Carnation pinnate care and cultivation. Carnation pinnate: growing from seeds. Planting seedlings in open ground

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Many of you have probably noticed mold on flour products in your bread box. Unfortunately, at the sight of such a product, not everyone is in a hurry to get rid of it. Some owners cut off moldy areas from bread and eat it. You can’t do this, because this product can be harmful to health.

bread mold- This is a fungus that has a high resistance to irritants. Fungal spores have their own peculiarity, they multiply even on a concrete surface. With the penetration of spores into the intestines, into the mucous layers of the oral cavity, the respiratory tract, the pathogenic flora is quickly mastered.

What happens if you eat moldy bread

Given that the mucous membranes contain nutrients and a sufficient amount of moisture, the fungus quickly strengthens, creating problems for the immune system of the human body. After reproduction and increase in the number of colonies of the fungus in the body, the mold produces mycotoxins. It is a product of their life activity.

Mycotoxins have a toxic effect, which contributes to the intoxication and accumulation of toxins. The severity of intoxication depends on the characteristics of the human body.

Fungal spores penetrate to all organs of a person who has eaten a moldy bakery product:

  • oral cavity;
  • esophagus;
  • upper respiratory organs;
  • gastrointestinal system.
After the mold enters the intestines, it takes root on the remaining undigested products of digestion. When there is an active release of spores, the mold begins to irritate the intestinal mucosa. The result of this process is extensive inflammation.

Important! Doctors warn that swallowing a piece of moldy bread can trigger an outbreak of chronic bowel disease. To eliminate painful symptoms, it is necessary to get rid of mold colonies in the gastrointestinal tract.

If a person who has eaten moldy bread has a strong immune system, then he will not develop any disease.

A moldy product is considered especially dangerous, not only its use is prohibited, but also the inhalation of mold. Fungal infection is difficult to treat. Medicines aimed at combating moldy fungi are toxic and destroy not only pathogenic flora. The active components of antifungal drugs can harm healthy cells in the human body. Treatment of poisoning is carried out on an individual basis, based on the patient's condition.

Why is bread moldy

Looking at what mold looks like on bread under a microscope, it can be seen that the affected areas are filled with whole colonies of fungi. The preferred climate for reproduction of fungal spores is warm and humid. When the temperature regime exceeds twenty degrees, in such a room the bread becomes moldy quickly enough. Moldy bread loses nutrients. In 1 cu. m contains up to 18,000 spores, which indicates infection of the bakery product.

Why does bread mold quickly? There are several reasons due to which the necessary conditions are created for the appearance of mold on bread:

  1. 1. Wrong technology for making bread. Mold or a kind of white coating on bread forms a favorable environment. The most common reasons why mold grows in bread is a broken technology for preparing a bakery product and transportation.

    According to the classic recipe, the fermentation of the dough should occur for 10-12 hours. In order to reduce production costs, this process is reduced to 3.5 hours. This effect can be achieved with the help of chemical additives. The quality of finished products with chemical additives is much worse, although there are no visual differences.

  2. 2. Incorrect storage conditions. So that the bread mold does not take the hostess by surprise, it is necessary to monitor the microclimate of the breadbasket. The accumulation of moisture is prohibited, the container must be dry. To do this, many people use food vinegar. Under its influence, 99% of the spores that settle on the surface of the bread box are destroyed.
  3. 3. The presence of crumbs in the dough. Even if the pastry has an appetizing and unspoiled appearance, it can be stored for no more than 72 hours. After this time, the bakery product should not be consumed. This is due to the fact that manufacturers add ground crumbs of expired bread to the dough for a fresh product.

    If a crumb was added to the dough, then the bread crumbles after cutting. The fungal spore in such a product develops very quickly, forming a fluffy white coating on the bakery product.

Infected grain or flour cannot cause mold in baked goods, as high temperatures during cooking destroy all spores.

Important! The fungus infects only finished products, and the reproduction of mold begins only in damp rooms with poor ventilation.

Varieties of bread mold, why it is dangerous

The mold that has settled on bread is classified as a certain organism - fungi. The fungus is very dangerous for humans. If people think that by cutting off the crusts from the bread, which have mold, the rest of the product can be used, this opinion is erroneous. The health of a person who has eaten such bread is at risk, as the spore of the fungus spreads throughout the bakery product. The consequences can be dire.

Mold is found in human life, especially often it can be seen on bread. The color of the mold can be judged on its danger to the body.

