the world lies the solution to the problem of ... being

    Unlike idealism, materialism considers the ideal as ... a subjective image of objective reality

    Within the framework of Chinese philosophy, there is an idea that the world arose as a result of the interaction of five principles (Wu-xing), such a position in philosophy is called ... pluralism

    In medieval philosophy, the source and highest form of being was considered (-as, -axis) ... God

    In medieval philosophy, the special status of a person in the system of the world order is determined by the fact that he was created ... in the image and likeness of God

    In the philosophy of postmodernism, the concept of "simulacrum" was introduced, denoting copy of non-existent original

    In the philosophy of the Enlightenment, the main sign of a person was considered (-as) ... reason

    In philosophy, various historical theories, a certain "philosophy of history" are denoted by the term ... historicism

    In the philosophical system of G. Hegel, the central concept that guides and implements the process of development of everything that exists is ... absolute idea

    In the twentieth century, the opposition of two social systems - socialism and capitalism, was designated by the term ... "bipolar world"

    In the ethics of I. Kant, the universal and necessary moral law, which does not depend on the actual conditions of human will and therefore is unconditionally obligatory for execution, is called ... the categorical imperative

    The most important social value is... Human

    A. Camus considers the most important essential characteristic of being ... absurdity

    The most important component of the material and production sphere is ... labor

    An important characteristic of development is ... the irreversibility of changes

    Man's faith in the world of divine revelation, ideal values ​​is characteristic of _ cognition. religious

    The relationship of the problem of truth with the analysis of the logical structure of language is the subject of research in the philosophical school ... neopositivism

    The internal content of an object, expressed in the stable unity of all the diverse and contradictory properties of being, is called ... the essence

    The internal dismemberment of material existence is called ... structural

    The ancient school called for refraining from judgment... skepticism

    Questions - is the world cognizable, is truth achievable? - relate to ___________ problems of philosophy. epistemological

    Questions - what comes first? what is being, substance, matter? - relate to _____________ problems of philosophy. ontological

    Questions - what is good and evil? what is morality, morality, dignity? - relate to __________ problems of philosophy. ethical

    Upbringing and education belong to __________ culture. spiritual

    Perception is a form of reflection of reality at the level of cognition. sensual

    Whole collection, immutability and fullness of being and life, endless duration is called ... eternity

    Any inanimate system tends to the most probable state for it, that is, to chaos, - says the law of ... entropy

    Putting forward a theory about the presence of many spiritual entities - "monads" that make up the fundamental principle of the world, G. V. Leibniz becomes a representative of ontological ... pluralism

    Performing an ideological function, philosophy formulates ... a system of certain values

    The expression "Man is a wolf to man" belongs to ... T. Hobbes

    The saying “Man is the measure of all things: those that exist in that they exist, and those that do not exist in that they do not exist” belongs to ... Protagoras

    The highest degree of value, or the best, complete state of any phenomenon is called ... ideal

    The highest form of mental activity inherent in the human way of life is called ... consciousness

    The highest level of knowledge and ideal development of the world in the form of theories, ideas, human goals is ... thinking

    The highest good for a person, from the point of view of Renaissance humanism, is ... pleasure, happiness

    Hegel considered world history as a natural process of development ... of an absolute idea

    L. Feuerbach sees the main obstacle to happiness in ... alienation of human nature

    The main difference between faith and knowledge is... subjective significance

    Global problems associated with the catastrophic destruction of the natural basis for the existence of world civilization, environmental pollution, climate change, are called ... environmental

    The global problems associated with an excessive increase in the population of the Earth, the deterioration of the health of the population, the aging of the population in developed countries, the high birth rate in underdeveloped countries, are called ... demographic

    The epistemological trend that doubts the reliability of human knowledge and recognizes the relativity of all knowledge is called ... skepticism

    The driving force of any development, according to dialectics, is ... contradiction

    The motto "Know thyself" is associated in the history of philosophy with the name of ... Socrates

    The activity of receiving, storing, processing and systematizing conscious concrete-sensual and conceptual images is called ... cognition

    The activities of the philosophers of the Enlightenment, aimed at criticizing the vices of society and the state, existing on the basis of church institutions, can be designated as ... anti-clericalism

    Dialectics appeared as an opposition... metaphysics

    Dialectical materialism singles out ... practical activity as the essence of man

    The duration and sequence of successive events is called ... time

    To distinguish between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, K. Popper proposed the principle ... falsifications

    Medieval philosophy associated with the Christian religion is characterized by ... monotheism

    A sufficient condition for moral action, according to Socrates, is ... knowledge of good

    The spiritual value of the human personality in the context of the realities of the twentieth century is defended by the religious-idealistic trend ... personalism

    The natural end of a single living being, which only for a person acts as a defining moment of his life and worldview, is called ... death

    The defense of Christian truths from criticism from the later ancient schools was called ... apologetics

    Knowledge that is directly given to the consciousness of the subject and is accompanied by a feeling of direct contact with the cognizable reality is called ... experience

    Knowledge that deliberately distorts the idea of ​​reality is called ... anti-scientific

    The game as a general principle of the formation of human culture was proposed ... J. Huizingoy

    The ideas of Marxist philosophy on Russian soil were developed by ... A. A. Bogdanov

    The ideology that absolutizes the role of the state in society and involves extensive and active state intervention in the economic and social life of society is called ... statism

    The idea of ​​the "end of history" in the modern global world was proposed by ... F. Fukuyama

    The idea as the fundamental principle of the world was proposed by ... Plato

    The idea of ​​regression of historical development was proposed by ... Hesiod

    Changing an object under the influence of its inherent contradictions, factors and conditions is called ... self-propulsion

    The historically evolving set of man-made tools that allow people to use natural materials, phenomena and processes to meet their needs is called ... technology

    A historically stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, material and spiritual culture, is called ... a nation

    History is a linear progressive movement, the logic of which is expressed in a change in socio-economic formations, according to representatives of the ____________ approach. formational

    The history of the culture of mankind, in which there were many original cultural traditions, is called ... world culture

    The global problems of interstate relations include the problem of ... war and peace

    The natural sciences are... physics chemistry biology

    The ideal objects of scientific knowledge are ... geometric point, ideal of justice

    General scientific methods include ... abstraction, analysis, induction

    The main forms of theoretical knowledge include ... problem, hypothesis, law

    The features of personal cognition include ... dependence on the abilities of the subject

    The formal-logical criteria of truth include the principle ... consistency

    Among the Socratic schools is the school of ... cynics

    K. Jaspers believes that the peculiarity of modern technical civilization is that ... technology is only a tool in the hands of man

    The picture of the world that arose in the 17th century, based on the principles of deism, is called ... mechanistic

    Classical science is based on the principle of ... objectivity

    The classical definition of personality in Western European philosophy was given by ... Boethius

    A quantitative measure of possibility is called ... probability

    The concept of modern science and philosophy, which considers it necessary to consider the evolution of human society and the biosphere in a single scientific system, is called ... co-evolution

