Business idea: how to open a private nursing home. Nursing home as a business idea

hospice vladimir

In the Welcome section to the question of how hospice stands for, given by the author Vladimir Teplov, the best answer is I don’t know how it stands for, but it is:

Hospice (from English.

hospice - a medical institution in which patients with a predictable adverse outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by the usual "home" things, they have free access to relatives and friends. Medical staff provides palliative care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc.

The word "hospice" came into English from the Old French ("hospice"). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium ("hospitality"). This term from the VI century AD. e. marked the resting places of the pilgrims. The first hospices

The word "hospice" came into English from the Old French ("hospice"). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium ("hospitality"). This term from the VI century AD. e. marked the resting places of the pilgrims. The first hospices were usually located along the roads that were the main routes of Christian pilgrims. They were, in a certain sense, care homes for tired, exhausted, or sick wanderers. However, hospices also helped local residents. From English, the word came to other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

How to open a hospice

Hospice (from the English hospice) is a medical institution in which patients with a predictable adverse outcome of the disease receive decent care and service. Hospice patients are surrounded by the usual "home" things, they have free access to relatives and friends. Medical staff provides palliative care: patients can receive oxygen, painkillers, tube feeding, etc. A minimum of doctors and a maximum of middle and junior medical personnel. The main purpose of staying in a hospice is to brighten up the last days of life, to alleviate suffering. This is humane and, moreover, more cost-effective than treating terminal patients in an intensive care unit. In the post-Soviet space, this problem has not been solved, since it still requires significant investments, obtaining a license to work with drugs subject to control, etc.

Word " hospice" came into English from Old French ( "hospice"). There it, in turn, was formed from the Latin words hospes and hospitium ("hospitality"). This term has been used since the 6th century AD. marked the resting places of the pilgrims. From English, the word came to other European languages ​​in the 19th century.

The main provisions of the concept of hospices

Hospice provides care for terminally ill patients in the last stage of the disease. On the territory of the CIS countries, assistance in hospices is provided mainly to cancer patients with severe pain in the last stage of the disease, confirmed by medical documents.

The primary object of medical, social and psychological assistance in the hospice is the patient and his family. Patient care is provided by specially trained medical and nursing staff, as well as relatives of patients and volunteers who have undergone preliminary training in hospices.

Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care for patients. Outpatient care is provided at home by hospice outreach teams (“hospice at home”). Inpatient care, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, is provided in a round-the-clock, day or night stay of patients in a hospital.

The hospice can implement the principle of "diagnosis openness". The issue of informing patients of their diagnosis is decided individually and only in cases where the patient insists on this.

The whole set of medical, social and psychological assistance to the patient should be aimed at eliminating or reducing the pain syndrome and fear of death while preserving his consciousness and intellectual abilities as much as possible.

Each patient in a hospice should be provided with physical and psychological comfort. Physical comfort is achieved by creating conditions in the hospital that are as close as possible to home. Ensuring psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

The sources of funding for hospices are budgetary funds, funds from charitable societies and voluntary donations from citizens and organizations.

Basic principles of hospice activity

Hospice services are free. Death cannot be paid, just like birth.

Hospice is the house of life, not death.

Controlling symptoms can improve the patient's quality of life.

Death, like birth, is a natural process. It cannot be rushed or slowed down. Hospice is an alternative to euthanasia.

Hospice is a system of comprehensive medical, psychological and social care for patients.

Hospice - schools and support for relatives and loved ones of the patient.

Hospice is a worldview of humanism.

Prospects for the development of palliative care for cancer patients in Russia

The prospective development of palliative care is associated with the need to solve a number of problems of an organizational, scientific, medical, social and economic nature.

