Is there a holiday called chocolate day? World Chocolate Day: A Love Story. When is World Chocolate Day celebrated?

Now it’s simply strange to imagine a time when there was no chocolate and when it was available only to very few. Nowadays, poems are dedicated to this delicacy, and films are made about it. And even a holiday dedicated to chocolate has recently existed, this is World Chocolate Day.

And even though it is completely new, it immediately and firmly won the recognition of everyone - after all, it is the most delicious and fun.

Oh, what a wonderful sweet day!
We celebrate it with the whole world.
And no one is too lazy to celebrate it these days,
Our whole apartment is covered in chocolate!

This delicacy wants to get into our mouths
And melt there smoothly and gently.
Today, friends, we will enjoy it to our hearts,
We celebrate the holiday diligently.

World Chocolate Day has arrived.
We waited desperately for a whole year,
When will we feel so good from the bottom of our hearts?
And so we all became happy.

After all, it has been proven to everyone that any chocolate
It lifts your spirits at once.
Everyone who ate it will be cheerful and happy,
And there will be wonderful singing!

A little history

In the mid-90s, the people of France came up with this holiday. It began to be celebrated on July 11; it is believed that it was on this day that the conquistadors brought it to Europe in the mid-16th century. In those days, it was valued more than gold and was known only as a drink that maintained youth.

The drink made from cocoa beans was known to the Aztecs and Mayan Indians; they called it “food of the gods,” and the tree itself had a personal deity to whom people prayed—it was so highly valued and revered.

It was considered the only remedy that could ignite the fire of passion; doctors of royal families prescribed a chocolate drink to noble ladies who fell into depression. Only in the middle of the 19th century did they learn how to make dark chocolate bars, and after another two decades they managed to make milk chocolate. Chocolate still remained an inaccessible delicacy for many; only in the second decade of the 20th century did it become available to everyone.

People liked the holiday, and the very next year it was supported in Germany, and a year later they began to celebrate throughout Europe and both Americas, and soon Russia joined it. In the United States, the holiday was so popular that it is celebrated twice a year - on July 7 and October 28. In Russia it takes place according to the international calendar - July 11. This is how the French initiative grew into World Chocolate Day.

On this day, people often eat twice as much chocolate as on any other day of the year, because it is believed that chocolate has special properties during the holiday. And this is not self-deception, because chocolate itself contains endorphins, which are also called the “hormone of happiness.” This means that even a small piece of chocolate can improve the mood of most people on the planet, relieve depression and improve overall well-being. Chocolate Day will also be celebrated in 2017. After all, July 11th is the tip of summer, the warmest time of the year.

What kind of chocolate is there?

In addition to a large number of different sweets, chocolate comes in three types, depending on the amount of cocoa beans in it - bitter, black and milk. There are also white chocolate bars, which contain no cocoa powder at all.

Dark chocolate contains the most cocoa beans; there are varieties with about 80% of it, and it is this that ultimately makes you feel completely satisfied and calm. And the most popular, tender and tasty is milk.

But at the chocolate festival, you can enjoy any variety, please your loved ones with exquisite chocolate souvenirs, and even admire a chocolate fountain. Any miracles are possible on this day.

Let's celebrate!

Where to go on International Chocolate Day to get the most out of the holiday?

Go to a chocolate factory

For World Chocolate Day, factories organize an open day for everyone. On this day, festivals and fairs are held there, for which craftsmen make special souvenirs. These factories host excursions and master classes. You can see how bars of this delicacy are made, and during the master class you can make candies by hand according to your own desire. Win-win competitions and quizzes are held for children, the prizes of which, of course, will be chocolates.

Treat yourself to a beauty treatment with chocolate

To make your skin softly silky and smooth, why not make chocolate wraps, a massage or a cosmetic mask with chocolate. After all, it contains so many useful substances, and the rich aroma of cocoa wonderfully lifts your mood.

Go to a hot show

On World Chocolate Day, celebrations are held in many places. The highlight of them will be an abundance of chocolate treats, but the most amazing thing is a large chocolate fountain created from melted chocolate - you can eat it directly with spoons, or dip fruits and sweets into it.

