Who to contact about renovation. Demolition of housing under the renovation program: when will it begin and how to find out about it from official sources? What influences the order

In the capital, the local executive power has introduced a program that involves the demolition of old Khrushchev-era buildings, in replacement of which new monolithic houses will be built.

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Residents, in turn, can move to new residential properties absolutely free of charge if they participate in the program.

About the program

In practice, it acquired the name “Dwelling”. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the fact that the implementation of the program is not aimed at eliminating the housing stock of Moscow, but directly at improving the living conditions of families.

According to the existing theoretical foundations, it is clearly stated that the schedule for the liquidation of old five-story buildings in 2019 directly depends on the opinion of the owners of residential real estate in the so-called applicant buildings.

The program was developed with the aim of demolishing old residential buildings to build modern ones, which will have all the conditions for the favorable life of the capital’s citizens.


The main regulatory document for the renovation program is considered to be the Moscow Law “,” adopted in May 2019 No. 14.

This describes in detail the conditions of the renovation program and the requirements for houses that may be subject to demolition, and residents may be resettled in modern houses.

An additional regulatory document is Moscow PP No. 245 of May 2019, which indicates the existing nuances in the implementation of the program under consideration.

Demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program

The program under consideration includes many important nuances that all its participants, who will need to be resettled in modern houses, should be aware of.

Let's take a closer look at the nuances of the renovation program.

List of houses

The official government portal of the capital displays information that the first residential buildings to be demolished and further resettlement of residents in 2019 will be housing construction located in areas such as:

  • VAO – it is planned to liquidate about 5 buildings located on Fedina, Kirpichnaya and Plushena streets;
  • CAO – liquidation of 4 residential properties located on Festivalnaya Street;
  • CJSC – 50 residential properties located on Pavlova, Davydkovskaya, Yartsevaya streets, as well as on Leninsky Prospekt are subject to demolition;
  • North-East Administrative District - 28 residential real estate objects located on Dezhnev, Molodtsov, Polyarnaya, Yablochkova streets are included in the demolition;
  • South-Western Administrative District - 18 housing constructions located on Profsoyuznaya and Ulyanov streets fall under the program;
  • North-Western Administrative Okrug - in 2019, the program included 10 objects located on Zhukov, Turistkaya and Narodnogo Opolcheniya streets.

The renovation program is listed on the official portal of the Moscow Government.
The listed buildings will be demolished first.

The program developers are confident that the priority will be determined depending on which five-story buildings are in the worst condition.

These include houses of the series:

  • 1-510;
  • 1-511;
  • 1-515.

Such buildings are already included in the liquidation program, which was launched back in 1998. Some of them have already been liquidated, and the residents received modern apartments.

Moreover, it is planned to resettle citizens from other houses by the end of 2019.

Settlement schedule

The Moscow Government plans to resettle citizens from old buildings no earlier than the second half of 2019.

The first district on the list is Beskudnikovo. The option of so-called wave development has already been conveyed to citizens. You can view it on the official portal of the city of Moscow.

It should be noted that all residents, without exception, are eligible for new monolithic houses.


Despite the fact that the program has already started, it is still not in its active phase. There are no special events planned in the structure replacement plan for the period from 2019 to 2020.

At the first stages, it is planned to implement such sets of measures as:

  • preparation of all necessary documentation, projects, registration of permits and decision-making, including amendments to regional legislation;
  • identification and approval of launch sites for the construction of new houses to replace old ones;
  • commencement of construction work on the construction of foundations at approved launch sites;
  • compiling a list of priority houses that are subject to demolition.

Based on this, we can talk about priority plans for the first 3 years - the formation of the necessary package of documents and pouring the foundation at construction sites.

But they are already talking about possible shifts and resettlement, which will negatively affect the displaced.

Speaking of which, this stage has already begun in order of priority.

Unbearable Series

Five-story residential buildings from the 1-515 series were erected back in the 60s. They are classified as unbearable due to the fact that during the entire period of their operation the least number of residents were resettled.

