Aquarius female horoscope for February. Love and family

The last month of winter promises favorable opportunities for love and romance for Aquarius. The stars are generous to you, so don't let these opportunities go to waste. February can bring falling in love, marking the beginning of a new love story. If you want amorous adventures, allow yourself them, but do not forget to evaluate the likely consequences.

In February 2017, Venus and Mars are located in your house of communications, and Mercury is in Aquarius - all this hints at the close relationship between love and communication. You will have a lot to say and discuss with your loved one or spouse. Conversations, correspondence - all this contains romantic hints and stimulates love desires.

The month will bring many contacts, you will easily meet new people. Many interesting meetings are expected, perhaps completely unexpected. By and large, you attract savvy people this month. Common intellectual interests, study, and participation in social events will bring you and your lover even closer. The period is perfect for romantic trips.

The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 illuminates the house of the Aquarius partner, foreshadowing significant events in his personal life. The aspects of the eclipse are harmonious, its influence will have a positive impact on relationships. If something is bothering you, take the time to have an open conversation with your significant other. The point is not to sort things out; rather, the goal should be to revive and renew the connection.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for February 2017

Aquarius has a good chance of succeeding, especially in areas of activity related to information, communications, calculations, and negotiations. On your side is Mercury, which passes through the sign of Aquarius from February 7 to 26, 2017. There will be a lot of movement, it will seem as if the whole world revolves around you. New interesting ideas will come to you, your thinking will be fast and productive. Your ability to persuade will increase, which also gives you an advantage.

Until February 18, 2017, the Sun remains in Aquarius, making your path to success in a professional environment smoother. You will have enough energy to cope with work tasks. Solar energy stimulates the desire to stand out, climb up the career ladder, and appropriate opportunities will present themselves to you.

The month will be important for finances. The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 will activate the Aquarius house of money. The time has come to figure everything out, analyze what went well and what didn’t, and draw conclusions. This is the time to get your books in order, pay your debts, and so on. Your entrepreneurial sense will be sharpened and you will be able to make the right decisions regarding personal finances or business (if you have one). Investments in education, yours or your children’s, will be very appropriate.

The financial horoscope advises you to take a rational approach to spending. It may be tempting to buy something related to transport or communications: a telephone, a computer, etc. Try not to go beyond your budget.


Your physical fitness is at a high level, you have enough vital energy, and no serious problems are expected with your health. However, there is a tendency to irritability, and sometimes there is not enough patience. Maintain your inner balance, then the month will pass on an optimistic note.

Talk to people more! You will learn a lot of useful and even intriguing things.

Aquarians do not expect outside help, and Aquarius recognizes the horoscope for February 2017 as correct only because it has a strong confidence in personal strength. The success of any business is possible if you understand the situation in detail and take responsibility for its solution.

You are more focused than ever, and this should be used to prove to others your competence - this is a chance to get a promotion, achieve new heights and choose the right path in solving problems with the opposite sex.

You can convince and try to use this gift of yours in the right direction in February. If you are engaged in sales, the time has come to try new forms of communication with the customer, you may want to present a new project differently, or solve a problem in a completely different way than always. You can be an innovator, you can choose your own path and even see a new niche in which you can develop a business - go for it and don’t look back at past mistakes, don’t listen to advice from incompetent people, if you have experience or understanding of the situation in this area.

Do not spare time for your family, children, they will support you in everything more than ever, go in for sports together, relax together, bring them up to date, share new ideas, and you will be surprised by unexpected advice or a new idea.

It's time to think about your health and fitness. Don’t put off going to the doctors, especially since you already feel that it’s time to treat chronic diseases.

Health and sports

You can deny that it’s time to take care of yourself, you can claim that you are no less strong in spirit than in body, but there are all the signs of ill health on your face.

Chronic diseases should have been stopped last year, but now is the time when you will be successfully treated. Do not delay going to the doctor if you have cardiovascular diseases, if you suffer from allergies or if you suspect one.

Do not rush to self-medicate, as you will only make things worse. Under no circumstances take medications without discussing with your doctor, and do not prescribe treatment for yourself. Avoid antibiotics. Back pain may well turn out to be heart pain, and as soon as you feel any kind of ailment, do not wait, ask for help.

Sports and quitting smoking are what will get you in great shape. In February, all opportunities are open to you; if you start playing sports in February, it will stay with you for a long time. Limit alcohol and very high-calorie foods, at least until April, your body should now work to renew itself.

Love and relationships

Aquarius's love horoscope for February 2017 can be viewed differently, but the result of any of his attempts to make changes in his personal life will only be disappointment. If you want change, it's worth waiting. You are not ready, you are not confident, it is just a desire or even a whim.

