How to deal with snails and slugs in the country: effective ways to protect your garden. How to deal with snails in the garden and in the garden? Fighting snails in the garden with drugs

Slugs and their relatives snails have become permanent inhabitants of our sites. Everything would be fine, only their numbers are steadily growing every year, as well as the number of spoiled crops in the garden. In the evening you rejoice at the young shoots, and in the morning only shiny stains of mucus and pest excrement are visible in the garden bed. You can fight slugs using both chemical methods and environmentally friendly folk remedies.

Microorganisms are diluted with water and the beds with crops are watered. Within 7 days, the gastropod pests die, and the nematodes live in the soil for about another month and wait for new victims. True, it is difficult to obtain such a drug, since its shelf life is only a month, and then the microorganisms die.

You can attract animals and birds that feed on slugs to the site

Snails and slugs are included in the diet of hedgehogs, thrushes, starlings, ground beetles, frogs, lizards and toads. You just need to create comfortable living conditions for them, and you will forget about such a scourge as slugs. For amphibians, build a small pond, make a shelter for the hedgehog from brushwood and branches in a corner of the garden, leave a pile of leaves for the ground beetles, and leave a pile of stones for the lizards. Birds will enjoy nesting boxes hung in trees and feeders in winter. Then, out of habit, birds will visit your site in the summer. Periodically feed useful residents and they will repay you handsomely.

Advice. If there are birds on the farm, then release the animals into the garden in spring and autumn; not a single slug will escape their watchful eye, and the birds will receive a valuable protein supplement to their diet.

Everyone loves intoxicating drinks

Snails and slugs are very attracted to the smell of kvass, beer and honey. Drink traps are effective at night, when gastropods are especially active. You can use cans or plastic bottles filled with treats, and even mole crickets will flock to the last feast. How it's done.

  1. Take a jar or plastic bottle with the top cut off.
  2. Just below the neck it is lightly smeared with honey.
  3. A little beer is poured into the bottom. By the way, Bavarian gardeners claim that slugs are gourmets and prefer dark beers.
  4. The container is dug into the ground level with the soil.
  5. A piece of slate or curved cardboard is placed on top.
  6. You can buy a trap with a bowl-like lid at a garden center. It works on the same principle as a jar, only it looks more beautiful.

Use snail traps

The mollusks themselves will come for such a treat; you just need to periodically top up the bait. It is worth noting that this method does not show high efficiency in all regions, so look at the situation.

Physical methods of destruction

The simplest method is to collect it by hand, although it is very labor-intensive. The best time to “catch” is early morning or evening, and also immediately after rain, when snails crawl out en masse. The task will be made a little easier by placing piles of freshly cut grass, boards, and pieces of linoleum around the area; under them the mollusks hide from the scorching sun, and at night they crawl out to fish in search of food.

Another method of destruction is to spray the plants on which slugs are found with hot water.
Some gardeners sprinkle the soil in their beds with salt, supposedly salt has a detrimental effect on the pest, but it should be remembered that salinization of the soil negatively affects plant growth, so you should not get carried away with this method.

Slugs do not like soil sprayed with iron or copper sulfate. Powdered with lime or chemical fertilizers. Lime absorbs mucus from the surface of the mollusks, they die from dehydration.

Plant herbs that repel snails

The industry offers products based on metaldehyde. These are the well-known Thunderstorm and Thunder. The preparations are blue granules that are scattered along the plantings in a strip. The substance affects the digestive tract of the pest and is safe for humans and soil microorganisms, as well as birds. However, it is recommended to use it with caution; it is, after all, a toxic chemical.

Advice. Gastropods prefer shaded places with sufficient moisture, so regular mowing of the edges of the site and the turf garden is recommended.


In nature, mollusks play their positive role: they eat fallen litter, plant shoots, and mushrooms. However, their mass march through gardens is like an invasion of locusts, and here there is no need to think about the benefits of snails. But not all greens are readily eaten by snails and slugs. Here are the observations of gardeners:

  1. Shellfish are not particularly fond of nettles, so the dried grass is used to mulch vegetable plantings. They also don’t really like beds covered with pine needles.
  2. It has been noticed that the smell of aromatic herbs repels the pest: lavender, rosemary and sage, laurel, santolin, parsley. Many people combine planting these herbs with vegetable beds.
  3. Sprinkling hot ground pepper around the plantings is effective. But after rain, the powder needs to be renewed.
  4. Mustard decoctions and garlic tinctures make plants sprayed with this potion unattractive to slugs.

