We are studying the number 4. Updating the basic knowledge. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Oksana Shemyakina
Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group "Introduction to the number and number 4"

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the number 4; with education numbers 4; continue to learn to correlate the number of objects and figure.

2. Form an idea of ​​equality and not equality groups.

3. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

4. Laying out the object according to the model (schematic representation, work according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

5. Continue to educate and consolidate knowledge about the rules of etiquette.

6. Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.

7. Teach children to listen to the opinions of others, attentively listen to the teacher's questions and each other's answers.


dolls: "Three Bears and Masha", doll utensils, numbers, counting sticks, geometric shapes.


1. Organizational moment.

Guys, let's say hello to each other.

Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He smiles back.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy.

And will be healthy for many years.

Let's wish health to our guests and say hello.

2. Count up to 4, number and number 4.

- Today we have guests from a fairy tale. And who, you will know if you guess riddle:

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

That's right Bear.

How did you guess it was a bear? (sleeps in a den all winter, wakes up in spring)

Let's see how many bears came to visit us?

One two Three. Three Bears.

As hospitable hosts, what should we do for guests? (drink tea)

Let's take the cups and put them together, how many cups for the bears?

What about the number of cups and guests?

They are equal. There are as many guests as there are cups.

Guys, come to the table, while our guests are drinking tea, we will play a little with you.

Show figure how many bears came to us? (3)

Put as many circles on the table as there are ears on one bear? (2)

Raise figure how many red mugs are on the table (1)

Look, another guest has come to us - Masha.

Let's invite Masha to the table.

How many guests now? Let's count - 4.

- What is more now: cups or guests? (guests)

How to equalize?

That's right, you need to put another cup, and then there will also be ... 4.

Look - by three "circles" add one "a circle" get 4.

3. Number 4.

When there are four subjects write figure"4". (showing large numbers) .

And Masha decided to remove the cups and turned high chair:

Masha dropped a chair in the apartment,

He looked like ... four!

4. Fixing the image numbers 4.

Look, I also have a chair, only painted. Sample is posted "Chair".

We can lay it out from counting sticks. Let's see what it consists of (legs (2, seat, back). How many sticks do you need to lay out a chair? (4)

Sit down at the table, take sheets of paper and lay out a chair from counting sticks.

(Children have only 3 sticks on the table). (We can't (Why, not enough sticks (How many are missing) 1) The teacher gives the children one more stick and asks: "And now, did you succeed?" (Yes) How many sticks did you need?

And now let's carefully turn over the leaf with chopsticks, which one you got digit …4

Well done, everyone did a great job.

5. "Collect the beads"

Masha and Mishutka took mother's beads without asking, the thread accidentally broke. What do you think happened to the beads (crumbled). What will we do? They ask you to help. Look, you have geometric shapes on your plates, so we will lay out the beads from them. You listen carefully, what figure I will call, you lay it out on your sheet. I remind you, we start laying out from left to right. (Children lay out the beads, after, compare with the sample "Black and white photo of mom's beads", with which figure the beads begin (square, after the square which figure goes (triangle, and the next figure after the triangle (a circle) Well, you also coped with this task, well done.

All tasks were completed. Helped Masha and Mishutka.

Let's remember how you helped them.

From what got to know each other?

What did you put out of the sticks? Why didn't you succeed the first time?

Guys, Mashenka gives you flowers, but they are unusual. On every flower lives number with whom we are today met, This number 4.

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Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Subject: Number and number 4.

Main subject goals:

We continue to learn how to compose mathematical stories based on a drawing;

Learning to count objects in a row;

Learning to solve examples;

Let's get acquainted with the number 4;

We learn to find and name given patterns; -Learn to write down the named numbers in the form of numerical cards.

Main learning goals:

Develop organizational skills: name the topic of the lesson, understand the purpose of the task;

Evaluate the result of the work (it turned out - it didn’t work out); correct the mistakes made;

Develop memory, attention; -develop communication skills: help each other in completing tasks, actions in speech.


Contribute to the formation of a system of views on the world;

Cultivate interest in the subject.Teaching methods : visual, problematic, practical.

Forms of organization of activities : frontal work, independent work, steam room, individual.


For the teacher: multimedia projector, screen, computer, presentation.

Materials for the lesson: - counting sticks; - ready-made number cards; - fan.

Lesson progress

Organizing time Psychological attitude

In the morning the sun woke up

We guys smiled.

Take the rays of the sun

And let's take it to the heart.

Good morning and have a nice day!

We will start our lesson with a smile.

Do you feel the warmth of the sun? Smile and give warmth to your neighbor, guests.

Let us be warm and comfortable in class today.

Motivation for learning activities

- Teacher Q: What do we do in math class?

- We learn to think, we consider, we decide, we reason.

-Teacher : Mathematics is a special country,

We need intelligence to travel.

