How to protect nature: a global environmental problem. Protecting nature means saving life A message on how to protect nature


We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants, animals, sunlight pours around us in golden streams every morning. It seems to us that all this was, is and will always be. Grasses will always lie in the meadows with a green carpet, flowers will bloom, enchanting us with their aroma, birds will sing in the forests, sea waves will roll coastal pebbles with a quiet rustle, the depths of the sea will always be full of secrets and mysteries, and the bowels of the earth will always give their wealth, so that we can live light, warm and comfortable on our planet Earth. We think so because we are used to getting all this, and we forget that the amazing and sometimes unexpected world that surrounds us and accepts us is subject to continuous change. That the seeming immutability of living nature is just as deceptive as the feeling that the sun moves around the Earth in the sky is deceptive. We are used to using the gifts of nature for our own purposes. For our own benefit, we rarely think about the harm and damage we cause to nature.

Why is it necessary to protect nature? Yes, simply because everything in this world is not eternal. Because when we harm nature, we harm ourselves. What will we breathe if the air is filled with harmful gases? What will we drink if the water is not drinkable because it will be polluted? What will we admire if there are no forests, fields and meadows with flowers? Nature must be preserved and protected so that we can breathe fresh air, drink and bathe in clean water, enjoy the beauty of fields, meadows, forests. We must protect it not only for ourselves, but also for the next generations, for animals, birds, insects and fish living on our planet.

Nature must not die! It should flourish, become prettier and become more beautiful and more diverse every day.

The work was done by a 3rd grade student Mikhail Kokoulin

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Nature must be protected and protected from fires, pollution and deforestation. Nature is the main source of oxygen, because thanks to it we breathe. If you cut down at least one tree and plant a new one in its place, it will take many years before it grows. Nature helps man to live. She gives us berries, mushrooms.

More than a thousand hectares of forest burn down annually. Therefore, we need to be very careful in the forest, not to kindle fires.

Many plants and factories dump their waste into rivers. From this waste, fish die in the river, the forest and all living things around die.

But now the state has begun to spend a lot of money on nature protection. Pavilions began to be set up in the forests so that people could rest in the forest and breathe fresh air.

That is why we need to protect nature so that this beauty does not die.

The work was done by a 6th grade student Evgeny Kokoulin

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

To study nature means to study the world around us: stones, plants, animals, climate, water, soil.

It is necessary to love nature, save it from destruction, protect and protect it. You can not harm nature: tear flowers, throw garbage, litter rivers and reservoirs, which we must protect and protect. For us, nature is like a friend. And it is necessary to protect nature from ourselves: forests, fields, rivers.

"Please love and protect nature." If it is not protected, then forests, flowers, rivers, animals will not be able to live without nature, and man will not be able to live without nature.

The work was done by a 6th grade student Alyona Sedelnikova

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

"Protect the environment!" - so often they say these words in the classroom. However, what can ordinary schoolchildren do? How can they save nature?

Over time, children will grow up, start working in enterprises, founding their own companies that can harm nature. Already from kindergarten, children need to be taught to take care of nature, the environment.

Why are there so many environmental problems now?

Because many do not have the concept that you need to take care of nature. The globe is our home, we must not pollute it. Where will we live if we destroy it?

Many people are ready to do anything for their own benefit, they think only of themselves. These people have no sense of responsibility. Therefore, in order to save nature, we need to take care of forests, not pollute rivers and lakes, and teach future generations to protect nature.

If earlier it was believed that natural wealth is endless, that there is no need to think about it, now everything is different. Some countries are spending huge amounts of money to restore the environment.

The work was done by a 7th grade student Oleg Kotelnikov

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Nature is an important and necessary habitat not only for humans, but also for animals. Simple conclusions lead to the conclusion that the call "Protect nature!" not so difficult to perform, you just need to think more often about your actions. It can be imagined that the serene happiness of man's communion with nature can be threatened.

Man himself most often becomes a threat to nature. After all, big damage starts small. Nature is the beauty of our land. It gives us food, oxygen, and forests - wood. Nature must be protected, and we, on the contrary, destroy it.

Firstly, people cut down many trees in a year, and it takes many years for one tree to grow.

Secondly, we often make fires, and because of this, fires occur. Then people invest millions of money in funds to protect forests.

Thirdly, over the past decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests and animals have been irretrievably exterminated.

Why do people not value nature, because it gives so much useful and necessary to man. And people respond by destroying it. After all, we are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun with all its treasures. And we must preserve it. After all, destroying the whole link, we destroy the whole chain. When we harm nature, we harm ourselves.