Advice. As a distraction, scatter the slugs' favorite greens throughout the beds: lettuce, beet tops, tomatoes. The snails will first of all go for this treat and will not crawl to the main crop in the garden. Replace the foliage periodically with fresh ones. This bait works especially well in a greenhouse.

Mechanical barriers for pests

The freedom of movement of the pest is significantly limited by various tricks used to combat the voracious pest:

  • The industry offers plastic gutters for bordered beds. The device is attached to the fence and filled with water. Enemies cannot overcome such a ditch and often drown in it. For single plants, plastic rings are produced;

Do not use too many chemicals so as not to disturb the garden ecosystem
  • fine gravel, crushed eggshells and broken seashells do not evoke positive emotions in slugs, so such materials work well between rows, but only in dry weather;
  • coarse sand is used to sprinkle beds with young seedlings;
  • folk craftsmen border the borders of the beds with wire connected to a battery. Trying to crawl over an obstacle, the pest closes the circuit and receives a small electric shock. Not fatal, but unpleasant enough to try again.

It is impossible to completely clear your property of snails and slugs. If only because new individuals will crawl to you from neighboring areas. But their numbers can be contained. If you don’t have time to tinker with folk remedies, then use chemicals. In any case, there is always a way out, because it is very difficult to put up with a spoiled harvest and eaten seedlings.

Did you know that harmless-looking, inconspicuous snails have 14,175 teeth, with which they grind everything edible that comes their way in the garden?

It is quite difficult to fight a snail invasion; the easiest way to prevent it is by periodically carrying out preventive measures against these voracious mollusks.

The fight against snails in the garden, garden and country house is carried out using various methods: environmental, mechanical, chemical and folk remedies.

Fighting snails in the garden

Although snails cause irreparable damage to the garden, they still belong to the category of garden orderlies. By processing the remains of various plants damaged by any pests or dead, they perform an important function in the garden - they cleanse and heal the garden ecosystem. Therefore, the fight against snails in the garden should be carried out using gentle measures, and not by exterminating them indiscriminately.

First of all, the access of mollusks to plants should be limited, and the chemical method of exterminating snails should be used only as a last resort, and only selectively, in those places where there are too many snails.

Competent gardening is the first preventative measure against snail infestations. It consists of various techniques, which include improving the structure and quality of the soil, timely gardening work, properly selected garden plants, periodic maintenance of garden hygiene, crop rotation, well-chosen plant proximity and much more.

All these measures will strengthen the plants, and, as you know, strong, healthy plants resist diseases and pests better than weakened and sick ones.

Birds, frogs, lizards, fireflies, toads, hedgehogs, and some beetles also help fight snails in the garden. Therefore, attract these beneficial fauna to provide natural pest control.

Attracting them is quite simple: when you see a hedgehog in the garden, treat him with milk, then he will come again for a treat, and even bring his family. Know that one hedgehog eats snails as much as it weighs.

To attract frogs and toads, dig a small pond in your area. Catch these animals in a city pond or park and place them on your property, creating comfortable conditions for them.

Fighting snails in the garden

By eating leaves, gnawing root vegetables and eating flowers, snails cause irreparable damage to the garden - they limit photosynthesis, reduce the appearance of ovaries, and shorten the shelf life of damaged crops.

A damaged plant is more likely to develop fungal diseases, and the mucus of the pests causes the fruits to rot. There are many ways to fight snails in the garden, but it is best to use mechanical and environmental control methods.

The chemical method is used only as a last resort, since it is dangerous not only for pests, but also for plants. The mechanical way to combat voracious pests is to collect them manually, which is best done with tweezers.

Catching snails

You can catch shellfish using traps that are placed in cool, damp areas. To do this, rags, old bags soaked in fruit juice or beer, cabbage or burdock leaves, and boards are placed between the beds on the paths.

On a hot day, snails will crawl under the laid out shelters; all you have to do is quickly collect them in the evening. You can also fight snails in your dacha using shallow containers filled with water and covered with rags. The containers need to be dug level with the ground. Collected snails are destroyed in a saline or soap solution.

Grape snails

Most often, grape snails live in the garden and garden. They have a soft body, so the fight against grape snails can be done with the help of eggshells, broken shells, and fine gravel.

By scattering crushed shells and egg shells in ribbons between the beds, you will create an unpleasant surface for the snails to move around, because the sharp edges of the scattered material will cut their delicate bodies.

You can also sprinkle 2-3 strips of superphosphate or lime between the beds - they quickly absorb moisture and mucus from the surface of the snail’s body, thereby blocking its movement. But this method of control has a drawback - it is inconvenient to water the plants, and it is washed off by the first rain.

