Figure skater Margarita drobyazko personal life. Povilas Vanagas: “I have only affectionate names for my beloved. Family, childhood and early years of the figure skater

“I was always afraid to play with other people's feelings or, worse, stay with a man out of pity. But Povilas's confession resonated in my soul,” says Margarita Drobyazko about the beginning of her romance with Povilas Vanagas, an ice dancing partner. About how Rita manages to remain the most desirable woman for her husband for many years and what annoys him about her, the skaters told Alla ZANIMONETS, inviting her to their new country house.

I couldn't say no to Povilas

Margarita: Tired, Povilas and I tumble into the locker room and start changing. It's 1998, we're showing some dances in Switzerland at a judges' seminar. And now break. Taking off my skates, I thought about something ... And then Povilas suddenly says: "Rit, I love you." We have been skating together for 10 years, we treat each other like brother and sister, well, or like comrades. I flirt a lot with other men. But she never left empty hopes to anyone: I don’t like to play with other people’s feelings or, even worse, stay with a man out of pity. That's why I prefer to immediately refuse those who are not nice. But Povilas… I can't say no to him. I do not want. The theme of love from his lips sounds for the first time - and how it sounds! I seemed to wake up. I sit, I am silent and I think: “Maybe, really? ..”

Povilas: To the realization that I no longer treat Rita only as a comrade, I was pushed by ... her boyfriends. When we met at the Luzhniki skating rink, I was 18 and she was 16. We were immersed in sports and never discussed our personal lives with each other. “Hi-hello” - we rush to the ice, “Bye-bye” - and scatter in different directions. It never occurred to me to look at Rita as a possible lover. But in the last year I caught myself thinking that I was jealous of her! Now she is cooing with someone on the phone, then someone meets her and sees her off ... All this became unpleasant to me. I thought about it, analyzed the sensations and realized: I fell in love! But he restrained himself, did not show his mind. Feelings matured and looked for a way out for almost a year. And just in Switzerland I look at Rita and think: that’s it, I can’t keep anything in myself anymore. The cry of the soul escaped from the chest!

And she seemed to swallow her tongue. I ask: "Well, say something." Rita softly: "Give me time to think." I was not offended, because I knew that my words were a surprise for her. But he couldn't help but worry. I’m not Ritin’s type at all - I’m not a brunette and my eyes are not brown.

Margarita: Povilas himself, by the way, always liked blondes!

Povilas: It's just that in Lithuania girls are completely blond. Of course, I'm used to them - brunettes are rather exotic! (Laughs.)

Margarita: The point, of course, is not in the type, but in the fact that I looked at him with different eyes. His concern for me, kindness, tenderness, I used to take for granted. And now I noticed how attractive he is and how much he loves me. His confession resonated in my soul. The thought that sooner or later we will end our sports career and go to different cities frightened me, and ... we began to meet. After the skating rink, we went to the cinema, sat in restaurants, walked the streets, or visited mutual friends. Very soon we were perceived as a couple.

Povilas: Rita's feelings for me grew slowly. Do you know what happens at sea? Here is a small wave, another and another… It seems that everything is calm, and then all of a sudden, a huge wave of water rolls onto the shore. I felt that Rita was changing - looking differently, reacting differently to my appearance. And when he realized that he was ready for a serious relationship, he said: "Be my wife." She agreed. Everything came together as if by itself. In matters of the family, I am a conservative, I think that there must be a church union. This is probably why the ceremony at the registry office did not really excite me. Neither Mendelssohn's march nor the exchange of rings made an impression. I remember the main thing - Rita was very beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Margarita: Once, in an interview, they asked me: “Well, since you didn’t have passion for your future husband at first, but only arguments of reason, then you got married by calculation?” I laugh: by calculation, I would have married a wealthy man and would have lived on Rublyovka long ago in a three-story mansion with servants. There were options ... And then what a calculation - a poor skater. Yes, there was no wild passion that consumed the mind, but only warm feelings and a feeling: there was a very close person nearby, reliable, loving - and without him it was sad. That's what led me to the decision to become Povilas' wife. The registry office did not impress me either. We arrived there with parents and witnesses, and there were a lot of people there, brides and grooms in a continuous stream ... A line was coming up, we were taken to some small stuffy room (the main hall was being renovated), and a strict woman on duty said something about a new cell of society . Everything is calm and casual. But the very next day, an event took place that we remember in detail: a wedding in a small Moscow church, where the spiritual father of Povilas serves.

