Where to look for boars. How to hunt a wild boar in different situations. Sneak hunting without a dog

So many hunters want to learn how to hunt from the approach, which is very difficult and at the same time very dangerous, because the wild boar is a strong and hardy animal. This is due primarily to the fact that there is a possibility of meeting with the animal head-on, in the truest sense of the word. This method differs from the most common hunting methods, requiring experience and endurance, composure and, let's not be afraid to say, fearlessness from a person. We advise to carry it out only to trained hunters, or accompanied by more experienced mentors. If you are a beginner, we recommend that you first gain experience in easier ways to catch an animal.

Let's start the story with what time of the year this mining method can be carried out. It is held almost all year round: in winter, summer and autumn. We advise you to read the article in full, since it makes no sense to repeat, and there are similarities in hunting at any of the listed times of the year (choice of weapons, cartridges, stealing methods, places for eating by wild boars) and you will not be left without your trophy.

How to find a wild boar in winter

Before continuing to share knowledge, first of all, it is worth telling about the object of hunting itself. A wild boar is similar to a domestic pig, reaching large sizes. It is distinguished by intelligence, quick wits and strength, it proves its superiority at any necessary moment. A hunter should be wary of him, especially if he is a seasoned billhook who has reached a weight of 200 kg. By the way, it is not difficult to smell a person from a distance of half a kilometer. If hunting is carried out in a familiar forest, then we advise you not to move forward with a swoop, but to prepare in advance, thereby increasing the chances of good prey.

First of all, you need to find traces, and determine the place of lying or day. It is most convenient to do this after fresh snow, the tracks will be read much better, besides, recent snow does not creak or crack underfoot, it will be more convenient to get closer without being noticed.

This can be helped by hunting dogs, which will take the trail both in a familiar and unfamiliar forest, in any case, it is easier for them to do this than for a person and the hunt will be successful. Unfortunately, not every hunter has dogs, so he will start from the fact that they do not exist. If you can’t find traces and there are no dogs, then we advise you to turn to hunting farms that have their own feeding grounds. The huntsmen of such farms know the time of feeding the animal, the places of entry and exit, which greatly simplifies the process, hunting becomes much easier.

How and where to find a wild boar during the day

Daytime hunting begins before dark, when the sun has not yet risen. Carefully approach the exit point of the beast and take your position. We advise you to use the surrounding area for camouflage: trees, large bushes, stones. If you have already tracked down animals, then you should move only at the moment when they are feeding, wait until everyone starts eating. Up to this point, they look and listen to the environment. If at the time of feeding wild boars wag their tails, this means that the animals are calm and not alarmed.

Approach at night

It can be carried out using an underbarrel flashlight, using a thermal imager or a night sight. The most accessible is the use of a tactical flashlight, which is attached to the weapon with the help of a bracket. More expensive options are thermal imagers, using them you will feel like during the day. You should look for wild boars in the places of feeding and fattening. Do not rush to shoot. Wait until each individual bends down to its pile of food and begins to feed, but even at this point, young individuals can run from place to place, so think carefully before shooting.

After the shot, do not rush to approach the beast, even if it seems that it is laid out on the spot. The first thing to do is to reload your weapon. Continue to watch the prey, paying attention to his ears. If they are standing, then this means that he is still alive, do not rush to approach him. In case of uncertainty, it is better to fire a second shot. If the ears of the animal lie, then after waiting you can move to the trophy. Clothing should be warm and silent. Rustling, crackling, noise from the friction of the fabric will alarm and frighten the boars. A winter camouflage coat is put on from above.

Nuances and search for an animal in the summer

We advise you to read everything that is described above, since the methods are largely the same, and differ in small nuances when hunting at different times of the year. Since we have a chassis, we first of all note that in the summer it will be much more difficult to find traces of an animal. In this case, either dogs will help, or a good knowledge of the surrounding forest or a huntsman. Which option is more affordable, choose for yourself.

Finding tracks in summer is more difficult, so let's dwell on this point in more detail. During this period, fat is fattening, the animals are in constant motion, which gives the hunter obvious advantages in approaches. During the movement, the herd makes a lot of noise, preventing each other from listening and alerting. It doesn’t matter what forest you are in: where you have already been or is it a completely unknown place, start with the main question: where to find a wild boar. It is extremely difficult to look for wild boar paths at this time, animals choose very inconspicuous transitions and paths, thickets of bushes, they will choose just such path versus running across open space.