At the first stage, it is expedient to use the existing final fund of city oncological hospitals, which will make it possible to create a network of palliative care departments in a short time and without large financial costs to improve the quality of life of patients in need. At the second stage, along with the existing departments of palliative care, to build hospices. At the third stage - (as hospices are put into operation) - to expand the functions of palliative care departments to multidisciplinary units of the palliative medicine system, in which patients with various forms of chronic diseases (neurological, endocrinological, pulmonological, etc.) will receive the necessary assistance in the terminal stage of development , i.e. patients whose specialized treatment has already exhausted its possibilities and / or is impossible due to the severity of the general somatic condition of the patient. As a result, the system of palliative care for oncological patients created in Russia can be used as a model of palliative medicine service, the basis of which is the territorial centers of palliative medicine.

2.1. Hospice opening. hospice policy

The hospice provides assistance to patients in the Central District of Moscow.

The organization of the work of the IMC is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on this institution, approved by the Moscow Department of Health and which is the fundamental document for organizing the work of hospices in Moscow, including the First Moscow Hospice. Below is the full text of this provision.

1. General Provisions

1.2. The hospice is created in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

1.3. Officials and staff of the hospice are guided in their activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations.

1.4. The hospice is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banking institutions, a round seal with its name, a corner stamp with the name of the institution, letterheads.

1.5. The hospice operates in accordance with the Charter and on the basis of a license obtained in the prescribed manner.

1.6. Hospice can be a clinical and educational base of medical educational institutions and research institutes.

1.7. Hospice acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration, arbitration courts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. The hospice carries out state activities for mobilization preparation in accordance with the current legislation and regulations of the Moscow Government.

1.9. Hospice in order to implement the state, social, economic and tax policy is responsible for the safety of documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.); ensures the transfer of documents to the state storage.

The hospice provides services to the population of the attached district, the number of children. The capacity of the hospice is determined by the number of beds.

2.2. The selection of patients in the hospice is carried out by hospice doctors on the basis of:

– the presence of an oncological disease in the terminal stage, confirmed by the medical documents of the sending institution;

- the presence of a pain syndrome that cannot be stopped at home;

- the presence of socio-psychological indications (depression, reactive states, conflict situations at home, the inability to care for the patient).

2.3. Hospice provides outpatient and inpatient care to patients, which, depending on the needs of the patient and his family, can be provided in the form of intermediate forms - a day hospital, an outreach service.

2.4. Ensuring psychological comfort is carried out on the basis of the principle of an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his condition, spiritual, religious and social needs.

2.5. Medical assistance and qualified nursing care in the hospice is provided free of charge. Subsidies (payment) from relatives or patients are prohibited.

2.6. The hospice is not engaged in commercial and other activities that are contrary to its charitable nature and violate the principle of equal access to the institution and equal opportunities for medical and social care for all incurable patients.

2.7. The hospice provides medical, social and legal protection for patients registered with the hospice.

2.8. The hospice provides social protection for hospice staff.

2.9. The hospice carries out organizational and methodological work on the primary training of personnel: doctors, paramedical workers, junior medical personnel, volunteers, and teaching relatives the skills of caring for patients.

2.10. The structure and staffing of the hospice is approved by the head doctor of the hospice, based on the number of assigned contingent and the amount of medical and social assistance provided (within the wage fund).

2.11. The hospice provides organizational, methodological and practical assistance to institutions and specialists in the field of palliative care, takes part in meetings and conferences on topical issues of palliative care.

2.12. Hospice provides:

– emergency medical care;

- specialized medical care;

- selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic and symptomatic therapy;

- qualified medical and social assistance to patients, the provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to the patient and his relatives;

- nutrition, including dietary, in accordance with medical recommendations and the wishes of the patient;

– organizing and conducting supportive palliative treatment of incurable patients;

– organization of the necessary advisory assistance;

– conducts the development and implementation in practice of new methods of palliative treatment and patient care;

– analyzes the effectiveness of the medical and social activities of the hospice;

- Carries out activities for mobilization training and civil defense;

– operates and repairs the property of the hospice;

– maintains statistical and accounting records and provides reports on the activities of the hospice in the prescribed manner.

