E150a – Sugar color I simple. Sugar color, caramel (E150) Natural caramel coloring

Additive E150 (Sugar color), more commonly known as caramel or burnt sugar, is a water-soluble food coloring. Dye E150 is a more oxidized caramel than that used in sweets and confectionery. Additive E150 has the smell of burnt sugar and a somewhat bitter taste. The color of E150 dye varies from light yellow and amber to dark brown.

Although the main function of caramel coloring is to color foods, the E150 additive also has a number of additional functions. In soft drinks, E150 coloring acts as an emulsifier to prevent the drink from becoming cloudy and forming flakes. This is facilitated by the light-protective properties of the additive, which prevent oxidation of the flavor components of drinks.

The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Group on Food Additives (JECFA) divides caramel coloring into 4 classes, depending on the method of production and physical properties. A detailed description, as well as the specifics of obtaining and using each class of caramel coloring, can be obtained from the links below.

Thus, today the following types of E150 dye are used in the food industry:

  • sugar color I (additive E150a) - simple caramel obtained by heat treatment of carbohydrates without the use of third-party substances;
  • sugar color II (additive E150b) - caramel obtained using alkali-sulfite technology;
  • sugar color III (additive E150c) - caramel coloring obtained using ammonia technology;
  • sugar color IV (additive E150d) - caramel produced using ammonia-sulfite technology.

The E150 additive is obtained by heat treatment of carbohydrates, mainly in the presence of acids, alkalis or salts. The process of obtaining E150 dye is called caramelization. At the same time, caramel is made from inexpensive and accessible nutritious sweeteners. The main components in the production of E150 dye are fructose, dextrose (glucose), invert sugar, sucrose, malt syrup, molasses, and starch. The acids that can be used in the production of caramel coloring are sulfuric, sulfurous, phosphoric, acetic and citric acids. The alkaline method for producing the E150 additive uses alkalis of ammonium, sodium, potassium and calcium. In addition, when producing caramel color, hydroxides and salts of ammonium, sodium and potassium (carbonates, bicarbonates, phosphates, sulfates, bisulfites) can also be used.

Caramel coloring molecules can have a positive or negative residual charge, depending on the reagents used in its production. Therefore, in order to avoid problems such as sediment or clouding of food products, it is necessary to correctly select the class of caramel coloring, depending on the acidity and other physical and chemical characteristics of the food product.

Sugar color has high microbiological stability. Since the E150 dye is produced at very high temperatures and has a high density of the substance, it does not support the development of microorganisms.

Effect on the body


Caramel coloring E150 may cause allergic reactions in a small proportion of consumers. However, this is primarily due to the products from which this nutritional supplement is obtained. Glucose derived from wheat, malt syrup derived from barley and lactose derived from milk may themselves be allergens. Thus, persons who are allergic to these types of products should avoid food products containing the “Sugar color” dye.

When producing E150 additive using the sulfite method, the final product may contain traces of sulfites. However, this figure is less than 10 parts per 1 million, so product packaging does not necessarily include warnings about a possible allergic reaction to the components of the dye.

The international organization JECFA has established the permissible daily intake (ADI) of the food dye E150 at a level of 160 to 200 mg/kg body weight, depending on the class of dye. For the food additive E150a (class I sugar color), the permissible daily intake is not regulated due to its safety for the body.

In 2010, the international chemical safety organization IPCS concluded that commercially produced caramel coloring has the same toxicological properties as caramel made from homemade sugar. The only exceptions are dyes in the preparation of which ammonium is used (additives E150c and E150d). The IPCS organization, in the course of its research, also confirmed that sugar color is not a carcinogen and a mutagen.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies the E150 additive as safe and exempts it from mandatory certification.


Despite the relative “harmlessness” of caramel coloring, data on any positive effect of the E150 additive on the human body has not yet been obtained.


Sugar coloring is one of the oldest and most widely used food colorings. The E150 additive is found in almost every type of food industry product (dough, beer, brown bread, buns, chocolate, cookies, spirits and liqueurs, creams, fillers, potato chips, desserts and many others).