Now you should stay in a relationship in which you are confident and know, stable and simple, albeit boring, as it seems to you. This is not the time to change your life. You will deeply regret if you decide to divorce or break ties with the person who is now with you. Your thoughts are purely a whim, and you yourself will understand this at the end of February.

Be sincere with the person close to you, try to correct mistakes, find reasons for dissatisfaction, but under no circumstances break off the relationship.

Free Aquarians in February are prone to tossing and going to extremes. Control yourself, don't let your emotions lead you. You must be reasonable, first of all.

Don’t believe gossip, don’t tell people you don’t know about yourself, don’t rush to trust in everything. The moment will come when you will realize that you closed your mouth in time.

Finance and shopping

This month is the time for serious, expensive purchases that you have been planning for a long time. You will be able to evaluate all the shortcomings and choose the right option, do not rush into buying expensive equipment second-hand, compare prices and risks, most likely you will have to turn to professionals who will recommend a really high-quality item.

Cars and real estate can be purchased on credit and a mortgage, but choose carefully and do not settle for the first option.

If you want to invest money, do not agree to new projects, do not sponsor someone else's business. Your money should work only for you. Otherwise, you will redirect the financial flow in someone else’s direction, and for a long time you will not be able to turn it in your direction.

If you borrow money, do not be lazy to draw up this agreement, since there is a possibility of ruining the relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask, the main thing is to explain why you need money and clearly fulfill all obligations.

Don't skimp on your health; most likely you will have to pay for treatment, and this will be the most profitable investment. Do not rush to buy medications yourself, even if you have already had to treat this disease, because most likely you will need to buy completely different medications.

Career and business

The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 is, first of all, the direction of his activities in the field of business development, or strengthening his importance, strengthening himself in the workplace as a professional.

It is worth paying attention to your colleagues who reach out to you, try to be useful, and give advice. Most likely, they are interested in joint success, but it cannot be ruled out that they want to “rake the coals with someone else’s hands.” Be careful what you say, don't reveal all your plans, be self-reliant above all, and if you need help, turn to outside experts.

You can start a new business in a completely new direction, you can change your job, but it’s better to try to develop what you have, open up new opportunities for your business, and expand in new directions.

Don’t stand still, don’t waste time, February is a month of guaranteed bountiful harvest if you get down to business, study new trends, and decide to invest.

Creative Aquarians can, without fear, try themselves in a new role, in a new business, and most likely, it will turn out to be quite profitable. Don’t be afraid to go to the publishing house, show your work, but be careful with the issue of copyright, be sure to protect yourself from the possibility of being copied.

Aquarius men

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius - a man may sincerely not understand, and only because there are some notes of antagonism in him. But this will not last long, as he will have to understand that everything depends only on him. The main thing is not to let too much time pass, otherwise you will face a deadline. And it will be very disappointing that you had so many chances and did not take advantage of them.

Everything is great at work, but if you get a little more involved in your work, you will develop that enthusiasm that will help you become one of the most promising employees. There will be a person in your life who will provide protection, and until next summer your finances will be in that unshakable state. There will come a time for you when you can decide to make purchases you never dreamed of. But such a chance will only be given to those who show that they can rely on it.

There is a lull on the love front and even some distrust of the surrounding ladies. There is a desire for a new, bright, stormy relationship, and maybe you will have an affair with a completely new, hitherto unknown woman. It will only break you, make you weaker, and you will lose a lot of time understanding what you really want.

Don’t make hasty moves, don’t strive to be useful and interesting to everyone, and believe in your strength.

Women - Aquarius

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius - the woman opens with surprise, but listens and improves her financial situation by the end of February.

You think that there is no chance of achieving the maximum, but in fact, you talk about it too much, and thus all your energy goes into discussion and analysis. It’s as if you are living through this, and are already achieving success, but only in your imagination, and you no longer have the strength for real events and actions. Therefore, get down to business more decisively, even if there are some difficulties, but having studied the essence more deeply, you will become a professional.

In your personal life, you will be pleased with some shift towards peace, and you will want changes. Relationships that drag on and interfere with your development, freedom of communication, and self-expression will sooner or later end on their own, but in February you should not start changes, as you may make a mistake and lose something important.

Trust your family, do not look for deception and signs of betrayal. You now have a mistrust of many, but your loved ones should not suffer for this reason. This feeling will leave you, but you may not return your relationship with them to the established one, which for a long time was built exclusively on trust and love.

This month the luminaries are quite favorable to you. The sun is in your sign, Jupiter is shining brightly, so get ready for a new career turn!