According to the Government of Moscow and the region, the procedure for the demolition of such buildings will be approved in the future, but exactly when this will happen remains unknown. No one can explain what exactly this decision is connected with.

What influences the order?

Based on official information, the first wave will begin at the end of this year. Residents are planned to be accommodated in modern monolithic houses. In the future, it is planned to form new projects of panel residential buildings that fully meet modern quality standards.

Citizens who were able to fall under the program are concerned about the quality of the new living space.

The main provisions that are planned to be implemented are as follows:

  • the living area should be equal to or larger than the previous one, in old houses there are small kitchens, in new buildings the area will be larger;
  • the cost of new real estate should not be lower than the previous one; according to the developers of the program, the cost of new housing will increase by at least 20%;
  • citizens living in communal apartments are able to get a separate apartment; amendments to the bill have already been made on this issue;
  • mortgage lending conditions remain unchanged;
  • new housing construction includes developed infrastructure: preschool and school institutions, medical clinics, shops, banks, and so on.

You need to be aware of these nuances, since the order depends on it.

If the owner is against

If the owners of residential real estate objects oppose participation in the program, then, in accordance with regional legislation, they will be provided with monetary compensation.

The Moscow authorities promise to resettle all Khrushchev buildings under the “renovation” program, providing residents with new, “equivalent” housing. However, these are just beautiful words. In fact, the resettlement may be hiding one of the most sophisticated capitalist scams of the decade. What exactly will happen to the housing of Muscovites, and how to protect their personal property - Olga Zaretskaya, a direct participant in the events, talks about this.

his area, is very reluctant to develop any new transport communications, routes to shops, and so on. The place of life of an elderly person should be more or less permanent. And we found – long and hard, by the way, this happened – a way that allowed all those displaced from the five-story buildings to remain in the place where they were used to living.” It is clear that the former mayor had his own commercial interests, and his own shortcomings, and his own shortcomings, but with regard to the program for relocating people on the waiting list and dilapidated housing stock, the interests of the townspeople were also respected.

On TV, Sobyanin and Co. beautifully broadcast that residents of houses that fall into the renovation zone will be offered “equivalent” apartments in the same area. However, the reality does not live up to the promises even now, when the law is just under consideration. Today's renovation bill, if adopted, will put an end to the expectations and hopes of the residents of Khrushchev, not to mention those who live in houses that were never planned to be demolished. Already now in the press you can easily find stories like this:

Alexander Eisman, VK public administrator “Muscovites are against the mass demolition of five-story buildings” and the website http://zanashdom.ru/ comments on this story: “By the way, all this is happening in my area, a five-minute walk from my house. And I know the houses in which these people live. These are Khrushchev panel buildings, built at the very beginning, when they did not yet know how to make panels well. And they are really bad. They were bad thirty years ago, when my school friend Andryusha lived in one of them. And yet their residents do not want to move to Otradnoye. What can we say about those people who live in normal, good-quality houses, and who at the same time they want to drive not to Otradnoye, but much further!”

I think it is obvious to everyone that we must work together to resist the adoption of this cannibalistic bill, even if now the provisions of the future law do not apply to everyone. Because the government’s need for renovation or some other machinations can arise spontaneously in any territory and affect any of us. According to the provisions of the bill, not only outdated five-story buildings, but also any other houses and buildings that interfere with the realization of the ambitions of the construction lobby can be subject to demolition and relocation in the renovation zone. It is completely incomprehensible to me why we should move from our houses, from our apartments under such monstrous conditions, without consent, without the possibility of choice, but simply because someone wanted to point a finger at the ground under our houses. This is not a renovation of the housing stock, this is deportation as it is, the forced eviction of citizens into infrastructural exclusion zones in violation of all possible rights and laws. We know from history about the experiments of forced resettlement, for example, of “Jews” in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s, carried out “for their own good,” and we know how these experiments ultimately ended. First, under the pretext of “concern for the quality” of our housing, we will be evicted to infrastructural exclusion zones, and then what?