    The concept according to which a person is considered as the highest value, the meaning of earthly civilization, is called ... personalism

    The concept that man was created by God is called...creationism

    The criterion of the truth of knowledge, from the point of view of R. Descartes' rationalism, is ... obviousness, clarity

    A cultural community with its own limited circle of adherents, with its own values ​​and ideas, style of clothing, language, norms of behavior, is called ... subculture

    Personality as a special individual entity became the object of philosophical analysis in the period Middle Ages

    Personality as a subject of social relations is characterized by ... activity

    Materialistic dialectics was developed and substantiated by ... F. Engels

    An interdisciplinary direction that studies the process of evolution and self-organization of complex systems is called ... synergetics

    An international public organization engaged in the scientific study of global problems is called the ___________ club. Roman

    Metaphysics as a model of development absolutizes ... stability

    The ideological position, which limits the role of God to the act of creating the world and setting it in motion, is called ... deism

    The variety of objects produced by man, as well as natural things and phenomena changed by human influence, are called ... material culture

    The thinker who introduced the concept of "world-historical spirit" into scientific circulation was ... G. Hegel

    The thinker who substantiated the concept of "post-industrialism" is ... D. Bell

    The thinker who defended the priority of geographical factors in social development was ... C. Montesquieu

    The thinker defending the priority of the demographic factor in social development was ... T. Malthus

    The thinker who develops the theory of the social contract of the origin of the state is ... T. Hobbes

    The thinker who considers culture as a product of the sublimation of unconscious mental processes is... Z. Freud

    The thinker who considers the scientific and technological potential as the main indicator of historical development is ... D. Bell

    The thinker who considers the course of development of civilizations through the "challenge - and - response" scheme is ... A. Toynbee

    The thinker who believed that “in the modern social life of Europe ... all power in society has passed to the masses” is ... J. Ortega y Gasset

    The thinker who argued that an outstanding person must have three decisive qualities: passion, a sense of responsibility and an eye, was ... M. Weber

    The most general laws and values ​​of social life are studied by ... social philosophy

    The most significant achievements of the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas were developed by the school ... Thomism

    The direction in medieval scholasticism, which affirmed the real (physical) existence of things and recognized general concepts only as the names of things, is called ... nominalism

    The direction in the theory of knowledge, whose representatives consider sensory experience the main source of knowledge, is called ... empiricism

    The direction in philosophy, which considers the spiritual fundamental principle of the world, nature, being, is called ... idealism

    The direction of development from the lowest to the highest is called ... progress

    The direction that considers science and scientific and technological progress to be the main cause of global problems and criticizes them is called ... anti-scientism

    The focus on the chosen consumer, who has artistic susceptibility and material means, is characteristic of ___________ culture. Elite

    Directed, irreversible qualitative changes in the system are called ... development

    The science that studies all forms of social behavior of living beings, including humans, based on the principles of genetics and evolutionary biology, is called ... sociobiology

    science in the system of culture, the spiritual life of society, is called ... scientism

    The science of the forms and methods of rational thinking is ... logic

    The beginning of the dispute between the Slavophiles and the Westernizers was laid by the publication of "Philosophical Letters" ... P. Ya. Chaadaeva

    An indivisible, non-composite unity, the beginning of being, a measure and a prototype of a number is called ... a monad

    The need to defend the consistency of religious truths in the context of the dominant scientific picture of the world becomes a prerequisite for the formation of a philosophical school ... neo-Thomism

    The Danish philosopher ... S. Kierkegaard is considered the immediate predecessor of existentialism

    The field of knowledge about the systemic organization of society, which studies the structural aspect of social life, is called ... sociology

    The field of knowledge in which the regularities of the “second nature” are described and studied is called ___________ sciences. Technical

    The field of research aimed at understanding the nature of technology and assessing its impact on society, culture and man is called ... philosophy of technology

    The area of ​​philosophical knowledge that seeks to rationally comprehend the integrity of nature and its origin, to comprehend nature as a general, ultimate concept, is called ... natural philosophy

    The field of knowledge, historically the first to make the transition to the actual scientific knowledge of the world, is ... mathematics

    The image of a person as a set of instincts, drives, conflicts arises in ... psychoanalysis

    Social being determines social consciousness, according to representatives of the _ approach. Marxist

    Social being determines social consciousness, representatives of the _______________ approach believe. Marxist

    A society that has achieved partnership relations with the state, capable of putting the state under its control, while ensuring the safety of its citizens, is called ... civil

    Society, its structure and historical development are determined by the laws of nature, according to representatives of the ____________ approach. naturalistic

    Objective reality that exists outside and independently of human consciousness and is reflected by it is called ... matter

    The limited knowledge of the historical conditions of society is reflected in the category "_____". Relative truth

    One of the most prominent representatives of ancient Greek atomism was ... Democritus

    One of the most prominent representatives of Roman Stoicism is ... Marcus Aurelius

    One of the most prominent representatives of the "philosophy of life" is ... F. Nietzsche

    One of the hallmarks of pseudoscientific theories is... uncritical use of facts

    One of the principles of non-classical science is ... irrationalism

    One of the fundamental principles of modern cosmology, which fixes the connection between the large-scale properties of our Universe and the existence of man in it, is the ______________ principle. Anthropic

    One of the brightest representatives of the Russian Enlightenment is ... A. N. Radishchev

    One of the greatest merits of German classical philosophy is the development of the laws of objective ... dialectics

    One of the natural science prerequisites for the formation of Marxist philosophy is ... Ch. Darwin's theory of evolution

    One of the first scientific pictures of the world was ___________ picture of the world. Mathematical

    One of the essential characteristics of the Hegelian philosophical system is... panlogism

    One of the theories that influenced the spread of the concept of "system" in all areas of scientific knowledge was ... evolutionary

    One of the characteristics of truth is... concreteness

    The ontological position of B. Spinoza, who claimed the existence of a single substance underlying the world, can be characterized as ... monism

    The definition of man as a political (social) being belongs to ... Aristotle

    The basis of existence, acting as unchanging principles and principles, is called ... substrate

    The founder of objective idealism is ... Plato

    The founder of the first system of objective idealism in the ancient tradition is the philosopher ... Plato

    The main feature of the scientistic direction in philosophy is ... faith in the limitless possibilities of science

    The main methods of empirical research are ... scientific observation, experiment, object description

    The main principles of dialectics, from the standpoint of dialectical materialism, are ... universal communication and development

    The main features of the space are… 3D structure and reversibility

    The basis of every value is ... an ideal

    The basis of self-awareness is... reflection

    The founder of Russian cosmism N. F. Fedorov understood the philosophy of the common cause as ... resurrection project

    The founder of the rationalistic method in modern European philosophy is the philosopher ... R. Descartes

    The founder of the theory of the social contract is the philosopher ... T. Hobbes

    The founder of the philosophical school of Neoplatonism is ... Plotinus

    A special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and justified knowledge about the world is called ... science

    Attitude towards someone or something as unconditionally valuable, association and connection with someone (what) is perceived as a blessing, is called ... love

    The denial of the socio-historical nature of the individual is characteristic of ... existentialism

    Defending the idea of ​​a special status of the head of state, standing outside the system of narrow-minded morality, N. Machiavelli becomes the founder of such a socio-political trend as ... real politics

    The first scientific picture of the world (XVII-XIX centuries) was called ... mechanical

    The transfer of culture occurs according to the principle ... "social relay races"

    The transmission of false knowledge as true or true knowledge as false is called ... disinformation

    The period of "Big" science begins from ... the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries.

