Fortune telling on a rose. Fortune telling on rose petals and other love rituals. Fortune telling by bouquet

Fortune-telling about relationships is the most popular, because many people want to know about the feelings of a partner and about prospects for the future. by rose petals appeared in ancient Greece and is mainly used to get an answer to a question that is related to love relationships, but you can also ask about a career and other areas.

Divination by petals

The rose has long been considered a symbol of love, but since there are more than just red flowers, they can also be used to get answers to questions about other topics. To carry out fortune-telling by petals on relationships or other topics, you need to buy or pick flowers of the corresponding color:

  • red - love, jealousy and betrayal;
  • pink - romance, family and relationships;
  • yellow - day, work and business;
  • white - other questions.

If you find more exotic rose colors, then just find out the meaning of the shade and match them with a specific field of activity.

To conduct fortune-telling on rose petals on a person’s relationships, career, desire and other questions, take a sheet of paper and write on it from two to four questions of various topics, given the color of the selected petals. It is important that the answers to them are unambiguous, that is, either “yes” or “no”. Take two petals of each color, as well as coarse salt, with which you need to draw a circle on the table, which will have a diameter of about 30 cm. Sit in front of the circle and try to relax, freeing yourself from all extraneous thoughts. Then concentrate only on your questions, you can read them several times from the sheet. Take all the prepared petals with your hand and when you feel ready, toss them up over the salt circle. Watch how the petals slowly fall down, and then look at the result. The interpretation of divination depends on how many petals of each color fell inside the circle:

In conclusion, I would like to say that fortune telling on the petals is not a game, and if you take it lightly, then you can not count on getting truthful answers.

People have always sought to slightly lift the veil of the future, and find out the balance of the situation they are interested in. Of course, the sphere of relations was (and is) especially popular. What only sophisticated methods do girls in love resort to in order to find out from fate the attitude of this or that person towards themselves. We invite you to perform fortune-telling on rose petals, which will help you get answers to questions about relationships and life in general.

How to prepare for divination

The perfection of beautiful roses has never been in doubt (nor is it today). In ancient times, it was believed that roses were able to contact the Higher Beings and acted as a kind of intermediary in the process of divination. They helped people to know God's will received in the form of a prediction.

To carry out the ritual, it was necessary to stock up on rose petals of different colors. At the same time, it was possible to ask, both about amorous affairs, and about everything that interests a person - the rose always gave the right answer to the question.

The rose plant itself is quite material (pragmatic) - it is not in vain that it grows from the ground in which its support also rests.

When you decide to perform fortune-telling, get at least three flowers with petals of different colors.

For the ritual, you will need to take two petals from each rose. Try to choose them as similar in size as possible. Pay attention that the petals are not too huge or, on the contrary, small, but should be of medium size.

In addition to petals for divination, you must also prepare a pack of salt (you can replace it with sugar).

The selected bulk substance is used to draw a circle on the table, the diameter of which will be from twenty to thirty centimeters. The ancient Greeks, performing this ritual, used salt. But today there is a belief that spilled salt portends a quarrel. If you also adhere to a similar opinion, it is better to take a pack of sugar. Especially if the subject of your question is the sphere of the heart.

What does the color of rose petals mean?

There are no important details in this ritual. The color of the petals of a plant, for example, also plays an important role. Consider what these or other color variations mean:

  • red petals - personify mad passion, burning jealousy, as well as all physical manifestations of feelings;
  • pink color - they mean gentle, romantic moods, they are also able to tell about plans for the future, help to understand oneself;
  • yellow is the color of material well-being. Choosing petals of yellow roses, you can safely ask questions that will relate to career problems, plans for the future, and so on;
  • white - questions from all other areas of life;
  • black - this color is directly related to negative emotions - anger, anger, revenge, deceit. It is better not to choose a rose with similar petals for divination.

If you managed to pick up more exotic color options, then in order to find out their meaning, you just need to find an interpretation of a particular color and compare it with a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

What bouquet is most often given by lovers? To confess their feelings, to please a dear person, to ask for forgiveness, they trust the rose, a symbol of love and passion, because this fragrant flower has been associated with the inaccessible beauty of a woman since ancient times.

It was roses that were worthy to decorate the altar of Aphrodite, the patroness of all that is beautiful: love, family, marriage and fertility. Fortune telling by the petals will reveal the secret of the feelings of the chosen one, just as a ripe rose bud opens.

