Fortune telling on coffee beans - a cheat sheet for any occasion. Fortune telling on coffee beans Fortune telling coffee bean with numbers

Fortune telling on coffee beans – 4 popular methods with detailed instructions: fortune telling on 16 coffee beans + online version + 2 options for fortune telling “Does he miss me” + online fortune telling using 24 sectors.

Fortune telling using improvised objects is a method of predicting the future known since ancient times.

People endowed with magical properties everything that, from their point of view, could carry the energy of living nature - seashells, river pebbles. In warm regions where coffee has been grown since ancient times, fortune telling using coffee beans has become widespread. And with the spread of coffee throughout the world, the ritual came to us.

The general rules of such fortune telling are the same as those of other rituals designed to help look into the future. You need an absolute attitude towards your request, no distracting thoughts or factors.

The ideal option is to meditate for several minutes in the dark or by candlelight immediately before fortune telling. The process should be accompanied by silence or light music.

In addition, coffee beans need to be somehow prepared for future manipulations:

  1. hold in your palms;
  2. pour them from hand to hand;
  3. apply the grains to your forehead.

All these manipulations will allow you to establish energy metabolism so that the grains can “remove” information from you as accurately as possible and, on this basis, give the most accurate forecast on your issue.

And now we can proceed directly to the description of how fortune telling occurs using coffee beans.

Fortune telling No. 1.

For 16 coffee beans

The most popular method is using 16 grains. Before it starts, you need to tune in to your request by doing all the actions described above with the grains, and with a slight movement, scatter them onto a flat surface - a table, tablecloth, board.

The number of grains that fall with the groove up will be the answer to your question.

  • Interpretation of the result:
  • 0 – in the current circumstances there is no specific answer to your question;
  • 1 – luck itself is moving towards you, but you should act decisively;
  • 2 – difficulties will soon be left behind;
  • 3 – there is a person on your way who creates problems;
  • 4 – you should be more active;
  • 6 - there will be no miracle - at least until you get rid of self-doubt;
  • 7 – stop focusing on the negative, then luck will come soon;
  • 8 – be calmer and more restrained;
  • 9 – trust your intuition – it will tell you how to act;
  • 10 – you should think not only about yourself;
  • 11 – you can learn to see your future yourself;
  • 12 – less words – more action... and caution!
  • 13 – common sense and cold calculation will lead you to your goal;
  • 14 – you should rely only on yourself, and then everything will work out for you;
  • 15 – the situation is not the best for you now, but it will not last forever;
  • 16 is an ideal combination, now everything will definitely come true!

How to tell fortunes using 16 coffee beans online?

In the 21st century, an era of heyday of innovation and technology, it is not at all necessary to guess the old fashioned way by scattering real coffee beans. It is quite possible to use online services.

Quite a few sites have “digitized” just this most popular fortune telling – on 16 grains. Only here they fall down or up, not on the table, but on the display of a gadget or computer screen. All you have to do is “turn over” the virtual cup of grains.

The decoding of ordinary fortune telling and its online version are completely the same.

Fortune telling on coffee beans No. 2.

“Does he miss me” - layout for 30 cells

There are rituals where you can get by with just one coffee bean. And it doesn’t matter at all which way it falls. But you will need a rectangle, lined with 30 cells (squares, circles, hearts - the geometric shape doesn’t matter either).

It is most convenient to carry out such fortune-telling online - fortunately, many services offer it. You don't have to delineate the field or look for grain. You just need to click on its electronic counterpart in the upper left corner to “throw”. The number of the cell on which the grain will “fall” will give you the answer to the question asked.

You will find fortune telling, for example, on this website:

You will find out if they miss you, how much and how. Or perhaps you discover that your crush has better things to do than miss you.

If for some reason you do not trust the Internet and prefer to act “in real life,” you can perform such fortune telling in the traditional way. To do this, you will need to draw an A4 sheet into 30 cells and number them as indicated in the picture (see below).

