Divination on the bones: how to roll one, two or three dice. Throwing dice: divination and combination values

In the world there are a huge number of divination and divination methods. But such a ritual as divination on bones (cubes) has deep roots, has been tested for centuries and worked out to perfection. Since ancient times, people have turned to it to obtain information about the upcoming future, and it is the reliability of these predictions that has led to the fact that this type of fortune-telling is still actively used by modern esotericists and ordinary people.

The main attribute for this ritual is cubes with dots on their faces, which reflect the numerical value of the numbers from 1 to 6. You will also need a bag for folding them and a glass for mixing. If you intend to guess just for the sake of idle interest, then you can use any dice. But if you want to get a reliable result and plan to guess on an ongoing basis, then you should carefully approach the preparation of the attribute and follow a few rules.

  • Cubes must be made of natural materials: stone, wood, metal, ceramics. At the same time, it is desirable that the material of manufacture coincide in energy with the zodiacal element of the fortuneteller: Water - wood, Fire - stone, Air - glass or ceramics, Earth - metal. In this case, the bones are more susceptible to fluctuations and vibrations and will give a more reliable and comprehensive answer to the question of interest. Contrary to the divergence of opinion emanating from pseudo-specialists, you should not make bones from the real physiological material of dead animals and from the crumb of bread.
  • For simple divination, you will need from 1 to 3 bones. But given the prospects for development in the field of esotericism, it is better to try to make 6 cubes at once in a different color (this will allow you to carry out more complex and interesting rituals and fully detail the predictions). A typical palette is used: white, black, red, yellow, blue and green. Since not all materials allow you to do this, you can simply paint the dots in different colors.
  • The bones are folded into a special bag made of genuine leather or fabric. Only lacing is used as a latch. No buttons or buttons.
  • The mixing bowl can be metal (steel, bronze, aluminum and copper alloys), wood, leather, glass or ceramic. A lid is not needed, as it is simply covered with the palm of your hand.
  • Keep attributes in a dark and dry place, inaccessible to strangers and children.
  • Do not allow other people to touch the cubes. Any touch leaves not only fingerprints, but also an energy trace, which can distort the results of divination. If this happens, it is necessary to carry out an energy cleansing.
  • Never resort to a ritual in an emotionally unstable state and with the aim of harming an outsider.

throwing technique

Stacked in a glass. Right-handers take it in their right hand and cover it with their left (left-handers vice versa) and make a wish or ask a question. The bones in the glass are actively shaken and spilled onto a flat surface. But so that they do not scatter, but fall out as heaps as possible. The result of fortune-telling is based on the numbers that are located on the upper face of the cube, and is interpreted depending on the chosen method of fortune-telling.
When the throwing technique has already been worked out, then you can use a tray made of metal or wood. This will add an esoteric entourage and in the future will help to better focus on the process.

You can perform the ritual indoors, outdoors and in semi-closed areas. The main thing is that there is no wind or draft. And as far as representatives of many nations and various religious denominations resort to divination on bones (cubes), here it is possible to confine ourselves to only general recommendations.

  • The best period for divination is sunrise or sunset. But in principle, the ritual can be performed at any time of the day or night.
  • It is better to refuse divination on major religious holidays and fasts and on the last day of the lunar cycle. The days of solar and lunar eclipses are also not the best time.
  • It is impossible to turn to fortune-telling about the same question in a row. There should be at least a six-hour pause.

Who can guess on dice

As practice shows, the beautiful half of humanity is more inclined to all kinds of divination and foresight. But this ritual is an exception. Of course, representatives of both sexes can resort to it, but for some reason men get a more truthful result. Perhaps this is justified by the fact that the rigid cubic form and the masculine principle are identical in energy and essence, and their energies interact better.

But pregnant women, children and people with mental illness are strongly discouraged from taking divination bones in their hands. Due to the vulnerability of their aura and consciousness, the process of divination can adversely affect their psycho-emotional background and lead to a negative adjustment of fateful events.

Fortune telling "On the situation"

The ritual can be performed up to 3 times a day. For him you will need 2 cubes and a napkin. Concentrate on the problem or question of interest and throw the bones onto a napkin with a diameter of 10-13 cm. The cubes that fall outside of it are ignored. If both were there, then fortune-telling is not carried out further at all. Thus, only the sum of the combination that fell on the napkin is analyzed.