  • pink mold on bread is considered the most harmless. Most often it can be found on grocery, bakery and vegetable residues.
  • black mold after penetration into the human body, it can provoke severe, intestinal intoxication.
  • green mold on bread after penetration into the body is capable of provoking poisoning of the second degree. Most often, intoxication occurs in the digestive and respiratory organs.
  • white mold contributes to the production of mycotoxins, which provoke an outbreak of respiratory diseases, allergic reactions, very rarely death. This is the most common type of mold.
  • yellow mold on bread, after penetration into the intestine, it produces aflatoxin, which leads to the development of an oncological process in the human body.
  • orange mold very toxic to the human body, in some cases in humans, after eating a bakery product with orange mold, the work of the kidneys and liver stops.
Scientists say that some types of mold still benefit people. For example, the fungus penicillum (penicil) is used in medicine, antibiotic medicines are produced from it. Mukor mold is no less useful - in China, soy cheese is made from it. Mucor fungus is used in the fight against rodents and insects.

What are the signs of intoxication?

Can you eat spoiled moldy bread? The unequivocal answer to this question is categorically impossible. Moldy bread of any shade of fungus is dangerous to human health. Mold entering the body can provoke intoxication with the following symptoms:
  • allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
  • bouts of suffocating, dry cough;
  • headaches with nausea;
  • skin rash with severe itching;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • excessive formation of gases, flatulence.

What to do if a person ate moldy bread

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited. First aid for mold poisoning is to drink plenty of water (warm). After that, you need to induce vomiting.

If a person accidentally ate moldy bread, you should seek qualified medical help (call an ambulance or visit your doctor). If necessary, the patient is hospitalized, where all the necessary cleansing manipulations will be carried out, namely:

  • gastric lavage;
  • taking drugs with a diuretic effect;
  • withdrawal of sorbents to combat allergic reactions;
  • restoration of water balance.
Expired bread is harmful to human health. It is especially dangerous if a child has eaten the mold. There are cases when, after eating a spoiled product, bouts of choking cough began, and sometimes anaphylactic shock.

Moldy bread is dangerous not only to eat, but also to breathe it. Fungal spore after penetration to the lungs does not provoke intoxication, but can cause fungal pneumonia, chronic damage to the respiratory system.

Proper storage of bread

How to properly store bread so that it does not get moldy? The use of mold is very harmful, so you should take a responsible attitude to the storage of bakery products.
  1. 1. How to store bread in bags. In the old days, bread was kept in a linen or linen towel. The modern world has long used plastic bags, which are a favorable environment for the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria.

    To destroy a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi on bread, it is required to make holes in the bags with a hole punch. This will help keep the product from spoiling quickly. In order not to get poisoned by bread, you can purchase special three-layer bags.

  2. 2. Storing bread in the refrigerator. Moldy food is dangerous, so some housewives prevent mold on bread by placing it in the refrigerator. Experts recommend keeping the bakery product in the freezer. Before serving the product to the table, it should be heated in the microwave.
  3. 3. Storage in a bakery. The bread box must be airtight, without extra holes. It is better to choose a bread box made of birch bark or juniper. These materials are natural antiseptics, so mold does not start in them.

    The place for the location of the breadbasket should be dry and well lit. It is recommended to wipe the bread box with vinegar solution every three days.

Whether bread goes bad or not depends on the amount of bakery products in the house. You do not need to stock up on this product for the future, it is better to buy fresh bread in small quantities every day.

Mold is a fungus that belongs to the mushroom family. Fungi survive by breaking down and absorbing nutrients from the material they grow on, such as bread.

The fluffy parts of mold you see on bread are spore colonies, which is how the fungus reproduces. Spores can move through the air inside the package and grow on other parts of the bread ().

This is what gives mold its color - white, yellow, green, gray or black, depending on the type of fungus.

However, you cannot tell the type of mold by color alone, as the color of the spots can change under different growing conditions and can fluctuate over the life cycle of the fungus ().

Types of mold that grow on bread include: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Mucor and Rhizopus. Moreover, there are many different types of each of these types of fungi ().


Mold is a fungus and its spores look like fluffy growths on bread. Many different types of mold can contaminate bread.

Don't eat mold on bread

Some forms are safe to eat, such as those specifically used to make blue cheese. However, fungi that can grow on bread give it an unpleasant odor and can be harmful to your health.

It's impossible to tell what mold is growing on your bread just by looking at it, so it's best to assume it's bad rather than eating it ().

Also, avoid the smell of moldy bread, as you can breathe in the spores of the fungus. If you are allergic to mold, inhalation can lead to breathing problems, including asthma ().