Fragrant petals inspired the creation of various ways of divination for love, there is also online divination on rose petals. Charged with the hopes of the lovers she has witnessed, the rose helps them reunite. Such an effect cannot be achieved online, because in such fortune-telling a real flower is not even used.

Divination: Does he love me?

The brightest scarlet rose will answer. On Friday, get a bright red bud. It should evoke associations with love and your admiration, find just that.

Put it in the best vase in the house and ask out loud: “Are my feelings for ... (name) mutual?”. You can not touch a vase with a flower until it blooms and begins to fall off.

  • At the base, all the petals fell off at once - alas, love is unrequited.
  • There are a few petals left - the feelings are mutual.

Divination for several wishes

Prepare 3 petals of the same color for each wish or question. For each question, choose your own color, which is identified in your presentation with the one you have guessed.

Usually red symbolizes passionate feelings, pink is associated with romantic affairs, yellow corresponds to the material and financial sphere, white is suitable for any business, purple is characteristic of art and everything refined.

Pour salt on the table in a small circle with a diameter of about 25 centimeters, collect all the prepared petals into a fist and run up over the circle. Count the leaves of each color inside the circle, use them and interpret the answer.

  • Everyone lay down outside the circle - the answer is no and the wish will not come true.
  • One petal inside the circle - very big difficulties, but there is a chance to get your own.
  • Two petals - efforts will have to be made, but everything is real.
  • Three is a definite yes.

Fortune telling by bouquet

So, dear gave you roses. A beautiful bouquet can tell about the feelings with which he presented this gift.

All his emotions were imprinted on the biofield of flowers. Was he in a hurry to please his beloved, or did he want to avert suspicion of intrigues on the side?

When cutting the legs of flowers, think of one answer for each flower. The truth will be revealed by the one who will stand in the vase the longest.

Checking the truth of love

There is a belief that if a rose is presented from a pure heart with the best intentions and sincere feelings, then it can be germinated, it is literally charged with love and a thirst for life.

This, of course, will also depend on the correct observance of the cuttings germination technology. Learn how to do this online, there are many recommendations on the Internet.

If you are lucky enough to get a rooted plant from a flower, then it will become a real talisman of your love!

Like this rose, real feelings need to be nurtured, worked on and exercised with patience and care. If the plant blooms, nothing will threaten your love!

Since ancient times, rose petals have been considered a symbol of love, passion and sexual relations. That is why flowers often participated in various divination and magical rituals. A little later in ancient Greece, the petals of white, yellow and pink flowers were used to determine the possible success in work or household. Now you can make fortune-telling on rose petals online without using natural flowers.

Preparing for divination:

  • take 4 pieces of paper and write on each question the answer to which you are interested. The answer must be yes or no;
  • take 3 rose petals of the required color;
  • draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm.

How is the divination procedure carried out?

Choose a bud whose color matches the scope of your question. If you want to learn about love, then take red petals. If you are itching to hear about success in your career or financial affairs, use the yellow petals. I use white roses in other matters that do not relate to love, family and financial sphere. Use rose buds during fortune-telling for family and marriage.

Now pull out the bundle with the question and do not open it. Throw the petals high in the air and see where they fall. If all the petals fall inward, then the answer is yes. If all the petals are outside the ring, then you will not get what you want. But if some of the petals are in the circle, and some are outside of it, then the wish made can come true if you make an effort.

You can guess at any time, it is desirable that 1 month passes between the stages. Otherwise, guessing may give an error.

Divination on the petals online

Click on the rose

Fortune telling on the cards "Black Rose"

This is also an easy way to get an unambiguous answer to the questions posed. For this divination, a deck of cards is used. There should be 36 of them. Before drawing a card, focus on your question or desire. Shuffle the deck and draw a card. Each figure and number has its own meaning. If you pulled out an ace of diamonds or a cross, then alas, your dreams will not come true. If aces of spades and hearts, then rejoice, soon your dreams will come true. If you pulled out a card of tens-sixes of diamonds, clubs and spades, then the answer to your question is no. If it is 6-10 worms, then the wish will come true. If you pulled out any figure except aces of diamonds and hearts, then the desire will come true. In the case of receiving crosses and spades, you will be disappointed, as dreams will not come true.

Divination features:

  • get a new deck before each divination;
  • before conducting fortune-telling, ask the cards to reveal the truth to you;
  • Directly ask a question and do not yulite.