  1. Luck has clearly turned its back on you.
  2. Carefully select allies, betrayal or treason is possible.
  3. Someone is putting in a lot of effort to get in your way.
  4. Hold back your emotions and take a break.
  5. You are lucky.
  6. Definitely yes.
  7. Believe in your luck and everything will come true.
  8. Success in business is likely, but you have to work hard.
  9. You will be successful in any endeavors.
  10. Definitely not.
  11. The problem is minor or will resolve itself.
  12. After a slight stagnation, there will be a rapid development of events.

Divination "Yes - No"

You will need two colored cubes. If possible, it is better to take red and black, or at least light and dark. The question is posed clearly and assuming a monosyllabic answer. Then the bones are thrown out. If the fortune teller or who is being guessed was born on even days, then an even sum of points means “yes”, and an odd sum means “no” and vice versa.

Now about the bones of different colors. It all depends on which of them has more points.

  • If the answer is “no” and the dominance of the number on the black die, the fulfillment of desire or the successful outcome of the case is out of the question. If a larger number falls on light or red, then the issue can be resolved positively with the help of a “official person” or with considerable effort.
  • If the answer is "yes" and the number on the light (red) knuckle dominates, a positive decision is guaranteed. More dots on black means that the desire is fulfilled, but there will be strong opposition from circumstances. And if you do nothing, then the solution of a problem or the fulfillment of a desire can be very delayed.
  • When doubles fall out - this is when the digital values ​​\u200b\u200bmatch - you should rely only on an unambiguous “yes” or “no”.

You can roll the dice 1 time for each question, but in general no more than 5 times a day.

"Fateful Chance"

They take 3 dice, focus on the object of their dreams and throw them out after vigorous shaking. But this must be done in such a way that when they fall out of the cup, they are distributed in a horizontal row.

The die that fell in the center reflects the already present or possible reciprocity. Although it is not a fact that you have chosen or will choose the most worthy candidate. Located on the left reflects the attitude of a certain object towards you. So with a positive prediction, you should take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe your soul mate is among colleagues and friends. A bone that has fallen out on the right side indicates your affections, and if you like the prediction, then you should make every effort to get the attention of the object of your sighs.

- Loyalty and stability in love. Complete understanding.
- The variability and commercialism of the partner. If the marriage takes place, it will be either fleeting or fictitious.
– An ardent passion, but jealousy and clarification of circumstances will become her constant companions.
- Probable marriage. If the partner is from a creative environment, then the marriage will be very fruitful and successful.
- Your chosen one is most likely incredibly stingy or prudent. At the same time, his pedantry can allow him to reach significant heights in career growth.
- Excessive conceit prevents you from seeing in the crowd a person who sincerely sympathizes with you.

The theme of love was, is and will be the most burning and most interesting in terms of predictions. Girls from different parts of the world are guessing at their beloved and betrothed. Older people are interested in the prospects of personal relationships. And male pride often motivates representatives of the strong half to guess about love or betrayal.

This method of divination is performed on two cubes of a contrasting color in order to find out the prospects of the relationship. These predictions will help prioritize and reveal some nuances of intimacy and point out certain aspects of personal relationships.

The image of a loved one should try to clearly imagine in your imagination. And then the dice are rolled. The numerical number of dots on a light bone reflects the likelihood of a romance developing - the larger the number, the more successful the relationship will be. And the dark one indicates the presence or absence of interest from the opposite side or characterizes the situation.

  1. Perhaps all conflicts are due to your misunderstanding of your partner's problems. Be more sensitive and caring.
  2. Try to sacrifice more for your soul mate. This does not mean spending a lot of money. On the contrary, maybe all the problems are in banal callousness and minimal communication.
  3. Even if your union takes place, it can hardly be called successful.
  4. Try to say the main words in time or consider even subtle signs of attention.
  5. There is a high probability of a new love or a final break in old and obsolete relationships.
  6. Expect new highlights and don't be overly shy.

In order not to attract the attention of otherworldly forces and not negatively affect your destiny, the described rituals for love should be resorted to only in complex and confusing situations. And definitely you can not guess more than once a day. As the saying goes: “Less is better.”

Divination for wealth

In this ritual, everything is quite simple, but you need 6 colored cubes and a yellow coin. Put them in a glass, shake and carefully discard. To which bone the coin fell closer, it indicates to you the resolution of financial problems.

  • White. The situation is stable. You are not in danger of financial collapse, but significant income is also not expected.
  • Yellow. Be careful with investments. Scams and bankruptcy are possible.
  • Red. The best option. Money should flow like a river, but it must be spent wisely.
  • Green. Receipt of investments or financially successful partnership.
  • Blue. Try to raise money to start or grow a business. And soon you will return them with a high percentage.
  • Black. Bad sign. Perhaps even destruction.

