Needle - care at home. Ruskus - bright greens with berries on the leaves Ruscus houseplant

Needle - a plant not very popular with flower growers and rarely found in our homes. It is a pity, because the needle can not only decorate the interior, but also bring practical benefits to its owner. Firstly, the needle is considered a medicinal plant, secondly, using the branches of the needle, you can create spectacular flower arrangements, and, finally, the needle is perfect for the role of a Christmas talisman: thin shoots look like Christmas tree needles, and bright red berries decorate them like New Year's toys.

plant description

Ruscus is an evergreen sprawling shrub with a growth height of 30-60 cm. It is nourished by a creeping superficial rhizome. Shoots form many branches from the very base. They are covered with dark green scaly bark with expressive longitudinal grooves.

Dense ovate leaves are actually reduced shoots. Botanists call them "phylloclades". The foliage has practically no petioles. It is located on the stems alternately. At the end of each leaf is a sharp thorn.

Flowers grow directly from the leaf plate. They have short pedicels. A whitish or purple corolla with a diameter of not more than 1 cm is not particularly beautiful. Flowering occurs in April-May. There are varieties that bloom before winter.

Ruscus is a dioecious plant, therefore, for the appearance of decorative fruits, it is necessary to have a male and female flower nearby. As a result of successful pollination rounded fruits of bright red color are tied. Each fleshy fruit contains 1-2 seeds. It is important to be careful, because the berries are poisonous and unsuitable for consumption.

Butcher's needle (ruscus): home care

An unusual plant for normal growth and development needs regular watering. However, this measure is important only during the growing season and applies to young specimens. Here the rule applies: moisten the soil under ruskus three times a week. When the shortened shoots of the butcher's needle have completed their formation, the frequency of watering is reduced. In winter, needles, regardless of their age, are watered infrequently: only 1 time in 7-10 days. When the plant is kept indoors, where the thermometer drops below +14º, the substrate in a pot with ruskus should almost always be semi-dry.

Although the needle is the most unpretentious plant, it still needs top dressing. They are carried out once a month, from spring to autumn - exactly during the period of active growth. For this purpose, a complete complex fertilizer is suitable. In winter, with the onset of a dormant period, feeding is stopped.

Plant transplantation is carried out in the spring, but only if the needle really needs it. The needle will inform you about the need to change the pot and soil by the appearance of dried shoots, deterioration in growth and general condition. During transplantation, all unreliable phylloclades must be cut off. Depending on what form you want to get the plant, transplant it into a narrow (tree will come out) or wide (for a shrub) container. The soil is made up of the ingredients indicated above. At the bottom of the pot, it is desirable to arrange a high-quality drainage layer of small pebbles mixed with sand.

Ruscus is propagated by dividing the rhizome. This is not the only, but the easiest way to get offspring from the needles. The division is carried out during the transplantation of the specimen in the spring. At the same time, it is ensured that both phylloclades and roots are necessarily present on the planting material. Only in this case, the “semi-finished products” plants will start to grow and give full-fledged needles at the exit. Mature, even old plants with strongly fused rhizomes are suitable for propagation. Before performing this procedure, you should wash the rhizomes. Of the above-ground shoots, only young ones are left. The division is best done using a sharp knife.

The plant is affected by scale insects and mealybugs. To combat these pests, it is necessary to use insecticides, which are sold in specialized stores, or time-tested folk remedies (mainly in the initial stage).

Needle twigs are good in flower arrangements. However, when cutting them and caring for the crop, always wear rubber gloves, because ruscus is a poisonous representative of the flora. For the same reason, keep the needle pot out of the reach of children and pets.

Types of butcher's needle (ruscus)

Butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus)- a plant 60 cm high, can reach a meter. The stems are erect, the phylloclades are bluish-green, leathery, lanceolate, drawn into a long spiny point, the midrib is well distinguished. The berries are large, red ripen in November-December.

Ruscus sublingual (Ruscus hypoglossum)- a stunted plant (height - 30-40 cm), grows on the southern coast of Crimea, is listed in the Red Book. This species is more common in Europe, where it grows in moist shady forests, among stones and on wet rocks. Its elongated leathery phylloclades have a rounded top.

