Where is the love sector in the apartment? I am happy about my happy marriage. How and where to place geese according to Feng Shui

If you dream of finding a soulmate or are already in a relationship, but often have quarrels and conflicts, then take a closer look at this sector. The southwestern zone of Marriage and Love according to Feng Shui can indicate all your problems.

Southwestern Brak Zone

This sector is a real temple of a young family or a nascent relationship. The Marriage Zone helps improve marital status. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is he responsible for?

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone is responsible for finding the right partner and for already established relationships. If you want something in your life, then carefully consider this sector. If you are often subject to scandals in your relationship with your significant other, you should harmonize this space.

Where is

Feng Shui devotes a whole part to this zone in the southeast. Find it using the Compass app on your phone or using a handheld device. You can allocate space throughout the house or in a separate room.

I am happy about my happy marriage

The southwestern zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is controlled and activated by several elements. Observe carefully whether you have followed the simplest rules for cleaning space.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Earth .

The southwest is dominated by land. You can decorate the space with ceramic vases and dishes. The area should be well lit with the help of sconces, candlesticks or floor lamps. It is recommended to choose candles as additional elements, because the element of fire feeds the element of wood well.

It is not recommended to display antique items in the sector; they carry a special energy that can only interfere. It is worth abandoning marble tables and granite inserts in the interior. Any photos with defects are unacceptable, especially if they are framed with massive and rough frames. There should be no fountains or aquariums in the southwestern space.

Shapes and colors

The main colors are all nude shades, but the dominant one is a soft pink shade. It is he who can attract romantic relationships into your life or strengthen long-established ones.

How to activate the Marriage zone

The marriage and love zone according to Feng Shui can be filled with various symbols to activate it. Try to use only paired figures as stylish accents.


It is necessary to keep the sector of Marriage and love completely pure. Dirt, debris, scattered things and broken objects are not allowed. Develop a love for cleanliness in space and in thoughts.

To harmonize your relationship, place two candles in the Marriage sector: red and white. If these are long candles, then you can tie a red ribbon on them. Light candles once a week. Let the magical fire remove all the negativity between lovers.

Activation of the Marriage Zone

All symbols and silhouettes in this sector must be paired, like yin and yang. You can use vases, paintings, figurines, souvenirs, keychains and much more.

candles peonies and their images landscapes and landscapes
family photos orchids and roses pair of swans
a pair of mandarin ducks crystals cranes
pair of pigeons crystal butterflies
precious and semi-precious stones any paired items candies
rose quartz ceramics dolphins

In the Brak sector, depictions of any predators are not allowed: leopards, bears or crocodiles. They bring excessive aggressiveness into relationships.

Marriage zone in different places of the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone in an apartment can be located anywhere. Don't be upset if the southwest falls on the restrooms. There is always a way out of any situation. You need to know some rules that will help neutralize evil energies.

Don’t be sad if the marriage and love zone is in the toilet or bathroom; it’s enough to decorate the interior of the premises in green tones. When this is not possible, use green rugs, tie the pipes with green ribbons and place a few candles in the bathroom. The element of fire will enhance the energy of space.

If the southwest falls on the bedroom, then here you can use linen in pastel colors: beige, soft pink or light pistachio. Bedroom design in green or nude colors will help you to be happy in your marriage.

Energy should circulate around the entire perimeter of your bedroom. Move your bed a little away from the wall. It should not be tightly propped up.

Romance, love, a happy marriage and a strong family are the natural and vital desires of every person. The correct interaction of the male energy of Yang and the female principle of Yin gives rise to a new life, brings harmony to sexual relationships, and provides the basis for creating a strong family, a long and happy marriage.

The philosophy of Feng Shui pays great attention to this area and teaches how to create a corner for love in your home, how to direct energy flows in the direction you need.

Arrangement of the love sector

Arranging a love zone in your home for lonely hearts will allow you to find a soul mate, for married couples it will strengthen your marriage, create a romantic mood in your nest, improve your mood and normalize sexual relationships.

Activation of this zone in the apartment increases the impact of Qi energy on your relationship with your partner and, it is likely that single ladies will soon receive a marriage proposal, and married couples will spend a second “honeymoon”.

According to Feng Shui, very strict requirements are imposed on the cleanliness of the marriage area - keep it in perfect order and do not allow damaged, broken, cracked things to appear. The energy of destruction that these objects carry can lead to betrayal, unnecessary rivalry, jealousy and quarrels.