    The period of medieval philosophy, marked by the concentration of philosophical life around universities and the dominant desire to rationally substantiate and systematize Christian doctrine, was called ... scholastics

    According to M. Heidegger, _________ is the house of being. Language

    According to Descartes, the criterion for the truth of scientific knowledge is the correct ... deduction

    According to J.-P. Sartre, the specificity of human existence lies in the fact that ... existence precedes essence

    According to I. Kant, the basis of personality is ... moral law

    According to C. G. Jung, the unconscious components of the fundamental values ​​of culture are called ... archetypes

    According to Confucius, a person must transform himself, become ... noble husband

    According to N. Ya. Danilevsky, an original civilization, a closed self-sufficient education is called ... a cultural-historical type

    According to Pythagoras, the harmony of the Cosmos can be comprehended with the help of ... numbers

    According to T. Hobbes, before the emergence of the state, the natural state of society was ... war of all against all

    The activity of consciousness is understood as its ... selectivity and purposefulness

    An approach to the problem of the development of scientific knowledge, which affirms the principle of incommensurability of scientific theories, is called ... anti-cumulative

    The approach to the problem of the development of scientific knowledge, which states that the main driving forces for the development of science are in the internal factors of scientific knowledge (the internal logic of the development of science, etc.), is called ... internalism

    The approach according to which the role of science in the system of culture, the spiritual life of society is absolutized is called ... scientism

    The approach according to which culture is a system of information codes that fix life social experience, as well as the means of fixing it, is called ... semiotic

    The approach according to which a person is a natural being, an animal, is called ... naturalization

    The position in epistemology, according to which the basis of knowledge is experience, is characteristic of ... empiricism

    The position proceeding from the recognition of equality and irreducibility to each other of the two principles of being (spirit and matter) is called ... dualism

    The position according to which matter was identified with matter, with atoms, with a complex of their properties, was called ... physicalist

    The position according to which the world in relation to a person has two forms - will and representation, belongs to ... A. Schopenhauer

    The position according to which experience not processed by the mind cannot underlie cognition is characteristic of ... rationalism

    The position according to which there are two worlds - noumenal (“things in themselves”) and phenomenal (representations of things) belongs to ... I. Kant

    The position according to which only moral value determines the value of human individuality belongs to ... I. Kant

    Cognition of the world through works of art and literary values ​​is characteristic of cognition. Artistic

    Knowledge of the world through works of art and literary values ​​is characteristic of ______________ knowledge. artistic

    Complete exhaustive knowledge, which is identical to its subject and cannot be refuted with the further development of knowledge, is understood as _____________ truth. Absolute

    The concept of "scientific community" introduces ... T. Kuhn

    The concept of "value" appears in the works of ... I. Kant

    The concept is a form of reflection of reality at the ______________ level of cognition. rational

    An attempt to distinguish between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, to determine the boundaries of the field of scientific knowledge is called the problem ... demarcation

    An attempt to synthesize philosophy and art was made by a representative of German classical philosophy ... F. Schelling

    A potential form of being is called ... a possibility

    The appearance of the first original philosophical texts in Russia is attributed to ... XI-XII centuries

    The subject of the philosophy of science at the present post-positivist stage of development is ... dynamics of knowledge

    The intentional erection of deliberately wrong ideas into the truth is called ... lies

    The representative of the English Enlightenment, who substantiated the principle of separation of powers, was the philosopher ... J. Locke

    The representative of the hermeneutic tradition in philosophy is ... V. Dilthey

    The representative of modern philosophy, who believed that the growth of scientific knowledge occurs as a result of putting forward bold hypotheses and refuting them, is ... K. Popper

    The idea of ​​being as a nature-mechanism that opposes man arose in the philosophy of ... Modern times

    The idea that being is formed as a unity of matter and form belongs to ... And Christotle

    The idea that the world exists only in the mind of one perceiving subject is called ... solipsism

    The advantages of empiricism as a universal method of scientific knowledge were defended by the English philosopher ... F. Bacon

    Recognition of the existence of a single beginning of being is called ... monism

    To accept one's destiny as a manifestation of a good providence, to follow duty and virtue in spite of desires and passions is called upon by the ancient philosophical school of ... stoicism

    The principle of verification was proposed by ... L. Wittgenstein

    The principle of determining the significance of knowledge by its practical consequences was formulated in the philosophical school of ... pragmatism

    The principles of dialectics as a universal method of cognition are ... the principle of objectivity, the principle of consistency

    Problems related to the problem of resources, energy, food, environment, are classified as _____________ problems. natural and social

    Problems related to disarmament, prevention of thermonuclear war, world social and economic development are classified as ___ problems. intersocial

    The process of the emergence and development of man as a biological species is called ... anthropogenesis

    A pseudo-scientific theory associated with attempts to obtain a perfect metal (gold, silver) from imperfect metals is called ... alchemy

    The psychological attitude, which consists in recognizing the unconditional existence and truth of something, is ... faith

    The equality of all possible directions of space is called ... isotropy

    Development is a process characterized by a change in ... quality

    Development is a process characterized by change... quality

    The development of anthropological problems in medieval philosophy was associated, first of all, with the solution of the question of ... free will

    The branch of philosophy that deals with the problems of man, human existence, is called ... anthropology

    The section of philosophy that studies consciousness and cognition is called ... epistemology

    The section of philosophy, which deals with questions about the essence of knowledge, about the ways of comprehending the truth, its foundations and criteria, is ... epistemology

    The extension of the principles of materialistic dialectics to the explanation of the laws of living and inanimate nature was carried out by ... F. Engels

    Prevalence and accessibility are hallmarks of a ______ culture. mass

    The realization of a single possibility under certain conditions is called ... necessity

    The real extent of the territory to which the historically conditioned political system extends or its political influence is exercised is called ... political space

    The result of the learning process is... knowledge

    The results of specific sciences, incomplete knowledge about the subject are understood as _ truth. Relative

    The religious worldview affirms as the meaning of human life ... soul salvation

    The decisive role in the formation of man, according to the theory of anthroposociogenesis, was played by ... work

    From the standpoint of dialectical materialism, the source of movement is ... contradiction

    From the point of view of creationism, the source of movement is ... God

    From the standpoint of German classical idealism, the doctrine of the development of reality as a whole is called ... dialectics