Such fortune-telling can be done independently without a fortune-teller. Time is of no fundamental importance. This way to find out the future can be used during Epiphany frosts at Epiphany.

All fortune-telling, including coffee grounds, you can do online for free. You don't have to buy roses and a new deck of cards.

Fortune telling by rose petals (Phyllorhodomancy) comes from ancient Greece. Rose petal divination is most often associated with matters of love, passion, and relationships, but rose petals can also illuminate issues related to work and other topics.

Fortune telling by rose petals

Rose petal divination is an ancient system of folk divination. The rose has always been considered a symbol of love, but thanks to the different shades of these beautiful flowers, they are also suitable for divination on other topics.

Resorting to divination by rose petals, you can only get unambiguous answers: positive or negative. To perform this divination, you will need rose petals of various colors, depending on the questions you want to ask:

  • Red rose petals: love, passion, jealousy, betrayal, flirting.
  • Pink rose petals: romantic love, marriage, family and relationships.
  • Yellow rose petals: work, career, money, business and investments.
  • White rose petals: other matters not mentioned in the previous three cases.

A simple method of divination on rose petals

Take 3 petals of the color that matches the topic of your question. Then everything is done in the same way as in the detailed divination method.

A detailed method of divination on rose petals

Think of 2 to 4 questions on various topics according to the colors of the rose petals and write them down on a piece of paper. For each question, take two petals of a certain color, depending on the topic planned.

Pour coarse salt in the form of a circle with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. Sit in front of the circle and concentrate on your questions. Take rose petals in your hand. When you're ready, toss the rose petals up into the air. And look at the result.

The answer to your questions depends on how many petals of each color fell inside the circle. Thus, you will receive positive or negative answers to each of your questions.

If the petal is not inside the circle, the answer to the question is negative and the plan will not be fulfilled. If all the petals of the same color fall inside the circle, you will receive an unambiguously positive answer and the wish will come true. If not all the petals have fallen, then the plan is feasible, but this will require your efforts.

Since ancient times, rose petals have been considered a symbol of love, passion and sexual relations. That is why flowers often participated in various divination and magical rituals. A little later in ancient Greece, the petals of white, yellow and pink flowers were used to determine the possible success in work or household. Now you can make fortune-telling on rose petals online without using natural flowers.

Preparing for divination:

  • take 4 pieces of paper and write on each question the answer to which you are interested. The answer must be yes or no;
  • take 3 rose petals of the required color;
  • draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm.

How is the divination procedure carried out?

Choose a bud whose color matches the scope of your question. If you want to learn about love, then take red petals. If you are itching to hear about success in your career or financial affairs, use the yellow petals. I use white roses in other matters that do not relate to love, family and financial sphere. Use rose buds during fortune-telling for family and marriage.

Now pull out the bundle with the question and do not open it. Throw the petals high in the air and see where they fall. If all the petals fall inward, then the answer is yes. If all the petals are outside the ring, then you will not get what you want. But if some of the petals are in the circle, and some are outside of it, then the wish made can come true if you make an effort.

You can guess at any time, it is desirable that 1 month passes between the stages. Otherwise, guessing may give an error.

Divination on the petals online

Click on the rose

Fortune telling on the cards "Black Rose"

This is also an easy way to get an unambiguous answer to the questions posed. For this divination, a deck of cards is used. There should be 36 of them. Before drawing a card, focus on your question or desire. Shuffle the deck and draw a card. Each figure and number has its own meaning. If you pulled out an ace of diamonds or a cross, then alas, your dreams will not come true. If aces of spades and hearts, then rejoice, soon your dreams will come true. If you pulled out a card of tens-sixes of diamonds, clubs and spades, then the answer to your question is no. If it is 6-10 worms, then the wish will come true. If you pulled out any figure except aces of diamonds and hearts, then the desire will come true. In the case of receiving crosses and spades, you will be disappointed, as dreams will not come true.

Divination features:

  • get a new deck before each divination;
  • before conducting fortune-telling, ask the cards to reveal the truth to you;
  • Directly ask a question and do not yulite.

Such fortune-telling can be done independently without a fortune-teller. Time is of no fundamental importance. This way to find out the future can be used during Epiphany frosts at Epiphany.

All fortune-telling, including coffee grounds, you can do online for free. You don't have to buy roses and a new deck of cards.