3. Tasks of the hospice

– formation of a new form of medical and social security based on the merciful and humane attitude of the public and the state towards the problems of incurable cancer patients;

– increasing the availability of inpatient care for patients in the terminal stage and improving home care;

- providing social and psychological assistance to patients and their relatives, teaching relatives the skills of caring for seriously ill patients;

– ensuring the selection and implementation of the necessary analgesic therapy;

- organization of the necessary advisory assistance.

3.2. In accordance with these tasks, the hospice is entrusted with:

- Creation of a service of voluntary assistants, providing gratuitous care for patients at home and in a hospital, training them;

- communication with religious organizations of all faiths for the administration, if necessary, of religious rites during the stay in the hospital and at home;

– communication and active work with charitable organizations, both domestic and foreign;

– communication with other hospices, both domestic and foreign;

- communication with the social protection authorities;

- communication with the media.

4. Structure of the hospice

1. Reception department.

2. Hospital bed.

3. Day hospital.

4. Field service.

5. Administrative and economic service.

6. Auxiliary services (sterilization, pharmacy, chamberless unit, laundry, catering department).

5. Property and finances of the hospice

5.2. The source of the formation of property and financial resources of the hospice are:

– city health budget;

– other sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. When exercising the right to operational management of property, the hospice is obliged to:

- efficient use of property;

- ensure the safety and use of property strictly for its intended purpose;

– prevent deterioration of the technical condition of the property. This requirement does not apply to deterioration associated with standard wear and tear of property during operation;

– carry out major and current repairs of property;

- charge depreciation deductions on the depreciating part of the property.

5.5. The property of the hospice assigned to it on the basis of the right of operational management may be withdrawn either completely or partially only in the following cases:

– in case of liquidation, reorganization of the hospice;

It always hurts to see older people alone. And so I want to give my closest people a decent old age. But in everyday bustle, work and affairs, sometimes you forget about satisfying your needs, not to mention others. Therefore, relatives of elderly people often have thoughts of contacting a private nursing home. They are popular both in big cities and in the provinces. How to make money in this area, it will help to find out the business plan of a boarding house for the elderly with calculations.

Input data

According to statistics, 4% of all pensioners are in public nursing homes. And only 0.5% of pensioners live in commercial geriatric centers. Unfortunately, the quality of service, repairs and staff qualifications in public institutions leave much to be desired. However, the issue of financing is very acute here: not everyone can afford to stay in an elite boarding house, because the cost of monthly maintenance can reach 3-5 monthly pension transfers. Therefore, this area can lure only 25% of all patients of state geriatric centers, but this is also a lot, more than one and a half million people. Still a free niche that you can have time to occupy.

Before proceeding to the description of the business plan for a boarding house for the elderly, we will determine the necessary information for its preparation. It is assumed that the boarding house will combine the functions of the geriatric department of the hospital and the classic boarding house. It will provide services such as:

  • Permanent residence.
  • Nutrition.
  • Laundry.
  • Room cleaning.
  • Leisure organization.
  • Basic medical support - day hospital and physiotherapy.

The boarding house will have the following characteristics:

  • Form of ownership - LLC.
  • Type of taxation - STS (income minus expenses 6%).
  • Premises - 450 sq. meters.
  • Yard area - 1 ha.
  • Type of ownership of real estate - lease.
  • Number of rooms - 20 (10 rooms for two residents and 10 rooms for 1 guest).
  • The number of guests is 30.
  • OKVED-2 code 86.21 "General medical practice".

The building must have an elevator, ramps and handrails for the comfortable movement of the disabled. In addition, all rooms must be equipped with a special button to quickly call staff.


To open a nursing home, you need to obtain a special license for medical care. For these purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the relevant SanPiN, buy special equipment and hire medical personnel. Otherwise, the procedure for registering a business does not differ from other types of activities:

Organizational stage Amount, rubles
LLC registration (state duty) 4 000
Authorized capital 10 000
Seal 1 000
Registration of current account 2 000
Purchase of a cash register 32 000
Registration with the tax office
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year* 675 000
Conclusion of internal infrastructure engineers 20 000
Contract for maintenance of ventilation for a year 50 000
Contract of protection for a year 120 000
Contract for disinfection and deratization 30 000
Agreement for the disposal of solid waste 30 000
Obtaining medical licenses
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission from the SES
Obtaining a Fire Supervision Permit
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the launch of the project
Total 929 000

In addition to all organizational expenses, the entrepreneur needs to make repairs in the premises. About 700 thousand rubles should be allocated for these purposes. In total, at the preparatory stage, 1,619,000 rubles will be needed.

