French Spider-Man has done it again. Alain Robert climbed the tallest building in London without insurance. Conqueror of skyscrapers Alain Robert: biography Alain Robert crashed

Alain Robert, who is called the French Spider-Man, once again conquered one of the tallest buildings in the world. The rock climber is known for climbing the skyscrapers of different countries only with the help of arms and legs. He was repeatedly arrested, threatened with fines and prison, but he keeps climbing and climbing. Video attached.

France is lucky to have superheroes - they have two Spider-Man at once. One of them became famous not so long ago, when, in order to save a baby falling from a balcony. Another Spider-Man, Alain Robert, has been known to the whole world for a long time.

56-year-old Robert is famous for conquering the highest buildings in the world, and most often he does it without insurance (this is called building). He climbed the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in the United Arab Emirates, overcame the absolutely smooth facade of the Federation Tower in Moscow. In total, he has more than 80 ascents and a record in the Guinness Book.

On October 25, Robert conquered a new height. French Spider-Man climbed the Heron Tower in London. It is a skyscraper with a height of 230 meters.

Numerous passers-by watched the ascent, posting photos and videos on social networks.

The ascent to the tower took 50 minutes. This time Alain was again without any equipment.

A rock climber (or house climber) told Sky News that it wouldn't be his most difficult climb, but "not the most fun either."

Alain also explained why he does all this.

It focuses the mind. Whether you're shaving or cooking, you can think of a lot of different things. But when you climb to the top, putting your life in danger, you will definitely be focused.

The climber suspected before the ascent that he would be detained by the police again. He does not tell about his plans to climb somewhere in advance, and the cops often catch him. So it happened this time, writes NYT. Thursday night, Spider-Man will be in custody. He is accused of disturbing the public peace.

For millions of people, he is a world-famous record holder, a famous rock climber, a fearless conqueror of the highest skyscrapers in the world - Spider-Man, in a word ... However, few people know that the idol of boys and the headache of police officers around the world is considered disabled and suffers from epileptic attacks.

Life with pepper!
Alain Robert was born in 1962 in the south of France. He spent his childhood in Balance, on the rocky banks of the Rhone.

That is why the heroes and idols of Alain were exclusively rock climbers. He dreamed of being like them, imitated them, read their life stories. Is it any wonder that little Alain also wanted to become a rock climber. Parents did not approve of the choice of offspring. I had to secretly learn the basics of rock climbing, master the art of moving along the walls and handling ropes.
This simple experience came in handy when Alain was twelve. Having forgotten the keys at home, he climbed to the 8th floor along the wall of the house. "What else was there for me to do?" he spread his arms when the parents, distraught with fear, decided to give their son a scolding.

His abilities grew day by day. Alain used to train on the cliffs, and over time he became the best climber in the Balance. He was driven by a reasonable risk and the desire to cope with his fear. He independently climbed the most dangerous sides of the cliff.
But in 1982 something terrible happened. During one of the ascents, the rope burst, and the athlete fell from a 15-meter height, received terrible injuries, due to which he survived six operations. For several days he was in a coma, but, thank God, he got out. Of those terrible events, he is now reminded of a headache and epileptic seizures. “I was in a coma. Both pelvic bones, the heel were broken, the skull was damaged, the nose was broken, the cheekbone was also broken. The doctors thought that I would never again be able to not only climb, but walk. But I decided to surprise everyone, ”recalls Alain.

The days of hard training dragged on, the days when even the smallest victory was given with great difficulty. But athletes are stubborn people, and over time, Robert gained an amazing physical shape. “First I pulled with one hand, then with one finger, and eventually learned to do it with my little finger,” he proudly declares.
What happened forever changed Alain's life, but by no means made him more cautious. He relied on the ropes, but they let him down. “It won’t happen again,” the athlete decided and forever abandoned safety cables. He rises, relying only on the Lord God and on himself. Any mistake means certain death, but Spider-Man likes to take risks, the risk makes his life more peppery.

skyscraper conqueror
The first sheer cliff that Alain decided to conquer was the Gorges du Verdon. The athlete prepared for a long time, but everything turned out to be a little more complicated than he expected. At the height he was very dizzy - a recent injury made itself felt. “When climbing a rock, due to dizziness, I kept losing my balance. In order not to fall down, I had to gather all my will into a fist and think only about victory.

