How to start using a new wallet. We talk wallet for money

Each of us feels harmonious and comfortable when the financial situation does not create difficulties and there is enough money for a decent life. And it happens that a person works at several jobs, trying to improve his financial situation, but the money still goes nowhere. In general, money is such a substance that has a certain energy that does not tolerate negligence and disrespect for itself. One of the factors contributing to attracting money and improving the material condition is the maintenance of the "money" house - wallet in proper condition.

A wallet is an important and indispensable attribute in a woman's bag. It turns out that there are a huge number of tips and recommendations for choosing and operating, following which you can significantly increase your well-being. To do this, you will need to find out how to choose the right wallet, what conspiracies and magical rituals exist that can be used to charge a wallet to attract money, what cannot be stored in a wallet, and which talismans, on the contrary, will further stimulate financial enrichment.

Which wallet attracts money

So, if a person is resolutely thinking about improving his financial situation, acquiring a new wallet will be a good start. And also a new wallet should be bought immediately if the old one has lost its proper appearance - it has become shabby. Particular attention should be paid to the integrity of the wallet, because the holes in it mean that the holes in the budget of the owner will grow.

The new wallet must meet certain criteria, the most important of which are:

How to put money in a purse

There are special rules for keeping money, the observance of which contributes to enrichment:

What can not be stored in a wallet

Some things, constantly being in the wallet, can scare away financial flows, and no matter how hard a person tries, luck will pass by. To avoid such situations, you should remember what you can not wear in a purse:

Talismans that attract money

To further stimulate the attraction of financial resources, it is necessary to put various talismans in the wallet, the choice of which is quite large. Among them may be:

And also any personal thing that brings good luck to the owner of the wallet can act as a talisman.

How to charge a new wallet to attract money

There are many fairly strong conspiracies and rituals with which a person can attract prosperity and well-being. When conducting magical rituals, attention should be paid to the phases of the moon. It is most favorable to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money in the growth phase or on the full moon. A wallet that is charged in this way will begin to contribute to the rapid enrichment of the owner. Here are some options for conspiracies and rituals:

What to do with an old wallet

A person who has bought a new wallet thinks about what to do with the old one. Many people think that you should not keep unnecessary things in the house and should just throw it away. And some advise to leave it in the house, put one banknote in it and not spend it. As soon as a banknote of a larger denomination appears in the house, it should be put in a purse and the old one taken away. No conspiracies and rituals should be carried out, a good mood of the owner is enough. Financial affairs will soon go up.

A wallet is an important part of every person's life. You need to choose a wallet, focusing not only on its appearance, but also on its ability to “attract money”.

Everyone keep your personal money in a wallet. This is a special accessory popular and in demand all over the world. In addition, he is so prone to superstition and signs that you even need to buy it yourself, following the rules. The main rule when choosing a wallet - focus on his ability to "attract money."

First of all, look at your real wallet. What is he? If it is sufficiently worn, old, has cracks or scuffs, it should be replaced. The energy of the “beaten by life” wallet is weakened and therefore unable to "attract money." People believe that only the right wallet can improve the financial well-being of its owner.

The "money" wallet must be:

  • Bought during waxing or full moon
  • To have a "money" color or a color that attracts wealth.
  • Made from natural materials
  • Its shape and color should match your zodiac sign.
  • Have a "money amulet" inside
How to choose a "cash" wallet?

One of the basic rules of a wallet that can attract money is: “There must be order in the wallet!”. There is a deal of truth in it. Think about how many “extra” items a person carries in his wallet every day: checks, receipts, photographs, notes, prayers, icons, keys and much more. Human wisdom teaches: "everything has its place!".

Organize your wallet:

  • Store small change only in the coin compartment, do not let it be in the same pocket as bills.
  • Put bills in your wallet so that they are in it as they increase.
  • All banknotes must be in the wallet "facing" you.
  • Remove excess bills from your wallet.
  • Place the cards in the appropriate slots.
  • In one of the secret pockets, put a charm: a gold coin, a dollar, or something else (a charm of your choice).
  • Keep your wallet closed at all times, do not allow cases of open compartments in your wallet.

How to attract money to the wallet?

Green and red wallet to attract money: what does Feng Shui mean?

