Artificial food. Food industry of the future. Synthetic human food

The idea for the sci-fi movie meal replacement came to Rinehart in December 2012, when he was once again despondent over his diet of burgers, cola, and pasta. In February 2013, he wrote a blog post, "How I Stopped Eating," in which he admitted he felt like a "$6 million man" after thirty days of replacing food with a "thick, odorless beige liquid" containing "everything substances necessary for a person to live, plus a few more that are considered useful.

Have you ever dreamed of super strength? Perhaps it would be nice to be able to fly or see through walls. But if you work a lot, then most likely you dream not about this, but at least one extra hour a day. And even better - an extra day in the week, during which you can not work, but read, write, catch butterflies or take extreme driving courses.

Lack of free time is perhaps the scourge of our globalized accelerated lifestyle. According to Gallup, for the past twenty years, almost 50% of the US population has complained that they do not have time for themselves.

“According to the U.S. Bureau of Employment Statistics, people spend about 90 minutes a day eating food,” explains 25-year-old engineer and entrepreneur from California about Rinehart. This figure is an average, which includes going to the store, cooking, eating and washing dishes. Rob claims to have found a solution to the problem. By skipping food and replacing it with Soylent Formula, Rob claims to have “freed up at least an hour a day for himself.”

Soylent is a nutritional formula synthesized based on the nutritional guidelines regularly issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is similar to protein shakes for mass gain, except that in addition to proteins, it contains all the necessary fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Available in powder, drink and nutrition bar form. Terrible in taste.

Rinehart's post about his food invention became a hit on Reddit and Hacker News, and Rinehart was inundated with recipe questions and partnerships. Three months later, the dispute exceeded Rinehart's wildest expectations, and he quit his job for the sake of a startup / When Soylent 1.0 hit the shelves in May 2014, the company already had more than 20 thousand pre-orders, more than $ 2 million in sales revenue and 2875 years free time.

Looks impressive. But what will people do with this freed time? A new era of the Renaissance? Will Soylent make it possible for literature, art, or even computer programming to flourish? Maybe it's too early to talk about it, but so far the signs are vague. For example, the author of the post spent an hour and a half a week freed up mindlessly clicking on social networks (which angered the editor-in-chief). As for Rinehart, he spent his hour and a half just launching a startup, reading books and taking training courses that he had been putting off for a long time.

Of course, this is not the first time that people have been promised freedom from kitchen slavery. This problem is rooted in the convenience food boom that began after the Second World War and is strongly tied to the gender issue. As researcher Harvey Levenstein writes in The Abundance Paradox, convenience foods have reduced the time the average housewife spends cooking from 5.5 to 1.5 hours a day.

Thanks to the convenience food boom, the number of working married women doubled by 1960, while the number of working mothers quadrupled.

As a particularly striking example, astronomical historian Rachel Laudan relates that as early as 20 years ago, a simple Mexican woman spent 4-5 hours a day just grinding corn cobs for tortillas and feeding a family of 5. But in the early 90s, fast food boomed in Mexico as well, tortillas began to be sold in stores and the number of working Mexican women grew from 30% to 50%. “Mexican women know supermarket tortillas aren't as tasty, but they don't care,” explains Laudan. “If they want to have time for work and children, then taste is no longer as important as extra money and the opportunity to move into the middle class.”

But can semi-finished products really save that much time? The authors of the ethnography "Home Life in the Twenty-First Century" note that families who cooked dinner on weekdays with fresh ingredients spent only 10-12 minutes more time cooking than families who ate frozen pizza, ready-made macaroni and cheese, dishes for the microwave and takeaway food from the cafe.

Then where did the myth that convenience foods save time come from? According to research, all the salt is hidden in reducing the mental load on the brain. “Perhaps the most important and obvious effect of prepared food is to reduce the complexity of dinner planning. A family cook may think less about what to cook during the week,” they write. In other words, in a world where nearly 100,000 new foods hit supermarket shelves every year, convenience foods offer valuable decision-making freedom.