Interpretation of the results:
1 – he has no time for you now;
3 – thinks only about you;
4 – regrets your separation;
5 – thinks, is jealous, is ready to get into a noose from jealousy;
6 – not bored, but everything can be fixed;
7 – finds no place for himself thinking about you;
8 – he has another;
9 – misses you and will be glad to see you;
10 – because of longing for you, he went on a drinking binge;
11 – he dedicates poems to you;
12 – he hasn’t remembered you for a long time;
13 – he wants to hear you, but stubbornly doesn’t show it;
14 - he will return, unable to bear the separation;
15 – will be at your feet;
16 – he will be glad to return, but not now;
17 – glad you parted;
18 – call and he will return;
19 – glad of your quarrel;
20 – not all;
21 – he left because he was advised to do so;
22 – misses you and even goes to fortune tellers;
23 – doesn’t think about you, because... he has been matched with another;
24 – bored and waiting for your letter;
25 – he realized his mistake and is bored;
26 – he has no time to be sad, a lot of trouble;
27 – he is happy with someone else;
28 – he is offended and angry with you;
29 – will return to you soon;
30 – he is unsuccessfully trying to forget you.

Fortune telling No. 3: “Does he miss me” - layout for 25 cells

This fortune telling is identical to the previous one. The only difference is in the numbering order of the cells - the compilers of this test arranged the numbers differently.

Please note that in both fortune telling - both for 25 and 30 grains - the numbering seems to be in a chaotic order. In fact, he is the way he was conceived by professional magicians who caught the patterns in fortune telling on coffee beans.

The interpretation of the points is identical to the results of the previous fortune telling (except that there are only 25 answers here - less than in the layout for 30 cells). In essence, this is just a shortened, but more colorfully designed version of the previous online fortune telling.

You can make a virtual layout of coffee beans for 25 cells here:

Fortune telling with coffee beans is one of the ways to find out the future. There are many prediction techniques that differ in individual details. But in our article we will look at popular options.

Many people want to get a yes or no answer to an important question, or just to know the future. Therefore, numerous methods of fortune telling have appeared, and their number only increases over time.

Before analyzing the technique and interpretation, fortune telling should be considered from a scientific point of view. As a rule, some random value is used, which could appear as a result of a sequence of actions.

A striking example is fortune telling with cards. The sequence of actions is shuffling the deck in order to get a random card. Since they can be placed in any order before mixing begins, and the process can happen in different ways, you get pure randomness. It is believed that a randomly dropped value (card) can predict fate.

Scientists do not believe in predictions and claim that all coincidences are random. If we exclude the existence of higher powers, which cannot be proven or completely refuted at this stage of the development of science, then indeed, fortune telling has nothing to do with the fate of a person. It's just a randomly drawn card, number of grains, pattern from the grounds, etc.

If you believe in the existence of higher powers, and they really exist, then fortune telling makes sense. All this is quite complicated, it has not been proven or disproved by science, so everyone must make their own decision.

In any case, such a decision is an interesting activity for many girls. After all, they need to know whether the betrothed is bored. Even if you are skeptical about esoteric practices, this is a good way to while away your free time.

Types of fortune telling

There are a huge number of ways to tell fortunes using coffee beans. You need to understand that the technique was invented by ordinary people, and people often changed it. All methods can be divided into categories according to the following parameters:

  • Number of grains.
  • Features of the ritual.
  • Methods of preparing materials for fortune telling.
  • Subtleties of interpretation (believe it or not, different sources provide different meanings!).

It is impossible to analyze all the methods within the framework of the article. Therefore, we will offer a popular method of fortune telling on coffee beans, which allows you to get an accurate result.

How to tell fortunes using grains?

Let's consider fortune telling using sixteen grains. Most people use ground or instant coffee to save time. Therefore, you will have to go to the store and buy coffee beans. They can be further ground and also used to make a drink.

Select 16 whole grains from the bag. It is recommended to put them in a fabric bag and carry them with you for several days. It is believed that this way the grains are charged with human energy and the accuracy of fortune telling increases.

Such a lengthy preparation procedure can be eliminated. You will need to take the grains and hold them in your palm for 10 minutes. Afterwards you can start fortune telling. But if possible, it is better to use the first method if you have enough time left.

How is fortune telling done on coffee beans? You need to put the grains in your palm and mentally ask a question. Then throw them on the table and count how many have turned upside down.

Interpretation of fortune telling on coffee beans

Interpretation is carried out based on the number of grains turned upside down:

0 – fortune telling should be postponed. Try repeating the procedure tomorrow.

1 – you will be lucky. The main thing is not to relax and take all possible measures to manage the moment correctly.

2 – you will soon achieve your goal.

3 – there is an enemy in your close circle who should not be trusted.

4 – start taking active steps, you are not doing enough to achieve your goal.

5 – a person is under the protection of higher powers. The girl will receive help on all issues.

6 – start active actions.

7 – the girl is overly restless, your fears are actually unfounded.

8 – be more restrained.

9 – you need to analyze your thoughts.

10 – the girl is too selfish. Stop self-indulgence and think about those around you.

