How to quickly learn to stand on the bridge from a standing position: execution technique, tips, secrets. Gymnastic exercise "bridge": how to learn to do at home

The beauty of the body is not only developed muscles, but also plasticity, therefore, in addition to strength training, it is very important to pay attention to stretching and flexibility exercises. One of the best such exercises is the bridge. This stance is a kind of test for spinal flexibility and coordination. Learning how to perform it is not easy, but in the process of training, the level of plasticity that is necessary for the beauty and harmonious development of the body is achieved. Consider how to get on the bridge, even if at first it seems like an impossible task. By including special exercises in the training complex, you can master the most difficult version of this stance, simultaneously developing the flexibility of the spine and improving the quality of the muscles.

Having pumped up the muscles, you can look spectacular in statics, but if the joints are not flexible, the muscles are “wooden”, then the movements will not have the lightness and plasticity inherent in a harmoniously developed body. Athletes who combine power with flexibility and ease of movement look the most attractive. The bridge exercise will help to achieve the necessary flexibility and dynamism of the figure, to acquire excellent posture.

The benefits of bridge exercises are not limited to a positive effect on appearance. This stance has powerful healing potential.

Well-known Eastern healers of antiquity believed that the health and longevity of a person depends on the condition of the spine. Their correctness is confirmed by Indian yogis, practicing exercises, most of which are aimed specifically at developing flexibility and strengthening the spinal column.

Backbends develop the flexibility of the spine, strengthen the deep muscles of the back. The cartilaginous tissue of the vertebral discs receives the necessary substances not from the blood, but from the synovial fluid. For its influx, active movements of the vertebrae are necessary. Due to the low mobility of the spinal column, its cartilages receive less nutrition, and degenerative changes in cartilage begin already at a young age.

Bending back causes the intervertebral discs to contract and stretch, acting like an internal massage. As a result, the inflow of synovial fluid is ensured, and the vertebrae are actively supplied with the necessary substances. As a result, metabolic processes in cartilage tissue are accelerated, and regeneration processes are launched.

A strong and healthy spine is especially important in strength training, because this type of load is very traumatic. The inclusion of the bridge in the training program of athletes and bodybuilders serves as an excellent prevention of back injuries.

In addition to a beneficial effect on the spine, regular standing on the bridge contributes to the expansion of the chest, an increase in lung capacity, and stretching of the abdominal muscles. Due to the unusual position of the head, the vestibular apparatus and the vessels of the brain are trained, which serves as a prevention of cerebrovascular accidents.

The benefits of this exercise cannot be overestimated. In addition, being able to easily get on and off the bridge from a standing position can attract admiring glances in the gym, which increases mood and motivation.

Preparatory exercises

Attempts to make a bridge without proper preparation can end not only in failure, but also in injury. When performing this stance, sufficient flexibility of the spine, strength of certain muscle groups and coordination of movements are required. Therefore, it is necessary to master the stance gradually, systematically performing special exercises, moving from simple to complex.

Consider the lead-up exercises to get on the bridge. Include them in your training program, and you will be able to master even the most difficult version of this stance.

This simple exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs, lower back and buttocks.

Lying on your back, you need to put your legs bent at the knees slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands lie relaxed on the floor. Raise your pelvis as high as you can by arching your lower back and tensing your buttocks. At the same time, lean on your feet and shoulders, do not take your head off the floor, your neck should be relaxed, otherwise injuries may occur. At the top, hold for 1-2 seconds and lower the pelvis. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. When you can do 3 sets of 15-20 reps, move on to the next stage of the training process.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms, back, and abs. Perform it from a sitting position.

Legs lie on the floor, straightened and parted slightly wider than shoulders. The palms rest on the floor slightly behind the body. Raise your pelvis and align your torso and legs in a straight line. At the same time, do not bend your neck, do not lower your head, look in front of you. If you can’t take this position, you can at first slightly bend your knees. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Achieve 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bridge with support

Having worked out the previous two exercises, you will sufficiently strengthen the necessary muscle groups, and you can try to stand in the bridge from the support. A fitball is suitable as a support; in its absence, you can use an ottoman or a low bench.