Soylent follows this logic further: the truncated reality becomes its trump card, not a miscalculation. The Soylent consumer can silence all the media noise about the dangers of gluten, the benefits of diets, the debate about veganism, and so on. As stated on the packaging, the bar guarantees "maximum nutrition with minimum effort."

But how will the abolition of food affect the culture? Many critics of "astronaut food" trumpet that the rituals associated with the preparation and consumption of food is one of the most important aspects of our culture. In particular, sociologists argue that regular family dinners reduce juvenile delinquency, alcoholism, the risk of obesity, improve health and psychological well-being, and are even the key to academic success.

The end of the breakfast-lunch-dinner era does not worry Rinehart at all, because regular meals "were originally invented artificially." Historian Abigail Carroll writes that the American family dinner, despite its sacred role as a culture, appeared about 150 years ago. Families didn't have tables in the 16th century, she says, and bowls and cutlery only became plentiful in the 19th century. And Carroll connects the growing popularity of the family dinner with the industrial revolution, when working from 9 to 5 at the manufactory did not replace agricultural labor, and the evening became the only opportunity for the family to get together. In this context, it is difficult to disagree with Rinehart: the tradition of three meals a day is indeed relatively young and comes from external conditions, and is not dictated by our nature.

Another argument of Rinehart's critics also does not look very convincing.

If replacing food with a liquid equivalent deprives the mechanism of our mouth, what will be the consequences of our appearance? Walk without teeth, or what?

But do not rush to look at your bite in the mirror with sadness. The scientific basis for this hypothesis is frankly weak. Yes, and it seems that only the Japanese are concerned about this issue. So one Japanese study from 2013 found that chewing food did increase insulin production, preparing the body for a meal, but this association was minimal. Another Japanese study showed that eating foods that are difficult to chew leads to a leaner waistline, but does not reduce overall body weight.

There is also one interesting hypothesis that food directly affects our appearance. Studying the skulls of Europeans, the American anthropologist Sea Loring Brace discovered that the current human bite was formed about 250 years ago, when the mass distribution of spoons and forks began. Before the advent of appliances, Europeans gnawed their teeth into large pieces of meat, and then cut them off with a dagger - Brace called this style of eating "nibble and cut." As a counterbalance, the researcher cites the Chinese, who began using chopsticks 900 years earlier, and their bite is older by almost the same number of years. If Brace's theory is correct, then replacing food with liquid could dramatically change the appearance of the human jaw, and Soylent Face would become recognizable as DiCaprio's doppelgänger.

Soylent promises to meet all your body's needs. "It contains all the elements of a healthy diet, with limited additions of less desirable ingredients such as sugars, saturated fats and cholesterol," says Soylent. Rinehart's formula was formulated according to US Institute of Medicine guidelines, tested on Rinehart and his friends, and fine-tuned under the supervision of Xavier Pi-Suñer, professor of medicine at the Human Nutrition Institute at Columbia University.

But is this idea really that new? As historian Warren Belasco writes in his book The Coming Food, this is not the first time people have tried to replicate the properties of food from its ingredients. The discovery of vitamins in the early decades of the 20th century gave rise to a similar belief that "nutrition can be reduced to single substances that can be synthesized in a test tube." But vitamin B12, which is essential for liver health, was only isolated in 1948, so the "chemical man" of that time would most likely suffer from pernicious anemia.

Rinehart is optimistic that his product will be improved, which is why the label says "Soylent 1.0". However, I manage to catch him on an uncomfortable question about the effect of Soylent on the intestinal microflora. In short, the microbes in Rinehart's gut are markedly different from those found in other Americans. Although the study of microbiota is still in its infancy, Soylent does not appear to be such a good substitute for food for the microbes in our gut.

Soylent's ingredients seem to be simple and pure: a must-have nutrient squeeze.

In fact, its production chains and ecological impact are just as complex, if not more mysterious, than the food it replaces. Warren Belasco notes that "the drive to make food production disappear, if not from the face of the earth, then at least from the minds of consumers" is a long-held dream of people in an effort to reduce food to chemistry. This is perhaps the most important drawback of Soylent. After all, food is our main way to establish contact with a changing environment. And Soylent wants to cut off this rich connection.

