Physiotherapy procedures. Physiotherapy: types of procedures How do physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that studies the effects of natural factors on the body. Treatment using natural factors allows you to reduce the amount of pharmacological drugs used by the patient, and in some cases completely abandon them. Medications have many side effects and can cause adverse symptoms and reactions. Physical factors, as a rule, are perceived by the body safely and make it possible to achieve significant success in the treatment of many diseases.

History of the development of physiotherapy

Ancient scientists wrote about the usefulness of using natural factors for the treatment of diseases: Hippocrates, Asklepiades, Galen, Pliny successfully used massage techniques, therapeutic mud, and also fish that generate an electric charge. Ancient Chinese scientists developed acupuncture and acupressure techniques. The works of these great scientists laid the foundations of physiotherapy.

In the Middle Ages, doctors of the East, Byzantium and Ancient Russia summarized the knowledge of the progenitors of science, formulated its main postulates, determined the methods of treating certain diseases, as well as indications and contraindications for the use of certain natural factors in medical practice.

With the subsequent development of science and scientific thinking, the empirical approach to understanding the impact of natural factors on the body was replaced by evidence. Under the descriptive basis of treatment, the foundation of scientific discoveries in physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, etc. began to lie. These data helped to substantiate and experimentally confirm the positive effect of the use of therapeutic factors for the treatment of a particular disease.

In addition, in the 19th century, the possibilities of using physical factors significantly expanded due to the fact that there were ways to obtain various types of therapeutic energy artificially, in other words, apparatus physiotherapy. It was at this time that scientific works appeared on the therapeutic effects of galvanization and electrophoresis (treatment of syphilis with mercury), and a little later - scientific developments on stimulating certain points of muscles and nerves. In 1807, the book of Zion I.F. was published. "Fundamentals of Electrotherapy", for which the author was awarded the Gold Medal of the Paris Academy of Sciences. In the same millennium, the first franklinization apparatus appeared (1882) due to the successful study of the characteristics of the electromagnetic field (1865), and the invention of a high-frequency oscillation generator by Nikola Tesla (1891) allowed D'Arsonval J.A. (1891) to propose a method of high-frequency electrotherapy, now known by the name of its "owner" - darsonvalization. In 1903 Finsen N. was awarded the Nobel Prize for developing the foundations of phototherapy.

In parallel with the development of apparatus physiotherapy, balneology and balneology actively developed, resorts opened in Russia and Europe, offering the use of the healing properties of mineral waters and therapeutic mud for the treatment of various pathologies, scientific works devoted to balneology appeared, and the first departments of hydrotherapy were opened.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the difficult path of collecting data, scientific substantiation of the impact of natural factors on the functions of the body, monitoring the effectiveness and safety of physiotherapy was passed, which made it possible in 1905, in the Belgian city of Liege, at the first congress of physiotherapists to combine all the knowledge and works related to the application therapeutic factors in medicine into a single clinical and scientific discipline - physiotherapy.

Further developments and research related to many issues and problems associated with physiotherapy, which were carried out on a large scale in Russia and Western Europe, where the treatment with natural factors is still on top.

Today, the scientific minds of physiotherapy and related sciences are working on research related to the study of the impact of physical factors at the subcellular and molecular levels, which allows supplementing, clarifying, and even, in some cases, changing ideas about the interaction of a natural factor with living tissues. And also to make adjustments to indications, contraindications to procedures, dosing, combination with other types of treatment, exposure time and other important indicators in the use of physiotherapy procedures.

Goals of physiotherapy:

The use of natural factors allows you to achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of diseases, reduce the risk of adverse reactions, get rid of pathologies or increase the time of remission between exacerbations, as well as physiotherapeutic methods are used for preventive purposes.

Healing effects:

  • Improvement of blood and lymph circulation;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Stimulation of immunity;
  • Improving the joint-muscular feeling;
  • Feedback improvement;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • Acceleration of the processes of repair and tissue regeneration;
  • Resorption of edema;
  • Myostimulation;
  • Muscle relaxation;
  • General relaxation;
  • Increasing the compensatory capabilities of the body;
  • Restoration of the normal function of organs and tissues;
  • Increasing efficiency;
  • Fight against depression;
  • Reducing the rehabilitation period;
  • Preparation for surgical interventions.

Application in the medical fields

Physiotherapy treatment is actively and successfully used in many medical areas: in gynecology, urology, venereology, sexopathology, surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology, neurology, pediatrics, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, psychology, rehabilitation, orthopedics, rheumatology, cosmetology, trichology, dermatology, endocrinology, traumatology and even oncology.

Methods of carrying out procedures:

The following types of physiotherapeutic effects are distinguished: general, local, on metameric zones (ie, on certain segmental reflex zones), on biologically active points and Zakharyin-Ged zones.

Features of the application of procedures:

  • In one day, only one general procedure can be carried out, the total number of methods of influence should not exceed three. Local procedures are carried out before the general one.
  • You can not take procedures of the opposite effect on the same day: for example, after thermal treatment - ice baths.
  • It is impossible to appoint more than one procedure for one projection or reflexogenic zone.
  • It is impossible to combine the impact of physiotherapeutic factors with acupuncture.
  • It must be borne in mind that physical factors can enhance the effect of certain medications, therefore, it is necessary to adjust the dose of the medication taken.
  • It is necessary to observe the compatibility of physical factors.
  • Repeated courses are prescribed 2-6 months after the end of the previous course, depending on the specific method.

Features of the use of physical factors in children:

  • Physiotherapy should be taken no later than 40 minutes before meals and no earlier than 1 hour after meals.
  • The child should be rested and calm.
  • In one day it is recommended to prescribe one general procedure, if necessary, after 2 hours, one local procedure can be performed.
  • A child's body differs from an adult in a longer preservation of the effect of physiotherapeutic exposure, therefore, the same therapeutic factor can be repeated only after a few months, and if it becomes necessary to use treatment at an earlier date, the physiotherapeutic method should be changed to a similar one in effect.
  • Treatment with any natural factor should begin with minimal dosages, gradually increasing the intensity to the required value.
  • It is mandatory to constantly monitor the condition of a small patient, and it is necessary to monitor not only local reactions, but also a change in the general well-being of a person: sleep, appetite, physical activity, mood, weight gain, etc. At the first procedures, a doctor must be next to the child, not just the nurse who performs the procedure.
  • The duration, number per course, intensity, concentration and other indicators of the procedures should be significantly lower than for an adult patient. On average, all indicators of procedures for children are reduced in relation to "adults", by 1/3-1/5.
  • If possible, it is worth avoiding the use of general procedures, limiting yourself to local ones, and local treatment is recommended only using portable equipment, since its power is lower than stationary.

Sections of physiotherapy:


  • Galvanization;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Amplipulse therapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Electrosleep;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • interference therapy;
  • Inductotherapy;
  • Fluctuorization;
  • Electronarcosis;
  • Ultratonotherapy.
  • Franklinization;
  • microwave (SMV and UHF-therapy);
  • Infit therapy;


  • Ultraviolet;
  • Infrared radiation;
  • visible radiation.

Heat treatment:

  • Paraffin;
  • Ozokerite;
  • Psammotherapy (sand);
  • clay therapy;
  • Mud treatment;
  • Baths and saunas.


  • baths;
  • Souls;
  • Pouring;
  • Rubbing;
  • Underwater massage.

Physical impact:

  • Massage;
  • Mechanotherapy;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Vibrotherapy;


  • Heliotherapy;
  • Aerotherapy;
  • Speleotherapy;
  • Thalassotherapy.

Physiopharmaceutical treatment:

  • electrophoresis;
  • Electroaerosol therapy;
  • Ultraphonophoresis.

Contraindications for the use of physiotherapy:

Absolute contraindications

  • Acute febrile conditions;
  • Less than 3 months after acute myocardial infarction;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • Decompensation of chronic diseases;
  • The general serious condition of the patient;
  • cachexia;
  • Mental illness that does not allow the patient to control the procedure;
  • The presence of a pacemaker;
  • Individual intolerance to a certain therapeutic factor;

In pediatrics:

The following areas cannot be affected:

  • Bone growth zones;
  • Region of the heart;
  • Areas of impaired blood supply;
  • Parenchymal organs;
  • endocrine organs.