    From the point of view of the axiological approach, culture is ... a system of values

    From the point of view of D. Bell, in a post-industrial society, specialists in ______________ sciences will become the main professional group. Technical

    From the point of view of the activity approach, culture is ... way of human life

    From the point of view of dialectical materialism, the main forms of truth are ... absolute and relative

    From the point of view of J.-J. Rousseau, the individual, uncorrupted by the conventions and prejudices of culture, is called... natural person

    From the point of view of L. Mumford, a strict hierarchical social organization, leading to an increase in the amount of material wealth at the cost of limiting the possibilities and spheres of human activity, is called ... a megamachine

    From the point of view of positivism, true knowledge must be confirmed by ... experience

    From the point of view of a civilizational approach, the concepts of culture and civilization ... are opposed to each other

    The property of truth, which implies the dependence of knowledge on connections and interactions, the place and time in which they exist and develop, is called ... concreteness

    The system of historically developing suprabiological programs of human activity, behavior and communication, which are a condition for the reproduction of social life, is called ... culture

    The system of essential, from the point of view of a specific scientific research, properties and features of an object is called ... the subject of research

    The system of philosophical views of K. Marx and F. Engels is called ... dialectical materialism

    Consistency, validity, consistency are characteristic of __________ cognition. Scientific

    Pantheism and materialism see the meaning of life in ... life itself, existence

    The meaning of the historical development of society, according to P. Teilhard de Chardin, is ... the union of the souls of people in the cosmic Christ

    The totality of internal, mental and intellectual qualities that embody the human ideal in its moral perfection is called ... virtue

    The totality of all forms of existence of matter, the Universe in all its diversity are called ... the world

    The totality of material, spiritual and artistic values ​​developed by mankind in the process of evolution is called ... culture

    The totality of scientific research aimed at identifying the essence of global problems, problems affecting the interests of humanity as a whole and each individual, and finding ways to overcome them, is called ... globalistics

    The set of stable links of an object, which ensure the preservation of its basic properties during various external and internal changes, is called ... structure

    The set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form integrity is called ... a system

    Modern sociologists and philosophers use the concept of "mass society" to characterize the specific features of modern society.

    The modern Western philosopher J. Huizinga believes that the essential characteristic of a person is ... a game

    According to the concept of V. S. Solovyov, an ideally perfect person is the highest manifestation of ... Sophia

    According to the concept of C. G. Jung, the psychological type of a person, focused mainly on his inner world, closed, shy, is called ... introvert

    According to the concept of C. G. Jung, the psychological type of a person, aimed mainly at the outside world, sociable, active, is called ... an extrovert

    According to Aristotle's position, the possibility of being anything is called ... matter

    According to the fundamental principle of Christian anthropology, each person is ... a person

    The creative influence of philosophical principles and concepts on the formation of natural scientific theories shows the role of philosophy. constitutive

    The social purpose of philosophy is to contribute to the solution of _ problems. worldview

    A specific property of time is ... irreversibility

    The method of definition and the method of philosophy is called ... reflection

    The ability to comprehend the truth by direct observation of it without resorting to logical arguments is called ... intuition

    The ability of a person to create images that were not previously perceived is called ... imagination

    Medieval ideas about the creation of all living and non-living things by God are characterized as ... creationism

    The medieval thinker who put forward the thesis of "harmony between faith and reason" was ... F. Aquinas

    Standardization and unification of the production of cultural images are characteristic of ___________ culture. mass

    The formation of anthropological problems in ancient philosophy is associated with the school of ... sophists

    The formation of classical logic as a science is carried out in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher ... Aristotle

    The clash of civilizations as a scenario for the near future of world history is described by the philosopher ... S. Huntington

    The structural component of consciousness that performs the control function is ... will

    The substratum-substantial concept considers matter as ... carrier of properties other than them

    The subject, which is a unique spiritual and bodily integrity, the "author" of life, which determines its meaning and goals, is called ... personality

    The essential certainty of an object, due to which it exists precisely as such and not another object, is called ... quality

    An essential feature of the development of Russian philosophy of the twentieth century is its split into ... Soviet and Russian foreign

    An essential feature of the philosophy of the Middle Ages becomes ... theocentrism

    A significant difference between Antiquity and the subsequent stages in the development of Western European philosophy is its ... syncretism

    The existence of man precedes his essence from the point of view ... J.-P. Sartre

    An entity in its existence is called... a phenomenon

    The essence of the Christian religion, from the point of view of L. Feuerbach, is that ... a person creates God in his own image and likeness

    The thesis "know thyself" becomes the leading one in the philosophy of ... Socrates

    The epistemological position, according to which sensations are the only source and basis of knowledge, is called ... sensationalism

    The theoretical core of the worldview is ... philosophy

    The theory that showed the dependence of space-time properties on the nature of the movement and interaction of material systems is called the theory of ... relativity

    The course of Russian socio-political thought in the 40s. XIX century, which advocated overcoming the historical backwardness of Russia from the countries of Western Europe, was called ... Westernism

    The type of culture characterized by an organized consumer industry and a widely ramified network of means of communication is called ___________ culture. Bulk

    The type of scientific rationality, which takes into account intersubjective relations between scientists, extralogical methods and procedures of cognitive activity, the social nature of scientific knowledge, is called ... post-non-classical

    Accuracy and unambiguity are a characteristic feature of _____ knowledge. Scientific

    The labor concept of the origin of man was proposed by ... F. Engels

    The universal properties of matter, expressing its systemic nature (unity and interconnection) are ... the eternity of existence in time and infinity in space

    Establish a correspondence between the types of knowledge and their specific properties. 1. Objectivity, rationality 2. Reflexivity, criticality 3. Authoritarianism, subordination to moral and ethical standards 4. Reliance on common sense, unwritten character 1 scientific knowledge 2 philosophical knowledge 3 religious knowledge 4 everyday knowledge

    Establish a correspondence between the historical era and its characteristic understanding of the subject matter of philosophy. 1. Philosophy is "the servant of theology." 2. The main goal of philosophy is the search for a universal method of knowing the world. 3. The spreading of the light of reason is the main business of philosophy. 1 Middle Ages 2 Modern times 3 Enlightenment

    Establish a correspondence between the thinker and the idea of ​​the essence of the world characteristic of his philosophy. 1. There are two worlds: the “world of ideas” and the “world of things”. Plato 2. The world consists of an infinite number of monads. G. Leibniz 3. God created the world out of nothing. Augustine 4. There are two kinds of substances: material and spiritual. R. Descartes

    Establish a correspondence between different approaches to solving the problem of being and their characteristics: 1. All things and the whole world as a whole are understood as living organisms. 2. God and nature are identified. 3. Matter and spirit are two independent substances. 4. Everything in this world is material. 1 hylozoism 2 pantheism 3 dualism 4 materialism

