Name days in October according to the church calendar for women and men. Name days in October, Orthodox holidays in October Orthodox names for boys according to the Saints in October: origin, meaning, patron saint

Names October 24 according to the church calendar (saints)

October 24 / November 6

Alexy (Aleksey) - protect, protector (Greek); assistant, protection, help (lat.);
Arefa (Aref, Arefiy) - to plow, cultivate the land, or eagle (Arabic); valiant, virtuous (Greek);
Athanasius (Afanas, Apanas) - immortality, immortal (Greek);
Elezvoy is old. rare;
Zosima (Zosima, Izosim) - living, living, strong life, vital, able to live (Greek);
John (Ivan) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God is pleased (Heb.);
Lawrence (Lavren) - laurel, from the city of Lawrence, Lavrentian (lat.);
Nicholas - conquering people (Greek);
Peter - rock, block of stone, stone, cliff (Greek);
Synclitikia (Synclitia, Sekletia) - senator, luminiferous, or member of the state council (Greek);
Sisoyai (Sysoy) - the sixth (ancient Hebrew);
Theophilus (Fefil) - friend of God, loving God, happy (Greek).

Do you know that...

On October 24 (November 6), the Orthodox celebrate the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow." The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child in the radiance of the mandorla, surrounded by people with their ailments and sorrows, and angels who do their good deeds for them.

According to legend, the icon of "Joy of All Who Sorrow" was glorified in 1688 in Moscow in the church on Bolshaya Ordynka, when she healed Euphemia, the sister of Patriarch Joachim, who was suffering from an incurable disease. The icon is still kept there, the temple in her honor was named Preobrazhensky Sorrowful.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Women's names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with the character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. The name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

In this article, we have compiled a list of holidays for you in October, including name days. We publish a complete list of female and male names according to the holy calendar.

Name days in October: days of memory of saints

Male and female names in October (given here are the names currently in use, in their secular form)

1 - Alexei, Ariadne, Arkady, Boris, Benjamin, Vladimir, Euphrosyne, Hilarion, Ivan, Irina, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Sergei, Sofia.

2 - Alexei, David, Igor, Konstantin, Maria, Nikolai, Nil, Trofim, Savvaty, Fedor.

3 - Alexander, Hilarion, Ivan, Mikhail, Oleg, Tatyana, Fedor.

4 - Agnia, Alexander, Alexei, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Vladimir, Daniel, Dmitry, Ivan, Joseph, Kondrat, Konstantin, Lavrenty, Nestor, Peter.

5 - Alexander, Benjamin, Jonah, Isaac, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Fedor, Feofan, Foka.

6 - Andrei, Anton, Ivan, Innokenty, Iraida, Nikolai, Peter.

7 - Abraham, Andrei, Anton, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, Galaktion, David, Nikandr, Pavel, Sergey, Spiridon, Stepan, Thekla.

8 - Athanasius, Herman, Eugene, Euphrosyne, Maxim, Nikolai, Pavel, Pafnuty, Prokhor, Roman, Sergei, Theodosius.