Povilas: Yes, marriage means a lot to me. It gives special responsibility to each other. It was a unique feeling - to know that we are now husband and wife, those who are connected by true love.

We defended the entire liturgy, took communion, and only then did the rite itself begin. For Rita, this was generally the longest service in her life: a total of five hours came out. Then she did not often look into the temple. A day later, we went to the south of Spain, near Malaga, on a honeymoon trip. The trip was planned ahead of time, as soon as they submitted an application to the registry office, that is, two months in advance. And the day before departure, they call us: “Sorry, but there were no empty rooms in your hotel, such an overlay ...” We are shocked: what should we do? We have a honeymoon. Then again a call from the agency: “Can you pay extra? There is an opportunity to book a room at the Kempinski hotel - the first in Spain, it opens only tomorrow. We were so happy! When we arrived there, we realized that everything that is done is always for the best. The hotel we initially chose seemed like a barn compared to the one we settled in. Vacation was magical!

Now they remembered that time - and all the details instantly surfaced in my memory: it turned out to be so bright, unforgettable. Although all our subsequent vacations, it seems to me, are no worse. Rita and I have long agreed not to skimp on vacation. We always choose very good hotels, rent a motorcycle or a car and try to go around as many interesting places as possible. Perhaps, if we turned back time, everyone would have done exactly the same: both a chamber wedding and a trip.

The wedding ring is in the closet

Povilas: We are often asked why we don't wear wedding rings. I personally always wear a wedding dress, but not on my finger, but on a chain around my neck. Whether he has such a form, or something else - but it is terribly uncomfortable to wear it on your hand.

Margarita: Decorations are generally contraindicated for figure skaters: we constantly grab each other by the hands, pull. Chains, bracelets, rings - everything gets in the way! At first, I also tried to wear a wedding ring, but before the performance I had to take it off, then put it on again. And I have thin skin on my joints, and I was always tearing it off, so that a harmless process became painful. In general, now my rings are in a box in the closet. Sometimes I put it on when I go out.

Povilas: We have known each other for 22 years, married for 11 years, but I continue to confess my love to Rita with pleasure. For me, the main thing in life is that I am married to the woman I love. So if there is a rush of feelings, as then, in the locker room, when the words “I love you very much” strive to jump out by themselves, I don’t restrain myself. Rita remains for me the most desirable, the most desired, the sexiest in the world. As a man, I'm crazy about her!

Margarita: I still feel loved. Even if Povilas says nothing and goes about his business. Family life is undulating: sometimes you plunge into problems and generally forget about romanticism, you don’t want to say any affectionate words, otherwise everything suddenly changes - and tenderness surges in waves. (Laughs.) As time has shown, I made the right choice. We have been comfortable together for so many years. While they were in big sport, they did not part for days. This is a difficult time: two serious workouts a day, plus running around about the selection of costumes and music - they themselves dealt with all the technical issues. And they lived in such a rhythm that they either worked or slept, constantly feeling extremely tired. But do not think that we, like Siamese twins, are always together. Sometimes we don’t see each other for a whole day - everyone has a lot of their own things to do. And during the "Ice Age" they met only late in the evening. Many spouses do not know what to talk about after five years of living together, but we always have topics.

Povilas: Rita is silent only when she sleeps. How do you get bored with such a woman? (Laughs) We talk about everything. Now you will leave - we will wash your bones!