Relative contraindications:

If the patient has the following conditions and diseases, physiotherapy can be carried out with the choice of a specific method of exposure, setting an individual treatment time and area for the procedure, as well as a manipulation technique.

  • neoplastic processes;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of the procedure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Gallstone and urolithiasis;
  • Severe hypotension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Osteoporosis.

With a professional approach, proper prescription and following the doctor's recommendations by the patient, the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment is absolutely safe. The impact of natural factors is physiological, practically does not cause negative effects, pleasant and effective.

Physiotherapy- this is a treatment with the help of natural and physical factors: heat and cold, ultrasound, electric current, magnetic field, laser, ultraviolet, infrared and other types of radiation, therapeutic mud, water, massage, hirudotherapy, etc.

The undoubted advantage of physiotherapy over other methods of treatment is its high efficiency, coupled with safety. It not only does not require the use of drugs, but also, due to its active effect on the body, allows you to reduce the intake of drugs at times by increasing the sensitivity of the body to the medicinal properties of medicines. Physiotherapy allows you to minimize possible side effects and unpleasant consequences of both the disease itself and its treatment, which sometimes adversely affects the body's defenses. Physiotherapy awakens the internal reserves of the body, strengthens the immune system and thereby reduces the duration of treatment, accelerates the healing of wounds and inflammations, activates the most important biochemical processes in the body, setting up the body's natural forces for recovery. Physiotherapy is successfully used to treat a variety of diseases of organs and systems of the human body. As an independent method of treatment, physiotherapy is effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease. Physiotherapy is an excellent means of preventing many diseases. Most often it is used as an additional method in the general course of treatment.

Cryotherapy is one of the areas of physiotherapy, a unique method of low temperatures affecting the body with the help of liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy has a general activating effect on the body: it stimulates the immune and endocrine systems, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antispasmodic effects, promotes blood saturation with active biological components - endorphins, and rejuvenates by increasing surface blood flow. Due to the activation of all regulatory systems, the body restores the ability to independently conduct an "audit" of existing violations and eliminate them. Using cryotherapy in a complex of therapeutic measures, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of neurosis and depression, arthritis, psoriasis, papillomas, eczema, sexual disorders in men and women. During a short session, metabolic processes are activated to such an intensity that the patient loses up to one kilogram of weight, which opens up prospects for the treatment of metabolic syndrome. Cosmetological and therapeutic results, even from the first 2-3 procedures, are immediately felt - smoothing of the skin, cessation of pain in the musculoskeletal system, healthy sleep, improved mood, etc.

Laser therapy, or laser therapy. The biostimulating effect of laser therapy on the human body is based on the effect of a directed light flux (laser) on living tissue. By absorbing light, enzymes activate the most important biochemical processes in the body, and cells are renewed, restore their vital activity, self-regulation mechanisms are activated, and the body's natural forces are mobilized. Under the influence of laser therapy, capillaries expand, blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition improve, and all this together leads to the acceleration of healing processes in the affected areas. Laser therapy has a beneficial effect on immunity, reduces blood viscosity, enhances lymph flow, lowers cholesterol, anesthetizes, has antimicrobial, antiviral and antiallergic effects. Laser therapy, like other methods of physiotherapy, helps to reduce the time of treatment, prevent the transition of an acute process into a chronic one, and most importantly, achieve a positive effect with minimal doses of drugs. Short sessions of laser therapy, which the patient undergoes in the long periods after treatment, improve health: stimulate metabolic processes, nourish organs and tissues, reduce the likelihood of early age-related changes, in particular, menopause in women, and sexual weakness in men.

Magnetotherapy with the help of a magnetic field has a systemic healing effect on the body, each cell of which is the final receiver of electromagnetic signals, by activating compensatory-adaptive mechanisms - the internal reserves of the body. Magnetotherapy helps to improve cerebral blood supply and oxygen saturation of the myocardium, as a result, blood pressure normalizes, blood sugar levels decrease, immunity increases, and the activity of internal organs normalizes. With the help of a vortex magnetic field, the body's internal biological reserves are stimulated to actively protect against the damaging effects of the external environment, it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to a real improvement in health: well-being, appetite, sleep, and working capacity improve. Physiotherapy with the help of a magnetic field simultaneously on the whole body allows you to influence all body systems at once, including the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, as well as metabolism and redox processes, etc. Normalization of the redox balance makes patient resistant to stress, helps him to cope with diseases faster. The therapeutic effect of magnetic therapy is effectively manifested in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, in chronic inflammatory processes of the digestive system, in calculous forms of gallbladder pathology, in hypertension, etc.

UVI of blood (ultraviolet irradiation of blood) (or photomodification of blood, photohemotherapy) is a physiotherapy by the effect of a light flux on the blood when a disposable sterile light-guide catheter is inserted through a needle into a vein. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of photohemotherapy is based on the activation of the antioxidant system of the blood, an increase in the total amount of hemoglobin and an increase in its affinity for oxygen, a bactericidal and antiviral effect. Due to non-specific stimulation, the state of immunity improves significantly. UV blood stimulates the immune system, improves tissue nutrition in diseases of the internal organs. Influencing visible light, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the function of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes, activate metabolic processes, normalize the acid-base balance, reduce blood viscosity, and accelerate the resorption of blood clots. In the treatment of purulent wounds, UVR of the blood reduces tissue swelling, stimulates their healing.

Red and infrared radiation perfectly helps in the complex treatment of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases by improving blood viscosity and fluidity, restoring normal microcirculation, and activating redox processes.

Photomodification of blood has shown its high efficiency in the treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic bronchitis, asthma, atherosclerosis, dermatosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, burns. It is advisable to carry out blood photomodification for professional athletes and other people experiencing significant physical exertion.

Hirudotherapy is a treatment with leeches. It is referred to as physiotherapy, since it is an absolutely natural drug-free method of treatment and prevention of various diseases. The powerful therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is achieved with the help of three effects that medical leeches simultaneously have on the patient. The first is a reflex effect: leeches bite through the skin only at biologically active points (acupuncture points), while awakening additional reserves of your body, the natural ability to resist disease and stress. The second is a biological effect: immediately after a leech bite, the wound is anesthetized by injecting into the patient's body the secret of the salivary gland, which contains more than 20 biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. These enzymes prevent the formation of blood clots, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, suppress the development of inflammatory processes, strengthen defenses, restore the body, rejuvenate it, and stimulate the production of endorphins. The active enzymes are gaining strength and after two months they begin to act already at the cell level, and for another 8-10 months the patient can benefit from hirudotherapy. The third is a mechanical effect: leeches suck out “unnecessary” blood from the body, stagnant, full of toxins and decay products, poorly circulating. Mechanical unloading of the blood flow has a great effect on microcirculation in organs and tissues. The basis of the secretion of the salivary gland of medicinal leeches are anticoagulants - substances that thin the blood, as well as an enzyme that breaks down excess cholesterol, and they further enhance the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy, improving microcirculation, cleansing blood vessels and strengthening the immune system.

Hirudotherapy allows you to influence several problem areas at once and cope not only with the disease that the patient complains about, but also with those that he is not aware of, due to the complex healing effect on all immunocompetent organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, adrenals, intestines).

Massage is the most physiological health remedy for the human body, proven by many years of practice in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases. Massage is a mechanical action by hands or special instruments on the surface of the body or a separate organ. Massage is used for the prevention of many diseases, for the general strengthening of the body and as an effective remedy in various fields of medicine, such as orthopedics, therapy, neurology, surgery, gynecology, etc. Therapeutic massage can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Massage can be combined with the main treatment or used as an independent method of physiotherapy.