The summer period is most often accompanied by hot, sultry days, so you should build on this in your search. Look for ravines hidden from prying eyes, which are overgrown with grass and dense bushes, where the coolness lasts longer, where the summer sun does not penetrate. It is difficult for animals to hide from midges and annoying mosquitoes, pigs fight this scourge with the help of mud baths, so this is another place worth looking for in the forest. Also, a mud bath helps them regulate their body temperature, as they are deprived of the sweat glands we are used to. They simply need to be in cool water or a puddle for some time, thereby solving several important problems at once. Also, if there is or corn near the forest, then it is worth looking for traces of the animal being there. Clothing should also be chosen that does not make noise.

How to find a wild boar in the autumn

The places of transitions of the animal at this moment do not change much, in comparison with the summer period. They can be found in the same places, with the exception of one more - a field planted by man. The thing is that the harvest begins in autumn, and in early autumn the wild boar can still be found on the outskirts of the fields, where they border on the forest. After harvesting, animals by inertia visit it, eating the leftovers. In this case, it is worth waiting for them at night.

After the harvest is harvested and there is nothing left in the fields, the wild boars go to the forest, their diet switches to natural food, now hunting should be done elsewhere. From the beginning of the autumn period to the beginning of winter, the mating season begins, during which it is not uncommon to hear fighting males. In general, hunting in the autumn is not much different from hunting at other times of the year, therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, let's move on to another important point, such as the choice of weapons.

What weapon with ammo to use

First of all, the weapon must be reliable, this is where you should start. In general, you can use both rifled and smoothbore, a lot depends on the choice of cartridges. Consider a shotgun. If the choice is from smoothbore guns, then many prefer 12 gauge with a bullet in the cartridge. It is important that the bullet has a good stopping effect, since during the approach you can be very close to the animal, and having alarmed it, it is very important to make an accurate, well-aimed, lethal shot. A bullet of 32 grams is considered the best option. Stalking means shooting at medium or close range. At short distances, Polev's modification bullet proved to be the best.

It is allowed to shoot with 8 mm buckshot in young boars of the year, but from a distance of no more than 30 meters, since at large distances the buckshot spread is very strong, and the lethality is on the wane, which can lead to wounded animals. If you have a rifled weapon, then you can safely advance with it, taking 7.62 mm cartridges with you. If you are shooting at a piglet or gilt, then the 7.62 x 39 cartridge is justified. For larger trophies, we recommend using bullets with a greater stopping effect, such as .308 WIN, .338 WIN or 7.62 x 54R.

We have considered all the main questions that arise for a novice hunter who wants to participate in such an unforgettable and interesting hunt. We hope that the material turned out to be useful, and the reader found a lot of useful and new things for himself.

The summer boar hunt has begun. And although a lot has been written about this hunt, hunters send us essays in which they share their experiences. Today we offer you the material of our new author.

In the second half of summer, when winter crops and wheat, rye and corn, as well as potatoes in the fields, ripen, the wild boar begins to visit these fields, gain fat reserves and weight, preparing for winter. To prepare for hunting on grass, it is necessary to examine the fields, preferably after 1-2 days after rain, when a hoof mark is clearly visible on soft ground.

Having found the entrance tracks, we determine the exit point to the field, the age of the beast - this is necessary in order to decide in advance who we shoot, most often this is part of the field - the “tongue”, which enters the forest at the edge with a recess. If there is a ravine nearby, this is 80% of the exit to the field. If the earth is dry, we find passages expressed in the form of broken stems pressed against him at the entrance to the field, as well as chewing made by a wild boar, he chews grains, and spits out the husk.

After finding the tracks of a wild boar and determining the place of entry and exit, the hoof mark should be wiped and, if new tracks are found the next day, prepare a storehouse, because this is a sign of regular visits to the field by wild boars.


On trees at a height of 4-5 meters we knock down the crossbars, arrange a seat on them, it is advisable to nail a stand under the legs and under the back so that the body does not get tired. Also, cut a branch or hammer a nail to hang a gun next to it, and not hold it in your hands - the trembling of tired hands knocks down a shot.

If you don't want your shed to be discovered, make the seat removable. It does not hurt to put a landmark on the field, it can be broken branches, put them at a distance of 35-50 m for an accurate shot.