So let's not make fires in the forests, let's not kill animals, break tree branches and pollute rivers and lakes!

Nature is our life, that's why it is so important to protect and protect it!

The work was done by a 7th grade student Daria Kotelnikova

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

People often ask the question: “Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

But why really?

People think that a person in nature is the main one, and everything is allowed to him. But they are very much mistaken in this.

First, nature created us to protect it.

Secondly, in nature, everything is interconnected ...

If there is no air on Earth, then everyone will die: people, animals, birds, fish, trees. If the rivers suddenly dry up, what will happen then ... The trees will dry up, animals and people will die without water.

So let's save the environment! Everything in nature is interconnected.

The work was done by a 4th grade student Shkarednaya Snezhana

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Nature must be protected so that living organisms can live.

For example, to remove garbage, look for different banks, and then send it for recycling.

Always clean up after yourself. To make plants and factories work in such a way that less waste comes out.

We need to help nature and protect it.

The work was done by a 5th grade student Vladislav Ploskonosov

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Like other living beings, we need the warmth and light of the sun, air, water, food. And what else? Clothes and shoes, housing, transport, books…

For a happy and joyful life, each of us needs to see the beautiful around us - in nature, in our home and in the city. And we also need the love and attention of loved ones, and we ourselves need to love someone and take care of someone. We need friends with whom we can have fun and who will help in difficult times.

Everything that people need for life is called needs. Every person has needs for water and air, food, clothing and footwear, housing, transportation, education and health care.

Where does everything that is needed to satisfy needs come from? Nature gives us a lot. Air, clean water from a spring, the warmth and light of the sun, the beauty of a flowering meadow and the starry sky, the joy of meeting a bird, an animal or a bright butterfly - we get all this directly from nature. Love and care of loved ones, friendship, help in difficult times - this is what we get by communicating with other people.

The work was done by a student of the 3rd grade Volkova Victoria

municipal state educational institution basic general education school of the village of Strelskaya


Why is it necessary to protect nature?

We live on planet Earth, this is our common home. We need to learn to love and take care of it - the house in which we live.

We have a common roof over our heads - the blue sky. We have a common floor under our feet - the earth. We have one lamp and a stove for all - the gentle sun. We have a common water supply - these are rain and snow clouds. It only seems to us that our Earth is huge and immense. And if you look at it from space, then it is not so big. In just an hour and a half, it can be circled on a spaceship. So we really need to know and take care of the house we live in.

Time flies fast. We will finish school, we will become adults. What world will we live in?

The Earth is just a small particle of the Universe, but only on it, as scientists know so far, there is life. This means that we must try to ensure that the nature of our common home is not only preserved, but becomes richer and more beautiful.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won't let anyone hurt her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

From this we will only become kinder,

Decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers,

We need such a planet.

The work was done by a 3rd grade student Valeria Nogovitsyna

Cool! 5

From childhood, we are taught to love nature. Teachers and parents say that nature should be protected, but we do not do this, because we do not think about it. When we walk, we pick flowers and break tree branches. I think every child does this from time to time. Of course, it is better to help nature and plant a tree, but for many this seems too difficult.
There are people who manage plants and factories, waste from their enterprises, they deliberately pollute the air and water. Although the state allocates a lot of money to clean up nature from pollution, the result is not visible. It will not exist if people themselves do not begin to protect nature.
Without even realizing it, we waste natural resources, for example, sometimes we forget to turn off the light, and when it is on, electricity is wasted. Basically, it is obtained by burning coal and wood, one of the most important components of our nature.
Recently, we often hear about forest fires, most of which are human-caused. Such fires destroy entire forests! Therefore, people should be very responsible in making fire in the forest. In addition, a lot of people, especially in summer, go hiking. After their adventures, a lot of garbage often remains in the forest, which pollutes the environment.
We must change ourselves and the world around us. One should never be afraid to rebuke a person who deliberately throws garbage past the bin. You need to take part in projects and actions that will help nature. There are special collection points where you can donate old equipment, instead of throwing it away.
You have to take part in Saturdays. This not only benefits nature, but also your health. All this will help nature to flourish again and delight the eyes of all the people who inhabit this beautiful blue planet.

More essays on the topic: "Take care of nature"

Nature is one of the most important riches of our Motherland.
I really like to relax in nature: go to the forest, pick berries, mushrooms, nuts, swim in the river.