Technical equipment

For a geriatric center for 30 people, you will need specialized equipment and a lot of furniture:


A large number of guests require constant attention. This requires a large staff.

Employee Number of individuals Number of bets Salary Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
nurses 3 3 23 000 69 000 89 838
nurses 4 4 23 000 92 000 119 784
Cleaning woman 6 6 18 000 108 000 140 616
Cook 2 2 20 000 40 000 52 080
Gerontologist 1 1 35 000 35 000 45 570
Psychotherapist 1 0,5 35 000 17 500 22 785
Accountant 1 1 25 000 25 000 32 550
Total 18 17,5 386 500 503 223

Also, from time to time, you will have to turn to loaders and drivers on your own vehicles for help, which can lead to an increase in the monthly wage fund by 10 thousand rubles. In total, 566,605 rubles will be required to pay employees and deductions to state and non-state funds.


For a successful and quick filling of the boarding house, it is enough at the dawn of activity to advertise in:

  • Newspapers.
  • Polyclinics and hospitals.
  • Internet.
  • Banks.
  • Large corporations (to attract relatives of potential guests).

All these needs will require about 60 thousand rubles. Events are held once and will not be repeated.

The volume of capital expenditures

Name of the item of expenditure price, rub.
Organizational expenses 919 000
Premises renovation 700 000
Technical equipment and purchase of furniture 3 710 000
Marketing 60 000
Other contingencies 30 000
Financing activities until reaching self-sufficiency 2 000 000
TOTAL 7 419 000

Work Schedule

This area of ​​business has no seasonality. However, it is better to open in summer or spring. This is due to the fact that in the warm season it will be easier for the elderly to get comfortable and get used to the new environment. And the opening, for example, on holidays will facilitate the relocation of elderly family members for their relatives. Therefore, it is better to start work on preparing the premises and opening a business in July of the previous year.

Financial indicators

The cost of maintaining a boarding house for the elderly includes the following items:

  • The rent is 225,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 50,000 rubles.
  • Meals - 160,000 rubles.
  • Payroll fund - 503,223 rubles.
  • Cleaning products - 10,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for organizing entertainment events - 15,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 10,000 rubles.

In total, the monthly costs will amount to 978,233 rubles.

The income of the shelter will consist of the following parts:

  • Stay of 1 person in a double room for a month - 35,000 rubles.
  • Stay of 1 person in the "lux" room for a month - 45,000 rubles.

According to calculations, the house in question can accommodate 20 people in double rooms (35,000 x 20 = 700,000) and 10 people in single rooms (45,000 x 10 = 450,000). Total monthly profit will be 1,150,000. Net profit will be 171,767 rubles, profitability - 15%. When the boarding house is fully loaded, the initial investment will pay for itself in 3.5 years.


  • Project start: July 2017.
  • Opening of the shelter for the elderly: May 2018.
  • Nursing home full occupancy: August 2018.
  • Achievement of projected income: August 2018.
  • Payback period: January 2022.


Today's realities ruthlessly dictate their own rules. The age of the average Russian is growing, and already more than 60% of all citizens of the country are pensioners. More and more older people are in nursing homes. A young entrepreneur can turn statistics to his advantage and build an entire business on it. In addition, a permanent residence geriatric center may qualify for subsidies from the federal or regional budget, as it is a socially oriented project.

A fairly large number of people are interested in the topic of opening a private nursing home. An integral part of this interest is economic calculations, profitability, necessary investments, and so on. All this aspect of interest closes the business plan.

