Why dream of a deck of playing cards. What are the cards for? Dream about playing cards

Often the cards seen in a dream evoke conflicting feelings.

Some believe that this is a sign from above, warning of a possible deception or riotous life. Others are inclined to believe that they have a magical meaning.

Partly right and those, and others. But in order to specifically find out what the cards are dreaming of, you need to remember your dream in detail and look into the dream book.


Playing decks of cards dream before meeting with a large group of friends. To play solitaire means to keep secrets with a friend. Shuffle the deck - doubt the fidelity of a loved one. And just keep it in your hands - completely control the situation.

According to the dream book, playing cards scattered on the floor appear in a dream when you are on the verge of failure. But if you collect them in a dream, then you will be able to avoid defeat.

To see a shabby or dirty deck means to regret the act you have done. And new, smooth playing cards dream before the event that you have been waiting for a long time.

Suit value

If you saw one or more pictures, be sure to remember what suit they were. Be sure to take this point into account in order to correctly determine what the cards are dreaming of.

1. Hearts

This suit is directly related to events and experiences in the love sphere, as well as in friendships.

Pay close attention to the people around you. Perhaps they are undergoing changes that you do not notice.

  • Ace - a good friend is in love with you.
  • King - you have powerful moral support for a strong person.
  • Lady - you can safely entrust your secrets to a friend.
  • Jack - for fun in the company.

Playing cards with numbers indicate how busy your life will be in the near future. If you dreamed of a dozen, then you will often be at the epicenter of ongoing events. And the deuce suggests that now is not the best period for romantic and friendly meetings.

2. Clubs

Playing cards of this suit are responsible for the state of your financial situation. They may dream of a pay rise, a large cash flow, unforeseen expenses, etc.

  • Ace - to decent pay for the work done.
  • King - material assistance from a loved one.
  • Lady - to waste on necessary, useful things.
  • Jack - to spending on entertainment.

Pictures with numbers warn of a possible loss or waste of money. The lower the number, the greater the likelihood of financial instability. To avoid such problems, carefully plan your expenses.

3. Spades

Spades suit playing cards warn you of possible obstacles or intrigues of envious people.

All your actions in the coming period should be well thought out and weighed. Otherwise, you can become a victim of ill-wishers or get into an unpleasant situation.

  • Ace - take care of your health.
  • King - perhaps a betrayal of a friend.
  • Lady - beware of the opponent's actions.
  • Jack - do not be frank with unfamiliar people.

If you dream of pictures with numbers, then this is a sign of how endangered you are. The deuce does not promise you big troubles. A ten warns that a blow can be expected at any time.

4. Tambourines

Diamonds in a dream reflect the events that take place in your business life. Perhaps you doubt the honesty of your colleagues, dream of a new position, want to change your permanent job, etc. In order to correctly determine what the cards of this suit are dreaming of, draw parallels between a dream and real life.

  • Ace - you will be promoted.
  • King - a serious conversation with superiors.
  • Lady - gossip at work that can hurt you.
  • Jack - your efforts will be noticed.

The numbers in the pictures mean your professional level. A deuce indicates that you still have a lot to learn. A ten is a sign that you have reached a high level in business life.


Divination cards in a dream mean that you are not sure of something, it is difficult for you to find a way out of this situation.

According to the dream book, tarot cards that just lie near you indicate that you will make your own decision, and it will be correct. And to guess with their help - to hope for the help of strangers.

If you dream of fortune-telling cards in the hand of a gypsy, then you will receive advice that is given to mislead you. The dream interpretation recommends not listening to these recommendations, but acting as you see fit. Unfolded tarot dream before an important event that will affect your fate.

The game

Quite often the question arises of what card games dream of. If you play for fun with friends, then your hopes that you have cherished for a long time will finally come true. You may be able to recover from the disease.

But when you dream that you were playing for money, then serious life tests await you. Losing in a card game speaks of a conflict with the enemy. And winning means that all charges against you will be dropped.

According to the dream book, playing cards in a public place means making a financial profit. And playing in your house speaks of a modest but happy life.

If you dreamed of playing or fortune-telling cards, be sure to look at the interpretation of the dream in the dream book. This will help you better understand yourself and know what to expect. Author: Vera Fractional

according to Miller's dream book

If you play cards for fun in a dream, then wait for the fulfillment of those hopes that have helped you stay afloat for a long time. Minor diseases will disappear. But the dream of gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life. If you dream that you are losing cards, then there will be a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty. If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions. If we are talking about games in public places or secular games, then seeing diamonds means wealth; to see gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; to see cards of the suit of worms - promises fidelity and a cozy environment; peaks portend that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends a very unfriendly reception at a party, but chance will help you at the same time make true friends who will help you survive many trials. If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your attachments and will never be able to settle your affairs.

