What is the dream of a guy who really likes? What is the dream of a little boy according to Miller's dream book. What does the boy look like in your dream

When a guy you like is dreaming, and in a dream everything goes too smoothly, the dream book does not advise him to trust: this is your dream, he just wants to please you, and that’s exactly what you want. Do not rely too much on this dream, otherwise disappointments cannot be avoided. At the same time, the dream book promises luck and success in other areas that are not directly related to personal life in general and, in particular, to the one you like. For example, you can earn good money, easily learn new knowledge, receive an unexpected invitation to a party.

To understand what a guy likes in a dream, pay attention to his mood. The dream interpretation considers a quarrel with a guy a good sign, a dream means that in reality you have a chance to become closer to each other. if you saw in a dream a rival that you know in real life, you can safely delete her from the list of suspects: this dream means that she either does not pretend to be your boyfriend or is not at all like him. According to the dream book, disappointment in a guy in a dream means that another young man is interested in you in reality, who will soon let you know about himself or his feelings.

If you dream about a guy who likes kissing you, the dream book advises you not to lose your vigilance: no matter how sweet this dream may seem, in reality it portends only trouble. However, a large-scale catastrophe is not expected. Sleep threatens only with disappointment, minor losses, perhaps a slight malaise. The dream advises you to avoid unnecessary disputes, because they can imperceptibly develop into a conflict with undesirable consequences for you. If in a dream you are surrounded by intimate twilight, creating a feeling of solitude and security, keep in mind that in real life your relationship has long been the object of close attention of gossip and envious people.

Why else dream of a guy who likes

What is the dream of a guy who likes to hug? The dream interpretation confirms your guess, this is indeed a wonderful dream that can set a good mood for the whole day. Hugs have not only sensual, but also friendly overtones, so you are guaranteed a joyful expectation. And not in vain: the dream book tells you in secret that someone really thinks about you. One small "but": this is not the one who hugged you in a dream.

When you dream about how your boyfriend suddenly turned into another person, animal or monster, especially if this dream is from a series of recurring ones, you should recognize that in the guy you like, however, something scares or repels you. The dream interpretation directly indicates your desire to remake, correct, re-educate and reminds you that in reality in the entire history of mankind, such attempts have not led to anything good. All sorts of metamorphoses in a dream warn that your relationship may soon crack. Transformation into a demonic entity or animal enhances the negative meaning of sleep.

Since you happen to see a guy you like in a dream, pay attention to his appearance. A dream can tell a lot about what this person really is, so the dream book will help you. Paradoxically, a dream in which a guy is drunk or sloppy, and a dream in which a guy is good-looking, like a fairy-tale prince, carry the same semantic load: you idealize him too much and at the same time are extremely unsure of yourself. The dream interpretation calls to take off the rose-colored glasses and stop complexing.

Secrets of dreams: what is the dream of a guy who likes

Some dreams are difficult to explain, but still, if you carefully think about everything that happened in your subconscious, you can "catch" some prerequisites for real life.

Everyone experienced the time of constant falling in love. And therefore, almost all girls, girls and women asked themselves the question of what the guy who likes is dreaming of. It will be quite problematic to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors can affect this. One of the versions explaining what a guy likes in a dream says: the girl herself thinks about him very often, and real thoughts and experiences are transferred to a dream. After all, it is in a dream that we see what we want, right? There, in this second reality, you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... Your most secret desires come true in a dream. And, waking up, you begin to think about this dream, devoting your free time to thinking about what you could dream about. These reflections further consolidate the image of the person you like in you, after which you begin to dream of him with increasing frequency.

There is another explanation for what the guy who likes is dreaming of. Some believe that such dreams can be caused by the fact that you are not thinking about the person you like, but he is about you. Finding out whether this is true or not is possible only by asking the guy himself, and for many this is problematic to do. To stop these dreams, you just need to spend some time with the object of your adoration. Get to know him (if it has not already been done), and then it is likely that he will stop dreaming about you. Yes, and why these dreams, if your communication becomes real - it's much better, isn't it?