And now every country and every city is trying to surprise visitors with unusual combinations of products with chocolate and their own way of celebrating this day.

  • Since the mid-90s, a comic candy “Lard in Chocolate” began to be produced in Lviv - in which a really small piece of lard is covered in a layer of dark chocolate. It may seem surprising, but the candy is actually very tasty; now it is made in all cities of Ukraine where there is a “Lviv Chocolate Workshop”.
  • The Japanese produce sweet desserts of the most unusual colors, with flower aromas, and in the most delicate glaze.
  • Americans prefer to organize chocolate parties to which they invite their entire family.
  • And in Switzerland, on Chocolate Day, a special route is laid out around the city on public transport, during which you will be told about Swiss chocolate, a chocolate tasting with cognac will be arranged, and children will be given a particularly delicious milk chocolate or chocolate drink.

Organize a friendly chocolate party

You can celebrate World Chocolate Day with your friends by throwing a fun party. Everyone will be interested in participating in the competition for the best chocolate body art. All you need to do is prepare a lot of chocolate icing and a brush. Participants paint themselves or friends, and then a fashion show is held. A public vote will determine the winner, who will receive a prize as a reward.

Glaze: 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 0.5 cups butter and 3 tbsp. l. butter are mixed and brought to a boil. Then the mass must be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps form, and cooled. The body art icing is ready! These ingredients will make about 1 cup of chocolate coloring. Increase the proportions at your discretion based on the number of participants.
It would be appropriate to hold such a competition on the beach or near a home pool to make it easier for participants to get themselves in order.

You can also arrange a disco with “chocolate songs”:

Tootsie and the KGB "Bitter Chocolate"
Gone with the Wind "Cocoa"
Linda "Chocolate and Tear"
Abraham Russo "Chocolate Chiquita"
Volodya Ulyanov “Mulatto Chocolate”
Mr. Small "Chocolate"
Dzham – Chocolate
White chocolate – White chocolate
Inna Malikova – Coffee and chocolate
Lyubov Uspenskaya – Bitter Chocolate
Mint – Chocolate Mousse
Ana Laan – Chocolate and roses
Captain Shok – Chocolate
Corey Gibbons – Chocolate Loving (Club Vocal Mix)
Kylie Minogue – Chocolate

In the evening, you can organize a joint viewing of chocolate-themed films:

“Marshmallow in Chocolate” (1994)
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005)
"Strawberries and Chocolate" (1993)
"Chocolate" (2000)

You can show your imagination using your ideas. The main thing is to be sweet and fun!

Every year, Chocolate Day is celebrated all over the world. And everyone loves this holiday, because on this day we delight each other with chocolate gifts and eat the most delicious delicacy in the world.

Celebrations, feasts and festivals take place around the world on Chocolate's Birthday. And in many countries, the chocolate holiday is celebrated not just one day, but several times a year.

The celebration of this day is due to the love for chocolate for its special taste and attractive aroma.

What date is Chocolate Day celebrated in different countries?

The day chosen to celebrate the day of the most delicious sweets is July 11th. The holiday was chosen in 1995 as a public holiday for chocolate day in France. But chocolate lovers from all over the world decided that they liked this holiday and began to celebrate it year after year. This is how International Chocolate Day was born.

On this day, in different countries of the world, where factories produce the best and most delicious chocolate, they open their doors to visitors. And anyone on this day can look at the recipe for making chocolate, learn the main secrets and try pieces of the most delicate delicacy.

For example, a special railway route has been opened in Switzerland, which offers transportation for everyone to different chocolate factories.

Chocolate Day traditions around the world

World Chocolate Day is celebrated differently in different countries.

Thus, in Germany and Switzerland there are so-called “chocolate” routes; everyone can visit chocolate factories and taste chocolate.

In Germanythere is even its own chocolate country, Shokolandia. On Chocolate Day, all sweet tooth lovers come here to try chocolate desserts and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

In IcelandOn chocolate day they burn bonfires, have fun and eat a lot of chocolate.

In Belgium, in the homeland of the most delicious chocolate, holidays and festivals are held. The country has 16 permanent chocolate museums and a huge number of factories. They all open their doors to celebrate this day.