    Establish a correspondence between the type of worldview and its characteristics. 1. Studies the universal laws of the development of the world 2. Based on belief in the supernatural 3. Knowledge is reflected in the form of artistic images 1 philosophy 2 religion 3 art

    Establish a correspondence between philosophical trends and their ideas about the essence of the world. 1. Everything in the world has a material beginning. 2. The external world, reality exist only thanks to our consciousness, are the products of its activity. 3. Spirit and matter are two different and independent substances. 4. Both the external world and our consciousness are a product or manifestation of the highest principle, which has a spiritual nature. 1 materialism 2 subjective idealism 3 dualism 4 objective idealism

    Claiming that "freedom is a conscious necessity", B. Spinoza takes the position ... determinism

    A statement that is taken for granted without proof is called... dogma

    The statement that “in practice, a person must prove the truth, that is, the reality and power, this-sideness of his thinking”, belongs to the philosopher ... K. Marx

    The doctrine in epistemology, which denies the possibility of reliable knowledge of the essence of material systems, the laws of nature and society, is called ... agnosticism

    The doctrine of the future in relation to historical and social time is called ... futurology

    The doctrine of being is called... ontology

    The doctrine of the natural (material) causality of all phenomena of the objective world is called ... determinism

    The doctrine of the ideal state was created by the ancient Greek philosopher ... Plato

    The phenomenon of technology from the point of view of religious meaning was first considered by ... N. Berdyaev

    The philosophy of science as a special philosophical direction has developed ... in the second half of the 19th century.

    The philosophy of technology arises in (in) ... second half of the 19th century

    Philosophy, being a breakthrough from the meaningless, empirical, forcing a person from all sides of the world to the world of meaning, performs a _______ function. humanistic

    The philosopher who substantiated the ideal of life according to the principle "Man is God to man" was ... L. Feuerbach

    A philosopher who considered hostility to culture an innate property of a person was ... Z. Freud

    The philosopher who considered personality to be a “bundle or bunch of perceptions” was ... D. Hume

    The philosopher who considered the essence of man to be the totality of social relations was ... K. Marx

    The philosopher, who considered man as a transitional stage from the animal to the superman, was ... F. Nietzsche

    The philosopher who believed that the world consists of single and indivisible atoms, different in size, was ... Democritus

    The philosopher who claimed that being does not arise and does not disappear, that it is indivisible, whole, motionless and looks like a ball, was ... Parmenides

    The philosophical position of P. Holbach, who argued that “the Universe, this colossal combination of everything that exists, everywhere shows us only matter and motion”, can be characterized as ... materialism

    The philosophical system of K. Marx can be defined as ... dialectical materialism

    The philosophical direction, whose representatives consider understanding and interpretation as the main ways of knowing, is called ... hermeneutics

    The philosophical direction that recognizes the substantiality of the unconscious is called ... irrationalism

    A philosophical concept that serves to generalize the sphere of higher values ​​and obligations is ... morality

    The philosophical doctrine of the final destinies of the world and man is called ... eschatology

    The philosophical doctrine of morality and morality is called ... ethics

    A philosophical doctrine that denies the role of reason in cognition and highlights other types of human abilities - instinct, intuition, direct contemplation, insight, is called ... irrationalism

    A philosophical doctrine that recognizes the presence of two independent and equal principles at the heart of the world is called ... dualism

    The philosophical doctrine, according to which there is knowledge acquired by a person before experience and independently of it, is called ... apriorism

    The philosophical position of L. Feuerbach can be defined as ... anthropological materialism

    The philosophers of the Renaissance solved the problem of the relationship between God and the world from the position of ... Neoplatonism

    Philosophers and scientists who participated in the creation of the "Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts", united by the goal of spreading knowledge and promoting educational ideals, were called ... encyclopedists

    The form of extra-scientific knowledge, which is characterized by mysticism and spiritualism, is _______ knowledge. parascientific

    The form of rational knowledge is... judgment

    The form of sensory knowledge is ... sensation

    Fundamental physical theory, created at the beginning of the 20th century. to explain micromotions, which underlies the modern scientific picture of the world, is called ... quantum mechanics

    The function of philosophy, which involves the search and finding answers to the main questions of being, is called ... worldview

    The function of philosophy, which reveals the patterns of the thought process and knowledge of the world, is called ... epistemological

    The function of philosophy, which is realized in highlighting and taking into account the complex nature of the connections between the method and the object of knowledge in science, is called ... coordinating

    The function of philosophy, which is realized in the formation of an integral system of knowledge, is called ... integrating

    The function of philosophy, which is realized in an extremely attentive attitude towards a person, is called ... humanistic

    The function of philosophy associated with the explanation of not only the past and present, but also the future is called ... prognostic

    The function of philosophy associated with the development of the most general principles and methods of scientific knowledge of the world is called ... methodological

    The function of philosophy, associated with the formation of philosophical thinking, the transfer of experience of social life, supranatural programs of behavior and communication, is called ... cultural and educational

    The function of philosophy, which consists in promoting the growth of scientific knowledge, including the creation of prerequisites for scientific discoveries, is called ... heuristic

    The function of philosophy, closely related to the problem of substantiating values ​​for a person and society, is called ... socio-axiological.

    The close attention to the problems of development and the meaning of world and national history, characteristic of Russian philosophy, is usually called ... historiosophical

    The hallmark of scientific knowledge is... rationality

    Characteristic for the scientific picture of the world are the principles ... objectivity and materiality of the world

    Christian ideas about history are presented in the work of Augustine Aurelius ... "On the City of God"

    Artistic creativity as a special form of social consciousness, a kind of spiritual development of reality is called ... art

    Values ​​associated with the spiritual sphere of the life of society, which largely determine the way of life of a person, are called ... ideological

    Values ​​containing social institutions, prohibitions, goals and projects expressed in the form of normative ideas (about goodness, justice, etc.) are called ... subjective

    The central concept of the philosophy of V. I. Vernadsky is ... the noosphere

    A sensory-visual image of objects and phenomena of reality, stored and reproduced in consciousness without the influence of the objects themselves on the senses, is called ... representation

    E. Toffler develops the concept of ... "electronic cottage"

    Existentialism focuses primarily on the problem... existence

    Electromagnetic interactions are a _______ form of motion. Physical

    The ethical concept of Epicurus can be denoted by the term "__________". eudemonism

    Yu. A. Lotman developed ____________ approach to the consideration of culture. Semiotic

    The core of the political sphere of society is (are) ... state

    The brightest representative of agnosticism is... I. Kant

    The thinker becomes an ardent opponent of Russian revolutionary radicalism ... F. M. Dostoevsky

a) The law of dialectical synthesis

It can be formulated as follows: in the process of progressive development, each stage, which is the result of double negation-subtraction, is a synthesis of the previous stages and reproduces on a higher basis the characteristic features, the structure of the initial stage of development.