And we will not forget to solve problems.

I wish you good mood and fruitful work in class.So let's work actively and surprise our guests with our knowledge.We will succeed with you.Ready?

1. Didactic game leading to the discovery and formation of a new : "Snake".1 Game according to familiar rules. Form of work: frontal. -I suggest that the children unite in snake groups of 3 people from each row (the children stand one behind the other, holding each other with their hands behind the back). The guys name the number of players in each group. The snakes start moving. On command: "Drop the tail!" one on each team must step aside. The team that, after dropping the tail, quickly and most correctly names the number of remaining players wins.

2 .Opening a new . Formulation of the topic and the main goal of the lesson. – Open your recipes on page 14. - What are we going to do today? (Answers: we will learn to count, talk about the number four, learn a new number, etc.)

The phone on the teacher's desk rings. - Teacher: Can I listen? Guys, this is someone talking to you. (Turn speakerphone on). Mom says "gnome". - Guys, we invite you to our wonderful town of GNOMICS. “But in order to get to us, you have to know a lot. We have prepared many tasks for you. Ready! We are waiting! Goodbye! - What will we decide? Let's go to the GNOMICS. - Before you go to visit, what needs to be done? (they took mirrors, straightened their hairstyles, etc.), what will we eat on? (by car) (The soundtrack of the machine sounds.) a presentation opens on the topic: Number and number 4 - 1 slide . Number and number 4

- 2slide . We greet the Dwarves and Snow White.- 3 slide . We find ourselves in a beautiful city of gnomes. (The song of the gnomes sounds .)

We're going to visit.Verbal counting . – 4 slide . Gnome Daredevil greets.- 5 and 6 slide . The daredevil invites the children to count the chickens (up to 10 and back) GOOD FELLOWS!– 6 slide . We carry out further tasks of the Daredevil. Question: Where will more water enter: into a 3-liter samovar or into a 3-liter teapot? (same)- 8 slide . The fourth is extra. Why? (The candle is superfluous. Everything else is a natural phenomenon.)- 9 slide . How many hares are in the basket?(3)–10 slide . Rest for the eyes (the song of the gnomes sounds)- 11,12,13 withlayd . Gnome Grumpy offers the guys to help water the flower, then it will grow. Teacher : Help! (1+2; 3-1; 2+2) Well done! Move on.- 14 slide. Teacher : Guys, we got to the flower meadow. Name the numbers on each flower. (Saying the number, letters appear, we read: GNOMS! Applause sounds.) Well done!– 15 slide . Fizminutka for the eyes (A Christmas tree was born in the forest)– 16 slide . Four corners in the room

Four legs on the table.

four legs

The mouse and the cat.

(A girl from the class reads a poem.)- 17 slide . Name the number of objects in each picture: 4 cars; 4 turnips; 4 loaves.

The number four is written with a sign - the number 4. – 18 slide . (A boy from the class reads a poem)Look, four is a chair

which I flipped.

- 19 slide. Like in winter frosts

Goats walk around in warm coats.

There are no sharper horns in the world -

Murochka writes FOUR.

(Girl reads a poem)

20 slide. The children are invited to count the goats (1, 2, 3, 4 and vice versa)- 21 slides. How many pears? Let's see how the number 4 is written.- 22 slide. Rest for the eyes. (Snowman)- 23 slide. How many frogs?– 24 slide . The GNOME Khitrun came to us. He is very fond of solving problems and has brought you several problems. Can we help him decide?- 25 slide. There were 2 birds at the feeder. 2 more birds flew to them. How many birds are at the feeder? (4)- 26 slide. How many trees were there? (5)
How much was cut? (1) How much is left? (4) -
Teacher : GNOMIK asks us to solve a math story in textbooks.- Fizminutka. Two hands . - Form of work: in pairs . Consider the two upper drawings connected by a red arrow, consult with each other and come up with a story in which there will be the words: IT WAS, SENT, HAS BECOME. (There were three fish, another fish swam to them. There were four fish in the picture.) - Look at the picture with the number cards at the top and explain what each card means. After that, on a numerical card with a question, we write it down with the help of dots.- Consolidation of ideas about the composition of the number four . - We recall the ways of dividing the set into classes according to a common name, according to the direction of movement. We tell: there are four sea animals in the picture: 1 seahorse, 1 fish, 1 crab, 1 jellyfish.- Conclusion : The number four consists of the numbers one, one, one and one. -Next, we also break the fish by color. Conclusion : The number four consists of one and three. - In the direction of travel. Conclusion : The number four consists of two and two.– 27 slide . Summary of the lesson. Form of work: frontal.


- It's time to sum it up. Thanks to the friendly work, our trip ended successfully. During the trip we did a lot of work.

Tell me, what did you learn new about yourself?

What did we do today?