General health massage improves microcirculation in organs and tissues and muscle tone, reduces weight, relieves fatigue, raises vitality. Classical therapeutic massage is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, endocrine and metabolic disorders, etc. Anti-cellulite massage improves the condition of the skin, contributes to the "burning" of fats and increased tissue turgor. Acupressure is an active impact directly on the painful point with a finger or elbow - quite painful, but very effective for diseases of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, headaches. Segmental reflex massage allows you to target the "problem" areas in the body: internal organs and organ systems. Each organ in the human body corresponds to a projection zone, by acting on which (and not on the pain point itself), it is possible to treat a specific disease. Massaging the back, you can reduce pain in the hand, elbow, shoulder joints, acting on the cervical vertebra - treat the vocal cords, forearms, etc. Periost-massage is an indispensable addition to the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the spine and joints. It is most effective for changes in the periosteum, with inflammatory processes. Cosmetic massage improves blood circulation, complexion, a blush appears, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out. Manual therapy is indicated for certain diseases of the spinal column, osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders in the vessels of the vertebrobasilar system, dorsopathies of various origins, scoliosis, etc. The main task of manual therapy is to relieve pain and restore mobility of the spine and joints. Can be used in combination with massage or as a separate treatment.

Hardware body modeling using the HUBER body modeling system (lpg figure correction) is unique in that the system is able to simultaneously affect the entire human musculoskeletal system - about 80 muscles are worked out in one workout, including those that remain unused during classes on classic simulators. Physiotherapy using this technology involves all muscle groups, as well as joints, ligaments, tendons and spine. Joint pain, improper weight distribution, swelling, reduced metabolism, premature aging of the body due to improper loads, headaches - all this is a consequence of problems with the spine, and the HUBER system today is the only technology that comprehensively corrects both cause and effect by dynamic posture correction (spine). Its action is aimed at restoring and developing the deep muscles of the back, supporting the spinal column with a kind of muscular “corset” and providing a person not only with a royal position, but also with excellent health. This modeling of the figure is most effective.

With the help of testing, the system allows you to create an individual training program for each student with a gradual increase in loads from a simple warm-up to intense general or special strength exercises. Methods of working with the figure correction system allow you to combine classes with all fitness technologies and simulators, and even completely replace them in terms of efficiency. With equal success, the unique super simulator can be used by both elderly people or those who have had a serious illness who need rehabilitation, as well as professional athletes preparing for important competitions. The system will allow everyone to restore joint mobility, strengthen the muscular system and posture, improve stability and coordination, and model a beautiful figure due to the overall harmonious development of muscles. After training, the mood improves, a connection is established between the brain and the body, additional resources of the body are turned on, the body is toned and healthier not only at the physical, but also at the psychological level. An additional plus in this case will be cardio training, which is not superfluous at any age and under any state of health.

Physiotherapeutic techniques effectively complement the medical component of the complex treatment process, avoid unwanted side effects and achieve stable positive treatment results. But the key link in the successful diagnostic and treatment process is the doctor. Therefore, the procedures should be carried out only after prior consultation with a specialist - for maximum effectiveness of therapy and patient safety.

Physiotherapy in neurology

1. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, plexitis, neuralgia):
In the acute period:
UHF on the affected area
laser therapy
DDT and SMT therapy
UVR of segmental zones and along the fields of the affected limb
In the subacute period:
ultrasound with hydrocortisone ointment, gel on segmental zones and along the affected nerve
medicinal electrophoresis
galvanic mud therapy
In remission:
ozokerite - and mud therapy
balneotherapy (iodine-bromine, turpentine baths, baths with laurel,
underwater shower-massage
manual massage

2. Osteochondrosis of the spine with neurological manifestations:
For pain syndrome:
UVR of segmental and projection zones
DDT or SMT segmental and projection zones
darsonvalization of segmental and projection zones
laser therapy for painful areas
PMP segmentally and on pain zones
With the weakening of the pain syndrome:
vasodilating and anti-inflammatory electrophoresis
ozocerite applications on irradiation zones
massage of segmental zones of the spine and the affected limb
ultrasound paravertebral and along the nerve
In remission:
ozokerite - and mud therapy
underwater shower-massage
balneotherapy (bischofite, turpentine, iodine-bromine baths, baths with
manual massage
dry carbonic bath

3. Multiple sclerosis:
With 1-2 degrees of severity of the process:
ultraphonophoresis of hydrocortisone paravertebral and on the area
spine (D7–D12)
ozocerite or mud applications on the same area
magnesium electrophoresis on the same area
During the remission period:
coniferous, oxygen baths
massage of segmental zones of the spine and limbs

4. Disorders of cerebral circulation.
The goal of physiotherapy is to improve cerebral blood flow, reduce
vascular spasm.
a) transient disorders of cerebral circulation of a mild degree -
2 weeks after the crisis, cf. and severe - after 3-4 weeks.
alternating magnetic field (Pole-2) on the collar zone, time
exposure 10 minutes
darsonvalization of the collar zone, exposure time 3-5 minutes
electrophoresis of eufillin, magnesium sulfate, novocaine
oxygen baths
iodine-bromine baths
dry carbonic bath
b) ischemic brain damage - not earlier than after 5–6
weeks after the onset of the disease.
electrophoresis of vasodilators (magnesium sulfate,
papaverine, eufillina) on the collar zone
alternating magnetic field (Pole–2) paravertebral, time
exposure 15–20 minutes
massage of the collar zone and affected limbs
laser therapy (external, ILBI)
a) by hypertonic type:
drug electrophoresis with novocaine, magnesium sulfate,
eufillin on the collar zone
darsonvalization of the head and collar zone
coniferous, coniferous-pearl baths, baths with calendula, iodine-bromine
dry carbonic bath
neck area massage
b) by hypotonic type: in the late recovery period.
hydrotherapy (coniferous, oxygen, iodine-bromine, turpentine baths)
thermotherapy (ozocerite) on paretic extremities
manual massage
VLOK 2 times a year
galvanic mud on the affected limbs

5. Parkinson's disease.
- SMT paravertebral to the cervicothoracic spine
- darsonvalization of the head and collar area or along the spine
- ozocerite, mud applications on the spine
- hydrotherapy (coniferous, coniferous-pearl, iodine-bromine, baths with
- neck massage
- laser therapy externally paravertebral

6. NDC
- electrophoresis with calcium on the collar zone
- underwater shower-massage
- white turpentine baths

7. Neurasthenia.
a) hypersthenic form:
galvanic collar according to Shcherbak
darsonvalization of the head and collar zone
head and neck massage
coniferous, coniferous-pearl, iodine-bromine and bischofite baths
b) with hyposthenic syndrome:
underwater shower-massage
dry carbonic bath
electrophoresis with calcium on the collar zone

8. Cerebrosclerosis, atherosclerotic encephalopathy.
- drug electrophoresis of vasodilators, sedatives,
local anesthetics
- magnetotherapy (Pole-1) on the collar zone
- darsonvalization of the head and collar area
- laser therapy (external and ILBI)
- dry carbonic bath
- hydrotherapy (iodine-bromine, oxygen, turpentine baths)
- manual massage of the head, neck, collar area

9. Raynaud's disease (stages I, II).
- Ultrasound paravertebral in the cervical and lumbar region
- darsonvalization along the spine
- SMT paravertebral transversely on the hands or feet
- alternating magnetic field (Pole–2) for segmented zones
- hydrotherapy (turpentine, iodine-bromine, coniferous-oxygen baths)
- underwater shower-massage
- ozocerite and mud treatment on the limbs

Contraindications to physiotherapy

Contraindications to physiotherapy are divided into general and special, associated with the action of a particular physical factor (method). General contraindications include malignant neoplasms, bleeding, the general serious condition of the patient, accompanied by decompensation of the main body systems.

The method (methods) of physiotherapy is selected individually depending on the stage of the disease, the presence and nature of complications, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases.