From the interpretation of development, which includes transitions from one quality to another, it follows that no development is possible without denials.

b) The law of the transition of quantity into quality

The law of the transition of quantity into quality expresses such an interdependence of the characteristics of a material system, in which quantitative changes at a certain stage lead to qualitative ones, and a new quality gives rise to new opportunities and intervals of quantitative changes.

The initial definition of the concept of quality (at the phenomenological level) can be as follows: quality is a system of the most important, necessary properties of an object.

c) The law of dialectical inconsistency

This law is usually called a little differently - "the law of unity and struggle of opposites."

Not all opposites that are in unity leave a contradiction. In order for opposites to form a contradiction, they must be in interaction (penetrate and negate each other). In contradictions there is both unity and struggle.

There are contradictions in any developing system from the beginning to the end of the process of its development. Only the states, quantitative parameters, the nature of contradictions, their significance in the system change.

In the development of contradictions, the following stages or states can be distinguished: 1) harmony, 2) disharmony, 3) conflict.

These are the moments that characterize the universality of contradictions.

The "unity" of opposites has many aspects. There are at least four such aspects: 1) unity as complementarity, connection as part of an integral material system; 2) unity as balance, equal action of opposite sides; 3) unity as the possibility of transition from one opposite to another (in the sense of changing the position in the system) and 4) unity as the possibility of temporary unification, "union" in conditions of multidirectionality (in a state of polarity and conflict). The qualitative side of the unity of opposites is expressed in the first, third and fourth aspects, the quantitative side - in the second.

The unity and struggle of opposites are the source and main driving force of development.

Examples from tests with answers

Topic: Dialectics of Being





2. An important characteristic of development is ...

3. From the standpoint of German classical idealism, the doctrine of the development of reality as a whole is called ...

4. Changing an object under the influence of its inherent contradictions, factors and conditions is called ...

Decision: Changing an object under the influence of its inherent contradictions, factors and conditions is called self-motion. The idea of ​​self-movement, having originated in antiquity, acquired a particularly important role in the philosophy of G. Hegel, who considered the evolution of things through the prism of the doctrine of self-contradiction and self-development of the spirit.

5. A state alternative to stability, a transition from one state to another, is called ...

Decision: A new stage of development in dialectics is called synthesis. Synthesis is the unification of everything that was at the previous stages, and the repetition at the highest level of characteristic features, the structure of the initial stage.

7. The main principles of dialectics, from the standpoint of dialectical materialism, are ...

8. The relationship between objects, which manifests itself in the fact that the states or properties of any of them change when the state and properties of others change, are called ...

9. From the standpoint of dialectical materialism, the source of movement is ...



Decision: From the standpoint of dialectical materialism, the source of movement is contradiction. Not all opposites that are in unity constitute a contradiction, for this they must interact with each other.

10. The driving force of any development, according to dialectics, is ...

11. The internal content of an object, expressed in the stable unity of all the diverse and contradictory properties of being, is called ...

Topic: Concepts of being

1. The idea that the world exists only in the mind of one perceiving subject is called ...

Decision: The idea that the world exists only in the mind of one perceiving subject is called solipsism. Solipsism is fraught with the danger of judging that things that have arisen through perception, with the disappearance of the perceiving subject and the cessation of perception, also disappear.

2. The direction in philosophy, proceeding from the primacy of spiritual, mental, mental and the secondary nature of material, natural, physical being, is called ...

3. The position according to which the world in relation to a person has two hypostases - will and representation, belongs to ...

4. The position according to which there are two worlds - noumenal ("things in themselves") and phenomenal (representations of things), belongs to ...

5. The potential form of being is called ...

Decision: A potential form of being is called a possibility. Possibility is not non-existence, it has the status of existence.

6. The world of physical states is called ...

Decision: The world of physical states is called material existence. It exists objectively, independently of the will and consciousness of people.

7. An entity in its existence is called...

Decision: An entity in its existence is called a phenomenon. The phenomenon has two sides: one connects it with visibility, the other relating to essence, is what is preserved in the phenomenon with all changes in its content.

8. According to M. Heidegger, _________ is the house of being.

Decision: According to M. Heidegger, language is the house of being. It is the house (receptacle) of the spirit and human existence, and the philosophy of language is the identification of the original meanings contained in the language.

9. The idea that being is formed as a unity of matter and form belongs to ...

Decision: The idea that being is formed as a unity of matter and form belongs to Aristotle. He singles out two poles of existence: matter is a pure possibility, form is the essence, the embodiment of activity (what makes matter a reality).

10. Existentialism views being as...

Theme: Movement, space, time

1. Infinity and infinity, both in the existential and cognitive senses, are called ...

2. Any inanimate system tends to the most probable state for it, that is, to chaos, - says the law ...

3. Development is a process characterized by change ...

4. The concept, according to which space and time were understood as systems of relations formed by interacting material objects, is called ...

5. The equality of all possible directions of space is called ...

6. From the standpoint of creationism, the source of movement is ...

7. The real extent of the territory to which the historically conditioned political system extends or its political influence is exercised is called ...

9. The form of movement, characteristic exclusively for a person and groups of people, is called ...

10. Electromagnetic interactions are a _______ form of motion.

11. The main characteristics of space are ...

Topic: Consistency of being

1. The position according to which the universal nature of causality is denied is called ...

2. The doctrine of the natural (material) causality of all phenomena of the objective world is called ...

3. In the dualism of R. Descartes, substances are ...

Decision: In the dualism of R. Descartes, the substances are extended and thinking. An extended substance is material, bodily. R. Descartes identified matter with extension. The thinking substance is spiritual, non-material. Only man has a soul, that is, he has a thinking substance in himself. These substances, according to R. Descartes, were created by God.

1. The law of unity and struggle of opposites.

Its formulation reads: the source and driving force of any development is the formation and resolution of contradictions in the very essence of developing objects.

At the same time, dialectical contradiction is understood as the relationship of simultaneous mutual positing and mutual exclusion of various aspects of a developing object. Such, in particular, are the relationships between chaos and order in inanimate nature, heredity and variability in living nature, exploiters and exploited, good and evil, truth and error in the social world. These opposites (sides of the contradiction) fully meet the dialectical requirements: 1) they do not exist one without the other (there is no good without evil, and truth without error); 2) it is their "struggle", i.e. contradictory interaction, and gives impetus to development (order is born out of chaos, good grows stronger only in overcoming evil, etc.).

The dialectical nature of development also implies the presence in its dynamics of abrupt transitions from one stage to another, breaks in gradualness, jumps. The latter are always associated with the moment of resolution of the contradiction, as a result of which the object either dies or acquires a new quality.

2. The law of mutual transition of qualitative and quantitative changes.

The mechanism of such a transition expresses another dialectical principle (law) - the relationship of quantitative and qualitative changes. Its wording is:

quantitative changes, gradually accumulating, sooner or later break the limit of the measure of the object and cause a change in its quality, which is carried out in a spasmodic form.