Butcher's broom (Ruscus hypophyllum) distributed in the Mediterranean and Transcaucasia. It grows under the canopy of the forest, so it is quite a shade-tolerant plant. It grows up to half a meter in height. Phyllocladia oblong-lanceolate, tapering towards the base, glossy.

Butcher's broom (Ruscus hyrcanus) found in the Caucasus and northern Iran. Refers to relic plants, grows mainly in forests forming a continuous cover. Height 25-40 centimeters, grows in mountain forests.

Butcher's needle Colchis (Ruscus colchicus) has non-branching stems and large phylloclades. The flowers bloom gradually during autumn and winter, and the fruits ripen in spring. This species is considered medicinal.


Butcher's broom is affected by the following pests: scale insects, mealybug, thrips and spider mites. When the first signs are found, treatment should be started immediately. Spider mite. Damage symptoms are small white dots and cobwebs braiding the plant. Then the leaves dry up and curl. Methods of struggle: Spraying with tincture of garlic. To prepare it, you need to put 2 chopped heads of garlic in an airtight container, pour 1 liter of water and leave for 5 days. Before processing, dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Wipe the ruscus leaf cover once with medical alcohol. Treat the aerial part of the shrub with the Fitoverm biopreparation.

Thrips. The first signs are the formation of light dots and spots, the upper part of the sheet becomes brown with a silvery sheen, then it dries and twists up. Methods of struggle: Treatment with insecticides 3 times with an interval of 10 days. Also, a good result shows the addition of flea shampoo for animals to them. Mealybug. These insects can be seen on the shrub with the naked eye. They suck out the juices of the plant, which slows down its growth. Symptoms of the lesion are the formation of dry black plaque and sugary secretions.

Control methods: Removal of damaged parts and treatment of the plant with drugs such as Actellik, Tsvetofos, Lepidocid and Intavir. Spraying with a soap-alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. dissolve laundry soap in 1 liter of hot water, add 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 2 tbsp. l. alcohol. The aerial part of the needle should be processed 3-4 times, covering the soil in the container. Shchitovki. The first signs of an insect attack are the appearance of a sticky liquid on the leaves, red-brown, yellow spots and plaque. Control methods: Treatment with chemical insecticides such as Arrivo, Fitoferm, Fufanon or Aktellik. Remove insects with a soft toothbrush, then wipe the plant with grated onions and spray with soapy emulsion.


Ruscus is propagated by division of the rhizome or seeds. Seeds are sown in winter in a mini-greenhouse with peat tablets and kept at room temperature. When the seedlings get stronger, they can be transplanted into permanent pots and looked after as an adult plant. The easiest way to propagate ruskus is by dividing the rhizome. In early spring, before the start of the period of active growth, during the transplant process, the overgrown bush can be divided into smaller parts. Each new plant should have a strong rhizome and several shoots. This results in better rooting.

An evergreen perennial shrub, butcher's broom belongs to the asparagus family. The homeland of culture is considered to be the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and the Southern Crimea. Ruscus is also grown as a houseplant.

The bright green color of the leaves and a scattering of scarlet berries leaves no one indifferent to the needle. Therefore, florists are increasingly using ruskus to compose original bouquet compositions. The culture is also in demand for medicinal purposes.

Brief description of culture

Ruscus is an evergreen shrub. In its natural habitat, the needle reaches a meter in height. The culture got its name due to its appearance:

  • the bush is dotted with small needles;
  • foliage grows in the form of a lanceolate scale;
  • branches look like leaves with a pointed end in the form of a thorn;
  • green, white or bluish buds with light purple stamens. Inflorescences form at the bottom of the shrub.

On bushes of needles, male and female inflorescences are formed. Flowering culture is inconspicuous. Pollination occurs during rain or dew. After pollination, the plant produces fruits in the form of small balls of scarlet color. Each fruit contains 2-3 seeds. Berries ripen by early September. Taste edible with a pleasant aftertaste.


Under natural growing conditions, shrubs are found in Western Europe, the Caucasus, in the southern part of the Crimea and the Mediterranean. This culture prefers shaded forests where pines and junipers grow, as well as proximity to rocks. There is an "evergreen beauty" in oak groves.