The ancient Chinese teaching "Feng Shui" sets up a person to live in harmony with the environment. It presents a wallet to a person as a "store of money" and symbol of prosperity in the future. A serious approach to choosing a wallet guarantees prosperity to a person.

"Feng Shui" assures the importance energy exchange between a person and a wallet. It is this advantage that contributes to the fact that the wallet begins to "attract" money. But this does not happen literally, because nothing happens just like that. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a person will be favored by luck in his work, as well as fate will save him from wasting "money down the drain" too much.

A Feng Shui wallet should not only be beautiful for you, it should give you moral pleasure. In addition, it is desirable that it be roomy (the larger the wallet, the more money it contains). You should buy a new wallet so that it outnumbered your old purse(or at least had more departments).

How to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui?

What not to do when purchasing a new Feng Shui wallet:

  • Keep memories of relatives in it (photos, postcards, notes, newspaper clippings, and so on).
  • Keep money found on the street, stolen money and money that was given to you (money that got "just like that" does not have positive energy).
  • Try to save money by purchasing a new wallet ( a cheap wallet will not attract money).
  • Choose a small or compact wallet. It must be roomy and such that the bill fits in it in full size. A bent bill has a broken energy, money should not have creases.

Never leave your wallet empty, do not spend all the money to the last penny. There should always be some amount left in it, as they say, "for bait."

Feng Shui Wallet

What does Feng Shui advise in purchasing a wallet:

  • Try to get a wallet made of genuine leather. Such a product not only looks expensive and stylish, the material “attracts” wealth. If leather or suede is “not affordable for you”, try to get a wallet from another material: linen, cotton.
  • The teaching advises choosing a wallet of a color that could “attract money. It is believed that the most powerful energy has Red color. In addition, it serves as a talisman, "chasing away" evil forces.
  • Another way to choose the color of the wallet is. Each has a certain element, each element has a specific color.
  • Green color, according to "Feng Shui", also has a "money" energy. It is this shade that the world currency, the dollar, has.
  • In addition to color, the wallet should be distinguished by its money amulet. Such a talisman must be hidden from prying eyes and charmed "for money."

Can a wallet attract money?

How to charge a new wallet to attract money: rite, ritual

The main ritual in buying a new "money" wallet is do it during the rise of the new moon. It is believed that everything that a person does on a growing moon contributes to an increase, and on a waning one - to losses. It is also considered a good omen to buy a wallet on a new moon, when the moon has the most powerful energy.

When buying a wallet, do not save, but rather overpay (good omen). When the wallet is yours, try to pronounce a simple conspiracy on your own (see "Conspiracy No. 1"). After that, already at home, put silver coins (any) in your wallet and leave the wallet for the night in the moonlight. Read the plot (see "Plot #2").

Conspiracy #1

Conspiracy #2

What plot to read on a new wallet to make money?

A good amulet for a new wallet that can attract money will be fiat coin(any little thing that you cannot exchange and spend: one penny, one cent, and so on). It should be put in the wallet on the first night of its acquisition. When inserting a talisman, you must read the plot.

The plot should be read all alone, in good spirits and only with faith in every word spoken. Only then will you be able to “instill” a charge of positive energy into your wallet that can attract wealth and prosperity. After you read the plot, put the wallet under the pillow and pick it up only in the morning.

Conspiracy for money

How to put money in a wallet?

Wallet "loves order". That is why you should not keep money in your wallet "in chaos." This disrupts the energy of this accessory, leading to a "leakage" of wealth.

Money wallet rules:

  • The first bill you see in your wallet should be a large denomination, and the last one should be the smallest.
  • Try to keep beautiful, even and not torn banknotes in your wallet (immediately get rid of such money: spend it or exchange it). Crumpled money is also undesirable.
  • It's good if you have one dollar in your wallet. (This bill is considered a powerful amulet, as it has a printed Masonic sign of wealth).
  • Accept money with your left hand and pay with your right. Such a rule will help attract wealth.

How to make a wallet "cash"?

What to put in a wallet to attract money: money talismans

Amulets for the wallet can serve as:

  • First self-earned banknote
  • Winning lottery ticket
  • Chinese "lucky" coin
  • fiat banknote
  • fiat coin
  • 1 dollar bill
  • Money Origami Mascot
  • Money spell written in your hand
  • money rune
  • Coin made of gold or silver

Any "money" amulet must be "felt". You should choose a charm for yourself, focusing on your intuition. You can put stones that match your zodiac sign.