The Feng Shui love zone is located in the southwestern part of your apartment. The main element of this sector is earth, which feeds on fire. Logically, the zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is your shared bedroom. It should be a spacious room, very bright and calm.

Usually this is the back room of your apartment, where you relax at night and spend romantic evenings with your partner. The bed should be a double bed and, preferably, should be in the middle of the room, so that you can walk around it from all sides. The walls and ceiling above the bed should be empty - you should not hang shelves, pictures, talismans, carpets, or sconces.

A chandelier above your sleeping area is also not advisable. In this case, the design solution would be to install built-in ceiling lights around the perimeter of the room and install table lamps and floor lamps on the bedside tables. It is better not to arrange drawers for linen or store things under the bed.

Sharp corners in the bedroom cut the smooth flow of Qi energy, so you should avoid installing furniture with sharp corners, such as wardrobes, chests of drawers, bedside tables. The ideal solution would be to organize a built-in wardrobe across the entire wall, if there is such a need.


The talismans of the marriage sector according to Feng Shui are any paired objects depicting love, but always of the opposite sex. Feng Shui symbols for attracting love can be figurines of two doves, a photograph of you together, figurines of kissing people, figurines of swans intertwining their necks, romantic paintings depicting butterflies, hearts, angels, a pair of Buddha footprints, a pair of frolicking fish. And any figurines in this spirit.

Perhaps the most powerful symbol of love in Chinese philosophy is the image of a blooming peony. A picture with peonies can be hung at the entrance to the bedroom, this will affect the sexual relationship with your partner. Place a vase with a large bouquet of live peonies on your bedside table - and you will immediately feel the power of these flowers.

The earthly sector of love involves the use of natural crystals in activation. They are best displayed or hung in the southwest corner of the room. To do this, prepare the crystals by immersing them in sea water for about a week.

For the love zone, according to Feng Shui, it is good to arrange objects for love pleasures, organize a quiet place for them, hidden from prying eyes. Use talismans in the marriage area that evoke only positive energy, those objects and accessories that you like and do not cause irritation.

Create an altar of love, decorate it with objects of love.


The main color of the marriage sector according to Feng Shui is terracotta and its shades. This color appeals to shades of beige, brown, pink, and red. Feel free to choose any of these shades to your taste to paint the walls and ceilings of your bedroom, and the floors, doors and windows can be done in brown tones.

Modern design does not impose strict requirements for the use of a single color scheme for the walls, floor and ceiling of the room, so experiment - paint one of the walls terracotta or red. You can make part of the wall in the form of a niche and highlight it with a bright color for the love zone according to Feng Shui. Using shades of red brings fire energy into the bedroom, which has a good effect on love relationships, enhances sexual desire, adds spice to existing relationships, and enhances the romantic mood. In addition, the energy of fire accelerates the flow of Qi energy and makes events develop faster.

If an unmarried girl is looking forward to a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he is still not there, advise her to arrange a love zone in a suitable color scheme. A marriage proposal will follow immediately!

If you find the use of red walls in the bedroom an irritating element, replace such drastic measures with smaller details - use red accessories (definitely with a love theme) in the room. Remember, red is the color of love, passion, and the presence of even a small red symbol will greatly enhance the flow of Chi energy and fulfill your secret desires.

It is not necessary to use only the color of the love zone for the interior of your bedroom; the main rule is the presence of a certain color scheme in this sector when using the right talismans.


  • Do not place fresh indoor flowers in pots, dry bouquets in vases in your bedroom, do not use paintings depicting autumn or sunsets.
  • You cannot hang photographs of deceased people on the walls of your bedroom, even those closest and dearest, as well as photographs of people with sad faces.
  • Do not place paintings and images of lonely women, portraits of lonely people - this gives an attitude towards loneliness in your personal life, especially in the love zone.
  • You cannot hang pictures on the walls with images of barns, dilapidated mansions and houses, old castles surrounded by a moat, walls, swamps and stagnant lakes. If you are a fan of Chinese themes, in this case the image of the Great Wall of China will be inappropriate.
  • Do not accumulate rubbish, garbage, unnecessary things in the marriage area, do not leave cracked figurines, broken vases, even glued ones - this will lead to discord in your family, quarrels with loved ones, betrayal and suspicion.
  • The bed should be installed in such a way that the position of the head during sleep is not directed towards the window. You can't sleep with your feet facing the door.
  • Since the marriage zone according to Feng Shui is exposed to the element of fire, you cannot use the opposite element of water in this zone. Remove all objects that represent water, otherwise it will extinguish the fire of your desires and cool the ardor of love.
  • Do not use metal objects in your bedroom design; metal weakens the earth. If possible, replace metal items with plastic or wood, preferably stone.