Some varieties of culture grow in Asian and African countries. In our country, all varieties of evergreen shrubs are listed in the Red Book and are under state protection as an endangered plant species.

Main types

In total, five varieties of this shrub have been studied to date. Each of the species has a number of features and differences in growing conditions.

Butcher's broom ruscus hypophyllum

Butcher's needle Italian or rustic subleaf in appearance is similar to a variety of a prickly relative. This type of culture is characterized by:

  • long erect shoots reaching 50 cm in length;
  • foliage of saturated green color, oblong shape;
  • flowers are small, white or bluish in color, bloom closer to the onset of spring.

Mousethorn, the second name of ruskus, creeping type rhizome. The root system is located shallow under the soil and forms modified shoots. Each sprout looks like a thin plate of emerald color. The sprouts are erect and have distinct venation.

Butcher's broom ruscus aculeatus

Evergreen shrub natural habitat Western and Southern Europe, Turkey and North America. Culture chooses habitats in glades, oak and hornbeam groves, edges and in forests where juniper grows. This variety of Ruscus is the most popular among florists and gardeners. A shrub grows up to 60 cm in height. This type of needle differs:

  • shoots are hard;
  • the shape of the sprouts is in the form of a heart, oval or leaf-like, pointed at the end. Due to the shape of the shoot, it is often mistaken for ordinary leaves;
  • inflorescences are small white with a greenish tint. The needle blooms at the end of February;
  • with the approach of autumn, the shrub is covered with beautiful red berries of small size. The fruits are a real decoration of this shrub;
  • easily tolerates low temperatures.

Butcher's needle Pontic is not pretentious about the soil for growing. It can develop even with a lack of moisture and is photophilous. However, it also develops well in shaded areas.

Butcher's broom ruscus colchicus

The habitat of this variety of culture is limited. Ruscus Colchis grows in Georgia, in the eastern part of Turkey and on the Black Sea coast of the Russian Federation. Culture prefers to grow among deciduous and coniferous trees. Well takes root on clay and loamy soil with a high content of lime. Loves shade. It is worth noting that this variety of butcher's needle is an endangered species.

Biological characteristics of Ruscus Kolkhodsky:

  • the plant develops and reaches 60 cm in height;
  • looks like a shrub;
  • the stems are up to 4 cm wide and do not branch;
  • the foliage of the culture is small in shape resembles an awl;
  • the flowers are white and concentrated at the bottom of the plant.

A distinctive feature of this plant variety is almost continuous flowering. Shrub blooms in late autumn. And the fruits appear in the spring. At the same time, the appearance of flowers is often observed in summer. The shrub is pollinated by creeping insects.

Butcher's broom ruscus hypoglossum

The homeland of this variety is the territory of Central Europe, Asia Minor, the western Mediterranean and the Balkans. In Russia, butcher's broom can be found only in the south of the Crimean peninsula. Culture loves shady forests with increased dampness and rocks. In addition, a growing shrub can be seen among the stones.

The sublingual needle looks like this:

  • upright bush growing up to 40 cm;
  • large cladodes, reaching 2 cm in width;
  • the shape of the cladodii is oblong-lanceolate;
  • bract differs from relatives. It is large and grows in a shape resembling a tongue, from under which small purple flowers are visible;
  • the needle blooms in May. And by the beginning of August, large red fruits appear. Fruiting continues until the beginning of winter.

A perennial plant grows in small groups or in a single specimen.

Ruscus hyrcanus ruscus hyrcanus

This relic species appeared on earth 70 million years ago. Ruscus Hyrcanian is found only in two regions of Azerbaijan, in the southern part of the Crimea and in the north of Iran. It grows on the territory of the lower mountain belt and in the lowlands.

Butcher's needle chooses places where there is a shadow. Therefore, it grows under the canopy of trees. Favorite areas of this variety are boxwood groves, chestnut-leaved oaks and iron trees. In shaded areas, the culture grows and forms continuous covers. However, if the forests are cut down, the needle is left without protection from the sun's rays and dies.

