Walking barefoot in a dream: in mud, in water, on earth. Dream interpretation. Seeing yourself in a dream barefoot why

why dream of walking barefoot down the street

1. why dream of walking barefoot down the street?

My beloved and I walked for a long time, while there are good and warm days outside. We walked along the old streets of the city, sat on a bench in the park, admired the sunset. Happy and tired, we returned home. His head was a little dizzy from the excess of fresh air. After a snack and hot tea, I immediately wanted to lie down and take a nap.

While I was dozing, my beloved played the console and was in a cheerful mood. Meanwhile, I had a dream where I walk the streets of the city, but not mine. The city was ancient, the streets are very beautiful and neat. But she walked barefoot. I was walking barefoot through the narrow streets, when suddenly the avenue turned into a water surface. I kept walking. As soon as I thought it was unusual to walk barefoot on the water in a dream, my path changed into a road. I didn't know where the road was leading me. The dream was broken. I woke up from the joyful cries of my husband, who won some round in the game.

  • Walking barefoot down the street in a dream is a chore, a fuss. It can also be pleasant chores associated with changes in life. A person should be more attentive to what they say. Do not succumb to provocations and do not listen to gossip, otherwise there will be a risk of ruining your reputation. Or be involved in a dubious case.
  • A dream of walking through the streets with bare feet speaks of the imminent deliverance from serious problems, the completion of long and unpleasant deeds.
  • Walking barefoot - to quickly buy a house or car, to improve your financial situation.
  • To see such a dream for a woman - to changes in intimate life, relations with her husband will be trusting and very close.

2. why dream of walking barefoot down the street?

(description by day of the week)

  • If you saw yourself coming walk the streets barefoot on the night from Monday to Tuesday , then such a dream speaks of the upcoming road, of the trip.
  • Dream on Wednesday night - it is worth taking a closer look at new friends, they can deceive.
  • See a barefoot walk across streets on Thursday night Don't trust people who don't deserve it.
  • Walk barefoot in a dream from Thursday to Friday - discord with the second half is possible.
  • Friday to Saturday - do not make unnecessary purchases.
  • see yourself walking barefoot through the streets on Sunday night - there will be peace.
  • On Monday night Troubles can arise in life.

3. why dream of walking barefoot on water?

In a dream, I was surprised at how easily and simply I walked on water. It turned out that walking on the water barefoot in a dream means that soon you need to gain knowledge that will help you in life. If a person doubted something for a long time, after such a dream he will definitely make the right decision. Seeing yourself walking on water means gaining success in business, good luck will accompany you. It is also a sign that the dreamer has an easy and pleasant character, a good heart, he has many friends. Walking barefoot on the water - a pleasant event, a surprise, good news will happen. Seeing yourself walking on water means forgetting about the difficulties in life, being rebellious to the forces of evil. A person will be able to easily pass any life tests and remain a winner.

4. why dream of walking barefoot on the road?

To see how you walk barefoot on the road means you will be proud of yourself. This is a symbol of gaining confidence in one's strengths and desires. All problems will be easily solved. After all, the road is smooth and long, which means that the dreamer's life will be long, quiet and smooth. He will succeed in everything. If a young woman saw such a dream, she is provided with signs of attention from men. Walking barefoot along the road in a dream - all cherished desires will come true. The financial situation of the dreamer may improve, additional profit will appear. If at the same time you feel warm under your feet, you will be healthy for many years. And if you freeze, you can soon get sick. Another such dream predicts a heart-to-heart talk with a close friend, or parents. You will be able to express yourself, it will become easy and warm for you.

5. an anecdote in Temko.))

Conversation between two friends:

Why do you love Irin's summer?
- Summer Lucy is barefoot on water. This is walking all night in the cold, and then squinting at dawn. Summer - it's free to sleep naked, it's on the roof to stare at the stars. This is when a friend comes “hello, let's go eat ice cream?”, And in response, “let's go” and a smile from ear to ear. In summer, everything is possible. What are you for?
- For the fact that the blanket does not need to be tucked into the duvet cover.

Did you happen to walk barefoot in a dream? In reality, open your soul to someone. Why else dream of such a vision? Depending on various details, it can promise health or poverty, satisfaction or dishonor. Popular dream books will help to understand this image.

Opinion of Medea's dream book

To begin the interpretation of sleep, the dream book advises on the main detail. To be barefoot in a dream literally means to be in unity with the universe and nature. A more accurate answer will be given by personal feelings and features of the surface on which it happened to walk barefoot.