Charms for the wallet

Mouse in a money purse, what is it?

This amulet is very popular. It is made in the form miniature mouse. It is customary to put it in any department of your wallet (preferably in one from which it does not fall out).

A mouse is considered a talisman because it is able (akin to a real mouse) to “settle down” in a wallet. People believe that the mouse is so grateful for the “home” that it tries to thank its owner by attracting money to the wallet.

Such a mouse should put in a new wallet on the growing moon, it is advisable to read the plot. Of course, it is very difficult to find such a talisman. It must be made of natural material (clay, for example) or noble metal.

Mouse - a charm in a wallet

Is it possible to buy a black wallet with butterflies?

Modern fashion greatly influences a person's life. It also extends to everyday accessories, in particular, to the wallet. How to be in this situation? The fact is that designers cannot influence the course of affairs in any way and somehow limit the “flow of money” into your wallet.

Even black, purple, blue and any other color of accessories can provide you with financial well-being. The main thing - you must love your wallet externally and not experience inconvenience in using it. Choose a wallet that looks very attractive to you. The accessory may have embossing or decorative elements: straps, rivets, drawings.

Wallet to attract money, what should be?

Can I buy a used wallet?

Purchase already used wallet considered a bad sign. During use, the wallet is capable of absorb human energy. That is why buying used wallet, you acquire the "fate" of a stranger. Not the fact that she was wealthy.

A new wallet is a must must be brand new. Only such an accessory will help positive changes in your life and attracting money. Only a new wallet can be "accustomed" to the magic of wealth and prosperity. Buy a wallet in any store, market or website. Try to give more money for the wallet than required. Such a gesture would "driven by money."

Can I buy an old wallet?

What should I do if I was presented with an empty wallet?

Give an empty wallet- Bad sign. It is believed that a donated empty wallet will contribute to the fact that he "will be empty" in the future. Gifting a wallet is a must. with a little money(or bigger, if you like).

Even one bill in a donated wallet will be a good guardian for him in the future. It is advisable to put in a wallet for a gift red banknote. If your budget is really bad, even one coin will be enough. Choose a beautiful, smooth and new bill. Try not to give a cheap or low-quality wallet, choose a product made of genuine leather.

How to give a wallet? Can I give an empty wallet?

Is it possible and how to properly throw away an old wallet?

Another important rule when buying a new wallet is get rid of the old. This must be done literally. Remove all foreign objects from your wallet: discount cards, old photographs, amulets and checks ( any information about you).

Mentally (or in words) say goodbye to your old wallet. Thank him for the faithful service life and just throw it in the trash can. Do it preferably in the morning or afternoon. (not in the evening and not at night). It's best to throw away your wallet during the rise of the moon. This way you can "gain" and not "lose".

Keeping an old wallet in the house is by no means worth it. It will attract the energy of an “empty” wallet and prevent you from gaining financial well-being with the help of a new accessory.

What to do with an old wallet? Can it be thrown out?

Is it possible to carry a photo in a wallet: signs

What is a bad sign of carrying photos of loved ones and loved ones in your wallet? The fact is that in addition to the fact that money has good energy, it can be negative. The negative accumulates from those people who held them before you (and hundreds and thousands of individuals did this).

Being in the wallet, your loved ones will take on both the good and the bad effects of money. This is fraught with bad luck, diseases and other “chronic problems”. A wallet is a place only for money and cards on which funds are located.

Can you store photos in your wallet?

Where to buy a good trendy wallet?

You can buy a wallet everywhere. Every city has a store or market that sells these accessories. Nevertheless, modern Internet resources will help you choose the right wallet model of the right color.

If you are haunted by monetary turmoil - charge your wallet with the energy of wealth!

There are several ways, rituals or ceremonies, how to charge a wallet for money so that it becomes a strong money magnet and begins to attract money energy to you.

In our opinion, one of the most powerful rituals for this is the rite shared by the famous clairvoyant Seraphim from the mystical series "The Fortuneteller".

DOSSIER site "Your Dream":

Serafima Zolotareva, a hereditary fortuneteller of an old gypsy family, the keeper of ancient magical knowledge, transmitted only by inheritance. All fortunetellers in her family are called Seraphim, which means "fiery." Seraphim's tools are Tarot cards and ancient rites of Fire, since it is the fire element that is the source of communication with the Higher Forces for all the prophetesses of her kind.

This ritual is performed only at and after sunset.

Rite to attract money "The power of the four elements"

If you are haunted by monetary troubles, charge your wallet with the energy of wealth. To do this, use the energy of the four elements - Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Buy a new red wallet and perform the following rite on the growing moon. Pass a lit candle over the wallet and say: “Charge yourself with the power of fire!”. Then sprinkle with a pinch of earth and say: "By the power of the earth - prosper!". Then sprinkle water on the wallet and say: "With the power of Water - fill up!". And finally, blow on it and say: "By the power of the Air - multiply!". After that, put your wallet for a day in the eastern part of your house, and only then use it.

Friends, now you know how to charge a wallet for wealth.

Do everything right, and as Seraphim assures, very soon you will begin to notice how money will come to you from a variety of sources.

May your home always be a Full Chalice!

Alena Golovina

Interesting on the topic:

It is difficult to find a person who could give up the idea of ​​becoming financially secure. Material well-being is achieved in several ways: some people get a well-paid job, others invest in securities, and still others go the easy and dubious way - they are fond of gambling.

There is an opinion that magic helps to reinforce efforts to achieve financial success. A plot for a new wallet will be a great addition to the efforts made to make money.

Why are they talking wallet?

A wallet is a thing designed to store money. Today on sale you can find many models of wallets, among which you can always choose the right option. A wallet is not only a mini-store for financial savings, but also a thing that can be charged with a special energy that contributes to increasing wealth and prosperity.

In order for the money to flow, you need to take care of choosing a wallet:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be in you will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Other magicians believe that the old wallet should be replenished periodically with banknotes of different denominations, starting with the smallest ones.

Rite with candles for a new wallet

Magic for a new wallet is carried out on a full moon or a new moon. The ceremony with the use of green candles is popular. So, in an Orthodox church you need to buy the 7 most expensive green candles.

The action is carried out in clear weather, when the moon is visible in the sky. Exactly at midnight, a brand new purse must be placed so that the illumination of the moon spreads over it. They put 7 candles around the little thing, light them and read the following conspiracy over the wallet:

“The cash flow is striving and running, into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen".

After reading the plot, the candles must be left to burn out. Cinders must be disposed of by burying them in the ground. A charmed wallet must always be carried with you and kept in perfect order. It is impossible to give a thing into the hands of strangers and leave it unattended.

Conspiracy for a new wallet

There is another popular conspiracy that allows you to endow a brand new wallet with the energy of financial success. The ceremony is performed in the phase of the new month. In the evening, after sunset, you need to sit facing the window at the table, after taking off your shoes, light a church candle, cross your wallet three times and read the plot 3 times:

  • “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, you need to put a golden jewelry in your wallet and read the following plot:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new silver-gold purse so that it grows, fills up and saturates with money. Yes, it will only be so. Amen".

Another effective ritual should be performed in the morning after waking up. To talk a wallet for wealth, you need to invest in it as many coins and banknotes of different denominations as possible. It can be both domestic and foreign money. After over the wallet you need to read the following plot:

“Just as a coin is going to money, so wealth with happiness is sought and collected for me, money is flowing into my new wallet for a coin. And in my wallet it always rings and rustles, for a shiny ring, for new clothes, but there is enough for everything. My word is strong. To them the earth and the sky, the lock and the key. Amen".

The invested money must be carried in the wallet throughout the working day, and in the evening bills and coins can be laid out.

Rites for a new wallet so that money flows

At home, a new wallet can be charged with wealth in other available ways. One gold coin, one silver coin and a banknote of any denomination are placed in the purse. After that, you can read the following conspiracy over the wallet:

“As my purse (that is, my wallet) is full, so I am very strong. Like a coin to a coin, like money to money quickly gathers, so wealth and happiness twine behind me, money flows in a stream to a new house. Let it always rustle and ring in my purse, I don’t know the age of poverty. My word is strong, but my deed is true. I will always hold in my hands, never let go. Amen".

To carry out the next ritual, you need to take a wallet, put any coin into it and go with the wallet to the river. You need to moisten the brush with river water and sprinkle the purse 3. In this case, some water should also get on the coin. Immediately you need to read this conspiracy:

“Voditsa in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So money will always arrive in my wallet, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

The charmed coin must be spent on some purchase within three days.