After five days living exclusively on Soylent, I can safely say that its main problem is the disgusting taste. It's like you're eating foamy vanilla shower gel with the consistency of river silt. Yes, I lost weight, but only because I felt more comfortable going to bed hungry than drinking more Soylent.

The main advantage of Soylent for me personally was not the time saved, but the taste of real food forgotten in a week. Half a New York bagel with butter, a slice of cheese, and a perfect Jersey tomato was so delicious that the hand with the food was trembling with excitement. I will remember this breakfast for the rest of my life. Perhaps the ability to return the love of ordinary food is the main value of Soylent? For me, Soylent is a Rorschach test of our personal and social attitudes towards food.

By the way, I have a few bars left in my locker, write to anyone who needs it - I will share it.

Now people often talk about “artificial food”. Although this term does not mean obtaining food by chemical reactions. It is about giving natural protein products, such as proteins from oilseeds, legumes and cereals, the taste and appearance of traditional products, including delicacies.

For example, in France, vegetable meat has long been produced from vegetable raw materials. The technology for its production is to isolate proteins from soybeans and form fibers from them, from which layers can then be made, similar in structure to meat. After the addition of fats and meat-flavoring components, these products can be used as substitutes for animal meat in the human diet.

In our country, at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds. A.N. Nesmeyanova has long dealt with the problems of taste and smell of food. At present, any smell can be synthesized here: onion, garlic, banana, pineapple, ham, meat broth, etc. Artificial products have been created at this Institute that can make a menu for a good dinner: black caviar, salmon, various aspic dishes, chicken soup, meat and fish broth, marmalade of various varieties, juices.

In the USA, for example, analogues of dairy pastes, desserts, cheeses, cottage cheese, fermented milk products are very popular. For whitening coffee, analogues of cream are widely used, as well as an ice cream substitute - “mellorin”, obtained on the basis of vegetable oils. An approximate whitening cream composition is: 0.8-1% soybean protein, 10% hydrogenated vegetable oil, 15% sugar syrup, about 1% food surfactants, some salts, and about 75% water.

“Artificial food” is cheaper, cooked or ready to eat. Its production allows solving the problems of some scarce products. Try to understand the essence of the chemical and biochemical processes occurring in the body with those substances that enter it with food; study information about the composition of each product, about the ratio of the main components. Especially choose the optimal diet.

And finally, pay attention to food packaging labels. It lists which nutritional supplements the foods you purchased contain.

Food additives contribute to the preservation of the product (preservatives), give it flavor (flavorings), the desired color (for example, the appetizing red color of ham and boiled sausages gives such an unfortunate sodium nitrate), etc. Some of them are produced from natural products - vegetables and fruits, sugar, vinegar, alcohol. But many food additives are the result of the work of chemists and are made from synthetic substances.

On imported food products, such additives are marked with a three-digit number. You need to know what specific information the marking-index carries:

E 100-E 182 - dyes

E 200-E 299 - preservatives. Substances such as salt, sugar, vinegar are not included in this labeling group. Information about these preservatives is recorded on labels without alphanumeric indexing, separately.

E 300-E 399 - substances that slow down the processes of fermentation and oxidation in food (for example, rancidity of butter).

E 400-E 499 - stabilizers. These additives provide food products with a long-term preservation of the consistency inherent in each of them: the consistency of the famous “Bird's Milk” cake, marmalades, jelly, marshmallows, yogurts, etc., known to you.

E 500-E 599 emulsifiers. These substances make it possible to maintain the uniform distribution of the dispersed phase in the medium, to maintain, for example, such emulsions as nectars, vegetable oils, beer, and others in a homogeneous system, and to prevent the formation of sediments in them.

E 600-E 699 - flavorings, i.e. compounds that enhance the taste of food products (drinks, creams, sweets, dry juices)

E 900-E 999 - anti-flaming agents that do not allow flour, granulated sugar, salt, soda, citric acid, dough baking powder to cake, as well as substances that prevent the formation of foam in drinks.