"Oh baby, you're so sexy!"

Margarita: We have been participating in the ice shows of Channel One since 2007. Around all the high-profile and successful TV projects, serious passions boil, a sea of ​​gossip, every now and then a new love story becomes public ... Povilas and I know people who, for the sake of PR, are able to portray a couple in love. They give interviews right and left on the topic of their supposedly extraordinary feelings. We treat such public confessions with caution. We look at these people and think: what do you even know about love! .. Most of the stories around the "Ice Age" were invented by the yellow press. Paparazzi, except that they don’t crawl out of the iron, spy on each participant. It is worth leaving the skating rink together in the evening, as already in the morning - a detailed article about the fact that one of them left the family. Confirmation - a fuzzy photograph of a kiss in the dark. And this is simply because the training ended late and pecking each other on the cheek is a common practice. About us, too, every year they wrote some kind of abomination - it's a shame that the audience read all this nonsense, believed it and accused our project of pandering ...

Povilas: I'm actually a jealous person by nature, Rita knows this and tries not to give reasons. Of course, like any woman, she needs compliments. But not everyone is ready to accept them. It’s one thing when I can’t help but tell her admiringly: “What a beauty you are today!” And it’s completely different - the words of our teammate, who once approached my wife and said: “Oh, baby, you are so sexy ...” Well, there are shots! Rita shaved him off, of course. She generally knows how to fight back, I have never had to wave my fists to protect her. (Laughs.)

Margarita: I fall into a stupor if some mug comes up to me at an event and, with an impudent air, weighs out vulgar compliments, and even tries to hug me. He probably thinks: if he knows me, then I know him too. Familiarity bugs me. Many men simply do not understand that compliments are not a stream of memorized phrases, but an art. Here is a vivid example for you to follow - Gediminas Taranda, a ballet dancer and our friend in the Ice Age. I got the impression that literally all women adore him. On tour, he will pick up delicious sausages and, during tedious journeys, carefully cut it, spread it on black bread, bring to each girl: “Eat, dear, eat, swallow” - and whisper some compliment, intended only for her. And our guys go around and envy: why are all the girls spinning around Taranda! Yes, because it is comfortable in his aura, because he is attentive to each of us. Well, he loves the female population in principle! And this despite the fact that he has a young, beautiful and beloved wife. By the way, as for the fans of Povilas, they are more restrained than mine and not familiar, they don’t throw themselves on his neck. I feel that many people like him, but I'm not jealous: the more women my husband likes, the better. Having a husband whom no one pays attention to is a dubious pleasure!

The phrase "Let's go home!" confuses us

Margarita:"Ice Age" gave us a lot: new fans, new friends, and interesting work. All athletes who have left big-time sports, one way or another, have to participate in all kinds of shows - this is our bread and butter. A bow to Ilya Averbukh for filling us with work. He tries to do everything in his power to make it convenient for us on tour with the Ice Age show: he chooses the best hotels and comfortable buses. From December to May we toured 70 Russian cities with performances. So what to do? 150 shows a year, as happens on tour, is impossible to do in the capital. But the more joyful for us is the return to Moscow. When the Ice Age is being filmed here, Povilas and I are simply happy: the regime changes, let us hang out at the rink from morning to night, but we spend the night at home. We got a country house by chance. My parents sold their dacha about a hundred kilometers from Moscow - they wanted to live closer to the city. We volunteered to find a suitable place, began to look at the options. And somehow the realtor brings us to one site in the Minsk direction, where the field is all in potatoes ... It smells delicious - herbs, the sun ... The palaces of modern nouveaux riches, built of red brick, standing in the distance, spoil the picture a little. I stand and feel that I do not want to leave here. So we decided to build here. When we had already finalized the deal, we shared our doubts with our coach Vladimir Kotin: in what style should the house be made? And he suddenly says: “I have a friend Vladimir - he is a foreman, built a house for Andrei Bukin (figure skater and coach. - Approx. "ZN") in the style of a French chalet." We immediately crammed in to visit Andrey and ... precipitated. We liked it so much: no pretentiousness, no pomposity. In general, our house is the work of the same builder. We really liked living there, we spent ten years there together with my parents. Yes, even with different living creatures - cats and dogs, which I pick up every now and then.