To date, the number of wild cultures of this variety is rapidly decreasing. Therefore, measures were taken to save her. Butcher's needle Hyrcanian is listed in the Red Book and is protected by the Hyrcanian National Park.

The plant is characterized by the following features:

  • perennial shrub growing up to 40 cm;
  • constant moisture deficit in habitats, negatively affects the fruits of ruscus. The berries grow small, which makes them hard to see;
  • up to three stems and 6 lateral shoots of the same length are formed on one shrub;
  • the shoots of this variety resemble leaves and perform their function;
  • each cladode has a sharp end. Form ovoid, but found in broadly lanceolate;
  • a whorl of lateral processes is visible at the end of the stem. The central shoot is responsible for the further development of culture;
  • in April, a bract forms in the center of the middle line of the cladode. In the axil of the bract, small inflorescences of a greenish color are formed;
  • male and female flowers bloom on the shrub. Pollination occurs with the help of crawling insects;
  • The variety is suitable for indoor cultivation. With proper watering and the organization of diffused light, the fruits grow large and ripen by the end of September.

The main decoration of the Hyrcanian variety of needles is bright scarlet fruits. With proper care, the berries will ripen by September and will delight the eye until the end of winter.

Chemical composition and active substances

Butcher's needle is used in the manufacture of many medicines and cosmetic products. The evergreen shrub is widely in demand due to its chemical composition:

  • fats, proteins and sucrose;
  • vitamins of the PP and C groups;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, chromium and other useful trace elements.

Important: The healing plant butcher's broom has many names, butcher's broom, asparagus, mousethorn and ruscus. This culture is widely used by florists to create spectacular flower arrangements. A coffee drink and even jewelry are prepared from the fruits.

The medicinal components of butcher's broom are mainly concentrated in the root system. Most of all, the root contains saponosides, heterosides and rutosides.

What is useful needle

Ruscus is widely used in traditional medicine. Extracts from the plant are added in the manufacture of drugs aimed at:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • from pain during the menstrual cycle;
  • narrowing and strengthening of the venous walls and vessels;
  • increase the elasticity of capillaries;
  • increase in muscle tone;
  • normalization of metabolism at the cellular level;
  • removal of toxic substances from the muscle mass;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • blocking the development of inflammation;
  • reducing the formation of blood clots.

Important: Medicines from needles have a tonic, cleansing, diaphoretic and laxative effect. In addition, preparations on the bush extract are indicated for vasoconstriction and bacterial infection.

The extract from the extract of the rhizome of the needle is prescribed to eliminate inflammation, get rid of severe discomfort, in case of disruption of the gallbladder and bladder, as well as a diuretic.

In cosmetology, Ruscus extract is indispensable in the composition of cosmetic products designed to combat cellulite. Preparations with a shrub extract restore the elasticity of the skin.

Options for using a needle

The healing properties of needles have been known for thousands of years. In the Middle Ages, ruskus infusions were taken to strengthen strength, as an effective analgesic and wound healing. Modern medicine has expanded the list of indications. And today, shrub-based dosage forms are used for many pathologies.

traditional medicine

In medicine, gels, ointments and creams made from ruscus raw materials are widely used. These funds are shown:

  • rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • in the fight against orange peel;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • treatment of joint pathology;
  • removal of exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • normalization of water exchange.

Creams made from Ruscus extract are effective for varicose veins. A modern and effective development based on a shrub is the Venotonic spray.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, the fruits and rhizome of the needle are valued. Medicines are prepared from berries for treatment:

  • jaundice;
  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

Ointments and infusions are prepared from the rhizome to eliminate:

  • headache;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • gout;
  • gangrene;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • puffiness.

Important: Ruscus has a disinfecting effect. Due to this property, the roots of the shrub used to be used by butchers to disinfect cutting boards.

Ruscus is used in alternative medicine much more widely. The extract of this shrub is used as an auxiliary substance in the manufacture of various preparations, medicinal ointments and creams. Here are some effective plant-based recipes:

  • Art. a spoonful of dried raw materials is poured into 1 liter. boiling water. Let it brew for 4 hours, then filter. Ready infusion is indicated for menstrual pain, to relieve swelling and discomfort caused by varicose veins;
  • Art. a spoonful of dry roots is poured with a liter of boiling water and set to boil. After boiling, the fire is reduced and simmered for 15 minutes. The resulting mixture is infused for 4 hours, filtered and consumed in violation of the lymphatic outflow;
  • with exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of convulsions due to the development of varicose veins, capsules made from plant extracts are prescribed.