Not so long ago artificial food passed from one science fiction novel to another, in the form of "nutritional pills". A time traveler who arrived in the distant future and was desperately hungry was treated to one or two sweets the size of a button. artificial food. These pills, as a rule, “melted easily” in the mouth, “tasted nicely”, the hero suddenly felt completely full and immediately became an ardent supporter of “pill nutrition”.

food energy

Today, artificial food is out of the realm of fantasy. On average, the human body should receive 500-3000 calories of energy per day. This energy is hidden in the chemical compounds of food molecules and is released when they decompose in the body, just as the chemical energy hidden in a piece of coal is released during combustion (more details:). But the process of release and use food energy incomparably more complex and subtler than the process of fuel combustion. Food is needed by the body for two purposes.
  1. The first goal is to replenish energy costs (this purpose of food is directly similar to the purpose of fuel burned in a furnace).
  2. The second purpose of food is to serve as a building material from which the body synthesizes itself.

Food to replenish energy costs. In order for the human body to successfully carry out both tasks, food must contain substances of five groups:
  • proteins,
  • fats,
  • carbohydrates,
  • salt,
  • vitamins.
And of course, water. Body needs:
  • the body needs about 20 grams of salt per day,
  • vitamin - about a gram,
  • fats and proteins - approximately 100 grams each,
  • carbohydrates - about half a kilogram,
  • The average human body consumes about two liters of water.
The absence or systematic deficiency in the diet of substances from at least one of the groups leads to serious diseases. For example:
  • the absence of microscopic doses of iodine causes the appearance of goiter,
  • deficiency brings scurvy.
The minimum weight of food necessary for a person is more than 700 grams per day - in a dehydrated form. It is unlikely that such an amount of substance will fit in a tablet the size of a button. And a smaller amount of food cannot contain enough energy, because the human body accepts it only in the form chemical bonds.

Chemistry - the creator of artificial food

Chemistry is one of the leading sciences of modern life. The innovations she brought to people's lives are grandiose. She has a major role in creating artificial food. Natural dyes, herbal medicines, rubber from hevea juice have long been replaced by synthetic products. They were followed by synthetic fabrics, leather and fur substitutes - beautiful, durable, hygienic, cheaper than their predecessors. Well, what next? What else is subject to synthetic replacement? Food, say the chemists. Indeed, our food remains largely the same today as it was centuries and millennia ago. Literally everything has changed. The man moved from the tarantass and the cart to the car and the plane. The signal drum "there-there" and messengers were replaced by telephones and radios. Hundred-story buildings stood up, electric suns lit up. Is there a lot in our diet that would have been unknown to people a hundred or a thousand years ago? Meat of animals, fruits of plants, dairy products.
Human food. However, the best minds of mankind have long foreseen the approaching revolution. Here is what the great Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleev wrote:
As a chemist, I am convinced that it is possible to obtain nutrients from the combination of the elements of air, water and earth, in addition to ordinary culture, that is, in ordinary factories and factories.
And here are the words of the famous French chemist M. Berthelot, said by him at the very end of the 19th century:
The problem of food is the problem of life. When cheap energy is obtained, it will be possible to synthesize food from carbon (obtained from carbon dioxide), from hydrogen (obtained from water), from nitrogen and oxygen (extracted from the atmosphere).
Today, this long-foreseen revolution is on the agenda.

Obtaining synthetic products

The body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, salts. It is extremely easy to cover the lack of mineral salts. The problem of synthetic production of vitamins has also been solved: today you can simply buy any vitamin at a pharmacy. And if goiter, scurvy, beriberi and other diseases associated with food deficiencies of certain vitamins and salts are also found on the globe, it is not science that is to blame, but social conditions. It hardly makes sense to talk about carbohydrates: there is no shortage of them on our planet and is not expected. Production processes have been known for two hundred years. And today sugar is obtained even from wood.
Types of sugar. In fact, the issue of synthesis has also been resolved. Remain. If the body also uses fats mainly as a source of energy, then we need proteins primarily as a building material. And unfortunately, it is food protein that is still lacking on our planet. According to UNESCO, one third of the world's population is currently starving. In most cases, this is protein starvation.