40 minutes before sunset, it is desirable to be at the storehouse. It is good to have a visar or binoculars, mosquito repellent with you. Having comfortably settled down on the storehouse and hanging a gun on a hook nearby, begin to carefully look and listen. The first sign of the approach of the beast is the alarming cry of birds, the lower crackling of branches.

Coming to the edge of the forest, the boar stands listening to the field, after which it starts moving. At the first sign of the approach of the beast, the gun, pre-loaded with a cartridge with a bullet, is removed from the hook and the safety switches to a shot (check that it does not make a metallic sound when moving, oil it in advance and develop it).

Decide in advance who you will shoot, a gilt with its soft meat or a trophy billhook. Cleaver comes out, as a rule, the last. If there is a couple in front of you, shoot the second one - this is a boar; the pig usually goes first. A two to three year old summer boar is good meat and a decent body weight.

We aim and shoot at the shoulder blade, after which we carefully monitor the behavior of the beast, if it fell, do not look away. There were times when he jumped up and ran away. If he is wounded, try to finish him off with the next shot, as calmly and calmly as possible.

If you made a "wounded animal", never arrange his persecution. Wounded, he will hunt you, or go very far in a fever. The selection of the animal is carried out in the company of 2-3 hunters and preferably with dogs during daylight hours. Very often a beaten beast on the field is invisible in a fever, and at dawn, seeing the carcass, you are surprised how you didn’t notice at night.

The time of the boar's exit may depend on the distance of its location from the feeding places - it can go out before dark, or maybe at 11-12 o'clock at night. It happened when wild boars lay on the field. A wild boar can go out for several days in a row, and then disappear. He can be scared by other boars, people, dogs, etc. To get a wild boar, you need perseverance and perseverance.

With regard to safety. Never shoot at an obscure shadow or outline. Lost mushroom pickers, hunters, vacationers come out. The shot should be made only in a clear contour of the animal's body. Sitting on the storehouse, carefully watch for cars that may be near you, the light of cigarettes and mobile phones. It is impossible to chase wounded animals at night or alone without dogs.

There are some features of hunting for a wild boar in the forest. It is required to find a place of regular location of a wild boar, a swamp, puddles with mud, narrow passages between forests. Lay out feed, corn, grain, etc. It is advisable to pack food in a plastic bag and tie it with a rope or tape, making an incision in the side; the boar will not be able to eat everything at once and will come several times, eating little by little.

Near the feed, smear the tree with an odorous liquid for wild boars (costs 800-3000 rubles) - this attracts them at a greater distance and hides the smell of the hunter, the trap. Make a bookmark in advance and keep an eye on when traces of a visit appear. A feature of the movement of the boar through the forest is to walk in a circle.

If the boar is constantly moving, and it is convenient for you to shoot at a standing boar, whistle, he will get up. It happens that the boar, smelling the smell of a person, runs away, do not rush to leave - it comes back more than once. There have been cases...

a gift from a pig

Sitting late in the evening on the edge of an unharvested field next to a forest and shrubs in a pile of straw, I saw a pig with underyearlings descend from a hillock to the edge of the field. He raised his gun and, with thoughts of the delicious and soft meat of the underyearling, prepared to shoot, but it was a warm summer evening, and, descending from the hillock, the underyearlings disappeared into the fog that was in the lowland of the field. Only a pig towered half a carcass above the fog, creeping in a dense mass. In order not to be nervous and not to be tempted to shoot at the pig, I lightly slapped the butt of my hand with my palm. The pig squealed, and the little ones together in it rushed to the forest, squealing and stepping on each other. Suddenly, I did not even have time to sit in the straw, two elks rushed towards me, feeding on the edge of the forest in the bushes.

The shot was successful, the elk with small horns lay down on the spot, while refreshing I saw a bullet that hit the heart. "Thank you, boars, for the prey!"

... Sitting on the edge of the swamp, I heard the crackling of branches and the noise made by the beast. A young elk ran out to the edge of the swamp, and a wild boar was chasing him. I don’t know what they didn’t share in the nearest clearing, but the elk cheated and approached the center of the swamp, where the water level reached 25-35 cm. The boar didn’t climb into the water to the elk, turned around and went back. The elk stood with its head towards the hunter. After 15-20 minutes, either sensing the hunter, or making sure that the boar had left, he turned sideways. Shot. Elk lay down. Thanks boar. The moose was young, very inexperienced. By the way, two weeks later, a wild boar was caught in the same place, which moved towards the rotten skin and entrails, the elk took revenge.