The fruits of the shrub help to purify the blood. To clean the biological fluid, it is recommended to consume 2 berries per day.

Contraindications and harm

The evergreen shrub is endowed with a wide range of medicinal properties. However, the plant also has contraindications:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • predisposition to hypertension;
  • signs of venous stasis;
  • increase in blood pressure.

When taking medicines based on this culture, the dosage is strictly observed. Non-compliance with medical recommendations leads to the appearance of side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

Ruscus needle is a beautiful plant that has found wide application in cosmetology, landscape design and medicine. In addition, flower growers grow shrubs at home. After all, this culture is a real decoration of any home.

Caring for a needle at home

This culture is not pretentious to care for. However, elementary conditions still need to be provided. The active growth of the needle occurs in the spring. During this period, young shoots are formed. With proper watering, lighting and regular fertilizing, the shoots will grow strong. In addition, you need to remember that shrubs must be handled with care. If the sprouts are damaged, they will not grow back until next spring.


Needle does not like bright light. But it also tolerates an artificially created shade. In winter, the shrub needs to be moved to the windowsill located in the south. And with the approach of heat, the plant is placed on the windowsill in the western part. This culture does not tolerate direct rays of the sun. Otherwise, the plant will die.

Temperature regime

With the advent of spring, the needle requires normal temperature for normal growth. Therefore, it is better to move the shrub to the street. But in winter, the plant needs coolness. The optimum temperature in the cold season is + 13C. Due to the hardiness of this culture, it is planted as a decoration for illuminated halls and foyers. Some varieties of Ruscus are frost-resistant. They are planted outside to decorate the house.


There are no specific moisture requirements for this shrub. However, experienced flower growers are still advised to systematically spray the plant. In addition, it is recommended to wash the needle to remove accumulated dust.

How to water

In spring, young sprouts actively develop. During this period, the shrub requires regular moisture. When crop growth stops, soil moistening is performed every 2 weeks. After the formation stops, the culture easily tolerates moisture deficiency.

top dressing

Needle feeding is carried out according to the scheme:

  • the first time fertilizer is applied in the first week of active growth;
  • re-feed after 4 weeks;
  • subsequent times fertilizer is applied every 4 weeks until November inclusive.

In winter, the plant goes into a dormant period. At this time, the needle is not fed or moistened. Fertilizer for shrubs is chosen complex.

Transplant Features

Transplantation of an evergreen shrub is performed in the spring. The pot for transplantation is selected according to the desired form of culture. If the grower wants to get a lush plant, they prefer a wide capacity. In a wide-brimmed pot, the needle actively forms young sprouts. But in a container with a narrow opening, Ruscus will not grow bushy.


Ruscus grows on rocky and mountainous terrain. Therefore, enriched soil is not needed. But at the same time, the selected land should not be dense. Otherwise, water stagnation cannot be avoided. The best soil mixture for shrubs:

  • 3 parts soil from foliage;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part soddy soil.

When transplanting, get rid of old and partially dried roots. And the prepared soil is well moistened.


Forming pruning is optional for this crop. It is enough to carry out sanitization in order to remove dry and damaged sprouts. Cutting the crown does not make sense. Since this culture does not lose compactness with growth.

If the grower wants to give expressiveness to the needle, you can cut off extra shoots and shorten long branches. However, this pruning is not required.

You can get new shoots from seeds or by dividing an existing bush. The first way to get young shrubs is laborious. Seeds sometimes do not germinate for 2-3 years. In addition, germinated seedlings are weak and often die. However, if the decision is made to propagate the crop by seeds, the following will be required:

  • remove ripe fruits and soak in warm water;
  • release the seeds from under the shell and dry;
  • to accelerate the emergence of seedlings, cold stratification is performed at temperatures up to + 10 ° C;
  • after that, the material is sown in a light substrate.