People who are allergic to inhaled mold may also experience harmful reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis, if ingested. Nevertheless, this happens quite rarely ( , , ).

Finally, people with weak immune systems – such as those with poorly controlled diabetes – are vulnerable to infection from inhalation. Rhizopus on bread. Although rare, this infection is potentially life-threatening ( , ).


Mold gives bread an unpleasant odor, can cause allergic reactions, and cause harmful infections, especially if you have a weak immune system. Therefore, you should never knowingly eat or smell it.

Don't try to save moldy bread

While you may only see a few spots of the fungus, its microscopic roots can quickly spread through porous bread. So don't try to scrape off the mold or salvage the leftover loaf.

Some molds can produce harmful and invisible poisons called mycotoxins. They can spread through bread, especially with strong mold growth ().

A high intake of mycotoxins can cause indigestion or other illnesses. These toxins can also make animals sick, so don't feed contaminated bread to your pets ( , , ).

In addition, mycotoxins can negatively impact your gut health, possibly by altering the composition of your gut microflora ( , ).

In addition, prolonged and severe exposure to some mycotoxins, including aflatoxin produced by some species Aspergillus, has been associated with an increased risk of cancer ( , , ).


USDA advises discarding the entire loaf of bread if it develops mold, as its roots can quickly spread in your bread. In addition, some types of fungi produce harmful toxins.

How to control mold growth on bread

The shelf life of preservative-free bread stored at room temperature is usually three to four days ().

Preservatives and other ingredients, as well as some bread processing and storage methods, can inhibit the growth of mold.

Ingredients That Suppress Mold

Mass-produced supermarket bread usually contains chemical preservatives, including calcium propionate and sorbic acid, which inhibit the growth of mold ( , ).

However, more and more people prefer more natural types of bread, that is, bread made without chemical preservatives ().

An alternative is to use lactic acid bacteria, which produce acids that naturally inhibit mold growth. Currently, they are most often used in sourdoughs ( , , ).

Vinegar and some spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, can also inhibit mold growth. However, spices can change the taste and aroma of bread, so their use for this purpose is limited ().

How to handle and store bread

Common mold spores generally do not survive baking, but bread can easily pick up spores from the air after baking - for example, during slicing and packaging ().

These spores can start growing under the right conditions, such as in a warm, humid kitchen.

To prevent mold from growing on bread, do the following ( , ):

  • Keep it dry. If you see visible moisture inside a bread bag, use a paper towel or clean cloth to dry the bag before sealing it. Moisture encourages mold growth.
  • Cover it. Keep the bread covered, for example when serving, to protect it from airborne spores. However, to avoid soggy bread and mold, do not package fresh bread until it has completely cooled.
  • Freeze it. While refrigeration slows mold growth, it also dries out the bread. Freezing bread stops growth without significantly changing the texture. Separate the slices with wax paper to make it easier to defrost only what you need.

Some breads are protected by special packaging instead of preservatives. For example, vacuum sealing removes oxygen, which is essential for mold growth. However, this bread is susceptible to contamination after opening the package ().


Chemical preservatives are commonly used to inhibit mold growth in bread. Without them, bread usually begins to mold within three to four days. Freezing bread prevents mold from growing.


  • You should not eat mold on bread or loaf with visible stains. Mold roots can quickly spread through bread even though you can't see them.
  • Eating moldy bread can make you feel sick, and inhaling spores can cause breathing problems if you're allergic to mold.
  • Try freezing the bread to prevent mold.

An unpleasant-looking greenish coating on the bread crumb or crust is a fairly common occurrence. According to the precepts of grandparents, bread cannot be thrown away. But in some cases it is necessary, and such a situation is just mold on a loaf. To find out the reason for such a "cruel" treatment of a bakery product, it is worth considering in more detail the features of a food fungus.

A little bit about mold on bread

Scientists-mycologists (fungi researchers) have more than 300 thousand species of mold fungus. Fortunately, only about a hundred of them are dangerous to humans.

All types of mold have the same structure - a root that goes deep into the product, branches or stems that are visible on the surface, and spores that rise into the air when ripe. Even if on the crust the fungus is visible only in one small area, then the whole crumb is already riddled with invisible roots, so the whole loaf is dangerous to health.