They hunted wild boar in the corn field. We stood on the edge of the field on the Niva, wild boars came out of the forest, a healthy herd, 30 heads. The last to leave was a huge black billhook, one and a half times more than the others, and also moved to the corn - it was impossible to let go of such a trophy. The shot with a caliber .30-06 bullet was accurate, the boar sat down on half-bent legs, but immediately jumped up and began to leave for the forest. The driver abruptly started the car and began to turn towards the forest, shouting "don't let him go into the forest!".

Having driven close, about 10 meters, to the billhook, they tried to cut off his path to the forest. The beast turned around and hit the Niva on the right door, the car lay on its side, in front of the windshield there was a boar's butt. He was dead. The bullet hit the heart. He ran 300 meters and in the last jump he put the car weighing 1000 kg on its side. The boar weighed about 180 kg.

) begins in late summer - early autumn and lasts until January. But it is allowed to hunt females only from September to December. Winter hunting, unlike summer hunting, becomes a little easier, because you can follow the tracks in the snow. And against the background of snow, the wild boar is clearly visible from afar.

Features of winter hunting and the search for the beast

At the beginning of winter, it constantly searches for unfrozen reservoirs, from which it drinks water. Also, this beast loves to climb into the reeds, swamps, clay ditches and dirty ponds to swim. It is to such places that you should go in search of a wild boar. Attract wild boar and anthills. He finds them even under the snow and digs them up. Ruined anthills are a sign of the wild boar living in the forest.

In winter, a wild boar can seek food not only at night, but also during the day, choosing the warmest days for this. Therefore, it can be hunted from a tower located near the bait meadow.

In the oak forests, the wild boar searches for acorns in winter, he digs acorns out from under the snow and eats them with great pleasure. In oak forests, it is quite easy to find traces of a wild boar, because it digs up the snow in search of acorns and leaves a large number of holes under the oaks after feeding.

In winter, wild boars do not make long transitions. High snow prevents them from moving. For this reason, they travel no more than 3-4 kilometers per day in search of food. The habitat of the wild boar when snowdrifts appear does not exceed 2-3 km². This greatly simplifies the search for habitats of the beast.

Cartridges for hunting wild boar

They usually shoot this beast with large-caliber cartridges. A good result will give a shot from a combined gun. Young boars can be shot with large buckshot. The size of the buckshot depends on the caliber of the gun.

When choosing cartridges, do not forget that in winter the boar has a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, so it becomes more difficult to hit the beast from the first shot. And in mature males in winter, in the area from the shoulder blades of the lower ribs (seal from the connective tissue) is formed.

Winter hunting with dogs

The barking of dogs helps hunters track down the beast. Trained dogs are able to detain a wild boar until the arrival of a hunter with a gun. The most exciting hunting happens with. If the dog is alone, then it should only be used to track the boar. Since a large animal can be much stronger than a dog, and when trying to grab it, the dog can suffer from powerful boar fangs.

Wild boar is an enviable hunting trophy. This is one of the most interesting and courageous hunts. The extraction of this strong and intelligent animal requires from hunters not only enviable endurance and virtuoso use of weapons, but also hunting experience, knowledge of the biology of this animal. According to many experts, hunting for a wild boar is hardly the most dangerous. It is comparable to bear hunting, with the only significant difference being that the wild boar is a herd animal. Compared to any wild hunt, wild boar hunting requires many times careful and scrupulous preparation for it. It is no coincidence that the plural is used here - “hunters”, few, even very experienced hunters, decide on such hunts alone.

Boar, boar - Sus scrofa

Biologists say that the original homeland of the wild boar is North Africa, then, gradually expanding its range, it spread throughout the world, excluding only the Arctic regions. The boar lives, a wild pig, in Russia almost everywhere, the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, the foothills of the Sayan and Altai, the gradual penetration into the taiga zone further north is no exception. Wild boar habitats are forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones with a sufficient number of water bodies. Particularly favorable are swampy areas and territories overgrown with tall grass, reeds and shrubs. The genus wild pig, wild boar or boar, belongs to artiodactyls with a mixed type of nutrition. Wild boars are omnivorous and their type of food depends on the region of habitat, it can easily change depending on conditions. But still, this animal is not a hunter, so it needs a good plant food base. It is the wet areas of the forest, lowlands in the steppe regions, wetlands, as well as the proximity of human farmlands, that are the most favorable habitats for humans.