11 – a woman has a magical gift.

12 – think carefully before taking any actions.

13 – analyze the current situation to find a solution.

14 – start taking action, your goal will be quickly achieved.

15 – problems with a guy, unrequited love, and other troubles in life are possible. Don't despair, the situation will get better.

16 is a rare combination. It indicates a person’s luck; the girl is successful in all matters.

Remember that a bad prediction may not come true. Therefore, do not be upset, just do everything to ensure that the prophecy turns out to be incorrect.

Fortune telling on rice grains

For this fortune telling, take a cup, pour rice into it and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish or ask a question. In the old days, girls used to say this: “Show me, fate, what should I expect - good or bad?” Then turn the cup over to empty the contents onto the tablecloth or napkin, and scoop up a handful of rice with your left hand. Now all that remains is to count the number of grains: an even number means the wish will come true and good luck awaits you, an odd number portends failure.

From the book The Golden Book of Fortune Telling author Sudina Natalya

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or coffee beans. Both men and women can guess this way. The fortuneteller takes a full handful of peas, nuts or coffee beans, shakes them several times, then places the grains (peas, nuts) one at a time on the table and says: Sailor,

From the book The Golden Book of Fortune Telling author Sudina Natalya

Fortune telling on coffee beans Find a quiet place in the house so that no one will distract you during fortune telling. Make yourself comfortable, light 2 candles. Take 16 coffee beans and, pouring them from hand to hand, imagine how the coffee seeds fill your energy. Then

From book 365. Dreams, fortune telling, signs for every day author Olshevskaya Natalya

221. Fortune telling on peas, nuts or coffee beans Both men and women can guess this way. The fortuneteller takes a full handful of peas, nuts or coffee beans, shakes them several times, then places the grains (peas, nuts) one at a time on the table and says: Sailor,

by Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling at the ice hole On a clear moonlit night, you need to go to the ice hole, draw a circle around yourself with a metal object (for example, a knife) or a burning torch (candle), which was used to light the fire on Christmas Eve. Sitting down on an oxhide and covering your head with a tablecloth, you should

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Fortune Telling and Predictions by Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling by needles Taking two needles, you need to rub them with lard and put them in a bowl of water. If the needles sink to the bottom, expect trouble; if they come together, there will be a wedding soon. If the needles have separated and are one against the other, ill-wishers are trying to upset the wedding, and if they

From the book The best fortune telling from A to Z author Loma Elena

Fortune telling on coffee beans Everyone has heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds. Now try to predict your fate with the help of the invigorating beans themselves. To look into the future, you need to take 16 coffee beans and find a quiet place in the house where no one will be with you for the next quarter of an hour

From the book Magic for Every Day from A to Z. A detailed and inspiring guide to the world of natural magic by Blake Deborah

Fortune telling “Divination is an art or practice by which one seeks to foresee or predict future events or to discover secret knowledge, usually by interpreting omens or by using supernatural powers, unusual insights or intuition.” I

author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by shadow In the old days there was no TV or computer, there was no player or receiver. there was no telephone. Fortune telling was one of the few “intellectual” entertainments of old times. For example, they guessed by shadows. Let's say, making a wish or a person,

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by a blade of grass It was interesting to tell fortunes by blades of grass. One meant a guy, the other a girl. We stuck both blades of grass into a crack somewhere in a hot place near a flooded stove and watched how they behaved as they dried out? It was believed that: 1) if they move away, it means there will be trouble in the family

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by coal To cure a sick person, they first told fortunes “by coal”. They took three coals from the stove and threw them into the water one by one. We watched how they behaved. It was believed: 1) the first - from their own thought (about the illness that you assume, which

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by snakes In villages closer to the Baltic states (Lithuania, Poland, etc.), villagers also told fortunes by... snakes. It was considered a happy omen if a snake settled in the hut or near it. If there were no snakes, it was considered that the place was not the best. Uzhu willingly put milk in a saucer and

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by egg Various fortune telling were associated with a simple chicken egg. In one case, they guessed something like using molten wax, tin or lead. When starting to tell fortunes, they took warm water and dissolved egg whites in it. Bizarre streamy-lumpy patterns appeared

author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Fortune telling for Epiphany. Fortune telling by ring in water Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, pour clean water into it and lower the wedding ring into the glass. Then look straight into the water

From the book Slavic rituals, conspiracies and divination author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