General contraindications:

1) Systemic blood diseases
2) Sharp exhaustion of the patient (cachexia)
3) Hypertension stage III
4) Pronounced atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
5) Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation
6) Violation of the heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation, extrasystole)
7) Bleeding (except juvenile) or a tendency to them
8) The general serious condition of the patient
9) Feverish state of the patient (temperature above 37.5)
10) Epilepsy with frequent seizures
11) Hysteria psychosis
12) Infectious diseases in the acute stage
13) Neoplasms
14) The presence of a pacemaker

Factor contraindications:

To direct current (electrophoresis):

1) Factor intolerance
2) Skin defects (abrasions, cracks, rashes)
3) Acute purulent-inflammatory processes of various localization
4) Allergic reactions to the administered drug
5) Disorder of sensitivity
6) Metal objects in the affected area

To ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis:

1) Diseases of the cardiovascular system (IHD, angina pectoris III fc, hypotension, vegetative vascular dysfunction, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmias)
2) Early pregnancy (when exposed to the lower third of the abdomen)
3) Acute purulent processes in the affected area
4) GSD ICD (when exposed to the stomach or lower back)
5) Weeping eczema nevi in ​​the affected area
6) High myopia retinal detachment glaucoma (when exposed to the eyes)
7) Bronchitis and pneumonia in the acute phase with the manifestation of systemic allergosis
8) Complications of peptic ulcer
9) Osteoporosis

To magnetic laser therapy:

1) Severe hypotension, the presence of an artificial pacemaker
2) Thrombophlebitis
3) Nodules in the thyroid gland
4) Individual intolerance to the factor
5) Condition after stroke (AMI) (1-3 months) aortic aneurysm
6) Pregnancy of any term

Differing in their diversity, joint diseases have one thing in common: progressing, they inevitably lead to the destruction of articular cartilage and secondary changes in bone tissue, hinder movement and can lead to disability.

Medication alone does not always allow you to slow down destructive processes, but it is often complicated by many side effects.

Physiotherapy is an excellent complement to medical treatment.

Physiotherapy treatment of joint diseases, thanks to the "fast" delivery of drugs to the inflamed tissue, allows you to quickly reduce pain, accelerate blood flow and joint recovery.

Under ultraviolet rays

Direct current for children and adults

The classic of physiotherapy is considered to be treatment of joints by electrophoresis.

Its essence is the effect of direct current, conducted by means of a cathode and an anode, applied to the joint from both sides.

So, by performing electrophoresis of the knee joint, it is possible to improve the outflow of fluid, while at the same time relieving pain: in the area under the anode, the smooth muscle fibers of the vascular walls somewhat spasm - the pain becomes weaker; under the cathode, on the contrary, the muscles relax, which is accompanied by vasodilation and increased local blood flow.

In electrophoresis treatment, the drug is delivered directly to the joint

Another plus of the method is the ability to “deliver” the drug directly to the joint, bypassing the bloodstream and liver. Often perform electrophoresis with bischofite- a source of mineral salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulfur. Helps electrophoresis with bischofite and "resolve" scars.

In addition to arthrosis, electrophoresis is indicated for hip dysplasia in children.

Dysplasia- a complex pathology with a concomitant developmental disorder of all articular components. Developing in the prenatal period, uncorrected dysplasia during life can “result” in different leg lengths and gait disturbance. Children diagnosed with dysplasia, among other treatments, are prescribed electrophoresis with calcium on the hip joints. Concentrating in the joints, the most important mineral lays the "foundation" for their full development.

Read more about crunching in the joints in children with congenital joint pathologies, read

Anti-inflammatory treatments


The rays of not only the ultraviolet spectrum have a beneficial effect. An enhanced beam of ultraviolet, infrared and red radiation emitted by a laser has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic processes and triggers tissue regeneration. The latter is important for stage I-II arthrosis. The laser is effective for Bechterew's disease, inflammation of the femoral tendons, or the presence of heel spurs.

Laser treatment promotes tissue regeneration

There is a positive experience of using its powerful radiant flux in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

By influencing various parts of the spine with an infrared laser, it is possible to achieve a decrease in sensitivity and improve blood supply to the region of the spinal nerve roots and improve the condition of patients with osteochondrosis.


Low-intensity UHF-therapy. Under the action of ultra-high pulses of the electric field, heat is "generated" in the tissues, due to which the application UHF on the joints allows you to increase local blood flow and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. Cellular metabolism is also activated.

In combination with the injection of hydrocortisone, UHF therapy is preferable for stage I-II arthrosis.

How UHF therapy is performed, see the video.


Much improves blood supply to cartilage tissue exposure to centimeter waves (CMW-therapy). The latter activate the work of capillaries and lymphatic vessels, "accelerating" edema and actively removing accumulated toxins.

The impact of CMW is advisable in the early stages of deforming arthrosis not complicated by synovitis.

Physiotherapy that improves trophism and regeneration of joint tissues

Therapeutic ultrasound

Ultrasound has a no less beneficial effect on the treatment of joints. Its essence is a mechanical “pulsation” in deeply located tissues, accompanied by local heating. Ultrasound enhances the effect of drug treatment, accelerates the outflow of exudate and relaxes spasmodic muscles. Due to the anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and resolving effects of ultrasound, the procedure gives a good effect in the treatment of heel spurs, trochanteritis and the initial stages of arthrosis.

Ultrasound delivers medication deep into the joint

Another positive aspect of the method is that ultrasound “delivers” the medicine to deep (5-6 cm) tissue layers. For example, ultrasound with hydrocortisone in diseases of the knee joints can replace the performance of traumatic intra-articular injections. Ultrasound is also performed with the use of other analgesics - analgin, eufillin lidase.

However, the treatment of joints with ultrasound with hydrocortisone is most effective, provided that the degenerative process has not "stepped" beyond stage II.

Ultrasound is able to deliver directly to the diseased joint and "fastening" calcium.

Local darsonvalization

Although there is no consensus on whether darsonval is good for joints yet, this method, the essence of which is the impact of high-frequency currents of low strength, but high voltage, is often preventive. The "trigger point" of arthrosis is considered to be the moment of violation of articular trophism. By activating the peripheral nerves, skin and muscles in the affected area, darsonval with arthrosis acts as a stimulator of the periarticular muscles, indirectly improving the trophism of the joint.

Darsonval stimulates muscles and relieves pain

Using darsonval for the spine, by performing a massage of the spinal column with the help of a special T-shaped nozzle, they achieve pain relief in it with osteochondrosis.

This physiotherapy blocks the receptors of peripheral nerve endings, improving the passage of impulses and restoring the sensitivity of the skin, which allows effectively apply darsonval for spinal hernia with its frequent companion - radicular syndrome.

Beneficial effect of magnetotherapy

Relaxing magnetic therapy sessions have a beneficial effect on all systems, forcing the body to "turn on" compensatory-adaptive mechanisms. The treatment of arthrosis with magnetotherapy occurs due to the local thermal effect on all articular "components" with heating of its muscles and ligaments by 2-3 degrees.
This allows you to accelerate the outflow of inflammatory fluid and increase cellular immunity, which is especially valuable for slowly recovering cartilage tissue cells.

Magnetic therapy is used for uncomplicated synovitis arthrosis of I-II stages.


Perhaps one of the most pleasant methods of treating joints is taking therapeutic baths, or balneotherapy. Despite the apparent relaxation, baths have a tonic effect on the entire body and on the joints, in particular.
Activating blood flow in the periarticular tissues, hydrogen sulfide baths for arthrosis contribute to a better blood supply to the joint, and consequently - to the accelerated intake of nutrients into it and the active release of a full-fledged articular "moisturizer" - synovial fluid. In addition to a pronounced effect on blood circulation, hydrogen sulfide baths “balance” the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Balneotherapy is one of the most pleasant treatments for joints.

Radon baths for diseases of the joints- A good alternative to painkillers.

Balneological sessions with radon reduce the sensitivity of the nerves, reducing the manifestation of pain.

By stimulating the body's ability to "resist" ailments, radon baths have a positive effect on the heart muscle and strengthen bones.

Healing heat and cold

Paraffin treatment also has a beneficial effect on the joints. By raising the local temperature in the affected area, this molten oil distillate acting through the skin actively saturates the joint with biologically active substances and inorganic salts, accelerating metabolic reactions and stimulating blood circulation. Its use for physiotherapeutic purposes, due to its ability to retain heat, helps to relax muscles and improve local blood circulation, so paraffin applications are often used to relieve pain in arthritis. As a result of the physiotherapy course, it is possible to achieve an increase in the range of motion.

Therapeutic mud contains a lot of substances necessary for the joints.

In addition to paraffin applications, thermal treatment is also performed using mountain wax (ozocerite) or therapeutic mud.

In recent years, for the treatment of arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, cryotherapy. Its essence is the impact on the body of extremely low temperatures, performed in two ways.