9 - Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ephraim, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon.
10 - Akulina, Aristarchus, Benjamin, Victor, German, Dmitry, Ignatius, Mark, Mikhail, Nikon, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Fedor, Filimon.
11 - Alexander, Anna, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Hilarion, Cyril, Mark, Maria, Nikon, Tatyana, Khariton.
12 - Ivan, Cyprian, Feofan.
13 - Alexander, Alexandra, Alexei, Apollinaria, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Procopius, Seraphim, Semyon.
14 - Alexander, Alexei, Vera, George, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Roman, Savva, Fedor.
15 - Andrei, Anna, Boris, Vasily, George, David, Dmitry, Ivan, Kasyan, Cyprian, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.
16 - Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Rustik, Feodosia.
17 - Vasily, Veronika, Vladimir, Gury, Dmitry, Erofey, Jonah, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov.
18 - Alexandra, Alexei, Gabriel, Grigory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Jonah, Innokenty, Kuzma, Makar, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip.
19 - Ivan, Makar, Nikanor, Foma.
20 - Demyan, Jonah, Joseph, Leonty, Mark, Nikolai, Pelageya, Sergey, Julian.
21 - Ambrose, Vasily, Varlaam, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Elizabeth, Ivan, Jonah, Isidore, Maria, Nadezhda, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Pavel, Pahom, Pelageya, Peter, Seraphim, Taisia, Tatyana, Tryphon.
22 - Abraham, Andronicus, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Stepan, Jacob.
23 - Ambrose, Andrei, Anton, Evlampia, Efim, Hilarion, Innokenty, Cyril, Cyprian, Kuzma, Pavel, Savva, Sergey, Simon, Stepan, Foma, Yakov.
24 - Alexander, Ambrose, Anatoly, Anton, Zinaida, Hilarion, Joseph, Isaac, Leo, Makar, Moses, Nikon, Feofan, Philip.
25 - Alexander, Andronik, Denis, Ivan, Kuzma, Lavrenty, Makar, Maximilian, Martin, Nikolai, Taras, Theodosius, Fedot.
26 - Anton, Benjamin, Zlata, Innokenty, Karp, Nikita, Nikolai, Trofim.
27 - Ignatius, Kuzma, Maximilian, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Praskovya, Peter, Svyatoslav.
28 - Athanasius, Dmitry, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Semyon.
29 - Alexei, Georgy, Eugene, Ivan, Leonty, Terenty.
30 - Alexander, Anatoly, Andrei, Anton, Demyan, Joseph, Isidor, Kuzma, Lazar, Leonty.
31 - Andrei, Gabriel, David, Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Joseph, Zlata, Luka, Nikolai, Sergey, Semyon, Fedor, Julian.

Church Orthodox holidays in October

Among the Russian saints there are many great noble princes who have made great efforts to preserve and exalt our state. 2 October the church remembers four at once - the successor of the cause: the noble prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavsky, his sons David and Konstantin, as well as the passion-bearer prince Igor of Chernigov, who was killed in 1147 in Kyiv by an angry mob.

October 6 the Conception is celebrated, the birth of which before the appearance of the Messiah was predicted by the prophet Micah. The parents of the Forerunner, the righteous priest Zacharias and Elisabeth, prayed to the Lord until their advanced years for permission from childlessness, but remained childless. Once in the temple, Zechariah saw the Archangel Gabriel, who predicted for him the birth of his son John. Because Zechariah did not believe him, Gabriel left Zacharias dumb until Elizabeth's permission from the burden.

October 8- the day of death, the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery - the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Saint Sergius is one of the most revered Russian saints, a great miracle worker and at the same time a model of monastic humility. It was he who blessed the army.

St. app. John the Evangelist

The next day, October 9, the church celebrates the death of one of the closest followers of Jesus Christ. John was the only one of the disciples who did not leave the Lord during His crucifixion; He entrusted him with the care of His Mother. The apostle did not suffer martyrdom like other disciples of Christ, he lived for more than a hundred years, preaching the Gospel in many countries. At the end of his earthly journey, John ordered his disciples to put him in the grave alive and cover it with earth, but the next day the grave was empty.

On the same day in 1989, he was glorified as a saint - the first elected primate of the church after the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia. His ministry fell on the most severe post-revolutionary years of persecution and schism, when the main task was to keep the Russian Church in the purity of Orthodoxy.

October 14- a great holiday. In 860, Russian squads approached Constantinople from the sea. During the all-night vigil in Blachernae Church, Saint Andrew, a fool for Christ's sake, saw the Mother of God walking through the air, surrounded by a host of angels and saints. The Mother of God stretched out Her head covering over the worshipers, protecting them "from enemies visible and invisible." Soon after, the Russian squads lifted the siege and left Constantinople - according to some reports, the ships were scattered by a strong storm. An interesting fact: the Greek Church does not celebrate this event, while in Rus' the Feast of the Intercession, established in the 12th century by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, is one of the most revered Mother of God holidays that are not included in the circle of the Twelve.

October 18- the day of memory of twelve Russian saints and miracle workers at once: Macarius, Job, Peter, and Macarius. Each of them has their own days of remembrance, but on this day the church gives them equal honors - as the heavenly patrons of Moscow and the entire Russian land.

October 19 we remember whose name has become a household name to denote incredulity. However, according to the words, “Thomas, who was once weaker than the other apostles in faith, became, by the grace of God, more courageous, more zealous and tireless than all of them, so that he went around with his preaching almost the whole earth.” He founded Christian Churches in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia, and also in India, where he suffered martyrdom for Christ.