What bouquet is most often given by lovers? To confess their feelings, to please a dear person, to ask for forgiveness, they trust the rose, a symbol of love and passion, because this fragrant flower has been associated with the inaccessible beauty of a woman since ancient times.

It was roses that were worthy to decorate the altar of Aphrodite, the patroness of all that is beautiful: love, family, marriage and fertility. Fortune telling by the petals will reveal the secret of the feelings of the chosen one, just as a ripe rose bud opens.

Fragrant petals inspired the creation of various ways of divination for love, there is also online divination on rose petals. Charged with the hopes of the lovers she has witnessed, the rose helps them reunite. Such an effect cannot be achieved online, because in such fortune-telling a real flower is not even used.

Divination: Does he love me?

The brightest scarlet rose will answer. On Friday, get a bright red bud. It should evoke associations with love and your admiration, find just that.

Put it in the best vase in the house and ask out loud: “Are my feelings for ... (name) mutual?”. You can not touch a vase with a flower until it blooms and begins to fall off.

  • At the base, all the petals fell off at once - alas, love is unrequited.
  • There are a few petals left - the feelings are mutual.

Divination for several wishes

Prepare 3 petals of the same color for each wish or question. For each question, choose your own color, which is identified in your presentation with the one you have guessed.

Usually red symbolizes passionate feelings, pink is associated with romantic affairs, yellow corresponds to the material and financial sphere, white is suitable for any business, purple is characteristic of art and everything refined.

Pour salt on the table in a small circle with a diameter of about 25 centimeters, collect all the prepared petals into a fist and run up over the circle. Count the leaves of each color inside the circle, use them and interpret the answer.

  • Everyone lay down outside the circle - the answer is no and the wish will not come true.
  • One petal inside the circle - very big difficulties, but there is a chance to get your own.
  • Two petals - efforts will have to be made, but everything is real.
  • Three is a definite yes.

Fortune telling by bouquet

So, dear gave you roses. A beautiful bouquet can tell about the feelings with which he presented this gift.

All his emotions were imprinted on the biofield of flowers. Was he in a hurry to please his beloved, or did he want to avert suspicion of intrigues on the side?

When cutting the legs of flowers, think of one answer for each flower. The truth will be revealed by the one who will stand in the vase the longest.

Checking the truth of love

There is a belief that if a rose is presented from a pure heart with the best intentions and sincere feelings, then it can be germinated, it is literally charged with love and a thirst for life.

This, of course, will also depend on the correct observance of the cuttings germination technology. Learn how to do this online, there are many recommendations on the Internet.

If you are lucky enough to get a rooted plant from a flower, then it will become a real talisman of your love!

Like this rose, real feelings need to be nurtured, worked on and exercised with patience and care. If the plant blooms, nothing will threaten your love! Author: Anastasia Tetereva

Girls who dream of marriage and are not afraid to resort to magic are offered a selection of the best rites and rituals for love and marriage. remember, that any ceremonies and rituals can only be done in a good mood and with good intentions. Do rituals for love and for finding a husband, not using them to attract a specific person.

Love ritual with a white flower

The rite of imminent marriage has been known since the Middle Ages. And it was intended for girls who dream of meeting their love. The ritual will help attract wonderful relationships into your life, which will be built on mutual love.

Ritual must be performed on the growing moon- on the days of the new moon. Friday night is best, as Venus, Goddess of Love, rules Friday.

You will need absolutely any white flower. Then put it on a balcony or window sill so that the light of the moon falls on it. Ask the Universe to send you bright and mutual love.

Take a flower at dawn and put it in the holy book. Not necessarily the Bible, you can go to any spiritual book that gives you energy and strength or really likes it.

The flower will lie on the pages of the book until the next moon. On the first night of the young moon, take a flower from the book, and scatter its petals into your palm. Describe the qualities of the person you want to meet and blow the petals out the open window.

It is said that the dream man will appear in life within a month after the ritual.

Rite from Aza Petrenko

Gypsy Aza Petrenko deftly predicts fate and answers the most difficult questions with the help of intuition and Tarot cards. She is a healer, a hereditary fortune teller and fortune teller. She received knowledge and a gift from her grandmother, keeps some rituals a secret, and generously shares some with those who wish. According to the soothsayer, her ritual on marriage works flawlessly.

Destined for your life. You will meet your loved one in a maximum of 6 months. To perform the ceremony, you do not need to have any abilities, for it a sincere desire is enough.