Invisible to the eye, black mold spores will continue to soar in the air

Toxic mold

Certain types of mold can cause an allergic reaction in the human body, provoke breathing problems, and even lead to severe poisoning. Of course, in order to feel the serious consequences of eating a product infected with a fungus, you need to eat a lot of it at a time or take inside food with mold, which is especially dangerous to health. It is worth noting that the frequent use of food affected by the fungus also sooner or later leads to sad consequences.

Dangerous mold is made by the mycotoxins contained in it, which can accumulate in the liver and gradually lead to dangerous diseases. And if an adult feels only the classic signs of food poisoning: nausea, vomiting, sharp pains in the abdomen, etc., then even a small dose of toxic mold can be fatal for a child.

Interestingly, aflatoxins are dangerous even if they were eaten by a cow or goat, from which milk or meat is obtained. Such meat and dairy products are already contaminated with mold poison. It is unlikely that anyone will specifically determine the content of aflatoxins in milk and meat, so their possible presence remains entirely on the conscience of the owners of cattle and small cattle.

Mold-infected cows give milk with a fungus, and even pasteurization does not get rid of mold, because it is not afraid of high temperatures.

non-toxic mold

This mold is grown under special technological conditions and is used for the preparation of elite products. So, gray rot is used in the creation of expensive wines, blue rot helps to ripen marble cheeses, as well as Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Stilton. The peculiar taste of Brie and Camembert is given by white mold.

To determine how dangerous the fungus is on bread, color will help. The most dangerous are black and gray types of fungus, which can even provoke cancer. However, we recall that sometimes the mold is not visible at all on the surface of the bread, but its roots are already present inside. Therefore, if you feel the taste of a fungus on your tongue, you should immediately spit out the bitten off piece, and throw out the whole loaf!

Non-toxic mold allows you to make elite types of cheese

Causes of mold

A fungus is a form of life that can exist even in the most difficult conditions. Invisible to us microscopic spores fly in the air, waiting for a suitable place to plant and reproduce. The ideal conditions for the existence of mold are warmth and dampness. That is why the moist and friable pulp of bread is in particular danger. The main causes of mold contamination of bakery products are:

  • unsanitary conditions - quite often bread is baked in basement bakeries (rent here is much cheaper). Dampness in such a room cannot be quickly removed, just like mold. Therefore, the fungus easily settles on bread, poisoning us with invisible spores. To avoid poisoning with such a loaf, purchase bakery products at kiosks selling products directly from bakeries;
  • non-compliance with baking standards - in the USSR, bread came up within 4–5 hours, which then made it possible for it to be completely baked. In modern technologies, additives are sometimes used that speed up the process up to 50 minutes (sodium thiosulfate, special enzymes - xylanase and amylase, L-cysteine, calcium acetate). Due to the use of these substances, the inside of the loaf becomes moist and porous, which makes it an ideal "nursery" for mold. The danger of such bread is that you can’t determine the appearance and taste of mold, but inside it is already there. The indication on the packaging of a specific GOST indicates that these additives at least do not exceed the norm, but if instead of the state standard, the preparation is regulated by TU (technical conditions), such substances may be present in an unregulated amount.

    If you want to know the exact composition of the product, try to find the specified GOST or TU on the Internet and study them. To assess the quality of the applied baking technology “by eye”, look at the crust - it should be without traces of flour, bubbles, cracks and tears. Their presence indicates non-compliance with the norms of making bread. In addition, pay attention to the price tag - they can write “hot” on it, and the shelf life of quick proofing bread does not exceed 3 days;

  • undercooked - if the crumb remains raw, it becomes fertile ground for the reproduction of the fungus, especially if the loaf is sold wrapped in cellophane. It is very easy to check the degree of readiness of the crumb - when pressed with a finger, a dent on half-baked bread remains, and on baked bread it immediately disappears;
  • adding old bread to the dough - a loaf crushed into the smallest crumb, being added to fresh dough, brings with it the mold spores contained in it. It is impossible to identify a loaf with such additives due to the fact that crushed particles form a completely homogeneous mass with the main dough. In addition, according to GOST, it is permissible to add up to 10% of bread leftovers to a loaf, however, they must be of high quality and, of course, unspoiled. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous bakers completely ignore this condition, and as a result we have poisonous bread on the kitchen table.

  • In modern bakeries for the manufacture of bread, additives are often used that speed up the baking process and contribute to the appearance of mold in the finished product.