IN THE USAThe holiday is celebrated not just once, but three times a year. The first chocolate day is celebrated on July 7, the second traditionally on July 11, and the third on October 28. All these days were chosen by Americans to honor Chocolate Day.

In Italy, almost like in Germany, the country of chocolate is located. Only here it is called the Valley of Chocolate. In this valley there are chocolate factories that open on the day of the celebration and organize festivals and conduct master classes. On Chocolate Day, the Valley is especially popular not only with tourists, but also with local residents. Such traditions make Chocolate Day a special holiday loved by many.

In RussiaChocolate's birthday is not celebrated on a grand scale, but in some cities special attention is paid to this holiday. For example, in Pokrov, where the Bronze Fairy monument to sweets is located, the holiday is celebrated annually with a large number of sweets. The city has a chocolate museum that invites tourists and locals to visit. On this day, everyone who visits the museum can try chocolates, look at old chocolate packaging and listen to the history of the creation of chocolate in Russia.

According to historical information about the history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia, this delicacy appeared in our state during the reign of Catherine II. And chocolate was not consumed in our usual form of bars, but was only a drink. And only high-ranking officials and people close to the queen drank chocolate.

Much later, the drink began to be prepared in a different way, borrowed from foreign masters. And already during the reign of Nicholas I, chocolate acquired the form familiar to us in the form of sweets and chocolate bars.

And Russian chocolate was invented by Alexey Abrikosov, he opened the first chocolate factory in Russia and made sweets for people close to the emperor and the entire imperial court. The candies that he invented have become favorites for many generations.

Chocolate day for your employees

You can celebrate the annual chocolate day by giving your employees small chocolate gifts. It can be:

· chocolates with your company logo

· chocolates with company logo

· chocolate sets with logo.

These will help you feel the atmosphere of the Chocolate Day holiday and make it special for you and your employees.

Motto – not a day without chocolate!
I'm glad to see him like the sun in the morning!
And I go to bed, anticipating
That I’ll meet him for a cup of tea!
Tatiana Mokosiy

July 11 marks the holiday of the most important sweet in the world - chocolate. The idea to organize a chocolate day originated in France in 1995. At first it was a purely national holiday, but over time it spread across the planet in the form of an international grandiose event.

History of chocolate

Mexico is considered the birthplace of chocolate. Even the ancient Mayan tribes ground cocoa fruits, mixed them with wine and added herbs. The resulting drink was called xocolatl. Later, the Spaniards invaded the land of the Indians, who took with them not only treasures, but also a recipe for a delicious drink. In Europe, the delicacy became so popular that it was nicknamed “Theobroma cacao”. Which means “Food of the Gods”. Chocolate consumption in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of industrial production, that people outside the aristocracy could enjoy chocolate.

The drink acquired its modern tile form in the 19th century. This was preceded by two important events. First, the Dutchman Conrad van Houten invented a hydraulic press to obtain cocoa butter. Afterwards, employees of the British company Fry and Sons adapted to produce a three-component mixture consisting of cocoa powder, cocoa butter and sugar. Chocolate bars have gained great popularity. And to improve the quality of the product, they began to add milk to it. Historians attribute the authorship of milk chocolate to Daniel Peter.


Types of chocolate

Dark classic chocolate is a mixture of cocoa powder, cocoa butter and delicate powdered sugar. There is relatively little powder in such products: the emphasis is placed more on the natural taste of the product.

White chocolate is the complete opposite of a dark treat. There is no cocoa powder in it at all, which explains the noble creamy color of the products, and the obligatory components are vanillin and filmy milk powder.

Milk chocolate is a real symphony of taste. If someone does not understand what the special charm of dark or white chocolate is, then this type of sweet is loved by everyone: from young to old. Its composition is the same as that of bitter, but with the addition of filmy milk powder. The amount of powdered sugar in milk chocolate exceeds the proportion of cocoa powder.

So-called diabetic chocolate with a sugar substitute, such as xylitol, is also available.

Porous chocolate - thanks to the unique preparation technology, the bar simply melts in your mouth. And this property has earned the sincere love of those with a sweet tooth.

