Does a person lose weight from long-term use of indapamide. All about the tablets "Indapamide. The mechanism of action on the body

Home » Treatment » Medication » The basic rules of treatment with Indapamide - when and for how long can the drug be taken?

Indapamide is a popular drug for the treatment of hypertension. It is a diuretic, moderate in strength, long-lasting in its effect.

It has a vasodilating effect, reduces their total peripheral resistance. One of the valuable qualities of Indapamide is its ability to reduce left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart.

The drug does not affect the carbohydrate, lipid metabolism of the patient (patients with diabetes are no exception). As for the antihypertensive effect, with regular use of the drug, it manifests itself by the end of the first / beginning of the second week.

During the day, there is a preservation of this action with a single use of the tablet. Patients with hypertension are often interested in the question - how and when to take Indapamide, so that he shows all his best qualities. And rightly so, because following the instructions is an urgent need for a quick recovery of health.

The drug is prescribed one tablet per day. Her weight is 2.5 mg, the medicine should be taken in the morning. The control period is 4-8 weeks, during this time the therapeutic effect should appear.

Indapamide tablets

Sometimes it is not observed, but the dose should not be increased. With an increase in the norm, there is a risk of side effects. However, there is always a way out - doctors will prescribe another antihypertensive drug that is not a diuretic.

When using Indapamide, you need to follow the instructions to avoid side effects.

There are cases when treatment is started immediately with taking two drugs. The dose of Indapamide still remains unchanged - one tablet per day in the morning.

Tablets are consumed without chewing. Reception time - morning.

The drug is washed down with a sufficient amount of ordinary boiled water.

As a rule, one glass of liquid is used. The use of this medicine does not depend on food intake.

Proper use of the drug is the key to its effective action.

  • stable pressure drop;
  • drug safety;
  • no restrictions (indicated for the elderly, diabetics, patients with gout).

A valuable quality of the drug is that it does not adversely affect the metabolism. As a result of its use, the level of sugar in the blood, uric acid remains the same.

All of the above does not mean at all that Indapamide can be used uncontrollably, taken without a doctor's recommendation. If it is a hypertensive crisis, this medicine should not be used. It is not suitable for quick help. The drug begins to act only after prolonged use. The term is one to two weeks of constant use, while the pressure decreases smoothly.

Sometimes Indapamide is called the "grandfather remedy." Now there are many fast-acting pills that can greatly reduce blood pressure in a short time. But such drugs have a large number of side effects. Therefore, many patients choose the completely harmless Indapamide for treatment.

In order for the tablets to show themselves in full force, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs. The goal of treatment is to maintain stable blood pressure (below 135-140/90 mmHg).

To achieve maximum results, doctors prescribe Indapamide in combination with other non-diuretic drugs.

Numerous studies conducted since the 80s of the last century have shown that the drug reduces the risk of complications for hypertensive patients. First of all, we are talking about such formidable diseases as stroke and heart attack.

The only inconvenience while taking Indapamide is the combination with several drugs. But modern pharmacology has done everything for the benefit of patients. Several active substances began to be included in one medication.

Combined drug for pressure Ko-Perinev

So, Noliprel and Co-Perineva are products that include Indapamide with Perindopril. Ko-Dalneva already consists of three active ingredients. It includes Indapamide, Amlodipine, Perindopril. If your blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg. and above, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of taking combined drugs.

Indapamide is an excellent medicine intended for long-term use; it is not possible to remove a hypertensive crisis with its help.

With diabetes

The drug is often prescribed to diabetics when their pressure rises. Take the medicine in combination with other pills.

Many diuretics increase blood sugar levels, which cannot be said about Indapamide.

Such cases while taking this medication are rare. But the patient is still advised to use the glucometer more often, measuring the level of glucose. Indapamide is used in combination with other drugs.

Indapamide is an effective and harmless drug for lowering blood pressure in patients with diabetes mellitus.

ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers lower blood pressure, protect the kidneys from complications. Patients with diabetes are prescribed Indapamide and Perindopril, which belongs to ACE inhibitors. This combination lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications.

As a result of the drugs, the amount of protein in the urine remains stable, and the kidneys do not suffer from the complications of diabetes.

Among patients, Noliprel, containing indapamide with perindopril, is in particular demand.

Their goal is to lower the pressure and maintain it at the level of 135/90 mm Hg. Art. When Noliprel does not allow it to be reached, Amlodipine is added to the drug regimen.

Indapamide is a diuretic. When a pregnant woman has hypertension or edema, the question arises - is it possible to take this drug?

Doctors answer unequivocally - taking Indapamide during pregnancy is completely unjustified.

The drug can cause insufficiency of fetal-placental blood flow, and this, in turn, provoke the development of fetal hypotrophy.

If during lactation the mother suffers from hypertension and medicines can no longer be dispensed with, doctors can prescribe this drug. In this case, breastfeeding immediately stops to avoid intoxication of the baby's body.

Pregnancy and lactation is not the best time to take Indapamide, in the first case it is prohibited, in the second it leads to the cessation of feeding the child.

Adverse reactions

Indapamide is a valuable drug. Its reception is rarely accompanied by the appearance of side effects, they were recorded only in 2.5% of patients. Most often this is an electrolyte imbalance.

Among the side effects are observed:

  1. headache;
  2. weakness;
  3. dizziness;
  4. angioedema;
  5. body aches;
  6. nausea, vomiting;
  7. constipation;
  8. arrhythmia, arterial hypotension;
  9. cough;
  10. various allergic manifestations (purpura, urticaria, photodermatosis).

Despite the long list of side effects, among which one can see such a formidable manifestation as Quincke's edema, the drug Indapamide causes negative conditions extremely rarely.

The use of the drug (very rarely) can affect laboratory tests, for example, increase the level of creatinine, urea, in the blood.

Often, after stabilization of pressure and with good health, patients stop using medications.

This is the wrong decision, doctors advise taking Indapamide constantly.

Reducing the dosage, or completely stopping the medication, should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

An important stage is the regular delivery of blood tests for the content of creatinine, potassium, and other indicators that will interest the doctor.

In the first week of taking Indapamide, you should avoid working with dangerous mechanisms, driving a car. When you are sure that the medicine does not have negative effects, return to your previous lifestyle. The drug can be used regularly for six to nine months, after which you can contact your doctor for recommendations.

How to take Indapamide for high blood pressure:

Indapamide is a drug for long-term use, laboratory tests will determine the time of admission.

Indapamide is a popular drug for the treatment of hypertension, as well as edema caused by heart failure or other causes. It is a diuretic, but in practice it is used as a vasodilator for hypertension. Below you will find instructions for the use of the drug Indapamide, written in understandable language. Study its indications for use, contraindications and side effects. Find out how to take these pills for high blood pressure: at what dosage, before or after meals, in the morning or in the evening, how many days the course of treatment lasts. Read how the original drugs Arifon and Arifon Retard differ, what cheap analogues they have. Figure out which is best for you to take: indapamide, furosemide, or hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide). The article explains why indapamide is well suited for diabetics, the elderly and other categories of patients. A list is given with which other pressure pills it can be combined.

Instructions for use

pharmachologic effect Indapamide belongs to diuretics - thiazide-like diuretics. It is also a vasodilator (vasodilator). In a small dose of 1.5-2.5 mg per day, it reduces the response of blood vessels to the action of vasoconstrictor substances: norepinephrine, angiotensin II and calcium. Due to this, blood pressure decreases. In addition to providing a hypotensive effect, it improves the condition of the vascular wall. It has a cardioprotective effect (protects the heart muscle) in patients with hypertension. In an increased dosage of 2.5-5 mg per day reduces swelling. But increasing the dose of this drug does not usually improve blood pressure control.
Pharmacokinetics Taking with food slows down the absorption of the drug, but does not affect its effectiveness. Therefore, you can take indapamide on an empty stomach or after a meal, whichever is more convenient for you. The liver cleanses the body of the active substance that circulates in the blood. But metabolic products are excreted mainly by the kidneys, and not by the liver. Therefore, the appointment of indapamide can create problems for people suffering from severe liver or kidney disease. Long-acting (sustained-release) tablets containing indapamide are very popular. This is the drug Arifon Retard and its analogues. These drugs work longer and more smoothly than regular pills.
Indications for use Indapamide is used to treat hypertension - primary (essential) and secondary. It is also sometimes prescribed for edema caused by heart failure or other causes.
Contraindications Allergic reactions to indapamide or excipients in the composition of the tablets. Serious kidney disease that caused anuria - lack of urine output. Severe liver disease. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Decreased levels of potassium or sodium in the blood. Indapamide is prescribed to the following categories of patients if there are indications for use, but caution is observed at the same time: elderly people with arrhythmia, gout, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus.
special instructions If you feel well and your blood pressure is normal, then this is not a reason to refuse to take indapamide and other drugs for hypertension. Continue to take all the tablets you have been prescribed daily. Regularly take blood tests for potassium, creatinine and other indicators that will interest the doctor. If you want to stop taking the medication or reduce the dosage, discuss this with your doctor. Do not change your treatment regimen on your own. Starting to take a diuretic, in the first 3-7 days, refrain from driving and dangerous mechanisms. You can resume this when you are sure that you are tolerating the treatment well.
Dosage The dosage of the drug indapamide for hypertension is 1.5-2.5 mg per day. Taking a higher dose does not improve blood pressure control, but increases the chance of side effects. To reduce edema caused by heart failure or other causes, indapamide is prescribed at 2.5-5 mg per day. If you take this remedy for high blood pressure in extended-release tablets (Arifon Retard and its analogues), then you can reduce the daily dosage without weakening the therapeutic effect. However, long-acting indapamide tablets are not suitable for eliminating edema.
Side effects The following side effects are possible: a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia), headache, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, general malaise, muscle spasms or cramps, numbness of the limbs, nervousness, irritability, agitation. All of the problems listed above are rare. Indapamide is a much safer diuretic than other diuretics prescribed for high blood pressure and swelling. The symptoms that people mistake for the harmful effects of indapamide are usually the consequences of atherosclerosis that has affected the vessels that feed the heart, brain and legs.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding Do not take indapamide on your own during pregnancy for high blood pressure and swelling. Doctors rarely prescribe this medicine to pregnant women if they think the benefit outweighs the risk. Indapamide, like other diuretics, is not the first choice for hypertension in pregnancy. First of all, prescribe other drugs, the safety of which is well proven. Read the article "High blood pressure during pregnancy" for more information. If you are concerned about swelling, see a doctor, and do not take diuretic drugs or other drugs on your own. Indapamide is contraindicated in breastfeeding because its concentration in breast milk has not been established and its safety has not been proven.
Interaction with other drugs Indapamide can interact negatively with many medications, including popular over-the-counter pills. Before you are prescribed a diuretic, tell your doctor about all medications, dietary supplements, and herbs you are taking. Indapamide interacts with other high blood pressure medications, digitalis medications, antibiotics, hormones, antidepressants, NSAIDs, insulin, and diabetes pills. Read the official instructions for use for more details.
Overdose Overdose symptoms - nausea, weakness, dizziness, dry mouth, thirst, muscle pain. All of these symptoms are rare. Poisoning with indapamide tablets is much harder than other popular diuretic drugs. However, you need to urgently call the emergency team. Before her arrival, do a gastric lavage and give the patient activated charcoal.
Terms and conditions of storage Storage in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15° to 25°C. Shelf life - 3-5 years for various drugs, the active ingredient of which is indapamide.