In some cases, the explanation of what the guy you like is dreaming of is not as rosy as the previous ones. These may be the so-called "prophetic dreams" that may warn you of some event, and perhaps the danger that awaits your loved one. So in some cases, you need to listen to dreams. Better to be safe, as they say.

There are separate interpretations, or rather, their peculiar "schedule". The reasons why your beloved guy dreamed are explained depending on when he appeared in your dream (but the veracity of this "schedule" is still a big question). So, if this happened on the night from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of deepest respect for you. If the guy you like had a dream on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this means that he is thinking about you, if from Wednesday to Thursday, then you also came to his dream. If you dream of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then you can be congratulated - you won his heart, and if from Friday to Saturday, then you also made him feel an unpleasant feeling of jealousy. A dream involving a loved one from Saturday to Sunday suggests that this person is offended by you because of something, and from Sunday to Monday - that the object of your dreams dreams of meeting you.

Dreams are a mysterious and still unsolved area of ​​​​our consciousness, which can show the future, remind you of the past, or guide you on the right path in the present, and the main thing here is to learn to understand them.

What is the dream of the guy you like?

What is the dream of a guy who likes in a dream

Did you dream of a guy you like? What could such a dream mean? Sometimes we see in a dream people and things that we think about in reality. Therefore, you can often see in a dream the one you think about the most. At the same time, a dream in which a guy you like had a dream does not always mean just a reflection of thoughts and experiences. There are times when such a dream can tell about the future. The compilers of various traditional and modern dream books are sure of this.

What does Miller's dream book say about sleep about a guy you like

What is the dream of a guy who likes according to Miller's dream book? According to the dream book, which was compiled by psychologist Miller, most often this dream reflects your thoughts, feelings and desires regarding the man you dreamed about. Much more informative than the dream itself are your feelings and emotions experienced in a dream. It is also worth paying special attention to such aspects as what the young man was wearing, how he behaved. The atmosphere surrounding it is also important.

  1. If he tries to please you, to make a good impression, this means that in real life you should not trust him, because he is able to deceive your expectations and disappoint you.
  2. At the same time, if his behavior is defiant, you have a chance to build a relationship with him.
  3. In addition, such a dream, where the man you like appears, portends good luck in matters that have nothing to do with the realm of feelings and are much more material.

How does Vanga interpret such a dream

What is the dream of a person who likes Vanga's dream book? The fortuneteller also advises paying special attention to the appearance of a young man. If he is slovenly dressed, behaves inappropriately, is rude, drunk, this means that you are not confident in your abilities. Low self-esteem is also indicated by a dream in which your chosen one is unusually handsome. This dream suggests that you tend to undeservedly idealize the object of your sighs, while underestimating yourself.

Nothing good portends, and a dream with a guy who likes, if he is too obliging towards you, shows his cordiality and disposition in every possible way: be careful, because you will soon be bitterly disappointed in this person. If you have a dream in which you read a young man, be prepared for an imminent break. If in a dream a guy shows his indifference towards you, in real life he has warm feelings for you. Most likely, in the near future your relationship will reach a new level.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov about a dream with a guy you like

Dream Interpretation is a guy who likes Tsvetkova. First of all, the dream book advises paying attention to related details. If a guy kissed you in a dream, be prepared for the fact that soon you will have minor and not very troubles that will give you a lot of trouble. However, they will end soon enough without leaving any serious consequences. Perhaps you will be disappointed in someone from your environment or have minor health problems, which, however, will be safely resolved.

However, if falling asleep, you thought a lot about the object of your passion, you should not attach too much importance to such a dream.

Why is the guy dreaming from Wednesday to Thursday?

When girls dream of young people, especially those they know, this may be a reflection of real or desired relationships in reality. For men, the other male representative in dreams is, as a rule, the personification of friendly or enemy relations.