But self-compilation of a business plan is a rather laborious task, primarily in terms of time and requires certain knowledge in the field of financial planning and calculations. Ordering a business plan from consulting organizations is a rather expensive undertaking.

Being engaged in the organization and opening of private nursing homes for a long time, I, based on my desire to have as many decent boarding houses for the elderly in our state as possible, offering a high level of quality of life for the elderly, decided to make a gift for everyone who has the desire and opportunity to open . Below, at the link in red, in PDF format you can see one of the business plans I ordered for a nursing home designed for Moscow. Premium boarding house business plan. I chose this particular business plan because the standards must always be raised) And the premium segment is a good guideline for organizing the work of a private nursing home.

What's next?

And then important information will be knowledge of hygienic requirements for placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance of facilities of healthcare and social service organizations intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime of their work. In other words, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. More specifically SanPiN Click on the red text below and you will have knowledge of the rules and regulations imposed by the state on the topic of interest to us.

The nursing home business plan is displayed on the website in pdf format and the calculated figures are shown for a specific case. For your situation, I have an Excel file with the given formulas for calculating EBITDA, NPV, IRR, payback periods, sensitivity analysis and other financial calculations. Write to me at the mail indicated in the Contacts section and I will send you this very necessary financial calculation tool for the profitability of a private boarding house for the elderly.

The older generation needs care and special care. However, relatives are not always ready to surround an elderly person with attention. While the young family members are at work, the pensioner is left to himself. The situation can be aggravated even more if, with age, a person develops a galaxy of diseases, including mental disorders.

A private boarding house or nursing home is the best solution for all parties: an elderly person receives the necessary care and medical supervision, relatives are no longer afraid to go to work, and the institution receives a well-deserved profit.

Guaranteed social security or private sector

Unfortunately, the percentage of citizens of retirement age in Russia is gradually growing, and the existing state institutions for the care of the elderly can no longer cope with the influx of guests. It is also necessary to take into account the factor that social institutions accept only single pensioners - the heirs should take care of the rest.

Family grandparents, more often their relatives, can only apply to a private institution, so this type of business is considered the most competitive in the modern economy. Stereotypes about poor living conditions and negative attitudes towards nursing home residents are gradually being erased. Trust in nursing homes is returning for objective reasons: modern private institutions are distinguished by a high level of comfort and a professional team.

How to open a nursing home

The practice of spending the rest of the years in a nursing home, under vigilant medical supervision, is widespread in Europe and the United States: neither children nor their parents see anything reprehensible in this. The supply fully covers the demand: this niche of social business in European countries is completely filled. However, in Russia, business is only gaining momentum - many businessmen are investing in the construction and equipping of nursing homes in order to receive a high and stable income in the future.

Any social entrepreneur can open a nursing home or a private boarding house for the elderly and disabled: registering a business is not difficult (description below). But you will have to work very carefully on a business plan or enlist the help of a specialized specialist, otherwise the project may turn out to be unprofitable.

A business plan for opening a nursing home can be downloaded for free on the Internet, bought as a personal project or franchise, or developed independently. Individual projects are considered the most reliable - they are based on preliminary marketing and social research applicable to a particular region or city.

Before registering a business and looking for investors, you need to determine:

  • Evaluation of the prospects of the project in a particular city/district: the demand for services, the presence of competitors, etc.
  • Target Audience: Who do you plan to work with?
  • The specifics of the institution: nursing home, boarding house.
  • The number of guests.
  • Choice of location and building.
  • The range of services provided.

And only then - based on the data received, you develop / order a business plan for a nursing home.

The target audience

First of all, you should decide on the contingent of customers. Will you work only with the elderly or will you agree to accept the disabled? Are you ready to work with seriously ill (lying) patients and do you agree to care for people with mental disorders that develop against the background of old age?

For each group of guests, you will need to create personal conditions, purchase specific medical equipment and staff. Caring for bedridden patients and disabled people of other groups costs a considerable budget, which subsequently may not pay off, so many private institutions prefer to work in the narrow service sector for the elderly.