Diversity of proteins

Probably, many have heard about the fantastic difficulty of protein synthesis, that biochemists have been struggling with this problem for more than a hundred years, but that even today only a few simple proteins have been synthesized. Yes, indeed, proteins, moreover, extremely complex ones, are countless. Moreover, each organism has its own proteins. But everything is endless protein diversity is made up of a very limited number of amino acids, just as an infinite variety of words is made up of only a few dozen letters.

Amino acids

Such amino acids, not very complex organic compounds - two dozen. That's how small the alphabet of the protein world is. Any proteins that enter the human digestive tract are decomposed by enzymes into these amino acids, and they are absorbed by the body. Therefore, we will only facilitate the work of digestion if we feed a person not with proteins, but with amino acids. By the way, some of these acids can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids, and there are only eight essential acids.
Molecules of amino acids. Their ratio in food should be quite strict, the lack of at least one can lead to tragic results. This is largely the reason for protein hunger, since in some cases the body receives a lot of protein, but cannot absorb it due to the lack of only one amino acid in it. The synthesis of amino acids is incomparably simpler than the synthesis of proteins. In a number of countries, some amino acids are produced on an industrial scale. Production in the world of one of the essential amino acids - methionine - in the middle of the last century exceeded 70 thousand tons. At the same time, more than 10 thousand tons of another essential amino acid - lysine - is produced in the USA and Japan. The production of amino acids that completely replace protein in the human diet is within the power of modern chemistry.

Synthetic human food

It is no coincidence that the question of synthetic food for humans, and not about synthetic animal feed, which could then be eaten. It is easier to solve the problem of synthetic feed, but it is already being practically solved in a number of cases. But this is too expensive and a long way: the synthetic feed - animal - meat system has an efficiency of only 10-20 percent. This means that the total amount of synthetic feed should be 5-10 times more than human food, and besides, considerable labor costs are needed to maintain intermediate links - animal husbandry. The well-known Soviet scientist Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov, under whose leadership many fundamental issues of creating synthetic food were solved, insistently emphasized that we should talk about a fundamental solution to the problem, about creating synthetic food for humans, and not feed for livestock. But two questions arise:
  1. Will a synthetic mixture of essential and non-essential amino acids and four other components, plus water, provide everything necessary for the development and functioning of the human body? There is an answer to this question: yes, it will. The synthetic mixture, compiled according to the clear recipes of modern science, has been tested more than once, it has been fed to animals - not one, but a number of successive generations. It is fed in some cases to people - it is used as a therapeutic diet. And people get better and stronger.
  2. Will artificial food taste good? And will it not replace the pleasure that each of us receives from food with monotonous and boring satiety?
The most difficult thing here is to imitate not only your own taste, but also the smell of food. But chemists are working in this direction. For example, synthetic compounds with the smell of stewed beef, boiled chicken, and boiled fish have been created. These synthetic odors are the result of the interaction of appropriate sets of amino acids, fats and sugars. And already a very simple engineering task - to ensure that synthetic food comes to our table not only in the form of a gelatinous mousse or semi-liquid paste. From the powdered synthetic mixture, products of any consistency can be formed. For example, artificial black and red caviar, which does not differ in appearance, taste, smell or texture from natural caviar.
Artificial red caviar. Artificial food has already passed essentially comprehensive tests. So, in England back in 1974, about 1500 tons of artificial meat were sold - pork, poultry, beef. At present, 600 thousand tons of amino acids are produced on a global scale, artificial glucose-fructose syrups are more than 3 million tons per year. In the US, 30 percent of school breakfasts are allowed to replace "soy meat". Here, about 300 thousand tons of protein are produced annually from beans and soybeans, they will replace 10% of meat raw materials. Experts from the World Health Organization believe that by 2020, the daily diet of each person will consist of at least a third of artificial milk and meat. The creation of artificial food is the grandest of the revolutions that chemistry has made and is making.

Hello dear buyer!