Most of the dreams that dream from Wednesday to Thursday are considered to be a reflection of the dreamer's social position. It is on such a night that dreams are dreamed that well reflect the state of affairs at work and in communication with familiar people. Such dreams are not significant for family life. These dreams reflect the possibility of imminent changes in professional activity. But such changes will not be dramatic, unless the dreamer himself seeks a drastic change in his life. Also, dreams can be important for solving some controversial issues that relate to social communication. If a dream from Wednesday to Thursday consists, as it were, of one event, then this indicates the possibility of career growth, which will depend on the sociability and professional efforts of a person. If a very narrow circle of actors appears in such a dream, then this portends only minor changes at work. Perhaps this is a sign that someone will change their attitude towards the dreamer. If the dream from Wednesday to Thursday is very dynamic and vivid, then this is a sign that in reality the dreamer is ready to gush with new ideas and original ideas.

Given all of the above, you need to interpret the dreams in which the guy dreams and which he managed to see during the time from Wednesday to Thursday. Therefore, for both men and women, such dreams are a reflection of relationships at work and in society, a reflection of possible changes.

What the guy dreams of from Wednesday to Thursday largely depends on the age of the dreamer and whether he is familiar with this person in reality. If a young girl sees a guy she knows in a dream on this particular day of the week, then this may indicate that she really hopes for his professional help on the career ladder. When a young man dreams of a guy with whom he is familiar, this may indicate that he really hopes for his friendly help in resolving some work issues. If the dreamer is in a mature or advanced age, then a dream about a guy from Wednesday to Thursday may be a sign that you need to listen to the opinions of young people more often and know as much as possible about modern trends. After all, it is the knowledge of all modern realities that can help move up the career ladder. Sometimes mature people do not want to follow fashion trends, which gives them a reputation as conservatives. And being a conservative person in an ever-changing world is very harmful to your career and social communication. Therefore, such a dream may be a sign for conservatives that the time has come for a successful professional life to change.

According to the French dream book, to see a young man in a dream is a portent of possible troubles. In the event that a dream occurs from Wednesday to Thursday, this is a sign of unpleasant events at work and disagreements with colleagues. If you adhere to the interpretation of this particular dream book, then you need to analyze your daily communication with the strong half of humanity at work. Perhaps recently the dreamer has denounced someone's behavior too sharply, or discussed some important issues or even gossip behind the backs of colleagues. If mistakes were made in communication, it's time to correct them. If a guy dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, according to the English dream book, there is a completely opposite interpretation. Such a dream can mean not only significant success at work and in communication with colleagues, but also the help of an influential person who will help move up the career ladder. Therefore, which side of the interpretation - French or English - to take, the dreamer himself must decide. It all depends on his perception of the world and what events can now take place in his workplace.

It must be remembered that each interpretation was created by people. And what it is - positive or negative - depended on their mood in life. Therefore, it is always necessary to consider both points of view - both optimistic and pessimistic.

Therefore, which interpretation will be more to your liking, the dreamer himself decides. And you should always focus on your actions and thoughts, and not on interpretations from dream books, which can sometimes bring blues and disappointment into everyday life.

What is the dream of a boy who likes


Natalia Mishina

In addition, you and Daniel, through his friend, your common intermediary, in a playful way, are trying to find out what your real, truthful relationship is with him. What do you really think of him. And he looks at you, wants to know to understand better. What for? Maybe just out of curiosity, because you show your interest in him. This is the normal behavior of a teenager when he wants to figure out if a girl who shows interest in him is joking with him. Is it really interesting or is it a cruel joke.

Dmitry Vladimirov

Alexey Revenkov

If young people dream of each other, then they must be together all their lives, they are narrowed by the invisible world. The Adult Mind gives us feelings in order to bring together the people it needs, but also to test their mind, you must control all your feelings in life with your mind, not do any stupid things under their influence, do the right thing. The constricted is, first of all, the business of the adult mind, its material interest in the union of these people. But whether you will be together is up to you

Nikolay Magikov

This boy likes you too.