What are the cards for

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

playing - to see - the meaning of sleep according to the meaning of cards in divination, for example, ace - luck or someone's patronage; six - hanger; play - loss; guessing - see Fortune teller.

Dreamed of a gambling house

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream in a gambling house as a winner means vulgar society and pleasure at the expense of others. If you lose, it means that your dishonorable behavior will cause the death of a person close to you.

I dreamed fortune telling

according to Miller's dream book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that some important pending business is bothering you. But, when deciding to bring it to the end, be careful. If a young lady sees this dream, it means that fate forces her to make a choice between two fans. But in this choice, she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

Why dream of playing

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

in cards - annoyance, loss; fake friend; on the drum - death; play the instrument yourself - self-confidence or conceit; business, intrigue; for a woman (someone is playing) - she herself is in love; shared passion; cm.

Dream interpretation to play cards

In a dream, we can dream of a wide variety of scenes from everyday life. Sometimes we even dream about things that we didn’t think to do in real life, And what can we say about such an ordinary thing as playing cards? Why dream of playing in a dream?

Why dream of playing cards

If you dreamed of playing cards

The symbol is rather controversial. People are divided into two categories, some believe that such a vision indicates that you have chosen the wrong path, lead a riotous lifestyle, portend trouble, lies and deceit. And others believe that in such a dream there is a greater meaning, a message from higher powers.

Opinions of interpreters about what the game is dreaming of

Any dream that you want to unravel should start with dream interpreters. It is in them that the necessary information is grouped.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

By themselves, the cards denote a false relationship, deception of a friend or loved one.

A game is an opportunity to acquire a certain good. But, even winning in a dream means getting something insignificant, or significant, but for too short a time.

Miller's dream book

Esoteric dream book

  • A playing deck dreams of deception, anxiety.
  • Engage in the distribution or layout of cards - you are tormented by doubts about some reason.
  • Dreaming of playing cards - you will be unhappy at hand, any business that you do not undertake will not argue.
  • dreams of showing card tricks - to bring joy to others.
  • Why see how other people will play - you will be let down and you will incur losses.

Explanatory dream book

English opinions on playing cards

The English dream book comes from the fact that there are a great many card games. This dream book advises you to remember what kind of game you are dreaming of. "Poker" - maybe you should not be so open with people and at least sometimes put on a "poker" face, especially when it comes to business matters.

And, for example, the game of bridge, he says, it's time to make acquaintances with influential people - it will come in handy soon.

Why win cards in a dream

According to Miller, to win a card game in a dream is to win a court hearing. No trouble with the law? Then good luck awaits you in business.

Also, to win cards in a dream promises you to meet good people who will become your true friends, ready to help at any time.

Other predictions of card games

In some interpreters, you can find information about why you should play cards with a vampire in a dream:

  • for a woman - a strong impression in real life;
  • for a man - a dubious deal, blackmail, extortion.

If during the game the cards from your hands fall and scatter on the floor, then you are in danger of failure. You are literally walking on the edge of a knife. But if you collect them quickly, then you can get out of this situation.

Playing card games in public places, or in open tournaments, will soon make a financial profit.

Seeing playing cards in a dream portends greedy, but stupid deeds at a loss.

A deck of cards, scattered in disorder on the table, indicates that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of occupations and interests.

A dream in which you play cards just for fun is a sign of the implementation of your plans and aspirations, which will present a very convenient opportunity.

It is another matter if the game is played for money and in a big way - such a dream portends a serious illness and significant difficulties in life.

Winning cards in a dream means that you will be glad to be invited to the house where you have long dreamed of getting into. Loss means disappointment in love and friends, as well as failure in business and the machinations of enemies.

If the one you support and worry about wins, watching the game from the side, then you will be able to avoid the big responsibility that they will try to put on you; if your friend loses, then in reality you will have a quarrel with him due to mutual fault, but not for long.

If in a dream your friend is clearly cheating when playing cards, it means that in real life you will have a chance to doubt his honesty and decency. If you were convicted of cheating, in reality this portends a waste of time and money.