But he won. Climbing a 500-meter cliff without a rope, Alain became a world record holder. A year later, he received an award from the International Olympic Committee and became the world record holder for the most extreme solo ascent in the Verdon Gorge.
The largest sponsor, specializing in extreme sports, offered to make a documentary film about the French Spiderman. He agreed, but it soon became clear that for this, according to the director's idea, the athlete needs to climb some skyscraper. Robert was happy to carry out his plan. He had fun like a child, and was perplexed - how he himself had not thought of this before. As a result, for the filming of the film, he climbed the tallest building in Chicago. And so the urban climber was born.

“Each building has its own texture, its own difficulties,” says our hero. - When climbing up, you should not think about the fact that you can fall, or about danger, or about tension, or that any mistake above the eighth floor means certain death. Once I had to climb a 25-story building, clinging only to tiny elements of the design of the tower - metal wedges five centimeters in size. They were the line separating life from death.
What can you say? Very few climbers venture on such a chilling climb. That is why many people call Alena crazy. He only smiles in response: “No, I'm not crazy, I just do what I want. And I also really like to do what no one has done before me. ”

Game with death
Spiderman has conquered over 80 high-rise buildings around the world. Among them are the building of the World Trade Center in New York, the Eiffel Tower, the Cere Tower in Chicago and Citypoint in Sydney, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the tallest skyscraper in Europe - the West Tower of the Moscow business complex Federation and the main building of Moscow State University, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur.

This list, as you know, can be continued for a long time.
And in March 2011, Alain climbed the tallest building in the world - Dubai's Burj Khalifa, 828 meters high. He completed the most difficult path in six and a half hours.
True, at the request of the organizers of the event, the climber had to use simple safety equipment - a rope and a harness (although he usually climbs high-rise buildings without insurance). However, later Robert himself admitted that, having reached a height of 700 meters, he realized that, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the tower, he could not do without the use of climbing equipment.

Robert's ascent was followed by hundreds of people. Ambulances were on duty below. However, his “show” always attracts thousands of spectators. The opinions of the public about Robert's talent are diametrically opposed: from admiration for his courage to condemnation of such senseless ascents.

However, Alain is known not only for his "spider" abilities, but also for the fact that he climbs high buildings almost always illegally, without the permission of the authorities and building owners. He was repeatedly arrested and fined. He even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the person who was arrested in almost all countries of the world. He went to jail many times, but he doesn't care much. “It’s better to go to jail than to the hospital,” the athlete likes to say.

On August 30, 2010, around 11 am, Australian police arrested Alain Robert after he climbed to the top of a skyscraper in Sydney. The Lumiere Building, located on Bathurst Street, has 57 floors, and when Robert got to the roof of the skyscraper, the police were already waiting for him. The next path to glory took the athlete twenty minutes, and he climbed, as always, without any insurance and special equipment. The spectators below applauded the brave conqueror of the city's peaks, while the policemen above handcuffed him. Alain Robert was charged with risking the safety of others. The court hearing took place in Sydney, but everything ended well.

With Sydney, its strict laws, Spider-Man is especially unlucky. Last year, he was fined $750 for illegally climbing the 41-story Royal Bank of Scotland building in downtown Sydney. At the same time, the district judge of the Downing Center district reprimanded Robert for disrespecting the laws of the country, whose hospitality he took advantage of. In June 2010, Robert was forced to cancel a planned climb to the roof of the Deutsche Bank building in Sydney after security blocked his access. In 2003, Robert was arrested for climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge, one of the largest arch bridges in the world and one of the city's main attractions.
What a difference Moscow, in which Alain is treated with admiration! After conquering the tower of Moscow State University, the French climber was arrested for decency, but an hour later they were released, slightly scolded. It is unsuitable for hospitable hosts to offend overseas guests ...

Sergei Borodin

Alain Robert (nickname - "spider-man") - a famous climber and conqueror of skyscrapers (building - one of the areas of parkour, associated exclusively with climbing the walls of buildings).

Spider-Man has more than 70 ascents of high-rise buildings around the world. Since Alain Robert usually climbs without the permission of the authorities and building owners, he was arrested several dozen times in different countries of the world, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

“Climbing is my passion, my philosophy of life. Although I suffer from vertigo, although I am no more than 60 percent left in accidents, I have become a better solo climber.