Caramel color is approved for consumption in most countries of the world. At the same time, in a number of countries there are restrictions on the use of E150 dye in the food industry. Additive E150 is approved for use in the food industry of Russia and Ukraine.

Sugar coloring is needed for making any confectionery products. It is a food coloring ranging from pale yellow to dark brown with a caramel flavor. Most often the color is called burnt sugar. Caramel sugar has been produced since ancient times in products such as dough, sweets, alcohol, and so on. But what is it for?

Based on the word dye, you can guess that the main task of sugar coloring is product coloring. There are other purposes for the dye, but they are divided into 4 classes, each of which has its own functions:

  1. Additive E150a (I) is a regular caramel made from carbohydrates after heat treatment, which do not contain unnecessary reagents;
  2. adding E150b (II) - a dye obtained from alkali-sulfite technology;
  3. addition E150c (III) - the resulting dye is created from ammonia technology;
  4. addition E150d (IV) - a similar dye to the second point, but in this case it is already produced using ammonia-sulfite technology.

The first addition of dye “A” is most often called caramelization, which contains acids, salts and alkalis after special treatment. As with any other dye, E150a (I) contains several important components. For example, starch, fructose, sucrose, dextrose and molasses. They are all sweeteners that are commonly available in grocery stores. The dye can be replaced in the form of an acid, and components such as potassium, calcium, ammonium and sodium are present here as an alkali. The charge of the dye, which contains certain components, can be either positive or negative.

In order for the result to be satisfactory, you need to correctly compare the classification of the dye with the reagents, paying attention to the characteristics of the product. Due to the high temperature and density, no microorganisms will be able to develop in the product, which once again proves the high quality. However, allergic reactions are possible due to any dye. This happens because each sugar color is made from certain components.

For example, glucose comes from wheat, lactose from milk, and malt syrup from barley. Therefore, when consuming products with various additives in the form of dyes, you should pay attention to the composition. But there are times when some reagents may not be listed in the composition. This is what happens in the case of the sulfide method., when sulfites are contained in the product, but there is not a single word about them on the packaging. This is explained by the fact that traces of sulfite or the component itself in the product are minimized and therefore allergic reactions are detected very rarely.

How to caramelize sugar

To make caramel sugar for cognac, it will take from two to five years, because cognac is made from alcohol. But this cannot be said about all cognacs, but only about those that are blended. If we talk about a cognac recipe, then in this case you should have a special syrup, water and sugar color on hand, which is what we are talking about today. The last component is needed to make the color of the cognac more saturated.

Many cognac producers use caramel sugar, which once again confirms the safety of the components and their quality.

Cognacs to which caramel coloring is not added, can be quickly distinguished from others. Firstly, the main difference is the shade of cognac. Most often it is pale yellow or, conversely, light and rich. But cognacs produced in this way scare away their customers, so it’s very rare to spot cognacs without caramel sugar on the shelves.

How to make caramel syrup

To prepare caramel for skate, you need extensive experience in this field and good knowledge of recipes for several stages:

  • Cooking caramel sugar;
  • fortification;
  • aging in oak barrels.

Dye is added to cognac in the smallest quantities for a rich shade. But you may not notice the additive in taste, since there is very little caramel color in cognac. In addition to cognac, color is also added to other products for a more attractive appearance. By the way, the E150 additive is completely harmless to the body, so you should not worry when buying a product with a dye of this class.

Caramel vodka

To make caramel for moonshine, you need to pay more attention not to the shade of the drink, but to their taste. To do this, the caramel should be a lighter color. Many people say that moonshine is homemade cognac, so caramel is also needed for moonshine. There are two ways to prepare caramel syrup at home for moonshine: wet and dry. The recipe for the first one: you need water and sugar, the compatibility of which later produces caramel. In the second case, sugar must be dissolved in a hot container until it becomes burnt sugar. Most often, experts in this field use the second method.

As for the amount of ingredients, for the wet method this is the recipe: you will need 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of moonshine and only half a glass of water. All this must be mixed in a large saucepan and heated over a fire for about 15 minutes until the water has evaporated and the liquid turns brown. For the dry method, you can use a frying pan with high sides heated over a fire and gradually pour sugar into it without stopping stirring.