    What is the danger of bread mold poisoning

  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the head and abdomen;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • flatulence and/or diarrhea.
  • If you inhale a large amount of mold spores, the respiratory organs are primarily affected, so the victim may:

  • cough a lot;
  • feel chest pain and nasal congestion;
  • suffer from shortness of breath;
  • breathe with wheezing and wheezing.
  • Severe forms of such poisoning can be pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

    At one time, when my husband and I were still living with his parents, I endured many battles with my mother-in-law over bread. According to the mother of the spouse, a woman of the old school, throwing out moldy bread is a terrible sin. It should simply be cut off and put on the dining table for further eating. I, as a big fan of programs about a healthy lifestyle, was already aware of the dangers of mold and secretly threw out bread with a fungus. In turn, the mother-in-law noticed this and decided that she would dry the spoiled loaf on crackers or feed it to pigeons. When the father-in-laws went to live in the country in the summer, I found such “gifts” with greenery and threw them away so that the bird population would not decrease.

    The causative agents of aspergillosis of the lungs are fungi of the genus Aspergillus.

    What to do if you still ate moldy bread

    If you accidentally ate bread contaminated with mold, you should immediately begin to cleanse the body. For this you should:

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a finger or a spoon handle.
  • Drink as much liquid as possible, preferably pure water, so that mycotoxins do not accumulate in the kidneys.
  • Take according to the instructions preparations for restoring water and electrolyte balance - Hydrovit, Regidron.
  • Drink an absorbent preparation (Activated charcoal, White charcoal, Enterosgel, etc.) according to the instructions for use.

    Important! If vomiting occurs immediately after taking the medicine, you need to drink it again.

  • The calculation of the dosage of activated carbon is carried out in different ways: an adult should drink the medicine according to the scheme 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight, a child - 1 tablet for every 15 kg. But a pregnant woman should take a tablet less than necessary according to the indicated scheme, since the weight of the fetus should not be taken into account, and an overdose can cause constipation.

    Important! Loperamide is not a cure for acute poisoning!

    In acute mold poisoning, drink sorbents, not Loperamide

    If the condition does not improve after first aid, an ambulance should be called. But even with the improvement that has come, it is still better to contact the clinic. A competent doctor will give a referral for a blood test that reveals specific immunoglobulins that appear when mold poisoning occurs. In some cases, based on research, additional treatment is prescribed, which may include:

  • gastric lavage;
  • preparations for cleansing the body of mycotoxins, if the diagnosis revealed chronic mold poisoning. In this case, antifungal drugs are prescribed (Nystatin, Miconazole, Micafungin, Griseofulvin);
  • means for restoring the intestinal microflora - probiotics or prebiotics used in the event of dysbacteriosis after poisoning. Their main task is to restore the population of beneficial microbes that were replaced by pathogens during mold poisoning, or to promote their growth;
  • medicines to restore the functioning of the affected internal organs;
  • multivitamins needed to restore the balance of nutrients removed during the cleansing of the stomach.
  • Probiotics are pharmaceutical preparations containing cultures of beneficial live bacteria (Acilact, Probifor, Bifidumbacterin). Prebiotics - food and drugs that contribute to the emergence of a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine (sour-milk products, bread kvass, brewer's yeast, soaked apples, pharmaceutical products - Lactofiltrum, Prelax, Inulin, Dufalac).

    Features of the treatment of the child

    If your little one has eaten moldy bread and is showing signs of food poisoning, the first thing to do is gastric lavage. For this, the child is asked to drink about 2 glasses of warm boiled water and induce vomiting. This is contraindicated for children under the age of one year and who have lost consciousness. In these cases, you should immediately call an ambulance!

    If the child vomits, gastric lavage, of course, is not necessary. In this case, dehydration should be prevented by giving the baby a solution of Regidron, a 5% glucose solution, compote, fruit drink, sweet, weak tea. After gastric lavage or vomiting, the child is given adsorbent drugs that are allowed at his age - Enterosgel, Microsorb, Smektu, Activated charcoal. If you vomit immediately after taking them, you need to drink the medicine again. The further course of therapy should be determined by the attending physician.

    For a child, mold poisoning can be fatal

    Features of therapy for pregnant women

    To remove toxins, it is very desirable to take enterosorbents - Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Activated carbon. The last medicine can be taken only if you do not have ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. If an attack of vomiting occurred immediately after using the sorbent, the medication should be repeated. Even with mild poisoning, it is better to consult a doctor. If the symptoms do not disappear within two to three hours or even increase in intensity, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    In case of mold poisoning during pregnancy, vomiting - if there is no nausea - should not be caused, because stomach cramps can provoke premature birth. To avoid dehydration of the body, inevitable during intoxication, as mentioned above, poisoned people need to drink water (non-carbonated!), Preferably artesian, and take Regidron or Hydrovit.