For many centuries, the philosophy of Feng Shui has been used by people to attract love, create a family and strengthen existing marriages. The correct arrangement of the Feng Shui sector of an apartment activates the Chi energy in the space of the love zone, thereby creating harmony in existing relationships between men and women, and for single people it creates the preconditions for starting a new romantic relationship.

And since stability in marriage and happiness in personal life are of great importance and affect all areas of our activities, including health, reputation, success in business, and others, it is worth paying special attention to activating the zone of love and marriage.

As we discussed above, managing Qi energy is quite easy by following a few simple and important rules. And anyone can do this!

Start today - make your deepest wish and imagine the man of your dreams, go towards your goal along with the teachings of Feng Shui, and the ancient knowledge will definitely bear fruit. And we will be happy for you and perhaps shout: “Bitter!” at your first or golden wedding!

These birds symbolize home comfort, purity and success in love relationships, as well as numerous offspring.

How and where to place swallows according to Feng Shui

The image of these birds will be appropriate anywhere in your home or apartment.

Feng Shui butterflies will bring joy to your relationship

Butterflies are a talisman of love, joy and fulfillment of desires. Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks, as if they naturally flew into your room.

How and where to place butterflies according to Feng Shui

You can decorate your bedroom walls with fluttering butterflies to intensify romantic relationships, to add a fresh air to your partners’ sex life and to make your cherished dreams come true. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people quickly improve their personal lives and keep the fire of existing relationships alive. Every morning, when you open your eyes, you will see butterflies fluttering and start the day with joy and new hopes.

Mandarin ducks in Feng Shui harmonize love relationships

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui according to Chinese beliefs are mandarin ducks. They are truly very affectionate and sweet creatures. A pair of tangerines symbolizes strong and tender love bonds.

The duck is generally an emblem of good luck. The royal duck or mandarin duck received its name for its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. This talisman will give your family well-being, prosperity and good luck, shake up cold feelings and significantly improve marital relationships.

If you are single, mandarin ducks will save you, because they tend to attract good luck in romantic relationships.

Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In Feng Shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relationships, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner once for their entire life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity.

Legend has it that one Chinese mandarin decided to divorce his wife and send her to her parents' house. In the evening, before telling her about his decision, he decided to take a walk along the shore of the lake. He walked for a long time, thinking about the upcoming conversation with his wife, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a noise - two mandarin ducks landed on the water. The Mandarin involuntarily fell in love with them: they so tenderly bowed their graceful necks to each other, cleaned each other’s feathers with such love that the man remembered all the wonderful moments that he experienced with his wife. The love that had died out flared up in him with renewed vigor. This is how the ducks saved a marriage that was on the verge of collapse.

How and where to place mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui

Mandarin ducks are one of the best Feng Shui talismans for activating the sector of love and marriage. The optimal place for this symbol is the southwestern sector of the apartment, the sector of love and relationships, or the bedroom, regardless of the sector in which it is located. If you already have a partner, then the ducks are placed next to each other so that they seem to say: “we are sailing through life together.” It would be good if they were mounted on the same stand. If you want to attract new love relationships into your life, then it is better to place the ducks so that they are directed towards each other, that is, symbolize the search and meeting.

Geese will protect you from infidelity

Geese symbolize fidelity in marriage and spiritual unity of spouses. It is believed that geese miss their soulmate very much and never fly alone. Geese are so devoted to their partners that they never create families again,

which makes them also a symbol of eternal love. The Chinese even say about those who remain faithful to a deceased loved one that they have the soul of a goose.

If your family’s lifestyle is such that you are forced to spend a lot of time apart (frequent business trips, work away from home, unforeseen circumstances that provoked separation), then an image or figurine of a pair of flying geese will help you not to lose spiritual closeness with your soul mate.

How and where to place geese according to Feng Shui

A pair of geese is appropriate in the southwestern sector of the house.

Couple of lovers for positive energy

The energy of love is very alive and strong. Remembering this and dreaming of a life partner, you will be able to realize your thoughts into a real picture, that is, after some time, your chosen one will visit your home, conquering your heart forever.