It is necessary to distinguish between the physiotherapy department, where all the main types of physiotherapy are presented (electro-, light-, water-, thermotherapy), and the physiotherapy room, in which there is only a part of the apparatus. In the latter case, one or two or three rooms (usually adjacent) can be assigned to the physiotherapy room.

The organization of a physiotherapy room (department) provides for the rational placement and arrangement of equipment, taking into account the convenience of its operation and safety during procedures. The opening and operation of a physiotherapy department (office) is permitted only if the safety and sanitation rules approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and the Central Committee of the medical workers' trade union are observed.

The height of the premises of the physiotherapy room must be at least 3 m. The area of ​​​​the premises for the physiotherapy room is determined at the rate of at least 6 m 2 per treatment couch. The area of ​​the combined electro-light treatment room should be at least 24 m 2; if there are 4 or more low-power UHF generators, a separate room of 24 m 2 is also allocated for them. The ratio of the window area to the floor area is at least 1: 6. The smallest artificial illumination at a level of 0.8 m from the floor with incandescent lamps is 75 lux, with fluorescent lamps - 150 lux.

The floor must be wooden. Walls to a height of 2 m are painted with light oil paint; the rest of the walls and the ceiling are glued. Wall cladding with ceramic tiles is not permitted.

In the physiotherapy room there should be supply and exhaust ventilation with air heating, as well as transoms; the air temperature in the room should be at least 20 °. The physiotherapy room should be equipped with a washbasin. Procedure places (cabins) are separated from each other by curtains on a metal, plastic or polished wooden frame, attached to the ceiling at a height of 2 m. The metal structures of the cabins are isolated from the stone walls by laying 40 mm thick wooden socket boxes under the flanges, impregnated with paraffin and painted with oil paint.

The dimensions of the cabins for electro-light treatment procedures are: length 2-2.2 m, width (for all floor and ultrasonic devices) - 2 m, for others - 1.6 m. Only one floor device is installed in each cabin. In the physiotherapy room, where there are devices for galvanization, electrophoresis of medicinal substances, treatment with low-frequency currents and devices for phototherapy, a special isolated box (8 m 2) is allocated for preparing the treatment procedure (boiling electrode pads, drying them, wetting with solutions of medicinal substances etc.) with a drying cabinet and exhaust ventilation.

The electrical equipment of the physiotherapy room must be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the Design, Operation and Safety of Physiotherapy Departments (Cabinets)". Each cabinet must have an independent electrical input from the main shield, laid with a copper wire with a cross section of at least 6 mm 2, and a group shield with a common switch or starter that has clearly marked “on”, “off” positions. The switch is installed at a height of 1.6 m from the floor level. A network voltmeter with a phase switch is mounted on the shield. The group shield is mounted from fuses or circuit breakers with a maximum current of 15 I with the number of groups corresponding to the number of installed devices, also taking into account sterilizers and electric hotplates. In cabins for connecting devices at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level, starting shields made of insulating material are installed. A three-pole switch (starter) for 15-25 A is mounted on them, having a clear designation “on”, “off”, four terminals in an insulating frame, two of them are left - for connecting devices, the rest - for protective earthing of the device, one plug socket with self-catering.

Only portable equipment may be connected to socket outlets. The line from the group to the starting shields is laid with a copper wire with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm 2. All starting devices are installed only in a protected form.

It is forbidden for personnel to stay in the zone of direct radiation in front of a remotely located emitter of devices for microwave or decimeter wave therapy. The operation of such devices is carried out in specially allocated rooms or in common rooms, provided that they are shielded using a metal mesh or metal mesh cameras, shields covered with substances absorbing electromagnetic vibrations, booths or screens made of cotton fabric with a microwire.

Physiotherapy: types of procedures

Physical therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialty that uses mechanical strength and movement to correct impairments and promote mobility, function, and quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention.

What is physiotherapy for?

Physiotherapy is a professional medical specialty performed by physiotherapists.

Physiotherapists use their knowledge and skills to improve a number of conditions related to different body systems, such as:

  • neurological (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease);
  • musculoskeletal (whiplash-related back pain, sports injuries, arthritis);
  • cardiovascular (chronic heart disease, rehabilitation after a heart attack);
  • respiratory (asthma, chronic pulmonary obstruction, cystic fibrosis).

You can benefit from physical therapy at any time in your life.

Classification of physiotherapy

Modern science explores a large number of types of energy. The main component of many procedures is a natural factor of physical origin.

With its use, the main physiotherapy procedures are distinguished:

  1. The use of various electrical options: (various drugs with electrophoresis, galvanization procedures, electrosleep, diadynamometry, impulse therapy, analgesia with electricity, ultratonotherapy).
  2. The use of heated preparations on the patient's skin: ozocerite, Naftalan, treatment with paraffin, therapeutic mud, clay and sand.
  3. Use of various magnetic fields: inductothermy, magnetotherapy.
  4. The use of electromagnetic fields of excessively high frequency: terahertz, decimeter, centimeter and extremely high frequency therapy.
  5. The use of fresh water, artificial and natural waters: balneotherapy, hydrotherapy.
  6. Mechanical vibrations: vibrotherapy, ultraphonotherapy.
  7. The use of an electric field: ultra-high-frequency procedure, infit therapy, franklinization.
  8. Electromagnetic oscillations of the optical range: visible, infrared, ultraviolet and laser radiation.
  9. The applied modified or special air environment: aeroionotherapy, inhalation therapy, climatotherapy, barotherapy.
  10. Combined procedures are based on the use of various therapeutic factors from one or two different groups: magnetic laser therapy, vacuum darsonvalization, inductothermoelectrophoresis, etc.

Types of physiotherapy procedures

The type of procedure is selected by specialists for each addressed patient individually. Based on: the general condition of the body, the activity of the immune system, concomitant diseases, allergies, as well as the underlying pathology with which the patient applied. There are a large number of physiotherapy procedures.


This procedure is a form of medical treatment that uses small electrical impulses to repair tissue, stimulate muscles and tissue.

The advantages of electrotherapy are a more advanced healing process, improved circulatory system and increased muscle tone.

The effectiveness of electrotherapy provides: pain reduction, increase in strength, movement, muscle tone and absorption rate.

The reason for using this method is that injuries that cause swelling respond well to electrotherapy. They include sprained ankles and overuse injuries such as a tennis or golfer's elbow.


Magnetotherapy is a procedure, a natural phenomenon, and is based on the application of certain magnetic fields on the human body. Magnetotherapy is used to treat pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.

Clinical studies have shown that magnetotherapy should be used to treat osteoporosis and be used for regeneration, superficial tissues, and bone fractures. The procedure is used in orthopedics and sports.

Low-intensity and low-frequency magnetic field is not used by itself, but a set of several factors that optimize as a method of application, give therapeutic results:

  • choice of magnetic field and waveform;
  • choice of different methods of magnetic field transmission in tissues;
  • manual or automatic;
  • method of application, contact - general or local;

Therapeutic expectations can be summarized as follows: non-abrasive and painless treatment, reduction of contracture and muscle relaxation, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and drainage effect, tissue repair, even deep.

shock wave therapy

Shock wave therapy is a procedure using a multidisciplinary device, necessary for the treatment of tendons, muscles, joints, orthopedics, stimulation of bone healing, physiotherapy, immediate pain relief, sports medicine, stone crushing, urology.

Its main assets are lightning-fast pain relief and the resumption of mobility. Together with non-surgical therapy without the need for painkillers, it is an ideal therapy for a speedy recovery, as well as the treatment of various symptoms that cause various types of pain.

These processes are used simultaneously and are necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic pathologies.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a therapy that uses the necessary wavelength of light to interact with cells and speed up the healing process.

It can be used by patients suffering from various acute, subacute, chronic diseases to help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce vascular contractions and increase functionality.

During this time, non-thermal light photons emitted by the device penetrate the skin, subcutaneous tissue and reach the required organ. After passing through the skin, at the moment it reaches the desired organ, it penetrates the tissue cells.

When these photons of light are absorbed by the cells, the metabolic process is enhanced in them and the regenerative ability is activated. As a result, swelling, signs of inflammation, pain sensations subside and enhanced wound healing occurs due to an increase in intracellular metabolism.