Memorial Day of the Monk Leo of Optina, as well as the Cathedral of the Fourteen Venerable Optina Elders, headed by October 24. The saints were canonized as locally venerated saints in the 1980s and 1990s, and in 2000 they were glorified by the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church for general church veneration. The holy relics of the elders are in the Vvedensky Cathedral of the monastery.

October 26- the day of bringing to Moscow. The first copy of the miraculous icon brought from Athos dates back to 1648. This image accompanied the Russian troops in the 1654 campaign against the Polish army, and then was placed in the Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

October 31- the day of memory of another. A native of Syrian Antioch, Luke came from an educated Greek family and was a physician and artist. It was he, according to legend, who was the creator of the first icons depicting the Mother of God. Luke wrote his Gospel, as well as the Book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, under the guidance of the Apostle Paul, whom he accompanied on his missionary wanderings. After the death of the chief apostles, Luke continued preaching in Libya, Egypt and Greece, where he was martyred in 84.

Have you read the article Name day in October | Names according to the church calendar. Read also.

05.10.2015 14:00:00

What is the name of the little boy who will be born in October 2015? If you have not yet decided on the choice, read our October October. We have chosen, which, according to beliefs, are responsible for the fate of babies born with them on the same day. And, as usual, they found psychological characteristics for the owners.


October 1 Alexey, Arkady, Boris, Veniamin, Vladimir, Ivan, Hilarion, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Sergey
2 October Alexey, George, David, Igor, Konstantin, Nikolai, Fedor
October 3 Alexander, Vasily, Ephraim, Ivan, Hilarion, Mikhail, Oleg, Fedor
The 4th of October Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Vladimir, Daniel, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Peter
October 5 Alexander, Andrey, Nikolay, Peter, Fedor
October 6 Andrei, Ivan, Innokenty, Nikolai, Peter
October 7th Andrey, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladislav, David, Pavel, Sergey, Stepan
October 8 Alexander, German, Evgeny, Maxim, Nikolay, Pavel, Roman, Sergey, Fedor
October 9 Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon
October 10 Viktor, German, Dmitry, Mark, Mikhail, Peter, Fedor
October 11 Alexander, Alexei, Anatoly, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, George, Grigory, Ivan, Ilya, Kirill, Makar, Mark, Matvey, Prokhor, Sergey, Fedor
October 12 Ivan
October 13 Alexander, Alexey, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Semyon
October 14 Alexander, Alexei, George, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Roman

October 15 Andrei, Boris, Vasily, George, David, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Fedor
October 16 Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Peter
17 October Vasily, Vladimir, Dmitry, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Tikhon, Yakov
October 18 Alexey, Grigory, Denis, Matvey, Peter, Tikhon, Philip
October 19 Arkhip, Ivan, Makar, Nikanor
The 20th of October Mark, Nikolay, Sergey, Julian
October 21 Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter
22 of October Efim, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Yakov
October 23 Andrei, Vasily, Innokenty
October 24 Alexander, Anatoly, Anton, Leo, Makar, Philip
the 25th of October Alexander, Bogdan, Denis, Ivan, Martin, Nikolai, Taras, Fedot
October 26 Benjamin, Innokenty, Nikita, Nikolai
27th October Ignatius, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikolai, Peter
28 of October Athanasius, Denis, Dmitry, Efim, Ivan, Lukyan, Semyon
29th of October Alexey, Georgy, Evgeny, Ivan, Kuzma, Leonty, Terenty
October 30 Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Anton, Joseph, Kuzma, Leonty, Sergey, Julian
October 31 Andrei, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Joseph, Leonty, Nikolai, Semyon, Sergei, Julian


Alexey. Alyosha has been attached to his mother since childhood, but growing up, he feels like a head and a protector, and tries to protect his mother from troubles. This is more a man of deeds than words. Among friends, he does not seem to be in charge, but they listen to his opinion.

Arkady. Little Arkasha is adored both in the family and in the yard. But this mass affection does not spoil his character. He remains kind and merciful, always trying to help, and keeping his promises. In the team, he plays the role of a peacemaker, without taking either side.

Alexander. Little Sasha is often sick, but gets stronger with age, especially if he does not neglect sports. He is persistent and gets things done. Getting into the team - from the kindergarten group to the office - becomes the unspoken leader. He has a strong sense of justice.