Pleasant sensations from the contact of the feet with the ground promise prosperity in all areas of life. Unpleasant ones indicate mistakes, bad luck and failure. If you dreamed that you were barefoot due to the loss of shoes, then in real life you will experience uncertainty.

What does the plot mean according to the dream book of N. and D. Winters

Why dream that you had to walk barefoot and experience extreme discomfort at the same time? You are clearly not fully confident in your own abilities, and life is filled with problems and difficulties. If you do not pull yourself together and do not sort out personal fears, then you will remain on the sidelines.

Had a dream that walking barefoot brings joy and pleasure? Whatever you undertake now, in everything you will gain absolute success.

Interpretation of the eastern female dream book

Why dream that you had to walk barefoot along a marvelous beach or sea coast? Dream Interpretation guarantees the successful completion of any undertaking.

To see that traces of bare feet remain on the sand - to earthly glory and real triumph. Alas, such a joyful event for you will last a very short time. For women, the same dream promises the sudden attention of several men at once.

Interpretation from other dream books

Miller's Interpreter assures that walking barefoot, especially if in a dream you were in equal clothes, is bad. This is a sign of serious losses in various areas of life. Moreover, some unknown force will constantly harm and interfere with you.

Dream Interpretation of Dr. Freud insists: walking barefoot in a dream means that you are not afraid to openly show your own feelings. And this quality helps to build especially trusting and harmonious relationships with others.

Collection of dream books offers another solution. Walking barefoot in a dream - to the loss of a friend, his own illness and lack of money. If you dreamed that you were walking barefoot, and even at night, then your plan would not come true, and strange, truly mystical failures would fall upon you.

Islamic dream book believes that walking barefoot is especially good in a dream for a believer. This is a sign that all his troubles will soon stop. But for non-believers, being without shoes is worse. In reality, you will part with your loved one and lose support.

In a dream, walk barefoot on the ground, grass

Why dream that you had to walk barefoot on warm, fertile land? This image promises health and pleasure. If you happen to see dry and rocky areas, then trouble and illness are coming.

Did you dream of walking without shoes on the grass? In a dream, she promises a successful marriage that will bring wealth and happiness. Walking on a lawn with green grass - the need to use a sober calculation.

Why dream of walking barefoot in the snow, through mud, through puddles

Did you dream that you were walking barefoot in the snow? There comes a period of lack of money. If the snow was dark and melted, then gossip will hurt.

It is even worse in a dream to walk without shoes in the mud. Dirty rumors are spread by a very close person or friend. Walking through the mud for the farmer - to a lean year, for everyone else - to disappointment and sadness.

Did you happen to walk barefoot through warm puddles in a dream? Find solace in the little joys of life. If the puddles were muddy, then the next couple of days you will be haunted by mystical troubles.

What does it mean to walk barefoot through the streets, asphalt, floor

Why dream that you had to walk barefoot through the streets? You will lose hope and worry a lot. A deserted dark street and a dirty pavement warn of a minor illness.

Did you dream that you were walking barefoot on fresh asphalt, leaving footprints? In this situation, you will be able to show yourself in a non-trivial way, which will earn you respect. Walking on dirty asphalt promises frustration and disappointment.

Walking on a clean floor - to good luck and stability, on wet - on the contrary, to their loss. If the floor was dirty, then you obviously started things.

Walking barefoot in a dream - examples of plots

Why is this story dreaming? For the correct interpretation of sleep, special attention should be paid to the quality of the surface and personal emotions.

  • around the room - disappointment, deceit
  • on linoleum - a bad deed
  • on the red carpet - success, triumph, concession
  • on cement - an attempt to change the situation
  • on parquet - building a house
  • on the dirty floor - bad changes
  • wet - quarrel, separation
  • dew - cold
  • for the sick - healing through communication with nature
  • on green grass - inspiration, health
  • dry - hard work
  • along a dirty street - impoverishment
  • see dirt on your feet - profit
  • blood - make a blood enemy

Did you dream that you walked barefoot and experienced obvious pleasure from this? You are an open person who is respected and appreciated by others.

Interpretation of sleep barefoot (walking, running, etc.) in Miller's dream book

Running barefoot is a joy if you experienced this joy and lightness during sleep.

If the surface you walked on was not safe, and you walked barefoot carefully, you will achieve your goal, despite any circumstances. Your determination causes the envy of others.