I'm really sure that sometimes faith can move mountains

Alain Robert is an urban climber who climbs high cliffs and the smooth surface of skyscrapers with equal ease.

Robert was born in 1962 in France and started climbing as a boy, climbing the cliffs and rocks in his native Valencia.

Robert started climbing cliffs and rocks in his native Valencia

His career as an urban climber began at the age of 12, when he forgot his keys and was unable to get into his apartment on the eighth floor. Instead of waiting for his parents, Alain simply climbed the outer wall of the house to the eighth floor.

Alain Robert in childhood

At the age of 19 and 20, he experienced two accidents when he fell from a height of 15 meters and received multiple fractures. After that, he was haunted by constant dizziness. Doctors considered him an invalid and told him that he would not be able to return to his hobby. However, after 6 months he returned to mountaineering.

After 6 months, Alain Robert returned to mountaineering

He tried to overcome not only the peaks, but also those mountains and city heights on which he could develop his skills. He honed his skills in the French Alps before storming buildings.

Robert Ahlen hones his skills in the French Alps

Since the authorities did not give him permission for such dangerous ascents in the city, Alain Robert suddenly appeared near the next tower, usually at dawn, and climbed its walls in front of thousands of spectators who watched in horror what this possessed man was doing.

Thousands of people are watching Alain Robert

Often the police were waiting for him at the top. He was arrested many times in different countries of the world.

Often the police were waiting for him at the top.

He even had to endure prison trials, though short-lived, for his "illegal" activities.

Well-developed arm and leg muscles allow Alan Robert to hold on to vertical surfaces without rest during long climbs. Some climbs last over an hour.

Well-developed muscles of the arms and legs allow Alan Robert to hold on to vertical surfaces.

His height is just over one and a half meters and his lightness helps him increase his agility when climbing. Sometimes he takes with him a small bag filled with grated chalk or talc, a substance he uses to absorb sweat.

Small stature and lightness help Spider-Man increase his agility when climbing.

While other famous climbers have at least once used clamps or a variety of suction cups, Robert does not use any tools or safety devices when he is storming the summit.

Robert does not use any tools or safety devices when he storms the summit.

Robert has measured over 70 peaks of natural and artificial origin

His popularity grew around the world, and now the media began to speculate about whether he would storm the world's tallest buildings - the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. While the media and the Malaysian authorities were guessing on coffee grounds, one fine day in 1997, Alan Robert suddenly appeared on the tower just a few floors from the roof of the building. He was eventually arrested again on the 60th floor, just 28 floors from the top of the building.

Spiderman on the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

In 1999 he stormed the tower in Chicago. One hundred and ten floors, the last twenty in fog. The surface of the skyscraper was very slippery. Although the climb became painfully slow and very strenuous, Alain Robert overcame all the floors and reached the top.

Allen climbing the tower in Chicago

In February 2003, climbed the 656ft National Bank of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. Approximately 100,000 spectators watched these.

Bank of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates

In April, he measured the height of oil giant TotalFinaElf's central office on the outskirts of Paris. But it was no longer just an ascent, it was a protest against the invasion of NATO troops in Iraq. Now Robert is even paid extra to climb one or another skyscraper.

Oil giant TotalFinaElf on the outskirts of Paris

In May 2003, he was paid approximately $18,000 to climb the 312-foot Lloyd London. It was part of the promotion for the Spider-Man movie.

Alain Robert - Spiderman

In total, Alain Robert climbed more than 70 buildings and monuments. He promised that his next climb would be in South Korea.

In total, Alain Robert has climbed over 70 buildings and monuments.

In an interview in 2005, Alain Robert said that he had fallen seven times in his life. The worst was the fall in 1982. He was in a coma for five days and broke both forearms, elbow, pelvic bones and nose. His elbow was split and a nerve was damaged, rendering his arm partially paralyzed. He also suffered cerebral edema and 6 operations on his arms and elbow.

Alain Robert said he fell seven times in his life

In 2005, he fell 8 meters while showing students how to use their feet to get up. He held his hands behind him and fell head first, breaking both wrists. He went back into a coma and spent 2 months in the hospital...