Sit on the floor with your back to the support, then, leaning on your feet and palms, move the middle of your back to the support. Put your hands behind your head and rest your palms on the floor, fingers pointing towards your shoulders. Legs bent at the knees are slightly wider than shoulders. The neck is relaxed, the head is down. Extend your arms and legs at the same time, breaking away from the support and bending. Try to straighten your arms and legs as much as possible and stay in this position.

When this stance is already easy to obtain, then you can already master the bridge exercise from a prone position.

classic bridge

Having learned to easily stand up on the bridge from the support, you can proceed to working out the rack from the prone position.

Starting position: lying on your back, feet stand near the buttocks shoulder-width apart, hands rest on the floor with palms on both sides of the head, fingers pointing towards the shoulders. With the effort of your arms and legs, push the body up and, bending in the back, try to straighten the limbs. After you have stood in the bridge, freeze in this position, and then return to the starting position. Practice the handstand until you have completed 15 reps on each of the two sets.

The correct technique for performing the bridge exercise must meet the following conditions:

  • The maximum deflection in the back, the body should take the form of an arc.
  • The arms should be straightened, palms placed under the head.
  • The pelvis should be as high as possible and be above the level of the head and shoulders.
  • The legs must be straightened, a slight bend in the knees is allowed.
  • Breathing is even and deep, should not go astray.

Even more impressive is the ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position. It will take a little more time to learn how to do a bridge from a standing position, but your diligence will be rewarded by the fact that you can add this acrobatic element to your arsenal.

To work out the bridge from the vertical rack, you need a free section of the wall. Stand with your back to him at a distance of a couple of steps. Raise your hands up, bend back a little and lean your palms against the wall so that your fingers are pointing down. Swing your hands down the wall while arching your back and lowering your head. In this case, you can bend your knees a little. Reach the maximum possible level, and, moving your hands up, return to the starting position.

Perform this exercise for 8 repetitions in two sets in each workout, trying to go lower each time. When you can easily reach the floor and climb up the wall from this position, you can try to make a bridge from a standing position without the help of a wall.

Start practicing this stance only when you have learned to confidently do it against the wall. You need to stand up straight, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your bent arms above your head and arch your back while bending your knees and bringing your pelvis forward for balance. The gaze is directed back. It is necessary to bend as much as possible and see the place of "landing" of the palms. If the maximum deflection is reached, and the floor is still far away, then ask someone to insure you by grabbing your waist. With your hands on the floor, straighten your legs and arms, and keep your balance. You can get up from the bridge by raising one hand and turning over to the side.

When you can confidently stand up from a vertical position and can easily repeat this exercise without losing your balance, you can move on to the final stage of training, which will help you master the skill of lifting from the bridge.

Climbing from bridge to vertical position

Getting off the bridge to your feet is perhaps the most difficult thing. But if you've been training hard, developing your muscles and your vestibular apparatus, with a little exercise you can do it.

Standing in the bridge, try to transfer the weight of the body to the legs, for this you need to bend your knees and push your pelvis forward. You can “go” a little with your hands to your feet. Then, pushing off the floor with your palms and at the same time shifting the center of gravity forward, straighten up. This will require a lot of effort.

At the initial stage of mastering the rise from the bridge, a safety net is desirable. Have someone help you up with support at the waist. By understanding which muscles are involved in this movement, you will soon learn how to get into a standing position on your own.

Having mastered the technique of performing the bridge and lifting from it, work out this exercise to automatism and leave it in your training program. Regular bridging will bring many benefits to your health and beauty. But if this exercise is not performed regularly, then the acquired skill may be lost.