Balneotherapy is the treatment of diseases by bathing. Balneotherapy can include hot or cold water, massage through moving water, relaxation or tension. Most mineral waters are rich in essential minerals: silica, sulfur, selenium and radium.

Healing clays are also used in balneotherapy. Balneotherapy is used for patients with a large number of diseases.

The most serious pathologies include: fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, insomnia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, spasticity, stroke, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and cardiovascular disease.

Other benefits of balneotherapy include pain reduction, increased collateral circulation, increased cellular fluids, muscle relaxation, and numerous healing benefits from the absorption of minerals and botanicals.


Climatotherapy is the temporary or permanent transfer of a patient to a region with a climate more favorable for recovery or management of the condition.

For example: Oxygen partial pressure is lower at high altitude, so a person with sickle cell disease may move to a lower altitude to reduce sickle crises. There are also possible therapeutic benefits for patients with psoriasis, especially in the Dead Sea region.

Detensor therapy

The detensor therapy treatment works by canceling the force of gravity, and it only relieves pressure from compressed discs, and in return the body relaxes. The system consists of a traction device, a bed system and a therapy mat for systematic traction treatment.

This treatment is very important because it can be applied to a patient without weights, belts, etc. This method is done primarily for people who experience pain from degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, sciatic nerve, bone spurs, or whatever. kind of like a pinched nerve in the neck.

Since proper spinal alignment, decompression joints, and pain relief are the result of spinal decompression, the therapy stretches the bones and muscles of the back so they can resist the effects of gravity.

ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is a disinfection method that uses short wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and destroying their DNA, rendering them unable to perform vital functions.

UV irradiation is used in many applications in the treatment of many skin conditions, including psoriasis and vitiligo.


Mechanotherapy is a treatment through a series of manual and instrumental methods that mainly use pressure, smoothing and stretching to prevent pain, improve blood circulation and cell metabolism.

Mechanotherapy includes all therapeutic, underwater and mechanical massages, trainings. Mechanotherapy uses many other relaxation techniques such as traditional manual massage, manual lymphatic drainage, and foot reflexology massage to combat the muscle tension caused by forced posture, which is common in most patients.

Peloid therapy

A peloid is a mud or clay used therapeutically as part of a balneotherapy or therapeutic bath.

Peloids are composed of humus and minerals formed over many years as a result of geological and biological, chemical and physical processes.

Numerous peloids are available today, of which the most popular are: peat masses, various medicinal clays from various locations around the world, and various plant substances.

The most common treatments are peloid wraps, mud baths and peloid sets applied locally to the part of the body being treated.

Peloids are widely used in cosmetology. They are used as a face mask. Applying peloid masks once a week helps to revitalize the skin, tighten it and bind fluids in the skin layers. Regular use of peloids leads to the disappearance of wrinkles and the prevention of the appearance of new wrinkles.

Thermotherapy is the use of heat in therapy to relieve pain and heaviness. It can take the form of hot cloth, hot water bottle, ultrasound, heating pad, hydro collator packs, whirlpool baths, wireless thermotherapy wraps.

The therapeutic effect includes increasing the extensibility of collagen tissues, reducing joint stiffness, reducing pain, alleviating muscle spasms, reducing inflammation and swelling. Increased blood flow to the affected area provides proteins, nutrients and oxygen for better healing.

It can be helpful for people with arthritis and stiff muscles, deep tissue damage to the skin. Heat can be effective in treating conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Thermotherapy is most often used for rehabilitation purposes.


Light therapy or phototherapy consists of exposure to daylight or specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarized light, lasers, LEDs, fluorescent lamps, or very bright full spectrum lamps.

The light is administered for a set time and, in some cases, at a specific time of day. Phototherapy deals with the treatment of skin diseases, mainly psoriasis, acne vulgaris, eczema and neonatal jaundice.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy

The advantages of physiotherapy methods is their natural effect on the human body, and is considered as a replacement for drugs or surgical interventions. Basically, in the treatment of the disease, a combination of drugs and physiotherapy is used.

Together with other types of therapies, physical factors have their own advantages:

  • increase the range of interventions of various treatment methods, reducing the recovery time;
  • do not cause allergies to drugs;
  • increase the effect of medications;
  • there is no addiction and dependence on drugs;
  • there is no side effect on other systems and organs;
  • provide painless treatment;
  • no invasive treatments are used;
  • prolong periods of remission.


To the inability to undergo physiotherapy, there are these contraindications:

  • tumors of a malignant nature, leukemia, myeloid leukemia, cachexic conditions;
  • III stage of hypertension, atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the head, decompensated cardio-vascular pathologies, deterioration of blood clotting;
  • severely ill, hectic fever;
  • active tuberculosis, epileptic seizures, convulsions;

Arrangement and equipment of a physiotherapy room

The room is allocated not lower than the 1st floor. It should be dry (humidity not higher than 70%), warm (temperature not lower than +20 ° С), bright, spacious (the area of ​​​​the office is allocated at the rate of 6 m 2 per 1 stationary device, but not less than 24 m), a supply air exhaust ventilation, only hidden electrical wiring, walls to a height of 2 m are covered with oil paint, floors are covered with linoleum.

All metal grounded objects are fenced with wooden casings. At a height of 1.6 m from the floor, a shield with a common switch is installed.

Cabins are equipped according to the number of stationary devices:

A service cabin is allocated separately for preparation for procedures. A table for a nurse is placed outside the service cabin. On the table are: a file cabinet with cards of patients and a procedural electric clock. In the nurse's table are a stopwatch, centimeter tape, rubber gloves, goggles.

The equipment is placed strictly according to the plan approved by the manager. All devices mounted in metal cases must be grounded. It is necessary to carry out preventive inspection of the equipment at least 1 time in 7 days. A preventive examination is carried out by a physiotherapist. Monitoring compliance with the frequency of preventive examinations is carried out by a nurse, about which a special entry is made in the journal. Devices must be protected from dust, moisture and overload. Maintenance of the equipment is the responsibility of the nurse.

Medical card

A bad doctor treats the disease, a good doctor treats the cause of the disease.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy procedures are considered by many parents to be not very effective and are not taken seriously - they violate the schedule and conditions, or even completely interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. The name of the method comes from two ancient Greek words - "physio", which means "nature", and "therapy" - treatment. You can't say more precisely: natural natural factors - water, air, sunlight, heat, cold, electromagnetic radiation help the body get rid of diseases without medications and side effects. The choice of techniques is large: some have been known since time immemorial, that is, time-tested, others have appeared recently.

What is physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a separate medical specialty, in order to get it, you need to master knowledge from the field of physics and chemistry, which is not taught to representatives of other areas of medicine. Only those who have undergone the necessary training are able to correctly prescribe the procedure, the rest of the doctors do not have full information. Many clinics have physiotherapy departments or physiotherapists. Looking into their offices more often, parents will be able to learn more about non-drug ways to prevent and treat diseases.

The unpopularity of physiotherapy with parents is associated with several circumstances, for example, mothers are able to refuse inhalations, fearing that nebulizers are a carrier of infection because they are not properly sterilized. Often such suspicions are incompetent: each small patient receives “his own” nozzle, and the used one is sent for disinfection. The second argument is that physiotherapy procedures are difficult to comply with, as they require a strict regimen - preparation "before" and adherence to certain rules "after". In order for the baby to get the maximum benefit from the manipulation, he must be full, rested, calm. Taking into account the biorhythms of children, treatment is best done in the morning, 1 hour after feeding. At the end of the session, the baby needs to rest - lie down in the crib, but it is better to sleep. The smaller the child, the more difficult it is to follow these requirements.

Technological progress offers an excellent way out of this situation: by creating a home physiotherapy room using portable devices, you can solve both the first and second problems. The algorithm is this - you get a doctor's prescription, purchase a device, master it and use it, following the rules.