4. Fortune telling with tea Tea appeared in Europe around the 15th century, and very quickly people who fell in love with this drink noticed that the figures from tea leaves, which remain at the bottom of the cup after the liquid is drunk, resemble the figures formed when casting wax and lead or other melting

From the book of Fortune telling author Klimov A A

TEA TELLING The desire to predict danger and look into the future is characteristic of humans. That is why the ancient art of fortune telling does not die out to this day. And you can guess in different ways. One of the methods is described in the brochure “Tea Fortune Telling” published in China. Brochure

From the book Eight Religions That Rule the World. All about their rivalry, similarities and differences by Prothero Stephen

Ifa fortune telling Ifa fortune telling, which is compared to Chinese fortune telling based on the book “I Ching”, is the process of communication between the believer and the orisha of the wisdom and destiny of Orunmila (or Ifa). Orunmila is consulted through Ifa divination on such important issues as childbirth, marriage, death, and

When logic and reason cannot tell a person the correct answer, he looks for clues from his own intuition, listens to his inner voice, uses fortune telling with coffee beans, and solitaire games. Incredibly, the fate of people, cities and entire empires, for thousands of years, could depend on the location of stars, combinations of cards, in other words, on chance. So what controls the situation - the human mind or the will of chance contained in coffee or other magical attributes?

In the article:

What is the magic of coffee beans?

What does a small grain of coffee tree mean in the life of a modern person? A daily sip of vigor, a desire excited by a magical aroma, a mood caused by the hormone of happiness contained in caffeine. It contains an intimate conversation with a loved one, business negotiations with partners, and a romantic continuation of a date. Coffee is a magical catalyst for feelings, sharpening and intensifying them.

No wonder the great Turkish sultans, eastern rulers and even A Alexander the Great used fortune telling on coffee beans as a hint in difficult situations. In the homeland of coffee, these beans have always been considered sacred. Hence the incredible popularity of fortune telling on coffee grounds, a ritual that can predict the future in the smallest details.

Coffee absorbs human energy like a sponge absorbs water. Together with the warmth of the palm, the grain absorbs thoughts, emotions, hopes and experiences that fill a person. After just a couple of minutes of contact, the grain is ready to show the person its prospects, warn about danger and direct it in the right direction.

The right ritual is a reliable answer

In the East, grains for the ritual are prepared in a special way. Sixteen fresh coffee beans are placed in a cloth bag and worn in a pocket or around the neck for several days. It is believed that in this way the grain gets along with the person, his forecasts become as truthful as possible. You can use these grains only for yourself, under no circumstances passing them into the hands of another person.

For someone who wants to tell fortunes on coffee beans without taming them, it is quite enough to simply hold the coffee in your palms for ten minutes while the question is formulated in your head. After this, the grains should be thrown onto a table or other flat surface. You can find out the answer by which side the coffee lands on the table.

If all the grains lay down with the hollow down - put off the fortune-telling. Most likely, the situation does not have a concrete solution at the moment. Either the Universe does not want to answer this question, or you are not ready to accept the answer. You can repeat fortune telling on coffee beans later, the next day.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - interpretation

To decipher the results of fortune telling, you should carefully count the grains that fell with the hollow facing up, as if face down.

If only one of all, turned your face - luck is your companion for a long time. It is she who leads along the paths of life, helping to avoid sharp corners and cliffs. But this doesn't mean you can relax. Fortune favors the brave, and courage must be reasonable.

Two hollows- it is perfectly. Finally, the milestone is close, the road to which required a lot of effort and time. You can already reach with your hand until the moment when worries, worries, troubles disappear like smoke. Prosperity and tranquility are characteristics of future days.

When he looks at you three grains, you should be wary. Somewhere nearby there is a person who is sleeping and sees your fall. Lurking hatred or envy guides his actions. It is very important to find and neutralize it.

If you smile four coffee beans, it's time to wake up. Implementation of plans requires active action. If you wait and do nothing, it is unlikely that anything will happen. The one who walks will master the road!

Five cleavages, as a rule, falls out among those who are under the protection of higher powers. Either your guardian angel is leading you through life, or fate has destined you to have a smooth, cloudless path. There is no point in worrying, everything will be fine.

The incentive to take active action is a combination of six grains. Cast aside doubts and act. It is indecision that keeps you where you are.

Anxiety, fears, hassle - seven hollows, a clear sign of this. Calm down! After all, in fact, everything is fine. Your emotions are unfounded.

Eight grains appeal to your restraint. She looks like she's fast asleep. You cannot constantly explode the world around you with indignation. People who speak very quietly are heard more often.