Often it seems to us that the implementation of certain acrobatic and sports elements is a simple matter. However, behind the imaginary lightness are years of training, work and daily struggle with your body. The secret of beauty and grace is in practice, perseverance and good stretching. The familiar “bridge” exercise is no exception.

Getting ready to take the bridge

How to learn to stand on the bridge? First, never try to do it yourself. The result will either not satisfy you, or you risk completely crippling yourself and getting injured. To properly and confidently stand on the bridge, prepare for this in stages, each time reaching a new level in the exercises. Do not hurry.

To stand on the bridge, we need some features of our body. First of all, a flexible and mobile spine. With a sedentary lifestyle, the vertebrae stagnate and become "wooden". Add to this sedentary office work, extra pounds, diseases of the joints and back.

In this case, it is better to devote the first classes to stretching and flexibility of your body. Otherwise, the joints and vertebrae will not succumb to the desired postures. Further training can be directed to strengthening the muscles of the back and abs. A good and strong back is the key to balance in the “bridge”.

Muscle stretching and strengthening

It is best to start with basic stretching exercises. These are twists and bends down so that the spine is stretched. Try to reach the floor with your hands. Perform the exercise without sudden movements. Press your stomach into your legs and slowly return to a standing position. Repeat 5 times.

Another exercise to strengthen the muscular frame. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide and stretch first one, then to the other foot, touching your legs with your stomach. Then stretch to the middle of the floor. Try to keep your spine straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Strength exercises for endurance and strengthening

A good effect in strengthening the muscular frame of the back and the press is given by twisting. They train the muscles, while stretching them, making them flexible. It is best to perform twisting on a flat surface. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Keep your hands behind your head. Rise up. In this position, turn to the left, then to the right. Try to touch your knees with your elbows. It is necessary to work with the body, straining the muscles of the abdomen, and not the neck or arms. It is better to repeat the exercise up to 12 times.

Yoga will help prepare you to learn how to stand on the bridge. As you know, yoga has good stretching, flexibility and muscle endurance exercises. This is the so-called "hill".

To do this exercise, get on all fours, it is important to stand straight. The floor should be a good support. Next, you need to raise your lower back as much as possible, stretching your pelvis up. The neck is relaxed at this point. Bend the spine and try to stretch the press to the legs. Don't bend your knees.

You will feel flexibility throughout your body. There will be a feeling of lightness, the body will be stretched and strengthened. It is better to repeat the “hill” several times, freezing in one position for a few seconds. Remember that yogis are also accustomed to breathing evenly and correctly. Oxygen nourishes muscle cells.

Another strengthening exercise - also on a flat surface. It is advisable to lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands at the seams. Chin - pull down to properly stretch the cervical vertebrae. In this position, do not rush, but calmly raise the pelvis. Everything else does not come off the mat. Only the back and belly work. In no case do not make sudden movements, everything is moderate. Similarly, gently lower the pelvis and back. In this exercise, try to bend the spine as much as possible. Repeat it several times, remembering to breathe.

After the above exercises, you will already be prepared to perform the bridge itself. First, try to do it from a lying position. The rug or floor should be comfortable and non-slip. Otherwise, you risk falling. Shoes and clothing can play a role. They should also be comfortable and non-slip. Professional acrobats, performing the bridge with bare feet, even use special talcum powder.

Be careful with your spine, do not immediately demand excellent results from yourself in becoming a bridge. Do this gradually, gaining height.

You will soon realize that the bridge is given to you effortlessly and does not cause discomfort. This means that you are doing everything right and have achieved the desired result, while at the same time strengthening your muscles and vertebrae.

Next, you can begin to practice the bridge from a standing position. Here it is important to keep the balance of the body when performing the exercise. Start doing it with the help of loved ones, let them insure you, after which you can move on to doing the exercise yourself. As you can see, to learn how to stand on the bridge, you need patience and desire.

Usually we learn to do a gymnastic bridge at school. Well, how, we learn - some quickly and naturally get into it even from a prone position, even from a straight stand without any walls, others try to shove an unyielding body into the desired position, and still others, the most unlucky and stubborn, also get injured in the process.