Andrey- a dreamer child, playing, goes into the process with his head, ignoring requests to calm down. Sincerely loves brothers, if any, but competes with sisters. At school, he does not stand out much from the crowd, but by the age of 18-20 it turns out that he has achieved greater success than the rest.

Anatoly In childhood, he is influenced by his mother, withdrawn and shy. He likes to read books about exploits, and to imagine himself as the main character. He will throw off the female “firm hand” with age, but romance will remain in his soul forever.

Anton. This charmer has already from the cradle. In character traits, he is similar to his mother, but in his decisions he relies on the authority of his father. Respect both parents. At school, he does not shine with talents, but he is not afraid of any work, and he copes with any business skillfully.

Boris meticulous to the point of pedantry. In his room, table, diary is usually in order. Responsible for assignments. Early emotionally breaks away from his parents and ceases to devote them to his affairs, which makes them a lot to worry. However, common sense allows him not to do stupid things.

Bogdan often name the long-awaited son, and bring him up accordingly. Because of this, the baby often catches a cold, allows himself unlimited whims and is very attached to his mother. With other children, he does not add up, and natural laziness, tripled by guardian parents, prevents him from developing his existing abilities.

Vladimir- An inquisitive and practical child. To confirm his ideas, he is capable of quite risky activities. In the company of friends, he strives for leadership, and friends take this for granted. Technical sciences are given to Volodya easily.

Basil- Animal lover. Birds, kittens, bugs are his world. Grandparents do not have a soul in him. Growing up, Vasya prefers walks with friends to everything. Because of this, later there may be problems with his wife.

Valentine trouble-free child. His friends love him and willingly ask for help. He protects the girls like a knight. He loves animals, and can seriously get involved in aquarism.

Vitaly an affectionate and obedient boy, he is somewhat wary of his siblings, but readily offers custody to those younger than him. He is well mastered in a new environment, inclined to achieve what he wants. The intellect trains with chess and loves music.

Vladislav. Vladik has been very sensitive to his mother since childhood. He likes to spend time with her, to discuss something. If the mother does not cut off the boy with her behavior, such a careful attitude towards women remains with him in adulthood. Otherwise, Vladik is a 100% boy. He is attracted by adventures, pranks, especially those associated with open fire. Because of this, the risk of injury is high. Vladik is sociable and easily finds a common language with a variety of people.

Victor grows gullible, to the point of naivety, often falls for deception, gets upset, but quickly forgets insults, and almost never learns from them. She loves adventure books and films, loves games with an element of risk.

Vyacheslav. Usually this is a strong man with good stamina and willpower. Sport is his element. Strengthening his strength, he will fight injustice and protect the weak. Is quick-tempered, but quickly comes to his senses
As a child, Georgiy eschews noisy peers somewhat, but not so much that he is perceived as a smart-ass or made an outcast. Knows how to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Gregory. Grisha tries very hard to be good, but he is fidgety and a little awkward, so his parents are often unhappy with him. He does not like teasers, which is why he sometimes gets into fights.

David from an early age shows a proud and independent character. He is persistent and pragmatic, but always surrounded by friends. Solving their problems, he can get into unpleasant situations, but he gets out of them, usually thanks to his dexterity and quick wits. David's health is quite strong, and his physical data is excellent.

Denis- A sociable child who gets along equally well with friends and animals. His weakness is dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, this will allow you to instill discipline and responsibility in him.

Dmitriy in childhood, he manages to get sick with everything he can, and this will affect his character. Whims and increased demands on others will become his problem. He will intuitively seek support from his mother, who nursed him so much as a child.

Daniel- a calm and kind boy with his mother's character traits. He is not sickly and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya flares up, he quickly leaves.

Eugene. Little Zhenya learns writing and reading, foreign languages ​​early, and his imagination does not let him down. He is good at tasks that require ingenuity and creativity. His friends appreciate and respect him, and the girls take advantage of the fact that Zhenya idealizes and exalts them somewhat.

Ivan. Vanya can be quiet and inconspicuous, or he can be nimble and ringleader. It can combine a variety of qualities: strength and weakness, cruelty and good nature, tenderness and severity. Life is usually taken lightly, and they succeed a lot.

Ilya- a little helper for mom and dad. He easily copes with all household chores, can enthusiastically grow radishes, babysit rabbits, help his father build a house in the country. True, he is illegible in acquaintances, so you need to follow the circle of friends.