In the absence of money, the ritual is best performed on the full moon. When waiting for profit - on the new moon.

Online fortune telling

The possibilities of the Internet today are truly amazing. In its open spaces you can:

  • perform the ritual on your own and contact a specialist in an online format;
  • find typical and unique ways of divination on bones (dice);
  • receive brief consultations and extended recommendations.

Fortune is a changeable lady. And if the predictions show you prospects, hurry to use them. Otherwise, you may miss your chance for a long time. And when you receive unpleasant prophecies, do not despair. After all, after a dark night, a bright and colorful dawn always comes.

Self divination technique:

Among the methods of divination, the most ancient and effective is divination on the bones. For many centuries, people have been guessing according to this ritual, this suggests that the bones or zara really allow you to see the desired result.

For this divination, cubes are best suited. These are unusual cubes, they are covered with inclusions on each face. Since the cube has six faces, then, of course, we are dealing with a kind of probabilistic approach. By cubes they guess their future, you can get an answer to a question, tell fortunes on a wish. Much can be guessed.

Unlike cards, guessing on cubes is absolutely safe and accessible to everyone. You don't need any magic or sorcerer abilities. Anyone can guess on the bones, without preparation and training. You just need to follow the rules. To avoid mistakes in fortune-telling, you need to study the rules and generally understand the essence of such a thing as fortune-telling. Then you can safely proceed to the process itself.

Although special preparation is not needed, it is better to concentrate, otherwise it will be an empty exercise. You choose one bone, then guess for what period of time you are guessing: a day, a week, a month. It is necessary to relieve tension from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the process of divination. This is necessary for a clear and precise formulation of your question. The question is formulated precisely in the head, and not pronounced aloud. After the question is formulated, roll the dice in the middle of the table. One of the numbers will come up. What happens next depends on the number that comes up.

The value of the dropped number:

1. One falls out of lucky people who have a lot in life, if not everything worked out, dreams come true. If a unit falls out, then everything is going as it should and you need to stick to the chosen path. You need to expect something very good, a miracle. The number one also warns of possible health problems from the vascular system.

2. Expect change. Everything can change at any moment and we must be ready for it. You should pull yourself together and look carefully at the changes, perhaps they have already begun. Pay attention to your liver and digestive organs.

3. If a three fell out, then this is good for entrepreneurs. Your business will be successful. Possible problems with the nervous system.

4. Four is good for creators. If you are an artist, musician, writer, then all your creative ideas will come true. It's the best time to implement your ideas.

5. The number five should alert, as it concerns adventurers by nature. The five falls precisely among adventurers and warns of the need to plan life, and not rush into adventures.

6. Number of stability. Everything will go as it should and you just need to follow the plans. The dropped six indicates that the person is very confident in himself. There is a danger of going to extremes, to self-confidence, and then expect trouble.

You should know that gypsies, as fortune-telling masters, most often guess on the bones. The predictions of gypsies very often come true, because they take the fortune-telling process very seriously.

The layout of the Lenormand “New Man” cards is necessary in cases where a spark of sympathy ran between a man and a woman and the woman wonders if this man liked her, what he thinks about her and whether a love relationship is possible between them in the future. Before starting fortune-telling, think about the situation and your partner, then select 4 cards from the deck.

The Lenormand "Two" card layout is one of the most popular when divining for love and relationships between a woman and a man. This divination shows the conscious and unconscious relationship between two close people, what thoughts and feelings they have for each other, what actions they take and what their relationship will be in the future.

Tarot card spread "When will I meet my love?" used to predict a new acquaintance, which can develop into true love and a strong relationship. For this fortune-telling, they usually ask the questions “Will I meet a guy / girl in the near future?”, “Will I get married / get married in the next year?”, “Where can I look for my love?”. In a map symbolizing the place of acquaintance - carefully study what is shown on the map - this is a direct indication of the place of acquaintance. Focus and choose cards from the deck.