Povilas: We are slow people. Ten years matured to the idea of ​​getting married, ten more - to move away from their parents and start living with their own family. We were looking for a site as close as possible to the house where we lived before, but a suitable one was only twenty kilometers away. This time they went the simpler way: they bought a box with windows, all that remained was to do the finishing work. And all the same, it was not possible to enter quickly, for a year and a half they brought everything to mind. We hoped that it would be faster, but with our endless tours, this is simply impossible.

Margarita: Now, when friends say: “The foundation has been poured, in three months we are waiting for a housewarming party,” we laugh: “In a year and three months, it may still be, but not earlier.” By the way, if we built this house from scratch, I would make more spacious terraces.

Povilas: How much more spacious? Our terraces already occupy 150 sq. m and a living area of ​​300 sq. m!

Margarita: Do you remember Sun Valley! This is a tiny American town, a ski resort with a population of 600 people, Povilas and I spent three or four months there in 2002-2007 without going out. On these very terraces, people spend their whole life: people have lunch and dinner, barbecue, and play table tennis ... By the way, we brought something from foreign life to our new home.

It is customary for Americans to give almost half of the living space for dressing rooms, utility rooms, storerooms. When they saw this with friends living there, they were surprised: half-empty rooms, not a single extra thing - everything is hidden from prying eyes. Here in our house you will not find cabinets that clutter up the rooms. If we planned the house ourselves, we would arrange dressing rooms in each room, otherwise we have only one, but quite spacious - 15 meters.

We haven’t really settled down in the new place yet, and the phrase “Let’s go home!” makes me think. Home for us here and there, in the same place. Parents still have all our things stored. So far, quite a bit has been transported here: some figurines on the fireplace, a couple of suitcases of clothes and a few photo posters. The old house is still more expensive for us than the new one - we built it from scratch. And we treat him like an elderly beloved relative - with a share of sadness and tenderness. We come to visit my parents and rejoice - it's so good for us there. We haven't divided the animals yet. We have five cats, six dogs. We will leave those who are especially fond of mother with them. We'll take the rest. One dog has already settled with us - Jesse - my brother's dog. At first we were asked to look after her, then they didn’t take her away for a long time, but now we won’t give them back ourselves.

Patriarchy is right

Povilas: Rita in the new house had all the design. The choice of tiles, plumbing is her prerogative, I connected only to engineering issues. They say that repairs often lead spouses to divorce. God bless us, we never even quarreled. The point, probably, is that our tastes coincide by 95 percent. We don’t have such a thing as to quarrel about the bedside table. True, yesterday Rita was offended at me because I accidentally broke off a piece of a new mirror.

Margarita: I was looking for this mirror for a long time, found it, placed an order. I drove it home and rejoiced, imagining how well it would fit into the living room. Povilas meets me, pulls out the purchase from the car, carries it to the room and says, “Wow, how beautiful!” sticks to the wall. But the movement turns out to be sharp, awkward - and I see that a corner falls off the surface of my wonderful mirror below! Good thing it didn't crack! Naturally, I pouted...

Povilas: It's just that the mirror turned out to be very fragile. Rita was offended at me, and I at her. There is no way to say: “Native, well, just think, glass!” For six and a half minutes they were silent. Another would take a belt, but his wife on the pope for such behavior! And I came up and asked: “Are you still angry? Not? Well then I'll tell you what I came up with. Let's glue such a nice piece of wood in place of the chip. Consider it a designer find! He made a knight's move to settle our quarrel. The wife became interested, said: "Well, then do it." That's all. We very rarely quarrel. Even when we were in big sport, sparks practically did not fly. Work for wear and tear absorbed everything so much that there was simply no strength left to slam the doors.