    Important! If a pregnant woman has kidney problems, a large amount of liquid can aggravate them, so you need to drink often, but a little bit, including so as not to induce vomiting (a tablespoon every couple of minutes).

    According to the instructions, the amount of solution drunk in the first 8-10 hours after mold poisoning should be 2 times the weight loss during the cleansing of the stomach, that is, after losing 300 g of weight, you need to drink 600 ml of this useful liquid. In general, the average daily dose should be between 30 and 60 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Regidron or Hydrovit must be drunk after each bout of vomiting or diarrhea, but also in small quantities.

    Which begins with the advent of heat in the spring and before the first frost in the fall. Graceful and strict, simple, single-color and multi-color flowers are comfortably located in flowerbeds and alpine slides. Each plant needs a special approach. When creating compositions, certain flowers are selected. Among them, a large detachment of carnations deserves attention, universal in application and perfectly suitable for use in landscape design.

    A beauty from the Mediterranean

    Carnation garden perennial - a herbaceous plant, characterized by a unique aroma and flowering. Many species make up this order. Among them, one can distinguish pinnate carnation, grass, sandy, lush grayish-blue, etc. The knotty stem of these representatives of the flora has a light gray or blue color. Elongated paired leaves are distributed along the entire length of the stem, reaching a height of forty to sixty centimeters. They form bushes with an underdeveloped root system, the depth of which reaches from ten to twenty centimeters.

    Flowers deserve special mention. Depending on the variety, they can be different in shape and color, and also consist of a single or several rows of petals that have dissected or smooth oval edges. The corolla of the carnation is five-petalled. Small or large inflorescences also differ in the length of the peduncle. A terry flower looks very impressive. Carnation garden has a multi-colored bright color, and the inflorescences can be single-color or multi-color. Pastel delicate colors predominate, while the color spectrum is quite large. Most often it is bright red, pink and white tones. However, purple and yellow are no exception. Multi-color inflorescences are especially spectacular.

    In autumn, the plants form seed pods filled with seeds. Carnation garden has many different types and varieties with distinctive characteristics. Each of them has its own amazing features.

    Carnation pinnate (terry)

    If you need to create a green carpet in a flower arrangement, you will not find a better plant. An amazing perennial has the ability to grow, while forming bushes that fill the necessary spaces of the flower garden like a carpet. This is the feathery garden carnation. On stems reaching a height of thirty to forty centimeters, numerous bright inflorescences with a delicate aroma are piled up.

    Flowering occurs in May-July, September. Cirrus carnation flowers are most often pink, red, crimson, or white. Terry varieties "Alba", "Desdemona", "Romance" and "Pomegranate" are especially beautiful. You should also pay attention to remontant and dwarf forms. These plants are quite unpretentious, have good winter-hardy qualities.

    Ground cover flower forms

    Carnation garden grass is a beautifully flowering perennial. Perfect for alpine slides, low curb compositions. Low-growing stems of flowers reach from ten to thirty centimeters. The small leaves are dark green in color. Grass looks very impressive during flowering. This is a fantastic natural carpet of bright colors, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. They are single-colored or multi-colored with bright red, pink or white color. Grass is an unpretentious plant. A distinctive characteristic of this species is good drought resistance and winter hardiness. The plant does not require shelter for the winter. For flower beds and flower beds, sandy poor soils are taken away. Plants do not tolerate waterlogging at all. The first buds appear in early June. Flowering will delight until the onset of autumn. In autumn, gray-brown boxes filled with small black seeds ripen, which are used for sowing in open ground or for growing seedlings in the next season. The life expectancy of a perennial is four to six years.

    Carnation garden grass will always be a decoration of the garden. Each variety is good in its own way. Surprisingly decorative grass "Confetti-Mix". Small ground cover plants bloom in June. Carved flower petals have a two-tone color. The bright white edges of the flower have a violet-purple center.

    Carnation sandy

    This is a miniature rather unpretentious plant. Very beautiful flowers, having a pinnate-fringed shape. The stems reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. Bushes easily tolerate transplantation. Pleases with flowering in July-August.

    Arrangement of flowers in the garden

    When planting a garden carnation, regardless of the variety, several features must be taken into account. A thermophilic plant will require good sunlight. Plots for growing these flowers are allotted in open areas of the garden. Sufficient lighting is an indispensable condition for long flowering. Garden carnation is not capricious and easy to care for, not demanding on soil fertility.