Sugar caramelization

After brown foam appears instead of sugar, you need to reduce the heat and let it heat until it becomes coffee-colored. After the liquid is ready, you will need another container, but a metal one, in order to to put cooked food in the freezer. For the best result, you should not add too much caramel to the moonshine, this will only spoil the taste and color. About three drops per liter of moonshine will be enough.

This is how you can make a delicious syrup very quickly thanks to the exact recipe.

Sugar color I simple is a food additive classified as natural or identical natural dyes.

E150a Sugar color I simple usually looks like a thick, viscous liquid, solution or powder, has a dark brown color, a bitter taste and a characteristic burnt smell. As a rule, E150a Sugar color I simple is produced by heating and thermal decomposition of carbohydrates. The dye is highly soluble in alcohol-containing drinks and does not change its properties when exposed to light and heating. E150a is most often obtained from sugar cane or cane.

E150a is one of the most common dyes used in food and beverages. Due to the caramel taste and smell, Sugar coloring is most often used for the production of, and, as well as. With E150a you can give your products any shade: from light amber to dark brown. In addition, E150a acts as an emulsifier. Other products that contain E150a are yoghurts, preserves and jams, chocolate, chips, many types of canned foods: vegetables, berries and fruits, and some meat products - sausages, boiled sausage, pates.

Uncontrolled consumption of products containing the E150a food additive causes disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract - indigestion, constipation and bloating.

Use of E150a Sugar color I simple in Russia

Throughout the Russian Federation, it is permitted to use E150a as a dye for food products, in the production of medicines and cosmetics. It is considered the safest of the line and natural, which makes it expensive.

Caramel is burnt sugar, which, when mixed with moonshine, softens its taste and gives the drink a noble brown color. Per liter of distillate, 2–3 grams of caramel is enough to improve the organoleptic properties of the drink. Refinement with sugar is more developed in cognac production, but it is also quite applicable for moonshine. We will tell you how to quickly and easily prepare and mix this caramel with our moonshine.

On the Internet pages they most often mention wet And dry ways to make caramel. We will add another option, which we call “ fast and efficient" With it you will dirty a minimum amount of dishes and quite quickly achieve the color and taste of moonshine you need.

To implement this method you will need metal spoon, towel, sugar And fire. If you have more than 3 liters of moonshine, then take a tablespoon, and if less, then a teaspoon is ideal. The whole process is carried out in several stages:

  1. Sugar is poured into a spoon (without a slide).
  2. Holding the spoon with a towel, begin to melt the sugar over the fire.
  3. Continue doing this until the sugar is completely caramelized and begins to foam. The caramel should become completely black.
  4. Remove the spoon from the heat and let the sugar harden a little (3-5 minutes).
  5. There is no need to remove the caramel from the spoon, just put it in the jar together with it and start stirring. After some time, the caramel will begin to dissolve and the drink will change color.
  6. Achieve the most beautiful color in your opinion, and then stop this process.
  7. Let the drink sit for a day or two and start tasting.

Use safety precautions when heating (heat the sugar slowly and only hold the spoon with a towel). Burnt sugar can burn extremely badly.

It is very important not to overdo it with the amount of caramel, otherwise the drink will give off unpleasant burnt notes in taste. It is not advisable to achieve a dark color for the drink; it is better to paint it over to lighter tones.

Dry recipe for making caramel for moonshine

This method is most popular among moonshiners, as it allows you to immediately prepare a lot of caramel for our strong alcoholic drink. To implement it we need thin-walled saucepan, sugar And fire.

  1. Place a dry pan on the fire and pour in 1/2 of the total sugar.
  2. We begin to melt the sugar and when it turns brown, add the remaining half of the granulated sugar.
  3. Now just heat and constantly stir the contents of the pan.
  4. After the brown stage, the sugar will begin to darken. Our task is to obtain absolutely black caramel, which will begin to give off the smell of burnt sweetness.
  5. Cool the finished caramel on the balcony until it hardens completely, then beat it off the walls with a small rolling pin or mortar.
  6. Store the finished caramel in the freezer.