How to take indapamide

Indapamide must be taken for a long time, perhaps even for life. This medicine is intended for long-term use. Don't expect quick results from it. It begins to lower blood pressure no earlier than after 1-2 weeks of daily intake. Take the prescribed indapamide tablets daily, 1 pc. Do not take breaks in taking them without consulting your doctor. You can take a diuretic (vasodilator) before or after a meal, whichever is more convenient for you. It is advisable to do this at the same time every day.

Indapamide must be taken continuously unless your doctor tells you to stop taking it. Don't be afraid of side effects. This is a very safe remedy for high blood pressure and heart failure. The unpleasant symptoms that people take for its harmful effect are usually the consequences of atherosclerosis that has affected the vessels that feed the heart, brain and legs. If you stop taking indapamide, then the symptoms will not disappear, and the risk of heart attack and stroke will also increase significantly.

Many people think that indapamide and other medications can be stopped after their blood pressure has returned to normal. This is a gross and dangerous mistake. Cancellation of treatment often causes pressure surges, hypertensive crisis, heart attack and stroke. Medicines for hypertension should be taken constantly, every day, regardless of blood pressure. If you want to reduce the dosage or stop treatment completely, discuss this with your doctor. For some hypertensive patients, switching to a healthy lifestyle helps so well that medication can be safely discontinued. But this doesn't happen often.

Together with the medicine Indapamide they are looking for:

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Indapamide for pressure

Indapamide has become a popular high blood pressure drug because it has significant benefits. This drug lowers blood pressure well and is very safe. It is suitable for almost all patients, including diabetics, as well as gout patients and the elderly. Does not have a harmful effect on metabolism - does not increase the level of sugar (glucose) and uric acid in the blood. The benefits listed above have made indapamide one of the first choice drugs for hypertension. This does not mean that it can be used for self-medication. Take any blood pressure pills only as directed by your doctor.

Indapamide is not suitable for cases where you need to quickly help with a hypertensive crisis. It begins to act no earlier than after 1-2 weeks of daily intake, and lowers blood pressure smoothly. There are faster and stronger medicines for high blood pressure than this drug. But strong drugs cause many times more side effects. As a rule, indapamide for hypertension does not help enough if given alone, without other drugs. The goal of treatment is to keep blood pressure consistently below 135-140/90 mmHg. Art. To achieve it, you usually need to take indapamide along with other drugs that are not diuretics.

Dozens of studies since the 1980s have proven that indapmid reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other complications of hypertension. It is convenient for patients to take only one tablet for pressure per day, and not several different drugs. Therefore, medicines containing two or three active ingredients in one tablet have become popular. For example, Noliprel and Co-Perineva are medicines containing indapamide + perindopril. The drug Ko-Dalneva contains simultaneously 3 active ingredients: indapamide, amlodipine and perindopril. Discuss the use of combination medicines with your doctor if you have a blood pressure of 160/100 mmHg. Art. and higher.

Indapamide is often prescribed to people with diabetes for high blood pressure along with other medications. Unlike many other diuretic drugs, this drug does not usually raise blood glucose levels. It is unlikely that you will need to increase your insulin and sugar-lowering pills once you start taking this drug. However, it is recommended to strengthen the control of diabetes, more often to measure sugar with a glucometer.

As a rule, diabetics do not need to take indapamide alone, but in combination with other medicines for high blood pressure. Look out for ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. Drugs that belong to these groups not only lower blood pressure, but also protect the kidneys from the complications of diabetes. They delay the development of kidney failure.

In many clinical studies, patients with diabetes were prescribed indapamide + perindopril, which belongs to the ACE inhibitors. This combination of drugs not only lowers blood pressure, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications. It reduces the amount of protein in the urine. This means that the kidneys are less affected by the complications of diabetes. Among diabetics, Noliprel tablets are popular, which contain indapamide and perindopril under one shell. Target blood pressure for diabetics is 135/90 mm Hg. Art. If Noliprel does not allow it to be achieved, then you can add amlodipine to the medication regimen.

Read also the article "How to lower blood sugar and keep it consistently low". A low-carbohydrate diet works wonders in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It allows you to keep sugar normal, as in healthy people. Thanks to this, blood pressure normalizes and the complications of diabetes recede.

Below are answers to questions that often arise in patients about the drug indapamide.

Are indapamide and alcohol compatible?

Drinking alcohol increases the chance of indapamide side effects, which are usually rare. You may feel headaches, dizziness, and even faint if the pressure drops too low. However, there is no categorical prohibition of drinking alcohol for people taking indapamide. Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed. In the first few days of taking high blood pressure pills, the side effects listed above are especially likely to occur. Do not drink alcohol these days, so as not to aggravate the situation. Wait a few days for your body to get used to it.

What is the name of the original drug indapamide?

The original drug is Arifon and Arifon Retard tablets manufactured by Servier. All other tablets containing indapamide are their analogues. Servier is a French company. But this does not mean that Arifon and Arifon Retard drugs are necessarily produced in France. Specify the country of origin by the barcode on the package.

What is a cheap analogue of this medicine?

The original drugs Arifon (regular indapamide) and Arifon Retard (prolonged-acting tablets) have numerous analogues, more or less cheap. Please note that Arifon and Arifon Retard tablets are not too expensive. They are available even for pensioners. Replacing these drugs with analogues will allow you to save a small amount of money. This may reduce the effectiveness of treatment and increase the likelihood of side effects. In Russia, cheap indapamide tablets are produced by Akrikhin, Ozon, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Kanonfarma, Alsi Pharma, Vertex, Nizhpharm and others. The CIS countries also have their own local manufacturers of cheap analogues of the drug Arifon.

Analogues of the drug Indapamide:

A well-known cardiologist in an informal conversation admitted that he categorically does not recommend his patients to take medicines for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases produced in Russia and the CIS countries. See more here. If we already accept analogues, then pay attention to indapamide, which is produced in Eastern Europe. These are Indap tablets manufactured by PRO.MED.CS (Czech Republic) and a drug manufactured by Hemofarm (Serbia). There is also indapamide-Teva, which may be produced in Israel. Before buying any drug, check the country of origin using the barcode on the package.

Can indapamide and Asparkam be taken together?

Indapamide practically does not remove potassium from the body. Therefore, it is usually not necessary to use Asparkam or Panangin along with this medicine. Discuss this with your doctor. Do not take Asparkam on your own initiative. An increased level of potassium in the blood is not good, but rather dangerous. It can cause deterioration of well-being and even death from cardiac arrest. If you suspect that you are deficient in potassium, then take blood tests for the level of this mineral and other electrolytes, and do not rush to take medications or dietary supplements.

Does indapamide affect male potency?

Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown that indapamide does not impair male potency. The deterioration of potency in men taking medication for hypertension is usually caused by atherosclerosis that has affected the arteries that fill the penis with blood. Also, impotence is often caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, which a man does not even suspect and is not treated for. If you stop taking medications, then the potency will not improve, and a heart attack or stroke will occur several years earlier. Any other diuretic drugs that are prescribed for hypertension and heart failure affect male potency more than indapamide.

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To learn more…

Does indapamide lower or raise blood pressure?

Indapamide lowers blood pressure. How much - it depends on the individual characteristics of each patient. In any case, this drug does not increase blood pressure.

Can indapamide be taken with low blood pressure?

Talk to your doctor to discuss how much you need to lower your dosage or stop indapamide altogether. Don't change the dose or frequency of your high blood pressure medications unless you feel really bad because of low blood pressure.

Can I take this drug for gout?

Indapamide is probably the safest diuretic drug for gout patients today.

What helps indapamide?

Indapamide is prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, as well as to reduce edema caused by heart failure or other causes.

Can this medicine be taken every other day?

The way indapamide is administered every other day has not been tested in any clinical trial. Probably, this method will not be able to protect you well from heart attack and stroke. On the days when you do not take indapamide, there will be jumps in blood pressure. It's bad for blood vessels. A hypertensive crisis is also possible. Do not try to take indapamide every other day. If the doctor prescribes such a regimen, replace him with a more qualified specialist.

Indapamide 1.5 mg or 2.5 mg: which is better?