Shuffling cards in a dream - to troubles, counting cards in a deck - you will find success. Marked cards mean anxiety and injury. A sealed deck - complete uncertainty ahead, opening it - you will suffer a loss due to deceit or forgery.

To show card tricks in a dream - give pleasure to your family by delighting them with something unusual.

Building houses of cards - in reality you will receive good news that will turn out to be premature and false rumors. Playing cards in a gambling house or in a respectable club - to prosperity, provided with constant risk. Playing with a card cheat is to be deceived in real life. To lose all the cash to the cheater is to experience unfair oppression. A dream in which, when playing, you had cards in your hands up to one spade suit, means that, being too carried away by entertainment to the detriment of business, you will waste your strength and abilities completely in vain.

If the peaks are trump cards at the same time, you will be unusually lucky in the most risky business. A diamond suit in a dream portends the receipt of money, hearts - you will experience a love adventure, clubs - a profitable enterprise will bring unexpectedly large incomes. Ace in hand - in reality you are lucky in any game.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does sleep mean Cards

If a girl dreams that her lover is taking part in a gambling game of cards, this means that she will have doubts about his love.

If you dream of a gambling house, this means that your spouse will make excessive demands on you. It is also possible that he will be unfaithful to you.

If you see cards of hearts, this means the loyalty of a loved one, cards of spades indicate that you will be a rich widow, but money will not bring you happiness. Losing cards is a disappointment in matters of the heart.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See in a dream Cards

generally a greedy act in life; tambourines - receiving money, hearts - a love affair, clubs - a profitable enterprise, spades - deceit and illness

Interpretation of dreams from the Electronic Dream Book

What do dreams mean cards

Playing cards: you have to make a risky decision.

If you admire them, shuffle, but do not play, then this sign indicates that you have extrasensory abilities: you can engage in fortune-telling yourself, and not unsuccessfully.

Tarot (cards) - you have paranormal abilities, you can guess to others (prophetic dream).

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Dream about Cards

Cards - if you dream of cards - do you play yourself, does someone play - this is so, and expect some kind of quarrel. Winning cards is a loss; lose - deprivation of trouble. Playing cards is a waste of time or money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean in a dream Cards

Does any life situation remind you of a house of cards? Perhaps the project was built on a shaky foundation.

Review it.

Life is a game, and sometimes a game of chance.

Pay attention to the process itself, and do not think only about the end result.

If these are tarot cards or some other cards used for divination, then this may symbolize your perception of fate.

Your future is in the cards.

That particular feeling you have for the cards can indicate future trends in your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

Meaning of Dreams Cards

If you play cards for fun in a dream, then wait for the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you to "stay afloat". Minor diseases will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life.

If you dream that you are losing at cards, then there will be a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions.

If we are talking about games in public places or secular games, then seeing diamonds means wealth; to see gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; to see cards of the suit of worms - promises fidelity and a cozy environment; peaks portend that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends a very unfriendly reception at a party, but chances will help you at the same time make true friends who will help you survive many trials.

If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your attachments and will never be able to settle your affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What do cards mean in a dream

Playing cards dreamed - a symbol of self-interest and deceit.

Don't gamble.

Seeing an ace is a meeting with an important person.

Ace of spades - your request will go unanswered.

The ace of the cross is a mortal danger.

Tambourines - for money.

Worms are a love adventure.

Cross - good luck in business.

Peaks - damage, witchcraft influence, failure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

Dream Interpretation Cards

Cards (playing) - a greedy act in life, loss - build houses of cards - news - play cards - have a happy hand in business - card tricks - bring people joy - see those playing - through a catch you will incur losses - tambourine - getting money - worms - adventure - blame - illness, deceit - clubs - to death.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What in a dream predicts Cards

If in a dream you played cards for fun - wait for your hopes to come true. Minor diseases will disappear.

But a dream about gambling for money portends very serious difficulties.

If you dreamed that you lost at cards, then you will have a collision with enemies.

Won - you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is playing cards, she should doubt his good intentions.