For those who see nine grains, there is only one piece of advice - find the truth within yourself. It's time to listen to your intuition. You shouldn’t live with an eye on others, find your own path.

Ten- a sign of a person mired in temptations. All life passes in satisfying one's own egoism. But is there real joy in this? Nothing pleases more than the pleasure brought to another person.

Eleven hollows fall only to those who are gifted with the magical gift of foresight. This ability will allow you to rise to the very heights of life and realize all your desires. The inner compass will lead you to your goal. You just need to trust him.

You should think more about your words and actions - this is a recommendation twelve grains. It’s easy to offend with a word, it’s much more difficult to correct the situation. Don't incur the wrath of the universe.

Thirteen hollows will force you to collect the entire arsenal of mental abilities. Only a clear analysis of the situation and the right actions will lead to the desired goal. Think and dare - the situation is only in your hands!

A good incentive to action will be a combination of fourteen grains lying face up. If you take active action, the goal will be achieved quickly and easily. Don't miss the opportunity to solve the problem.

Fifteen- this is a balm for your wounds. Now the clouds are gathering over you, but soon everything will change. Don't give up, thunderstorms never last long, the sun will definitely come out from behind the clouds.

Seems like something to see on the table sixteen coffee beans turned upside down is simply unreal. Nevertheless, this also happens. This is a unique combination that falls to the darlings of fate. It predicts the best developments for today, tomorrow and all future days.

Fortune telling on coffee beans

Everyone has heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds. Now try to predict your fate with the help of the invigorating grains themselves.

To look into the future, you need to take 16 coffee beans and find a quiet place in the house where no one will disturb you in the next quarter of an hour. Sit back, turn on calm music, light two candles, collect the beans in your palm and, pouring them from hand to hand, imagine how the coffee seeds are saturated with your energy. Then bring your palms to your forehead, close your eyes and focus on the problem that worries you. Then throw the grains on the table, count how many of them fell upside down, and look for the resulting number in the decoding.

If all 16 grains fall out with the hollow down, reschedule the fortune telling for another day!

Attention! You can guess no more than once a month!

1 wealth.

Fart comes into your hands on its own, and you don’t notice it. So open your eyes and act, just don’t rely on chance - preparation and reinsurance never hurt.

2 Victoria!

Wave your hand at problems. They go far and for a long time, giving way to happiness and prosperity. And all thanks to your perseverance and hard work. Just don't relax!

3 – the catch.

Judas found himself among close people. And all sorts of problems in the wheels with skidding on corners are his doing. In general, environmental filtering will help avoid many problems.

4 – dreams, dreams...

Stop wishful thinking. An apartment, a car and a dacha will not move from a dream to the real world without your participation. But victory over laziness promises to speed up this process.

5 cornucopia.

Higher powers are helping you, so you can act at your own peril and risk. Friends, a loved one, success in business will always be there. You are required not to neglect what you have.

6 would decide.

Your main enemy is indecision and fear of the unknown. Hateful job, bad area of ​​residence... Tired of it? Then forward to a new life!

7 empty worries.

Why worry about non-existent problems when everything is so good? You have already won the lottery against Fate, now the main thing is not to waste the jackpot.

8 explosion hazard.

They say about you - a volcano woman or a tornado man. However, loud epithets are not at all a reason to swell with pride. Because you can only win by cooling down your ardor.

9 behind the wall.

Your intuition protects you. And you will succeed if you follow the instructions of your inner voice. Even if everyone tries to convince you otherwise.

10 temptation.

If you always follow your own desires, you can end up in something bad. You do not want? Then listen to the wise advice of a loved one.

11 magical assistant.

Your natural talents and intelligence, combined with the gift of foresight, will lead you to the very pinnacle of success. Be bold and don’t doubt anything.

12 – be careful.

Whatever comes out of your mouth is where Fortune will turn to you. Conclusion: watch yourself and think several times before hurting a loved one with a careless word.

13 intelligence and calculation.

Balance, the ability to maintain composure and clarity of thought in any conditions, the ability to weigh the pros and cons - these are your main weapons in the upcoming struggle.

14 – rely on yourself.

Plans will become reality if you move and do at least something to achieve the goal. After all, that's all she (the target) is waiting for to move towards you.

15 – only calm.

Whatever happens, don't lose heart, don't get depressed and stay calm. Let Fortune show you her tongue and rear today, tomorrow she will blind you with a smile again.

16 – everything will be!

Congratulations! You managed to leave all the troubles with misfortunes far behind. And happiness, luck, love are already rushing towards you. In general, life is wonderful.