In 2005, Robert Ahlen fell from 8 meters

All this time he was cared for by his family - his wife Nicole and their three children. Who, by the way, also love heights and have already started training with their obsessed dad ...

Alain Robert Spider-Man's Kids Started Training With Their Obsessive Dad

Here is what Alain himself tells about his ascents:

“Climbing is my passion, my philosophy of life. Although I suffer from dizziness, although accidents left me no more than 60 percent, I became the best climber - solo ...

“And now, as a climber, I want to send people a message. We understand that we are not unlimited, but we are all strong enough to set high goals and achieve them. All you need to do this is to find the strength within yourself. And develop it... Am I really sure that sometimes faith can move mountains? ”

Frenchman Alain Robert once again confirms that everything is possible for a person by climbing the Burj Khalifa skyscraper - the tallest building in the world. Fearless French stuntman Alain Robert, popularly nicknamed "Spider-Man", conquered more than a dozen skyscrapers in various parts of the world. Perhaps his most incredible ascent was in opulent Dubai, where he challenged the world's tallest skyscraper, the 828-meter Burj Khalifa, like Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible.

The main feature of the climber from France is the fact that he performs all his tricks without insurance, however, according to the requirements of the Arab authorities, he had to use some climbing equipment in the UAE, which could save his life in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The heroic deeds of the Frenchman are watched by tens of thousands of people around the world, including his family and friends. What is most interesting, the stuntman almost always starts climbing without waiting for official permission from the authorities, so he often ends up in custody for disturbing the peace.

Robert decided to climb the Burj Khalifa at night, because during the day the incredible eastern heat interferes. To climb to a height of 828 meters, the extreme took 6 hours.

The path to the goal, or rather to the upper spire of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, Alain Robert was illuminated by powerful searchlights. This time, according to the requirements of the organizers, Alain Robert had to make an exception to the rules: he used insurance, and medical assistance was on duty below.

Robert's ascent is the first opportunity to see all the majesty of a skyscraper, because until now people have climbed only to the observation deck, which is located on the 124th floor.

But the French enthusiast managed to climb the last 160th floor of the tallest building in the world. It is important to note that during the ascent, the climber did not use a single centimeter of rope.

The narrow edges of windows and decorative structures helped him get to the top. Alain Robert is one of the most famous climbers of our time, who has more than 70 of the most famous skyscrapers on the planet, including the main building of Moscow State University. During his long and very colorful career, Robert has made over 80 ascents of the highest structures around the world. The Frenchman even visited Moscow to conquer the 236-meter tower of the Federation complex and the main building of Moscow State University, which he succeeded without any problems. In addition, the list of his achievements flaunt the towering Hilton hotels, the incredible Agbar Tower in beautiful Barcelona, ​​the headquarters of IBM, the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building and much more.

In 2009, he traveled to mysterious Malaysia to be on top of the huge Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. According to police, Alain Robert entered the territory of the skyscraper, bypassing all security posts, and climbed the outer wall of the building, overcoming 88 floors and 450 meters. The most interesting thing is that this is the second attempt in Malaysia - two years earlier, he was detained by the police on the 60th floor.

Alain Robert is a supporter of the "Hundred Months" campaign, which actively addresses the issues of global warming. With his ability to conquer unique heights, he hopes to attract more public attention.

The Frenchman began his dangerous hobby at the age of 12, when he had to get out of a locked apartment through a window and immediately overcome 8 floors along the wall of the house. Officially, he began to engage in extreme sports since 1994.

Interesting facts about Alain Robert:

The stuntman was included in the Guinness Book of Records for dozens of arrests in various countries. During his life, he seriously fell 7 times, the worst event happened on January 18, 1982, when Alain fell from 15 meters. He was in a coma and underwent three major surgeries. Alain Robert performs almost all the tricks without insurance.

What to say to this? Grandiose, brave guy of course.
Let's say goodbye to this.
See you!
See you.

The passion for extreme sports has recently been gaining momentum. Young people are actively engaged in very dangerous entertainment, breathtaking. Those wishing to join the extreme are constantly increasing, perhaps this is a simple lack of adrenaline in the blood of the young and active, overcoming fears. Such actions, associated with a risk to health and life, often balance on the verge between prohibited and permitted.