A bill “On the renovation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation” was introduced to the State Duma. Its authors were the head of the “A Just Russia” faction, Sergei Mironov, and the chairman of the Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services of the State Duma, Galina Khovanskaya. The very concept of renovation of the housing stock in the bill is understood as “reconstruction or demolition of buildings that are not subject to major repairs.”

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All Muscovites, or most of them, probably already know about the housing renovation program starting soon in the capital. It involves the demolition of the old Khrushchev-era buildings and the relocation of all their residents to new houses. It is expected that the global project will start at the end of 2017.

In many ways, the upcoming demolition of five-story buildings is dictated by the fact that they are physically and morally outdated. Therefore, the capital’s authorities have to spend a lot of money on their overhaul.

How will renovation take place in Moscow?

City officials expect the program to take fifteen years. During this time, it is planned to build a total of 15 million square meters of new housing. At the first stage, starting housing will be built with a total area of ​​5 million square meters.

However, it is not yet completely clear how the renovation will take place in Moscow. After all, federal and local legislation still needs to be finally adopted. In addition, the city authorities must determine those areas that will be built up with the first new houses. According to representatives of the mayor's office, there are sites for new buildings in all districts of Moscow with the exception of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts.

It is expected that citizens will receive new apartments next to their former homes. Moreover, the new area will be the same or even larger. Not only will the proportions be preserved in terms of residential square meters, but also other premises (bathrooms, corridors, storage rooms, etc.).

The process of demolishing five-story buildings

It will be gradual. It is expected that by 2018, about 8 thousand five-story buildings will be demolished in all corners of the capital. However, Moscow authorities are already saying that they have approximately 5 thousand apartments at their disposal that will be ready to accept new residents this fall.

Currently, city hall departments are deciding which houses will be demolished first. The list has not yet been approved, since the renovation program has not yet been fully enshrined in law.

In addition, the Moscow City Hall promises that the list of five-story buildings that will be affected first by renovation will be discussed with city residents. This will guarantee that the interests of both the city and the population will be taken into account.

However, you should still consult with a lawyer. He is thoroughly familiar with draft acts of federal and local legislation. In addition, the specialist has contacts with representatives of local governments. Therefore, you can learn from a specialist all the details of the upcoming global reconstruction. In addition, the lawyer will always inform you about all possible upcoming innovations. Do not forget that the final version of the entire package has not yet been adopted.

In particular, it is not yet clear what to do when new housing is to be built in a neighboring administrative district of Moscow. After all, many old five-story buildings are located in the so-called “border” zones. Then, along with receiving an apartment in a new building, residents will have to change a number of documents, which will take time.

Who can get separate housing

Under the renovation program, residents of five-story buildings that were built in the 50-70s of the last century will be able to receive separate housing. Some apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings are home to several people who are on the waiting list to improve their living conditions. Therefore, it is possible that one family will be allocated several apartments. At the same time, the standards for providing each citizen with living space will be observed.

The residential renovation program in Moscow and the Moscow region has already gone through the start procedure in the late nineties of the twentieth century. At that time, several dozen houses were subject to demolition and reconstruction, the construction of which dates back to the fifties of the twentieth century, that is, the houses were relatively young in age, but due to the peculiarities of construction, by that time they were already very worn out.

The repetition of the renovation program began in 2017, also in the city of Moscow, with the resettlement of houses, which, based on the years of construction, also date back to the fifties of the last century. How can you find out when a particular house will be demolished, and whether it is included in the program?

The timing of the resettlement and demolition of houses under the renovation program today is of great interest to residents of five-story buildings, which is the goal of the implementation of this program. You can obtain such information in several ways, including by using Internet resources, with the help of which it is possible not only to obtain information about the demolition schedule, but also about which houses will be used for occupancy, as well as see the typical apartments provided.