Containers with seedlings are kept in cool conditions under the film. The optimum temperature is +18C. Before the appearance of the first shoots, 7-9 months pass. When the sprouts reach 8 cm in height, a pick is carried out.

The second way to obtain new shoots of needles is the division of an existing shrub. It is performed during a culture transplant. The root system is divided into several parts. At the same time, each part received must have at least 3 ground sprouts. During the separation, proceed carefully so as not to damage the shoots. Otherwise, it will not be possible to propagate the needle. From the day of planting to full rooting, 6-8 months pass. During this period, the plant needs good care.

Diseases and pests

The evergreen shrub is almost disease resistant. If the conditions for growth are not comfortable, the culture is affected by spider mites and thrips. Destroy pests with insecticides.

For thousands of years, the evergreen shrub has delighted mankind with its beauty and healing properties. Gradually, the demand for this plant is increasing. So, in the near future, it will decorate the houses of every second person.

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Natalia Vladimirova 04/21/2014 | 3019

Luxurious bouquets in flower shops and exhibitions hold our eyes for a long time. In autumn bouquets, not only flowers are attractive, but also sprigs of needles with red berries are good.

This plant in our latitudes is grown in greenhouses. But buying a pot of needles is not so easy - flower shops and garden centers somehow ignore this plant. However, in our house, the needle still appeared. It is good not only in bouquets or compositions of dried flowers, but also as a spectacular plant for the interior.

In general, this plant is a subject for reasoning about the oddities of nature. Did you know, for example, that the butcher's needle has no leaves. What we call leaves are really short shoots called phylloclades. It is on them that small greenish flowers appear in spring, and after pollination beautiful red ones. berries up to 2 cm in diameter. However, there may not be berries, since most forms of this plant are dioecious, only occasionally can Dutch plants with bisexual flowers be found in greenhouses.

I can’t say if my plants are dioecious or monoecious, because they set fruits, but they belong to different species: a specimen with dark, very hard and prickly phylloclades - butcher's needle (prickly), and with softer, but very long olive phylloclades - sublingual needle .

Rooting cuttings

In my house, needles appeared from bouquets. First I found twigs in one butcher's broom , chose the most recent, cut from it cuttings 10 cm long, made a lower oblique cut and put it into the solution for 1.5 hours root formation stimulator. Three cuttings prepared in this way planted in a pot with a light soil mixture, covered with a liter glass jar. To maintain high humidity, 2 times a week poured water into the pan. As soon as the first shoots appeared at the base of the cutting, the shelter was removed, but continued daily. spray warm soft water. And a year later, in another bouquet, there were branches sublingual needles . They are also very well rooted.


With regular irrigation the needle develops quite quickly. In winter, of course, watering should be reduced. The needle responds very well to warm shower which is held once a month. For its cultivation, you need not too dense the soil, moderate humidity and good lighting, but not direct sunlight, which can destroy young shoots.

In summer, my needles have a great time in the country, where a place has been prepared for them in the light partial shade of tall trees. Some specimens are generally planted under the canopy of trees directly into the open ground. They, of course, will not survive the winter, but they will give a lot of cut material for bouquets.

Of course, in order to make original bouquets with the help of needles, you will need more than one plant: at the age of three, no more than 9 shoots can be cut from each.

When caring for the needle, it should be remembered that in the third year the shoot dies off, so it is removed, making it possible to develop new ones that grow from the rhizome. In general, the care is the same as for her relative - asparagus. The easiest way to propagate the needle is by dividing the bush, but you can try to grow it from seeds.

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I love needles very much and have long wanted to tell something about these plants.
In this photo, the so-called Israeli ruscus, one of the types of needles, whose branches are very much appreciated by florists and florists. A cut branch of ruscus can stand in water for several months without losing its freshness and decorative effect.
Botanists counted (established) 6 types of needles in nature. Their area of ​​distribution is the Mediterranean, in the west they reach England, in the east to the Caspian Sea.
Systematically, these are flowering, monocotyledonous plants (Monocots), they are part of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).
Ruscus has no leaves, or rather, they are in their infancy. The fact that everyone takes him for leaves is the so-called. phylloclades, expanded and flattened stems. Small flowers grow on these phylloclades, which then turn into red fruits. berries.
As for the Israeli ruskus, its scientific name is Ruscus hypophyllum - sublingual needle. This type of butcher's needle is not found in the nature of Israel; it is bred a lot on plantations, for cutting. Sometimes it can be found in urban landscaping. The historical homeland of the Israeli Ruscus is the Iberian Peninsula. Sev. Africa.