Images that personify love in our understanding create the appropriate atmosphere, set us in a certain mood, enrich us with romance and sensuality.

Such a picture not only promotes harmony in our lives, saturates us with positive energy and self-confidence, but also has a positive effect on success in other areas of life. This image symbolizes the natural union of two principles - male and female.

How and where to place the image of a couple of lovers according to Feng Shui

In the love sector (southwest), almost any paired symbols and talismans work well. And a picture depicting a couple in love would be very appropriate here!

Two doves in Feng Shui to strengthen marriage

Two kissing doves with open wings mean love, friendship and marital fidelity. A pair of pigeons is also used to maintain long-term partnerships.

How and where to place pigeons according to Feng Shui

This symbol would be appropriate in the southwestern sector.

Feng Shui symbol "double happiness" (double luck) for stability of relationships or new love

The Double Happiness symbol, drawn on or cut out from red paper and decorated with gold, is prominently displayed by the Chinese at any wedding. This symbol is very effective for activating romantic luck.

This talisman has its own legend. During the Tang Dynasty, one student went to the capital to take a very important exam for him, based on the results of which candidates for ministers were selected. But, passing through a small mountain village, he felt that he was sick. A rural healer and his daughter sheltered the student at home. Thanks to the skill of the doctor (and maybe not only him), the guy quickly recovered, but when the time came to move on, he realized that it was difficult for him to part with the daughter of his savior. The young people fell in love with each other. In parting, the girl wrote the student the first part of a reverse poem and asked him to compose the second. In a very free translation (otherwise it is impossible to translate poems from Old Chinese), the stanza sounded like this:

"Green trees are carried into the sky by darkness. Spring rain."

“Well, I can handle it, even though it’s not easy. But only after the exam,” said the student. The young man passed the exam best of all, and was noted by the emperor himself. The monarch personally talked with the winners and offered them several riddles. One of them was to add the first stanza to the poem. The second one was like this:

"Scarlet flowers in the grass sway in the breeze. The earth glowed with a kiss."

The young man realized that the first stanza that the girl gave him was ideal for this text, and he immediately wrote it. The emperor admired the young man's talent so much that he appointed the young man a minister, and before taking office he allowed him to see his family. The guy returned to the girl and read the emperor’s verse to her. Soon they got married. Before the wedding, they wrote two connected Chinese characters "xi" ("happiness") on red paper and hung the paper on the wall. This is how the “Double Happiness” symbol was born. It is double because it is intended for both spouses.

How and where to place the “Double Happiness” symbol according to Feng Shui

This symbol can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. If you're desperate for love in your life, place a double luck symbol in your bedroom. You can put the corresponding amulet under the mattress or carry it with you in your purse. The sign of “Double Happiness” is decorated with the marital bed, chairs and other furniture used in the bedroom. In addition, it is applied to silks and brocades intended for wedding celebrations.

Red Chinese lanterns in Feng Shui will help bring back lost feelings

Lanterns are used to attract good luck and prosperity. Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns further enhances their effect. Place two lanterns in the southwestern sector of the apartment, and they will help restore the lost ardor of feelings. In addition, they create comfort and decorate the interior, thereby attracting positive energy and activating almost any sector of Feng Shui.

How and where to place red lanterns according to Feng Shui

You can hang them in the bedroom, kitchen, living room or hallway, and believe me, they will enliven your home with their festive look. You can hang Chinese lanterns near the front door, thereby attracting positive energy into the house and preventing it from escaping.

Chuangong and Chuanmu - Feng Shui talisman for married couples

Since ancient times in the East, near the marital bed, especially for newlyweds, there hung images of the deity of the marriage bed Chuangong (“lord of the bed”) and his wife, Chuanmu or Chuanpo (“mother of the bed”). They promoted harmonious relationships in marriage, guarded the spouses' bedroom and helped produce numerous offspring.

Where and how to place Chuangong and Chuanmu according to Feng Shui

It is best to place figurines of these deities in the bedroom, as close to the bed as possible.

A pyramid of three turtles is a talisman to strengthen the connection between generations

Three turtles in the form of a pyramid: the largest one is at the bottom, the middle one is on it, the smallest one is on the middle one - this is a wonderful symbol of the unity of a family in which everyone supports each other and takes care of each other. The largest turtle is the head of the family, on whom the entire house rests. This talisman is especially good for families in which several generations live together - parents, children, grandchildren... Such a talisman will bring peace and tranquility to the family.