Conventional indapamide preparations contain 2.5 mg of this substance, and sustained release tablets (MB, retard) contain 1.5 mg. Sustained-release medications lower blood pressure for a longer duration than regular pills and work smoothly. It is believed that due to this, the daily dose of indapamide can be reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 mg without compromising efficacy. Extended-release tablets containing 1.5 mg of indapamide are the drug Arifon Retard and its analogues. Please note that they are not suitable for the treatment of edema. They are prescribed only for hypertension. From edema, you need to take indapamide as prescribed by a doctor at a dosage of 2.5-5 mg per day. It is possible that the doctor will immediately prescribe a more potent diuretic drug for edema - a loop diuretic.

Indap vs Indapamide: What's the difference? Or is it the same thing?

Indap is the trade name for a drug produced by the Czech company PRO.MED.CS. Indapamide is its active ingredient. Thus, we can say that Indap and indapamide are one and the same. In addition to Indap, pharmacies sell many other tablets containing the same diuretic (vasodilator) substance. The most popular of them are called Arifon and Arifon Retard. These are original medicines, and Indap and all other indapamide preparations are their analogues. It is not necessary that Indap is produced in the Czech Republic. Before buying, it is advisable to clarify the country of origin of this medicine by the barcode on the package.

What is the difference between regular indapamide and indapamide MV Stada?

Indapamide MV Shtada is produced by Nizhpharm (Russia). MB stands for "modified release" - extended-release tablets that contain 1.5 mg of the active ingredient, not 2.5 mg. Above, it is described in detail how the dosages of indapamide 1.5 and 2.5 mg per day differ, and also why you should not take medicines produced in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. In domestic medical journals, you can find articles proving that indapamide MV Stada helps against hypertension no worse than the original drug Arifon Retard. Such articles are published for money, so they should be treated with skepticism.

Which is better: indapamide or hydrochlorothiazide?

In Russian-speaking countries, it is traditionally believed that hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide) lowers blood pressure more than indapamide, although it causes more side effects. In March 2015, an article in English appeared in the authoritative journal Hypertension proving that indapamide actually helps with high blood pressure better than hydrochlorothiazide.

We analyzed 14 studies from different years comparing indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide. It turned out that indapamide allows you to achieve blood pressure indicators of 5 mm Hg. Art. lower than hydrochlorothiazide. Thus, indapamide is a better remedy for hypertension than hydrochlorothiazide in terms of effectiveness, as well as the frequency and severity of side effects. Hydrochlorothiazide may be better than indapamide for edema. Although both of these drugs are considered relatively weak. They are rarely prescribed for severe edema.

Indapamide or furosemide: which is better?

Indapamide and furosemide are completely different drugs. Furosemide often causes side effects, and they are quite severe. But this medicine helps with edema in many cases when indapamide is powerless. With hypertension, not complicated by edema and heart failure, the doctor is likely to prescribe indapamide. A smart doctor is unlikely to prescribe furosemide for daily use for hypertension due to the high risk of side effects. But in severe heart failure, indapamide is of little use. Furosemide or another strong loop diuretic (Diuver) is given to relieve swelling and shortness of breath due to fluid buildup in the lungs. It cannot be said that indapamide is better than furosemide, or vice versa, because these drugs are used for different purposes.

Indapamide or Noliprel: which is better?

Noliprel is a combined tablet containing indapamide and an additional active ingredient, perindopril. They lower blood pressure more than taking indapamide alone without other drugs. For obese patients with type 2 diabetes, Noliprel is a better choice than regular indapamide. For lean elderly patients, Noliprel may be too strong a medicine. Perhaps it is better for them to take Arifon Retard tablets or their analogues. Discuss with your doctor which medication is best for you. Do not take any of the drugs listed above on your own.

Can indapamide and lisinopril be taken at the same time?

Yes, you can. This combination of drugs for hypertension is among the best. If indapamide and lisinopril together do not reduce blood pressure to 135-140/90 mm Hg. Art., then you can add amlodipine to them. Discuss this with your doctor, do not add it on your own.

Indapamide or Lozap: which is better? Are these medicines compatible?

It cannot be said that indapamide is better than Lozap, or vice versa. Both of these drugs lower blood pressure in about the same way. They belong to different groups of drugs for hypertension. Indapamide is a diuretic used as a vasodilator. Lozap is an angiotensin II receptor blocker. These drugs can be taken at the same time. It is likely that when taken together, they will lower blood pressure much more than either of them individually.

Are the drugs indapamide and enalapril compatible?

Yes, they can be taken at the same time. Enalapril is inconvenient in that it must be taken 2 times a day. Discuss with your doctor to change it to one of the newer similar medicines, which is enough to take one tablet per day.

In the course of complex treatment of hypertension, the doctor must prescribe diuretics, since with the removal of fluid from the body, blood pressure (blood pressure) decreases faster. The pharmaceutical industry has created many diuretic drugs. Most often, if there is swelling, the doctor prescribes Indapamide for pressure. However, the medicine has contraindications and features of use, so they need to coordinate the treatment with the doctor.

The drug belongs to the thiazide-like diuretics of prolonged action, has a mild lowering effect on the level of blood pressure. Indapamide is used for arterial hypertension, when the pressure begins to exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art., and chronic heart failure, especially if the patient has swelling.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and capsules of 1.5 and 2.5 mg. They are produced in Russia, Yugoslavia, Canada, Macedonia, Israel, Ukraine, China and Germany. The active ingredient of the drug is Indapamide.

Indapamide is a calcium-sparing drug, which is good for hypertensive patients with osteoporosis. It can be used by people who are on hemodialysis, diabetics, with hyperlipidemia. In difficult cases, it is required to control the level of glucose, potassium, and other indicators recommended by the doctor.

Capsules or tablets against pressure for hypertension begin to act 30 minutes after consumption. The hypotonic effect lasts 23-24 hours.

The decrease in blood pressure is due to hypotensive, diuretic and vasodilatory effects - the pressure level begins to fall due to the influence of the active substance, the removal of excess fluid from the body and the expansion of blood vessels throughout the body.

Indapamide also has a cardioprotective property - it protects myocardial cells. After treatment, the condition of the left heart ventricle noticeably improves in hypertensive patients. The drug also gently lowers resistance in peripheral vessels and arterioles. Since it moderately increases the rate of urine formation, with which excess fluid is excreted, it is appropriate to drink the medicine if there is an edematous syndrome.

At high pressure (more than 140/100 mm Hg), the dosage and duration of therapy are selected by the doctor on an individual basis. Usually, Indapamide should be taken once a day: 1 tablet in the morning. It is allowed to drink on an empty stomach or after a meal - food does not affect the effect of the drug.

Mandatory rules for admission:

  • consumed at a clearly set time to maintain an interval of 24 hours;
  • tablets or capsules are swallowed whole;
  • washed down with non-carbonated water in a volume of at least 150 ml;
  • only on the recommendation of a doctor, change the dosage or stop the course of treatment.

The prolonged effect of Indapamide is associated with the gradual dissolution of the drug. If tablets or capsules are crushed before taking, a large amount of the active substance will immediately enter the tissues, which will cause the pressure to drop sharply. A sudden drop in blood pressure disrupts the functioning of all body systems, which is fraught with dangerous consequences.

It is allowed to take the following drugs with Indapamide:

  • Concor and other B-blockers;
  • Lorista (counteracts angiotensin receptors);
  • Prestarium (for heart failure);
  • Lisinopril (ACE inhibitor);
  • other medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Naturally, only a doctor should choose any combination of drugs, since with an independent combination, the compatibility of active substances is often not taken into account. This can result in treatment failure or drug poisoning, which in each case is life-threatening.

A person is often forced to take several drugs belonging to different drug groups. Their active substances can reduce or enhance the effectiveness of Indapamide. It is worth dwelling in more detail on how such “interactions” manifest themselves.

The hypotensive effect of the drug increases when used together with antidepressants, antipsychotics - this can cause a sharp drop in pressure.

When combined with Erythromycin, a person develops tachycardia, in the complex with Cyclosporine, the level of creatinine increases. Simultaneous use together with drugs, which include iodine, can provoke dehydration of the body. Potassium loss is promoted by laxatives, saluretics and cardiac glycosides.

It should be borne in mind that corticosteroids and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) reduce the hypotensive effect of Indapamide - this reduces the effectiveness of the drug. To avoid such interaction with other medicines, the doctor needs to provide a list of all the medicines and herbal medicines used.

Hypertensive patients with concomitant diseases of the urinary, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems should additionally consult a doctor. In some pathologies, this medicine has features of use or is completely contraindicated.

Indapamide should not be used by children under 18 years of age, pregnant women. If the drug is prescribed to a woman during lactation, then during treatment the baby is transferred to artificial nutrition.

The use of Indapamide is contraindicated if the following conditions are diagnosed:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney failure;
  • galactosemia, lactose intolerance;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • hypokalemia;
  • gout;
  • anuria.

Before buying a drug, it is recommended to study the manufacturer's official instructions (included in the package of the medication), since it displays complete information about the composition, features of use, contraindications, and other data.

With proper use of the drug in 97% of cases, the drug does not have a negative effect on the body. In people belonging to the remaining 3%, Indapamide causes side effects. The most common effect is a violation of the water and electrolyte balance: a decrease in the level of potassium and / or sodium. This leads to dehydration (lack of fluid) in the body. Very rarely, the drug can cause arrhythmia, hemolytic anemia, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Other side effects of Indapamide:

  • allergies (urticaria, anaphylaxis, angioedema, dermatosis, rash);
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • cough;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • muscle pain;
  • migraine;
  • nervousness;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • pancreatitis;
  • constipation;
  • orthostatic hypotension.

Sometimes Indapamide changes the composition of the blood and urine. The analyzes can detect a deficiency of potassium, sodium, an increased amount of calcium, glucose, creatinine and urea. Less commonly, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis occur.

Instead of Indapamide, it is allowed to use Indap. This is a medicine with the same composition, but produced by a different manufacturer and may have a different dosage of the active substance. In case of a difference, the attending physician should adjust the drug intake.