  • The word "chocolate" comes from the Mayan civilization - xocolatl, or "bitter water".
  • Cocoa trees can live up to 200 years, but bear fruit for only 25 years.
  • About 40% of all almonds and 20% of all peanuts produced in the world are supplied for chocolate products.
  • To produce 450 grams of chocolate, 400 cocoa beans are required.
  • Côte d'Ivoire is today considered the world's leading producer of cocoa beans. About 37% of all cocoa supplies come from there.
  • The largest and oldest chocolate factory in the United States is Hershey's. It was founded by Milton Hershey in 1894 and produces more than a billion kilograms of chocolate annually.
  • The US Army, together with Hershey's, developed a new formula that improved the heat resistance of chocolate so that it could be taken with them during Operation Desert Storm. Chocolate bars made using this technology remained hard even at temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius.
  • The most valuable chocolate bar in the world is the Cadburry, which is already 100 years old. It belonged to Captain Robert Scott on his first expedition to Antarctica. The chocolate, never touched by Scott, was sold at auction in London in 2001 for $687.
  • Technically, white chocolate is not chocolate at all. It does not contain cocoa, but cocoa butter.
  • In 2012, Switzerland had the highest per capita consumption of chocolate in the world. Each Swiss person ate on average 11.8 kilograms of chocolate per year.
  • Americans were only in 15th place, eating 5.45 kilograms of chocolate per year.
  • The first factory-made chocolate was produced in Barcelona in 1780.
  • One piece of chocolate provides enough energy to walk 45 meters.
  • The first chocolate bar intended for general consumption was made at the Fry chocolate factory in Bristol in 1847.
  • Previously, the Indians used cocoa beans instead of money. For 100 cocoa beans you could buy a slave.
  • Almost all cocoa trees are within 20 degrees of the equator, with 75% growing within 8 degrees on either side. Cocoa cultivation areas are located in 3 main regions: South and Central America, West Africa and Southeast Asia/Oceania.
  • The Catholic Church once compared eating chocolate to heretical behavior.

Prepared based on information from open sources

The French, connoisseurs of romance and love pleasures, could not ignore such a wonderful thing as chocolate. In 1995, for the first time in the world, they celebrated Chocolate Day.

The good tradition was picked up by other countries, and now it is cheerfully celebrated in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and other countries - within the European Union and beyond its borders. Russia is no exception - many large cities host festivals, competitions and other events on July 11th.

According to scientists, chocolate came to us from the ancient Aztecs - it was there that the Spanish conquistadors tried it and subsequently brought it to Europe. For a time, only aristocrats could afford such a delicacy, but at the beginning of the 20th century everything changed - the era of industrial production began.

Interestingly, chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac. There is no strict scientific data about this, but it has been proven that its use causes psychological relaxation and rest. And dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness and good mood, into the blood.

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate - that's for sure.

I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
And magical, chocolatey.

Today is the sweetest day in the world,
There are no barriers and no boundaries for him,
The planet celebrates Chocolate Day,
There are no sad faces anywhere.

Milky, black, bitter, white -
Generously distributes hormones of happiness,
May your chocolate day be fun
Bring love and joy to the world.

Happy World Chocolate Day. Let life flow like a chocolate river and delight you with sweet moments. I wish that the incredible sweetness called chocolate always lifts your spirits and inspires you to success!

World Chocolate Festival
We need to celebrate with you!
When will we still love
Pamper yourself?
But there’s no glass of wine on holiday,
And drink the chocolate to the bottom!
Have a sweet snack too
And fragrant chocolate!
And catch the wish:
How do you live in chocolate?

Congratulations on chocolate day,
I wish you a sweet life,
Various flavors and fillings
In the morning, at lunch, in the evenings.

Let the wonderful dessert please you,
And it gives only positivity,
“Vivat” we will say to chocolate,
And no alternatives.

Today is a holiday for those with a sweet tooth -
Chocolate, delicious day,
Joy, fun, happiness,
Best wishes to everyone.

Let it sing out of sweetness,
Festive, easy life,
Let your eyes shine
Sweet life, like in a fairy tale.

I congratulate everyone with a sweet tooth,
I wish you, as well as myself,
There are many tons of sweet life,
Happiness delicious carriage.