This is an Israeli ruskus - photo by Galina Malamant - growing under the windows of the author of the photo (urban gardening)

So the sublingual needle blossoms - Israeli ruskus

Needle in fruits.

In fact, when we talk about needles, we first of all mean Ruscus aculeatus, the prickly butcher. It grows from the Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. In Israel, it can be seen in the north of the country - In this most famous, most common type of needles, the shoots are strongly branched, the phylloclades are small, prickly.

Prickly needle, - Butcher "s-Broom (butcher's broom). It is also found in the Russian Federation on the Black Sea, brooms are made from it. In the Russian Federation, the plant is rare, protected, Red Book.

I also want to say about the third type of needle, it is very reminiscent of Israeli ruscus, but it grows in Colchis - near Sochi and further south to Turkey .. It is called Colchis needle. It is smaller than Israeli ruscus and its fruits are located exclusively on the underside phyllocladia. It is widely cultivated in England.

Thickets of Ruscus colchicus in the Caucasus in the mountains near the city of Khosta (Greater Sochi). The plant is also protected. Sometimes it is brought to our north in the form of a cut, but florists say that it is much inferior to Israeli ruscus.

Ruscus or Ruscus is an evergreen perennial shrub belonging to the Asparagus family. The Caucasus, the Mediterranean, the Southern Crimea are the natural habitats of Ruscus. Butcher's broom is grown as an indoor crop in more northern latitudes, as it dies in frosty winter conditions.

Dense bright green leaves and a scattering of red berries do not leave anyone indifferent. Flower growers sometimes call the plant a mousethorn. Florists widely use ruscus for making bouquets, a shrub is good for interior decoration, and is also used for healing purposes.

Description of Ruscus

Ruskus -, in nature reaches a height of 30-60 cm. It has a creeping superficial rhizome. The shoots, covered with a dark green scaly crust, have expressive longitudinal grooves, form numerous branches from the base.

  • Dense ovoid leaves are reduced shoots, called phylloclades in botany. The foliage, which is located alternately on the stems, has almost no petioles; there are sharp spines at the ends of the leaves.
  • The flowers appear from leafy plates, towering on short pedicels. Flowering occurs in April-May, representing a white or purple corolla up to 1 cm in diameter, which is distinguished by a special charm. Some varieties bloom in winter.

Being, ruskus reproduces only with cross-pollination. Therefore, it is necessary to have a male and female plant on the site for successful pollination and the appearance of beautiful bright red berries on the bushes. The fruits are only a decoration of the landscape, the berries are not suitable for consumption, because they are poisonous. Only a few types of berries are edible. Each fleshy fruit contains 1-2 seeds.

How to propagate ruscus with a branch from a bouquet

Ruscus Italian is perfectly rooted from cuttings, and you can even “plant” twigs taken from a bouquet presented to you.

  • Cut the cuttings 10-12 cm long, make the lower cut oblique, the upper one even.
  • Hold the branches in a solution of root or heteroauxin for several hours.
  • Plant the branches in a pot with nutrient soil, make sure that there are drainage holes in the bottom.
  • Place the pot on a tray and cover the cuttings with a glass jar.
  • Water twice a week through the pan, keep out of direct sunlight.
  • Soon, young shoots will be visible at the base of the cuttings, this will be a sign of successful rooting. The jar can be removed and the plants taken care of in the usual way.

Growing Ruscus from Seeds

Starting in February. Prepare containers with drainage holes in the bottom. As a soil, a peat-sand mixture or a peat tablet is used. The emergence of seedlings is uneven, slow, some seeds germinate for almost a year.

Cold stratification is recommended to speed up the germination process. Keep the crops at a temperature of 0-10 ° C for a week. You can wrap the seeds in a damp cloth or mix with damp earth, place in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for one to two weeks.