Love divination on the gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a Beloved” is an easy way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what kind of threat your love exists. Only three gypsy cards give an exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary that some time pass and facts unknown to you are revealed. Think of your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Love layout of tarot cards "Will we be together?" used to predict the future of relationships, as well as in cases where the fortuneteller is interested in knowing what is the basis of the relationship, what brings him together and what separates him from the partner, are there any secrets in the relationship and what needs to be done to improve and strengthen relations. Before starting the divination, ask your question, then select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Divination on the bones

Byzantine divination is one of the divination options using dice and a diagram. The cube is thrown three times on the table and occupies one of its 15 sectors. For each throw, the table has its own decoding for each segment. So, the first roll of the die will show what awaits you in the very near future, the second roll - what events should be kept secret and the third - what changes will soon enter your life.

Fortune telling on two dice "For love" gives a love forecast of relationships with a partner in the future, or a description of your partner or you. In any case, the information that fortune-telling cubes carry will help you understand an important and unknown nuance regarding your personal life. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on two dice "Gypsy" allows you to get an answer to one of ten questions regarding love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways to know the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before starting fortune-telling, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw fortune-telling dice and immediately receive a transcript.

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish on two dice is one of the simplest types of predictive fortune-telling. It is enough just to roll two dice and find out the decoding of the sum of the numbers that fell out to you. The transcript indicates whether your wish will come true or not and why.

Mahjong dice, used for the traditional Chinese game of the same name, is also used for divination and predictions of the future, since each dice symbol has a unique meaning and comparison with a known image. This fortune-telling is suitable for clarifying the circumstances of an event of interest or answering an exciting question. Choose 13 mahjong tiles from the placer and ask your question.

An ancient way of divination "Yes or No?" on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune-telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin was calculated. If both cubes were out of the napkin - that day they no longer guessed. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune telling.

Tibetan fortune-telling on Mo cubes, which originated in ancient Tibet and is rooted in the local Buddhist culture, like any fortune-telling, is aimed primarily at predicting the future, determining important nuances in the present, as well as explaining the past events that most influenced the current situation. Ancient Tibetan wisdom will tell you the right attitude to certain circumstances of your life and advise on which area of ​​life it is desirable to pay attention. It is advisable to go through relaxation meditation before starting this fortune-telling in order to perceive the decoding of fortune-telling correctly.

Divination on two dice "What will seem?" aimed at showing the fortuneteller hidden, but of interest to him, the nuances. In just one phrase of prediction, great wisdom can be hidden, if the answer is not immediately clear to you, you may soon understand what the decoding of fortune-telling is for. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on two dice "Prediction" allows you to find out what awaits you, whether your desire will come true or get advice for action. Unlike simple fortune-telling on three dice, here, in addition to the amount, the numerical value on each of the dice is taken into account. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune-telling on three dice "For the Future" is a simple fortune-telling that predicts the near future, gives advice or a warning, or shows you nuances currently unknown to you that matter. To start fortune telling, focus and ask your question and click on the cup to mix the bones.

The technique of this divination on two dice is quite simple.
You will need to take two dice, focus on the question, then shake the dice and roll them on a flat surface.

After that, they look at the interpretation of the meanings of divination on two dice:

2 (1 + 1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. For now, you'd better not change anything in your life.

3 (1 + 2) - For a woman - marriage for the sake of money, for a man - entertainment that money can buy. Try to avoid long trips, spend more time at home.

4 (1+3) - The prognosis is generally unfavorable. A serious conflict is possible, up to a trial, with people you trust. Troubles can come from unexpected quarters. Be careful, especially in small things.

4 (2+2) - Good luck in business and personal affairs. Your children will soon please you. Interesting trips and useful acquaintances are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act, to take the initiative in order to consolidate and deepen success.

5 (1 + 4) - The main thing is movement. You can't sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. By solving financial problems, you can solve many others.

5 (2 + 3) - A good combination for your own affairs and disturbing for relationships with children - conflict is possible. Try to avoid teaching and grouchy admonitions. Now your children expect from you above all understanding.

6 (1 + 5) - A lot of trouble, worries and joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from one of the relatives. Financial difficulties. At work, there is a difficult conflict situation, however, do not rush to change your place of work: changes will happen soon. If you intend to go abroad, then the departure will most likely be final - for a permanent place of residence.

6 (2 + 4) - A period of change is coming for you. Do you want to change your job, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Whatever is done, everything is for the better.

6 (3 + 3) - You will receive a very large amount of money, and in the very near future. In his personal life, everything is also going well, conflicts do not have serious grounds.

7 (1 + 6) - Period of vigorous activity. You are needed, do not refuse those who contact you.
You should also behave in relation to your partner (spouse): go towards him. Otherwise, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship in a few years.