Means for fighting snails

As mentioned above, the fight against snails in a summer cottage should, if possible, be done using mechanical or folk means. You can place plastic gutters filled with water in your garden or vegetable garden.

Ecological ways

In the garden, gutters with water are attached to prefabricated beds. Water is an insurmountable obstacle for snails, so once they get into the water, they can no longer get out of it.

An ecological way of pest control is to attract representatives of beneficial fauna: starlings, jays, thrushes, hedgehogs, frogs, etc.

Snails do not eat all plants - they cannot tolerate herbs. Therefore, plant garlic, parsley, rosemary, sage, and bay around the perimeter of the beds - they will repel voracious pests from the plants.

As a means of combating snails, you can use infusions of coffee, mustard and hot pepper. 2 tsp coffee powder, mustard or hot pepper are diluted in 200 g. boiling water, cool and spray the plants.

They do not like snails and fresh nettles laid on the beds. You can also buy wide plastic headbands with bent edges.

They are fixed around plants in the ground and that’s it - snails will not be able to get close to the greenery. You can also distract snails from plants using old leaves and tops of plants.

This method of pest control is especially effective in greenhouses and greenhouses. Carried away by devouring this waste, the snails “forget” about the growing plants, so they can be safely collected along with the drying waste and destroyed. Traps should be periodically replaced with fresh tops.

Modern and chemical means

Methods of fighting snails are constantly being improved. There are, for example, rims and self-adhesive tapes made of copper, covering material with a copper coating - with their help you can exercise electrical control over pests. From contact with copper, mollusks receive a mild electric shock, which is why they do not want to cross this barrier.

This method is quite easy to use: purchased microorganisms are diluted with water and watered from a watering can to the plantings where the snails live. All snails die in this place within a week. One watering is enough for one and a half months of operation.

You can also fight snails in your garden and garden using chemical means if all else fails. Chemical means for pest control are different, but the more effective ones are metaldehyde granules “Meta” and “Groza”.

The beautiful blue granules of these products attract and instantly kill shellfish, but be aware that it is also dangerous to pets and people. Therefore, precautions should be taken when using these drugs.

Fighting snails with folk remedies

The fight against snails with folk remedies is carried out in various proven ways.

Salt treatment

The most common way to combat these pests is to sprinkle the soil with salt or spray the plants with a saline solution, but this may cause the leaves of some plants to dry out or become discolored.

Some gardeners and gardeners water plants with a solution of citric acid or vinegar from a watering can. The solution should be made weak - 25 g. citric acid or 25 ml of 9% vinegar per 10 liters of water. Plants are sprayed with these solutions once a week, preferably in the evening.

In the garden

Such folk measures as placing low cans of lemonade, fermented compote or beer can also effectively combat snails in the garden.

Banks are dug in flush with the ground in places where snails accumulate. The mollusks, attracted by the smell, are stuffed into jars overnight and can’t get out again. A good effect is achieved by scattering ash or dry coarse sand around the plants.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, folk remedies recommend spraying the soil with garlic infusion: 50 g. grind the garlic in a meat grinder and infuse in 10 liters of water. Then they mix, filter and water the passage between the beds and the beds themselves.

On strawberry

You can fight snails on strawberries like this: sprinkle the ground with spruce needles or put a thick layer of pine and spruce paws on the bed. Spruce and pine needles serve as good protection against snails, and in addition protect the soil from drying out and fertilize it.

The collected snails are placed in a solution of salt, washing powder or kerosene. Do not place live snails in compost heaps - under favorable conditions they will begin to lay eggs.

Dig up the soil in the spring, thereby destroying the clutches of eggs laid by snails. 1-2 times a month it is necessary to loosen the soil, pull out weeds and remove them from the garden.

Even if you don’t see snails in person, this doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You can notice the presence of slugs by the presence of eaten lettuce and cabbage leaves. Most often, such holes, gnawed out by mollusks, have an irregular shape. You can also notice the presence of snails by looking at traces of mucus on plants. Having noticed these signs, you need to urgently get to work fighting slugs and snails.

Most often in domestic garden beds you can see the arable slug and the grape snail. First of all, they harm plants by eating their leaves, but they are also carriers of helminth infections that affect livestock. If measures are not taken, snails and slugs will simply eat your plants, limit the process of photosynthesis, reduce the number of flower ovaries, which will lead to a sharp drop in yield.

Fighting snails in the country - the main methods

There are three ways to deal with unpleasant neighbors on your property. These include mechanical, chemical and environmental methods. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

Preventive measures to combat shellfish

Slugs and mollusks are quite difficult to deal with; it is much easier to carry out preventive work that will help you prevent their appearance on the site. To do this, you need to create an environment unfavorable for their living. First of all, deprive pests of their houses - extra stones, building materials, study. It is advisable to mow the grass in a timely manner, for which you will need a good one.