The category of quality in philosophy means the totality of the properties of an object. The category of quantity paired with it implies the ratio of qualitatively homogeneous objects. The unity of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a thing is grasped by the category of measure. In other words, the measure is those boundaries, those limits within which quantitative changes do not cause a change in quality, i.e. the object remains itself. Every object has both quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and, therefore, there is also a measure. But in order to see it, you need to make the object change. If, say, the size of this book is reduced by a couple of times, its main quality will be preserved - it will still be possible to read it. But if you reduce it a hundred times, then it will no longer be readable and, therefore, it will lose its main quality. The same is true with an increase in the quantitative parameters of a given subject. The boundaries, or limits of quantitative changes, where the book will remain a book, are its measure.

Violation of the limit of measure means a change in quality (excessive caution turns into cowardice, thrift into stinginess, generosity into extravagance, etc.). For its designation, the concept of a leap is used, which emphasizes the sharpness, the catastrophic nature of the change that has taken place. However, this should not be taken too literally. The appearance, for example, of a new biological group of supraspecific rank (type, class, order) can take millions of years. Although this, too, is undoubtedly a macroevolutionary leap. Its length in time should not be misleading: for a person, a million years is almost an eternity, and for the biosphere as a whole, it is only a moment.

The dialectic of quantitative and qualitative changes implies the causal nature of their relationship. A certain amount of quantitative changes causes a change in the quality of a developing object. At the same time, the quality also significantly affects the quantitative characteristics. Thus, the gradual accumulation of knowledge by a student ultimately leads to the emergence of a new quality of his personality - he becomes a specialist, a professional. And this, in turn, suggests that the ongoing process of knowledge accumulation will continue to proceed more skillfully and rationally.

3. The law of negation of negation.

The dumping of the old quality by the developing system can be qualified as its negation. But since it must ensure the continuation of development, dialectical negation cannot be a simple rejection or destruction of former forms. It must certainly preserve unity, continuity in the development of the object. Therefore, the category of negation in dialectics is defined as such a relation of successive stages of the development of an object, in which each subsequent stage not only discards, rejects the previous one, but simultaneously preserves and absorbs its essential moments.

So, for example, A. Einstein's theory of relativity does not cross out I. Newton's physics as a delusion, but includes it as a special case. No matter how radically the historical types of economy, politics or morality may change over time, their main achievements do not irrevocably disappear into the past, but are preserved at all subsequent stages of historical development, albeit in a significantly changed form.

The development of any object falls into a number of phases or stages, each of which is characterized by the acquisition of a new quality and, therefore, can be considered as a negation of the previous state. A developing object sometimes accumulates quite a lot of such negations. However, in the chain of dialectical negations, two successive negations, which form a relatively complete cycle of the object's development, acquire special significance. The specificity of double negation is most easily seen in purely formal transformations: if we have a certain state of the object (a), then the first negation will turn it into its opposite (-a), and the second (-a) will return it to its original position (a). In real development processes, such an unconditional return to the initial stage is, of course, impossible due to their irreversibility. However, a partial repetition at the higher stages of development of the essential characteristics of its first phases necessarily takes place. This feature of development is expressed in the dialectical principle (law) of negation of negation. Let us formulate it this way: development is carried out in such a way that at its higher stages there is a kind of return to the past, a repetition of certain features, properties, moments that took place at previous stages, subsequently lost and restored again, but already in an altered form.

The principle of double negation is a statement of a certain rhythm, or cyclicality of development processes. Better than others, we are familiar with biological cycles (seed - plant - seed, childhood - maturity - old age) and social cycles (alternating economic ups and downs, states of war and peace in politics, Renaissance and decadence in art, etc.). It is quite obvious that one can see in them not just a mechanical repetition of the same states, but precisely development, i.e. an increase (albeit small in each individual cycle) in the height of the organization and order of developing systems.

For example, the state of social peace is not just the absence of conflicts. This is a state of resolved conflict, from which the parties come out enriched at least with the experience gained. Health restored after an illness is not a literal return to the previous one, because the body, at least for a while, receives immunity to this disease.

In other words, in the completed cycle of development there is a kind of return to the old, but on a different qualitative basis. As children, we are forced to obey our parents. In youth, we begin to rebel against them. In adulthood, the understanding comes that we rebelled in many respects in vain, that the demands of the elders had their own logic and truth. (This phenomenon is called in psychology "late obedience") We again, as in childhood, "obey" our parents, but in a completely different way - respectfully, but critically. That is, there is a kind of dialectical synthesis of the previous opposite (denying each other) stages of development.

All the laws of dialectics mentioned above are closely related to each other, because they reflect different aspects of a single development process. But this relationship is hierarchical: the basic, fundamental law is the unity and struggle of opposites. Its content "shines through" in the action of two others: the interaction of quantity and quality, or the stages of development of an object that negate each other, are nothing but a manifestation of the initial principle of inconsistency. Opposites, under certain conditions, "converge", i.e. pass, "pour" into each other. And in the relationship of quantity with quality and successive negations, the same picture is observed: quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and vice versa; stages of development of an object that negate each other "merge" in synthesis at the next stage, and so on.

The attributes of matter are the universal and inalienable properties of material objects, due to their origin from a single source - both natural formations (for example, the solar system, Earth, biological species), and social institutions (for example, family, state). Despite the fact that objects are perceived by us as specifically individual, as a result of comparison, their similarity, commonality in certain respects, is established. To denote what is inherent in all objects, the term “universal” or “attribute” is used: systemicity, movement, space, time, quality, quantity, etc. The attributes of matter are reflected in philosophical categories, but are not identical to them: attributes exist objectively, and categories (concepts that reflect the universal) - in cognition and consciousness, although both can be denoted by one word.

Any inanimate system tends to the most probable state for it, that is, to chaos, the law says ...


Any inanimate system tends to the most probable state for it, that is, to chaos - says the law of entropy. Entropy is the ability of energy to transform, disorder. Modern physics claims that the law of entropy is applicable to closed macroscopic systems and is not applicable to the Universe as a whole, since it is not such.

Metaphysics as a model of development absolutizes...


Metaphysics as a model of development absolutizes stability. Metaphysics considers development to be a cyclical, repetitive process.

The real extent of the territory to which the historically conditioned political system extends or its political influence is exercised is called ...

political space

The real extent of the territory to which the historically conditioned political system extends or its political influence is exercised is called the political space.

The concept, according to which space and time were understood as systems of relations formed by interacting material objects, is called ...


The philosopher who equated space with extension and identified it with matter, which receives the status of a substance, was ...

R. Descartes

The philosopher who equated space with extension and identified it with matter, which receives the status of a substance, was R. Descartes. This position is reflected in his dualistic understanding of being.