We can admire its brightness, diversity, extraordinary beauty. Nature has everything we need for our existence: air, water, food. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about nature conservation. Schools introduced such a subject as ecology. At extracurricular activities, it is very often said how easy it is to lose natural resources, and how difficult it is to restore them. Many species of animals and plants have been exterminated by humans. It's scary to think, because they will never be again, nothing can be returned back! And how much forest burns every year because of the wrong behavior in it! And, leaving an unextinguished fire in the forest, no one thinks about how much useful we get from this forest. Wood is used in various branches of our industry. For example, medicines, furniture, skis are made from spruce. Looking at how we relate to the world around us, we can judge our cultural level. In the yard we often pass by a withered bush, a broken branch, and how great it would be if we helped every wounded tree!

Nature influences our life and mood. She inspires and delights. Therefore, in order for nature to be our friend, we must love and protect it. I believe that if every person keeps cleanliness in his yard, in the forest where he walks, at the enterprise where he works, everything around will change! I hope that people will come to their senses, stop destroying the land on which they live and understand that our nature does not exist for a one-time use.


Nature surrounds us everywhere. Sometimes we do not notice all the beauty that surrounds us, in a hurry we pass by, always in a hurry somewhere, we constantly go headlong into things that are important to us.

Nature is very beautiful and unique. Enough to go somewhere with the family. Maybe in the forest or on the river. There are so many beautiful things there. A lot of forest dwellers, beautiful singing of birds and the babbling of a brook. Nature is awakening again after a long winter sleep, the earth at this time is covered with a soft blue shawl of snowdrops. When summer gives way to spring, the forest comes to life filling the area with the aromas of its fragrant plants.

But in autumn, the forest throws off its beautiful summer decoration and puts on no less beautiful and bright yellow-red tones. Birds at this time of the year fly south to warmer climes.

With the onset of winter, the forest becomes crystal clear and is covered with a soft white blanket. Despite this, he, of course, continues to live, and delight everyone with his beauty.

Man is undoubtedly a part of the environment around us, a piece of nature. Unfortunately, many of us often forget about this. It is very sad that the pollution of nature, the extermination of animals and plants is a direct result of human neglect of nature. I believe that everything is in our hands. We can save everything that surrounds us if each person makes even the slightest effort. Then we will not allow those species of animals and plants to disappear, which are now very few. Even without being a member of various organizations that deal with nature protection, anyone can help to save it. After all, it is not difficult to grow a tree, or at least carry garbage to the urn.

I believe that every person should sometimes think about what contribution he has made to the environment. Everyone must, for starters, learn to protect nature himself, and then teach this to the people who surround him. The state of the environment is in the hands of each of us.

Protect the environment.

We are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun with all the treasures of life. Fish need water, birds need air, animals need forests, steppes, mountains, and man needs nature. And protecting it is our main goal. Let's take care of her!

The forest is the beauty of our Earth. It gives us oxygen, wood. Birds and various animals live in it. Forests are protected by law, but some people cut them down thoughtlessly. Many felled trees go to waste. New ones are not always planted instead of cut down trees. As a result, there are fewer and fewer forests left.

Having been in the forest, people sometimes leave fires lit. Because of this, fires often occur. Entire forests are burning down from the negligence of people. Millions of plants are dying. Among them there are a lot of rare ones that are not found anywhere else. When the forest burns down, the animals have to leave. Because of these eternal transitions, animals sometimes die, if, of course, they manage to get out of the fire.

People are investing a lot of money in funds to protect forests. But many plants and animals have already been wiped off the face of the Earth.

There is a book that describes extinct animals and plants (the Black Book). No one will ever see them anywhere, except in this book. There is another book that describes animals and plants on the verge of extinction (the Red Book). We can (and should) take care of them!
People who break the law are fined and even jailed. But this will not help much if a person does not understand that the fate of the surrounding nature and the Earth itself depends on him.

It is unlikely that there will be people who are indifferent to the fabulous beauty of the forest, beautiful at any time of the year, to the pure greenery of lawns and groves, to the boundless expanse of fields and steppes. And who does not love the blueness of lakes and rivers, set in the emerald green of the shores, who does not dream of seeing “eyelashes of spiky fir trees over the blue eyes of lakes”!

Nature for the northern peoples is the highest value, which they learn about not from radio or television, but from life itself. They sensitively understand nature, know how to protect it and use it wisely. All other nations should learn from them today.

The poets and writers of the North are the children of fishermen, reindeer herders, and hunters.

Each of them faced many trials. From childhood, they knew the hard work of their fathers, behind others - a harsh war in which they shed their blood, defending Russia and its pearl - Siberia. But on the harsh roads of life, they did not lose the main virtues of Man - the kindness of the soul, sensitivity to all living things, an attentive, kind attitude towards the small, harsh, northern, but dearest Motherland.