The choice of the target audience is influenced by:

  • The presence of competitors in certain areas: social institutions for pensioners and the disabled, hospices, mental hospitals;
  • Sociological surveys: are relatives ready to entrust the care of elderly parents/disabled/critically ill to a third-party organization;
  • Marketing research: the standard of living of the population, whether individual services will be in demand in a given region and to what extent;


All institutions can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Residential Nursing Home;
  • Boarding house for the elderly.

You can combine both functions: some of the residents are in the institution permanently, some - in case of urgent need. But you should remember that the notorious “necessity” most often occurs with relatives before a holiday or vacation. In fact, an elderly relative is handed over to the care of the medical staff when the children and grandchildren leave for resorts. As a result, the main peak of work in the boarding house falls on summer time and New Year holidays.

The specifics of the institution include the entertainment program that you are going to offer guests. One TV is not enough: it is desirable to organize several hobby groups, develop an active recreation program (exercise equipment, a garden, a swimming pool - for health reasons).

Business project

Nursing home is on mutually beneficial terms. The entrepreneur assumes responsibility for the guests, and his relatives relieve themselves of this responsibility for a certain material payment.

In order for the institution to be profitable, all costs must be foreseen in advance - when the project begins to be implemented, you will have no time to look for investors. It is likely that in the process of implementation the business plan will have to be adjusted several times. However, the higher the quality of the project, the closer the final cost will be to the estimated cost.

On how to open a private nursing home and what is required for this, you can consult with specialists working in this field. For a certain amount of money, they will help you draw up a high-quality business plan, give you some practical advice and warn you about the pitfalls that are hidden in the muddy bureaucratic current.

Requirements for premises

The choice of building and its placement plays a huge role. You can build a new facility in strict accordance with the norms of SNiP or purchase a finished building and carry out reconstruction - the buildings of old boarding houses and sanatoriums are best suited for this. You can also use hotels and hostels.

It is best to choose objects (buy a plot for construction) outside the city - in an ecologically healthy area. The best option is a landscaped area of ​​one or two hectares. So the guests will have a beautiful view from the window and the opportunity to walk in the fresh air.

The planning of the facility should take into account:

  • Single or double rooms for residents
  • Bathrooms: private in rooms or shared on each floor
  • Spacious dining room
  • Offices for doctor's appointments, for procedures, etc.
  • Premises for recreation and entertainment
  • Mandatory: the presence of ramps, railings and an elevator

Personnel Requirements

All line personnel (physicians, psychologists, nurses, etc.) must have the appropriate education and work experience. Without a qualified health worker on staff, you will not be allowed to open a nursing home. Depending on the number of guests, you may have one doctor on duty or an entire medical unit. It is desirable to organize round-the-clock duty so that the specialist on duty can receive the patient at any time.

You can select the personnel of economic services at your discretion. You will need: security guards, cleaners, administrator, housekeeper, supply manager, gardener.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of nannies. Staff working directly with guests should be friendly, tactful, polite and stress-resistant. It is recommended to select applicants with a medical or psychological education for these positions.

Purchase of equipment

is the most customer-centric business possible: customers literally live with you for years. Therefore, you create decent living conditions for them, provide medical care, and organize leisure activities. This will require a lot of special equipment and devices:

  • Beds with adjustable backrest
  • Bedsore prevention mattresses
  • Plumbing equipment, taking into account the physical capabilities of users
  • Emergency personnel call system (panic button)
  • Required minimum of medical diagnostic equipment
  • Cooking equipment, taking into account the menu of all guests
  • Disability equipment
  • Equipment for entertainment, recreation and sports

Listed here are the essential equipment. If you want to raise the status of your establishment or attract customers from target groups, you will have to significantly increase the budget. After all, many of your residents require additional procedures to maintain their health - physiotherapy, massage, treatment and prevention, etc.

Legal registration

In order to legalize a nursing home, you will need to register and register with a tax legal entity, obtain a medical license, resolve issues with the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of Russia, Rosstat and the Department of Social Protection. Many entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nursing home without a license: according to current legislation, this is impossible.