What do dreams dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday mean? the dream concerns me and the guy I like



Ask a question to yourself before going to bed from Tuesday to Wednesday and say 3 times - Mother Wednesday, if water is YES, if snow is NO! Amen, Amen, Amen! And bainki have no one to talk to after that ... If you dream of water, then YES, snow, NO. It always helps me in difficult questions, about the guy that you like and guess! Good luck!!!


it means that you think too much about it, so the brain gives out all your emotions and experiences in dreams

~Bad girl~

depending on whether the dream is prophetic or not. not all dreams come true from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Friday


what difference does it make when dreams are dreaming! When there is a connection with the other world, then the devil does not care when he predicts the future through a dream! There are even Christmas time, and these days someone will not dream of anything prophetic!

rita rita

If a guy dreams:
From Mon. on Tue. - respects you.
From Tue. on Wed. - thinks about you.
From cf. on Thu. - you dream about him.
From Thu. on Fri. - loves you (likes).
From Fri. on Sat. - jealous of you.
From Sat. on Sun. - takes offense at you.
Sun. on Mon. - looking forward to meeting

vika petrova

from Tue to Wednesday

nikita dorogov

I'm a kid and I really thought about that girl from Tuesday to Wednesday and I love her

Dream Interpretation Wrote a boy who likes dreamed of why in a dream Wrote a boy who likes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Written by a boy you like by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will toil. The boy is playing - anxiety over trifles. The boy is sleeping - inner doubts make you indecisive. The boy is learning - you are suffering because of a mistake made in the past.

Imagine that the boy runs away and the girl comes (see Girl). Or a boy - it's actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A little boy is a surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid childbirth;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable;
for creative people - a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex.
See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy - this is a great success, all things will go uphill for you.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property.

To see fighting boys - friends can entangle you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A boy is joy, fun - for a woman - money and an increase in property - to see boys fighting - friends will get you involved in a dirty business - a student - happy plans.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

To see many boys in a dream is a sign of concern. If you dream that you see a beautiful boy, then expect exciting news. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing in a dream with a boy means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream portends peace in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Boys

Seeing a lot of boys is a surprise.

True, where did so many boys come from?

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If you dreamed of a boy playing something, then very soon you will have a chance to change jobs. To make this change for the better, fry the potatoes in corn oil and eat them.

If you dreamed that the boy was eating, then in the near future you will have digestive problems. Pee on a tree at midnight.

Written by a boy who likes

Dream Interpretation - The corpse of a boy, an accident

Your dream is not about a boy, yes, "and what that boy could expect ... "Your health is also endangered, inflammation of various kinds, injuries and burns, animal attacks are possible. Surgery can also be dangerous.

Dream Interpretation - The birth of a boy

If you have a lover in real life, then the dream is empty and meaningless. If not, then the dream is good for solving a problem or an event that lasted for months and was not solved, they gave birth to a boy in a dream, then everything will be decided very well for you

Dream Interpretation - Tree, boys are beaten, dust in the apartment, half of the boat