Let chocolate bring joy,
Drives away fatigue.
I want to enjoy them
And not get better at all.

Eternal sweetness, yum-yum,
I wish you today!
It's time to settle everything,
Let everything be in chocolate,
Let the sweet life come
But the work can wait!

Today is the sweetest
And the most delicious day.
I'm celebrating chocolate
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.

I wish you to enjoy
Your favorite delicacy,
Refined, alluring,
So unique.

In moments of pain, stress
It is like a reward.
I wish you to live
Only “in chocolate”.

Congratulations to all those with a sweet tooth
Happy chocolate Day! May it always
“Vanillas” surround you,
Walnut, nutmeg and a sea of ​​all kinds of “goodness”.

Let everything be successful, smooth,
Let all sorts of matters be resolved easily.
In short, let everything be chocolate
And always very sweet!

True sweet tooths will always find a reason to indulgefavorite sweets. But there is a special day when chocolate becomes the center of everyone's attention and you can eat a lot of it without worrying about extra calories.

This day is not everyone's favorite New Year or one's own birthday. The sweetest, most delicious, most favorite holiday of those with a sweet tooth has become Chocolate Day, which is celebrated around the world on July 11th.

#When is World Chocolate Day celebrated: the history of the holiday

The holiday dedicated to chocolate is quite young. It appeared quite recently - in 1995.
The initiators of Chocolate Day were French people who are rightfully considered chocolate connoisseurs.

But there is no explanation for the choice of the date for celebrating World Chocolate Day.
Probably, summer and warmth played a role in choosing the date, which is important for growing chocolate trees.

A year later, lovers of the divine dessert from Europe and America also joined the French.

And the Americans liked the sweet idea so much that they now celebrate chocolate on October 28, as well as on July 7.

Chocolate Day in Russia and other post-Soviet countries is also celebrated in accordance with the international calendar on July 11.

#History of chocolate

Why did chocolate become a universal, almost worldwide favorite, to such an extent that its admirers came up with the original holiday Chocolate Day?

The ancient delicacy deserves attention not only for its taste, but also for its centuries-old history.

The first chocolate desserts appeared several thousand years ago and were served in the form of drinks.

This treat was called “food of the gods” and was invented by the Mayans and Aztecs.

Cooking " divine drink"from the beans of the cocoa tree, which grows only near the equator. The hot and humid climate of Ghana, Brazil, and Malaysia is most suitable for growing cocoa trees. The botanical name is Theobroma cacao, which is translated from Greek as God(theos)and food(broma). So it was not only the Indians of the ancient Aztec and Mayan tribes who called chocolate “divine food.”

Plantations of cocoa trees appeared in the 6th century. The Mayan Indians, living in the territories of modern Mexico, considered the plant sacred and the drink made from its beans medicinal.

They not only revered cocoa, but also prayed to its god, believing in its strengthening and miraculous power.

Later, the Mayan beliefs were adopted by the Aztecs, who conquered these lands.
For their leader Montezuma, the drink became so beloved that he could drink up to fifty cups of the bitter delicacy a day.

The first European to taste the unusual delicacy was Columbus, who was treated to chocolate by the Indians in 1502 as a sign of hospitality. But he did not like the bitterness of the drink, and he refused the treat.

Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in 1519, appreciated chocolate.
To soften the bitterness, white guests began to add cane sugar to the drink.

Having delivered the beans to Europe, the Spaniards came up with improved recipes for chocolate with the addition of cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. The drink received a new name " Black gold».

This nickname was associated not only with taste.

The price for a cup of chocolate drink was truly fabulous.
Only noble persons could taste it, who purposefully visited Spain for this purpose.
The recipe was kept secret for a long time.

But the Spaniards could not save the recipe for “Black Gold”.

Thanks to smugglers, it reached Italy by the end of the 16th century, and from there to other European countries.

Anna of Austria played a significant role in the popularity of chocolate, who, having arrived in France as the wife of Louis XIII, brought with her several boxes of unusual beans.
Her personal chocolatier brewed an amazing drink, which not only the king of France, but also the courtiers could appreciate.

The popularity of the drink quickly reached incredible heights, outstripping the French love for tea and coffee.