What helped you do well in class?

Appreciate your work with emoticons.- GNOMIK Veselchak brought us different emoticons (they give each other)- 28 slide (1 flower withered, lowered its head, 2 flower is beautiful, shines). - GUYS! What is your mood after our trip to the gnomes. Pick up 1 or 2.- 29 slide. Thank you for the lesson.

To acquaint children with the number and number 4, the formation of the number 4, with the composition of the number 4 from two smaller numbers. Learn to correlate the number with the number of objects. Learn to write a number 4. Exercise children in the ability to decrease and increase by 1. Use the appropriate signs when solving examples and problems. To consolidate the ability to determine the spatial arrangement and copy it. Strengthen counting skills. Learn to understand the learning task and perform it independently. Develop logical thinking and attention. Cultivate interest in mathematics.



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Slides captions:

Math lesson. Subject: Number and figure 4 . Teacher: Lyagushina L.V.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0

How many carrots did the bunny eat? How many carrots were there? fourteen


A peacock walked in the garden Like an important gentleman. And three peacocks behind the bushes. How many? Count yourself.

Vanya has 2 balls, Anya has 2 balls. Two balls and two. Baby! How many can you imagine?

Three fluffy kitties lay down in a basket, Then one ran up to them - How many cats became together?

3 1 2 4 Formation of the number 4

Composition of number 4 4 1 0 2 3 2

Three are followed by four, The sharp elbow of a bulge. 4 0 2 1 3 4

4 3 2 1 Composition of number 4 Game "Name your neighbor" house number 4 let's name the inhabitants of this house 1 2 3

In ancient Russia, Chinese numbering In ancient Egypt, Roman numbering

The Magic of the Number And now let's take a look at our magical books for a moment. So, the ancients considered the four a symbol of stability and strength. After all, it is represented by a square, the four sides of which mean the cardinal points, the four seasons, the four elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. And what does the four mean as the number of the name? Ani, Vadiki, Petit, Sveta and Zoe! Know that you will be successful in science and technology. You are hardworking, reliable, steadfast and honest. You can rely on you in difficult times, because it is then that the qualities of your character are revealed from the best side. So try to make the magical prediction of the ancient magicians come true!

Subject: Number and number 4

Goals: form an idea of ​​the number 4; show the composition of the number 4; consolidate the ability to count to four; introduce the number 4 as a symbol for the number 4.

Material: card with number 4, circles, toys, sticks, balls.

Lesson progress

1. Acquaintance with the number 4, number 4

The little mouse wants to restore the old painting. It has a cat on it. But over time, the paint has worn off. Tell me what is missing? (Lapok.) That's right. Let's draw. Here is one paw. Enough? Here's another one. Is that enough now? I'm drawing another one. How much did it turn out? How much is missing? I draw the last one. How many paws (legs) does a cat have? (The teacher gradually leads the children to understand the composition of the number 4 of the units. Children suggest actions by answering questions.)

Show four fingers on your right hand. And now on the left.

You know, Mouse's car broke down. Place as many circles on the table as you need wheels. How many circles do you need? Why? (Children answer by completing the task.)

You can write down the number 4 using the number 4. (The teacher shows a card with this number.) What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

2. Work in a notebook

Write the number 4 - first in the air, and then circle your finger in a notebook. Write according to the model not only the number 4, but also other numbers. (Children complete task 7.)

The little mouse decided to start repairing furniture in the house. What about furniture? (Children's answers.)

Task 1. How many legs does a table and chair usually have? The mouse knows this well. And you? (Children's answers.)

Task 2. How many legs are missing on the table? what about a chair? If you glue them, how much will it be? (Children's answers.)

3. Physical education

Four times we will jump.

We inhale four times.

Four times we bend down.

Let's rest four times.

Let's clap loudly four times.

We nod four times.

We stomp loudly four times

And clench our hands into fists.

4. Work in a notebook

Task 3. See what makes up the number 4. Count the legs for the table and insert the necessary numbers into the cells.

Task 4. The mouse drew a table. What examples can he make of it? (Examples: 1 + 3.3 + 1, 2 + 2.4-1, 4-3, 4 - 2.) Insert the required numbers into the cells.

Task 5. The mouse sat down to draw a picture. To the left of the frame, he indicated what he intended to depict. Help him: draw the required number of fish in the pond, flowers next to the pond, clouds in the sky.

Task 6. The mouse is hungry. Find out how much he ate. Draw a line from each plate to the corresponding example and solve it.

5. Game "Birthday of number 4"

One of the children plays the role of the number 4. You can attach a leaflet with the image of the number to the child's clothes. On the table are cubes, balls, sticks, cars, etc.

Number 4 has a birthday. Everyone congratulates her and gives her gifts. Be careful: gifts should consist of four items.

Children take four items and hand them to the number 4.