The ritual is called "Seven Scarlet Roses" and you will need the help of your best friend. If you completely trust her, and she wishes you well from the bottom of her heart, then everything will work out for you.

For carrying out you will need:

  • white sheet;
  • night white shirt;
  • white light scarf;
  • church wedding candle;
  • Holy water;
  • crystal vase;
  • Red roses.

Everything must be white, without decorations and patterns. Take a shirt or peignoir one in which you will not be ashamed in front of your future husband. Approach the choice of colors thoroughly. Take only scarlet roses, not regretting the money. It is advisable to buy all seven roses from one seller.

The rite must be carried out during the day before sunset. Lay a white sheet near the window, put a peignoir over your body. Cover your head with a scarf without tying the ends. You and your girlfriend should not have rings on your fingers, be sure to remove them before the start of the ceremony.

Description of the ritual: kneel on the sheet, in front of you will be a vase that is half filled with holy water. Your friend should be behind you. She will light a candle and make clockwise circles over your head. She must pass the candle from hand to hand. At this time, he will say a prayer, a conspiracy:

Heavenly blood and pure

Save-save the servant of God (name)

From any evil eye, from an evil hour,

From the male eye, female, childish, hateful and joyful, from gossip and courts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then a friend should pick the petals from each rose and shower them on your head. At this time, without getting up from your knees, you will collect them in a vessel with water. In the same vase, the candle should be extinguished. Then wash yourself with this water three times and dry yourself with the ends of the scarf. After the ceremony, put the shirt and sheet in the closet without shaking it off. Hang the scarf on the icon with a feminine face. And divide the petals into three equal parts and arrange them in packages.

In the evening, take a shower, then take a bath and pour all the petals from the first packet into it. Soak for 10 minutes in this water, and then collect them again in the same bag. And you do this for three days, using the petals of all three packages. On the 4th day, having collected all the petals in one bag, leave it at the crossroads. And do not pour out the holy water that you used during the ceremony, pour garden plants or flowers with it.

When you meet your loved one, put on a shirt and spend the night with him on that very white sheet to consolidate the result.

This ceremony will help you meet your soul mate. The rite will attract into your life the person who suits you the most. You will meet true love, mutual and sincere.

For the ritual you will need:

  • beautiful red envelope;
  • 18 leaves of red paper;
  • black pen.

Before starting the ceremony, conduct a meditation of liberation and forgiveness. Forgive all your ex-boyfriends and let them go mentally. Wish them all the best, make room in your heart for new feelings.

Take an envelope, take a deep breath, and write “Love Magnet” on one side of it. Sign on the other side of the envelope.

Think about how you see your chosen one. Determine all the good qualities and image of a person in detail. Specify height, eye color, character traits, bad and good habits, occupation, and so on.

Every day, take one of the sheets and write down one quality of the future lover. And then put the leaf in the envelope. Imagine your loved one getting one step closer to you.

Do this for 18 days using the same pen. On the last day, put the envelope in the southwestern part of the bedroom. Imagine that your envelope has become a magnet for ideal relationships.

If you miss a day, then don't use this envelope anymore, buy a new one and start all over again.

Imagine the person you would like to be with. Let it not be a specific person, but try to imagine the qualities that you would like to see in a partner.

Then write a letter to an imaginary person. Express your admiration for his qualities in a letter, say how much you love him and how happy he is with you. Be sure to let us know what you can give your relationship. Then fold the letter three times and kiss.

Light a fireplace, stove or barbecue. Use apple, cedar logs for kindling. Drop the letter as soon as the fire is lit. Your request-recognition will be heard by the Universe.

Mandala to attract love

The heart is a symbol of love and the source of life. After all, as you know, love lives in the heart.

In the center of the mandala are two shining hearts: large and small (female and male). Eight small hearts, four large hearts: the amplification of love energy occurs due to the increase in the number of symbols, due to which the energy of love also increases several times.

Pink color adjusts to faith, tenderness, love and contributes to the fulfillment of desire.

Using hand-drawn mandala "Love", you will attract this bright feeling into your life using fantasy and an idea with imagination. Under the finished drawing, write your cherished desire.

Then put the mandala in a frame and hang it on the wall in the bedroom so that you can see it often. So you will attract your desire to yourself. Time will pass and it will definitely come true, you will meet true love!

Attention, only TODAY!