The doctor will also help you choose analogues with a similar active substance or action. With an individual consultation, the doctor will tell you which medicine is better to use: Indapamide or Hypothiazid, Arifon Retard, Veroshpiron, Hydrochlorothiazide, Diuver, Acripamide, Ionic, Retapres. Perhaps the appointment of other diuretics aimed at lowering blood pressure.

The drug Indapamide gently reduces pressure throughout the day. With its regular and proper use, blood pressure decreases within 7 days from the start of the intake. But it is impossible to interrupt therapy at this stage, since the treatment reaches its maximum result in 2.5-3 months. For better effectiveness of the drug, you also need to follow medical recommendations: follow a diet for hypertension, adjust the duration of rest, and other prescriptions.

By far the most common disease is hypertension or hypertension. In other words, it is high blood pressure. This disease develops due to external factors, such as stress, overwork, physical activity, insufficient rest, a sudden change in weather, or diseases of internal organs. Unfortunately, this pathology cannot be completely cured, it is a chronic disease. At the first sign of hypertension, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will select an individual complex treatment that will help keep blood pressure normal and eliminate severe symptoms. Any therapy includes diuretics, these drugs have a different chemical composition, but they all effectively remove excess fluid from the body. Medicines are diuretics. Often, the doctor includes the drug Indapamide in the main therapy, instructions for use and at what pressure to take the medicine, will be discussed in this article.

Indapamide is a well-known diuretic that is actively used in the treatment of hypertension, as well as swelling caused by heart failure. Tablets effectively remove excess fluid from the body and qualitatively dilate blood vessels, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which are coated on top, white. In one package there can be 10 or 30 tablets, which allows a person to choose the required amount for himself.

The drug is produced by many pharmacological companies, but their composition does not change. The main active ingredient is indapamide, one tablet contains about 2.5 mg. In addition to this substance, the preparation contains additional components that have a positive effect on the body. The drug contains the following auxiliary ingredients:

  • potato starch;
  • collidon CL;
  • milk sugar or lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone 30;
  • talc;
  • cellulose.

Important! What kind of pressure helps Indapamide? The drug is prescribed for high blood pressure. Its active components are able to quickly remove excess fluid from the body, and also qualitatively dilate blood vessels. Due to this effect, the drug effectively normalizes blood pressure.

The drug has an active effect on the body. Its components quickly remove fluid and accumulated salts in the body. They encourage the rapid formation of urine, which helps to remove fluid from the tissues and serous cavities.

Indapamide is a quality diuretic that belongs to thiazide-like diuretics. Additionally, the drug dilates blood vessels and tones the vascular walls. Together, such interactions can normalize blood pressure and improve the general condition of a person.

If the daily dose is 1.5-2.5 mg, then this is enough to prevent narrowing of the vessels, which means that the pressure will be within normal limits. In addition, this norm helps to improve the walls of blood vessels and protects the heart muscle from changes in blood pressure. In the event that the dosage of the drug is increased to 5 mg per day, then this amount will be enough to relieve swelling. However, an increased dose does not affect the level of pressure in any way.

With regular use, a noticeable effect is achieved after 7-14 days of taking the drug. The drug has the maximum effect after 2-3 months of therapy. The positive effect persists for 8 weeks. If the tablet is taken once, then the desired result occurs in 12-24 hours.

It is better to take the drug on an empty stomach or after a meal, since taking the pill with food slows down its effect on the body, but does not affect its effectiveness. The active components of Indapamide are quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, so they are evenly distributed throughout the body.

The liver effectively cleanses the body of the chemical components of the tablets. However, they are processed by the kidneys and excreted in the urine (70-80%) after about 16 hours. Excretion through the digestive system is about 20-30%. The main active component in its pure form is excreted approximately 5%, all other parts of it have the necessary effect on the body.

Indapamide is an effective drug that is widely used in medicine to restore blood pressure. As a rule, doctors recommend it for such diseases of the body:

  • hypertension 1 and 2 degrees;
  • edema caused by heart failure.

Indapamide is recommended to take a tablet (2.5 mg) once a day. It must be taken whole, without chewing, and washed down with plenty of water. However, if the therapy does not achieve the desired results after 1-2 months, then the established dosage must not be increased, as the risk of side effects increases. In this situation, the doctor may recommend changing the drug or supplementing it with another medicine.

The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications that are important to consider while taking Indapamide. As a rule, tablets are prohibited from prescribing in such cases:

  • kidney disease (renal failure);
  • liver disease;
  • potassium deficiency in the human body;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age;
  • with diabetes;
  • insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
  • if there is gout;
  • co-administration of drugs that prolong the QT interval.

Important! Indapamide should be prescribed only by the attending physician. The specialist knows the individual characteristics of the patient and some of the distinctive properties of the drug.

Medication pills are always well tolerated, but everyone is different, so sometimes unpleasant symptoms can occur. During therapy, Indapamide components accumulate in the body, which can provoke unpleasant side reactions. Among the main signs, doctors note:

  • digestive organs (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth);
  • nervous system (headache, loss of sleep or drowsiness, general malaise, nervousness);
  • muscles (severe spasms in the muscles);
  • respiratory organs (pharyngitis, sinusitis, dry cough);
  • cardiovascular system (the rhythm of heart contractions is disturbed);
  • urinary system (increases the risk of developing various infections, nocturia);
  • allergic complications (itching, redness, urticaria, rashes).

Important! At the first manifestations of adverse reactions, a person must stop taking the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes, the patient can independently set the dosage of the drug, which causes an overdose. As it is right, this violation always causes severe clinical manifestations:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • the level of blood pressure decreases;
  • spasm in the bronchi.

To restore a person's health, the doctor recommends a certain therapy to the patient. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the stomach and take activated charcoal. Drink plenty of water to restore the water balance in the body.

Important! How long can I take Indapamide without a break? As a rule, the drug is allowed to be taken for 1-2 months. However, the doctor may recommend taking these tablets constantly.

The diuretic drug is forbidden to prescribe to pregnant women! It will not relieve swelling and restore blood pressure during pregnancy. The active components of the drug will only harm the normal development of the fetus. They provoke insufficiency of placental blood flow, which will lead to a slowdown in the physical and mental development of the unborn baby.

Indapamide is never recommended during breastfeeding. All components of these tablets quickly spread throughout the body of a woman and are absorbed into breast milk. Thus, the medicine can penetrate along with milk into the fragile body of the baby. This disorder adversely affects the development of the child.

During the period of taking the diuretic drug Indapamide, symptoms are observed that indicate a decrease in blood pressure. Given this nuance, the patient should refuse to drive a car and work with mechanisms.

The price of the drug depends on many factors, for example, the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the package, as well as the characteristics of a particular city. On average, the cost of Indapamide ranges from 50-120 UAH.

Modern pharmacology produces many drugs that are similar in composition and perform their properties qualitatively. In any pharmacy you can buy analogues of a diuretic drug:

  • Arifon Retard;
  • Vasopamide, Indabru;
  • Indap, Indapamide;
  • Indapen, Indapres;
  • Indatens, Indiour;
  • Lorvas, Ravel;
  • Softensin, Chemopamide.

Obviously, there are a lot of analogues of the drug, so you can stop the choice on any of them. They all have the same main component. Differences in the pharmacological company manufacturer and additional components of the drug.

Modern pharmacology produces many effective diuretic drugs. However, which one to choose so that it brings great benefits to the body? Below are some options.

Indapamide Retard in one tablet contains 1.5 mg of the active substance (indapamide). The medicine effectively restores blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Indapamide Retard has the same contraindications and side effects as just Indapamide. The difference is only in the amount of active substance. Produced in Russia.

Indap is produced in capsules, each contains 2.5 mg of the main active ingredient. The drug is a milder diuretic, so it is prescribed for essential hypertension. The drug has the same contraindications and side effects as Indapamide. Produced in Prague.

Verashpiron is a keel-sparing deuretic. The main active ingredient of the drug is spironolactone (25 mg). The drug has a wider range of indications. It is used for hypertension, edematous syndrome during heart failure, liver disease, Conn's syndrome. Contraindications and adverse reactions are the same as for Indapamide. Manufacturer Hungary.

Arifon is produced in tablets, each of which contains 2.5 mg of the main active ingredient (indapamide). The drug is a diuretic, so it is often recommended for essential hypertension. The main contraindications and adverse reactions are the same as those of Indapamide. Manufacturer France.

For any health problems, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. You should not self-medicate and personally select drugs, such an approach can only harm an already sick body. It is important to trust your health to experienced doctors who will select high-quality therapy and effectively restore health.

Indapamide is a popular drug for the treatment of hypertension, as well as edema caused by heart failure or other causes. It is a diuretic, but in practice it is used as a vasodilator for hypertension. Below you will find instructions for the use of the drug Indapamide, written in understandable language. Study its indications for use, contraindications and side effects. Find out how to take these pills for high blood pressure: at what dosage, before or after meals, in the morning or in the evening, how many days the course of treatment lasts. Read how original drugs differ, what cheap analogues they have. Figure out what is best for you to take: indapamide, or. The article explains why indapamide is well suited for diabetics, the elderly and other categories of patients. A list is given with which other pressure pills it can be combined.