Not satisfied with the current state of personal affairs (the balcony of your (?) Apartment). You cultivate in yourself such qualities, beliefs, ideas that would lead to changes (tree). Half of the efforts are successful (soil), on the other hand, firm, strong beliefs interfere (concrete is not a nutrient medium for roots). You understand that there is not enough knowledge (moisture). You think to replenish them (water). In the present life period (going on a train) you manage to correctly deal with the needs of your emotional world (sings great). Here you are on the right path, it leads to success (it turns out beautifully). With your second concern (child) of delay (in the next compartment), there are no results that you expected. Hence the experience (beats). It's like you're pushing yourself (whip). But apparently, it's not time yet, you know (ask not to beat). And here you find the right solution (medicine), help yourself or you will be helped (a group of doctors). Problems lie in the past (parents' apartment). You are mentally there, you think, look for their root (people are sitting at the round table). You just need to trace in yourself what led to the present state of affairs; need a reason! (tickets). A lady's bag is your feminine essence. But it's hard to see (I don't know which tickets). Although you realized that you were programmed for inharmonious relationships with men by your parents in early childhood (books for children, about children). ((it could be the same concrete)). You are transported into the real you (the current apartment), continuing the analysis. You understand the importance of the lived experience (the closet across the room) / the images (things) we wear are stored there /. You literally encourage yourself to continue researching (boss says something). There is openness to the extent of the external (ajar window). A cloud of dust can mean the relevance of long-standing events. You feel uncomfortable at the thought of liberation from the induced (impression of the bath). There is an opportunity / allowed myself / to take a fresh look at the state of affairs, to remove doubts, here there is rather an understanding of oneself (I liked the new ironing board). There is no severity, categoricalness (stripe, its colors) Think, feel what kind of partner you need in life (plot with a boat). I had a dream with the Moon in Leo - about loved ones. About what we create with our lives. On Saturday, you have to overcome obstacles, carefully thinking about yourself.

So what information does a dream want to convey to us when we dream of loved ones? Why do we keep dreaming about the guy we really like?

Have you been in love with a guy or a man you know for a long time, to whom you cannot approach and talk about your feelings? But you don't know what his reaction will be, do you? Perhaps you will start dating and eventually live happily ever after, or maybe, on the contrary, he will just laugh at you and nothing will come of it. You need to know for sure whether your feelings are mutual or not.

If you dreamed that the same desired man or guy gives you a large and beautiful bouquet of white roses, then in real life you will meet him and this meeting will resemble a date with all shades of romanticism, care and warmth. Even if you don’t like the flowers he gave you, you still won’t be able to influence the meaning of sleep.

Why dream if the guy you like takes your hand or just touches you? I must say that this is a dream for a reason, perhaps you will be a couple, and you will find yourself in the status of his beloved girl. But do not rush things - just wait until your time comes, keep up with the events that are happening now.

If you dream that the desired guy is openly and sincerely smiling at you, then in real life he wants to shower you with compliments and say a lot of beautiful and affectionate words. Most likely, he is very shy, and this is holding him back, but you just have to endure. Time will pass and he will be able to become braver, then everything will happen.

If you dream that you are arguing with him, then in real life you need to treat him with extreme caution so as not to cause any conflict situations and grinding on both sides. If you communicate with him, then in any tense situation, try to laugh it off or solve everything with a compromise. If a controversial situation arose, then use the most important weapon - a smile.

If you dream of an object of adoration, but in a dream he does not recognize you, then it will be better if you do not meet in real life, just forget him. Most likely, he already has a girlfriend, so do not flatter yourself with hopes. You will never go hand in hand with him, and you should come to terms with this. Do not be killed about this, you are not alone, many girls suffer from unrequited love. Learn to let people go and part with good thoughts and memories. Thus, you can leave only good and positive memories of Nemo, no one knows, what if these emotions can bring you back together ... Now you must learn to live without him.

If a guy in a dream invites you to take a walk or go to the cinema, cafe or somewhere else with him, then in reality he likes you just like you like him. So you're not alone in wanting to know the truth.

If in a dream you hear how he calls you by name, then you may not worry at all about the fact that he likes you. In this case, you can guarantee that he may not be constantly, but quite often remembers you. Most likely, he is fascinated by you. However, do not overdo it. Even if you managed to find out that he likes you, be restrained, be as natural as before, this is what will allow him to decide and understand how quickly you need to confess your feelings.