Hilarion most often grows introvert. But at the same time, he has an exceptional sense of humor and sociability, so few people know about his introversion. He knows how to listen, support, advise, but they themselves are reluctant to share problems, and parents will have to try to keep abreast of his affairs and feelings.

Igor- active frisky boy. Studying is easy for him, but it is difficult to sit in the lessons, especially those that are not interesting to him. He loves sports, and in this he finds a splash for his restless energy. Most likely, sporting achievements will be quite significant.

Innocent grows quite closed. Excessive modesty and frequent illness prevent him from actively achieving his goals. Kesha loves to read and dream, it is difficult to find friends and part with people painfully. Touchingly warmly takes care of animals.

Kirill. An inquisitive kid who learns easily. He begins to read easily and early, his memory is enviable, and teachers often set him as an example. This can play a cruel joke on him: arrogance and the desire to show off will harm him in life.

Konstantin. Kostya is a coward in childhood. The feeling of anxiety accompanies him constantly, he does not adapt well to new people and circumstances. Parents have to be nervous while he gets used to the garden or school. This will pass with age, but he will always be reluctant to converge with people.

Leonid care about your health. Picky in food, will require a bandage even with a small abrasion. He is proud, strives to stand out, and therefore he has a place for success in his studies.

Children born in October correspond to the Libra zodiac sign. As a rule, boys born under the sign of Libra are cold-blooded and prudent people, they go to any lengths for their own benefit. Many of them are intelligent and insightful. Before making a decision, the Libra boys first carefully think everything over, play the situation in various planes, and if they understand that they will not be the loser, they can make a decision or agree, for example.

Boys born in October are diversified personalities, and easily combine the incongruous. For example, an October man can take an active part in the invention of a nuclear bomb and at the same time conduct philosophical conversations on spiritual topics. Many October boys are very responsible for the topics of finance, material resources, they are great materialists, but they will not be able to achieve great success on their own, as they need a partnership. Boys born in October excel in many areas, but law, law and economics are the easiest for them.

The names of boys born in October must be chosen carefully, taking into account the character traits of autumn children. Unfortunately, many autumn children are not obligatory and punctual, it is easier for them to lie, break a promise than to fulfill them. In addition, October boys are very driven, the opinions of others are important to them, and they sometimes act under the influence of other people's words and statements. But they make very good family men, respectable, faithful. For October men, family well-being and the family hearth come first. In the house, they behave completely differently - balanced, calm, non-conflict. Naturally, the name affects the character of boys born in October. Choose the names of boys born in October so as to revive their stable and permanent character, that is, bright, catchy, strong, sonorous and strong-willed names are suitable for October boys.

The most successful names for October boys are the names:








If you do not like these names, then you can choose a name from the name of some people, for example, from Russian names for boys. Also in October, you can take names according to the Saints of October. In this case, the October boy according to the church calendar. Names must be chosen according to the date of birth of the boy:

1. Illarion, Alexey, Peter, Ivan, Boris, Mikhail, Vladimir, Benjamin, Konstantin, Sergey

2. Trofim, Fedor, David, Konstantin, Alexei, Nikolai, Igor

3. Mikhail, Fedor, Alexander, Oleg

4. Dmitry, Alexander, Alexei, Konstantin, Ivan, Vasily, Vladimir, Valentin, Andrey, Peter, Daniel, Joseph, Ipatiy

5. Fedor, Peter, Makar

6. Ivan, Innokenty, Andrey, Peter

7. Vasily, Andrey, Pavel, Vitaly, Sergey, Spiridon, Nikandr, Vladislav

8. Sergey, Nikolai, German

9. Ivan, Tikhon, Athanasius, Nikolai, Vladimir, Ephraim

10. Peter, Dmitry, Fedor, Mark, Aristarchus, Ignatius

11. Khariton, Kirill, Illarion, Alexander, Mark, Nikon, Vyacheslav

13. Grigory, Mikhail, Prokofy, Peter, Vyacheslav, Semyon, Alexei, Matvey, Leonid

14. Roman, Savva, Mikhail, Alexander, George, Nikolai, Ivan, Fedor

15. Kupriyan, Andrey, Fedor, David, Konstantin

16. Denis, Ivan

17. Gury, Dmitry, Nikolai, Mikhail, Yakov, Tikhon, Vasily, Anisim, Peter, Pavel, Stepan

18. Peter, Alexei, Ion, Philip, Gabriel, Matthew, Dionysius, Gregory

19. Thomas, Ivan

20. Sergei, Nikolai, Julian

21. Dmitry, Ivan, Pahom, Nikolai, Seraphim, Peter, Vasily, Pavel, Vladimir, Victor, Trifon

22. Yakov, Konstantin, Peter, Maxim

23. Innokenty, Andrey

24. Philip, Leo, Alexander

25. Prov, Ivan, Alexander, Nikolai

26. Karp, Innocent, Nikolai, Benjamin, Nikita

27. Mikhail, Peter, Maxim, Nikita

28. Efim, Semyon, Athanasius, Ivan

29. George, Eugene, Alexey, Ivan

30. Andrey, Alexander, Anton, Demyan, Leonty, Lazar

31. Joseph, Andrey, Sergey, Nikolay

How to choose a male name according to the Saints.

Baptism of a baby is an important event in the life of every family. In the Russian Orthodox tradition, there were several unshakable rules for naming children, which all parents followed.

Orthodox names for boys according to Saints in October: origin, meaning, patron saint

Important: be sure to read the biography of the Saint whose name your child bears!


Etymology: from other Greek. "Alexandros" - a man who protects. The name "Alexander" is the most popular name in the whole world.

Name day in October
Patron Saints
3 St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Tetyuev), presbyter.

St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Belyakov), presbyter.

St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Fedoseev), presbyter.

5 Alexander (biography not preserved).
9 St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Levitsky), presbyter.
11 Martyr Alexander of Kaluty, blacksmith. Martyr Alexander (biography has not been preserved).
13 St. New Alexander Troitse-Golenishchevsky (in the world Alexander Orlov), confessor.
14 St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Agafonnikov), presbyter.
24 St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Grivsky), presbyter.
25 St. New Alexander (in the world Alexander Pozdeevsky), presbyter.
30 Saint Alexander of Semipalatinsk (in the world Alexander Shchukin), new


Etymology: from other Greek. "Alex" - prevent, protect, protect.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Andreas" - courageous.


Etymology: from the Latin generic name Antoniev.


Etymology: from other Greek. "aristarkhos" - the one who rules.


Etymology: from other Greek. "arkadoss" - one who lives in Arcadia or a shepherd.


Etymology: from other Greek. "afanasios" - immortal.


Etymology: an abbreviated form of the ancient Slavic name Borislav - glorious in the struggle, battle.


Etymology: from other Greek. "basilios" - one who rules.

Name day in October Patron Saints
3 St. Blessed. Prince Oleg Romanovich (monastic Vasily).

Novomuch. Vasily (Vasily Kondratiev in the world).

St. New Vasily (in the world Vasily Krymkin), presbyter.


Novomuch. Vasily (Vasily Vinogradov in the world).

St. New Vasily (in the world Vasily Voskresensky), deacon.

13 St. New Vasily (in the world Vasily Guryev), presbyter.
15 Martyr Vasily of Kazan (in the world Vasily Sadykov).
17 St. Rev. new Vasily (in the world Gavriil Tsvetkov).
21 St. New Basil (in the world Vasily Ozeretskovsky), presbyter.
23 St. Rev. Vassian (Basil), miracle worker of Constantinople.


Etymology: from the Latin "valens" - healthy.


Etymology: from the biblical name Benjamin - the son of my beloved wife; son of my right hand; happy son.


Etiology: from the Latin "victor" - the winner.


Etymology: from the Latin "vitalis" - vital.


Etymology: from the Old Russian "Vladimir" - the one who owns the world or from the Old Russian "Volodimer" - the one who owns the measure.


Etymology: name of Slavic origin - the one who owns the glory.


Etymology: from the old Russian phrase "great glory" - more glorious.


Etymology: from the biblical name Gabriel - God's helper; one who supports God.

George / Egor

Etymology: from other Greek. "georgios" - the one who owns the land.


Etymology: from the Latin "germanus" - native.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Gregoreo" - one who is vigilant, awake.


Etymology: from "davil" (Hebrew) - loved by all.


Etiology: from the Hebrew name Daniel - God is my judge.


Etymology: from other Greek. "damaso" - to conquer.


Etymology: from other Greek. "diosios" - one who belongs to Dionysus.