Drug card

Instructions for use

pharmachologic effect Indapamide belongs to diuretics - thiazide-like diuretics. It is also a vasodilator (vasodilator). In a small dose of 1.5-2.5 mg per day, it reduces the response of blood vessels to the action of vasoconstrictor substances: norepinephrine, angiotensin II and calcium. Due to this, blood pressure decreases. In addition to providing a hypotensive effect, it improves the condition of the vascular wall. It has a cardioprotective effect (protects the heart muscle) in patients with hypertension. In an increased dosage of 2.5-5 mg per day reduces swelling. But increasing the dose of this drug does not usually improve blood pressure control.
Pharmacokinetics Taking with food slows down the absorption of the drug, but does not affect its effectiveness. Therefore, you can take indapamide on an empty stomach or after a meal, whichever is more convenient for you. The liver cleanses the body of the active substance that circulates in the blood. But metabolic products are excreted mainly by the kidneys, and not by the liver. Therefore, the appointment of indapamide can create problems for people suffering from severe liver or kidney disease. Long-acting (sustained-release) tablets containing indapamide are very popular. This drug and its analogues. These drugs work longer and more smoothly than regular pills.
Indications for use Indapamide is used to treat hypertension - primary (essential) and secondary. It is also sometimes prescribed for edema caused by heart failure or other causes.
Contraindications Allergic reactions to indapamide or excipients in the composition of the tablets. Serious kidney disease that caused anuria - lack of urine output. Severe liver disease. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Decreased levels of potassium or sodium in the blood. Indapamide is prescribed to the following categories of patients if there are indications for use, but caution is observed at the same time: elderly people with arrhythmia, gout, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus.
special instructions If you feel well and your blood pressure is normal, then this is not a reason to refuse to take indapamide and other drugs for hypertension. Continue to take all the tablets you have been prescribed daily. Regularly take blood tests for potassium, creatinine and other indicators that will interest the doctor. If you want to stop taking the medication or reduce the dosage, discuss this with your doctor. Do not change your treatment regimen on your own. Starting to take a diuretic, in the first 3-7 days, refrain from driving and dangerous mechanisms. You can resume this when you are sure that you are tolerating the treatment well.
Dosage The dosage of the drug indapamide for hypertension is 1.5-2.5 mg per day. Taking a higher dose does not improve blood pressure control, but increases the chance of side effects. To reduce edema caused by heart failure or other causes, indapamide is prescribed at 2.5-5 mg per day. If you take this remedy for high blood pressure in extended-release tablets (the drug and its analogues), then you can reduce the daily dosage without weakening the therapeutic effect. However, long-acting indapamide tablets are not suitable for eliminating edema.
Side effects The following side effects are possible: a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia), headache, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, general malaise, muscle spasms or cramps, numbness of the limbs, nervousness, irritability, agitation. All of the problems listed above are rare. Indapamide is a much safer diuretic than other diuretics prescribed for high blood pressure and swelling. The symptoms that people mistake for the harmful effects of indapamide are usually the consequences of atherosclerosis that has affected the vessels that feed the heart, brain and legs.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding Do not take indapamide on your own during pregnancy for high blood pressure and swelling. Doctors rarely prescribe this medicine to pregnant women if they think the benefit outweighs the risk. Indapamide, like other diuretics, is not the first choice for hypertension in pregnancy. First of all, prescribe other drugs, the safety of which is well proven. Read the article "" for more details. If you are concerned about swelling, see a doctor, and do not take diuretic drugs or other drugs on your own. Indapamide is contraindicated in breastfeeding because its concentration in breast milk has not been established and its safety has not been proven.
Interaction with other drugs Indapamide can interact negatively with many medications, including popular over-the-counter pills. Before you are prescribed a diuretic, tell your doctor about all medications, dietary supplements, and herbs you are taking. Indapamide interacts with other high blood pressure medications, digitalis medications, antibiotics, hormones, antidepressants, NSAIDs, insulin, and diabetes pills. Read the official instructions for use for more details.
Overdose Overdose symptoms - nausea, weakness, dizziness, dry mouth, thirst, muscle pain. All of these symptoms are rare. Poisoning with indapamide tablets is much harder than other popular diuretic drugs. However, you need to urgently call the emergency team. Before her arrival, do a gastric lavage and give the patient activated charcoal.
Terms and conditions of storage Storage in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15° to 25°C. Shelf life - 3-5 years for various drugs, the active ingredient of which is indapamide.

How to take indapamide

Indapamide must be taken for a long time, perhaps even for life. This medicine is intended for long-term use. Don't expect quick results from it. It begins to lower blood pressure no earlier than after 1-2 weeks of daily intake. Take the prescribed indapamide tablets daily, 1 pc. Do not take breaks in taking them without consulting your doctor. You can take a diuretic (vasodilator) before or after a meal, whichever is more convenient for you. It is advisable to do this at the same time every day.

Indapamide must be taken continuously unless your doctor tells you to stop taking it. Don't be afraid of side effects. This is a very safe remedy for high blood pressure and heart failure. The unpleasant symptoms that people take for its harmful effect are usually the consequences of atherosclerosis that has affected the vessels that feed the heart, brain and legs. If you stop taking indapamide, then the symptoms will not disappear, and the risk of heart attack and stroke will also increase significantly.

Many people think that indapamide and other medications can be stopped after their blood pressure has returned to normal. This is a gross and dangerous mistake. Cancellation of treatment often causes pressure surges, hypertensive crisis, heart attack and stroke. Medicines for hypertension should be taken constantly, every day, regardless of blood pressure. If you want to reduce the dosage or stop treatment completely, discuss this with your doctor. For some hypertensive patients, switching to a healthy lifestyle helps so well that medication can be safely discontinued. But this doesn't happen often.

Together with the medicine Indapamide they are looking for:

Indapamide for pressure

Indapamide has become a popular high blood pressure drug because it has significant benefits. This drug lowers blood pressure well and is very safe. It is suitable for almost all patients, including diabetics, as well as gout patients and the elderly. Does not have a harmful effect on metabolism - does not increase the level of sugar (glucose) and uric acid in the blood. The benefits listed above have made indapamide one of the first choice drugs for hypertension. This does not mean that it can be used for self-medication. Take any blood pressure pills only as directed by your doctor.

Indapamide is not suitable for cases where you need to quickly help with a hypertensive crisis. It begins to act no earlier than after 1-2 weeks of daily intake, and lowers blood pressure smoothly. There are faster and stronger medicines for high blood pressure than this drug. But strong drugs cause many times more side effects. As a rule, indapamide for hypertension does not help enough if given alone, without other drugs. The goal of treatment is to keep blood pressure consistently below 135-140/90 mmHg. Art. To achieve it, you usually need to take indapamide along with other drugs that are not diuretics.

Dozens of studies since the 1980s have proven that indapmid reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other complications of hypertension. It is convenient for patients to take only one tablet for pressure per day, and not several different drugs. Therefore, medicines containing two or three active ingredients in one tablet have become popular. For example, and Ko-Perineva are medicines containing indapamide +. The drug Ko-Dalneva contains simultaneously 3 active ingredients: indapamide, and perindopril. Discuss the use of combination medicines with your doctor if you have a blood pressure of 160/100 mmHg. Art. and higher.

With diabetes

Indapamide is often prescribed to people with diabetes for high blood pressure along with other medications. Unlike many other diuretic drugs, this drug does not usually raise blood glucose levels. It is unlikely that you will need to increase your insulin and sugar-lowering pills once you start taking this drug. However, it is recommended to strengthen the control of diabetes, more often to measure sugar with a glucometer.

As a rule, diabetics do not need to take indapamide alone, but in combination with other medicines for high blood pressure. Pay attention to and. Drugs that belong to these groups not only lower blood pressure, but also protect the kidneys from the complications of diabetes. They delay the development of kidney failure.

In many clinical studies, patients with diabetes were prescribed indapamide + perindopril, which belongs to the ACE inhibitors. This combination of drugs not only lowers blood pressure, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications. It reduces the amount of protein in the urine. This means that the kidneys are less affected by the complications of diabetes. Among diabetics, Noliprel tablets are popular, which contain indapamide and perindopril under one shell. Target blood pressure for diabetics is 135/90 mm Hg. Art. If Noliprel does not allow it to be achieved, then you can add amlodipine to the medication regimen.

Read also the article "How to lower blood sugar and keep it consistently low". A low-carbohydrate diet works wonders in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It allows you to keep sugar normal, as in healthy people. Thanks to this, blood pressure normalizes and the complications of diabetes recede.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Below are answers to questions that often arise in patients about the drug indapamide.

Are indapamide and alcohol compatible?

Drinking alcohol increases the chance of indapamide side effects, which are usually rare. You may feel headaches, dizziness, and even faint if the pressure drops too low. However, there is no categorical prohibition of drinking alcohol for people taking indapamide. Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed. In the first few days of taking high blood pressure pills, the side effects listed above are especially likely to occur. Do not drink alcohol these days, so as not to aggravate the situation. Wait a few days for your body to get used to it.

What is the name of the original drug indapamide?

The original drug is manufactured by Servier. All other tablets containing indapamide are their analogues. Servier is a French company. But this does not mean that Arifon and Arifon Retard drugs are necessarily produced in France. Specify the country of origin by the barcode on the package.

What is a cheap analogue of this medicine?

The original drugs Arifon (regular indapamide) and Arifon Retard (prolonged-acting tablets) have numerous analogues, more or less cheap. Please note that Arifon and Arifon Retard tablets are not too expensive. They are available even for pensioners. Replacing these drugs with analogues will allow you to save a small amount of money. This may reduce the effectiveness of treatment and increase the likelihood of side effects. In Russia, cheap indapamide tablets are produced by Akrikhin, Ozon, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Kanonfarma, Alsi Pharma, Vertex, Nizhpharm and others. The CIS countries also have their own local manufacturers of cheap analogues of the drug Arifon.

Analogues of the drug Indapamide:

A well-known cardiologist in an informal conversation admitted that he categorically does not recommend his patients to take medicines for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases produced in Russia and the CIS countries. See more. If we already accept analogues, then pay attention to indapamide, which is produced in Eastern Europe. These are Indap tablets manufactured by PRO.MED.CS (Czech Republic) and a drug manufactured by Hemofarm (Serbia). There is also indapamide-Teva, which may be produced in Israel. Before buying any drug, check the country of origin using the barcode on the package.

Can indapamide and Asparkam be taken together?

Indapamide practically does not remove potassium from the body. Therefore, it is usually not necessary to use Asparkam or Panangin along with this medicine. Discuss this with your doctor. Do not take Asparkam on your own initiative. An increased level of potassium in the blood is not good, but rather dangerous. It can cause deterioration of well-being and even death from cardiac arrest. If you suspect that you are deficient in potassium, then take blood tests for the level of this mineral and other electrolytes, and do not rush to take medications or dietary supplements.

