Hackers leaked photos of naked Kovalchuk to the network. Photo Yulia Kovalchuk uncut selfie Yulia Kovalchuk hackers

In the photos, the 34-year-old singer, who previously performed in the "Brilliant", poses completely naked in front of a mirror. Many netizens note that Yulia Kovalchuk is currently in excellent physical shape.

Candid photos of hackers posted on the page of the popular singer Vlad Sokolovsky. The performer subsequently tried to justify himself in his video message. "Yes, we learned a lot of new things today. What can I say. Lyokha didn't pay me for this. In general, everything is in order. I don't even know how to comment on this. Our friends are in great shape. Of course. This is a complete f*** that they are hacking into accounts," Sokolovsky said.

It is worth noting that the photos appeared on Sokolovsky's page on the day of the tragedy in St. Petersburg. "Sorry, dear colleagues, that this was done through my account, but as you all understand, no one is immune from this ... even on such a day ...! Request to fellow artists, repost this video, because from me 10,000 people unsubscribed in 2 hours, let them know that everything is ok. A bad day for such antics, nothing is sacred ... "- the singer wrote on his page.

In August 2013, it became known that the phone of the pop star's husband, Alexei Chumakov, was hacked by unknown hackers. Among the photos, the attackers also found pictures of an intimate nature with the participation of the singer and his wife. Despite threats to publish naughty images, the star couple refused to "buy" an intimate photo from the hackers.

(former soloist of the group "Brilliant"). This picture was taken by Julia herself. The picture clearly shows that Yulia Kovalchuk photographs her reflection simultaneously in two mirrors, thereby demonstrating her lovely figure.

Selfie Yulia Kovalchuk uncensored

The history of phone hacking is not at all a novelty. Hackers get into gadgets, e-mail, into the virtual cloud of stars from time to time and candid selfies often appear on the Internet, far from being for general viewing. Artists often tour other cities and are far from their halves, which is why they are forced to take candid nude photos, as Yulia Kovalchuk did for example.

Naked Julia Kovalchuk without squares

Julia Kovalchuk at the time of photographing herself in the bathroom, stood naked in front of the mirror. As you can see in the photo, Julia has a great figure. A good angle was chosen so that the photo turned out in three dimensions. Journalists believe that the phone was hacked by the same hackers as three years ago. Then they hacked the phone of Alexei Chumakov and tried to blackmail him. Selfie Yulia Kovalchuk actively discussed in social networks. Most consider Yulia to be quite attractive and in great shape.

Original selfie in the bathroom Julia Kovalchuk

Reportedly photograph by Yulia Kovalchuk already visited all social networks. Hundreds of thousands of people are already watching the naked Kovalchuk. Recall that recently appeared on the network spicy videos featuring Elina Kamiren, Alena Vodonaeva stood up for her, saying that every normal girl has a video of such a plan. But not all girls are interested in hackers and hack their phones.

Sexy photos of Yulia Kovalchuk

Julia Kovalchuk in Playboy magazine

Published on 25.11.16 08:57

A PHOTO of naked Yulia Kovalchuk in the bathroom was appreciated by Volochkova and Comedy Club resident Roman Yunusov.

PHOTO of naked Yulia Kovalchuk commented on Russian celebrities

The infamous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova spoke about the singer Yulia Kovalchuk published on the Web. According to the dancer, she has repeatedly found herself in such unpleasant situations.

“Of course, it’s not very nice when your intimate pictures become public. But Julia has a great athletic body that she can be proud of. She takes care of herself, so this intcbatch the picture should become a guide and a standard for everyone who is working on their figure, "Dni.ru quotes the ballerina.

Volochkova noted that her pictures were "also stolen", but the artist is philosophical about this.

“It means that we are interesting and needed by people, since there is such an interest in our body. For example, I should appear somewhere in a bathing suit, as all the lenses are directed at me. And then yellow headlines appear like: “Volochkova arranged a striptease on the beach ", - sure celebrity.

In turn, 36-year-old comedian Roman Yunusov, who became a victim of hackers two years ago, advised Kovalchuk to remain calm and enjoy the moment.

“I just enjoyed the discussion process. If the photos are beautiful, just let them enjoy the discussion,” the Comedy Club Life resident quotes.

— Maxim Kazansky (@mkazanskiy)

Hackers periodically hack into the gadgets of the stars and leak their candid selfies, taken exclusively for personal use, to the Internet. It is known that artists often go on tour and their whole life consists of parting with the second half, so celebrities often arrange nude photo shoots to strengthen relationships in marriage.


The new victim of the unknown was Yulia Kovalchuk, whose "shameful" photo was published by the site Life.ru, indicating "social networks" as the source of the picture. The singer took a selfie, standing at the mirror, so you can see in front of the star, and her ass in the reflection. Probably, Julia made such a highly artistic image for her husband Alexei Chumakov. Now the singer's fans also got the opportunity to appreciate her undisguised charms.

According to reporters, this picture may be from a stolen batch of photos from Chumakov's phone. The artist's gadget was hacked by hackers in August 2013. Alexey and Yulia sent each other hot selfies during the tour. The thieves asked Chumakov for money. The singer did not succumb to blackmail, which is why, perhaps, the hackers put the photo of naked Kovalchuk on public display.

By the way, many still have not forgotten her husband Sergei Tarzan Glushko, stolen by ruthless and cynical hackers. For a long time, the singer sued correspondents who savored every picture and video in articles.

Internet users also remember what he did in the bathroom for his beloved woman, and as a result sparkled his dignity throughout the country.

For foreigners, the periodic release of such photos of celebrities to the press is completely put on the conveyor. Some time ago, unknown people published on the Web personal pictures of a dozen American actresses, singers and athletes, which became the subject of heated discussion on the Internet. the bride of Ukrainian heavyweight boxer Wladimir Klitschko Hayden Panettiere, Canadian singer Avril Lavigne, as well as Hollywood actresses Emma Stone, Vanessa Hudgens, Mary-Kate Olsen and others.