Just four years ago, gymnastic bridges as a lead-in exercise were of interest only to dancers, and even a narrow group of the population, striving to bench press more than their own weight. Today, the bridge is promoted by almost every sports public. Yes, the ability to perform it is an indicator of the flexibility of the spine, shoulder and hip joints, and an indirect indicator of the youth of our body. And if you are afraid, you still need to make a bridge, but ... This is one of the most traumatic exercises for an amateur, and you should not “push” your own body into the bridge at all costs.

Why is it not given to everyone

The most important thing to understand before doing all the popular exercises is that not everyone is given. Someone for years cannot shake more than 40 kg, someone cannot pull himself up, and someone cannot stand on the notorious bridge. Which is perfectly normal if this someone does not make a living teaching yoga and pole dancing. In general, a full gymnastic bridge in an independent performance is contraindicated until:

  • you cannot, in a straight stance, with a straight back and a not bent thoracic spine, raise straight arms up and take them back so that the line connecting the palms passes at least 2-3 cm further than the top of the head;
  • you are not able to lift a light stick with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip and take it behind your head;
  • you cannot bend your lower back backwards and pull your pelvis up to your shoulder blades just by lying on your back.

These are mobility restrictions, they are the same for children and adults. Those who want to know how to teach a child to make a bridge should take this into account. If this is the case, you need to do lead-up exercises and return to the bridge only when the restrictions cease to be such. If the matter is complicated by the presence of hernias that blew in the spinal column, as well as arthrosis of the main working joints, it is worth consulting with a doctor regarding the possibility of training a bridge. The same applies to injuries of various origins.

Warm up and warm up

In the process of performing the bridge, not only increased joint mobility is required, but also the preparation of muscle tissues and fascia. If you are doing strength training in your spare time from bridges, and / or doing serious amounts of cardio, you should not start with stretches in the spirit of school physical education, but with a joint warm-up and myofascial relaxation.

The complex can be like this:

  • 8 rotations clockwise and counterclockwise with the wrists, then - eight with brushes gathered in a finger lock, then - rotation of the elbows clockwise and counterclockwise, arms to the sides, circles with the shoulders back and forth, lifting and lowering the thoracic spine, circles with the pelvis, deep squats without weight in full amplitude, forward bends with a straight back and maximum flexion in the hip joint, circles with feet with a weightless leg;
  • separately, a complex of head rotations and lowering the chin to the chest should be performed;
  • then you need to take a foam roller or a hard ball and “roll” the calf muscles, the back of the thigh, the back from the sacrum to the cervical, the front surface of the body and separately the triceps, quadriceps, hips and shoulders;
  • after that, you can perform about 10-12 minutes of light cardio in any available format to improve blood circulation and increase body temperature.
  • half-bridges - that is, the separation of the spine and pelvis in the supine position, the heels are brought to the buttocks, resting on the shoulder blades, then - exit to the shoulders, the head lies on the floor, and the heels - rest on the floor;
  • deflections in the thoracic region - from a prone position, you need to collect the shoulder blades and, as it were, lower them into the back pockets of the trousers (push towards the lower back), while the pelvis remains on the ground, and the lumbar and thoracic regions come off the ground;
  • squats with a light stick behind the head - perform the usual weightlifting jerk (dynamic lifting of a light stick behind the head and deep squat, literally “buttocks to the floor”) and, stretching the pectoral muscles and lowering the shoulder blades to the pelvis, try to bring the stick behind the head.

All exercises are static, fixation should be kept from 40 to 120 seconds, perform 3-4 sets of each.