A wild pig is a social animal; wild boars live in families, sometimes forming very numerous herds.. The herd, as is typical for all many ungulates, has a clearly defined structure and matriarchal character. The leader is the older female. The boar is polygamous, there are 3-5 females per male. This is due to the fact that females become sexually mature the next year, while males - after 3-4 years. The rut period begins in late autumn and continues until mid-winter. Piglets are born after 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days (as the old hunting saying says) - in the spring with warming. There are up to 12 cubs, the mother copes with their feeding perfectly.

Wild boars feed at twilight, during the day they lie on the beds. A characteristic feature of the pig is the absence of sweat glands. This helps to be less visible to predators, and to be successful in catching small prey. This explains the love of the pig for water and mud baths - in this way it maintains the temperature balance in the body. Wild boars are quite resistant to frost, but settle in areas with high snow cover, where you can hide from the cold. The hairline consists of stiff, thick bristles and underfur underneath. The sight of the boar is not developed, but the hearing and sense of smell are very developed. The movements are swift, though clumsy. The peculiarity of the body structure with a powerful clumsy neck resembles a torpedo. The opinion that the boar is clumsy can play a cruel joke on the hunter. The boar is swift in movement and fast, although its maneuverability leaves much to be desired.

The wild pig adapts so well to different environments, so varied are its behaviors and diets, that this makes it one of the most interesting subjects for the tracker. Such knowledge of habits will help to hunt a wild boar correctly.

Boar hunting methods

In central Russia, boar hunting was one of the most common aristocratic occupations. The wild boar was hunted by a corral in the reeds, on field feedings, dog hunts and hunts in ambush in storage sheds were organized. Boars were also hunted from a riding horse. Today, wild boar hunting has gone from the elite category, but remains one of the most prestigious and interesting for any hunter. Traditionally, permitted hunting methods can be divided into the following:

  • hunting from a storehouse or tower for bait;
  • hunting from cover;
  • hunting from under the dog;
  • hunting from the approach without dogs.

The first two methods are variations of the same. They are based on attracting a herd of wild boars for bait or waiting at permanent feeding grounds. As a rule, storehouses are equipped on the sites of artificial fodder areas in developed hunting farms. Hunts and shelters are shelters on the natural foraging grounds of wild boars, the probability of the presence of prey on them is lower. Hunting terms from June 1 to mid-February at the end of the mating season. During the summer period, hunting is allowed only for male billhooks. On baits and fodder grounds, you can confidently distinguish the object of the shot. The rules for hunting wild boar do not allow the use of dogs in the summer. The use of dogs is an autumn hunting method. Although it is a kind of running hunting, it is singled out in a special category, since it requires the presence of dogs baited by the beast. This is the prerogative of amateurs.

The most common hunt available to any sufficiently experienced hunter is stalking. This method is considered the most sporting, it tests the hunter for courage and endurance, for the ability to track down the beast and silently sneak up on him for a sure shot. As in summer, wild boar are hunted in autumn either at dusk on a fattening site, or during the day on a bed. Each method has its own advantages. Each can be used both for individual trips and with a partner. The main issue in any running hunt is the search for the beast. You can get a lot of general recommendations, but without knowing the conditions of a particular area, hunting will be like a lottery. It is necessary to know the behavioral features, food preferences of local animals by season, dependence on the weather and many other factors.

Approach to the wild boar

The wild boar feeds in a herd, at dusk and at night. This is not the best time for an accurate shot. It is best to select open places and moonlit nights for such hunts. The method of finding feeding grounds is based on local knowledge, availability of possible foraging grounds and preferences of local boars. The search process itself is expressed in cutting off the studied areas, cut-offs, and narrowing the search area. It is somewhat reminiscent of trailing, but requires very high care and knowledge of the habits of a boar. With the onset of dusk, the herd goes out to feed. If these are open areas, older individuals often listen and sniff before leaving to avoid an ambush.

Therefore, to search for wild boars, you need to move against the wind, when approaching promising lands, you can’t hear steps, pay attention to any sound. The cry of a disturbed bird, the noise of bushes being moved apart can mean the approach of the beast.