In order to deprive shellfish of the opportunity to hide in cracks in the soil, loosen it as often as possible, especially during the growing season of plants. And after you have harvested, carefully remove all plant debris from the area, as this will deprive the snails of the opportunity to overwinter in the garden.

The fight against such harmful mollusks is a very important stage for obtaining a full and tasty harvest. Try to take our warnings as seriously as possible, and as soon as you see the presence of snails in the garden, use the tips we have given. Despite their tiny size, slugs and snails in the countryside can cause irreparable harm to your garden.

The tricky thing about snails is that you won’t see them during the day, since they hide in damp and cool corners of the garden. But overnight, these “creepers” can thoroughly eat up the leaves of young cultivated plants and destroy a ripening crop. To prevent this, the fight against snails in the garden should be effective, but, if possible, gentle.

Control of garden snails using mechanical methods

The snail is not one of the hated insects that you just want to crush, like a Colorado potato beetle. They are very sweet and beautiful creatures, sometimes moving you into touching feelings. Children really like them. And now it’s time to mention one of the methods of fighting snails in the garden.

Ask the children to collect all the snails they find in the garden into a bucket or jar. Turn it into a game, we're sure the kids will love it. All collected snails can simply be taken to the nearest forest and released.

In addition, toads and frogs, as well as domestic ducks, can collect snails no less effectively. As soon as you let them out into the garden, they will begin to eat this tasty treat. Just remember that birds will not stand on ceremony with plantings and can trample and pluck them.

Many gardeners place traps around the site by laying sheets of cardboard, plywood, burlap on the ground, greased on the back with rancid oil, curdled milk or a sour dough solution. Snails gathered there can be removed en masse from the garden.

Physical barriers in the form of gutters filled with water along the perimeter of the beds, dry porous materials, crushed cutting compounds in the rows (egg shells, shells) also help a lot. You can also use individual plant protection in the form of rims - homemade or purchased. All these methods protect cultivated plants from attacks by snails.

But to the question: is it possible to crush snails in a garden plot, the answer will be ambiguous. You, of course, can crush all the individuals caught in the garden, but this will not help you in the fight, since soon a new generation will hatch from the eggs they leave behind. So cruelty will be unjustified.

Fighting snails with folk remedies

There are a lot of folk methods, and here are the most popular of them:

  1. In places where snails accumulate, add more salt - they are unlikely to survive such an impact. Just be careful with the beds - salt can harm cultivated plants.
  2. Plant mustard, thyme, rosemary or parsley between the rows - snails cannot tolerate these spicy plants.
  3. Mulch the beds with sawdust or sprinkle the ground with ash - this will significantly hinder the movement of snails around the garden.

Did you know that snails have 14,175 teeth, with which they quickly grind everything edible in the ground that comes their way?

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a large number of gardeners, as well as gardeners, are in search of answers to the question of how to properly deal with snails in their local area.

You need to know that it is very difficult to fight an invasion of snails; it can most easily be prevented by carrying out preventive measures against these creatures from time to time.

In addition, cute favorites of small children, snails are carriers of tapeworms as well as roundworms.

What can snails destroy?

Snails often crawl out to “hunt” at night or in bad cloudy weather after rain. During the day, they like to camouflage themselves in secluded places where it is very humid and too dark. You can find out that you have snails by the irregularly shaped holes that the mollusks gnaw out in the succulent leaves of various plants.

They don't like the stem and large veins at all. Another correct sign of the appearance of snails in your local area is heaps of feces, as well as traces of mucus. These signs may mean that it's time to seriously fight snails in.

The fight against snails is carried out using different methods: mechanical, environmental, chemical, and also folk methods.

Ways to control snails in the garden

Although these mollusks cause great damage to the garden, they should still be classified as garden nurses. By processing all injured plants by some pests, or dead parts of various plants, they perform a great function in the garden - they completely cleanse the garden ecosystem. Therefore, the battle with snails in the garden must be carried out using gentle measures, and not by exterminating them all.

First, you need to limit the access of snails to, and the chemical method of exterminating snails should be used only as a last resort, and only locally, in those places where there are a lot of snails.

Proper gardening is the first preventive measure against true shellfish infestations. It consists of various techniques, which include modernization of the structure and quality of the soil, ongoing garden work, well-selected garden plants, temporary maintenance of hygiene in the garden, rotation of different crops, correctly selected plant proximity and much more.

