Essay on society politics. “In modern times, everything is politics” (Unified State Examination Social Studies). Main problems of political science

What is politics? How are political relations carried out in the country? What is the importance of politics in the life of society? These and other questions are reflected by the French military leader Pierre Cohort in his statement. I see the meaning of the statement in the fact that politics exists and lives with us.

In my opinion, the author is talking about the problem of the importance of politics in human life. The problem raised by the author is relevant because it affects all spheres of society and without the implementation of policies the country will not be able to develop adequately. It is the correctly chosen political tactics that can improve not only the well-being of people, but also the state of the military potential of the country’s army, so the author is certainly right.

So what is politics and what does it mean in a country? To understand this, let us turn to the theoretical basis of this problem. Politics is the art of governing society through power. Power is the ability and ability to influence, manage and influence people by imposing one's will.

Politics influences people through political organizations, parties, and the bureaucracy. Political ideologies and political parties are aimed at organizing life. Political relations are the connections and interactions of people regarding the exercise of political power, management and regulation of people's political interests. As a result of political relations, knowledge, ideas, and experience accumulate. I believe that in modern times, life without politics is not possible, because power helps to satisfy a person’s needs, protects him and provides him with the opportunity to develop his abilities.

While looking through news reports, I came across a message from the President of the Russian Federation, where V.V.

Putin announced the budget policy that will be carried out in the country in the near future. The main task of budget policy is to support economic growth, in which the share of spending on education, science, infrastructure increases, improves the work of social sectors, and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity and private investment will also be ensured.

I would like to give an example from geography. I learned about this case from my teacher. China had a birth control policy for more than 30 years, which created many serious social problems. However, when officials relaxed these policies, there were no changes to ensure the country's birth rate. The Chinese justified this fact by the fact that it is not affordable to raise a second child in the country. The country has a poorly implemented centralized pension system policy; young parents do not receive income or compensation to support two or more children.

In conclusion, I come to the conclusion that the state of affairs in a country depends on the policies pursued in it.

This statement by a famous Russian public figure of the early 20th century, “the father of Russian Marxism,” relates to the topic of political participation. All citizens participate in the political life of the country in one way or another, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Political participation is human activity with the goal of somehow influencing the policies pursued by the state. It is divided into casual, part-time and professional. The statement refers to people who are involved in politics professionally.

The meaning of the quote I chose is that government is a difficult task, because... The state has as its goal to ensure the well-being of every citizen, and there are millions of them. Therefore, a politician must be able to think in the interests of the state as a whole and each individual. In politics, indeed, there are no clear and regulated rules of action; every action of the state is a response to processes occurring in society. Even a well-thought-out policy will be modified under the influence of society, because society is a dynamic, self-developing system. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that only philosophers, the wisest people who could analyze the situation and find a solution, could be politicians. A policy that is not aimed at the needs of the people, and is limited only to flirting with the masses, is called politicking. It undoubtedly leads to the degradation of the political life of society. An example of a thoughtful policy is the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, signed before the Great Patriotic War and which allowed the USSR to at least slightly prepare for the upcoming meeting with the enemy, although Germany had not previously been an ally of the Soviet Union. Likewise, now relations between Russia and the United States are either at their peak or at a dead end due to various misunderstandings (take, for example, the Magnitsky Act). All this is decided by the political elites of countries, acting in the interests of their state.

Thus, people in political power, ideally, should be educated, erudite and clearly understand what the citizens of the country need, then the state policy will become truly effective, leading to the prosperity of the nation.

A creative approach and the ability to express thoughts in your own words requires writing an essay on a free topic in the form of an argument.Use materials, textbooks, books and try to express your opinion, your judgment and vision of a given topic, but do not just copy the text, try to write an essay in your own words.

"Politics and Power"

One day G.V. Plekhanov (Russian politician, philosopher) said: “Politics requires from the people involved in it great flexibility of mind; she doesn’t know the unchangeable rules given once and for all...” What did he mean by this? Probably the fact that just being a politician is not enough. I agree that it is necessary to have quick reaction (flexibility of mind), but there are equally important qualities that are needed in politics. For example: authority, respect for the people, integrity, restraint, courage, willingness to take risks, ability to understand people. All this leads to power. So, power is the most important element of social organization. It allows, if necessary, to force large masses of people to carry out certain tasks and decisions. Therefore, a struggle for power arises in society and its use to carry out this or that policy. As the Roman politician and philosopher Seneca noted: “The power that governs to the detriment of the people is short-lived.” This can be deciphered as follows: if something seems inappropriate or inconvenient (not right) to people, they will rebel. And a government that is against the people will, of course, not last long. There have been many governments in history whose policies served the interests of the few and infringed on the rights of the majority of people. Therefore, political disputes and discussions arise. The solution to many issues in politics determines whether people will live worse or better in the future. This is very important!Politics plays a big role in the development of society. A lot depends on what policy the state or government pursues!