    Areas with light, moisture-permeable soil with low acidity are perfect. Most of the varieties have good drought-resistant and frost-resistant qualities. In winter, plants do not require shelter. Planting a garden carnation is done by pre-grown seedlings or by sowing seeds that are collected after flowering in the autumn. In early spring, the plots allotted for sowing seeds are preliminarily prepared. The soil is treated with a garden rake. Sowing areas are marked with sand and seeds are sown. Sowing should not be sparse.

    Flower garden care

    An unpretentious perennial garden carnation, the care of which is quite simple. The luxurious appearance, combined with the availability of cultivation, makes plants of this type popular with gardeners, flower growers and landscape designers. In the spring, they plan the placement of plants and start sowing seeds or planting pre-grown seedlings. Last year's plantings are checked, dried plant stems are removed.

    Care consists in loosening the soil and regular watering, during which water should not fall on the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. It must be moderate. Overmoistening of the soil is unacceptable. Incorrect moisture regime of flowers can cause the development of diseases and damage to plants.

    An important agrotechnical measure is top dressing, which will allow you to achieve the most favorable conditions under which the plants will develop well and delight with long-term high-quality flowering. Cultivation of garden carnation provides for several terms of fertilization. The first top dressing occurs in the spring. This is the time of bud formation. Flowers will be bright and numerous when applying special complex fertilizers for flowering plants. During the period of formation of inflorescences and blooming of flowers, it is necessary to make the following fertilization. It should be noted that fresh manure and chlorine-containing potash fertilizers cannot be used as flower dressings. Their use is not allowed. Flowering stops in autumn. Flowerbeds and flower beds are inspected. Shorten the stems of plants and cut off dried inflorescences and seed pods. The garden carnation hibernates without special shelter. Care and warming for the winter is not required.

    Diseases and pests

    Like any culture, garden carnation requires preventive measures to ensure normal growth. The main pests include: nematodes, thrips, Medvedka. The fight against them is the use of chemicals. When spraying plants, strictly follow the instructions indicated on the preparations.

    Viral diseases such as fusarium, alternariosis, rust and mottling are dangerous for flowers of this species. The affected plant loses its attractiveness and even dies. The manifestations of these diseases are similar. Brown spots or a bluish bloom appear on the leaves and stems. In addition to the listed diseases, the garden carnation is affected by the fungus. Care with proper moistening and regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, restriction of nitrogenous and the use of an aqueous solution of basic mineral fertilizers will help reduce the likelihood of disease. A high level of agrotechnical measures in combination with regular top dressing significantly reduces the level of infection by infectious diseases.


    The layout and creation of flower arrangements provides for a certain amount of planting material. First, you should plan the areas where the perennial garden carnation will be planted. Propagation involves sowing seeds directly into open ground or growing the required amount of planting material in closed ground conditions, as well as a vegetative method for obtaining seedlings.

    Getting planting material

    Growing garden carnations in seedlings is considered more reliable and often used, allowing you to get enough quality planting material of the selected variety in the right amount. In closed ground conditions, plastic containers are used. Also, seeds are sown in greenhouses or spring greenhouses. To determine the required number of seedlings, flower beds are planned where perennial garden carnations will be planted. Reproduction involves obtaining seedlings of a certain variety of flowers by sowing pre-prepared seeds. Sowing begins at the end of January. Carnation seeds for preventive purposes are subjected to pre-sowing treatment. They are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The boxes are filled with a light soil mixture, which includes:

    • one part of peat;
    • three parts of sand;
    • two parts of sod land;
    • two parts compost.

    The soil before sowing is calcined or shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seed is laid out in grooves so that future shoots are not thickened. After that, the soil is leveled and slightly compacted and moistened. Containers are placed in places with an air temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots appear a week after the garden carnation was sown. Seedling care requires compliance with light and temperature conditions. The light regime can be provided by the use of fluorescent lamps. In case of violation, the plants will be weak, which will affect the quality of planting material.

    In the phase of two true leaves, the plants are seated in separate containers or in containers, making plantings rather sparse. Further care for seedlings is moderate watering. At the same time waterlogging of the soil is not allowed. Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants is also necessary. Seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground in a permanent place in late May or early June.

    Vegetative method of obtaining planting material

    In addition to the seedling method, propagation of garden carnations is possible by cuttings and layering. Planting material for rooting is harvested in late May or early June. The stem of a perennial plant is cut off above the node and all lower leaves are removed. The cuttings are placed in the substrate and moistened. The root system will appear in two to three weeks.