If in your dream you make an appointment, you arrive at your destination, but it is not there, then there is such a problem, which is called a womanizer. Your chosen one has several girls and for some reason he cannot decide. Therefore, your task lies in showing yourself from the best side, try not to be jealous and not rush to extremes, remember that you are nobody to him, you still do not have any relationship.

If you dream that the object of sighing is rude to you and rude and behaves inappropriately, then he is not a match for you. You just don't fit together. Don't torture yourself or your feelings. Forget it, and the sooner the better. Fate has prepared for you something better than him.

If in your dream the guy you like tells you something, but does not look into your eyes, then he is lying to you, think about whether you should trust him. Of course, only you should choose, but remember that soon you yourself will begin to shed tears if some secret that is not very pleasant for you is revealed. Forget it like a bad dream and go your own way. Even if it is very difficult to part with these thoughts, there is no need to become limp. Remember that the deceiver will eventually be deceived himself.

Does the guy confess his feelings to you? Then he waits for you to confess your sympathies to him in real life. If you wish, you can develop a thorough plan and act. Why not? You won't lose your crown. Perhaps your suffering will end and this will bring you closer.

However, remember one thing - everyone can make mistakes, so do not trust your dreams one hundred percent. As a rule, we really want something and in the end we think that it is so. Maybe in your subconscious dreams are not about what really is, but just your desires and dreams. Very often we dream of what we want to see. Therefore, be sure to draw parallels with what you see in your dreams and with what you want to see in them. For example, if in a dream you dream of a young man who you really like, openly smiles at you and gives you flowers, but in real life he doesn’t notice you at all or communicates with you like garbage, then where can you consider feelings here? Nowhere! Because there are none, and you only dreamed about what you dream about. Such relationships have no future.

No need to go to extremes and get upset if in fact everything is not going as smoothly as you want. Be patient and wait. Everything has its time. And in general, where are you in a hurry? Have fun, study or build a career. The only thing you need is to be attentive and vigilant, maybe the man of your life has been around for a long time, look around, maybe you just don’t notice him.

Why did the Child boy dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

A small child, a boy, dreams of events, and what they will be - good or bad - will be prompted by his behavior in a dream: if he smiled, then good news or events await you, if he cried, then unpleasant surprises await you.

A small child boy dreams of trouble.

The meaning of the dream about the Boy (Modern dream book)

Solves a dream book: Why is a child dreaming of a boy - to unexpected news, a surprise. If a pregnant woman had a dream, it means that she will have a relatively quick birth. You play with a child, have fun - in reality, a favorable period has come both materially and spiritually, stability and a surge of inspiration await you. This is a very auspicious dream for creative people.

Seeing a child as a boy, if he is unfamiliar to you, but you consider him your son, indicates your distrust of men, disappointment in love. A crying baby is a sign that you need to show more attention and care for your soulmate and your family.

Interpretation of the image from the Great Dream Book

Child boy - for a woman of childbearing age, a dream predicts pregnancy, she will have a boy. For creative individuals, a joyful child running towards a meeting predicts a surge of inspiration. Playing with a boy - to stability, a favorable period in material terms.

If the dreamer dreamed of a child boy (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

Seeing a boy's child very often indicates a quick enrichment, making a profit. A smart, cute child dreamed - this is a sign that everything in your life will turn out in the best way, happiness, peace, tranquility and prosperity await you. Why is the Child dreaming of a boy who cries bitterly? Most likely - this is a sign - your financial condition is in danger, things require urgent intervention and total control.

Aggressive, pugnacious boy - to trouble in the near future, moreover, imaginary friends will trip you up. In a dream, you are punishing a child - in reality you should restrain your feelings, because of emotions you can get into an unpleasant situation.

The meaning of the dream about the Boy (Psychological dream book)

Seeing a child boy usually warns of upcoming chores, as well as laborious and fruitless work. The girl has a dream in which she imagines herself as a little boy - in reality it is very unpleasant for her to hear the conversations of her relatives that she needs to find a mate and get married.

