French journalist: "Princess Diana was pregnant, but not with Dodi's child." Diana was pregnant and could have been saved. The culprit is a mysterious stranger.

Princess Diana was "almost certainly" nine or ten weeks pregnant at the time of her death, a French journalist claims.

Investigative journalist Chris Lafay says he extracted evidence of the pregnancy from the official archives of the Paris hospital where the princess was taken after the disaster that occurred on the night of August 31, 1997.

If this information is true, Lafay says, then the father of Diana's unborn child was not Dodi al-Fayed, since he and Diana had not met nine weeks before his death.

According to him, the child could have been conceived during the princess's meeting with London doctor Hasnat Khan.

Lafay made this assumption despite the unequivocal testimony of John Barton, the former court pathologist, who was present at the autopsy of Princess Diana's body and stated: "She was not pregnant. I saw her uterus."

Lafay, a former contributor to Paris Match magazine, says he took another look at all the evidence surrounding the disaster.

The book “Diana: The Inquiry They Never Published”, written as a result of this investigation, will be released on August 27.

The book is being hailed as yet another attempt to make money off Diana ten years after her death, but it also revives the conspiracy theories that have plagued the investigation into the case.

Lafay agrees with the verdict of the official French investigation, according to which Diana and Dodi were victims of speeding and drunk driving.

But he also says there are still "many unresolved questions" surrounding the death, most notably whether Diana was pregnant.

He said: "According to material from the archives of Parisian public hospitals, Diana was almost certainly nine or ten weeks pregnant at the time of her death."

“The letter, dated August 31, 1997, was sent to the then French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevanman, and copies were sent to Health Minister Bernard Kouchner, Foreign Minister Hubert Védrine and Paris police chief Martin Monteil.”

Dodi's father Mohammed al-Fayed insists his son and Diana were killed.

However, last evening a representative of Parisian public hospitals called this letter a fake, which was first circulated shortly after Diana's death.

“As a result of the examination of this document, it was clearly established that it is a fake,” he said.

"This is ridiculous. Many of the doctors who tried to save Diana still work at the hospital, and they all deny the allegations contained in this fake letter."

On the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the death of the popular princess, the AiF columnist met in London with people from her circle who believe that the car accident was not an accident at all...

Her death is a signature intelligence style

ON AUGUST 31, 1997, 36-year-old Diana, the ex-wife of the heir to the British throne, Charles, died in a car accident in Paris. Her 42-year-old lover Dodi al-Fayed, as well as her driver Henri Paul, died along with her. It is well known that people of this level do not die just like that. And if they die, then no one believes the official explanation for their death. The story of the mystical death of the popular princess still excites society. During my stay in London, I heard a lot of conversations on this topic - in cafes, the subway, and just under a traffic light, waiting to cross the street. Everyone agrees on one thing - there was a conspiracy. And if someone says: maybe Prince Charles isn’t to blame at all, they look at him like he’s a clinical idiot.

The main ideologist of the “conspiracy theory” is the father of Diana’s lover, billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed. It was he who insisted on a state investigation into the car accident, which has been ongoing for five years. Getting to talk to him is a fantasy: every day al-Fayed receives ten (!) requests for an interview. I was immediately warned: just a couple of questions.

On December 14, 2006, the first conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry into Diana's death were announced. It was established that she died “as a result of an accident,” and DNA analysis showed that the princess was not pregnant. You previously stated that it was the news of her pregnancy that served as the basis for the assassination attempt; the royal family feared that the future king of Britain might have a Muslim half-brother.

At first the authorities refused to do the test, and when they did it under pressure, 10 years passed! During this time, traces can simply be lost. The day before their death, Dodi and Diana visited the villa in Paris that I bought for them. They chose a room there for their child, overlooking the garden.

The latest data showed that the princess's driver was drunk, and had three times more alcohol in his blood than the driving limit allowed.

There are recordings from video cameras of the Ritz Hotel, where Henri Paul's gait is normal, although, in theory, he should just crawl. Doctors found a wild amount of an antidepressant in his body. Most likely, this person was poisoned. In addition, I have documents that he worked for the British intelligence services. Only later they found his secret bank accounts, to which 200 thousand dollars were transferred. The origin of this money is unclear.

Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, who has already earned half a million pounds from publishing intimate letters from the princess, also thinks the same, and at the same time told a lot of details about Diana: how she (while still the wife of Prince Charles) went by taxi to a Pakistani doctor, her then lover, in a fur coat worn over a naked body. One of Diana’s letters, which she wrote 10 months before her death, reads: "My life is in danger. My ex-husband is planning to organize an accident. My car's brakes will fail and there will be a car accident. My husband needs to get rid of me in order to marry his mistress.". The tragedy that happened in Paris repeats the scenario described in this message.