The next ritual is performed on the new moon, when a thin crescent of the moon begins to appear in the sky. A few silver coins are placed in the purchased wallet and the thing is placed on the windowsill. Above the purse 3 times they read the following plot:

“I speak this wallet for myself (my name) for monetary growth, for prosperity, so that money multiplies and grows in it, as a month grows in the sky and stars multiply from evening to late at night. And if someone wants to take my wallet into their hands, then severe, dull lack of money and 33 misfortunes will fall on this person, which I will not see forever and ever. Amen".

After 3 days, you need to put one bill of any denomination into your wallet, and before that, read such a plot over your wallet:

“Every time I remember the Lord God, every time I take out a ruble, let the Lord be remembered, and the ruble will multiply. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If there is a large amount of money in the wallet, then you can bring it to your lips and read the following spell:

“As the stars in the sky cannot be counted, as there is enough water in the sea-ocean, as there are countless grains of sand in the desert!”

Home conspiracy to attract money

At home, you can perform another ritual to attract money. You need to take green tea, brew it and add a teaspoon of your favorite honey. A cup with a drink is placed on green paper. Tea is stirred with a simple pencil and a large number of large denomination banknotes are visualized. After that, you need to get a sheet of paper from under the cup and write on it the following text:

  • Tea, money will be.

The prepared tea is drunk, and a piece of paper with a spell is placed in a wallet and not laid out from there for a year.

Conspiracies for money

There is another powerful wealth conspiracy that needs to be read 3 times at sunset:

“As the king begins to give expensive gifts, so the servant of God (name) will get from those gifts. He (I) will not refuse, I will take a gift, I will say words of gratitude. The round ball will spin, the damask sword will shine, and gold will ring forever in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, I will bring a human cup, a simple cup. I won’t wipe my feet in blood, I won’t work my hands in calluses. The king will give gifts, so I will be the first. I will say the word of God's servant, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse.

A conspiracy with honey is also popular. For its implementation, they take a bowl of honey, a handful of oats and a few dry peas. Flowability is mixed with honey and a conspiracy is read over the resulting mixture:

“I’ll give sweet ladies porridge to the marten, I’ll appease her with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, tall houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If a black raven begins to take away a gingerbread from a marten, I (name) will drive him with a stick from a marten. If the bear becomes that gingerbread army, I will drive him and scold him. And for that I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace.

Ritual with apples

There is another rite that easily allows you to attract money, but it will take a lot of time to complete the ritual. First of all, you need to collect 20 apples. If this fails, you need to buy fruit, but do not take change when buying.

On the first day, you need to give 14 apples to the poor. Three apples are distributed to the poor on the second day, and on the third day the remaining fruits are brought to the church, put on the memorial table and read such a conspiracy:

  • “Remember my poverty for peace, and let wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer for financial well-being

There is also a prayer for attracting financial well-being. Before reading it, you need to light 5 white candles bought in the church and read the following prayer:

“Jesus Christ is my hope and support, Yes, the Blessed Mother of God, support. Angels walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags opened, and all the money fell out. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found that money, collected it, and took it home. Now I lit the candles, I distributed wealth to my people. Candles burn, money arrive in my house. Till the end of time. Amen".

When the candles burn out, their wax must be rolled into a ball that they carry with them. If the size of the ball allows, then it can be put into a wallet and worn as a financial talisman to attract wealth.

Full moon spell to attract money

A powerful ritual of magic is performed on the full moon on an even date. You also need to take a coin of an even denomination, consecrate it in the church, then take the coin to the forest. Under the aspen, you need to dig a small hole, put a coin in it, bury it and pour it with spring water. All this time you need to read such a conspiracy:

“Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless. Let what I have planted grow and bear fruit. A mouse will not gnaw a coin, a worm will not grind, let no one steal my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

What to do to always have money?

A conspiracy for a new wallet will help charge the purse with the positive energy of wealth. However, there are secrets, taking note of which you can not only increase money, but also prevent their loss:

In order for the wallet to be regularly filled with money, you need to constantly carry a leaf of mint or lemon balm in it. Attracts large denomination banknotes in a purse, a bag of mint tea, red paper and an aspen leaf.