And here is what D. Loff said about Tarot cards: “Tarot cards have recently regained popularity. As a rule, fortune-telling dreams testify to the dreamer's desire for the arbitrator to shed light on the important decision (s) that you have to make and recognize its correctness. On the other hand, you may feel that the decisions you make are not important, and your life is in the hands of fate, out of your personal control.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see cards in a dream

(See interpretation: play, jack)

A deck of cards in a dream means your anxieties. Shuffling a deck in a dream is a hassle. Counting cards in a dream portends you that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. To build houses of cards in a dream - to disappointment and a precarious position. Card tricks in a dream are a sign of deceit or fraud. Seeing your acquaintances playing cards in a dream means that you should think about your surroundings and maintaining your reputation. After such a dream, someone may offer you the benefit of participating in a risky business. Be prudent and do not give in to the temptation of easy money. To see tambourines in a dream - to quarrels over money, worms - to pleasant meetings with nice people; peaks - to failures and grief; clubs - for money. The higher the card that you see in a dream, the more its value in suit increases. To see all the aces in a dream - to the fulfillment of a desire; all kings - good luck; all the ladies - to gossip. One ace in a dream is a sign of good luck in a risky business. Having the highest diamonds or clubs in your hands at the same time is the failure of a deal that you considered a win-win.

Esoteric dream book

Miller's dream book

Why do the cards dream in a dream?

If you play cards for fun in a dream, then wait for the fulfillment of those hopes that have helped you stay afloat for a long time. Minor diseases will disappear. But the dream of gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life.

If you dream that you are losing cards, then there will be a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions.

If we are talking about games in public places or secular games, then seeing diamonds is to wealth; to see gambling clubs means that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; to see cards of the suit of worms promises fidelity and a cozy environment; peaks portend that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends a very unfriendly reception at a party, but the case will help you find true friends who will help you survive many trials.

If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your attachments and will never be able to settle your affairs.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

What are the cards for?

If you dream of cards - do you play yourself, does someone play - and wait for some kind of quarrel. Winning cards is a loss; lose - deprivation of trouble. Playing cards is a waste of time or money.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of cards from your dream

Cards - Lies, falsehood in a relationship; fraud in business. To beat is a small acquisition.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Cards, what does it mean?

The cards indicate your chance, aspects of your life. Suits in a dream correspond to different aspects of life. Worms - love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, financial situation. Why dream of Cards - Peaks - reflect obstacles in all aspects.

An ace in a dream is the main sign of encouragement, good luck, difficulty or success. Ace of hearts - romantic relationship. Ace of diamonds - a risky scam will bring success. Ace of clubs - financial stability. Ace of spades - difficulties.

Modern dream book

What do the cards mean to the dreamer

Cards - Greedy act; tambourines - receiving money; worms - a love affair; cross - a profitable enterprise; peaks - deceit, disease

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

Cards (playing) - Anxiety; build houses of cards - news; playing cards - not having a happy hand in business; card tricks - bring people joy; to see the players - you will incur losses through a catch.

Explanatory dream book

What are the cards for

See cards: playing - Look at the stupidity of others; shuffle - chores; count - success; play - loss of time or money; see geographical maps - the upcoming trip; looking at them is a memory.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

What are the cards for?

Tarot cards have recently regained popularity. As a rule, fortune-telling dreams testify to the dreamer's desire for the arbitrator to shed light on the important decision (s) that you have to make and recognize its correctness. On the other hand, you may feel that the decisions you make are not important, and your life is in the hands of fate, out of your personal control. Whether you are a participant in such practices in real life is the most important element in a dream.

Idiomatic dream book

What are the cards for dreaming

"Reveal your cards" - open plans, intentions; “navigate on the map”, “outline your path on the map” (journey); "confuse the cards of the enemy." “your bit card” - failure, failure, defeat; "marked cards" - deception; "card cheat". See add. The game.

English dream book

Why see Maps:

Maybe your subconscious wants to say that you should "make a poker face" when you are dealing with other people, especially when it comes to money or work? If you've played bridge, maybe you need to start making connections with other players at your table? Are you happy playing solitaire or would you rather be part of a team? If during the game you encountered a joker - maybe you suffer from evil jokes in your life? Maybe you are the King or Lady of your social circle? If you have lost money, then you should think about all the gambling that lies ahead for you in the future. See also Gambling.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream of cards

The cards symbolize the unpredictable game of your life.

You play solitaire - then you will be disappointed in a close friend.

Watching someone play solitaire means they are setting up nets against you, and someone is intriguing behind your back.

Why dream that solitaire does not add up - then you will soon be convinced of the wrong choice you made.

See also: why do cards dream, why do suits dream, why do fortune-telling dream.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do cards dream for a woman and a man

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men differ in specificity and active dynamics of the development of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and for a man, so the cards in a dream for both sexes have the same meaning.

Personal dreams and their interpretation