To complete all the necessary documents, you can use the services of a law firm or a hired lawyer - the help of professionals will help you save time and money.

The regulations for the reception of guests are also prescribed at the legislative level. You will need:

  • Application from the person himself, his close relatives or guardian
  • Passport, SNILS, TIN
  • Copies of medical record and health insurance policy
  • Documents on the assignment of a disability group (if any)
  • Certificate of medical examination (if necessary)

To protect the entrepreneur from unforeseen claims, the client must sign the act of material and household inspection, as well as the rules for the reception, residence and discharge of the tenant.


To attract customers, you need to allocate a separate column of the budget. Advertising can be distributed through the media or via the Internet - individually for all groups of the target audience. Having your own website will significantly increase your chances of success - here you can post photos of the institution from the most successful angles, customer reviews and a list of services.

Profitable business or social project?

To open a nursing home, you will need an initial capital of at least 1,000,000 rubles. The higher the status of the institution, the greater the number of services and the wider the staff, the more costs you will incur.

The payback period of the project is at least 1 year for different regions. The level of further profit depends on your pricing policy and the number of guests, but most entrepreneurs speak of a fairly high profitability of a business project.

However, against the backdrop of commercial benefits, one should not forget about the main task of social business - helping the elderly and disabled people. The reputation of such institutions is earned over the years and can be destroyed in an instant. You make a profit exactly as long as you honestly fulfill your obligations.

The boarding house as a holiday home, located in the resort area and in demand among a wide range of clients, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Increasingly, boarding houses function as places for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled. Naturally, such objects have certain specifics, special requirements are imposed on them.

How to organize a boarding house: key points

Let's make a reservation right away that the launch of such a project requires large investments.

First, location. Boarding houses are usually located in picturesque places with good ecology, often near clean rivers and lakes.

So, in order to open a boarding house for recreation and permanent residence, it is necessary to choose a suitable territory - to buy or rent land. Improve if necessary.

Second, building and infrastructure. As a rule, in addition to the main building, where the guests will live, it is necessary to have additional ones: medical, leisure, etc.

Third, the staff. If you manage a boarding house that offers not only comfortable accommodation, but also medical procedures, you will need a staff of qualified specialists with medical education.

How to open a nursing home? Starting a business in this niche requires substantial costs, especially when it comes to the elderly and the disabled. So, all rooms should be equipped as conveniently and safely as possible. Qualified medical personnel, proper catering and leisure are required.

How much does it cost to organize a boarding house for the elderly

At the start, to organize a nursing home, an amount of at least 40 million rubles will be required. The return on investment, if the business processes work well, will be approximately 5 years.

Are you interested in this niche, but is it too expensive to open a retirement home from scratch? Take advantage of ready-made business offers. Keep in mind that buying an existing boarding house in the Moscow region will be significantly cheaper than developing such a project on your own. This segment is just being formed, however, in the Altera Invest catalog you will find current business options in this area.

How to open a nursing home: registration and approvals

The difficulty here is that the owner must be licensed to provide a wide range of medical services. Registering with the tax office is only the beginning of the journey. In addition, you will need to go through a number of instances to obtain approval from:

  • fire supervision
  • health services
  • local health department

An entrepreneur can obtain permission to carry out activities after the premises where the boarding house is organized will comply with the entire list of standards of each organization.

How to organize a boarding house for the elderly: documents

To obtain the necessary permits, contracts with all suppliers and certificates of conformity are required.

Another important task is to settle legal and financial issues with the Pension Fund and the Department of Social Protection. In particular, to agree with local authorities on the transfer of payments to the account of a boarding house for the elderly.

They are the same age as us, although they have not yet had children. And they live, unlike us, not in their own (albeit borrowed apartment), but in a private house with my friend's grandfather.