The so-called exercises for the development of flexibility of the spine

Strictly speaking, the spine cannot be inflexible. If you have pain in certain areas and there is no way to bend yourself into a bridge, the reasons can be very different:

  1. hernias and protrusions that you do not know about. Yes, this happens to most adults, someone blames it on the wrong posture and weak muscles, someone on the deadlift performed in rebounding from the platform, in general, neither athletes nor those who play sports are immune from this despises. If there is a stabbing or aching sensation near one or two vertebrae, arms and legs go numb, and there is discomfort when running and walking, you should consult a doctor, and not do bridges at home;
  2. little mobility in the shoulder joints. If the arms behind the back with a straight back do not start in any way, you should develop mobility in the shoulder joints, and not “flexibility of the spine”, any training should begin with a joint warm-up and mobilization of the shoulders;
  3. weak back extensor muscle. It is the same for everyone who does not pull the deadlift, and does not do inclinations with a barbell;
  4. atrophied latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles and a “round” habitual posture of the back, that is, “office posture”;
  5. curvature of the spinal column - the reason here is not the "inflexibility of the structure", but the uneven development of the muscles of the back and legs, which can significantly affect the biomechanics of movement, and complicate the bridge with a raised leg;
  6. arthritic changes in the joints (unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, if you stubbornly want to exercise, do more warm-ups, and if you follow the classic recommendations, sign up for swimming and massage);
  7. banal fear of "breaking your back";
  8. changes in the thoracic-lumbar fascia, they are called in sports medicine "nodules of tension", they appear due to too active strength training. The nodules can be kneaded with a roller for self-massage, or periodically go to the massage therapist.

Complex for shoulder joints

  • Rotations

Stand up straight and rotate the heads of the shoulders back to the shoulder blades, making a very slow movement, literally 12-15 even counts. Repeat 9-15 times, then work back. The pace must be such that one set of rotations takes at least one minute.

  • Spins with straight arms

Remember the exercise with a light dough stick? You do the same, but without the stick. The goal is to bring the shoulders as close to the ears as possible. We start the rotation from straight arms lowered along the body, bringing them in front of the body, and winding up behind the head, and then lowering them along the same trajectory in front of the body.

  • Rope spins

The same option, but with a wide grip we take a rope or a rope, the grip is 20-30 cm wider than the shoulders, the amplitude is comfortable, but the goal is again not to bring the shoulders to the ears.

  • Front rubber shock absorbers

We attach the shock absorber to a hook at chest level and pull it to the face, with the elbows as far behind the back as possible. This exercise is enough to do in 3 sets of 15-20 times at an average pace.

Exercises to Correct Weak Back Muscles

If the reason for the lack of a bridge is the weakness of the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, it is necessary to master (these muscles work as stabilizers), pulling up on the horizontal bar and pulling the barbell or dumbbells in an inclination to the belt. Exercises should be done in power mode for 5-6 repetitions, followed by hypertrophy, that is, in 8-12 repetitions.

Technique of execution of various bridges

  • From a sitting position

It is necessary to sit on the floor on the buttocks, feet at the pelvis, start with a deflection in the lumbar region and put the hands behind the head, take the emphasis with the hands and tear the pelvis off the floor. Despite certain aesthetic advantages (can be used in some types of dance, for example), this is the most biomechanically incorrect and dangerous type of bridge. It causes a lot of compression in the lumbar region, and it is safer the faster you can raise the pelvis off the floor. In general, the option is not recommended for beginners.

A variant of this bridge is the sit-on-gym bridge. In this case, you should sit as vertically as possible, straight, so that the pelvic bones are in a plane perpendicular to the floor. After this, relaxation of the abdominal muscles and a strong deflection in the lower back are performed. Then we lower our shoulders onto the bench, and arch our back upwards, the support is performed by the shoulders. If this bridge is made for the needs, you should actively "bring" the pelvis with your feet to the shoulder blades, after the position of the bridge is accepted. No need to make sudden movements, this is not useful.

Important: do not make bridges on narrow and slippery gymnastic benches. Cover standard hall equipment with a terry towel to ensure the stability of the body position and make sure that the shoulder blades do not slip off.