Does indapamide affect male potency?

Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have shown that indapamide does not impair male potency. The deterioration of potency in men taking medication for hypertension is usually caused by atherosclerosis that has affected the arteries that fill the penis with blood. Also, impotence is often caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, which a man does not even suspect and is not treated for. If you stop taking medications, then the potency will not improve, and a heart attack or stroke will occur several years earlier. Any other diuretic drugs that are prescribed for hypertension and heart failure affect male potency more than indapamide.

Does indapamide lower or raise blood pressure?

Indapamide lowers blood pressure. How much - it depends on the individual characteristics of each patient. In any case, this drug does not increase blood pressure.

Can indapamide be taken with low blood pressure?

Talk to your doctor to discuss how much you need to lower your dosage or stop indapamide altogether. Don't change the dose or frequency of your high blood pressure medications unless you feel really bad because of low blood pressure.

Can I take this drug for gout?

Indapamide is probably the safest diuretic drug for gout patients today.

What helps indapamide?

Indapamide is prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, as well as to reduce edema caused by heart failure or other causes.

Can this medicine be taken every other day?

The way indapamide is administered every other day has not been tested in any clinical trial. Probably, this method will not be able to protect you well from heart attack and stroke. On the days when you do not take indapamide, there will be jumps in blood pressure. It's bad for blood vessels. A hypertensive crisis is also possible. Do not try to take indapamide every other day. If the doctor prescribes such a regimen, replace him with a more qualified specialist.

Indapamide 1.5 mg or 2.5 mg: which is better?

Conventional indapamide preparations contain 2.5 mg of this substance, and sustained release tablets (MB, retard) contain 1.5 mg. Sustained-release medications lower blood pressure for a longer duration than regular pills and work smoothly. It is believed that due to this, the daily dose of indapamide can be reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 mg without compromising efficacy. Extended-release tablets containing 1.5 mg of indapamide are the drug Arifon Retard and its analogues. Please note that they are not suitable for the treatment of edema. They are prescribed only for hypertension. From edema, you need to take indapamide as prescribed by a doctor at a dosage of 2.5-5 mg per day. It is possible that the doctor will immediately prescribe a more potent diuretic drug for edema - a loop diuretic.

Indap vs Indapamide: What's the difference? Or is it the same thing?

Indap is the trade name for a drug produced by the Czech company PRO.MED.CS. Indapamide is its active ingredient. Thus, we can say that Indap and indapamide are one and the same. In addition to Indap, pharmacies sell many other tablets containing the same diuretic (vasodilator) substance. The most popular of them are called Arifon and Arifon Retard. These are original medicines, and Indap and all other indapamide preparations are their analogues. It is not necessary that Indap is produced in the Czech Republic. Before buying, it is advisable to clarify the country of origin of this medicine by the barcode on the package.

What is the difference between regular indapamide and indapamide MV Stada?

Indapamide MV Shtada is produced by Nizhpharm (Russia). MB stands for "modified release" - extended-release tablets that contain 1.5 mg of the active ingredient, not 2.5 mg. Above, it is described in detail how the dosages of indapamide 1.5 and 2.5 mg per day differ, and also why you should not take medicines produced in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. In domestic medical journals, you can find articles proving that indapamide MV Stada helps against hypertension no worse than the original drug Arifon Retard. Such articles are published for money, so they should be treated with skepticism.

Which is better: indapamide or hydrochlorothiazide?

In Russian-speaking countries, it is traditionally believed that it lowers blood pressure more than indapamide, although it causes more side effects. In March 2015, the authoritative journal Hypertension appeared proving that indapamide actually helps with high blood pressure better than hydrochlorothiazide.

We analyzed 14 studies from different years comparing indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide. It turned out that indapamide allows you to achieve blood pressure indicators of 5 mm Hg. Art. lower than hydrochlorothiazide. Thus, indapamide is a better remedy for hypertension than hydrochlorothiazide in terms of effectiveness, as well as the frequency and severity of side effects. Hydrochlorothiazide may be better than indapamide for edema. Although both of these drugs are considered relatively weak. They are rarely prescribed for severe edema.

Indapamide or furosemide: which is better?

Indapamide and are completely different drugs. Furosemide often causes side effects, and they are quite severe. But this medicine helps with edema in many cases when indapamide is powerless. With hypertension, not complicated by edema and heart failure, the doctor is likely to prescribe indapamide. A smart doctor is unlikely to prescribe furosemide for daily use for hypertension due to the high risk of side effects. But in severe heart failure, indapamide is of little use. Furosemide or another strong loop diuretic (Diuver) is given to relieve swelling and shortness of breath due to fluid buildup in the lungs. It cannot be said that indapamide is better than furosemide, or vice versa, because these drugs are used for different purposes.

Indapamide or Noliprel: which is better?

These are combined tablets containing indapamide and an additional active ingredient perindopril. They lower blood pressure more than taking indapamide alone without other drugs. For obese patients with type 2 diabetes, Noliprel is a better choice than regular indapamide. For lean elderly patients, Noliprel may be too strong a medicine. Perhaps it is better for them to take Arifon Retard tablets or their analogues. Discuss with your doctor which medication is best for you. Do not take any of the drugs listed above on your own.

Can indapamide and lisinopril be taken at the same time?

Yes, you can. This combination of drugs for hypertension is among the best. If indapamide and together do not allow to lower blood pressure to 135-140/90 mm Hg. Art., then you can add more to them. Discuss this with your doctor, do not add it on your own.

Indapamide or Lozap: which is better? Are these medicines compatible?

It cannot be said that indapamide is better than, or vice versa. Both of these drugs lower blood pressure in about the same way. They belong to different groups of drugs for hypertension. Indapamide is a diuretic used as a vasodilator. Lozap is an angiotensin II receptor blocker. These drugs can be taken at the same time. It is likely that when taken together, they will lower blood pressure much more than either of them individually.

Are the drugs indapamide and enalapril compatible?

  • Hope

    Hello! I am 53 years old, height 158 ​​cm, weight 75 kg. My blood pressure is normal, but as soon as I get nervous or all sorts of unforeseen situations at work, I start to worry, and the pressure will jump to 160/100. I have been taking indapamide for several years. All tests are normal, blood glucose is 6.5 and ECG - tachycardia. I wanted to have an operation to remove the gallbladder - they didn’t take it, because my blood pressure jumped to 198/110. The surgeon sent for treatment to the therapist. Maybe I should take some sedatives to calm my nerves? I am a very emotional person. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  • Inna

    Hello! After a stroke, my mother was prescribed indapamide along with other drugs. Drink for a month. A low-carbohydrate diet was used. The pressure was normal. Weight dropped by 100 g per day. After discontinuation of the diuretic, the pressure began to rise to 150/60 and the weight does not decrease anymore. Urinalysis is normal. We drink motherwort, magnesium v6. Do I need to restart taking indapamide? Thank you!

  • Tatyana

    Hello, I am 77 years old, height 165 cm, weight 68 kg. Aging problems with joints. All the tests prescribed by the therapist and the studies in the hospital are positive. Complaints - a bone has grown on the finger of the right foot, the big toe, it has formed on the side - it hurts. Fingers sometimes twists - reduces on hands. The pressure in the morning rises to 200/100 every morning, for two years now. I drank Lozap, Magnerot, a diuretic every three days in the morning, then Bidop and Magnerot in the afternoon, and Lozap, Thrombo Ass, Magnerot in the evening. In the evening, the pressure is 140/80, and in the morning - 180 or 200/100. Please, tell me, I now want to drink indapamide at night in the evening and egipres, and in the morning I will drink. Can these pills be taken together? Thank you.

  • Irina

    My mother is 68 years old, height 160 cm, weight - after a stroke she lost weight - became 50 kg. She has Parkinson's disease and takes a number of drugs that reduce blood pressure. In the morning at 6 o'clock he drinks indapamide, and in the evening at 19-00 - prestarium. At 3 o'clock, the pressure begins to rise from 140 to 160. Her comfortable pressure is 125/70. During the day it stays 100-126, in different ways. Now the doctor has prescribed to add 0.5 tablets of Prestarium in the evening, i.e. there will be only 1.5 tablets per day. But what if at 19-00 the pressure is low (110-126) - should I give prestarium and how much? A tablet or one and a half? And is it possible to take indapamide in the evening, and prestarium in the morning?

  • Helena

    My husband is 46 years old, height 176 cm, weight 100 kg. There are no comorbidities other than hypertension. Every morning for 3 years she takes indapamide + the second year of egilok. Analyzes hand over annually - everything is normal. He is a donor 1 time in two months, 1 time is left before the honorary donor. Complaint of dry mouth. What to do? What medicine should be replaced or discontinued? Lose weight fails, keeps 95-100 kg.

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    • 1 Composition, properties and form of release
    • 2 Mechanism of action
    • 3 Why is Indapamide prescribed?
    • 4 Instructions for use and dosage
      • 4.1 Use during pregnancy and lactation
      • 4.2 Is it suitable for children?
    • 5 Contraindications
    • 6 How to understand what an overdose?
    • 7 Side effects
    • 8 Drug compatibility
    • 9 Release and storage conditions
    • 10 Analogues and substitutes

    The diuretic drug "Indapamide" is able to effectively reduce blood pressure. At the same time, normalization occurs gently, and the diuretic effect is minimal. The drug has cumulative properties. The maximum result is observed after 8-10 weeks after the start of use. The medication has a list of contraindications and side effects. To prevent the latter, you should consult a doctor and carefully monitor your well-being.