Each of us loves to walk along the forest and tundra paths, admire the white nights, admire the miracle of the planet - the northern lights, feel how warm the hearts of the northerners are, we never cease to be amazed at the wealth of our second Motherland.

The surrounding world can be imagined in such a way that each of its things seems to be alive and animated. Then one must be able to negotiate with the world, learn to be needed by it, and take into account its desires. But the world can also be imagined as a soulless, lifeless machine. In this case, a person remakes it, reshapes it and gradually destroys it.

In recent decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests, birds, animals, fish were exterminated, the tundra was destroyed, rivers and lakes were polluted. The world seems like an endless warehouse of products. But the oil and gas, which are destroying the northern world, are running out... The time is approaching when this warehouse will be empty.

In pagan beliefs, the punishment was often more severe than the crime itself. The Old Testament introduced the principle of justice and adequacy into the system of punishments: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." The northern peoples humanized the world around them, believed that the tundra, mountains, rivers, sea, animals, the whole Universe, the Cosmos can take revenge on those who do not comply with the laws of the natural world and do not strive to live in harmony with it.

A sad picture is an abandoned house: walls covered in dirty smudges, broken windows, broken doors. But many times more terrible is the mismanagement and desolation in a dwelling where there are no walls and windows, but a sky smoky with thousands of factory chimneys, barbarously cut down forests, muddy waters of rivers and lakes poisoned by poisonous effluents. And to live in it is not only for us today, but also for those who will come after us.

The earth is in trouble! Rivers and lakes, seas and oceans - the whole earth is in trouble! But the troubles of nature are, first of all, our troubles. We humans are children of nature.

Scientists speak with concern about the complex problems of protecting nature from human economic activity, warn of the danger of the death of all life on planet Earth and call for an active struggle of man against a thoughtless attitude to nature...

How to prevent the trouble hanging over our common home, whose name is planet Earth?

We strangely, incorrectly live on Earth: we protect the valuable and precious, but we do not store the priceless. We protect diamonds, diamonds, gold, money, but we don’t protect lakes, springs, clouds, clean air zones, deserted places. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere else. We do not want to learn the most important thing:

Air is our father
Water is mother
Rosa is a national wealth,
The earth is a home.

It is important for everyone to remember that we are the masters of nature, and to think about what will remain for our descendants.

People living at this time on planet Earth must realize that the level of development of modern civilization allows them to take a confident step, stepping over the line from the industrial age to the world of reason, abundance and prosperity, or completely destroy planetary life. It all depends on what people in their majority choose: small tasks to ensure material comfort and the associated irrepressible consumption of resources or large-scale goals based on mastering new levels of spiritual development, the key to which is the upbringing of high morality in themselves and children.

The main objective of this article is to show the great importance and urgent need for nature for humans, as well as consider ways to protect nature. There will also be considered options for essays on this topic, the basic rules of human behavior in living space are indicated, a general overview of the ecological situation in the modern world and how it affects various types of living beings is made.

The importance of nature for man

People are part of wildlife, increasingly isolating themselves by the power of their minds from its single living organism. They even began to consider it separately from themselves, as if from the outside, considering themselves a privileged caste, the exorbitant demands of which this complex, wise, living system must endlessly satisfy, in which each ecological niche performs its own unique, very important function for the life of the entire planet. .

Man needs nature, it gives him the fullness of life, but nature can do without man. An example of this is the Chernobyl exclusion zone, where for several decades nature, freed from the technogenic burden of civilization and human irrepressible self-interest, has gained the fullness of life. Plants freely occupy territories, destroying curbs and asphalt, wild animals return to the zone, including species unique to Ukraine, such as bears, Przewalski's horses, lynxes. The population of moose and other animals and birds typical of the area has increased, and there are seven times more wolves than in other clean areas. This area has become a real paradise for animals.

The importance of nature is obvious, the unbridled consumer appeal to it is destructive not only for humanity, it is a direct threat to planetary life.

The flora and fauna, the earth's bowels and natural resources, water and air: all this, more than ever before, needs the protection of a reasonable person from spiritually underdeveloped creatures, conditionally considered people, whose ability is only enough for unbridled consumption and destruction. They do not think about tomorrow, their demonic nature of destroyers lives only now, and even though the grass does not grow tomorrow, it really may not grow soon, and such examples are no longer uncommon due to soil degradation due to criminal treatment of them. And if the earth ceases to give birth, then very soon people will also cease to be born, because they will not be able to feed themselves. In some countries, the alarm is already sounding because of the mass death of bees, since an unpollinated garden flower will never bear fruit. Civilization without bees will not last even five years.