It was in France that specialized chocolate cafes opened in droves, of which there were more than 500 by the middle of the 18th century. But the drink remained the prerogative of the rich and noble for a long time.

Chocolate was considered not just a tasty delicacy, but also healing. Chocolatiers came up with their own unique recipes, and for Louis XVI, the chocolate master prepared a drink with the addition of medicinal herbs, flower petals, and essential oils.

The British were the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding milk to chocolate in the 18th century. It was a real revolutionary breakthrough among confectioners.

But in Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a healing potion. Until the mid-19th century, chocolate dessert was prepared only in liquid form.

The British, after inventing a method for extracting butter from beans, introduced the world to the first chocolate bar.

Milk chocolate began to be prepared in Switzerland only in 1875. But these delicacies remained inaccessible to the common people. It wasn't until 1930 that the world saw white chocolate.

The delicacy has long been associated with bourgeois relics, which was explained by its high cost.

The domestic pioneer is considered to be the merchant Abrikosov, who was able to create chocolate production.

His factory produced funny candies in bright wrappers and collectible sets. He came up with the idea of ​​chocolate Santa Clauses and hares, as well as the recipe for “Duck Noses” and “Crow’s Feet”, “Crawfish Necks”.

The folk delicacy appeared only in 1965, when chocolate production was established on an industrial scale.

The famous “Alenka” has become the people's chocolate, which has not lost its popularity even today.

It is produced by many confectionery factories, but the name has practically remained the original. In Ukraine you can find “Olenka”, and in Belarus “Beloved Alenka”.

Today, chocolate is the collective name for confectionery products made from cocoa and sugar products.

The recipes use many different ingredients in the form of whole or chopped nuts, milk powder, cream, fruits, raisins, and other confectionery additives.

On Chocolate Day, many factories hold an open day.
This is a great opportunity to see with your own eyes how cocoa powder, milk and tasty additives are transformed into your favorite delicacy of the most bizarre shapes.

Factories not only organize tastings, but also allow guests to participate in the process of preparing desserts.

In Russia, three museums have been opened in honor of chocolate, which are located in the capitals and in the city of Pokrov. A monument to the chocolate bar “Bronze Fairy” was also erected there, and the largest celebration was held in 2009.

They are trying to hold the chocolate festival on a large scale in large and small cities.
Unusual and exciting events are organized in honor of this favorite delicacy.

Fairs are organized where you can buy unusual treats or show people your desserts.

And in Ukraine in 2014, a chocolate festival was held, at which, in addition to the traditional fair and performances by chocolatiers and sculptors, a confectionery championship was held.

An unusual entertainment was invented for the kids, which allowed them to assemble a locomotive from chocolate trailers, which went on a journey through a real chocolate country.

In Switzerland, in honor of the holiday, you can ride a chocolate train. During an unusual journey you can learn the history of Swiss chocolate.

In all coffee shops in the world on this day, the menu always includes chocolate treats, and even small surprises for visitors.

#HappyBirthday, chocolate: how to spend your chocolate day?

The idea of ​​chocolate as a “sweet drug” is not unfounded, because chocolate really is addictive and addictive.

Chocolate contains antioxidants that can fight aging and resist cancer.

Chocolate can reduce pain.

Everyone knows the ability of dark chocolate to stimulate the synthesis of endorphins.
Happiness hormones affect the pleasure centers, improving mood and psychological state.

Of course, no one has yet come up with an effective chocolate diet.

The delicacy is rich in fat, which undoubtedly affects its calorie content.
But knowing the limits, you can enjoy healthy and tasty chocolate without worrying about the consequences on your sides.

And on chocolate day, it’s simply stupid to refuse your favorite treat.

There are many ideas on how to celebrate a chocolate holiday.

The most common option is chocolate party or party.

Invite your friends with a sweet tooth or organize a party for children.

Of course, treats will include sweets, cakes, drinks, and desserts.

There should be chocolate everywhere. Make a chocolate fountain or chocolate fondue the centerpiece of the celebration.

Don’t forget to congratulate friends and relatives whose professional activities are related to the production of the famous delicacy on Chocolate Day.

And it would be a good idea to give small chocolate gifts to friends, children, or your girlfriend.

#Interesting facts related to chocolate