Work, career. Aquarius February 2017

Of course, you are far from perfect, but clear progress in business is possible in February. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries are intensified, and a successful trip is possible. People you haven't seen for quite some time will appear on your horizon. In addition, February will bring many new acquaintances. It will be difficult for you to navigate this abundance of different contacts, and the stars give you advice - calmly build cooperation with your previous partners, they are stable and reliable. And carefully analyze the proposals of new colleagues, keeping in mind the proverb “All that glitters is not gold.” Remember that cooperation with old partners can be modernized and put on a more modern platform. Despite the positive changes, February can also bring a number of problems. Thus, the conflict situations of the past month will continue, and the most painful moments will occur in the first and last ten days of the month. Entrepreneurs and bosses are likely to have conflicts with inspection authorities, and those who have escaped such misfortunes may once again be let down by partners from other cities or countries. Nothing new is expected here, so assess the situation and act accordingly. This month you have more room for maneuver.

Money. Aquarius February 2017

Financial positions this month are quite stable, and the solar eclipse on February 26 can bring quite a large sum. Or maybe more than one. You can get good money on February 8, 9, 16, 17.

Love, family. Aquarius February 2017

There are so many possibilities in the romantic sphere that you can feel overwhelmed by the abundance of choices. What could be more interesting than a new love affair? Old love unexpectedly resurrected again? You will spend most of the month in these thoughts. In fact, both are possible. As a possibility, this is probably very pleasant, but in real life it can cause too much trouble. Of course, you can sit on two chairs, but you can’t build a future on it. Relations with relatives are noticeably intensified, but in the first and last ten days of the month, fermentation between different clans of your relatives is possible. There will be nothing new here, the problems of past months will simply continue. It is possible to travel and meet with relatives living in other cities or countries.

The lack of logic in the February actions of Aquarius will most clearly manifest itself in such aspects as home, family and relationships with loved ones. Succumbing to momentary moods, many family representatives of this sign will decide to subject their marriage union to a test of strength. Moreover, the mini-tests that you come up with and immediately begin to carry out in practice will be incredibly crazy! There is no other way to describe the situation when a person with his own hands pushes his marriage partner to cheat. Yes, yes, your impromptu test will look exactly like this - you will try to determine whether the person with whom you share shelter and bed can deceive you! It’s good if your significant other can overcome the powerful temptation that you send her as a test of fidelity. Otherwise, you risk losing a lot (who knows, maybe your significant other will like the new partner so much that she will decide to break off the relationship with you?).

Lonely Aquarius in February 2017 will also be characterized by extremely illogical behavior. A hitherto dormant volcano will awaken in your soul, and you will experience a real storm of emotions in relation to a specific person. However, you are not one of those people who boldly declare their ardent sympathies! Instead of taking steps towards getting closer to the object of your interest, you decide to dive into yourself and your sad thoughts. You will look for and find more and more new flaws in your appearance and character. In a word, your new romance will not start just because you deprive yourself of self-confidence!

The last month of winter will be the first month of your financial well-being and prosperity that you never dreamed of. Finally, there will be an opportunity to pamper yourself and afford what you previously did not have the money, effort and resources for, but be careful, as there is a chance to waste a lot of money.

New doors and opportunities for additional income will open before you. You can not only make your life brighter and more interesting, but also buy what you previously did not have enough time, energy and money for.

In addition, Aquarians will voluntarily want to help their relatives, do something interesting, bright and tempting for them, which they could not afford before. The main thing is to avoid chaotic and spontaneous purchases, which can lead to disappointment.

Aquarius Woman: Financial Horoscope for February 2020

Your material possibilities will become much wider. You can not only achieve what you want, but also do something interesting for yourself and pleasant for others. At the same time, you will not only be able to spend your savings, but also find new and unexpected sources of income. For example, you will be able to purchase rare and healthy oils, branded cosmetics that will make you brighter and more interesting to the opposite sex, allow yourself to change your usual image, making it bright and more colorful than before.

You will be happy with your changes, you will be able to earn more, and some Aquarians will receive a long-awaited promotion that they did not expect before.

It is for this reason that representatives of the sign should expand their horizons and not be afraid to make large purchases for themselves and for other people. This month it is better to spend money on helping loved ones, gifts for children, buying beautiful, expensive and stylish things, including precious metals, quality personal care, travel, travel and purchasing things that are needed for your hobby. However, beware of thoughtless spending, especially in the presence of other people. In a store, especially during sales, you can simply be confused.

Aquarius Man: Financial Horoscope for February 2020

Men should not skimp on hobbies or work. You can make a favorable impression on others if you create a bright image for yourself or purchase a couple of stylish accessories that will emphasize the originality of your image and style. For example, if you often perform on stage or engage in stage performances, then try to create a stylish and bright image. A new shirt, hat or leather bracelet will come in handy for your new, bright and interesting look.

You will be happy because you will be able to do something that you didn’t have the means to do before, but beware of deception and fraud, especially on the Internet. It is better to use cash than to lose it on dubious sites.