From the book The Golden Book of Fortune Telling author Sudina Natalya

Fortune telling on grains of rice For this fortune telling, take a cup, pour rice into it and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish or ask a question. In the old days, girls used to say this: “Show me, fate, what should I expect - good or bad?” Then turn the cup over to empty it

From the book The Golden Book of Fortune Telling author Sudina Natalya

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or coffee beans. Both men and women can guess this way. The fortuneteller takes a full handful of peas, nuts or coffee beans, shakes them several times, then places the grains (peas, nuts) one at a time on the table and says: Sailor,

From book 365. Dreams, fortune telling, signs for every day author Olshevskaya Natalya

221. Fortune telling on peas, nuts or coffee beans Both men and women can guess this way. The fortuneteller takes a full handful of peas, nuts or coffee beans, shakes them several times, then places the grains (peas, nuts) one at a time on the table and says: Sailor,

by Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling at the ice hole On a clear moonlit night, you need to go to the ice hole, draw a circle around yourself with a metal object (for example, a knife) or a burning torch (candle), which was used to light the fire on Christmas Eve. Sitting down on an oxhide and covering your head with a tablecloth, you should

From the book The Big Book of Slavic Fortune Telling and Predictions by Dikmar Jan

Fortune telling by needles Taking two needles, you need to rub them with lard and put them in a bowl of water. If the needles sink to the bottom, expect trouble; if they come together, there will be a wedding soon. If the needles have separated and are one against the other, ill-wishers are trying to upset the wedding, and if they

From the book The best fortune telling from A to Z author Loma Elena

Fortune telling on coffee beans Everyone has heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds. Now try to predict your fate with the help of the invigorating beans themselves. To look into the future, you need to take 16 coffee beans and find a quiet place in the house where no one will be with you for the next quarter of an hour

From the book Magic for Every Day from A to Z. A detailed and inspiring guide to the world of natural magic by Blake Deborah

Fortune telling “Divination is an art or practice by which one seeks to foresee or predict future events or to discover secret knowledge, usually by interpreting omens or by using supernatural powers, unusual insights or intuition.” I

author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by shadow In the old days there was no TV or computer, there was no player or receiver. there was no telephone. Fortune telling was one of the few “intellectual” entertainments of old times. For example, they guessed by shadows. Let's say, making a wish or a person,

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by a blade of grass It was interesting to tell fortunes by blades of grass. One meant a guy, the other a girl. We stuck both blades of grass into a crack somewhere in a hot place near a flooded stove and watched how they behaved as they dried out? It was believed that: 1) if they move away, it means there will be trouble in the family

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by coal To cure a sick person, they first told fortunes “by coal”. They took three coals from the stove and threw them into the water one by one. We watched how they behaved. It was believed: 1) the first - from their own thought (about the illness that you assume, which

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by snakes In villages closer to the Baltic states (Lithuania, Poland, etc.), villagers also told fortunes by... snakes. It was considered a happy omen if a snake settled in the hut or near it. If there were no snakes, it was considered that the place was not the best. Uzhu willingly put milk in a saucer and

From the book Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Fortune telling by egg Various fortune telling were associated with a simple chicken egg. In one case, they guessed something like using molten wax, tin or lead. When starting to tell fortunes, they took warm water and dissolved egg whites in it. Bizarre streamy-lumpy patterns appeared

author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Fortune telling for Epiphany. Fortune telling by ring in water Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, pour clean water into it and lower the wedding ring into the glass. Then look straight into the water

From the book Slavic rituals, conspiracies and divination author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

4. Fortune telling with tea Tea appeared in Europe around the 15th century, and very quickly people who fell in love with this drink noticed that the figures from tea leaves, which remain at the bottom of the cup after the liquid is drunk, resemble the figures formed when casting wax and lead or other melting

From the book of Fortune telling author Klimov A A

TEA TELLING The desire to predict danger and look into the future is characteristic of humans. That is why the ancient art of fortune telling does not die out to this day. And you can guess in different ways. One of the methods is described in the brochure “Tea Fortune Telling” published in China. Brochure

From the book Eight Religions That Rule the World. All about their rivalry, similarities and differences by Prothero Stephen

Ifa fortune telling Ifa fortune telling, which is compared to Chinese fortune telling based on the book “I Ching”, is the process of communication between the believer and the orisha of the wisdom and destiny of Orunmila (or Ifa). Orunmila is consulted through Ifa divination on such important issues as childbirth, marriage, death, and