    Plant species with long stems are propagated by layering. They make small incisions in the lower part of the internodes. Prepared stems are fixed with staples at ground level. Layers are sprinkled with earth and moistened. A root system is formed at the incision site. After their formation, the layers are separated from the main plant and used as planting material in a new place. All varieties of grass are easily propagated by dividing the bush.

    Carnation- a flower elegant and with a wonderful aroma. They have been known to mankind since ancient times and were once called the Flower of Zeus.

    Despite the fact that history often associates this flower with rather bloody military events, it is adored by both breeders and amateur flower growers. Variety of species plants provide them with a vast field of activity.

    carnation pinnate

    carnations, growing in nature, can most often be found in dry and bright areas. It can be meadows, talus, slopes of ravines and mountains.

    When planting plants on flower beds, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural conditions for them. They do not like stagnant water, but they tolerate drought well.

    in the soil there must be sand, otherwise the plant will lack silicon, and its stems will be brittle. Carnation cirrus is classified as a wild plant.

    She is a perennial and is able to tolerate the winter cold well. Grows up to about 35 cm tall. She has oblong-linear leaves, which are located on creeping stems, straight lines depart from it, on which single flowers grow. The diameter of a developed flower is usually 3 cm.

    carnation pinnate It is presented in a large variety of varieties, here are some of them:

    • Scottish terry- height 40 cm, color may be different, the most famous is Menjesti - a beauty with white fragrant flowers;
    • remontant form, growing up to 25 cm in height, flowering takes place in June and repeats in August, double and semi-double flowers;
    • dwarf pinnate carnation(D. plumariusnanus) is a showy compact plant up to 15 cm tall.

    The most common are considered such varieties, as Alba with white flowers Desdemona- dark pink, carmine flowers (Pomegranate).

    carnation blossom lasts more than a month, the beginning falls on the end of May, in rare cases in June. Remontant varieties may bloom again by autumn.

    For hybrid forms carnation colors vary from pure white to pink and carmine. The flowers themselves are both simple and double, they emit a rather pleasant fragrant aroma.

    Carnation propagation

    Plant propagation mainly carried out by growing from seed. Another way is vegetative.

    Sowing seeds can be carried out at home - for them you can arrange seedling boxes or sow directly into the ground. When examining the seeds under a magnifying glass, it can be noted that their size is quite large, the surface is very uneven.

    seed germination

    For sowing seeds the earth is being prepared. Turf land and peat are measured equally, a slightly smaller amount of river sand is added to them. Everything is mixed until smooth and distributed into containers.

    The earth needs to be watered, then sow the seeds and lightly sprinkle them with sand. From above, everything is covered with a film. The optimum temperature for germination is 18 degrees Celsius.

    When shoots appear, the container should be moved to a room with a temperature of about 12 degrees or create such conditions in the place where the crops are located.

    Lighting should be good - if it is not enough, you will have to illuminate the sprouts with a fitolamp. With an insufficient amount of light, watering is reduced as much as possible, otherwise there is a danger of the so-called “black leg” appearing on the seedlings.

    Seedlings after sowing appear in a matter of days. On the sixth or seventh day, you can already notice their appearance. If seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, you can dive them into boxes.

    Dive produced after two true leaves appear on the seedlings. An earthen mixture for diving is prepared in the same way as for landing. About a month after sowing, the plants dive into separate containers; when planting, you should try not to deepen the root neck.

    When the fifth leaf appears on the seedlings, the growth point should pinch. In the second half of April, they begin to harden the carnation, taking it out to a place without strong drafts, where there is a lot of air.

    Most easy way for propagation of carnations next. In the fall, after the plants have dried, the seed boxes are collected, and in the spring they are sown in a garden bed to a depth of 2 cm. Then proceed in the same way as in the case described above.

    carnation blossom, after sowing seeds in the ground, begins in about four months.

    planting seedlings

    Should not be planted cloves pinnate too densely. The distance between plants is best kept about 35 cm.

    This is necessary because soon after planting, the flower forms around itself a kind of cushion of stems and leaves that covers the soil.

    Carnation pinnate it is better to grow on sandy, loamy soils. A place for growing should be chosen well-lit. For fertilizer, it is better to use humus.

    Great decorative effect obtained by placing carnations on the lawn in the form of spots. Carnation remontant forms may not stop flowering throughout the summer.

    You can also learn more about planting and caring for,.

    And for the curious, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about the feathery carnation