When the herd begins to feed, the animals themselves make quite a noticeable noise with their movement, champing. This makes them easier to find and approach. At the time of feeding, wild boars slightly lose their vigilance, at these moments you can approach the herd.

The difficulty of hunting for food in closed areas at dusk suggests even greater caution in the movement and readiness of the hunter to shoot. The fact that wild boars prefer to move along paths and clearings makes it easier to search for and track down a herd. Their paths are always constant. The boar goes out to feed and returns to rest along the same path. This feature also helps with the second method of hunting.

Approach to the boar bed

If a wild boar feeds in open places and lands, which allows him to control the situation and complicates the hunt for the hunter, then he rests in the densest thickets, in more often. It is not easy to find a family's haul-outs, it requires excellent knowledge of the area, hunting experience and patience in the search. Such a hunt requires special care. A boar in a dream does not hear well, his sleep is deep. But with an unexpected awakening by a stranger or a hunter, he can quickly go on the attack. You need to approach the beds not only secretly against the wind, but also against the sun's rays, which make any movement visible in the mosaic of light and shadow. The best weather for such hunts is cloudy, mild. At this time, there are no sun glare, the animals are calm, and the noise of footsteps on wet grass is not audible.

And although this type of hunting is done during the daytime, the best solution is a partner or a dog. Running hunting for a wild boar is only possible for an experienced hunter. It is better for a beginner to try his hand at another type of hunting in order to overcome the psychological barrier and gain the necessary experience. And yet, this method of hunting develops the best hunting qualities - attentiveness, patience, endurance. A senior comrade will always tell you how to hunt a wild boar, you should not experiment yourself in such a serious matter. The guaranteed success of running hunts largely depends on the comprehensive knowledge of the area, and you can’t do without a huntsman.

Hunting features, weapons and shooting methods

The wild boar is a licensed species, for hunting it you need to purchase a special permit, as well as a ticket to a certain hunting ground. Weapons - large calibers of smoothbore weapons or rifled barrels. Bullets semi-shell and expansive action. Hunting automatic carbines based on military weapons have proven themselves well. It is always necessary to have a hunting dagger and be able to use it.

The method of approach itself should provide for readiness to fire at any moment. It is better to stop near natural large obstacles, behind which you can retreat in the event of a retaliatory attack of the beast. The slaughter place of the boar is the spine, the anterior shoulder blades (this is the zone of vital organs), the brain. But it is always desirable to make a shot along the profile of the beast. Shooting in the forehead of a beast running at a hunter is futile - there is a high probability of missing. In case of an unsuccessful shot, it is correct to move away from the trajectory of the attack of the beast. After that, it becomes possible to re-shot, or the beast will leave. In the habits of a wild boar, there is no desire to necessarily get the offender, like a bear.

It should be remembered that the wild boar is a very strong and strong beast on the wound. After a lethal shot, you should not rush to approach, you should make sure that the prey is ready. Desirable control shot behind the ear. The fact that the beast is hiding will be indicated by flattened ears, rearing hair at the withers, and clenched legs. The dead boar is relaxed. The immutable rule of a wild boar, like any animal hunting, is that a wounded animal must be taken. The inadmissibility of wounded animals in the case of a wild boar increases many times over. When conducting a collective hunt, all known rules must be followed. On the hunt, a senior is always appointed, who distributes roles, sets the direction of movement and sectors of shots.

Successful hunting for a wild boar is possible only when the hunter learns the habits of this animal. And they are especially predictable: the wild boar, as a rule, spends the night in hard-to-reach places, protected not only from humans, but also from the wind. In autumn, it can be a ravine, thickets of reeds, dense thickets of the forest. Its movements are also predictable - having chosen the places of feeding and lodging for the night, the wild boar moves only one path, and in both directions.

In autumn and early winter, wild pigs have a mating season, so they can often be given out at this time by the noise of a fight between males. At night in autumn, a herd of wild boars can be found in the fields, but even with such activity, they behave quite quietly.

The wild boar is a very sensitive animal. Hearing is well developed, unlike vision. When hunting in the fall, this must be taken into account, since dry branches or leaves can betray the hunter and deprive him of his prey.

Of course, there is nothing better than the stories of experienced hunters or your own experience. But it is not recommended to test yourself without studying the habits of this beast. For example, you can watch videos that are saturated on the Internet, and preferably more than one. Moreover, today there are enough video clips, both educational and simply informative.