Margarita: Well, probably, sparks still flew, but definitely less than most other couples. Both of us are not prone to hysteria, we do not see the point in screaming. Neither a gloomy face, nor reproaches will help to cope with the problem. If something works out for one and the other does not, there is always a good reason for it. And we need to understand this.

Povilas: For ten years I have been figuring out why Rita can leave home without making the bed, for example, or without washing the cup. But never figured it out! (Laughs.)

Margarita: I, like my husband, like it when everything is laid out on the shelves, everything is clean, nothing is lying around. But when I get up, for example, at seven in the morning, and an hour later I have a meeting in the city center, I’d rather have time to drink coffee than start making the bed or putting things in their places. Povilas wakes up, sees the glove box and...

Povilas:…and nothing happens! It was I who spoiled my nerves before, but now I calmed down: since my beloved for ten years did not understand that the mess annoys me, then you should not be angry at it. Previously, he could keep silent, clean everything himself, but inside everything was bubbling. And now I look at it with a smile: well, my wife scattered things - it's okay. I looked and went to work. And if I'm at home, then I have something to do in the kitchen after her breakfast. In our family, responsibilities are not divided at all. Everyone does what they can. Who is less exhausted, he washes the dishes or cooks dinner.

Margarita: You should have seen Povilas ten years ago! Just peace! After all, he spent most of his time in Lithuania, and there the pace of life is different. The behavior of people is different, radically different from Moscow. Povilas has become more nervous over the years. Previously, it happened that they would be rude to him in the store, he would smile and remain silent, but now he answers. And he learned to show his irritation. But really not at home. Serve badly in a restaurant - it explodes. Here I reassure him: “Come on, it’s not worth our nerves. Let's pretend we like everything." And I, on the contrary, used to be extremely nervous, and I myself perfectly understood that reacting to what was happening in such a way would only destroy my own health. I was hysterical, and then I thought: why did I need this? Now, next to her husband, she has learned to look at things calmly, with humor and even philosophically. In general, we practically exchanged temperaments. (Laughs.) It’s not Povilas that brings me to tears, but some trifle. Like any woman, sometimes I become terribly whiny. I'll break a cup - and let's roar! (Laughs.) But I usually accept serious trials steadfastly, I won’t shed a single tear.

Povilas: Women are emotional beings, what can you do... And these monthly crises of yours, when an earthquake can literally happen out of the blue... Smart husbands simply have to learn how to gather their will into a fist and not succumb to provocations. On such days, it’s like walking through a minefield: you don’t know what you’ll blow up on. By the way, in our case, the fact that Rita and I had known each other for more than ten years before marriage played into the hands. There were no negative surprises. Only one huge plus: I recognized Rita as a woman - and I really liked it ...

Margarita: And my habit of dragging homeless animals into the house?

It's true! Immediately after the wedding, the two of us picked up a kitten on the street. Then Rita brought another from somewhere, and then another ... And what happened? Wool is everywhere in the house, cats climb into the bed, onto the table. I really don't like it! It's just terrible when I see a cat on the table ... I immediately thought: where did she go with these paws! If I raised our cats, everything would be all right. But what kind of upbringing is there when I say: shave, and Rita strokes. Well, I resigned myself ... Rita is a stubborn woman, I have to give in.

Margarita: And it's okay! A man, in principle, should yield to a woman.

Povilas: Well, probably, since we live in such a strange, crazy time, when everything has turned upside down, including relationships between a man and a woman ... Married couples break up without exception, few people can live together for many years. No one wants to give in, everyone prefers to start life from scratch, rather than seek a common language with a loved one. Previously, domostroy and patriarchy reigned in families. It seems to me that this is correct.