If the number of sane people does not increase, blocking the paths and opportunities for the degenerates for their dark deeds and scams to destroy the environment, the Chernobyl variant may become the mildest scenario of nature for its cleansing and liberation.

Global natural resource problem

This problem consists of an increasingly acute shortage of oil and gas, fresh water, minerals and biological food sources. Natural resources have a limited supply, but, despite this, the demand of consumer civilization for them is growing steadily. Their production, as well as consumption, are associated with a global deterioration of the environmental situation around the world, which gave rise to the global environmental problem of mankind.

Ecological problem of mankind

It consists in the deterioration and negative change in the habitat, which is caused by human activity, which results in the destruction of natural structures. As a result, the functioning of a complex natural organism is disrupted, entire links of the well-established living chain of energy-material exchange disappear. The anthropogenic factor that gave rise to this problem continues its victorious march through the fields of life, destroying the accumulation of millions of years of earth evolution.

Many disturbances in ecological systems and niches have become irreversible. Further unrestricted, insatiable consumption of natural resources and ignorant use of natural resources will inevitably lead to a planetary catastrophe in the future.

Consider this global problem, decomposing it into its components:

  1. Destruction of flora and fauna.
  2. Total deforestation.
  3. Decrease in mineral reserves.
  4. Atmospheric pollution and the greenhouse effect.
  5. Destruction of the ozone layer.
  6. Soil degradation and disfigurement of natural landscapes.
  7. Pollution and destruction of the oceans, lack of fresh water.
  8. military conflicts.

According to the report of American ecologists, over the past two centuries, nine hundred thousand species of representatives of plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the planet. This means that daily losses are on average twelve kinds.

The currently existing species in nature, of which there are twenty million, are the victims of the daily anthropogenic terror declared by the man of life itself. And not just in the list of environmental problems, the destruction of plants and animals is in the first place, since the situation in it is the most catastrophic.

More than lumberjacks, the lungs of the planet are being destroyed by acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by power plants, chemical and other industries. Because of this, more than ten million hectares of forest die every year. Emissions of carbon and sulfur compounds with simultaneous giant deforestation and, consequently, a decrease in photosynthesis on a planetary scale are the causes of the greenhouse effect.

With the current volumes of mining, primarily oil and gas, in a few decades the bowels of the planet will be empty. Over the past one hundred and fifty years, humanity has managed to deplete sixty-five percent of the world's oil reserves. Its current daily consumption is five times higher than the reserves that can be found in new deposits.

Some are proud that man has conquered nature. In fact, he is her hostage, because he has poorly learned to control himself and has hardly mastered the science of mutual agreement. But what is worse is that those who occupy the upper echelons of power, in pursuit of even greater power and enrichment, can calmly, without a twinge of conscience, which some simply lack, put thousands and even millions of human lives into the crucible of the demon of self-interest.

Large cities are already choking on exhaust gases and harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere. Sprayed aerosols or chemtrails - chemtrails from aircraft, unlike contrails that disappear after a few minutes, contain nano-particles of aluminum and barium, hovering above the ground for hours, settling over vast areas around the world.

They adversely affect the health of not only humans. The same particles of aluminum poison the air, water, soil, changing its acidity. As a result of this, all plants are oppressed, except for genetically modified, resistant to aluminum, which are patented by the Monsanto Corporation and other similar companies. Their use will give infertility in the third generation. That is, if a person consumes such food, then it is possible that he will no longer have great-great-grandchildren. It is possible that viruses and bacteria are sprayed in this way as immune experiments on the population.

More than two billion hectares, or twenty-seven percent of cultivable lands, have been put out of use in the twentieth century due to erosion and weathering, and the “green revolution”, which was accompanied, in addition to increased energy availability of agriculture, by the widespread use of pesticides and fertilizers, irrigation works and the use of genetic engineering, already through 30-40 years turned into increased erosion, pollution beyond all norms of not only soils, but also groundwater, ecosystem instability, a sharp increase in human diseases, and as a result, social conflicts.

Pollution of the oceans occurs through:

  • chemical discharges from enterprises;
  • oil spilled into the ocean;
  • non-decomposing synthetic waste, forming entire floating islands.

Some believe that in the near future, serious conflicts await humanity due to lack of fresh water. This is already happening in the Middle East, one of the most waterless regions in the world: the conflict between Syria, Turkey and Iraq over the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is estimated that by 2025, forty-eight countries with three billion people will come into contact with the problem of fresh water.