How Physiotherapy Works

All natural factors affect the child's body to one degree or another - they change body temperature, pressure, the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, make muscles tense or relax. This observation formed the basis of physiotherapy and prompted the ancient Aesculapius to conduct experiments. For example, such - if the sun's rays or hot baths are useful for a healthy person, then why not treat the patient with their help? The guesses were confirmed, and doctors began to use the discovery. Modern doctors do not stop at what their predecessors have achieved, and continue to develop methods of physiotherapy. The achievements of the founders of medicine are replenished, but many of the rules for conducting sessions, discovered by them, remain unshakable.

Most importantly, physiotherapeutic procedures are always prescribed during the recovery period, when the crisis has passed and the patient is on the mend. At the height of the disease - at elevated temperature and acute manifestations - physiotherapy can harm, because the body is disoriented, and any intrusion into its work will be perceived inadequately. So, heating with any of the devices will provide heat stroke and dehydration.

What are the physiotherapy procedures

The range of physiotherapy procedures is very diverse. The methods are divided into groups according to the sources of exposure: light, heat and radio magnetic devices, water and air. Many of them are interchangeable. Babies are most often prescribed the simplest.

UHF stands for Ultra High Frequency. The method is used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes. A protective barrier is formed around the focus - the walls of the capillaries become denser, as a result, blood flow improves and edema disappears, abscesses and ulcers dry up.

Magnetotherapy involves warming tissues, after which all processes in them are activated. At the same time, metabolism, blood circulation, protein synthesis, hormones are improved, spasms are relieved, blood pressure and pain are reduced. It is used for neurosis, rhinitis, sinusitis, atopic dermatitis, dyskinesia of the digestive system.

Light therapy is exposure to any light sources, including laser ones. It is prescribed to frequently ill crumbs to improve the functioning of the immune system and metabolism. You can "shine" on the whole body, small areas and individual organs, such as the ear, nose or knee.

Phototherapy is a type of light therapy that helps babies cope with jaundice in newborns in the first day after birth. Under light energy, e.g. from a blue light fluorescent lamp, the toxic, dangerous forms of bilirubin (excess bilirubin and causes jaundice) are converted into harmless forms.

Ultraviolet radiation is also from the category of light. It protects children from rickets. And since ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on dangerous microbes, they also help with purulent inflammations and allergies, disinfect indoor air and pool water.

Electrophoresis - with the help of current through the skin or mucous membranes, medicines are introduced into the body, which immediately hit the target, bypassing the gastric tract and respiratory organs, and thus pain is often relieved.

From massage and exercise therapy, babies of all ages benefit from birth. These methods help the crumbs quickly cope with the “flaws” of nature, grow up healthy and strong.

Kinesiotherapy is a combination of morning and therapeutic exercises, outdoor activities, sports and applied exercises and outdoor games. Newborns who were born prematurely, and small ones with neurological problems have their own occupations - for these categories of children, special bath beds with a porous bottom filled with glass microballoons and simulating intrauterine life conditions have been created. The filter sheet separates the baby's body from them, and the baby swims calmly in the "dry liquid".

Fizkabinet what procedures

Treatment of any disease should be not only effective, but also as safe as possible, without unpleasant consequences and side effects. “Do no harm” is exactly the principle on which all modern medical techniques are based. Among the long-known, absolutely safe, and therefore methods that have earned immense popularity is physiotherapy. The main feature, or rather, the advantage of the technique is that such a course of treatment excludes the use of chemicals and drugs. The very name of physiotherapy suggests that the treatment is carried out with the help of physical factors that affect the patient's body. There are many such physical factors - ultrasound, currents, laser, magnetic field, various types of radiation (ultraviolet, infrared), massage and others. So, physiotherapy has a big plus - high efficiency combined with safety of use.

The undoubted advantage of physiotherapy over other methods of treatment is its high efficiency, coupled with safety. Physiotherapy awakens the internal reserves of the body, strengthens the immune system and thereby reduces the duration of treatment, accelerates the healing of wounds and inflammations, activates the most important biochemical processes in the body, setting up the body's natural forces for recovery. As an independent method of treatment, physiotherapy is effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease. Physiotherapy is an excellent means of preventing many diseases. Most often it is used as an additional method in the general course of treatment.

Physiotherapy is assigned to each patient strictly according to individual indications, since the feature of the disease, its stage, the age of the person and other factors play a role. The occurrence of side effects after the use of physiotherapy techniques is practically excluded. Often, it is physiotherapy that helps to cope with diseases that have not been treated using traditional methods for a long time.

Methods of hardware physiotherapy:

Inductothermy A method of electrotherapy, the active factor of which is a high-frequency alternating magnetic field.

UHF-therapy A method of electrotherapy based on the effect on the patient's body of a predominantly ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic field (UHF ep). Physical action e. UHF consists in the active absorption of field energy by tissues and its conversion into thermal energy, as well as in the development of an oscillatory effect characteristic of high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations. The main heat generation occurs in tissues that conduct electricity poorly (nervous, bone, etc.). E.p. UHF has an anti-inflammatory effect by improving blood and lymph circulation, dehydration of tissues and reducing exudation, activates the functions of connective tissue, stimulates cell proliferation processes, which makes it possible to limit the inflammatory focus with a dense connective capsule. E.p. UHF has an antispastic effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, accelerates the regeneration of nervous tissue, enhances the conduction of impulses along the nerve fiber, and reduces the sensitivity of terminal nerve receptors, i.e. promotes pain relief, reduces the tone of capillaries, arterioles, lowers blood pressure, causes bradycardia. Treatment is indicated for various acute and chronic inflammatory processes of internal organs (bronchitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia), musculoskeletal system, ear, throat, nose (tonsillitis, otitis media), peripheral nervous system (neuritis), female genital area, dystrophic processes

Magnetotherapy A new direction of physiotherapy based on the impact of a low frequency alternating magnetic field on the whole body or part of it. The computer support of the devices allows for continuous monitoring and preparation of an individual program for each patient.

Magnetotherapy has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect, lowers blood pressure, activates the processes of repair and regeneration, has a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, improves microcirculation and peripheral blood flow and lymph flow by normalizing the tone of blood and lymphatic vessels and the rheological properties of blood, activates the activity of sympathoadrenal and hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal systems, improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system, restores immunity. The general effect of magnetotherapy is manifested by the improvement of the psychophysical and emotional state, the normalization of sleep.

A wide range of indications for treatment and versatility of action on the body, as well as a small number of contraindications, allows the use of devices for general magnetic therapy not only for the treatment of diseases, but also in the process of rehabilitation, as well as for the prevention of diseases (including immuno-dependent and oncological ones). Contraindications: pregnancy; circulatory failure II B - III stages; systemic blood diseases; the presence of foreign magnetic bodies (for example, pacemakers); acute infectious diseases; hemorrhagic vasculitis and other pathological processes accompanied by increased bleeding.

Ultrasound therapy has a mechanical, physico-chemical and weak thermal effect on the body. The mechanical action of ultrasound, due to variable acoustic pressure, causes microvibration, a kind of “micromassage” of tissues. Due to the physicochemical effect of ultrasound, the intensity of tissue redox processes increases, the formation of biologically active substances - heparin, histamine, serotonin, etc. increases. It stimulates blood and lymph circulation, regenerative processes, improves tissue nutrition. Ultrasound therapy has found wide application in the clinic of internal diseases, in diseases of the joints, skin, ear, throat, nose.

Phonophoresis (syn.: sonophoresis, ultraphonophoresis) is a method of treatment, which consists in the combined effect on certain parts of the patient's body with ultrasound and solutions, emulsions or ointments applied to their surface. It is used for diseases of the joints and spine, urological and gynecological diseases.

Laser therapy is a relatively young method of therapy. The history of its application has a little more than 30 years. The priority in the development of all laser technology in general - be it in the field of space research or in medicine - belongs to Soviet scientists. The first lasers were used in surgery. Currently, laser treatment methods occupy one of the leading places in the list of the most promising areas of modern medicine. Currently, laser therapy, being a special branch of medicine, is successfully used in almost all its areas and is officially recognized by all developed countries.

When used externally, laser treatment occurs by exposing the radiating terminal to certain areas and points of the body. Light penetrates through the tissues to a great depth and stimulates the metabolism in the affected tissues, activates healing and regeneration, and there is a general stimulation of the body as a whole. With intravenous laser therapy, through a thin light conductor that is inserted into the vein, the laser beam acts on the blood. Intravascular action with low-intensity radiation allows you to influence the entire mass of blood. This leads to stimulation of hematopoiesis, increased immunity, increased transport function of the blood, and also enhances metabolism.