Margarita: In patriarchal families, the man is the breadwinner. And his woman sits at home, takes care of the children. You and I plow the same way, we also earn the same. At the same time, I get tired more because I am weaker by nature. So it turns out, dear, that a woman must be treated with care - to yield!

Povilas: Rita's words only confirm my idea: marriage is going through a terrible crisis all over the world. A woman is called to be a mother who raises children at home - and no kindergartens. And she has to work hard. I really want Rita to take care of children in our family. I could feed them all.

Margarita: Thanks to the projects of Ilya Averbukh, this became quite real. Povilas and I don't skate together, we don't depend on each other. So he can make money on his own. This year, Albena Denkova (Bulgarian figure skater, two-time world champion. - Approx. TN) gave birth to a son, and her husband, Maxim Stavisky, worked in the Ice Age for the entire season. Another thing, will I be able to feel harmoniously within four walls? After all, I've been working all my life.

Only the lazy one does not ask when we will have children. Most often, the question sounds tactless, on the forehead. I remember in one interview I said that I could adopt a child. After that, they clung to me with questions: why don’t you want to give birth yourself? Some nonsense! Of course I want. God gives children. We hope it will give us. In principle, I really like the practice of adoption, the opportunity to make one of the disadvantaged children happier. In addition, there are enough rooms in our house that can be adapted for children.

Alla ZANIMONETS, Telenedelya LLC, Moscow (specially for ZN)

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Margarita Drobyazko (born December 21, 1971 in Moscow) is a Russian-born Lithuanian figure skater.

Margarita Drobyazko started figure skating at the age of 6 and her first ice dancing partner was Oleg Granionov. And for most of her career, Margarita performed in tandem with Povilas Vanagas.

During their performance on amateur ice, the couple won:

3rd place at the 2000 World Championship

2 bronze European championships (2000, 2006)

4 bronze Grand Prix finals (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002)

In addition, the couple took part in figure skating competitions at 5 Olympics (1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006).

Vanagas and Drobyazko ended their careers for the first time in 2002, but resumed it before the 2006 Olympics, after which they finally turned professional.

In 2000, Povilas and Margarita got married.

Now Margarita Drobyazko takes part in various ice shows. In the Ice Age project, her partners were actors Alexander Dyachenko and Dmitry Miller.

Margarita Drobyazko loves: traveling, nature and skiing.

For skaters, ice is a lifetime. They spend a long time and painstakingly honing their skills. Athlete Margarita Drobyazko knows perfectly well what it means to live on ice, because her biography had everything: hard training, ups and downs, tears of joy and bitterness of defeat. The career of an athlete and her personal life are the subject of close attention of Russian fans.

Margarita is a native Muscovite, the second and very long-awaited child in the family. For parents who already have a son, it was a great dream to give birth to a girl, her birth was a great happiness. The Drobyazko family was very kind to the baby, raised her in love and tenderness, like a real princess.

In the life of the Drobyazko family there were constant changes of residence. Little Rita managed to visit many places during her childhood and was hard to endure constant moving.

When, by the decision of her father, the family lived in the northern regions of the country, ice became an integral part of Margarita's life. After all, it was then that the girl's mother made a fateful decision - to give her pet to sports, choosing the path of a figure skater for her daughter. At that time, few members of the Drobyazko family could have imagined that Rita's occupation would become a serious hobby, bring her worldwide fame, and there, on the ice, the athlete would meet her husband.

After returning to Moscow, Margarita continued figure skating at a higher level. The coach with whom the girl worked was Gennady Akkerman. It was this talented leader who was able to reveal in the young athlete a disposition for pair skating. Oleg Granyonov became Drobyazko's first partner, but the pair turned out to be unsuccessful, because at the very first competitions it was not positively noted by either the judges or the public.