We are well aware that the majority of our regular customers are busy, working people who, like us, constantly do not have enough time. Accordingly, you simply don’t have the strength to look for information about (and for some reason in Russia today you really often need to look for it) which products, from what is sold today in our grocery stores, are good for health, and which are harmful, you simply don’t have the strength, no time.

We do it professionally. Accordingly, it is not difficult for us to select the most authoritative sources and the most understandable to the mass consumer presentation of information that is widely known and actively promoted today in the West, but (for obvious reasons) not particularly popular in spontaneously commercialized modern Russia.

We offer you a small selection of articles about the so-called artificial products - food surrogates created artificially using the latest advances in chemistry and high processing technologies. In the West, such "food" is known as junk food or "junk food".

National Nutrition Committees of the most economically developed countries of the West
explanatory work is tirelessly carried out that the biological value of such
products is zero, and use artificially created products in your
daily diet should not be, unless of course you want to have serious
health problems.

Every educated person in the West knows perfectly well that if milk at room temperature
temperature did not turn into full-fledged yogurt in a day, then this is not milk,
that real bread cannot be white, tender and airy, that natural juice cannot
can be stored for more than three days, etc., etc.

There, the state is forced to take care of the health of its citizens, because. he needs working hands and bright heads. What the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia does today and whose interests he defends, we all see and know very well. Therefore, as usual, saving the drowning -
the work of the drowning themselves!

artificial food

In the coming years, food technologists (chemists and biologists) will please us already artificially
created by meat. Geneticists are sure that a piece of pork from a test tube will lead to food
revolution: people will breed pigs and calves for aesthetic reasons, and meat
for cutlets, build up in layers in laboratory conditions from a single

Read more:

Genetically modified Europe

Not so long ago, the European Commission allowed the cultivation of genetically modified
potato. This means that artificial food has taken another bastion.
Will Russia also fall before its pressure? Or thanks to outdated, but environmentally friendly
ways of agricultural production, we will remain the only country with real milk,
meat and bread? Elena Sharoikina, director of the National
genetic safety associations.


Democratic Catering

Delicious food today is most often an illusion. Lab-created food
additives give taste and smell not only to popular soft drinks,
potato chips, cornflakes, ice cream, hard candies and toothpaste.
Chemists trick even innocent dogs and cats into believing that
appetizing meat pieces; artificial feed really have
something to do with meat. In fact, their meat taste is the same
like the frosty freshness of Tide or the pine scent of some kind of deodorant: the result of the manipulation of chemical compounds. The process of making shaving cream is not much different from making strawberry ice cream. Yes, and they are made in the same

Read more: 01.html

Who is junk food for?

The main consumers of weed food are people who think little about their health,
always in a hurry and never getting anywhere. Children, sweet tooth, beer lovers, teenagers,
people with low socioeconomic status prefer fast foods
cooking, junk food - chips, sugary carbonated drinks, noodles and
fast food breakfasts, corn flakes, cheeseburgers, hamburgers and
semi-finished products.

More details: page.php?id=100615

Fast food or artificial food

We gave restaurant visitors two dishes to try - with natural meat and
with food chemistry.

Natural food was chosen by only one visitor out of ten. This happens because
in chemical food there is a taste enhancer - monosodium glutamate.

Read more:

Junk food makes kids dumb

British researchers believe that a diet rich in fats, sugars and
processed foods leads to low IQ levels in children.

According to a Bristol study involving hundreds of British children,
if the nutrition of a child at the age of three years was predominantly based on
processed food, then when he turns 8.5 years old, it will be reflected in the form
low IQ.



Maybe we should not continue these terrible experiments on our own body and
health of loved ones and relatives, over the health and viability of future
generations? After all, all these "epidemics of civilization" are direct
a consequence of the inadequate attitude of mankind to what is eaten.

The body is vital for high-grade cereals and legumes, natural
milk, meat, fish, crude vegetable oils, cabbage, beets, carrots,
apples, onions, garlic, etc., etc. Moreover, the less processed these products
exposed, the clearer and more useful they are for our digestion.