Possessed madman

However, for some, youthful enthusiasm and a passion for dangerous hobbies do not go away with age. Alain Robert has been building for many years. He climbs to great heights without insurance and, of course, without the permission of the administration and the owners of the buildings, for which he was arrested many times. However, height attracts him stronger than all prohibitions. Robert is openly called a madman, and many condemn his dangerous hobby. And he continues his deadly ascents to the roofs of skyscrapers, risking to break down at any moment. And with a share of irony he says about himself: “Height is my passion. I am the best solo climber, despite the bouts of dizziness and despite the fact that after all the injuries I was left with about sixty percent.

The beginning of the way

The future extreme sportsman was born in France in 1962 and since childhood he has striven to conquer various heights by climbing trees. Alain Robert, whose biography as a climber began at the age of 12, secretly studied the basics of mountaineering, getting rid of fears from his parents. He consciously chooses a risky path, refusing all safety tools, except for his own hands, when conquering peaks.

Dangerous injuries

Seven falls of this man are known. The worst of them happened in 1982 in Thailand, when he lay in a coma, earning numerous fractures. After swelling of the brain, nerve damage in his arm and subsequent epileptic seizures, doctors recognized him as disabled, advising him to stay away from dangerous hobbies, but the desire to conquer the heights will prevail over common sense and a sense of self-preservation. The young man returns to building, honing his skills in the mountains without any insurance.

Knowing that no one will allow him to climb in the city, he suddenly appears at the skyscrapers and, in front of astonished onlookers, begins his dangerous route to the roof of Alain Robert. Spider-Man, as he is also called, admits that he has seen many countries and visited different police stations.

Offers from sponsors

In 1994, he receives a tempting offer from a sponsor: Robert climbs the tallest building in Chicago, and after that a documentary is made about him. Having done the impossible, a lone climber realizes that he can make good money on his hobby, after which he goes on a trip to countries with high skyscrapers.

Alain Robert talks about his feelings: “You act not only to reach the top, but also to stay alive. It's an amazing feeling. And you always need to be focused and not make mistakes. I am afraid of heights, but never while climbing. In general, conquering a rock and a skyscraper is no different from each other. I don't care where to go. The main desire lies in the very goal of ascent, in enjoying the height. And he adds that he independently chose the path of a loner. He loves adventure and the balance between death and life, but climbing competitions with a safety rope are not for him. Alain Robert often talks about sponsors persuading him to use insurance. Spider-Man is grateful to them for everything, claiming that the pressure these people have on him is not a problem. And he adds that it is thanks to them that he has been traveling around the world for 20 years.

And he responds to unpleasant statements addressed to him like this: “When they say that climbing skyscrapers is a circus, and I am just a clown, I think that they simply envy me. After all, by and large, I am the only conqueror of peaks, which is known in many countries of the world. If the critics think I'm a clown, so be it."

conquered peaks

Alain Robert climbed a huge tower of 110 floors in Chicago, and the surface was slippery. But he overcame a painfully difficult path and climbed to the top. In 2003, his appearance on the highest building of the National Bank in the UAE made a truly fantastic sensation. In the same year, he was invited to storm the roof of an oil giant near Paris. But it was not just an ascent, but a protest against the entry of NATO troops into Iraq.


Rock climber Alain Robert does not hide the fact that he is paid extra for such actions. The huge fines issued by the police no longer frighten him. Now he is a rock climber, making good money on his dangerous hobby and successfully selling his ascents of skyscrapers to their owners. Having gained fame by conquering objects that belong to no one, he now more than sells his work to those who are willing to pay for PR or advertising. Now Alain Robert uses a proven script. Before a spectacular spectacle, he tells the press where he is, a television shoot captures his next success, the police are always waiting for him on the roof, and a lot of media materials are full of the names of the building and the owner of the company.

Climbing without insurance

Climbing skyscrapers, the French spider-man Alain Robert relies only on his developed muscles, because not a single company began to sign a life insurance contract with him. And no one knows whether this ascent to the height will be the last. Robert easily talks about his vulnerability: “My life is a bet in the game, and this can be compared to a casino: if you play for a long time, you can be a loser. But I really can't help it. The craving to rise higher and higher is stronger than me.

Alain Robert is a happy family man, he has a wonderful understanding wife who nurses him after all the fractures and operations, as well as three children, who are as obsessed with height as his father.