A dream in which you had a chance to walk barefoot through the mud portends malaise, illness.

Walking barefoot on the sand, heated by the sun, and feeling that your feet are almost hot - to a huge, all-consuming feeling that will fill your entire existence.

On the contrary, if you had to walk barefoot on the asphalt and feel its cold with your bare feet, then you will find cooling in love, a new feeling will be strained, as if artificial, you will try to find echoes of sincere love in yourself, but your heart will be silent.

If in a dream you walked barefoot on the stones and it hurt you - there is a difficult period of life ahead, there will be disappointments, there will be failures in business, but you will overcome everything thanks to your optimism, the fact that you never allow yourself to lose heart.

Walking barefoot on the carpet - such a dream is a hint that you tend to exaggerate your own difficulties, always seek support and help in everything. You are always the most painful, the most difficult and the hardest of all. They don’t argue with you, but they don’t sympathize with you for a long time.

Why dream of walking barefoot, Freud's dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself barefoot, then you are a very open person who is not shy about expressing emotions in sex, and your intimate relationship only benefits from this, because there are no hidden barriers between you and your partner. However, all this applies only to such a dream in which you ran barefoot consciously and with joy.

If in a dream you had a chance to walk barefoot and naked in the snow, this suggests that in sex you are too eccentric so that your partner could perceive your behavior as adequate.

Why dream of walking barefoot, Loff's dream book

A person may walk barefoot while sleeping for various reasons. On the one hand, a dream may imply poverty or special circumstances due to which the sleeping person has nothing to put on shoes on, on the other hand, he can consciously take off his shoes in order to get special pleasure from this. It is also important to match the situation to such behavior. The analysis of this state is not difficult, it follows from the very conditions of sleep. For example, if you walk barefoot on the water or run barefoot on the grass - this is natural, at the same time walking barefoot on the street is not accepted, therefore, it is necessary to consider the reasons why you ended up on the street without shoes.

If the sleeper enjoys walking barefoot on the ground, then the dream speaks of his special frankness, openness, closeness to nature and natural manifestations of feelings. If in this perspective we see a loved one, then we can trust him, he is open to us and does not harbor hidden negativity.

A special category is made up of dreams in which the dreamer walks barefoot, not from lack of shoes and not for pleasure, but in a state of some kind of doom or special risk. This category includes dreams in which, for example, he happened to walk barefoot on glass or walk barefoot through a conflagration. The unjustified riskiness of one plot and the deliberate hopelessness of the second are two sides of the same coin. The sleeper is prone to ostentatious pity, hypertrophied perception of troubles, theatricality of feelings.

With some stretch, the plot can also be attributed to this category of dreams, when the sleeper runs barefoot in the snow, with the difference that in this case he perceives his own artistry with a bit of humor, with a touch of romance. In such a person, such seemingly incompatible traits as touchiness, capriciousness and lightness of character coexist perfectly.

If you dreamed that you were walking barefoot in Tsvetkov's dream book

Walking barefoot in a dream, in torn clothes, and not having a specific goal - such a dream is unfavorable for the sleeper, it warns of a period of failure in all endeavors, a hopeless mood and fatal bad luck.

The meaning of sleep barefoot - Hasse's dream book

Walking barefoot on the ground - to acquire a land plot in a suburban countryside.

Barefoot, English dream book

Walking in a dream barefoot along the road - to easily overcome the path of life with all its obstacles.

For lovers, walking barefoot in the snow in a dream together is a sign of deep, heartfelt feelings, devotion and sincere affection for a loved one.

If a girl had a chance to walk barefoot in the snow alone in a dream, then she would be abandoned, and this would give her a lot of worries.

As a symbol of movement, they have a very large symbolic aspect. They are considered as a support, a means to an end, and from this point of view, the more solid and durable yours is, the better.

And although doctors say that walking barefoot is very useful, this does not apply to the realm of dreams - a dream in which your legs are bare suggests that you feel insecure in life, and moving towards your intended goal can become difficult. There are few exceptions to this rule, first of all, these are dreams in which you walk barefoot on water - depending on the details, they often portend good luck.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the dream "To walk barefoot"

To walk in torn clothes and with bare feet, especially in the dark - to the complete destruction of hopes, in which any step you take will meet with hostile resistance.

Modern dream book. Walking barefoot in a dream - what is it for?