The meaning of the dream about the Son (Vedic dream book of Sivananda)

Interpretation of the dream book: Why is the Child a boy dreaming of an unmarried girl? Soon she will have a loved one. If a child was recently born, this is a sign that you need to achieve what you want with cunning and dexterity, and not scream, waving your arms and proving your case to others. According to the dream book, a child is a boy, if he is handsome and cheerful, it means that the person you are in love with will soon reciprocate your feelings.

The dream indicates a discrepancy between what is desired and what is real, a lack of harmony and a crisis in relationships (this applies to the relationship of the Dreamer with her husband) - Grandmother in a dream prepares a dietary dish, but fried-overcooked. Drink a glass, congratulate grandmother on her birthday, but a colleague refuses to kiss her grandmother because of painted Lips - a desire in reality to correct an unsatisfactory personal situation (Grandmother is a symbol of the loss of female attractiveness, which the Dreamer does not want to put up with, and right, it’s too early in grandmothers). That's about it DREAM. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Why dream of feeding milk

The milk seen in a dream suggests the emotional makeup of the Dreamer's character, which means in a particular case that the Dreamer's parents were always "on the same wavelength" or emotionally dependent on each other, which gives a strong family for many years.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A destitute boy asked for the impossible

The dream tells the Dreamer about her views on her future personal life, and judging by the dream, the Dreamer has serious views and solid intentions. But ... It seems that in reality next to the Dreamer is a man who leaves no chance for a strong marriage. And it's worth thinking about. This is what the dream is about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A dream about a guy who likes reality and about my death

The dream indicates to the Dreamer the lack of real emotional experience in her, in contrast to the abundance of romance in her head (Mom shoots right in the head, it immediately darkens in the Dreamer's head, the Dreamer realizes her death). It would be better for the Dreamer not to rely on guys like Tyoma in life, since this is fraught with .. A bitter female experience, which will later become her Life Experience (Tyoma's friend warns the Dreamer about a bad idea regarding Tyoma). Only in this way, and the choice is up to the Dreamer.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A man who likes

Your dream gives hope for another meeting with this young man, but while he is turned away from you, only the back of his head is towards you (I see the back of his head), there is sympathy and there is a chance, but something that sits deep inside prevents, write: (I try to get lost in the crowd), but outwardly everything looks great - (Impressions in a dream from our costumes: elegant, stylish, fashionable, neat .... Next, I woke up ...) Your dream tip: You need to try to be more active, not get stuck in a state of indifferent pity for others and oneself, not to hide one's emotions, to be sincere and open. Having the desire and strength to do good, take real steps, act more constructively and purposefully. And also - pay more attention to your problems, organize your own living space and take care of your health. Contact, regards Astromargo

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Love for someone who likes in reality

Good evening Anastasia! "one person I like in reality" - your mind says. "in a dream he wants me, but it feels like everything is just fake, and I wanted to ask if he loves for real or just leaves ..." - the very concept of love is problematic for deciphering. For me, for example, the concept of Love is Gospel, and what usually happens between a man and a woman - falling in love, passion, etc., is just preparation, learning in the understanding of Love. Everything else in your dream is just a conclusion from the subconscious of daytime desires ... Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - The birth of three boys

If in reality you are really looking forward to pregnancy, then you will have such dreams. But it is this dream that carries something else - about conflicts between you and your young man, which may arise and which are not clear to you what are rooted in. Visible only resentment of your MCH on you. Their origin remains unclear. And here's the thing. In a dream, you gave birth to boys. Children are a continuation of their parents in the future. This is your future. They are you, they point to you yourself, to your strong and independent character traits. All the same, boys were born, not girls. And these traits of yours will obviously grow stronger. You even give the name of your father in a dream, that is, you try on his role. And here is your young man ... In a dream, from his side, mother, grandmother - these are feminine principles. He's being softer. But he does not like this role.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why is the boy dreaming, according to various dream books?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A girl and a boy dreamed - difficulties in everyday life. Having fun with them is for money.