The main reason for the current military conflicts is the struggle for resources, primarily energy. Example: constant tension in the Persian Gulf.

There are a number of other reasons for the acute shortage of natural resources.

Such as:

  • the growth of the earth's population;
  • technical progress (within two to three years, obsolete models are replaced by new ones);
  • orientation of the consciousness of the layman to consumption;
  • illiterate economic activity, which is based on self-interest.

Nature responds adequately to any human action. Simply put: everything that a person has done comes back to him. This happens through numerous plexuses of various safety systems, because humanity is just a cell of this living organism.

From this video you can learn about the environmental problems of the present and future.

Scarcity (limited resources and what to do about it)

The lack of natural resources is a direct consequence of irrational consumerism, illiterate management, but above all - human self-interest.

The way to solve the ecological problem of mankind and the issue related to the lack of natural resources lies through a change in the general paradigm of consciousness of the existing civilization, based on consumption and sharing.

The new concept of the world order should be based on five basic principles:

  1. The world is one, humanity is one.
  2. Earth is our common home and any of its regions is equally valuable.
  3. The main priority is the value of the life of any living being.
  4. Recognition of the planet as a living entity.
  5. Only environmentally friendly technologies and production.

The current introduction of humane technologies and alternative energy sources is associated with significant resistance both from the scientific community, based on the outdated paradigm of the existence of the material world, and from large companies and transnational corporations that control the global energy market.

For a fruitful, efficient, relatively fast implementation of these technologies, it is necessary to show the owners of these supranational and state structures the real benefits from their implementation for everyone and find opportunities on the part of states to compensate for their losses by offering participation in the implementation of new projects with specific benefits for them.

In the fuel and energy sector, at a transitional stage from an industrial society, cleaner, environmentally friendly technologies can be offered.

Such as the:

  • cleaner and more economical combustion of various types of fuel;
  • more efficient processing of gas and oil;
  • production of gaseous and liquid fuels from coal;
  • the use of hydrogen in the operation of internal combustion engines;
  • transition to a water-organic mixture instead of boiler fuels;
  • greater use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources.

At the transitional stage, for the effective implementation of environmental programs and projects, it is necessary to strengthen environmental sanctions for traditional industries. It is expedient to suggest to the heads of these enterprises a gradual transition to cleaner, environmentally friendly technologies.

With the gradual, widespread introduction of clean technologies and the growth of public awareness, new ways of obtaining energy will open up, which over time will completely remove the anthropogenic burden on nature.

When moving to a new paradigm of consciousness, a person will begin to gravitate towards a more natural habitat, transforming or changing the urban lifestyle to a more harmonious and natural one. To protect nature, he will now be a clear example and way of life, in which the basis of everything is happy human families who have taken responsibility for their lives and their environment.

Society for the Conservation of Nature

Some fifty years ago, the issue of protecting the environment was not so acute. But half a century has passed, and many understand that after the same period it may happen that there will be nothing to protect and no one.

One of the main tasks of the policy of any state is to preserve and protect what was received from previous generations.

In Russia, there is the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP), which will celebrate its 95th anniversary on November 28, 2019. Its mission is to maintain and strengthen the favorable situation both in the country and in its individual regions.

The purpose of the VOOP is:

  • preservation of the environment;
  • maintaining the species diversity of flora and fauna, paying special attention to species listed in the Red Book;
  • preservation and strengthening of the health of Russian citizens.

The world's most famous society for the protection of nature is Greenpeace - an independent international environmental non-governmental organization, formed in Canada in 1971.

This organization works on the following issues: deforestation from the tropics to the poles, overfishing, commercial whaling, resource provision and promotion of renewable energy sources, radiation hazards and chemical pollution, sustainable, sustainable agriculture, protection and preservation of the Arctic. She holds large-scale actions and performances around the world - where the nature and health of all living beings are grossly and sometimes criminally neglected.

Here are the principles of this organization:

  • independence: existence is based on donations from citizens and private charitable foundations, renunciation of money and other material resources of any political parties and commercial state organizations, effective and strictly aimed at environmental projects use of allocated funds;
  • non-violence: in order to achieve the goal, violent methods in any manifestations are not acceptable, only peaceful expression of protest, not responding to aggression in the same way, even in case of threat or intimidation;
  • protest by action: this is the most impressive (but not the only) way to draw attention to the problem of an environmental nature and induce action.

Regional and national Greenpeace organizations exist in forty-four countries around the world. Its ranks include thirty-six thousand active volunteers, personal, voluntary donations are made by 3,300,000 people. And then there are 42,000,000 online supporters around the world.