The publication of this letter caused a scandal, Paul Burrell explains to me. “The royal family found nothing better than to say that I had no right to give it to the newspapers.” But, excuse me, this proves that Diana was seriously afraid for her life and had information about the impending attempt on her life. Her death was brilliantly organized - signature English style. Our intelligence always “killed” people not with the help of poison or a sniper, but in such a way that it looked like an accident.

Did they kill according to the “Milosevic plan”?

A SIMILAR opinion is held by intelligence officers themselves, for example, the notorious ex-MI6 officer Richard Tomlison. He was arrested twice for disclosing state secrets in his books about British intelligence, left Britain and now lives in France. Tomlison openly stated that Diana was killed by MI6 agents in a “mirror” “accidental car accident” plan that was prepared for Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic 15 years ago. After which he called for the declassification of the recordings of telephone conversations of the special services in Paris on August 31, 1997. Of course, no one began to declassify the records, but the French police arrested Tomlison himself, as well as his entire archive of documents and computers. The officer is now being questioned by investigators from London as a “witness in the case of the death of the Princess of Wales.” Until the end of the interrogations, Richard refused to give me any comments.

...At the very end of the business trip, I found the only survivor of a car accident in Paris, Dodi and Diana’s bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones. Unlike the driver and passengers, he survived because he had fastened his seat belt. The crushed bones in his body are held together with 150 (!) titanium plates, and he underwent ten surgical operations. Trevor now lives in a town in the north-west of England, where he runs a family business - a sportswear store.

Henri Paul was not drunk that evening, he says. - He didn’t smell of alcohol, he communicated and walked normally. I didn't drink anything at the table. I don’t know where alcohol ended up in his blood after his death. Unfortunately, I cannot explain why I was wearing a seat belt in the car, but Diana and Dodi were not. I have brain damage and suffer from partial memory loss. My memories stop at the moment when we left the Ritz Hotel...

Diana's death became a trademark. Films are made about this event in Hollywood, her lovers write books for which they receive huge fees, servants sell interviews to tabloids for huge sums of money. If a newspaper publishes the revelations of Diana's lover, circulation increases by a MILLION per day - the interest in "Lady Di" is enormous. A visit to her palace costs a tourist $25, a cup with the face of the late princess can be bought for $10, and so on - postcards, saucers, even dolls. In total, souvenirs with images of Diana are sold every year for half a billion dollars (!). As one of the Oxford Street merchants cynically told me: “It’s a shame they didn’t kill her sooner.” The anniversary of the death of the most popular princess will further fuel interest in her life. Discussions in cafes will intensify, even more souvenirs will be sold, newspapers will increase their circulation. But the circumstances of Diana’s death will remain unclear...

Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her death. This sensational statement was made on Sunday by the British newspaper Independent on Sunday, citing a high-ranking source in the French police.

“I can tell you for sure that she was pregnant,” a police officer who was involved in the investigation into the deaths of the princess and her friend Dodi al-Fayed told the newspaper.

“The fact of pregnancy was not mentioned in the official investigation documents as not having anything to do with the cause of the accident or Diana’s death,” a police spokesman explained.

At the same time, the father of Diana's deceased friend, the owner of London's largest department store Harrods, Mohammed al-Fayed, has repeatedly claimed that Diana was pregnant. This circumstance was one of the reasons why the billionaire has repeatedly called on the British justice authorities to conduct a new public investigation into the deaths of his son Dodi and Princess Diana.

Mohammed al-Fayed continues to claim that his son and the Princess of Wales were deliberately killed, and the full facts about the circumstances of their deaths, according to him, continue to be hidden.

Meanwhile, last Thursday, British royal family forensic expert Michael Burgess announced his intention to conduct an investigation in the UK into the causes of the death of Princess Diana and her friend Dodi al-Fayed.

According to him, investigations into the deaths of the two celebrities will be conducted separately, at the place of their last residence.

Hearings on the death of Diana will open on January 6 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center in London, and on the death of Dodi al-Fayed - on the same day in Reigate (Surrey), RIA Novosti reports.

Burgess also said that he had planned to begin the investigation in October, but resolving all issues with the relatives of the victims took longer than expected.

"I will shortly inform the public about the aspects of the proceedings and the purpose of the proceedings, as well as the nature and extent of the evidence and witness statements that I expect to receive," Burgess said.

Princess Diana, 36, and Dodi al-Fayed, 42, died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997, when their car crashed into column 13 of the Pont Alma tunnel.

A protracted police investigation into the incident in France resulted in a six-thousand-page report that was never made public.

As a result of the investigation, the driver Henri Paul was declared the main culprit of the accident, in whose blood three times the maximum permissible concentration of alcohol was found.

New shocking details of Prince Charles’s personal life are being dismantled online into quotes. Of course, now, knowing the history of the couple’s relationship, one can judge the reasons for the disagreements, but one still feels uneasy about what a deeply unhappy woman Princess Diana, the idol of millions, was.


Let us recall that the famous writer Andrew Morton published the confessions of the ex-wife of the heir to the British throne, which she asked not to be published during her lifetime. Now, audio recordings about fears and hopes, experiences due to unrequited love for Prince Charles are attracting increased attention.

It's been 20 years since the book about Princess Diana was published, but only now archival audio recordings have been made public. Earlier, the world learned that, and called their marriage. Now it has become known that Prince Charles completely ignored his wife, which is why she took shocking measures: cutting herself with a penknife or throwing herself down the stairs to attract the attention of her indifferent husband.

When I was four months pregnant, I threw myself down the stairs, trying to get my husband's attention so he could listen to me.

But Prince Charles did not pay attention to all this. I had to endure adversity myself. Alone, she learned new responsibilities at the royal court. Due to her husband's indifference, betrayal and nagging, Diana had bulimia, which could cause her to lose weight dramatically.

We walked for four hours, we had no food, and apparently I hadn't eaten for days. When I say this, I mean that the food would remain in the stomach. During the walk, I felt terrible, but I was afraid to talk about it. At some point, I put my hand on my husband’s shoulder and said: “Darling, I feel like I’m going to fall,” and slid down on him. Then the royal assistants took me to the room... Charles continued to work on the exhibition. He left me alone, I returned to the hotel and cried my eyes out.

But even this problem of the mother of the royal heirs did not find a response in the heart of Prince Charles, and constant worries about his rival only aggravated the situation.

Almost twenty years have passed since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. But conspiracy theorists and devoted fans of the princess still cannot calm down. They put forward many versions of Diana’s death, which are radically different from the official one. Many of them actually seem more logical than the conclusions of an official police investigation. What do you think?

According to supporters of this theory, Diana of Wales and her lover Dodi Al-ayed faked their deaths. They understood that as long as they were alive in the eyes of people, they would not be allowed to be together, and they decided to disappear in order to start a new happy life somewhere on distant sunny islands. Well, at least it's romantic.

This version was championed by Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodi's father and owner of the famous London department store Harrod's, from the very beginning. In his opinion, the royal family is to blame for the deaths of Diana and Dodi. According to Mohammed, the queen was so shocked by the affair of the ex-wife of the heir to the throne with a Muslim that she ordered British intelligence agents to destroy the scandalous couple. And, it must be said, Mohammed Al-Fayed is far from the only proponent of this theory.

For those who do not believe that the old queen is capable of cruelty towards her son's ex-wife solely for the sake of family prejudice, a more severe version of the previous theory has been put forward. According to her, Diana was pregnant with Dodi's child. And the British royal family certainly could not allow the half-brothers and sisters of the heirs to the throne to be Muslims! So British intelligence agents MI6 had to intervene in the former princess’s romance.

Supporters of this theory believe that the queen had nothing to do with it, and that the British intelligence services themselves decided to eliminate the “people’s princess.” This was stated by former M-16 agent Richard Tomlinson, who stated that, firstly, he personally monitored Diana at the direction of management, and secondly, that the scenario for the deaths of Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed exactly coincided with the scenario which was composed in the bowels of the special services to assassinate the President of Serbia in 1992. True, Tomlinson never provided evidence of his words, and most importantly, did not explain why the knights of the cloak and dagger needed to eliminate Diana. But many people believe him.

Indeed, Prince Charles had reasons to want his ex-wife dead. After the divorce of Charles and Diana, the prince appeared in the eyes of the public as a traitor and scoundrel who destroyed the marriage with his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, and Diana became an innocent lamb who suffered from her dissolute husband. Moreover, de facto, after the separation, everything was exactly the opposite: Diana enjoyed an affair with an eccentric Egyptian who loved her, and Charles himself could not even hope to marry his youthful love - at least while his ex-wife and mother of his children was in sight . It is not surprising that conspiracy theorists blame her ex-husband for Diana’s death - the prince clearly had reasons to remove her from the stage!