Magic rituals to attract money really work, but you should not hope that magic is enough to get rich. If a person makes every effort to become richer, for example, diligently works, engages in a paid hobby, takes care of the money already earned, then success will certainly await him. In the case when a person is lazy to look for a job and does nothing, then he should hardly wait for the onset of financial prosperity.

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How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer you some powerful rituals for attracting money to your wallet. How to speak a new wallet for money and success in business?

In the practices of Russian witchcraft, there are strong rituals with old wallets to get rid of monetary failures, with which you can throw off damage and the evil eye. And there are also many home conspiracies for money for a new wallet. So, these rituals work great for a one-time or quick attraction of money. In addition, in the practices of home magic, there are conspiracies and whispers to a wallet for a regular income. Most of them work effectively, although outwardly the rites are not very interesting.

Money conspiracy of a new wallet - charge a purse for success and money

As you know, everything has its place, the wallet is the place of money. A newly bought wallet can be turned into an energy accumulator of wealth and family wealth. Like all magical rites of this plan, this action must be carried out on the growing moon. Preferably Thursday.

For an independent ritual on a wallet to attract money, you will need:

  • pure natural fabric
  • 7 green candles
  • new wallet or purse

Cover the table with a cloth, arrange candles around, light them. Put your wallet in the center of the circle.

“Cash flows into my new wallet, money grows, multiplies, my wallet fills up. My word is true, strong. As I said, so be it. Amen".

Leave the wallet in a circle of candles. Let the candles burn out. The element of Fire, without your participation, will charge your new useful accessory for constant cash profit.

Ritual with a wallet to attract money to the full moon

A practicing magician must follow the lunar calendar and plan his work in accordance with the lunar phases. There are effective rituals and strong conspiracies for money on the full moon when you need a new wallet, or the one that you use every day.

With the beginning of the full moon, lay out an empty open wallet on the windowsill. It is very good if the moonlight hits it. All 3 full moon nights (first day, climax, and day after climax) let your wallet bathe in moonlight. There are no verbal formulations in this case, but you need a good visualization of filling your wallet with wealth. A magical ritual will make it unusual, it will be a wallet that attracts money.

A conspiracy for a wallet so that money flows and grows - the magic of 11 lunar days

This outwardly simple rite should be performed on the 11th lunar day. This day is special, endowed with the most powerful energy of the entire lunar cycle. It is associated with Kundalini, which can change the life and even the fate of a person. Beginners in magic should work carefully on this day. It is not recommended to do damage and perform magical attacks. This powerful energy of 11 days will help you in your quest to make your wallet a money talisman.

For the ceremony so that money is carried out, it is necessary to prepare:

  • candle
  • wallet
  • 3 coins in 5 rubles

At moonrise, you need to light a candle, put coins on the table and an open wallet next to it, and read a plot to attract money on the wallet:

“As the white month grows, the round side arrives, it becomes the full moon, so my income grows day by day, money arrives, my pocket fills my purse. As the side of the month rounds off, fills up with fullness, so my affairs rise, the money in the purse is added. My word is strong, the deed is true. To my deed and word, amen."

Leave the candle to burn. Then, when the candle burns out, put the coins in your wallet. Shake them and tell conspiracy words for money were carried out, 11 more times. You need to store coins in your wallet, and do not spend 3 days.

Which wallet attracts money to its owner?

I think it's already clear. Either he himself must be charmed, or a money talisman must lie in his wallet.

A talisman can be a charmed coin, and a dry horseradish spine, and a red piece of paper, and runic money formulas, and even such things as souvenirs such as a rake spoon and a purse mouse.

How to attract money to a wallet - a home conspiracy on a mirror

Uncomplicated in practical application, and tangible in action, a witchcraft rite using the magic of mirrors. Do it on a full moon. For a money ritual you need:

  • small mirror
  • five-ruble coin

On a full moon (any of the 3 nights of the full moon) after dark, place a mirror on the windowsill with the reflective surface towards the window. Place a coin in front of a mirror so that it is reflected in it. thrice read a plot to make money:

“Mother moon, in my wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury, money to money. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Don't touch the structure. Let her stay all night. In the morning, put the witch's coin in your wallet and wear it until the next full moon, when the rite and this simple, but effective and strong conspiracy to bring money to your wallet and the coin can be repeated.