Every time when we and a company of young families like us plan a trip to a restaurant, a trip to nature, or even just a joint evening walk, this couple has a serious problem - with whom to leave grandfather? The fact is that, being at a venerable age (something around 86 years old), grandfather is in fairly good physical shape, does not complain about his heart and joints, but suffers from an ailment that is popularly referred to as senile dementia. In order for you to understand what this disease is, remember a cartoon character named Abraham Simpson, the father of Homer Simpson, and everything will immediately become clear. My friend's grandfather can easily forget that soup is being cooked on the stove and go to bed. Can knock over a slop bucket and calmly walk around the apartment. Do not move the damper when it starts to melt the stove and much more, even more abruptly than what I have just listed. That is, leaving him alone even for a short period of time is, to put it mildly, unsafe. They do not take him to specialized hospitals, and they are ready to take him to a nursing home only if his real estate is re-registered as an institution. As you remember, my friend and his wife live in the property.

In general, he is not particularly angry with his grandfather. He takes care of him to the best of his ability and is used to the fact that he constantly needs to keep his ear on his toes.

The only problem is if the parents cannot come to sit with their grandfather, and this happens quite often (busy work schedule), either he or his wife, and sometimes both have to give up the already rare meetings with friends in a cafe or in the bosom of nature . It is understandable, if we can easily bring our child to the parents for the evening or even give it to a private kindergarten with a night stay, then an elderly person, and even with oddities, will not work anywhere.

It was this fact that once prompted me to think about how many young families are in a similar situation? Not being able to leave an elderly person alone even for one evening, they deny themselves the small joys of life.

I remembered the good old Hollywood movie "Cocoon", in which the main characters were people living in a private nursing home. I thought - why not open something like that? Given the solvency of the bulk of our fellow citizens, the main emphasis can be placed not on permanent, but on temporary stay - from several hours to a month. And you can call it something like "Center for the temporary stay of the elderly." Thought, counted and received the following.

The minimum sanitary standard for living space per person is 6 square meters. Thus, in order to accommodate at least 10 people at the same time in our center, a room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters is required. Considering that the guests in the room, in principle, cannot be alone, a reasonable conclusion arises - the area should be at least 100 square meters. It may be a spacious private house or a cottage, but I think it would be better to rent one of the buildings of the children's camp in the suburbs. In our city, these camps after the end of the summer season and until the spring of next year, when preparations for the races begin, are practically empty. Clumsy attempts to attract adult vacationers during this period invariably end in drunkenness, debauchery and fights of these vacationers and, as a result, a headache for the camp administration. At the same time, our contingent (subject to proper control) is no longer capable of such things.

What is especially important, the suburb is a kind of remoteness that allows you to relatively fearlessly take the elderly out into the fresh air, arrange joint games, entertainment, etc. As the camp administration told us, renting a small (two-story) block with a total area of ​​230 square meters will cost 35,000 rubles a month. I draw your attention to an important detail - this room is annually tested by the SES and firefighters, that is, it is equipped with everything necessary, including a fire alarm. At the same time, the room has a small kitchen, a lounge with armchairs and a TV, and even a mini-gym, equipped with albeit dilapidated, but still workable equipment for sports and recreational procedures.

All utility bills are borne by the camp administration. My concern is the registration of a legal entity, recruitment (preferably with medical and pedagogical education), supply and advertising (in the beginning, to a minimum - announcements at bus stops, social networks, etc.).

Given the lack of experience in entrepreneurship and a certain social orientation of this business idea, I believe that I can count on support from the municipality. Our city has a program to subsidize start-up entrepreneurs. The maximum amount of a gratuitous subsidy is 300 thousand rubles per recipient.

All initial calculations, of course, need to be rechecked. I’ll study “HOBIZ.RU” - I’m sure that I still missed some important points. At the moment, it turns out that if you manage to get a grant and agree with the camp administration, the cost of a daily stay in the center (subject to 100% occupancy) should not exceed 1200 rubles. This amount (it includes 3 meals a day) is not unbearable and exorbitant for our city, especially since discounts can be prescribed in the price lists, the size of which will depend on the frequency and duration of stay in the center of a pensioner.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU