Fruits in English with transcription. Fruits and berries in English - names with transcription. Plural of fruit in English

Fruits / fruits

All over the world there is a huge variety of fruits, berries and vegetables. And in each country, this or that fruit (vegetable, berry) will have its own name, but will look the same.

What are the names of fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables in English?

Fruit (Fruits) / What are fruits called in English

First, let's talk a little about the use of the word " fruit" in English. So the word fruit(fruit) has two plural forms in English – fruit And fruit s :

1. When talking about any fruit without specification, it is used fruit. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables.”

2. If we want to mean different types of fruits, it is consumed fruit s .

There are different types of fruits all over the world:

Citrus fruits / Citrus fruits
orange [ˈɔrɪndʒ] - orange;
lemon ['lemən] - lemon;
tangerine [‚tændʒə’ri:n] - tangerine;
grapefruit [‘greɪpfru:t] - grapefruit;
pomelo [‘pɔmɪləu] - pomelo;
clementine [ˈkleməntaɪn] - clementine (a type of tangerine);
lime - lime;
satsuma - satsuma (a type of mandarin);
kumquat - kumquat (a type of lemon).

Stoned fruits
apple [’æpəl] - apple;
peach - peach;
quince - quince;
Granny Smith [‘grænɪ -ˈsmith] - green apple;
plum [ˈplʌm] - plum;
pear - pear;
cherry ['tʃerɪ] - sweet cherry (cherry);
apricot [‘æprə‚kɒt] - apricot;
nectarine [ˌnektəˈrēn] - nectarine.

Dried fruit / Dried fruits
fig - fig;
raisin [ˈreɪzn] - raisins;
prune - prune;
sultana [sʌlʹtɑ:nə] - sultana;
date - date.

Berries / What are berries called in English?

Berry in English " berry". This word is a component of many berry names.

blueberry - blueberry;
blackberry/dewberry [‘blæk‚berɪ][ ˈdju:berɪ ] blackberry;
cherry - cherry;
current - currant;
cranberry - cranberry;
chokeberry - chokeberry;
huckleberry [‘hʌkəl‚berɪ] - blueberry;
goji berry - goji berries;
gooseberry - gooseberry;
raspberry - raspberry;
strawberry - strawberry;
mulberry [mʌlbəri] - silk.

Many people may classify melon and watermelon as fruits, but this is incorrect. Melon and watermelon are berries!

watermelon [‘wɒtər‚melən] - watermelon;
honeydew melon [ʹhʌnıdju:] - winter melon;
melon ['melən] - melon.

grape - grapes;
redcurrant [‘red‚kʌrənt] - red currant;
blackcurrant [ˈblækˈkʌr(ə)nt] - black currant;
white currant - white currant;
cornelian - dogwood;
olive [‘ɒlɪv] - olive.

Nuts / What are nuts called in English?

Walnut in English " nut «.
And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means “ nut ».

almond [’ɑ:mənd] - almonds;
brazilnut [brə-ˈzil-nʌt] - Brazil nut;
coconut [’kəʋkənʌt] - coconut;
cashewnut [ʹkæʃu:nʌt] - cashew;
chestnut [͵hɔ:sʹtʃestnʌt] - chestnut;
hazelnut [‘heɪzəl‚nʌt] - hazelnut;
macademia - macadamia;
peanut [‘pi:nʌt] - peanuts;
pecan - pecan;
pistachio - pistachio;
pine nut - pine nut;
walnut [‘wɔ:lnʌt] - walnut.

Vegetables / What are vegetables called in English?

asparagus [əˈspærəɡəs] - asparagus;
beans - beans;
beet - beet;
broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] - broccoli;
Brussels sprouts [ˈbrʌsl̩z spraʊts] - Brussels sprouts;
cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] - cabbage;
carrot [ˈkærət] - carrot;
cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] - cauliflower;
celery [ˈseləri] - celery;
Chinese cabbage - Chinese cabbage;
corn - corn;
cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbə] - cucumber;
eggplant [ˈeɡplɑːnt] - eggplant;
green pepper [ˈɡriːn ˈpepə] - green pepper;
Japanese radish [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz ˈrædɪʃ] - Japanese radish;
kale - kale;
lettuce [ˈletɪs] - lettuce;
okra [ˈəʊkrə] - okra;
onion [ˈʌnjən] - onion;
peas - peas;
potato - potato;
pumpkins [ˈpʌmpkɪnz] - pumpkins;
radish [ˈrædɪʃ] - radish;
spinach [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] - spinach;
sweet potato - sweet potatoes;
tomatoes - tomatoes;
turnips [ˈtɜːnɪps] - turnip.

For those who are just starting to learn English, the names of fruits in English can be a good training base. Firstly, having learned the names and trying to put them into practice, you can name fruits in English in the most ordinary situations - in the supermarket, in the garden, and often right in your kitchen. Secondly, fruits in English are an excellent basis for combining with other thematic groups of words for initial learning - “Colors”, “Shape”, “Volume”, “Taste”, etc. That is, having learned fruits in English, you will be able to create many phrases with a variety of adjectives, which will certainly help you consolidate these words in your memory.

For example:
Apples - Apples
can be Red apples - Red apples
or maybe Round red apples - Round red apples

Pears - Pears
can be Yellow pears - Yellow pears
or maybe Sweet yellow pears - Sweet yellow pears

And if you want, you can mix everything up - Sweet round yellow apples - Sweet round yellow apples

You can always create any chain of words yourself, depending on what words you remember. By the way, making chains of words can be a fun and useful game if you are learning English with a child. In such a game, you can also include a competitive element - who will make the most chains, or who will make the longest chain. Everything will depend on your imagination.

We name fruits in English.

One of the frequently asked questions on the topic “Fruit” in English is, in fact, the word itself fruit - fruit, fruit. In what cases should it be used in the singular form to denote several fruits (considering this noun as uncountable) - fruit, and when - in the plural form - fruits ?

If we talk about fruits in general, as food, without meaning a set of individual fruits, then we use fruit.

Fruit is cheap here. — Fruits are cheap here.

If we mean different types of fruits, we use the plural fruits.

There are pears, apples and other fruits in the menu. - The menu includes pears, apples and other fruits (types of fruits).

So, with the word fruit Now that we've figured it out, let's move on to the names. First, let's name the ten most common and familiar fruits. By the way, to simplify the task for beginners, we wrote the names of fruits in English in Russian transcription.

Apple - ["æpl] - (epl) - apple

Banana - - (be "nena) - banana

Lemon - ["lemən] - (" lemn) - lemon

Melon - [’melən] - ("melen) - melon

Watermelon - [‘wɒtər‚melən] - (" watemelen) - watermelon

Orange - ["ɔrindʒ] - (" orange) - orange

Peach - - (pi:h) - peach

Pear - - (" pea) - pear

Pineapple - ["paɪnæpl] - (" pineapple - pineapple

Tangerine - [,tændʒə"ri:n] - (tenje" ri:n) - mandarin

Then, when these words no longer cause difficulties, you can memorize a few more fruits in English with translations that may be useful.

Apricot - [‘æprə‚kɒt] - (" apricot) - apricot

Kiwifruit - [ˈkiwifru:t] - ("kiuifruit:t) - kiwi

Lime - - (" lime) - lime

Plum - [ˈplʌm] - (plum) - plum

Pomegranate - [‘pɒm‚grænɪt] - (" pomgranit) - garnet

Learning the names of berries in English.

When learning English words for various fruits, you cannot ignore the names of berries in English. After all, if we recall the situations in which we use the names of fruits (for example, the names of juices, different types of ice cream, syrups, jams, etc.), various berries immediately come to mind.

Please note: most berries in English have the word Berry, which actually means - Berry.

The most common berries in speech are:

Bilberry - ["bɪlb(ə)rɪ] - ("bilberry) - blueberry

Blackberry - [ˈblækberi] - ("blackberry") - blackberry

Blackcurrant - [ˌblækˈkɜːrənt] - (black "currant) - black currant

Blueberry - [ˈbluːberi] - ("blueberry") - blueberry, lingonberry, blueberry

Cranberry - [ˈkrænberi] - ("cranberry") - cranberry

Cherry - [ˈtʃeri] - ("cherry") - cherry, sweet cherry

Grapes - [ˈɡreɪps] - ("grapes) - grapes

Raspberry - [ˈræzberi] - ("raspberry") - raspberry

Strawberry - [ˈstrɔːberi] - ("strawberry") - strawberry, strawberry

Let's use new words in practice.

Don’t forget, once you learn new words, to use them in practice at every opportunity. If you are learning English with a child, these can be a variety of games: both word games (compiling chains, for example, which we wrote about above), and various role-playing games - play “shop”, “cafe”, “ dacha." The main condition should be the maximum use of new words in the game.

If you are learning English on your own, we can offer you an effective way to practice - an online English language tutorial. By listening to short texts and doing simple exercises for them, you can expand your vocabulary and learn how to correctly compose English sentences.

For example, you can find the names of fruits on the site in this short text for beginners:

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? No, she doesn't.
She does not eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes, he does.

Listen to the text

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she eat pears often? No…
She doesn't eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes…

By taking such lessons, you not only consolidate new words in your memory, but also master the use of basic grammatical structures.

Hi all. We suddenly discovered that we didn’t have a full selection of fruits, vegetables and berries on our blog until now. It's time to fix it. Otherwise, how will you go to the supermarket or cook without even knowing how to say “cranberry” or “plum” in English?

OK. We have divided today's selection into several blocks. Let's finally begin!


The word fruit in English has two plural forms: fruit and fruits. If we talk about any fruit in general, the word fruit is used.

For example, a shop called Fruit and vegetables(Fruits and vegetables). Or you can say: It’s hard to buy fresh fruit now. The implication is that it is difficult to buy fruit in general, we do not specify which ones. If various types of fruit are meant, fruits is used. For example: I want to buy the tropical fruits of this island- “I want to buy tropical fruits from this island.” There is a clarification here, so we say fruits.

The types of fruit themselves are countable and can be either singular or plural. For example, banana means one banana, and bananas means many bananas.

apple- apple
apricot- apricot
avocado- avocado
pineapple- a pineapple
banana- banana
bergamot- bergamot
durian- durian
grapefruit- grapefruit
kiwi- kiwi
lime- lime
lemon- lemon
loquat- lokva
mango- mango
melon- melon
nectarine- nectarine
orange- orange
passion fruit- passion fruit
papaya- papaya
peach- peach
pear- pear
persimmon- persimmon
pineapple- a pineapple
plum- plum
pomegranate- pomegranate
pomelo- pomelo
tangerine- tangerine
quince- quince


In English, berry sounds like berry, berries - berries. When studying the names of berries, you should not only memorize their pronunciation and spelling, but also learn how to use them correctly in conversation. There is a significant difference between the plural and singular numbers of berries in Russian and English.

In Russian we say “strawberry”, this can mean either one strawberry or a bucket. You simply say, “I had strawberries for dinner.” The word strawberry itself does not have a plural. We can only clarify “a bucket of strawberries”. As for the English language, all berries can be used both in the singular, which represents one berry, and in the plural, which represents a collective image - a type of berry. Strawberry is one berry, strawberries are a collective image.

All berries in English can be singular or plural: blackberry (one blackberry) - blackberries (collective image - blackberry), buckthorn - buckthorns and so on.

barberry- barberry
blackberry- blackberry
black chokeberry- chokeberry
blueberry- blueberries, blueberries
buckthorn- sea buckthorn, buckthorn
cherry- cherry
cloudberry- cloudberry
cowberry (lingonberry)- cowberry
cranberry- cranberry
current- currant
date- figs
dogwood- dogwood
elder- elderberry
fig- wineberry, fig, fig
grape- grape
goji berry- Goji berries
gooseberry- gooseberry
raspberry- raspberries
ros hip- rose hip
rowan- Rowan
strawberry- strawberry
sweet cherry- cherries
viburnum- viburnum
wild strawberry- wild strawberry
watermelon- watermelon

Go through the topics in the online simulator:


As well as root vegetables, greens and beans.

asparagus- asparagus
beans- beans
beet- beet
broccoli- broccoli
Brussels sprouts- Brussels sprouts
cabbage- cabbage
carrot- carrot
cauliflower- cauliflower
celery- celery
chili- chilli
Chinese cabbage- Chinese cabbage
corn- corn
cucumber- cucumber
daikon- daikon
eggplant- eggplant
garlic- garlic
green bean- green beans
kale- kale
lettuce- lettuce
okra- okra
onion- onion
parsley- parsley
pepper- pepper
peas- peas
potato- potato
pumpkin- pumpkin
radish- radish
spinach- spinach
tomatoes- tomatoes
turnips- turnip


acorn- acorn
almond- almonds
beechnut- beech nut
cashew- cashew
chestnut- chestnut
coconut- coconut
hazelnut- hazelnut
nutmeg- nutmeg
peanut- peanuts
pecan- pecan
pine nut- pine nut
pistachio- pistachio
walnut- Walnut

Phraseologisms are also formed from fruits, berries and vegetables. Fruits and berries also form phraseological units. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • like a sucked orange- used when a person is too tired and feels like a squeezed lemon
  • to pick the plum- skim the cream, select the best
  • plum job- profitable place, good position
  • Big Apple- Big Apple (nickname of New York)
  • apple of discord- apple of discord
  • apples and oranges- apples and oranges (something different, like apples and oranges)
  • apple of one's eye- the apple of your eye, when you care deeply about someone, you dote on their soul
  • lemon- a defective vehicle that is no longer running
  • banana skin (or banana peel)- comes from the expression “slipping on a banana peel”, used in discussing a slippery situation
  • pearl-shaped- pear-shaped (about the figure)
  • not give a fig - not to show interest in something, to remain indifferent
  • hard nut to crack- toughie
  • cool as cucumber- cold-blooded, calm like a boa constrictor

Cereals and grains

Cereals in English sound like “groats”, and porridge (semolina, oatmeal, etc.) sounds like cereal. The cereals themselves in English will sound like this.

barley- barley
buckwheat- buckwheat
cornflakes- corn flakes
flour- flour
lentil- lentils
millet- wheat
oatmeal- oat groats
pearl-barley- pearl barley
rice- rice
semolina- semolina
soya- soybean
wheat- wheat

We learn the names of fruits and berries at school age, and we encounter all the subtleties regarding the use of singular or plural much later. How to learn words at school age in order to remember them for a long period? Here are some options:

  • Learn words using flashcards.
  • Create unusual stories in your head with the name of the fruit.
  • Make an association with the name of the fruit in English and some object that is familiar to you.
  • Listen to songs and watch cartoons with fruits in English.

Save sets of words, learn and expand your vocabulary. And then the next time you look at a fruit shop abroad, you can easily buy green beans or figs. Keep learning!

EnglishDom #inspiring to learn

We all love delicious fruits, aromatic berries and healthy nuts. But what are they all called in English? Let's find out!

First, a little grammar: it should be noted that the word fruit in English has two plural forms - fruit and fruits. When talking about any fruit without specification, fruit is used. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables.”

Or you can say: “It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter.” If different types of fruit are meant, fruits is used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island.”

Fruits in English

Let's look at the names of the most common types of fruits:

apple apple nectarine nectarine
avocado avocado orange orange
apricot apricot pear pear
banana banana papaya papaya
date date fruit pineapple a pineapple
fig figs peach peach
grapefruit grapefruit plum plum
grapes grape persimmon persimmon
kiwi kiwi pomegranate pomegranate
lime lime passion fruit passion fruit
lemon lemon quince quince
mango mango tangerine mandarin
melon melon watermelon watermelon

Berries in English

Along with fruits, it is worth remembering berries. Berry in English is berry, and this word is part of many berry names.

Many wild berries have different names depending on the region. For example, cloudberry can be called cloudberry or yellowberry, in Canada it is called bakeapple, in England - knotberry, and in Scotland - averin. Lingonberries can be found under the names cowberry, foxberry or lingonberry.

Nuts in English

And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means “nut”.

One way to easily memorize new words in a foreign language is to group words by topic. Vegetables in English is a necessary topic, because we encounter vegetables in everyday life. We buy them in the store, prepare food from them, and grow them in the garden. That is, by remembering at least a few basic vegetables in English, you can easily maintain a conversation on several popular topics at once.

In addition, knowledge of the English names of vegetables can be useful when traveling - when ordering side dishes in a cafe or restaurant, as well as simply when communicating with foreigners. As a rule, they are definitely interested in national Russian cuisine. Therefore, when telling foreigners about cabbage soup and borscht, vinaigrette and sauerkraut, you cannot do without knowing the English names of vegetables.

So, let's make a list of vegetables in English with translation that you need to learn first.

Vegetables ["veʤ(ə)təblz] ("vegetables) vegetables

Beet (bi:t) beet

Cabbage ["kæbɪʤ] (‘cabbage) cabbage

Carrot ["kærət] ("carot") carrots

Cucumber ["kjuːkʌmbə] ("kyukamba) cucumber

Eggplant ["egplænt] ("egplant") eggplant

Onion ["ɔnjən] ("onion) onion

Potato (po'teitou) potatoes

Pumpkin ["pʌmpkɪn] ("pumpkin) pumpkin

Radish ["rædɪʃ] ("radish) radish

Tomato (to "meitou) tomato

With such a minimal set, we can cook soup and prepare salad. And at the same time, name everything we cook from in English. This “hands-on” way of memorizing new words is very effective. Moreover, it is equally exciting for both adults and children.

After the first ten most common names have been learned, you can expand the “assortment” - learn several more less frequent, but still quite common names.

Beans (bi:nz) beans

Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] (‘broccoli) broccoli

Cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] (‘coliflower) cauliflower

Celery [ˈseləri] (‘selery) celery

Corn (ko:n) corn

Spinach [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] (‘spinage) spinach

Lettuce [ˈletɪs] ("letis") lettuce (leaves)

Turnip [ˈtɜːnɪp] (tenip) turnip

Vegetables in English can also be learned using picture cards. This method is usually used in teaching children. Whatever method of learning you use, after a little training not only an adult, but also a child will be able to name vegetables in English.

As you know, any knowledge necessarily requires consolidation in practice. English words are no exception. No matter what stage of learning English you are at, you can consolidate your knowledge and continue learning using the unique method of the English language self-teacher. Specially selected texts, stories and fairy tales, voiced by professional American speakers, will help you significantly expand your vocabulary, and exercises and a grammar reference will help you learn how to quickly and correctly construct English sentences.