How to speak a wallet for money on your own - a ceremony in a cemetery

And this effective rite so that money always flows is done on the first day of the new moon at the cemetery gates. There are no special instructions on what should be done at night, it is permissible to do at any time of the day. There are different reviews about this witchcraft ritual that attracts money, however, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, it is worthy of attention. Whether you get a magical rite to attract money or not, you can only find out through practice.
So, standing in front of the gate, a ruble coin is placed under the left heel in the shoes. They kick the ground with their left foot and read the text spell to attract money to your wallet:

“Chur, chur, the dead, your place is holy, and let mine be rich. To you, the dead, sound sleep, and to me (name), gold and silver. Chur, chur, the dead, your place is holy, and in my pocket - silver and gold. May it be so".

After reading this conspiracy to attract money to the wallet, they immediately turn around and leave. The ruble is carried in a wallet separately from the rest of the money. Spend before repeating a strong ritual to attract money to your wallet. The impact of the cemetery ritual on monetary profit, contrary to usual, is being promoted rather quickly. But, of course, you need to have a connection with the cemetery. Contact with the inhabitants of the graves is gained by practice, so here is another reason for you to conduct this ceremony. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend repeating a conspiracy on a wallet so that money flows every month.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, cannot say that getting this money talisman into a wallet - a charmed ruble, causes some colossal changes in the financial field, but there will certainly be money for life. Do not forget about the correct sequence of actions. A purchase is preliminarily made in accordance with the rules of cemetery magic. Purchase - to the Owner, so that he would allow a monetary ceremony to be held in the cemetery. This is a sign of respect.

Pay off in the usual way, but not immediately after the completion of the rite, but after a few days, since, according to the condition of the magical ritual to attract money to your wallet, the performer does not enter the cemetery, but quickly leaves. The ransom in the form of a commemoration is left for the dead to contribute to the result. In addition, it is also a sign of respect. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that it is appropriate to pay a fee from the first money that will come to you with the help of cemetery power. The payment can be left on unmarked graves, but it is better, in my opinion, to take it to the cemetery intersection.

What color wallet attracts money - the color scheme of wealth

In the traditional perception of colors, there are colors that help attract and accumulate the energy of well-being. What do we associate with wealth in the first place? Of course, the melodious ringing of gold coins. Based on this, it is not difficult to understand what a wallet that attracts money should be like. The most favorable for the accumulation of wealth energy are all shades of warm yellow and golden color.

It is believed that a red wallet attracts money, since red is the color

  • well-being,
  • success,
  • prosperity,
  • vitality and energy.
  • Red is a symbol of activity,
  • flame,
  • blood.

Red wallet - in itself is a money talisman.

If you are a fan of conservative style, and do not accept such radically bright colors as red and gold in accessories, choose traditional black or brown colors.
  • These are shades of the earth, symbolizing fertility,
  • wealth,
  • material good.

A good option for the color of the wallet would be green. But, not bright, but muffled, soft,

It is unlikely that a blue wallet will please you with the fact that, like a magnet, it attracts money. Together with unstable, changeable and flowing water, money from such a wallet will float away without lingering in the hands of the owner. My advice: avoid wallets of all shades of blue, they will not help in attracting money. If we talk about the cold scale, then the only exception can be called money attracting wallet silver colors. Silver is favorable for the accumulation of wealth, because it is a noble shade of silver coins.

Grab spoon and purse mouse - money talisman 2 in 1

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will say a few words about traditional money talismans. There are many of them, and here is one of them: a cute little mouse with a spoon - a rake. With such a financial talisman in your wallet, money will never be transferred, be sure of this.

With money witchcraft, the mouse is associated with numerous beliefs. For example, if you happen to see how a mouse drags something edible into its mink, this, as they believed in the villages, is for profit. After all, if the mouse, then wealth awaits the inhabitants of the house, and certainly, monetary luck will not bypass. Hence the meaning of the modern talisman: a mouse in a wallet attracts money.

Settle a mouse - a rake in your wallet, saying: "Mouse, sit down, money, drive". The wallet mouse lives in wallets, keeping track of the money there and taking care of it. And if you have a purse mouse with a spoon - a rake, then there is nothing to worry about, with such a talisman money luck will not leave you!