    Composition, properties and form of release

    Tablets "Indapamide" belong to the group of diuretics and drugs for hypertension. The main actions include a smooth decrease in pressure. At the same time, the diuretic effect is controllable, which helps prevent dehydration and maintains a normal balance of substances. Externally, the tablets are white or slightly grayish in color, round, film-coated. The action of "Indapamide Retard" is due to the presence of the active substance indapamide. The pills contain 2.5 mg of the drug. The tablets also contain:

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    Mechanism of action

    The drug effectively lowers blood pressure.

    The action of "Indapamide" on the body is based on the increased excretion of elements of sodium and chlorine from the blood. In this case, the drug has practically no effect on the concentration of potassium and magnesium. As a result, there is a decrease in blood pressure and a slight diuretic effect is observed. The value of the reduced pressure does not depend on the amount of the drug taken. As the dose increases, the amount of liquid released changes. The medicine is characterized by a cumulative effect. If you constantly take "Indapamide" for 8-12 weeks, then the maximum result from the treatment is achieved.

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    Why is Indapamide prescribed?

    Indications for use describe situations in which the use of the product brings maximum benefit and result. The diuretic drug is widely used for high blood pressure. Assign "Indapamide" as an independent tool or as an addition to complex therapy. If the patient does not have hypertension, taking pills causes a deterioration in the condition and the manifestation of adverse reactions.

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    Instructions for use and dosage

    During treatment, it is recommended to follow the doctor's prescriptions according to the instructions.

    Drink diuretics should be strictly according to the schedule indicated by the doctor. "Indapamide" can be taken before or after meals. For high blood pressure, 1 tablet in the morning is recommended. In the evening, the medicine is not taken, since "Indapamide" refers to diuretic drugs. If necessary, it is allowed to drink the pill with a small amount of liquid. The result begins to appear no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the start of therapy. It has to do with cumulative action. If the duration of admission exceeds 4-5 weeks, but there is no effect, the drug should be discontinued or the daily dosage should be reviewed.

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    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    "Indapamide" from pressure should be taken according to the doctor's recommendations. In this case, all risk factors should be taken into account. These include the period of gestation. Taking the drug in this case is dangerous. "Indapamide" during pregnancy has the ability to penetrate the placenta to the fetus. In this case, the diuretic reduces pressure and provokes oxygen starvation. Instructions for use prohibits the use of a diuretic during breastfeeding. "Indapamide" is harmful to infants, as it penetrates into mother's milk. If a woman needs to take the remedy, then for the duration of therapy, feeding is replaced with artificial.

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    Is it for children?

    The drug is not recommended for children, there is a risk of lowering blood pressure.

    The use of "Indapamide" to a child in the presence of the disease is not recommended. It is forbidden to use due to the lack of experimentally confirmed evidence of the safety of the product. The use can provoke cases of low blood pressure in a young patient. When sick, it is better to resort to alternative drugs. There is an option to use the remedy every other day with a minimum daily dose and with increased pressure.

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    "Idapamide" drink with caution at the beginning of treatment. This is due to the presence of a list of prohibited diseases. The consequence of ignoring the list are obvious side effects. Over time, they develop into health complications. Do not use at low pressure and gout. Among other contraindications to taking "Indapamide tab":

    • negative reactions to the composition;
    • age up to 18 years;
    • taking incompatible drugs;
    • circulatory disorders in the brain;
    • urinary disorders;
    • kidney failure;
    • low levels of potassium in the body.

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    How to understand what an overdose?

    An overdose of the drug can cause weakness in the body, drowsiness and disturbances in the digestive tract.

    Taking the medicine for a long time without the supervision of a doctor or with violations of the prescribed dosages is fraught with the onset of an overdose. Long-term use with disorders is characterized by nausea, hypotension, weakness, drowsiness and disturbances in the work of the stomach. In this case, the balance of substances in the body is quickly disturbed. If you stop and start using the drug correctly, taking into account the prescribed dosage, you can avoid dangerous consequences. It is possible to reduce the concentration of indapamide in the blood by washing. Activated carbon or other sorbents act similarly.

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    Side effects

    With prolonged use without interruption, "Indapamide" begins to negatively affect the patient. To prevent manifestations of adverse reactions, the patient is treated by a doctor. At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition and control well-being. Commonly observed side effects:

    • allergies in the form of itching, red spots on the body and hives;
    • dry cough with a burning sensation in the throat;
    • clouding of consciousness and dizziness;
    • sense of anxiety;
    • arrhythmia and palpitations at rest;
    • dry mouth and lack of appetite;
    • changes in blood counts.

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    Drug compatibility

    "Indapamide" can be taken simultaneously with other medicines. At the same time, doctors prescribe a list of funds. Also, experts calculate the daily amount of all medicines. If the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then the dosage of the main drug should be increased. Means with lithium in the composition contribute to a dangerous excess of the concentration of the trace element in the blood. Sodium is retained in the body when glucocorticoids are used.

    "Indapamide" can be taken with other drugs, subject to the calculation of the doses of drugs and the effect on the human body.

    The combination with potassium-sparing diuretics or with agents that contain potassium leads to hyperkalemia. The development of renal failure occurs when there is a violation of the outflow of urine. The combination of "Indapamide" and a contrast agent for the X-ray procedure negatively affects the kidneys. The drug is not compatible with calcium preparations, as it provokes hypercalcemia. If the product contains estrogen, then the patient is waiting for an increase in the fluid content in the body.

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    Vacation and storage conditions

    Released "Indapamide" strictly according to the prescription. This is done in order to prevent unauthorized diagnosis and treatment without the knowledge of the doctor. After purchase, store the product at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The place should be well ventilated, dry and protected from children. According to the annotation, the drug can be stored for no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture. After the specified period, the drug loses its properties.

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    Analogues and substitutes

    "Indapamide" belongs to the group of diuretics. However, it is not always possible to find it in the pharmacies of the city. In this case, the doctor should offer the patient an alternative drug. The need for the selection of a substitute arises if the patient has contraindications. Analogues of "Indapamide" are "Ipamid", "Indapafon", "Arifon", "Vazopamide", "Chemopamid", "Xipogamma" and "Ravel". The patient must remember that a similar remedy requires recalculation of the daily dose. You cannot replace it yourself.

    A comment


    Lorista: instructions for use, at what pressure to take tablets

    Lorista is a drug, a pill that effectively fights high blood pressure and eliminates heart failure. The positive impact of the drug is due to its main component - Losartan.

    This substance inhibits angiotensin II receptors in the vessels, heart, kidneys and adrenal cortex, which reduces vasoconstriction.

    In addition, the drug will increase a person's endurance during physical work, prevent the development of left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardium. The maximum concentration of the drug in the bloodstream will be observed one hour after taking a dose of Losartan:

    1. rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
    2. undergoes metabolism during the first passage through the liver;
    3. releases the active metabolite with carboxylic acid.

    The bioavailability of Losartan will be about 33%. The use of the drug is not tied to food intake, since it does not affect the clinically significant serum concentration.

    Given a single dose of Lorista tablets, it leads to a statically significant decrease in diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

    The drug controls the pressure evenly throughout the day, the antihypertensive effect will correspond to the natural rhythm. The decrease in pressure at the end of the time of action of the tablets is about 70-80% of the effect that was at the peak of the action of the drug (5 hours after ingestion).

    If there is a need to end the treatment, the so-called withdrawal syndrome does not occur. There is also no clinically significant effect on the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, the drug will be effective in patients of any age.

    It contains the active substance losartan (12.5; 25; 50 or 100 mg), excipients: corn starch, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide, cellactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, pregelatinized starch.

    The cost of the medicine depends on the patient's region of residence, the exchange rate and the current trade margin. The average price for Lotarzan in Russia will be:

    • tablets 12.5 mg (30 pieces) - 147 rubles;
    • tablets 25 mg (30 pieces) - 200 rubles;
    • tablets 50 mg (30 pieces) - 213 rubles;
    • tablets 100 mg (90 pieces) - 700 rubles.

    You can buy the drug both in stationary pharmacy chains and in online pharmacies.

    Analogues and substitutes

    Structural analogues for the main active ingredient are drugs: Lotor, Zisakar, Lakea, Cozaar, Vero Lotarzan, Lozap plus, Renicard, Presartan, Blocktran.

    Despite the similar composition, these medicines, if used without authorization, can adversely affect the patient's health.

    Instructions for using the medicine

    Lorista is indicated for the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients at increased risk of:

    1. secondary arterial hypertension;
    2. from high blood pressure;
    3. chronic heart failure;
    4. reduction of proteinuria in kidney pathologies in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    Lozap tablets are allowed to be taken with other drugs that reduce the level of pressure. The drug is swallowed, after which it can be washed down with a sufficient amount of boiled or purified water.

    With arterial hypertension, the initial dosage will be 1 tablet of Lorist H 50 / 12.5 mg once a day. Patients for whom such a volume of the drug is ineffective should be prescribed 2 tablets per day. Ideally, the drug is taken in the morning after breakfast. The maximum hypotensive effect can be achieved after 3-4 weeks from the start of therapy.

    To reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and death in patients diagnosed with hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy begins treatment with 50 g of the drug 1 time per day.

    Patients who fail to achieve the target pressure value should be prescribed 50 mg of losartan per day, adding up to 12.5 mg of hydrochlorothiazide to the therapy regimen. If necessary, it is recommended to increase the dosage to:

    • 100 mg losartan;
    • 12.5 Hydrochlorothiazide.

    In renal insufficiency, there is no need to adjust the volume of the drug. In severe renal, hepatic insufficiency and patients who are on hemodialysis, the combination of hydrochlorothiazide and losartan is not prescribed.

    In patients with reduced intravascular volume of circulating blood, before using Lorista tablets, Lorista Plus, it is first necessary to correct fluid and sodium deficiency.

    If there is a need to treat elderly people, do not change the dosage of the drug.

    In chronic heart failure, doctors recommend a gradual increase in the dosage of the drug. In the first week of therapy, 12.5 mg of Lorista is prescribed per day, from the second week it is necessary to take 25 mg of the drug, and, starting from the third week, it is recommended to switch to a maintenance dose of 50 mg per day.