The principle of objectivity

Recall that the very use of dialectics runs through almost the entire history of philosophy. Socrates denoted by the word "dialectic" the art of arguing, a dialogue aimed at a mutually interested discussion of a problem in order to achieve the truth by confronting opinions. At present, dialectics is understood as a methodology of cognition, requiring the study of phenomena in their inconsistency, variability and interconnection. According to its internal structure, dialectics as a method consists of a number of principles, the purpose of which is to lead cognition to the deployment of the contradictions of development. The principle of objectivity is one of the most important principles of dialectics. It is supplemented by the principle of consistency, which directs thinking to the transition from phenomena to their essence, to the knowledge of the integrity of the system, as well as the necessary connections of the subject under consideration with the objects and processes surrounding it. The principles of objectivity and consistency lead to the need to consider the very history of the object, its existence in the past and development trends in the future, that is, the principle of historicism.

The main forms of theoretical knowledge are ...




The main forms of theoretical knowledge are problem, hypothesis, theory and law. A problem is a form of theoretical knowledge, the main content of which is what is not yet known by man, but what needs to be known. A problem is a process that includes two main points - its formulation and solution. A hypothesis is a form of theoretical knowledge containing an assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, the true meaning of which is uncertain and needs to be proven, requires verification and justification. The key element of the theory is the law. In its most general form, the law can be considered as a connection between phenomena and processes, which is objective, essential, necessary and repetitive.

The natural sciences are...




The principles of dialectics as a universal method of cognition are ...

The principle of objectivity

The principle of consistency

Thinking has the following levels:



Thinking is an active process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality, which is carried out in the course of practice, ensuring the disclosure of its regular connections on the basis of sensory data and their expression in a system of abstractions. In the philosophical tradition, it is customary to distinguish two main levels of thinking: reason and reason. Reason is the initial level of thinking, at which the operation of abstractions takes place within the limits of an invariable scheme, a given template, a rigid standard. The main function of reason is division and calculus. Reason - dialectical thinking - the highest level of rational knowledge, which, above all, is characterized by creative operation with abstractions and a conscious study of their own nature (self-reflection). Only at this level can thinking comprehend the essence of things, their laws and contradictions, adequately express the logic of things in the logic of concepts. The process of development of thinking includes the interconnection and mutual transition of mind and reason.

Common methods include...




General methods that find application in most or all sciences are called general methods. These include general logical methods and research techniques - analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, generalization, idealization; as well as methods of empirical research - observation, experiment, comparison, description, measurement, modeling, etc.

The theory that showed the dependence of space-time properties on the nature of the movement and interaction of material systems is called the theory ...


The theory that showed the dependence of space-time properties on the nature of the movement and interaction of material systems is called the theory of relativity. She confirmed the correctness of the interpretation of space and time as the main forms of the existence of matter.

Whole collection, immutability and fullness of being and life, endless duration is called ...


Whole collection, immutability and fullness of being and life, endless duration is called eternity. Modern philosophy and physics are losing the idea of ​​eternity, interpreted either as a mere metaphor or as an endless duration.

Dialectics of being

The direction of development from the lowest to the highest is called...


Dialectics appeared as an opposition...


The process of development, due to certain determining factors and subject to certain laws, is called ...


From the standpoint of German classical idealism, the doctrine of the development of reality as a whole is called ...


From the standpoint of German classical idealism, the doctrine of the development of reality as a whole is called dialectics. Dialectics was presented as the basis of any scientific research.

A state alternative to stability, a transition from one state to another, is called ...


The measure of opportunity is called...


The driving force of any development, according to dialectics, is ...


From the standpoint of dialectical materialism, the source of movement is ...


From the standpoint of dialectical materialism, the source of movement is contradiction. Not all opposites that are in unity constitute a contradiction, for this they must interact with each other.

The system of philosophical views of K. Marx and F. Engels is called ...

3. This is a social human experience in its application to the assessment of the present and future, actions and actions - this is ...
6. The position of the world doctrine, which is an indisputable truth and does not need proof
12. Reality - an objective reality in all its specificity, a set of natural and socio-historical phenomena
14. "The essence of Christianity" - the philosophical work of the German thinker
15. Known reality itself
18. Who, under the influence of Feuerbach's philosophy, moved to the position of materialism and eventually created an independent philosophical doctrine - dialectical materialism.
19. Sun in the center
23. The founder of European science and philosophy, one of the legendary "seven wise men" of Ancient Hellas (c. 624-546 BC)
25. Proved the universality of movements in nature and said that the essence of nature is to act
26. Literary movement and direction of social and philosophical thought in Russia in the 1860s
30. Wovoo
33. In the broadest sense - existence
34. The philosophical direction, whose representatives consider understanding and interpretation as the main ways of knowing, is called
40. Direction in the theory of knowledge, which considers that the basis of knowledge is sensory experience
42. Kant
43. One of the four types of reasons, according to Aristotle
45. The direction of development from the lowest to the highest

1. The ancient Greek philosopher, whose teaching marks a turn in philosophy - from the consideration of nature and the world to the consideration of man.
2. Representative of the philosophy of the Renaissance:
4. The highest form of reflection inherent in man as a social being
5. The function of philosophy, which is to find ways to solve human problems
7. Form of sensory knowledge
8. Founder of irrationalism
9. Considered: the beautiful is cosmic perfection, the universal harmony of the universe
10. The dependence of events, and the presence of a common line in them is
11. Global problems associated with population change
13. Essence - a set of such properties of an object, without which it is not able to exist, and which determine all its other properties. Phenomenon - a form of manifestation and detection of essence
16. One of the elements of the worldview, expressing its spiritual and practical aspect
17. What is the driving force of any development, according to dialectics?
20. Ancient Greek. philosopher who recognized the number as the basis of the world
21. One of the non-empirical criteria for substantiating knowledge
22. a system of views on the objective world and on the place of a person in it, on the attitude of a person to the reality around him and to himself
24. Spreading the values ​​of Western culture
27. Philos. a category for designating such connections between the phenomena of the real world, which can be realized in some conditions, but not in others. Necessity is a category that expresses the inevitable nature of events occurring in the real world.
28. The thinker who considers the course of development of civilizations through the “challenge-and-response” scheme is
29. The truth, which needs to be supplemented and deepened, is objective.
30. … .. only needs an excuse. (Aristotle)
31. Finding out the methods, ways of mental processing of the objective content of being
32. A form of social consciousness, a fantastic reflection of reality, embodied in oral folk art characteristic of Antiquity
35. In the philosophy of enlightenment, the main sign of a person was considered (-as)
36. Moral and religious principle requiring abstinence from life's goods and pleasures
37. What is the name of the ideological movement of the Renaissance, defending respect for the dignity and rights of a person, his value as a person?
38. Stalemate
39. A branch of philosophy that studies the relationship between an object and a subject in the process of cognitive activity, the relationship of knowledge to reality, the possibility of human knowledge of the world
41. The doctrine that affirms the primacy of spirit in relation to matter
44. Direction in the theory of knowledge, believing that adequate knowledge of the world is impossible
46. ​​The process of change, which is accompanied by a purposeful accumulation of information with its subsequent ordering and structuring