7 (2 + 5) - Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people's opinions. Take your time! This is especially true for business people. In personal affairs - a difficult period. Bad time to get married.

7 (3 + 4) - Much depends on your imagination and enterprise now, try not to put off anything for tomorrow, do it today.

8 (2 + 6) - You will have to perform complex, troublesome work, while hack work is unacceptable. If you work honestly, without trying to deceive others, success is guaranteed. Otherwise - a complete failure.

8 (3 + 5) - A time favorable for calm, serious studies. It is best to devote it to studying or reading. However, you will not make the mistake of choosing to have a good rest instead. Bones promise to improve a bad situation and preserve a good one.

8 (4 + 4) - Violation of the usual schedule of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant - depends only on you.

9 (3 + 6) - In the near future you will learn a lot of new things. The period is favorable for research, creative work. Tip: try to distract yourself from pragmatic interests, do what you love without thinking about the possible benefits. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you will finally be able to understand each other.

9 (4+5) - Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage or in your professional activities - serious tests. Don't ask too much of others, ask more of yourself.

10 (4+6) - You like to act in a big way. In the near future, numbers promise major success: power, money, influence. However, behind political and social ambitions, one should not forget about the family. With relatives and friends, behave easier, and first of all think about them.

10 (5+5) - Success and money, but the situation is not stable. If you want to stay on top, proceed carefully and prudently. If possible, avoid risk, do not take on new cases, it is better to continue what you have already started without accepting new offers.

11 (5+6) - The worst for you is over. In the past, there were defeats and losses that occurred through no fault of yours. Don't worry: everything will work out, new opportunities and new friends will appear. Most importantly, don't give up. There is nothing to change in life.

12 (6+6) - Very favorable bones. A good stable situation with a trend towards further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.

Fortune telling on cubes or dice is an old and accurate witchcraft way to predict the future of a person. The mention of divination on the bones is repeatedly found even in the Old Testament - the first and oldest part of the Bible, which was partially taken from the ancient Holy Scripture of the Jewish people - the Tanakh.

The subtleties of the ritual

Usually, fortune tellers and sorcerers use one, two or three dice to perform the ritual. There are often cases when six or even all twelve cubes are used for fortune telling on a cube, then the specifics of the answer are significantly blurred, but a large number of questions allow us to give a general description of a particular life situation. To tell fortunes, special skills are not needed, and the predicted is most likely to come true.

To carry out the ritual, it is desirable not only to know the basics, but also to determine the period of time for which the forecast of the ceremony is calculated. It can be one day, a week, a month, a year, several years, or even a lifetime. In the latter cases, great experience in sorcery divination is required. After the question of the future is conceived, fortune-telling cubes are taken in the palm of your hand, and then they must be thrown into a specially prepared container (for example, a glass or case) made of leather, wood or clay. After a few shakes, the dice are thrown onto any smooth surface.

In the case when a fortuneteller threw several dice (in the process of divination, 2 dice or more are used) fortune-telling on dice, then the sum of all indicators is taken into account for interpretation, and they also delve into the meaning that each individual dice carries. If during the witchcraft rite two dice with the values ​​\u200b\u200bof four and two fall out, then this is not just the sum of two digits equal to six, but also a combination of four and two, which differs from the combination of triplets or one and five. Accordingly, each existing combination requires a separate interpretation.

One dice prediction

To conduct fortune-telling on dice, you need to know the features of the interpretation of the meaning of each dropped face.

  1. The unit is responsible for stability. She falls out of a strong personality who is able to decisively achieve victories where she thinks, as well as maintain these achievements. Usually this value falls to those who have already achieved what they wanted, but are careful with plans for the future. This figure assures that you should not beware, because. nothing threatens the person, changes are not necessary. In the near future, i.e. within two weeks, favorable news is possible. The forecast for the year is also good, a change of scenery is desirable. However, cardiological and ophthalmic diseases are possible.
  2. The deuce signals the instability of the life situation, therefore, in this position, the questioner is obliged to intervene in what is happening, finding a compromise: forceful methods are not welcome. In the next period of time, it is worth paying attention to spiritual, research and creative work, because. there is a financial problem. Big changes should occur no earlier than in 2-3 months. Some significant new information is expected in the near future. Income will increase throughout the year. Of the diseases, it is worth fearing the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If fortune-telling on dice gives out a triple, then this is a good sign for those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Any previously started business will be successfully completed. For a person who does not know how to relax, physical and mental disorders provoked by constant stress are dangerous. This is a good time for a pleasant break from work in the family circle, which will bring about change. It is better to transfer new ideas and deeds to the coming year. Long-term prognosis depends on the person himself. On the health side, dermatological problems and diseases of the joints are possible.
  4. Four patronizes creative people. Your inspiration will bring the desired results in the form of a successful exhibition, presentation, concert. It is useful for military and businessmen to go through family changes: a wedding or the birth of a new family member. A trip is expected in the near future, and the year will be filled with chores. Be careful with your health: kidneys can fail, as well as headaches and back pains are not uncommon.
  5. Fives are often associated with risk, so the person asking is an adventurous or adventurous person who values ​​their money. A detailed and elaborate plan of action for the future will help. This applies not only to money, but also to love: jealousy and the thought of betraying a beloved man or woman are groundless.
  6. Fortune telling on dice predicts harmony if a six falls out. A person is absolutely confident in himself, no unpleasant little things lead him astray. Rethink a lot for yourself and get rid of excessive self-confidence, which will lead to irreversible consequences. An impulsive decision in this situation is wrong, it is important to carefully consider the next step.