  • From a prone position

Starting position - as for straight twisting, you need to lie on your back and place your feet at a distance of 2 feet from the buttocks. Put your palms behind your head, take the emphasis with your hands and raise your pelvis up, arching your back.

You need to get up from the bridge smoothly, carefully performing the sequence of movements in reverse order. You should not accelerate, and even more so, fall on your back.

Learning to get up on your hands from the bridge is even more difficult. To do this, you must, in principle, already be able to stand on your hands. Beginners are advised to stand with their heads to the wall in the bridge, and throw one leg at a time on the wall, while using the help of the insurer.

  • From a standing position

Another option, not intended for a beginner in principle. Stand up straight, push your pelvis forward, put your hands behind your head and, pushing your pelvis forward, lower them to the floor. The deflection should be deep, and the position of the palms and feet should be such that it is stable.

Important: you should not train the bridge more than 2 times a week. If you are doing strength training, it is logical to do it at the end of a bench press workout, since after pulling or back exercises, it is unlikely that you will be able to properly collect the shoulder blades and make a good deflection of the spine.

In yoga, the bridge on the elbows is practiced, this is when the deflection in the thoracic and lumbar region allows you to bend so that you put your forearms, and not your palms, on the floor in the bridge. It is correct to master this bridge after sufficient mobility has been achieved in the so-called fish pose, a deflection in the thoracic region in the supine position.

Typical beginner mistakes

Beginners usually perform bridges without a warm-up, trying to learn quickly, and, even more so, without increasing the amplitude in the joints. Stretching is not an easy load, you need to warm up before it, otherwise the benefit is lost. This is the biggest mistake.

In addition, you should not do "springs" throughout the entire range of motion, especially when performing the bridge from a standing position. Ballistic stretching is harmful to the joints in principle, and in this version can lead to serious injury. Lead-up exercises should not be neglected. But if the mobility of the joints is normal, and the bridge still fails, it's not about you and not about the bridge, but that the feet or palms are not standing correctly. Try a wider or narrower stance to improve core stability in the exercise.

And the most important mistake is haste, attempts to “sit on the splits in a month, stand on the bridge in a week”, and in general, almost complete the CCM in gymnastics in 2 days. All these girls from beautiful pictures walked to the bridges with a relaxed expression for more than one month. Be patient and develop the body in a comprehensive manner, and you will definitely achieve your goal.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

Which, probably, each of us did at school physical education lessons is a “bridge”. Many athletes, most likely, have forgotten about it, and in vain - it is simply not possible to find better movements for warming up the back (both muscles and the spinal column). At the same time, modern glossy magazines and Internet portals dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding publish monotonous articles with enviable regularity, describing for the hundredth time the methods of training biceps and “cubes”, undeservedly depriving such a useful exercise of attention. Let's restore justice and consider it in detail.

How to learn to make a bridge

A brief excursion into anatomy: the importance and functions of the spinal column

Even people who skipped biology and anatomy classes as children know and understand that the backbone, the “core” of the human body, is the spine. The number of its functions is extremely large, and each of them is important and serious in its own way. Among them it should be noted:

  1. The spine is the "frame" to which the spinal muscles, abdominal walls, ribs, and pelvic bones are attached.
  2. The spine performs shock absorption and softening during falls, jumps, sudden movements.
  3. The spine is involved in almost all movements of the body and head.
  4. The spine is a protective "sheath" for the spinal cord - which is a complex interweaving of nerve fibers that ensure the transmission of impulses from the brain and to it.

Each of the above points is vital. For this reason, the slightest violation of the functionality of the spinal column (and the spinal cord located inside the vertebrae) can lead to serious consequences - up to paralysis of individual limbs or even the entire body.

Muscle groups provide protection and mobility of the spinal column. More than 30 pairs of muscles of various shapes, lengths, depths and purposes are mirrored on both sides of the spine. In this article, it is necessary to single out only one of them - the extensors of the back. Erector Spinae (their Latin name) stretch from the sacrum to the occipital bone (from the pelvis to the neck), doing work when the spinal column moves and providing protection for it.