    In case of nephropathy with proteinuria in diabetes mellitus, the initial dosage of the drug is 50 mg, if indicated, it should be increased to 100 mg.

    Indapamide is a diuretic drug of the thiazide group, which has hypotensive, vasodilating and diuretic (diuretic) effects.

    The drug is used in the treatment of arterial hypertension, thiazide-like and thiazide diuretics are widely used in antihypertensive therapy. They are used as first-line drugs both in monotherapy and as part of combined treatment, their use contributes to a marked improvement in cardiovascular prognosis.

    On this page you will find all the information about Indapamide: full instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Indapamide. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

    Clinical and pharmacological group

    Diuretic. Antihypertensive drug.

    Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

    Released by prescription.


    How much does Indapamide cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 25 rubles.

    Release form and composition

    It is produced in the form of capsules and tablets with the main active ingredient - indapamide, the content of which can be in:

    • 1 capsule - 2.5 mg;
    • 1 film-coated tablet - 2.5 mg;
    • 1 long-acting film-coated tablet - 1.5 mg.

    The excipients of Indapamide film-coated tablets include lactose monohydrate, povidone K30, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, talc. The shell of these tablets consists of hypromellose, macrogol 6000, talc, titanium dioxide (E171).

    Auxiliary components of prolonged action tablets: hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Film coat: hypromellose, macrogol, talc, titanium dioxide, tropeolin dye.

    Indapamide preparations enter the pharmacy network:

    • Capsules - in polymer containers of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 pieces or in a blister pack of 10 or 30 pieces;
    • Tablets - in blisters of 10 pieces.

    Pharmacological effect

    Indapamide belongs to the class of thiazide diuretics and has the following pharmacological effects:

    1. Reduces resistance in arterioles;
    2. Reduces blood pressure (hypotensive effect);
    3. Reduces total peripheral vascular resistance;
    4. Expands blood vessels (is a vasodilator);
    5. Helps to reduce the degree of hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart;
    6. It has a moderately diuretic (diuretic) effect.

    The hypotensive effect of Indapamide develops when taken in dosages (1.5 - 2.5 mg per day), which do not cause a diuretic effect. Therefore, the drug can be used to lower blood pressure over a long period of time. When taking Indapamide in higher dosages, the hypotensive effect does not increase, but a pronounced diuretic effect appears. It must be remembered that a decrease in blood pressure is achieved only a week after taking Indapamide, and a lasting effect develops after 3 months of use.

    Indapamide has no effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism, therefore it can be used by people suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. In addition, Indapamide effectively reduces blood pressure in people with one kidney or those on hemodialysis.

    Indications for use

    What helps? The drug is intended for use in adult patients.


    It is forbidden to take the drug for such indications:

    • hypokalemia;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • renal failure (stage of anuria);
    • age up to 18 years (efficacy and safety have not been established);
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • hypersensitivity to other sulfonamide derivatives;
    • hepatic encephalopathy or severe liver failure;
    • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome.

    With caution, the drug should be prescribed for impaired renal and / or liver function; diabetes in the stage of decompensation; violation of water and electrolyte balance; hyperuricemia (especially accompanied by gout and urate nephrolithiasis); hyperparathyroidism; in patients with a prolonged QT interval on the ECG or receiving therapy that may result in prolongation of the QT interval (astemizole, erythromycin (in / in), pentamidine, sultopride, terfenadine, vincamine, class IA antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine, disopyramide) and class III (amiodarone, bretylium tosylate)).

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    The use of Indapamide in pregnant women is not recommended. Its reception can provoke the development of fetoplacental ischemia, which can slow down the development of the fetus.

    Since indapamide passes into breast milk, it should not be administered during lactation. If it is necessary to take the drug by nursing patients, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

    Instructions for use

    The instructions for use indicate that Indapamide is taken orally, regardless of food intake, preferably in the morning. Tablets should be swallowed without chewing and drinking plenty of liquid.

    • With arterial hypertension, the recommended dose of the drug is 2.5 mg 1 time / day.

    An increase in the dose of the drug does not lead to an increase in the antihypertensive effect.

    Side effects

    When taking Indapamide, the following side effects may develop:

    1. Exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus;
    2. Cough, sinusitis, pharyngitis, rarely - rhinitis;
    3. Urticaria, itching, rash, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
    4. Orthostatic hypotension, palpitations, arrhythmia, hypokalemia;
    5. Frequent infections of the urinary system, polyuria, nocturia;
    6. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, abdominal pain, sometimes hepatic encephalopathy, rarely pancreatitis;
    7. Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nervousness, asthenia, depression, insomnia, vertigo, rarely - malaise, general weakness, tension, muscle spasm, anxiety, irritability;
    8. Glucosuria, hypercreatininemia, increased plasma urea nitrogen, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia;
    9. Very rarely - hemolytic anemia, bone marrow aplasia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.


    In case of an overdose, vomiting, weakness and nausea may occur, in addition, the patient has a violation of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and water and electrolyte balance.

    Sometimes there may be depressed breathing and low blood pressure. In case of an overdose, the patient must wash the stomach, apply symptomatic therapy, and correct the water and electrolyte balance.

    special instructions

    1. Taking sulfonamides can exacerbate systemic lupus erythematosus.
    2. It should be borne in mind that diuretic drugs can lead to hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia.
    3. Athletes while taking Indapamide may show positive reactions during doping control.
    4. The development of hypercalcemia during treatment with the drug indicates a previously undiagnosed hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
    5. The use of thiazide-like diuretics can lead to the development of photosensitivity, in which case the drug is stopped.
    6. During the application of Indapamide, it is necessary to close the skin from direct sunlight and artificial ultraviolet radiation.
    7. While taking the drug, periodic monitoring of the content of electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium) in the blood serum, glucose levels, pH, residual nitrogen and uric acid is necessary.
    8. The appointment of Indapamide according to indications should be preceded by a laboratory examination of the patient, especially if there are prerequisites for the development of water and electrolyte disorders.
    9. The appointment of the drug for the treatment of elderly patients is possible with good or slightly impaired renal function. In this case, the concentration of creatinine and the content of potassium in the blood plasma should be regularly monitored, taking into account the age, sex and body weight of the patient.
    10. The use of the drug for the treatment of edema during pregnancy can cause insufficiency of the placental-fetal blood flow, which will lead to fetal hypotrophy, so the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

    During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    drug interaction

    1. Cyclosporine contributes to the development of hypercreatininemia.
    2. Erythromycin can lead to the development of tachycardia with ventricular fibrillation.
    3. Preparations containing iodine can lead to fluid deficiency in the body.
    4. Aluretics, cardiac glycosides, laxatives increase the risk of developing potassium deficiency.
    5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids reduce the hypotensive effect.
    6. Antidepressants and neuroleptics enhance the hypotensive effect, increase the likelihood of developing orthostatic hypotension.

    "Indapamide" (trade name Indapamide Shtada) belongs to the group of modern Diuretic, a good vasodilator, the drug accelerates the work of calcium channels, promotes increased excretion of sodium in the urine, improves the elasticity of arterial walls. With virtually no effect on the amount of lipids in the blood plasma and carbohydrate metabolism, the drug "Indapamide" (by the name of the active substance) reduces the hypertrophy of the heart muscle, reduces the overall peripheral vascular resistance.

    A remarkable property of the drug is that even prescribed in very high doses, it does not affect the degree of pressure reduction, although diuresis (the volume of urine formed in the body) increases significantly.

    To achieve the effect of the remedy "Indapamide", the reviews of doctors are unanimous on this issue, it is necessary to prescribe for long-term use. In this case, the increase in the positive effect of the drug is gradual: the first effect is noticeable after 2 weeks, the maximum - after 12 weeks. The effect of the drug lasts for two months.

    If the drug is taken once, then its effect will come no earlier than 24 hours.

    In hospitals, patients were carefully monitored for patients undergoing treatment with the drug "Indapamide". Reviews of patients allow us to conclude: the medicine is best taken early in the morning, only once a day. If the tablets do not have a prolonged action, then the initial dose is usually in the range of 1.25-2.5 mg. prescribed one and a half milligrams per dose.

    The medicine is presented in pharmacies in various medicinal forms. These are capsules, regular or prolonged tablets, coated tablets.

    All varieties of the drug are sold without a prescription, but this does not mean that the substance can be drunk without a doctor's prescription.

    "Indapamide", reviews of doctors are unanimous in this matter, with uncontrolled use, can cause significant harm to the body.

    Firstly, the drug "Indapamide" has many side effects. And among them there can be such severe reactions as vertigo (feeling of constant rotation), depression, drowsiness or insomnia. Often, with uncorrected treatment, palpitations, anxiety, and dyspeptic deviations appear. With such violations of "Indapamide", the reviews of specialists are unambiguous, should be canceled. In extreme cases, reduce the dose of the drug. If this is not done, then continued treatment may disrupt the functioning of the liver, cause anorexia, change the chemical

    Secondly, with an overdose, a sharp increase in adverse reactions to a critical value is possible.

    Finally, this medicine is not shown to everyone.

    In particular, people suffering from insufficient cerebral circulation, impaired kidney or liver function, gout or diabetes should not drink the medicine.

    What do patients who took the drug "Indapamide" think? Reviews, of course, are mixed. Someone notes a good final effect after a course of treatment, someone complains about an excessive number of adverse reactions, and someone has not experienced any negative effects.

    This variety of reviews only emphasizes once again: each organism is individual. Only a doctor should determine the appropriateness and dosage of the drug for each.

    What else is different "Indapamide"? Reviews of both doctors and patients emphasize the availability of the medicine, its affordable price (no more than 80 rubles). In addition, the medicine has many analogues. The Russian "Indapamide Shtada" can be replaced by Russian drugs "Indopamide Hemofarm", "Ravel SR", "Arifon" and the like. In total, the Directory of Medicinal Products lists more than 20 analogues of a drug of only Russian origin.