Prediction by the sum of two fortune-telling cubes

Two (1 1). If you get this combination during fortune-telling, then this means success in love relationships and money matters. Change is inappropriate now.

Three (1 2). For a woman, the answer will be a mercenary marriage, and for a man, entertainment. High positions are allowed. A trip is expected.

Four (1 3). It is necessary to exercise extreme caution, because. conflict will occur.

Four (2 2). Success in all areas of life. Significantly increased income. The initiative is welcome.

Five (1 4). Any activity and movements guarantee profit growth.

Five (2 3). If success is expected in work or personal affairs, then communication with children will come to a conflict, so the child should be given the opportunity to decide and do it on their own, but on occasion it is necessary to listen.

Six (1 5). The combination of numbers suggests that there will be a lot of both troubles and reasons for joy, however, in the financial sphere there will be difficulties. The next trip will be a decision on a new place of residence.

Six (2 4). Any changes are definitely welcome.

Six (3 3). In the near future, it is possible to acquire a large amount of money. Serious conflicts are not expected.

Seven (1 6). This is a period of active work. People around need help, do not refuse them. Require attention and love relationships.

Seven (2 5). Calmness and tolerance will prove to be indispensable assistants to business people. Marriage is not worth it.

Seven (3 4). The most important skill at the moment is entrepreneurship.

Eight (2 6). Difficult and troublesome work requires conscientiousness, otherwise you should not expect success.

Eight (3 5). At this time, it is useful to engage in learning new things, reconsider views and values, and relax.

Eight (4 4). The ability to start something from a new leaf, severe stress is possible. The result will exceed expectations.

Nine (3 6). In a relationship with a loved one or beloved, the desire of both will help to understand each other.

Nine (4 5). This combination of numbers promises difficulties in the financial sector, losses are likely to occur. There will be a test in a love relationship.

Ten (4 6). The scale of the work will be large, as will the success. Expect power, big money and significant influence. You have to remember family.

Ten (5 5). In the field of work and business, the situation is ambiguous, it is important to be able to plan and not take risks. New proposals should not be accepted.

Eleven (5 6). Despite the past difficulties, faith and optimism are needed, because soon everything will work out. There is no change now.

Twelve (6 6). The news is good, it will only get better. Changes are not required.

Gypsy divination on the bones

Gypsy divination on the bones has a special power. Gypsies have a different opinion on the ritual, so they prefer to guess on the bones in their own way. For the ceremony, a sheet is needed in the form of a circle, which is divided into 12 sectors; 3 dice are thrown at him. Then they interpret the value of the sum, which will be the answer:

  • 3 - fulfillment of desire;
  • 4 - disappointment;
  • 5 - the wish will come true;
  • 6 - spiritual enrichment;
  • 7 - stupid gossip;
  • 8 - injustice;
  • 9 - forgiveness;
  • 10 - family harmony;
  • 11 - parting;
  • 12 - letter;
  • 13 - sadness;
  • 14 - a reliable friend;
  • 15 - temptation;
  • 16 - travel;
  • 17 - guest;
  • 18 - great benefits and a good position.

Fortune telling! Divination on cubes.

TIBETAN FORTUNE MO. MO cubes. Divination value. Tarot School

Fortune telling on dice (forecast for the day). Part 1


Dice divination is a simple and effective way to find out about the near future for yourself or another person. There are divination on cubes for desire, prediction on dodecahedrons and mahjong according to the above principle.