Etymology: from other Greek. "demetrios" - one who belongs to the goddess Demeter.

Name day in October Patron Saints
4 Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov.
9 St. New Demetrius (in the world Dmitry Rozanov), presbyter.
10 St. New Dimitry (in the world Dmitry Shishokin), presbyter.
15 Martyr Demetrius of Kazan.
17 St. New Demetrius (in the world Dmitry Voznesensky), presbyter.
21 Saint Demetrius, Archbishop of Mozhaisk (in the world Ivan Dobroserdov), new martyr.
28 St. New Dimitry (in the world Dmitry Kasatkin), presbyter.


Etymology: from other Greek. dorotheus - God's gift.


Etymology: from other Greek. "eugenos" - noble.


Etymology: from other Greek. the phrase "hieros theos" - the one who was sanctified by God.


Etymology: from the Hebrew name Euphraim - the one whom God impregnated.

Ivan / Jan

Etymology: from Jochanan (Hebrew) - Divine Grace, Yahweh (God) was merciful or from the biblical name John.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. New Blessed Elder John Vasiliev, layman, confessor.
3 Rev. John the Perspicacious, hermit and hermit of Egypt.

St. New John (in the world John Bystrov), presbyter.

St. New John (in the world John Lazarev), presbyter.

St. New John (in the world John Nikolsky), presbyter.

St. New John (in the world John Flerov), presbyter.


St. New John (in the world John Pankratovich), presbyter.

Martyr John the Baptist.

Martyr John of Syracuse.

Martyr John.


Novomuch. John (in the world John Zolotov).

Apostle John the Theologian (Zebedee), evangelist.

12 St. New John of Riga (in the world Ivan Pommer), archbishop.

Novomuch. John (in the world Ivan Artemov).

Rev. John the Angelic (Kukuzel), songwriter.

15 Martyr John of Kazan
16 Rev. John Khozevite, Bishop of Caesarea of ​​Palestine, Saint.
19 St. New John (in the world John Rybin), presbyter.

Martyr John (with the world Ivan Rybin).

St. New John (in the world Ivan Khrenov), deacon.


Novomuch. John (in the world Ivan Letnikov), confessor.

Martyr John the Baptist.

28 Saint John, Bishop of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod.
29 St. New John (in the world John Assessors), presbyter.


Etymology: from the Latin "ignis" - fire.


Etymology: from the Scandinavian proper name Ingvar - warlike. The Slavs had a slightly different meaning - "one who guards the name of God."


Etymology: from the Greek "ilaros" - joyful.



Etymology: from the Latin "innocentius" - innocent.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Kirillos" - lord.


Etymology: form of other Greek. named after Codr.


Etymology: from Greek. "kosmas" - the universe.


Etymology: from the Latin name Constantius - resistant.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. New Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Tverdislov), presbyter.

St. New Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Golubev), presbyter.

St. Blessed. Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich

4 St. New Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Shirokinskiy), presbyter.
15 Martyr Constantine, Prince of Aragveta.

St. New Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Aksenov), presbyter.

St. New Konstantin (in the world Konstantin Sukhov), presbyter.

Lavr / Lawrence

Etymology: from the Latin "laurus" - a laurel tree (among the Romans, a laurel wreath is a symbol of victory).


Etymology: from other Greek. "Leontius" - lion.


Etymology: from Greek. named after Lucas.


Etymology: from other Greek. Makarios is lucky.


Etymology: Roman generic name from the Latin "maximus" - the greatest.


Etymology: from the Latin "Marcus" - hammer.


Etymology: from the Latin "martius" - one who belongs to Mars.


Etymology: from the Aramaic "matityahu" - God's gift.


Etymology: from "mi kmo elohim" or "mi-ka-el" (Hebrew) - similar to God.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. New Michael (in the world Mikhail Skobelev), presbyter.
3 Martyr Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Prince of Chernigov.
10 St. New Michael (in the world Mikhail Platonov), presbyter.
13 Memorial Day of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' Michael.

St. New Michael (in the world Mikhail Vologda), presbyter.

Rev. Martyr Michael, Abbot of Zovia (Sevastia).

15 Martyr Michael of Kazan
17 St. New Michael (in the world Mikhail Tverdovsky), presbyter.
27 St. New Michael (in the world Michael Lektorsky), presbyter.