Greenpeace has existed in Russia since 1992.

What can be done for the environment right now

The rules of human behavior in relation to the protection of nature are actions dictated by his conscience and expedient, adequate measures in response to the ignorance that he may encounter.

The simplest is online support for already existing environmental organizations. There are many effective concrete, applied methods of protection. It all depends on the activity of a person, his imagination and the specific region where he is going to carry out his noble deeds.

Here are some of them:

  • not to be indifferent, to be active when confronted with an environmental problem, environmental violation or crime;
  • organization and participation in ecological subbotniks;
  • preventing illegal cutting of trees, especially on the banks of rivers and lakes;
  • organized, authorized cleaning of forest belts and parks;
  • planting bushes and trees;
  • participation in environmental campaigns;
  • providing necessary assistance to representatives of flora and fauna;
  • show a keen interest in the ecological state of their region, their country, the whole world.

The study of alternative, clean ways of obtaining energy is also a step towards a new human formation that will appreciate its planet and the diversity of life on it.

Nature can also be helped by following simple rules of behavior in everyday life:

  • give preference to natural ingredients in everyday life;
  • refrain from harmful and dangerous discharges into the sewer, replace household cleaning and washing chemicals with more gentle and natural products (laundry soap, mustard powder);
  • careful and rational use of natural resources;
  • share useful experiences of natural living with others.

In this video, you can learn about ten more ways to help nature.

Help schoolchildren for ecology

Children will gladly contribute to the cause of protecting nature, it is in their nature. But in order for this to enter the appropriate active orbit, schoolchildren need environmental education. In addition to information on environmental topics, interactive methods can be used in the form of quest games, talk shows and brain rings so that the learning process takes place in a playful way, involving different parts of the student's brain.

You can offer children to engage in research activities, which diversifies the work of the ecological circle, giving practical knowledge and experience on the topic under study, and affirming the children in the idea that it is necessary to protect nature, improving their habitat in accordance with the laws of natural harmonious development.

For young connoisseurs of nature, it is necessary to state the priority rules, a short list of them, which they can introduce into the culture of their lives and tell their friends about them, adding more and more new items to them over time in order to adequately protect nature.

Here are the rules that every student is able to follow:

  1. After spending time outdoors, you need to clean up after yourself.
  2. Diluted fire after its use must be extinguished.
  3. Do not pass by the one who litters - make a remark.
  4. Witnessed poaching - report it to an adult.
  5. I saw dumping of garbage, waste, logging, fire - report.
  6. Participate in "green landings" to plant trees and shrubs.

The feasible help of schoolchildren who observe these rules will be a guarantee that they will grow into caring citizens of their country, workers and leaders who are aware of the need to promote the cause of nature protection.

Composition options

Essays on the topic of preserving and protecting the environment are a way to help a student extract from the depths of consciousness his true understanding of what is happening in the world in relation to nature with a proposal to express options for getting out of seemingly impasse situations, thereby starting the process of his thinking, which, perhaps, will be part of the generation of a new model of a natural society. Here are some examples of such writings.

Composition on the topic "Nature Protection"

Nature is a real miracle, which disinterestedly daily offers its gifts to its inhabitants. In nature, everything is harmoniously interconnected, every little thing is thought out in it, every detail is taken into account. And unlike the person who exalted himself above her, she knows how and continues to endure and forgive him for his delusions.

It patiently waits for humanity to deeply realize that by destroying it, it destroys itself. Sometimes the level of patience of nature approaches the limit, and then a person feels the trembling of the earth, which also suffers, throwing off the accumulated evil of human deeds by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other cataclysms.

The power of the elements is trying to reason with people, showing them how close their end can be, the complete decline of civilization. Nature knows how to wait and appeals to those units that have already realized how close the abyss is and begin to act.

Every year the number of those who realize is growing, as the deterioration of living conditions has become apparent. People always appreciate something when they lose it. It's good that we're given a chance, and there's still a lot of room for improvement. The time has come when the topic of protecting the environment and nature in general becomes the most important in the world. It is necessary to join forces with all those who have realized this and by common efforts begin to rise from the darkness of ignorance, deadly self-interest to the world of harmony and perfection, having learned to truly love nature and respect each other.


The man surrounded himself with comfort. The desire to increase it is constantly growing. For this, he is ready to turn a blind eye to flagrant lies and crimes against nature.

Consumption rates are constantly increasing. The leaders in increasing the benefits of civilization are Western countries, primarily the United States. But people living in these countries value their health and therefore, in order not to pollute their territories, they transfer dirty technologies to third world countries.