Sowing in the snow works well: collect a layer of snow, covering the container for sowing with it. Scatter the seeds on top and put for a week in a cool place (0-8 ° C). The seeds will get the stimulus they need while the snow melts. Then bring the container into a bright, warm (20°C) room. Water moderately, without stagnant water. When the seedlings reach a height of 7-8 cm, dive them into separate pots.

Reproduction of Ruscus by dividing the bush

During the spring transplant, large bushes are divided into several parts. Delenki should contain part of the rhizome with several shoots. The resulting plants take root easily, after a week new shoots are visible on the seedling.

Ruscus flower at home

Ruscus are unpretentious, easy to care for. Novice flower growers can easily get them. They grow under almost any adverse conditions, but flowering and fruiting, a spreading crown are obtained with certain care.


Iglitsa needs a long daylight hours, diffused lighting. Place at some distance from the window, avoid direct sunlight in summer, southern window sills are preferable in winter, use backlighting.

Air temperature

Ruscus is comfortable at room temperature. In summer, take the bush out into the open air; in winter, the needle can withstand temperatures as low as 13-15 ° C, but there is no need to specially create such a temperature.

Air humidity

Butcher's needle adapts to room humidity, but periodic spraying is needed. Bathe the plant regularly under a warm shower on hot days, covering the pot with a plastic bag.


Needle moderately. The soil should dry out 3-4 cm between treatments. Increase watering when new phylloclades (leaves) are formed. In spring, the plant needs more moisture, as a period of active growth begins. After flowering and fruiting, in autumn, watering is somewhat reduced, preparing the plant for a dormant period.

top dressing

Monthly apply universal mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy plants to the soil from April to October. In winter, fertilizing the substrate is not necessary.

How to transplant ruskus

If necessary, bush in the spring. The selection of a larger pot contributes to the appearance of lateral processes, the bush becomes more lush. Deep containers are not required - the roots grow in breadth.

  • Clean off the old earthen ball, cut off the dried roots.
  • Prepare light fertile soil: soddy or leafy, lay drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  • Pour a layer of fertile earth on top of the drainage, set the plant upright and, holding it, cover it with earth on the sides.
  • The root neck can only be slightly deepened, no more than 2 cm.
  • After transplanting, water gently, avoiding stagnant water. Be sure to drain the earth from the pallet.

Ruskus tolerates a transplant relatively easily, signs of active growth will soon be visible.

Diseases and pests

Possessing bactericidal properties, ruscus roots are resistant to disease, able to defeat some fungal and bacterial infections. Treatment with appropriate insecticides will help get rid of spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, thrips.

Ruscus in floristry and interior design

Rooms are decorated with bright foliage and scarlet berries - they look great at any time of the year. Rooms, cool foyers, public places are planted with bushes. Cut branches with or without berries are used to make bouquets.

Beneficial features

Ruscus berries and roots have medicinal properties. A decoction of dried raw materials should be taken orally to strengthen the veins, from stagnation of blood in the legs, to combat the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Ruscus varieties with photos and descriptions

To date, there are 8 needles, consider the most popular.

Ruscus Colchis or Colchis needle

It is spreading, consisting of flexible branches about 55 cm long. Dark green phylloclades are leathery, flowers partially cover oblong bracts. It blooms for a long time: from October to January, ripe two-seeded rounded berries 8-10 cm in diameter are edible.

Butcher's broom Ruscus aculeatus

Shrub consisting of erect long shoots 60-100 cm tall. The main shoots are covered with oblong bluish-green foliage with spines at the ends, phylloclades are covered with small membranous or subulate leaves. Solitary small flowers blooming in February-April, located on dense pedicels, two-seeded round fruits ripen in November-December.

Ruscus Italian or butcher's broom Ruscus hypophyllum

has long erect shoots, oblong emerald foliage, reaches a height of 40-50 cm. Small flowers that bloom towards the end of winter are white or light blue.

Ruscus hyrcanus Ruscus hyrcanus

A bush with upright creeping shoots, reaching a height of 25-40 cm, beautifully cover the ground with a prickly dark green carpet. The central veins are relief, lighter. Phyllocladia grow 1.5-3 cm long.