Medicinal electrophoresis (Greek phoresis - carrying) is an electropharmacotherapeutic method of combined effects on the body of direct current and medicinal substances administered with its help. The pharmacological activity of medicinal substances, against the background of the action of direct current, increases, since they are introduced into tissues in ionic form. The deposition of medicinal substances in the skin ensures their long-term reflex and focal effect on the body (during a day or more). The side effects of drugs are reduced, since they enter the body in small quantities, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the concentration of the drug in the pathological focus increases and can be several times higher than the concentration with parenteral administration of drugs. Medicinal electrophoresis has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, local anesthetic effect on the body, improves tissue blood supply and conductivity of peripheral nerve fibers, reduces pathological impulses from the periphery, and normalizes the functional state of the central and autonomic nervous system.

Electrical stimulation A method of electrotherapy using various impulse currents to change the functional state of muscles and nerves. Electrical stimulation maintains muscle contractility, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, creates a flow of nerve impulses entering the central nervous system, which in turn has a positive effect on the restoration of motor functions, prevents the development of atrophies and contractures. The most widely used electrical stimulation in the treatment of diseases of the nerves and muscles. These diseases include various paresis and paralysis of the skeletal muscles, both flaccid, caused by disorders of the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord (neuritis, the consequences of poliomyelitis and spinal injuries with spinal cord injury), and spastic post-stroke, as well as hysterogenic. Electrical stimulation is indicated for aphonia due to paresis of the muscles of the larynx, paretic state of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm. It is also used for muscle atrophy, both primary, developed as a result of injuries of the peripheral nerves and spinal cord, and secondary, resulting from prolonged immobilization of the limbs due to fractures and osteoplastic operations. Electrical stimulation is also indicated for atonic conditions of the smooth muscles of the internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, etc.). It is used in atonic bleeding, to prevent postoperative phlebothrombosis, to prevent complications during prolonged physical inactivity, to increase the fitness of athletes. Contraindications in electrical stimulation are different. It is impossible, for example, to produce electrical stimulation of the muscles of internal organs with cholelithiasis and kidney stones, acute purulent processes in the abdominal organs, with a spastic state of the muscles. Electrical stimulation of facial muscles is contraindicated in case of early signs of contracture, increased excitability of these muscles. Electrical stimulation of the muscles of the extremities is contraindicated in case of ankylosis of the joints, dislocations before their reduction, bone fractures before their consolidation.

Sinusoidal modulated currents - SMT This original domestic method is based on the physiological effect of amplitude pulsations of alternating currents with a frequency of kHz. With MT, it has a pronounced analgesic effect associated with the direct effect of current on nerve receptors and muscle formations. Exposure to series of low-frequency oscillations in an ordered mode leads to the extinction of pain. The duration of the analgesic effect is due to the neurohumoral mechanism: the release of morphine-like peptides in the central nervous system - mediators of the nervous system. Another mechanism of pain relief is an improvement in blood circulation, a decrease in tissue swelling.

Shock wave therapy (SWT). The therapeutic effect of shock wave therapy on body tissues is based on the so-called microcavitation effect, which occurs when sound waves pass through tissue boundaries that differ in density, for example, between bone and soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, fascia, etc.) , between cartilage and softer tissues, as well as between soft tissues of different density (scars and muscles, fascia and muscles, etc.). During shock wave therapy, due to the emerging microvibration, the process of loosening calcium microcrystals in places of their excessive deposition, as well as fibrous and scar tissue in places of their damage, inflammation and other painful changes, occurs. The shock sound wave, penetrating into the trigger zones, causes the activation of regeneration processes. The concept of the shock wave effect in orthopedic diseases is based on the fact that the shock wave stimulates and activates revascularization and other adaptive possibilities for restoring the normal tissue structure. In addition, the shock wave helps to block the transmission of impulses by pain receptors and thus reduce sensitivity and pain.

SWT has proven effective in the treatment of many different musculoskeletal disorders including plantar fasciitis (heel spur), epicondylitis, tendinitis, and non-unions. In all situations, SWT is considered an atraumatic alternative to surgical methods of treatment.

Effects of UVT on tissues: increased metabolism in target tissues; destruction of calcium deposits and further resorption (around the inside of the tendons); decrease in the activity of inflammatory processes; reduction of pain; increase in tissue strength.

Indications for shock wave therapy (SWT): calcific tendinosis of the supraspinatus tendon (supraspinatus syndrome) disease of the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle, accompanied by its calcification; Syndrome of the apex and own ligament of the patella; traumatic injury to the ligamentous apparatus of the knee; trochanteroperiostosis - a disease of the capsule and tendon of the hip joint, trochanteritis - inflammation of the hip joint; achillodynia, tendinitis, soreness of the Achilles tendon and its inflammation; Dupuytren's syndrome - chronic traumatic overstrain of the muscles and tendons of the anterior edge of the tibia; radial epicondylitis, inflammation of the head of the radius at the site of attachment of muscles and ligaments; heel spur"; humeroscapular periarthrosis - a disease of the periarticular soft tissues (muscles, ligaments and tendons) of the shoulder joint; deforming osteoarthritis - degenerative-dystrophic (age-related) disease of the joints; Post-traumatic arthrosis; sprains and microtears of muscles; ligamentosis (diseases of ligaments) of various localization; blocks of the CPS (sacral-iliac joint); trigger and muscular-tonic pains in osteochondrosis; delayed consolidation of fractures; muscle contractures in cerebral palsy; "diabetic foot"

SWT contraindications are very few: oncological diseases; pregnancy; acute infectious diseases; shock wave therapy is not carried out in violation of blood clotting; the patient has a pacemaker; patient taking anticoagulants.

SWT allows the doctor to carry out a targeted impact on the focus of the disease without injuring other tissues. The course of treatment, as a rule, consists of 4-10 sessions. each, carried out 1 time within 5-7 days.

Indications for therapeutic massage: headaches; pain in the back, lower back, neck; osteochondrosis; bruises, sprains of muscles, tendons and ligaments; fractures at all stages of healing; functional disorders after fracture and dislocation (joint stiffness, muscle changes, cicatricial tissue adhesions); arthritis in subacute and chronic stages; neuralgia and neuritis; radiculitis; paralysis; chronic insufficiency of the heart muscle; angina; hypertonic disease; arterial hypotension; rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction; chronic gastritis; violation of the motor function of the large intestine; bronchitis; pneumonia; bronchial asthma; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (without exacerbation).

General classical massage (general massage is a massage of the whole body, otherwise - a wellness, preventive massage): an active means of promoting health, maintaining the activity of the body, preventing diseases, caring for normal skin.

Indications for general massage: for mental and mental disorders; general poor health; muscle clamps; headaches and occipital pains; back pain; apathy, bad mood; digestive problems, lack of appetite; sleep disturbances, nighttime restlessness.

Anti-cellulite massage - a type of massage aimed at combating cellulite, improves the inflow and outflow of blood, lymph, and intercellular fluid throughout the body. Anti-cellulite massage promotes the removal of toxins, improves metabolic processes in the body, promotes the burning of one's own fat.

Contraindications are given in a generalized form: in acute febrile conditions and high temperature; bleeding and tendency to them; blood diseases; purulent processes of any localization; various diseases of the skin, nails, hair; with any acute inflammation of the blood and lymphatic vessels, thrombosis, severe varicose veins; atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels and vessels of the brain; aneurysm of the aorta and heart; allergic diseases with skin rashes; diseases of the abdominal organs with a tendency to bleeding; chronic osteomyelitis; tumors; mental illness with excessive arousal; circulatory failure of the 3rd degree; during hyper- and hypotonic crises; acute myocardial ischemia; severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels; acute respiratory disease (ARI); with a disorder of intestinal functions (nausea, vomiting, loose stools); pulmonary heart failure of the 3rd degree.

Massage works not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. It energizes the body, helps to feel better about ourselves, makes us optimists. Massage, acting on the vital organs, returns the body's ability to heal itself.