The benefits of exercise

The spinal column experiences a significant load for most of life. The force of gravity, the execution of various movements, the maintenance of a natural curve - all this can eventually cause problems that often occur in old age. They arise due to the low mobility of the spinal column, high load and (especially important now) long-term motionless sitting at the computer, at the table, and often in the wrong twisted posture.

It is the “bridge” that helps to correct the situation. It stretches the spinal column in the right direction, improving the transport of nutrients, mobility and flexibility. Consequently:

  • degeneration of individual vertebrae and the entire spine as a whole is prevented;
  • back extensors are strengthened;
  • the risk of displacement of the vertebrae is reduced;
  • prevention (or treatment) of certain problems with the spine.

Who is relevant?

You should pay attention to learning how to bridge if you fit into one of the following groups:

  • elderly people;
  • people with problems with the spine;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people actively involved in sports (any kind of moving).

Well, just for the prevention and strengthening of the spine, it is recommended to do a “bridge” for absolutely everyone - from small children to pensioners. Regular performance (at least 2-3 times a week) significantly reduces the risk of problems in the future.

How to do?

If the last time you performed an exercise was at a school physical education lesson, it may turn out to be unexpectedly difficult to cope with the task now. This is quite natural - the body managed to "forget" the correctness and sequence of the movement, and as a result, you can even get injured trying to perform it without preparation. Therefore, an adult should first learn how to learn how to do a bridge while standing (which is even more difficult) or at least lying down (lightweight version).

Warm up

As before any other physical training, we begin the session with a warm-up. This is relevant and indispensable for every muscle group, and especially for the muscles of the back and spinal column. First, “warm up” the body and muscles: jump rope, for example. After that - stretch: tilts, turns and rotations of the body, stretching the legs, lunges - do not spare time for the simplest movements that prepare your muscles for further stress.

Full "bridge" (classic version from a prone position)

This is exactly what we did in school. The "bridge" is made as follows:

  1. We lay down on our back on the floor.
  2. We bend our knees.
  3. We raise our hands up and bend at the elbow joint, resting our palms on the floor near the head. In this case, the fingers are directed towards the legs.
  4. We smoothly begin the movement, tearing the pelvis off the floor and lifting it.
  5. We continue to raise the body until the back is arched in an arc. At the same time, the head is, as it were, a continuation of the spine, maintaining its natural position.
  6. Having briefly lingered in this position, just as smoothly and carefully we lower ourselves back. Be sure to finish the exercise in this way - a sharp relaxation of the muscles can only hurt.
  7. We perform several repetitions.

"Bridge" from a standing position

But such a “bridge” will be much more difficult to master. This exercise is not included in the school curriculum, due to its complexity and increased risk of injury. However, at the same time, it is also more useful - the abdominal muscles receive the load (when returning to the starting position).

There are two versions of such a "bridge".

The first is an incomplete “bridge”, in which we only descend to the desired position:

  1. Let's get straight. At the same time, be sure to make sure that there are no objects behind (at a distance of 2-3 meters).
  2. We begin to bend back, slightly bending our knees.
  3. At the same time, we tilt our head back and raise our arms up, slightly bending them at the elbow joints.
  4. While continuing to gently bend, at the same time continue to bend at the knees, bringing the hips forward - to create at least partial balance. This will prevent you from turning the deflection into a sharp drop.
  5. Bend down until your hands touch the floor.
  6. Having stood on the “bridge”, linger for a short while, then lower the body to the floor (as in the previous embodiment).

The second option - a full "bridge" from a standing position - is the most difficult of all existing ones. Remember - before you read about how to learn how to do a standing bridge and try to do it yourself - you must be able to perform a regular (full) version and have a certain level of physical fitness. Otherwise, you can get injured (at least bruised when falling back).