The dream in which you walk barefoot is a harbinger of gossip and scandals around your name. If a young woman walks barefoot along the water's edge and splashes water, then all her undertakings will be completed successfully. To see a trace of a bare foot - your triumphant success will not last long, although male attention (for dreamers) will be provided. If you saw that your feet were bare, and someone else put on your shoes, you have a serious rival.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse. What to expect when you see bare feet in a dream?

Walking barefoot - to gaining an estate.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud. The meanings of the image "Barefoot"

Bare feet in a dream is a sign that you are open and emotional in your intimate life, which makes your relationship with your partner trusting and close.


In most cases, bare feet in a dream are a harbinger of problems in business, financial difficulties, damage to health and reputation. It is especially bad if you walk barefoot on stone, broken glass, coals - you will face great trials, which may end in your defeat. A dream in which you walk barefoot on ice or snow speaks of mental suffering and that your best feelings will not resonate with others.

However, sometimes such a dream is quite material, and is explained by frozen feet after sleep. But bare feet, stained with dirt or sewage, portend money or material gain. A good harbinger is also a dream in which you walk barefoot across a plowed field or a dug up garden, feeling warm, loose earth - this means getting a good harvest, both literally and figuratively.

A positive symbol is the beautiful female legs that appeared in a dream (including your own), a dream about which can be romantic in color and predict success in love. A pleasant pastime and a joyful mood portend dreams in which you walk barefoot along the beach or clear clear water. If the water is muddy, beware of deceit and deceit.

In contact with

Bare feet in a dream are a sign of a person's insecurity, his vulnerability and inability to cope with difficult situations. To figure out why you dream of being barefoot, you should recall in detail your dream and overwhelmed emotions, put together what you saw into one meaningful picture based on the prevailing circumstances in real life, and look at the meaning in the dream book.

For a man, to see himself in a dream barefoot walking along a sandy beach is interpreted by the dream book as a successful completion of any undertakings, as well as the emergence of an opportunity to earn additional finances. The footprint of a bare foot in the sand represents the success and good luck that will accompany the dreamer in the near future.

It is useful to know why you dream of walking barefoot on the water. Of particular importance in the interpretation is the color and condition of the liquid. Walking on crystal clear water is interpreted by the dream book as an auspicious time for building trusting relationships with others, an opportunity to gain the authority of people, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the future. Dirty water represents squabbles and proceedings with unpleasant personalities.

Walking through the mud barefoot in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance of unexpected events in reality that can radically change the usual way of life and become key in shaping the fate of a person. Trying to wash the dirt from the limbs indicates that resentment in the heart haunts the dreamer.

To figure out why you dream of walking barefoot in the snow, you need to remember the state of the snow cover. This picture is deciphered by the dream book as future strong experiences and unrest. If the snow was snow-white and fluffy, then the wealth and success of the sleeping person are guaranteed. Dirty, prickly and wet snow speaks of difficulties in communicating with people. Running barefoot in the snow in a dream means health problems.

Running barefoot on the ground in a dream, according to the dream book, means that a person is not shy about showing his feelings and emotions in an intimate life, which makes relationships with a partner warmer and more trusting.

The opportunity in the future to achieve success and material well-being, as well as complete harmony of soul and body, that's why you dream of walking barefoot on asphalt.

Dancing barefoot, the dream book stands for the presence of something that greatly burdens the dreamer's soul, does not allow him to calmly move towards the goal and fulfill his obligations. Perhaps the intrigues of enemies have had a result, and now a person is trying to get out of a dirty story. For women, this image promises family proceedings.

To see someone barefoot in a dream

To find out why another person with bare feet is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the tread and the trace left by the dreaming person.

Confident and measured walking in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of good news and good news, improvement in material and financial well-being and success in the working field.

If a familiar person in a dream had to walk barefoot in winter as a result of the loss of shoes, then in real life the person will face losses associated with financial fraud.

Walking barefoot in a dream with a person who walks nearby in the dreamer's shoes is explained by the dream book as the presence of an opponent who is determined to take the place of a sleeping person.

Walking in a dream along the road barefoot, holding hands with a loved one, means that the other half will help you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, as well as get out of unpleasant circumstances.

A stranger without shoes personifies the dreamer's inner insecurity in his own abilities, his disorganization and excessive suspiciousness, which prevents him from taking on a difficult task and realizing his plan. The dream book advises you to work on yourself and get rid of unreasonable fears, otherwise the sleeping person risks being left with nothing.