If a girl sees a loved one who is not around, then she misses him and intimacy. The object of love may not be aware of this.

Having children is worrying about something; coddling or playing with them - to unreasonable self-confidence.

And why is the child dreaming of a boy? This is a reminder that you have to believe in yourself in order to succeed.

To give birth to a boy, a girl - to financial well-being.

A dream where a girl is invited on a date by a familiar boy usually comes true.

The baby is purity, hope. When a woman sees a dream, her wish will soon come true. Seeing a dead baby is a surprise or defeat.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

According to the dream book, a dreaming boy - to receive an inheritance. The students are lucky. If they fight, then close people will be involved in a dubious enterprise. Fairy-tale Boy with a finger - remorse, uncertainty, sacrifice, impotence.

Eastern dream book

A girl who sees herself as a boy is worried that they want to marry her. If a baby has dreamed, then troublesome things, useless and uninteresting work are ahead.

Summer dream book

To see an attractive guy - to a meeting.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To be in a position and see a boy or a girl - to the birth of a male baby.

Gypsy dream book

A boy in a dream - well-being in a career and in a personal matter.

A teenager is a difficult but profitable business.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dreams about boys are generally favorable and promise to get what you want. Being a baby is a calm family life. To play with him is to find the purpose of existence, to become successful.

Small Velesov

A dreaming boy is income, happiness.


A boy with a finger - repentance, despondency.

Dream Interpretation of Health

To be a boy yourself is nervous exhaustion and the inability to find yourself in life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why does a girl dream of a boy? She expects a cash increase, new things. Boys fight - involvement in a dubious event. Disciples - a person is waiting for good luck and possible benefits. A mature person who sees himself as a baby does not inspire trust among influential people.

Psychoanalytic dream book

To see a familiar or strange boy - to see yourself in childhood, to realize yourself as a person, your individuality, to strive for development. A naughty, mobile boy is the development of the soul.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

According to the dream book, a dream with a boy - to cash receipts.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A dream about a boy is vanity. If a man dreamed of this, then perhaps there is residual infantilism, weakness, internal uncertainty. For a woman, a dream predicts anxiety for her son.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

If a girl sees a handsome boy, then she will meet with a man.

Modern dream book

Why is the little boy dreaming? Surprises are to be expected. For a woman in demolition, a dream predicts a quick birth. To see a crying boy - you need to take care of relatives.

A boy who is his own son in a dream is a love disappointment, hostility towards persons of the opposite sex. Games with him - luck, self-improvement, stable income, creative upsurge.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Boy - upcoming purchases, positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation 2012

To see a boy is immaturity, when an adult man inside is a child.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Swaddled baby - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Seeing a boy in a dream according to this source is to receive income.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

For a woman - fun, a new acquisition, income. Seeing boys fighting is a scam that friends are drawn into, learning is happiness.

Autumn dream book

When a pregnant woman dreams of a boy, it is believed that she will have a boy child.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

A boy taken away in a dream usually dreams of a surprise, income.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A boy seen in a dream most likely means that the person inside has remained a child.

For the bitch

A boy - a person is waiting for a joyful fuss with a touch of sadness.


According to him, the boy dreams of new news.


Seeing a boy is a joyful event.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Cute baby - well-being, happiness, fortune; sick baby - to health. Seeing a crying boy in a dream is a financial problem. Children play - a person hides his vile essence from others, but does not benefit from this. To give birth to a boy in a dream is prosperity; someone gave birth - to desire the property of a close relative.

Spring dream book

Swaddled baby - well-being. Seeing a dead child is a great grief. In a dream, a boy gets hit by a car - to be afraid of something, to worry about relatives. Punishing himself, beating the boy - the need to restrain himself when you want to act in a temper. Why dream that a strange boy is offending a native child? Troubles await a person, the intrigues of enemies pretending to be friends.