Where and how to place a pyramid of three turtles according to Feng Shui

The best place for this symbol is the eastern sector. And also any room in the house (regardless of the sector) where all family members like to get together, for example: dining room, living room, etc.

Snail-makara (dragon snail) - will create harmony between lovers

This mythical animal is a hybrid of a snail, crocodile, snake and dragon. Agree, a very unusual combination! An image or figurine of a makara snail helps maintain harmony in the home, in relationships between people who love each other. The presence of this symbol sharply reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts between spouses, as well as among children (which is especially important if there are two or more children in the family). This symbol also represents the search for the right solution and finding a compromise in case of quarrels in the family.

How and where to place a makara snail according to Feng Shui

It is best to place the makara snail figurine in the family sector (east) or in the room where household members most often gather.

Zaoshen - keeper of the hearth

Zaoshen is the keeper of the hearth, and is also a symbol of fulfillment of desires, health, happiness, wealth and prosperity. Zaoshen protects the home from destructive influences, helps overcome family problems, brings peace, reliability and family happiness. Sometimes he is depicted with a round tablet in his hand, where all the needs and wishes are written down. On December 24, Zaoshen goes to heaven and reports to the heavenly office about how he protects the house and helps with the household, conveys all his wishes, and they are sure to be fulfilled.

Zaoshen often has attributes that symbolize health and longevity, such as a magic peach, a gourd with clear water, and a deer. If a bag is depicted next to Zaoshen, then in addition to wishes for health and happiness, you can add wishes for wealth and prosperity.

How and where to place Zaoshen according to Feng Shui

Traditionally, the Zaoshen figurine is made in the netsuke style. It is favorable if you have such a figurine in the eastern sector, or in the living room, regardless of the sector of the room

The unicorn in Feng Shui is a symbol of fertility for those who want to get pregnant

In principle, this kind and magical animal will bring good luck in many endeavors. We know about unicorns mainly from medieval knightly legends and fairy tales, but in India this animal is revered as a symbol of fertility (pregnancy).

Where and how to place a unicorn according to feng shui

Feng Shui stork talisman for speedy pregnancy

The stork symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, is the Annunciation bird, and also an assistant in the speedy appearance of an heir in the family.

In different cultures, the stork as a talisman has slightly different meanings. For example, among Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, respect, and is considered a symbol of new life. According to Russian folk beliefs, the stork is a bird that brings happiness. The stork patronizes the birth of children. Among the Egyptians, it personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork fed its parents in old age. In Greek mythology, the goddess of storks was depicted as a woman - the giver of life, a nurse and was an attribute of Hera. Among the Romans, the stork symbolized respect and filial affection.

It is especially favorable if you purchase a figurine of Lao Tzu on a stork. Lao Tzu is an ancient sage, in his hands he holds a peach (a symbol of longevity and good health). Lao Tzu flies on a stork, which symbolizes the imminent birth of a child.

Where and how to place a stork according to Feng Shui

A figurine of a stork can be placed in the hallway, as if it were flying into your house, at the entrance to the bedroom, or in the western sector.

Guan Yin - patroness of women

The name Guan Yin means “She who listens to the sounds of the world.” As Buddhists say, Guan Yin hears all people's prayers and helps everyone who turns to her.

Altars dedicated to this Mother of Mercy can be found in churches, houses, and roadside grottoes throughout the East. She is revered as a Mother figure, a divine mediator who takes to heart the daily affairs of all who turn to her. Kuan Yin's role as a Buddhist Madonna can be compared to the role of Mary - the mother of Jesus - in the West. In China, as well as in Korea and Japan, Guan Yin is perhaps the most popular image of a Buddhist saint among the people.

Devoted followers of Kuan Yin often visit local temples and make pilgrimages to larger ones when important events occur in their lives or when they are especially burdened with any problems. Every three years, celebrations are held in her honor on the nineteenth day of the second month (her birthday), the sixth month, and the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

Often Guan Yin can be seen in the image “Patroness of Children”, which is found in many houses and temples of the East. A large white veil covers her entire figure, and she sits on a lotus. Sometimes Guan Yin is depicted with a child in her arms, at her feet, or on her knees, or with several children standing around her. In the Eastern tradition, it is generally accepted that Guan Yin bestows longevity, youth, fulfillment of desires and immortality for many thousands of years, and also helps those wishing to have children, protects pregnant women and facilitates childbirth.