Diana's car was knocked off course by a white Fiat

According to the official version, the culprit of the accident in the Paris tunnel was a paparazzi car that got dangerously close to the Mercedes of Diana and Dodi. However, many witnesses claim that the fault lies with another car. It was a modest little white Fiat Uno. According to eyewitnesses, he chased the princess’s Mercedes for quite a long time and drove into a tunnel with it. However, for some reason the Fiat driver’s guilt was never investigated. Strange, isn't it?

According to Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, the princess, while still married, sent him a letter with the following content: “My husband plans to organize an “accident” by breaking the brakes on my car, so that later, explaining that I had received a serious head injury, he will marry on Tiggy. Camilla is just a decoy, he is using us in the worst possible way." The butler claimed that he and the princess had a sincere friendship, and even published memoirs about her, including a photo of the letter. However, most agree that Burrell only forged Diana’s handwriting to make the book scandalous. Well, what if it’s true?..

The princess's Mercedes was damaged

It is known that before the last trip in her life, the princess had to replace her car - the Mercedes she had been driving all day suddenly turned out to be faulty in the evening. Was this breakdown accidental? And was the replacement car really in good working order, or did intelligence agents manage to work some magic on it? Proponents of this theory believe that the seat belts in the car Diana was driving were faulty. It was because of this that Diana, who always disciplinedly fastened her seat belt in the car, was not wearing her seat belt this time. The only passenger in the Mercedes wearing a seat belt was the princess' security guard from the secret services. And this leads to strange thoughts.

Another witness, Lord Michonne, Diana's lawyer, said back in October 1995 that the princess feared for her life. As Lord Michonne stated, the princess feared the same thing as her butler testified: that, at the direction of the Queen and Prince Charles, her car would be rendered unusable, most likely the brakes would be broken. If she doesn't die in the accident, she will still suffer injuries that will cause her to be declared incapacitated. However, for some reason this evidence was not taken into account by the investigators.

Proponents of this theory argue that Diana suffered because she decided to publicize certain facts about the royal family. They claim that she made a number of audio recordings in which she told literally all the dark secrets of Buckingham Palace - from Charles’s affair with a young servant to the details of his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. According to rumors, Diana's murder was organized by the secret services so that the recordings would not be made public. But Diana still managed to pass them on to her friends - so in the very near future we can learn a lot of new things about the British royal family! If, of course, records exist.

This theory does not have many supporters - the alleged conspiracy turned out too unsuccessfully. According to her supporters, the culprit of the accident was Diana's driver Henri Paul, who was bribed by the British intelligence services to kill the princess. There's just one problem - Henri Paul died along with the princess. It is unlikely that a reasonable person would agree to such a risk for any money!

The culprit is a mysterious stranger

Many witnesses to the fatal accident confirmed that a crowd of people with cameras immediately ran to the wrecked car. And only one witness, Sarah Culpepper, stated that she saw how, immediately after the accident, a man of about forty in a dark suit slowly walked away from the scene of the tragedy. He spoke calmly on the phone and did not seem at all shocked by the incident. Now conspiracy theorists believe that the man was the mastermind behind the murder. Was he connected with the intelligence services? Or with Prince Charles? This is unknown because they never found him.

Several witnesses reported that seconds before the accident, the tunnel through which Diana's Mercedes was passing was illuminated by a bright flash of light. According to Richard Tomlinson, this is a traditional intelligence service trick to blind the driver. But, surprisingly, it is not possible to confirm this fact: of the 17 cameras located along the Mercedes route, including in the tunnel, not one was working on the day of the tragedy! Suspicious, isn't it?

The driver of the Mercedes was poisoned by the special services

According to a medical examination, the level of alcohol in the blood of the deceased driver Henri Paul was three times higher than the permitted limit. This is very strange, considering that Paul was a disciplined driver, and Diana and Dodi would hardly get into a car driven by a drunk. These facts forced conspiracy theorists to claim that Henri Paul was poisoned by the secret services by adding something to his food or drink, in the hope that the drunk driver would definitely not be able to control the car.

James Andanson was one of the paparazzi who followed Princess Diana on the day of her death. It is believed that Andanson was the driver of that same white Fiat that collided with the princess’s Mercedes. True, he himself denied it with all his might. However, neither he nor his family were able to provide any reliable information about where he was on the evening of the tragedy. But what is known for sure is that six hours after the disaster he was already sitting on a plane flying to Corsica. After some time, Andanson returned to France... and soon his burnt body was discovered in a car in the French countryside. The most striking thing is that the police who discovered the charred corpse very quickly pronounced a verdict of “suicide.” So was Andanson stalking Princess Diana? And did he work for the intelligence services, as conspiracy theorists claim? Now there are no answers to these questions.