Hunting methods

Use of dogs

Dogs are applicable both in individual hunting and in collective hunting. One of the main rules is to quickly get to the call of the dogs. Not unimportant will also be the use of well-trained dogs: they must unquestioningly listen to the owner. You also need to be careful, because dogs often die on such a hunt, mainly due to the fault of a negligent hunter.

Walking through the forest, the boar is not difficult to figure out - it leaves footprints on the damp autumn ground. But in the thickets, reeds will have a hard time. Therefore, the dogs must be selected in such a way that they could take the trail in dense thickets, and they could get through them quickly, and they had a loud ringing bark. Here you will come to the aid of a video from the network or advice from other hunters. Even after watching a couple of videos, you will understand how indispensable a hunting dog is when hunting wild pigs. You can use a husky or a hound, some prefer setters.

Stalking hunting

The essence of this method is to track down and quietly sneak up on a herd of pigs. One of the main rules is to approach against the wind, otherwise such a hunt cannot be called successful. It is clear that it is almost impossible to hit wild boars at random. You need to know their habitats, carefully study their paths.

Hunting from a tower or ambush

Hiding in specially made places, the hunter patiently waits for the victim. Here the main rule is to observe complete silence. In addition, you need such clothes so that no foreign smell comes from it, and it is also strictly forbidden to smoke. For many hunters, this method seems uninteresting, but watch a couple of video clips and make sure that such a hunt has its own charms.

corral method

The most common type of hunting. The beaters drive out the beast with the noise, and the hunters are placed waiting for the wild boar to run out on them. With this method, the accuracy of the shooter is very important, since you have to shoot almost constantly at a moving boar. You should be extremely careful and careful, because this is a collective type of hunting, which means there is always a chance of a shot towards another hunter or dogs.

Precautionary measures

Any hunt is fraught with some danger. Especially when it comes to hunting a wild pig - an animal that is extremely dangerous when injured. Some beginners, after watching a video that shows the fury of a wounded boar quite picturesquely, simply refuse to go hunting. But this is wrong. You just need to be able to hunt and follow some rules.

  • If you are going to hunt a wild boar, be sure to make sure that the gun is in good condition and the cartridges are reliable. No one is immune from a sudden misfire, but it can cost your life or, at best, health.
  • Try to shoot for sure. If you have a repeating shotgun, then this is easier. But if you have a single-barreled or double-barreled shotgun, then there simply won’t be time to reload.
  • If a boar is injured, it is possible that he will run at you. Sometimes there may not be time for another shot (misfire, lack of ammo, or most likely time). Don't panic if this happens. This may seem like an ordeal, but it will inevitably have to be passed. Wait until the distance between you and the victim is as short as possible and jump sharply to the side. As a rule, the second time the boar does not rush into the attack and simply runs away.
  • Clothing and shoes should be comfortable. It should be borne in mind that we are considering hunting for a boar in the fall, which means that we will have to wander through the thick grass, which has already “lain” on the ground and interferes with normal walking or running. And you may also have to move along ravines or overcome small water barriers. Nothing should prevent you from moving quickly and, if necessary, silently.

  • Learn to hold a knife with confidence. Who knows what might happen. Suddenly, the knife will become the only weapon that can protect you and save your life.
  • The wild boar, despite its very large size, is a fairly fast animal. No one will risk getting close to him, if we are talking about a sane hunter. Use optical sights that will make it possible to kill a wild boar from the first shot and do it from a safe distance.
  • If possible, prefer bullets to buckshot. Especially when hunting with dogs or dealing with a herd of wild pigs. Too high a chance that the pigs will scatter with lead under their skin, and your dog will lose his life. There are a lot of videos circulating on the net showing such unpleasant moments.
  • To avoid trouble, try to aim at the "weak" places on the boar's body: ears, neck, spine.
  • Do not follow the wounded boar literally on the heels. Keep a safe distance. And experienced hunters generally recommend waiting 10-20 minutes and only then following the tracks of a wounded animal. Especially if you have a faithful dog with you.
  • If the hunt is collective, then always follow the rule - shoot only in your sector and only in complete safety.

Although hunting for a wild boar is fraught with many dangers, it leaves an unforgettable experience. Barking dogs, crackling dry branches, chasing, shooting and, finally, the carcass of a heavy boar - what can be imagined better? Experienced hunters know that the one who has killed a boar at least once is already worthy of respect not so much for accuracy as for courage.