Where and how to place Guan Yin according to Feng Shui

A figurine or image of Guan Yin can be placed in the northwestern or western sectors, as well as in the bedroom near the bed itself, for example, on the bedside table.

Pomegranate fruits are a symbol of multiple pregnancy

The pomegranate was a symbol of fertility in Greek and Roman mythology. He was also a symbol of Pluto's wife, Proserpina, who returns from the underworld every spring to renew the earth.

In the East, pomegranate flowers and fruits symbolize friendship, therefore, when visiting people, they often take pomegranate with them as a gift. Pomegranate fruits also symbolize multiple pregnancy.

In the Bible, the pomegranate is mentioned as a symbol of the unity of the Universe. In Christian culture, the pomegranate has become a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Where and how to place pomegranate fruits according to Feng Shui

It is appropriate to place pomegranate fruits or a pomegranate tree (you can have a picture showing a pomegranate tree with fruits) in the western sector of your house or apartment.

Glomerulus-amulet (five elements) protection of pregnancy

This symbol protects children and pregnant women, brings peace and peace of mind. It symbolizes the five primary elements: Space, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth. The glomerulus helps maintain the harmony of the elements even in an unfavorable place and protects its owner from all evil.

The amulet is a thread twisted into a small ball, where one color smoothly transitions into another. In principle, you can make such a ball yourself: take five threads of different colors (green, red, yellow, blue and white), intertwine them together and twist a small ball. In the East it is made according to the ancient Tibetan method, passed on to us by the Tibetan master Sa Che.

Where and how to place a ball-amulet according to Feng Shui

This ball can be placed in the baby's crib (for example, under a mattress or pillow), and expectant mothers can carry it with them or put it in their bed.

We will continue to find out how we can balance the energies in this sector and attract even more fresh positive energy into it, which will work to attract harmony and romance into our relationships and our lives. Let's not forget that before resorting to activating any zone, it is necessary to know its characteristics and the influence of the elements in relation to it, so if you have not yet read the description, do so before resorting to means of activating it.

To stimulate the love zone, crystals and ““, already known to us, are excellent activators of Qi energy and neutralizers of negative energy, placed in this zone. Some craftsmen advise purchasing one specifically for this zone so that there are hanging hearts along with the tubes, but in fact this is not important and depends solely on your desire and perception. Calm romantic music, which should be turned on periodically in this zone, will also harmonize energies and bring into balance numerous vibrational flows.

Also a favorable symbol of this zone is the heart - its shape and image. These can be postcards, figurines with hearts, a frame in the shape of a heart, and so on. Hearts can be made from any material, but rose quartz or crystal hearts will work especially well. Crystal itself is earthy, which makes it even more suitable for this zone. This activator works well to attract love and new relationships into life.

Romance and love relationships are symbolized by chocolate and chocolates, so they are an appropriate talisman in this zone. You can resort to several recommendations in this area at once and place here a couple of heart-shaped chocolates wrapped in red or pink foil.

Another excellent paired stimulant for this zone is a pair of red Chinese lanterns, which will have a double effect due to their color. An analogue of lanterns can be a pair of candles - you can take both red candles, or you can take one red and one white - personifying a man and a woman. Some Feng Shui masters advise spouses to tie candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship. And if suddenly misunderstandings and conflict situations arise between you, light these candles for a short period, thereby helping to cleanse the subtle levels of your energy. In addition, the abundance of light in this sector stimulates the influx of new powerful energy to replace the stagnant one, so it is very good if you light them regularly, at least once a week, especially on the new moon. Candles can be of other colors in this zone, not necessarily red.

An aromatic lamp will be an excellent activator of this zone, being both an element of Fire and Earth - the ideal option would be if the lamp itself is made of ceramics, and its power will be multiplied by the properties of aromatic oils, refreshing the senses and igniting passion. Especially if you use the aromas of this particular zone (read about the aromas of the zone in the article ““). A red lamp will also help you get closer to your cherished goal - after all, by lighting it every evening you will enhance the illumination of the Love Zone, thereby attracting and stimulating the Chi energy in it.