Natural products cannot (and should not) compete with industrial products.
surrogates for tenderness and brightness of tastes. They are also completely uncompetitive.
and in terms of shelf life and all the rest selling today any
"miracle product" qualities. But without them, alas, neither health nor
complete work of the human body.

There is a way out: spend all the same time cooking! Because the time spent on
treatment is usually longer, more costly, and much less interesting. Besides
However, it is already quite obvious that there is simply NO other way out.

Sincerely, Administration of the online store "Diamart".

Pishch. products, to-rye obtained from decomp. food in-in (proteins, amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates), previously isolated from nature. raw materials or obtained by directed synthesis from miner. raw materials, with the addition food additives, as well as vitamins, miner. to-t, trace elements, etc. As nature. raw materials are used by secondary raw materials of the meat and dairy industry, seeds of cereals, legumes and oilseeds and products of their processing, green mass of plants, aquatic organisms, biomass of microorganisms and lower plants; while emit high mol. in-va (proteins, polysaccharides) and low molecular weight (lipids, sugars, amino acids, etc.). Low-mol. food in-va m. b. received also microbiol. synthesis from glucose, sucrose, acetic acid, methanol, hydrocarbons, enzymatic synthesis from precursors and org. synthesis (including asymmetric synthesis for optically active compounds). Vysokomol. in-va should have certain functional properties, such as solubility, swelling, viscosity, surface activity, the ability to spin (form fibers) and gelation, as well as the necessary composition and ability to be digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Low-mol. in-va are chemically individual or are mixtures in-in one class; in a pure state, their properties do not depend on the method of obtaining. Distinguish "synthetic. food" obtained from synthesized. in-in, for example, diets made up of low-mol. in-in for medical and special. nutrition, "combined products", to-rye consist of natural products with the addition of food. in-in and additives, for example, sausages, minced meat, pates (part of the meat in them is replaced by an isolate of k.-l. protein), and "analogues of food products" that imitate k.-l. natural products, for example, black caviar. IP is obtained in the form of gels, fibers, suspensions, emulsions, foams. To give taste, smell, color, food is added. dyes, flavoring and aromatic. in-va. The finished product must have the specified organoleptic. St. you, biol. value and technology. St. you (behavior during heat treatment, the possibility of storage and transportation). In the prom. scale get such food. in-va, like sucrose, glucose-fructose syrup, grows. oil, protein isolates (from soy, wheat, skim milk), starch, vitamins, amino acids, flavors (inosinate and monosodium glutamate, aspartame, saccharin), food. dyes, preservatives, etc. The world production of amino acids exceeds 600 thousand tons / year, glucose-fructose syrups - more than 3 million tons / year. In the USA, ~300 thousand tons of protein are obtained annually from soybeans, which replace almost 10% of meat raw materials. The creation of I. p. makes it possible to reduce the cost and increase the production of food. products at the existing page - x. base as a result of reducing losses and the use of non-food raw materials; reach the required level of food. security, solve the problem of children's and medical nutrition, nutrition in unusual conditions. The standard character of raw materials, composition and structure of I. p. in industrial production makes it possible to increase the level of automation, and the absence of enzymes and less favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms increase the shelf life. I. p. - a real basis for solving modern. world food problem and for the sustenance of the future of mankind. Lit .: Tolstoguzov V. B., Artificial food products, M., 1978; his, The role of chemistry in the development of promising methods for obtaining food products, M., 1985; his, Economics of new forms of food production, M., 1986; his, New forms of protein food, M., 1987; Nesmeyanov A. N., Belikov V. M., Food of the Future, 2nd ed., M., 1985. V. M. Belikov.

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    Symbol Dictionary

  • - a complex of substances necessary to maintain life and continue the growth of the body. Important components of human food are PROTEINS, FATS, CARBOHYDRATES, MINERALS and VITAMINS ...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Cibus, I. Among the Greeks. The difference that existed between individual citizens, tribes and states is also noticeable in the different luxury of their table ...

    Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

  • - a set of food products suitable for direct consumption ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see Diet...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a set of inorganic and organic substances obtained by organisms from the environment and used by them for nutrition ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a set of inorganic and organic substances obtained by animals and humans from the environment and used by them to build and renew tissues, maintain life and replenish ...
  • - a food product that is obtained from various substances previously isolated from the secondary raw materials of the meat and dairy industry, seeds of oilseeds and legumes, cereals, microorganisms, etc., as well as ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Borrowing from Old Slavonic and goes back to the same basis as the verb to nourish ...

    Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

  • - Loans. from st.-sl. lang. The original Russian pich has been lost. Suf. derived from pita "bread,"; tj pcs. See feed...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


artificial placenta

From the book Dolphin Man by Mayol Jacques

Artificial placenta After listening to many reports and lectures, repeatedly talking with experts and connoisseurs about everything that has been done in this area, I began to dream. And I came to the conclusion that I could tell myself two possible ways. The first one that doesn't answer my


From the book Selected Works. T. I. Poems, stories, stories, memoirs author Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich

ARTIFICIAL PIG Slava was sitting in the kitchen, putting his notebook on the edge of the cold stove, writing something. He took no part in the conversation. But with my back, sideways, looking at which side of me the silent positive interplanetary turned out to be, I felt that he could hardly endure

1.11 Artificial heaviness

From the book 100 Docking Stories [Part 1] author Syromyatnikov Vladimir Sergeevich

1.11 Artificial gravity Weightlessness is the most striking feature of space flight. It has the greatest effect on man in space, and not only on him. Weightlessness is very difficult to reproduce under terrestrial conditions, and when it is possible, then only for a short period.

artificial extravaganza

From the book Shaman. Scandalous biography of Jim Morrison author Rudenskaya Anastasia

Artificial extravaganza I tried to record those first five songs, I just sketched out a fantastic rock concert that was playing in my head. First there was music, then I began to invent words, because that was the only way I could remember it, and in the end I forgot the melody and in

Artificial analogy

From the book Gamestorming. Games that business plays by Brown Sunny

Artificial Analogy PURPOSE OF THE GAME We understand the essence of things by comparing them with similar things or properties. The plane is like a helicopter, they both fly. Both of them are more like a bird that also flies than a worm that crawls and digs holes in the ground. Game "Artificial


From the book Contacts with Other Worlds author Gordeev Sergey Vasilievich

1.5 ARTIFICIAL ANTI-GRAVITY Flying saucers arouse the heightened curiosity of all who have ever heard of them. Hundreds of eyewitnesses watched their sudden appearance, unthinkable maneuvers and rapid disappearance. There was a general belief that the known laws of physics

artificial moon

From the book Interplanetary Travel [Flights to world space and reaching celestial bodies] author Perelman Yakov Isidorovich

Artificial Moon We can, if you like, immediately arrange a brief examination of our cannonball, "acting as a celestial body. Let's check whether it obeys, for example, Kepler's third law, which says: "The squares of the times of revolution of celestial bodies are between

artificial radioactivity

From the book History of Physics Course author Stepanovich Kudryavtsev Pavel

Artificial radioactivity A new period in the development of nuclear physics began with fundamental discoveries. On January 15, 1934, at a meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences, Frederic Joliot and Irene Curie announced their discovery of a new type of radioactivity. “We have been able to prove


From the book 100 great scientific discoveries author Samin Dmitry

artificial retina

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Technology author Team of authors

Artificial retina Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University have created an artificial retina, which, unlike the others created earlier, is simple. The first retinas consisted of an external camera and a computer for processing

Nutrition. artificial food

From the author's book

Nutrition. Artificial food Thank you for such an answer, and of course there are always questions ... But I caught myself thinking that we missed one topic, although it would seem that we touched on a lot. Nutrition. Yes, normal food. How do we eat? I noticed that we are gradually being transferred to

The food determined by the Creator is the healthiest food

From the book Fundamentals of Healthy Eating author White Elena

The Creator's Designated Foods Are the Healthiest Foods “In order to know what foods are the best, we must study God's original plan for what to eat for man… Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables make up the food our Creator has designated for us. These