The only disadvantage of this method is damage to the pan, which begins to fade over time. That is why for caramelization they use old dishes, which are not a pity for such procedures.

The most understandable video is considered to be from Sanych's moonshine. The famous moonshiner Konstantin shows the entire process of preparing caramel in a saucepan, and even describes in detail all the stages. Be sure to watch this video if you are going to use this particular dry method.

Wet method for preparing sugar color (syrup)

The wet method allows you to obtain a concentrated, dark-colored alcoholic syrup in which caramel is dissolved. To refine moonshine, you just need to pour part of this solution into the drink and achieve the desired organoleptic properties. We will need sugar(100 grams), water(130 ml), citric acid(1 gram), moonshine 40%(100 ml), pot And fire.

The preparation looks like this:

  1. Pour 100 grams of sugar and 100 grams of water into a saucepan. Let's start heating.
  2. Evaporate the water and heat the sugar over low heat for about 15 minutes until it turns a dark amber color.
  3. Remove from heat and cool the caramel until completely hardened.
  4. Pour 100 ml of moonshine into a saucepan and add 1 gram of citric acid. Stir the solution for 10–15 minutes until the hard caramel is completely dissolved.
  5. When you no longer have the strength to stir, add 30 ml of water, shake the pan a little more and pour the resulting mixture into a storage container (a glass bottle, for example).
  6. Store the color in the refrigerator and, if necessary, pour it into a container with moonshine to enhance the drink.

The resulting caramel is pre-dissolved in moonshine and water, which is why the method is called wet. The result is something similar to a balm, which is mixed with distillate to give taste and color to the drink.

Good video prepared by Youtube channel Alcophan. The author goes through the entire process before our eyes and describes his actions in detail. It becomes clear that preparing such caramel is not so easy and you will still have to spend a certain amount of time.

The food additive under the code code number E 150 a is a substance of microbiological origin, belonging to a group of identical dyes. In fact, this is one of the types of additives with code number E 150 - burnt sugar and caramel.

Origin: microbiological nature

Danger: practically harmless

Other names of the supplement (synonyms):caramel color, E-150a, caramel color (plain), caramelized sugar, burnt sugar, sugar color I simple, E-150a, simple caramel, E150a, Caramel I – Plain, Plain Caramel, E150a.

​General information​

An additive called Plain Caramel or, more simply, E 150 a is a thick liquid with a high level of viscosity. In addition, it may look like a dark brown solution or loose powder (of the same shade). This substance tastes bitter, and its aroma is similar to the smell of burnt sugar (which is what this substance actually is in its internal essence).

The dye additive E 150 a is obtained by heating and thermal decomposition of plant carbohydrates. As a result, a natural material is obtained that is perfectly soluble in aqueous, alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic media. At the same time, the dye exhibits high resistance to exposure to bright light and high temperatures.

The main source of E 150a is corn starch, cane or sugar beets.

Additive E 150a is difficult to dissolve in fatty and oily environments.

Effect on the body


If the additive under the code number E 150 a enters the human body in excess, that is, with its uncontrolled use, it can cause some disruptions, for example, bloating, intestinal upset, or vice versa.

But this happens in very rare cases. There have also been isolated cases of allergic reactions to the consumption of this type of additive.


Dye E 150 a has one very important and useful property: it protects the body from mutations that can occur during exposure to radiation and irradiation procedures.


This dye E 150 a is used extremely widely, in almost all food products during large-scale production. Beer, carbonated drinks, wines, confectionery, vinegar, canned vegetables and fruits, chips, seasonings - here this additive is a dye. But in products such as: sausages, minced meat, yoghurts, jams, marmalade, pates, desserts, sauces - in this case, this dye also plays the role of an emulsifier.

Additive E 150 a is used for coloring and for thickening certain substances and in the production of certain dosage forms (in pharmacology) and some cosmetic products (in cosmetology).


The countries of the European Union, the USA, Ukraine and the Russian Federation permit the use of this substance under the code number E 150 in any production, including the food industry. This is due to its high safety for human health.