  1. We stand on the bridge in the same way as described in the instructions above.
  2. We begin to get up: smoothly shift part of the body weight to the legs, bringing the knees forward.
  3. At the same time, we tear our palms off the floor, leaning on our fingers.
  4. With the effort of the muscles of the abdomen and back, we begin to rise to a vertical position: we completely tear our fingers off the floor and smoothly straighten ourselves. The movement should not look like a push with the hands from the surface, but rather like a smooth straightening.

That's all, friends. Now you know how to learn how to make a bridge.

The bridge is one of the basic gymnastic figures. It is done both by girls in junior dance groups and by girls who are engaged in modern dance styles. It looks very beautiful and impressive, so it is used in various productions.

There are several ways to make a bridge: from a prone position and standing. Of course, to get on the bridge, you need to be in excellent physical shape and have good flexibility. In addition, you can not try this figure without the necessary preparation and minimal warm-up. We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to quickly learn how to make a bridge.

The whole secret of this process lies in the right set of exercises. Using them, you can prepare the muscles of the back and shoulders, as well as achieve the desired result faster.

How to learn to stand on the bridge

1. You need to perform this exercise: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up. Now raise your arms and legs at the same time, bending your back. Make sure your knees and elbows are straight. Hold this position for about a minute. Then go down and repeat the same a few more times.

2. Roll over onto your back, while bending your legs at the knees, and straighten your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis as high as you can and then lower yourself onto your back. It is advisable to stay in an elevated position for at least 5 seconds.

3. Kneel so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Now you need to smoothly bend back, reaching your heels with your hands. At the same time, keep your back extended, and tilt your head slightly back.

4. In the supine position, take hold of the ankles with your hands. Then raise your head, legs, and chest at the same time to arch your back. Hold for a few seconds and lower yourself.

5. For the next exercise, you will need a special gymnastic ball. If not, you can skip this step. You need to lie with your back on the ball, set your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your hands to the floor, bending, the ball will support you.

6. Lie down on your stomach again, place the handles approximately at the level of the hips. Arch your back and at the same time bend your knees so that your toes reach your head. Hold for a minute and then lower yourself down.

7. When you have warmed up and prepared your muscles well, try to stand on the bridge from a prone position. To do this, you should lie on your back, bend your legs and arms, elbows should look up. Then bend, straighten your legs and arms, try to stand on the bridge. Hold for a couple of seconds like this, sway a little and return to the starting position. To make it harder, move your hands closer to your feet.

These exercises will help you strengthen your back muscles and prepare their bridge while standing. To speed up the result, do them several times a week, and preferably every day. But just treat this process with all care and caution, in no case do not make sudden movements. All tilts and bends should be performed only smoothly and gradually.

How to learn to stand on the bridge

1. Performing a set of preparatory exercises daily, you can easily master this figure. Once you get good at doing the bridge from the prone position, you can move on to the next step - the bridge from the standing position.

2. Go to a free wall, stand with your back to it at a distance of approximately 80 cm. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up.

3. Now gradually lean back to touch the wall with your fingers.

4. Touching the wall, lower yourself down until you reach the floor. You have made a bridge, stay in this position for a minute, and then gradually return to the starting position.

5. Repeat this exercise until you feel confident.

6. Do the same, but without using the wall. It will be better, of course, if someone is nearby to insure you. To do this, you need another person, standing facing you, supporting you under your back. Calmly lean back, making a bridge, fix the position for a few seconds and rise back.

7. Once you have perfectly worked out all the movements and feel that you are ready, you can perform this figure without assistance.

Now you know how to learn how to make a bridge, videos and professional tips will help you master this process faster. The main thing is to constantly do exercises and do not forget to warm up well. In addition, all movements must be performed gradually and not abruptly.

To make the figure look beautiful and elegant, do not forget to straighten your elbows and knees. The feet should be straight and parallel to each other, and the head should be thrown back. At the very end, the legs can be slightly straightened, while stretching.

Video: how to learn to do a bridge while standing