All these measures will strengthen the plants, and, as everyone knows, strong, normal plants are better able to resist diseases and the invasion of various pests than damaged ones.

Birds, lizards, frogs, fireflies, hedgehogs, toads, and various beetles also help fight snails in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to attract these representatives of beneficial fauna so that they carry out natural control over all pests.

You can attract them very easily: when you see a hedgehog in the garden, you should treat him with milk, then he will come again for a treat, and he can even bring his family. It is worth knowing that one hedgehog can eat as many snails as its weight.

To attract frogs and toads, you need to dig a small one in your area. Catch these animals in a city pond or park, and then settle them on your property, creating the best conditions for them.

What methods can you use to fight snails in your garden?

By eating a lot of foliage, gnawing out many roots of fruits, and also eating flowers, mollusks cause great damage to the garden - they completely limit photosynthesis, also reduce the occurrence of ovaries, and completely reduce the storage time of an already damaged crop.

An injured plant has the most attempts to develop various fungal diseases; in addition, the mucus of the pests causes the fruits to completely rot. You can fight all mollusks in the garden in different ways, but it is advisable to use mechanical as well as environmental methods of control.

The chemical method is used only as a last resort, since it is dangerous both for pests and for the plants themselves. The mechanical option for controlling snails is to collect them manually, which is preferably done using tweezers.

We catch snails. You can easily catch snails using traps that are placed in damp places. To do this, old bags, rags, cabbage leaves or burdock, as well as boards are placed between the beds themselves on the paths.

On a hot day, the snail clams will crawl under their shelters; all you have to do is quickly grab them and collect them in the evening.

You can also fight mollusks in the country using shallow tanks filled with water and covered with rags. The containers must be dug level with the ground. The collected mollusks are completely liquidated in a saline and soap solution.

Fighting grape snails

Shellfish cannot eat all plants; for example, they cannot tolerate herbs at all. Therefore, it is worth planting parsley, garlic, rosemary, sage, and also laurel around the perimeter of the beds - they will constantly repel snails from various plants.

Infusions of mustard, coffee, and pepper can be used as a means of combating voracious pests.

They do not tolerate snails or fresh nettles laid on the beds. You can also purchase wide plastic headbands with specially bent edges.

They are attached around plantings in the ground and that’s it - the mollusks will not be able to get close to the plants at all. You can also easily distract pests from plantings using old leaves, as well as tops of plantings.

This option for combating pests is very effective in greenhouses. Being carried away by eating this waste, the mollusks “forget” about all the growing plantings, therefore, they can be easily collected along with all the drying waste and disposed of. Traps must be replaced from time to time with fresh tops.

New and chemical means of snail control

It is very easy to use this method: the acquired methods are first diluted with water and then watered from a watering can on the planting where the snails are located. All mollusks die in this place within a week. However, watering will last for 1.5 months.

You can also fight mollusks in your local area using chemical methods, if nothing else helps. Chemical methods for combating different pests are completely different, but the best are metaldehyde granules.

The beautiful blue granules of these drugs attract and immediately kill snails, but you need to know that it is also dangerous for pets and many people. Therefore, when using these drugs, you should observe all safety measures.

Fighting snails or slugs using folk remedies (Video)

The fight against mollusks with folk remedies is carried out using various proven methods.

Salt treatment. The most commonly used option for combating these pests is to sprinkle the soil with salt, or they can be sprayed on the plants with a special saline solution, but this can cause many plants to dry out or simply become discolored.

Many gardeners and gardeners water their plants with a solution of citric acid. The solution must be made weak.

In the garden. The best way to combat shellfish in the garden is to place small cans of beer, lemonade, and fermented compote.

The jars are dug in strictly level with the ground exactly in the places where shellfish are collected. The mollusks, which are attracted by the smell, are stuffed into the jars overnight, but they can’t get back out at all. The normal effect is achieved by ash scattered around various plants.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, such means are advised to spray the ground with garlic infusion.

On strawberries. You can fight snails on strawberries in this way: sprinkle the soil with spruce needles or put a thick layer of spruce paws on the garden bed. Spruce and pine needles can serve as excellent protection against snails, and in addition they protect the soil from drying out and fertilize it well.

The collected shellfish are placed directly into a solution of salt and laundry detergent. You should not place live snails in compost heaps - under normal conditions they will begin to lay eggs.

It is necessary to dig up the soil in early spring, thus removing egg clutches laid by mollusks. A couple of times a month it is worth loosening the soil, pulling out all the weeds and removing them from the garden.

For an example of the destruction of snails from the territory of a garden or vegetable garden, see our video