But the Earth is our common home, all nature is interconnected by thousands of invisible threads. People who consider themselves reasonable should finally understand that the deterioration of the ecological situation in any region of the planet automatically affects the life of the whole world, even if you do not immediately see this clearly.

If even schoolchildren can understand these simple things, then why do important uncles in large offices continue to slowly but surely destroy planetary life. Every day, twelve species of living creatures disappear forever from the face of the planet. Further continuation of this race to nowhere will sooner or later lead everyone to the abyss. People, wake up, how much you can sleep, the reality is much more beautiful.

Poems about nature

People with heavenly dream eyes

I had a dream about cloudless days

In the world of simple disinterested people,

But I woke up, and what in the end -

Once again I'm standing on a broken road.

Here I rested with a lost look

In black pipes smoking poison.

It's strange and painful, because I see it,

That my planet is dying.

And important uncles for self-interest

In greedy delirium and toxic stench

Move your business project

With the help of fear nullify

Everything that flies, crawls, breathes heavily,

After all, it doesn’t bother them at all for a long time.

If only zeros were added to the account,

Albeit at the cost of Earth's suffering.

Here comes the sad story

It often seems like there is no way out.

But the beats of similar hearts are louder,

In a general desire to bring the end

A greedy monster, a beast from hell,

Everyone will say - no, and there is no need to be afraid.

Everyone was scared and bitter from troubles

Just yesterday, but not today.

This is not a dream, it's me, it's you:

People with heavenly dream eyes

Oleg Levitsky

Earth in my palm

Again they carry the crucified, in order to sell at a profit

The hunchbacked homeland is unlikely to be trimmed with a planer, however,

You can offer to buy it at a wholesale price,

Where there is no power of words, there is always the omnipotence of the monetary sign.

I will become a gypsy again, I will go barefoot around the world,

They sold my LOVE, and I go somewhere for the power of words.

Threw as spat thirty silver coins,

And they put all the selfless white light in their asses, and in the stall

We are now tied by our market price,

And when we want to scream and cry, we all drown in swill.

Our rivers and fields, and before dawn the nightingale,

My dear land, I will carry you in my palm.

Oleg Levitsky


From this video you can see one of the options for a secure future.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of vitality and health, which has a direct impact on the formation of a person's personality. Many of us, already in adulthood, remember calm walks through the quiet forest, fun swimming in the river and hiking with friends.

With its beauty and seasonal changes, nature attracts the attention of not only an adult, but also a small child. Gradually getting acquainted with the bright colors of the world around them, children discover an unknown world for themselves: they want to touch every flower, leaf, listen to birdsong, taste fragrant strawberries, etc. And the extent to which children will love and protect nature, take care of it depends on us.

We draw the attention of children to the beauty of nature!

Walking with the baby at any time of the year, pay attention to everything beautiful and amazing in the surrounding nature. This does not require a specific time and place. It is enough to look around while walking and listen to everything that happens, on the way to kindergarten and back.

Even in the usual phenomena you can see a lot of interesting and wonderful things:

  • In winter, you can admire the bright rays of the sun, which shimmer in gold on the snow, the charming lace of snowflakes, fancy snow caps on the branches of trees.
  • In springtime, the baby will enjoy watching the first flowers and green grass. He will be impressed by the first young leaves on the branches of trees.
  • In the summer, you can draw his attention to the drops of morning dew, the rainbow after the rain, the wonderful aroma of summer flowers.
  • And autumn will give the baby impressions of the bright colors of fading nature, the gold of fallen leaves, from which various bouquets can be made.

While walking in nature, talk with your child about simple rules that will help preserve all the beautiful things:

  • You should not tear too many flowers for a bouquet, it is better to pick a few flowers, and admire the rest of the flowers from the side.
  • Explain to the child why it is impossible to touch anthills and nests, tell about the benefits of birds and ants.
  • Tell them that fires must not be kindled in the forest, otherwise improper handling of fire can lead to a fire.
  • You can not break the branches of trees and shrubs.
  • Nature and all its inhabitants should be taken care of and admired from the outside.

Parents have great authority in the eyes of the child. By their example, the baby learns to love and appreciate all life around him. During a leisurely walk, tell about the benefits of birds, how they should be fed in winter, why you can’t touch nests and destroy fly agarics. Such conversations will help the child not only expand their own horizons, but also correctly form certain moral qualities.

Nature makes us better! Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes kinder and wiser. Let's learn together to take care of nature, protect and protect all life on earth.