Etymology: from other Greek. "nestor" - a wanderer.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Nikolaos" - the one who conquers the nations.

Name day in October Patron Saints
2 St. New Nicholas, presbyter Iskrovsky.
5 Martyr Nicholas.
6 Commemoration of the martyr Nicholas Pandopol.

St. New Nikolai Petrogradsky (in the world Nikolai Rozov), presbyter.

St. Rev. Nicholas Trikkokit.

14 St. New Nicholas (in the world Nikolai Kuligin), presbyter.
17 St. New Nicholas (in the world Nikolai Vereshchagin), presbyter.
20 St. New Nicholas (in the world Nicholas of Kazan), presbyter.

St. New Nicholas (in the world Nikolay Kuzmin), presbyter.

St. New Nicholas (in the world Nicholas Rein).

25 Saint Nicholas of Alma-Ata (in the world Theodosius of Mogilevsky), a new..
26 St. New Nikolay (in the world Nikolai Yermolov), presbyter.
31 St. New Nicholas (in the world Nikolai Sokolov), presbyter.


Etymology: from the Old Norse "heilakhr" - sacred.


Etymology: folk form of the canonical name Eustathius. The name Eustathius comes from other Greek. the words "Eustachios" - healthy or balanced.


Etymology: from the biblical name Yosef - the one who will be added.


Etymology: from the Latin word "paulus" - small or younger.


Etymology: from other Greek. "petros" - a stone.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 St. New Peter Verkhnesaldinsky (in the world Peter Dyakonov), presbyter (novomuch.).
4 St. New Peter (in the world Peter Sakharovsky), presbyter.
5 St. Righteous Peter the African.
6 Martyr Peter of Syracuse.
10 St. New Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsy (in the world Peter Polyansky).

St. New Peter (in the world Peter Pushkinsky), presbyter.

St. New Peter (in the world Peter Solovyov), presbyter.

14 Saint Peter.
15 Martyr Peter of Kazan.
16 Martyr Peter.
17 St. Rev. Martyr Peter of Capetolia, Damascus, presbyter.

St. New Peter (in the world Peter Nicotin), presbyter.

St. New Peter (in the world Peter Ozeretskovsky), presbyter.


St. New Peter (in the world Peter Vyatkin), presbyter.

St. Rev. Peter of Constantinople (in the world Leontius).

27 St. New Peter (in the world Peter Lebedev), presbyter.


Etymology: from other Greek. "prokhrus" - the one who walks in front of the choir.


Etymology: from the Latin "romanus" - Roman.


Etymology: form of other Greek. name of Herodium.


Etymology: from other Hebrew. "sava" - sage.


Etymology: from the biblical name Shimon - God heard.


Etymology: From the Roman generic name Sergius (Etruscan origin): one who is honored or one who performs a ceremony.

Name day in October Patron Saints
1 Novomuch. Sergius (in the world Sergei Vedernikov), layman.
7 Novomuch. Sergius (in the world Sergei Mikhailov).
8 Repose of St. Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh, miracle worker.

St. Rev. Sergius of Obnorsk, miracle worker of Vologda, Nuromsky.

St. Rev. Sergius Obedient, Pechersky.

Martyr of Rosaph Sergius the Roman.

23 St. Rev. Martyr Sergius of Zografsky, monk.

St. New Sergius (in the world Sergei Bazhanov), presbyter.

St. New Sergius (in the world Sergei Gusev), presbyter.


Etymology: from other Greek. "stephanos" - a crown.


Etymology: from other Greek. "tarasso" - to worry.


Etymology: from the Latin "terenus" - one who lives on Earth.


Etymology: from other Greek. "tokhn" - fate.


Etymology: from other Greek. "trofimos" - the one who feeds or the pupil.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Theodorus" - the one whom God gave.


Etymology: from other Greek. "theodos" - the one who was given by God. Slavic form of the name: Bogdan.


Etymology: from other Greek. "Philippos" - one who loves horses.


Etymology: from the Greek "fokas" - a seal.


Etymology: from other Greek. "theomas" is a twin.


Etymology: from the Scandinavian phrase "eld arr" - a fiery warrior.

Julian / Julius

Etymology: from the Greek male name Yul.


Etymology: from the Aramaic "yaakov" - one who follows.

Video: How does the name of a child affect his character and fate? Boris Higir. Psychology