Perhaps the most powerful symbol of love in Chinese philosophy is the image. This is the imperial flower of love, bliss and burning passion. The image of these flowers will influence sexual relations with a partner, however, images with them should be placed in the house very carefully, especially for married couples. For married couples, it is better to place peonies in the living room; in the bedroom they can lead to the appearance of lustful thoughts and harm marital fidelity. In their place in the bedroom it is better to hang roses or asters, which represent love, romance and tenderness. But to attract new love, Feng Shui recommends placing paintings, panels, and any image with peonies in the bedroom and in the Love Zone, as well as a couple of vases made of crystal, ceramics, porcelain or clay with their image.

Feng Shui recommends that spouses use the tangerine tree, a symbol of love and undying passion in ancient China, to stimulate their relationship and bring passion and novelty into it. It is believed that its fruits, sweet with a slightly sour taste, can restore youth and passion to relationships. It is also recommended to be purchased by couples who passionately, but unsuccessfully, want to have a child - the tree must be pampered with constant care and attention, and images of children can be placed next to it. For single girls, this tree promises to attract a rich and noble groom.

Lucky symbols placed in this zone will also work well to attract and strengthen Chi energy. For example, a double luck amulet is very effective for activating good luck in love. It can help make life together calm, and help married couples having problems conceiving have children.

Also, the southwestern sector is considered an ideal place to store love paraphernalia and everything that in one way or another testifies to love and relationships. You can place here romantic evidence of your feelings - gifts, souvenirs and love messages, as well as stones corresponding to your zodiac signs, so that they are not separated by other objects. Books and ancient treatises on love, paintings or albums of erotic content that will help enhance the sexual aspect of relationships, objects that are erotically significant for you: erotic incense, aphrodisiac essential oils, objects of love pleasures - just make sure that the more intimate things are hidden from view and not touched by strangers.

Take care of your love and do not forget that strong and harmonious relationships are not just the right talismans and colors in the right feng shui zone, it is, first of all, understanding, accepting and giving love without expecting a return with interest. Well, the right feng shui will help you consolidate what you have invested with all your heart and love into your relationship!

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The Feng Shui love zone in an apartment occupies the southwest direction. The main element is Earth, the color is terracotta and all other shades of earth. This is the first thing to remember so as not to accidentally negatively impact the Feng Shui love sector. After all, color in interior design plays a big role in the energy of a given area. For example, very dark tones or completely inappropriate colors in the design of your apartment can have a detrimental effect on relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to extinguish unfavorable colors as much as possible.

Activating the love zone

The Lo Pan compass or an ordinary tourist compass will help you determine the southwestern direction.

There is no need to store torn, broken things in the apartment, as well as those items that you do not like and simply do not have a soul for them. This applies not only to the Love sector, but also to all other sectors. Activation of the southwestern zone first of all requires cleanliness and order in this direction. If you don't want chaos in your relationship, there shouldn't be any here either.

You can activate a particular sector as quickly and simply as possible using a fan. Choose a fan of the size that suits your interior. A large fan acts immediately after attaching it to the wall - it is a strong resuscitator and instantly suppresses negative energy, helping new viable chi energy enter your home.

Since the Earth is the main element of the southwest, the zone must be decorated in the appropriate color scheme. You can use sand, terracotta, beige, brown, pink, orange. In this case, the colors of water: black, blue and dark blue should be absent, since according to the Chinese theory of elements such a combination is unsuccessful. When you add water to soil, it creates dirt.

It is also not recommended to place anything green in this zone, since this color symbolizes a tree, and a tree depletes the earth element by absorbing nutrients. Red is also a good color for the love sector. Red symbolizes fire and is the color of the adjacent sector. Elemental theory states that fire creates ashes, and ashes in turn are earthen soil - the element of the southwest. It turns out that red in this area is supportive and generative.

To attract new love

If you have not yet met your soul mate, in the Love zone it is recommended to hang a panel, picture or other image with peonies on the wall, or place a couple of vases made of clay, porcelain, ceramics, crystal, silver or brass with peonies in the sector. Even artificial peonies will do. This flower symbolizes imperial love, happiness and burning passion.

But for married couples, Chinese philosophy does not recommend placing peonies in the bedroom, as this can lead to the appearance of prodigal thoughts.

If you like Chinese symbols, then you can put a couple of Chinese lanterns in this sector. They are also an effective talisman of love and it is customary to hang them in pairs, since paired objects themselves are considered strong activators of the love and marriage sector, and the red color of the lanterns will enhance their effect. As an analogue to lanterns, Feng Shui suggests using a pair of red candles or candlesticks. In this case, candles should be lit periodically, so that the abundance of light in this area will stimulate the influx of new powerful energy.

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