After observing the failures of the athletes, the coach made the right decision to change the partner. So Margarita met the Lithuanian Povilas Vanagas - her man in every sense. For sixteen-year-old Margarita Drobyazko, whose personal life up to this point was completely unsettled, it was a fatal meeting. Working together with the Lithuanian skater was a real joy, because the couple turned out to be extremely successful, moreover, a feeling of deep affection immediately arose between the young people.

However, the joyful minutes of a rapid rise in his career were replaced by a sad historical event - the collapse of the USSR. Povilas remained in his native Lithuania, and Margarita had to make a serious decision. She changed her Russian citizenship to Lithuanian in order to stay paired with her beloved partner.

Now the Lithuanian couple of athletes continued their joint career and more than once showed their skills in serious competitions.

Among their victories for Lithuania are:

  • 13 championships.
  • Various Grand Prix.
  • Countless contests.
  • Three Olympics.

Participation in the Olympics, unfortunately, never brought them the long-awaited gold, despite all efforts. However, Povilas and Rita never lost hope of becoming the owners of the well-deserved Olympic gold and each time tried to perform brightly. The couple was remembered by the fans for their tireless desire to win and, of course, for their unforgettable beauty and skill.

In 2006, the guys once again made an attempt to win the highest award. The couple had to compete for first place with serious opponents. Among the strongest competitors were such duets as:

  • Navka and Kostomarov- the strongest Russian couple.
  • Grushina and Goncharov- famous sportsmen of Ukraine.
  • Denkova and Staviski- amazing Bulgarian figure skaters and very worthy opponents.

But to great disappointment, Vanagas and Drobyazko could not achieve their cherished goal. One of the reasons was the accidental fall of Margarita.

Like many other athletes, Margarita spent all her free time in training. The closest man in her life was Povilas Vanagas. Margarita's personal life from the moment they met was associated only with this name. Warm feelings of partnership eventually grew into true love.

Povilas was the first to confess, which at first embarrassed Rita, who did not expect such an impulse from him. However, the skater believed in the serious intentions of the man, and the young people became a couple not only on ice. In 2000, the church wedding of Povilas and Margarita Drobyazko took place. They don't have children.

At the end of last year on the project "Ice Age" began to actively discuss the news that Drobyazko and Vanagas broke up after ten years of marriage. Margarita began to be noticed in public places with actor Alexander Dyachenko, who was her partner in the skating rink on a television project.

According to friends Margarita Drobyazko and Povilas Vanagas, there has not yet been a divorce between them. They do not make scandals in public and continue to work together. But each of them has his own personal life. Becoming pregnant and knowing the joy of motherhood remains the biggest dream of a talented athlete.

Attention, only TODAY!

The famous Lithuanian figure skater Margarita Drobyazko brought many awards to her second country. Thirteen-time champion of Lithuania, 2-time winner of European Championships, participant of 5 Olympic Games - of course, not everything was so smooth in the biography of the athlete.


On December 21, 1971, a famous future figure skater was born in Moscow in the family of a pilot. Therefore, her childhood years were spent in Anadyr and Magadan, far from the capital. Already at the age of 6 after returning to the capital, she began to engage in figure skating. She started in singles with G. Istomina, and then moved to ice dancing with N. Lichinuk, then with N. Dubova. In G.Ackerman's group, the athlete met her future partner Povilas Vanagas.

In 1991-1992, the first success came to the couple in the form of gold medals at the Lithuanian Championship. Already in 1992-1993, the figure skater again became the champion of Lithuania, won silver at the Nebelhorn Trophy Grand Prix, the couple became the silver finalist of the Winter Universiade. Until 2000, the couple was rapidly rising in numerous competitions. The gold medals of the Lithuanian championship went to the star couple for 13 seasons. In 2000-2002, the couple won 2 gold at Skate Israel, and at the K. Schaeffer Memorial.

Not everything was easy in the career of athletes. Several times both skaters were going to leave the big sport. From 2002 to 2004, the couple took a break from major performances, but still returned to the ice. The following season, they became the bronze finalists of the European Championship. But they could not get prizes at the Olympics and after that they left the big sport completely.