Belskaya Alina, 9th grade student, Municipal Educational Institution Pervomaiskaya Secondary School No. 5

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“Politics requires great flexibility of mind from the people involved in it: it does not know the rules that are unchangeable, once and for all times given...”

G.V. Plekhanov

“...Politics, undoubtedly, is as dynamic a process as society itself is dynamic in its development, passing through stages of growth, decline, reforms, transformations, etc. in its historical development. In essence, politics is a process of state management, the need for which arises precisely because society itself is quite differentiated and contains a large number of social groups pursuing their own interests. If we look into the structure of political processes, we will find that, in fact, their actualization occurs at the moment when these interests are brought up for public discussion and become the goal of intensifying the activities of these social groups.
Why is “flexibility” in making political decisions a basic determinant of effective policy? Thinking about this thought, I am reminded of the ideas of the Italian thinker Nicolo Machiavelli that in order to achieve the best result, a politician should not disdain flattery, deception, cunning, treachery in his rule, i.e. demonstrate the qualities of a “fox”, nor brute force, turning into cruelty, tyranny like a “lion”. Here we touch on another aspect of politics - the possibility and/or non-possibility of its reliance on moral and ethical standards.
In relation to our question, an illustrative example is the system of the republican form of government in Ancient Greece and Rome, when, in conditions of wars and severe disasters, a dictatorship was appointed in the country, and with a reduction in threats, the country “returned” to the mainstream of democracy.
In conclusion, I note that the demand for more flexible politicians today increases all the more, the more in our Russian society there is a large concentration of the most diverse ideological trends striving for power, and the harmonization of these relations is key in matters of stabilization of the social system.”

Historian V. Klyuchevsky in his statement raises the problem of the need for professional qualities for representatives of political power. This problem is truly relevant, since the internal and external position of the state, and therefore the well-being of the citizens of this state, depends on the activities of politicians.

I agree with the opinion of the famous historian. Building political relations requires certain qualities, the willingness of a politician to make complex, important political decisions. Doing politics is an incredibly unpredictable activity, especially in modern times. Every day events happen that either bring states closer together or alienate them from each other, or something happens within the state and politicians are obliged to make decisions immediately.

Let's look at the statement from different aspects.

On the one hand, political relations are in constant dynamics and it is quite difficult to develop some kind of universal solution. It's not even possible. On the other hand, there are plenty of examples in history when the experience of solving one political problem helped resolve another political situation.

Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement. Political power is the right, ability and opportunity to defend and implement certain political views, guidelines and goals. Political power has certain characteristics. Firstly, it has the ability to use a wide variety of means of influencing people and political situations.

Secondly, only she has the right to use force within the country. According to its purpose, power is classified into legislative, executive and judicial. To solve various political complexities, a politician needs to determine which branch of government needs to be addressed in a given situation, and, perhaps, use them together. Political power performs certain functions. Managing the affairs of the state and society at different levels, managing government bodies, organizing political life, political relations, creating certain characteristic forms of government and type of political system.

Let's look at examples from history. In the history of Russia in the second half of the 18th century, there were two wars with the Ottoman Empire; they both ended in victory, but they received this victory in completely different ways. Catherine II, Pyotr Rumyantsev, commander A.V. Suvorov and other politicians of that time had a flexible mind, capable of flawlessly navigating situations. It was this quality that helped to win a number of victories in the Balkan issue.

Another example is the Caribbean crisis of 1962. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and J. Kennedy were the first to find themselves in a situation where the world was on the brink of nuclear war. To a greater extent, the analytical ability of politicians influenced the peaceful resolution of the Cuban missile crisis.

In conclusion, it must be said that the effectiveness, quality, and literacy of political actions and decisions depend on the ability of representatives of political power to think multifacetedly, diplomatically, turning over all possible solutions in their heads. Whenever the need arises.

Updated: 2018-03-26

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