Since 2007, she has been taking part in television projects of Channel 1 “Ice Age”, skating with actor A. Dyachenko, in 2008 - with actor Dm. Miller, in 2009 - with Krasilov. In 2010, the figure skater performed in the television project "Ice and Fire" and in the musical "City Lights" by I. Averbukh. In 2012, she shared 1st place with Olympic medalist Tatiana Navka in Ice Age. Professional Cup. In 2014, together with her husband Povilas, she took part in a new show. The couple is distinguished by their individual style and originality of the dance.

Wikipedia about Margarita Drobyazko

Wikipedia provides interesting information about the reasons for the failures of figure skaters at the Olympics in Salt Lake City and at the World Championships in Nagano. Skaters, the Lithuanian Figure Skating Federation and many athletes filed protests against the controversial judging decision, but their views were not taken into account.

Personal life of Margarita Drobyazko

In 2000, Drobyazko married and got married to a permanent partner Vanagas. By that time, the couple had already known each other for more than 10 years. Povilas's confession was unexpected for Margarita, but gradually strong feelings woke up in her. Since then, the couple has not parted.

Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas

Despite the novels constantly attributed to them with participants in television projects, the couple lives together and is not going to leave. They don't have children. The couple lives in Moscow in a large house on the Kiev highway and in Kaunas and Vilnius. Margarita has dual citizenship - Russian and Lithuanian.

Margarita Alexandrovna Drobyazko is a professional figure skater of Lithuania, who became the champion of her country thirteen times, twice won prizes at the European Figure Skating Championships (2000, 2006), became the winner of the annual world competition in the discipline of ice dancing. Together with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas, the athlete participated in five Olympiads. In the career of the skater, there were ups and downs, considerable awards and even attempts to leave the sport.

Biography of Margarita Drobyazko

Figure skater Drobyazko Margarita is from Moscow. She was born in the family of a famous polar pilot on December 21, 1971. In the capital, the girl got on the ice for the first time and began training in figure skating. Margarita's sports career began at the age of 6. At first, training for the athlete and her parents was a casual hobby, but over time, Margarita began to skate better and better. Later, the prospect of achieving serious results and further advancement in sports appeared.

Figure skating classes began with singles. Soon the coach recommended that the athlete switch to skating in pairs. Oleg Granionov from Russia became Margarita's first partner, but together they did not achieve significant results.

There were big changes when a promising Lithuanian athlete Povilas Vanagas was paired with Margarita. In figure skating with this partner, the girl was able to interest both the public and the arbitrators. Margarita began to be singled out among the rest of the athletes.

During the competition period of 1991-1992 at the Lithuanian Championship, a pair of figure skaters Drobyazko and Vanagas received the highest award. The figure skater became a citizen of this country and performed under its banner.

In 1992-1993, the girl again won the competition, and then received a silver medal at the Nebelhorn Trophy Grand Prix. In addition, partners were awarded silver at the Winter Universiade.

During the 1993-1994 competition period, Lithuanian figure skaters received the bronze Nebelhorn Trophy. Later, at world competitions and championships, the couple took good places. Athletes won the gold of the national championship of Lithuania for 13 seasons. After the acquired victories, the country's authorities gave the figure skaters state awards and the Order of Lithuanian Prince Gediminas.

From 2000 to 2002, the partners took third place in the Grand Prix final.

Margarita and Povilas' career advancement was uneven, even a desire to finish the sport arose. In 2002, young people announced their retirement, but in 2004 talented skaters again took to the ice and received bronze at the European competition. In 2006, the couple finally left professional sports.

Personal life of Margarita Drobyazko

Margarita has been married to Povilas Vanagas since 2000. The couple has no children yet.

Latest news about Margarita Drobyazko

The athlete participated in four seasons of the famous Ice Age project. On the TV channel "Russia" Margarita took first place in the TV project "Dancing on Ice".