What are the big gophers called? Spotted ground squirrel. Social structure and reproduction

Brief information about the gopher, a representative of the squirrel family, a medium-sized rodent and a pest of farmland, is presented in this article. The gopher report can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Gopher message

Gopher: description

Depending on what species the animal belongs to, its size ranges from medium to small. The length of the body is 14 -40 cm, and the tail is 4 - 25 cm. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs. Interestingly, the 4th toe is slightly longer than the 3rd. The gopher has slightly pubescent, short, small ears that protrude slightly from the fur.

The body of the animal is covered with a fairly dense hairline. In summer, it becomes shorter, rarer and coarser, and in winter the fur becomes dense and long. The color of the animal is not uniform and prone to diversity. The fur is darker on top of the body and greyish-yellow below. On the back there may be spots of a whitish or yellowish tone. There are gophers with a dark color, less often with gray-brown and reddish fur. Their distinguishing feature is white lines on the sides of the body, which are limited at the ends by a dark color.

Where does the gopher live?

They can be found in the Northern Hemisphere.

The animal lives in holes, which he digs himself. The branching, arrangement and length of dwellings differ depending on the species of the animal, the geographical features of their location. They can be more than 3 m deep and 15 m long. Mostly ground squirrels dig holes in sandy soils, since it is harder to dig on clay soils.

These animals live in colonies, equip nesting and pantry chambers covered with dry vegetation. A pair of ground squirrels are always on guard for security: when they feel threatened or see an enemy, they immediately hide in a hole and warn their relatives of the danger with a whistle.

What does a ground squirrel eat?

The diet of the animal is made up of ground and underground parts of grasses growing near their homes. Some species also eat animal food - insects. It is common for them to store food for the winter in their pantries. As a rule, these are cereals and grass seeds.

How long do gophers live?

In its natural habitat, the animal lives up to 3 years, and if it is domesticated, it can live up to 8 years.

gopher breeding

The mating season begins for gophers after they wake up after a long winter. It lasts 11 days, after which, after 29 days, cubs are born to the female. There can be from 3 to 16 kids in one litter.

  • They like to sit in a column.
  • They have poor eyesight.
  • Like humans, gophers have lacrimal glands. They wash themselves with tears from dust and dirt.
  • At the tip of the tail, the animal has special sensitive endings that allow them to navigate in the underground passages of their holes.
  • They are not even afraid of poisonous snakes, especially when it comes to protecting cubs.
  • They eat 2 times a day: early in the morning and late in the evening, stuffing their cheeks with food.

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Who is a gopher? Where does he live? What does a ground squirrel eat? If you are interested in knowing the answers to such questions, then read this article.


The ground squirrel is a small mammal of the order of rodents of the squirrel family. There are about 40 species of this animal on earth. They differ in body size from 15 to 40 cm, of which the tail occupies half of the entire length. Colors are different (from green to purple, with various stripes or spots along the back). These rodents live in large colonies.

As a rule, they live in one family in dug holes, the length of which varies from 5 to 20 meters, depending on the type of soil. Burrows each ground squirrel digs for himself independently, females have deeper dwellings, males have less. Often these animals, after hibernation, occupy unoccupied shelters and gradually deepen them.

Each hole has a special room, insulated with hay, straw and leaves, in which the animal remains for hibernation until spring. That's where all the food is stored. Her gophers eat the entire period of sleep. During wintering, all passages leading to this room are closed, and a small depression is made by the animal upwards. In the spring, the rodent makes an exit vertically upwards. It is typical for all types of gophers to stock up on large volumes of provisions during hibernation. It is noteworthy that this species of mammals hibernates not only in winter during cold weather and lack of food, but also in summer during drought, especially rodents living in desert areas. But, for example, the Arctic gopher is in a state of hibernation for up to nine months a year.


The state of torpor or hibernation in these animals is a unique phenomenon that many scientists still cannot unravel. Experts, for example, cannot understand how gophers manage to maintain the body under the following conditions:

  1. Their body temperature drops to -3 degrees.
  2. The frequency of the heartbeat is from one to five times per minute.
  3. Breathing is variable from a series of ten breaths and exhalations to an hour-long break.

The hibernation period is interrupted by rare awakenings to warm up the limbs, emptying and eating.

Lifespan and some other characteristics

In a state of activity, the body temperature of the gopher is about forty degrees, the pulse is more than 350 beats per minute, the respiratory rate is more than 200 times. quite small and, depending on the variety, does not exceed five years.

Reproduction and nutrition

Females in late April-early May bring from 3 to 8 cubs, which are gestated for about a month. A distinctive feature of the female is the presence of four to six pairs of nipples. By autumn, the cubs are already independent enough to dig their own hibernation holes and prepare the necessary supplies of provisions. Animals reach puberty in the spring during the rut.

Juveniles are the last to hibernate, just after adult males and females that have given birth, as they barely have time to accumulate the required amount of fat. In years when early frosts come, many rodents die.

Gophers: what do they eat during the cold season?

Now let's look at this issue in detail. What does a ground squirrel eat in cold weather in order to withstand such enormous loads on the body? The main part of the diet is plant foods. What do gophers eat in the steppe? These animals consume tubers, stems, seeds, cereals, that is, the whole plant. The extraction of food occurs within the same territory, which is fiercely marked and guarded by its owner.

What do gophers eat in the steppe? Some species of these rodents, in addition to plant foods, eat insects, frogs and other small animals that they can catch. This way of eating allows gophers to accumulate unique in that it freezes only at a temperature of -18 degrees.

Its share in the body of a gopher can be up to 80% of body weight. Before hibernation, rodents devote the whole day to searching for food. An individual can live for one month without food. Therefore, you need to think about food in advance.


At home, the animal eats various crops that form the basis of its daily diet. What does a ground squirrel eat? What can be given to animals at home? First of all, these are succulent grasses growing near holes, various cereal crops. It can be wheat, oats and other sunflowers that have matured and are in milk maturity or seeds from them, beets, carrots, bread.

You can also purchase specially formulated mixes for ground squirrels or other rodents at the pet store. Depending on the species of these mammals you can pamper your pet just make sure they actually consume insects in the wild. When buying a pet in a pet store, it is best to consult the seller about what the ground squirrel of this species eats and what should not be added to the rodent's diet.


Now you know who a gopher is. This is a very interesting animal that hibernates and not only in winter. We also told you what the animal eats in nature and what should be the food of gophers at home.

1. Gopher - an animal of the chordate type, mammal class, rodent order, squirrel family, ground squirrel family.

2. Gophers or prairie dogs are small and cute rodents with an elongated head, small ears and a funny short tail.

3. The ground squirrel's habitat is the open landscapes of the entire Northern Hemisphere. There are rodents in North America, and in Eastern Europe, and in Asia (its northern part), as well as in the Caucasus. Gophers live not only in the Arctic Circle, but also in the desert, and can also climb high into the mountains.

4. These animals inhabit the steppes, forest-steppes, meadow-steppe and forest-tundra natural zones, but are more common in open areas. On the territory of Russia there are 10 varieties of such animals.

5. The genus of gophers includes 38 species. The most studied types of ground squirrels are: European (western, gray) ground squirrel, American (Beringian, American long-tailed) ground squirrel, large (reddish) ground squirrel, small ground squirrel, mountain (mountain Caucasian) ground squirrel, red-cheeked ground squirrel, yellow ground squirrel (gopher - sandstone), long-tailed ground squirrel (Eversman ground squirrel) and spotted ground squirrel.

European ground squirrel

6. European (western, gray) ground squirrel is a small rodent up to 20 cm in size with a short tail 4-7 cm long and small cheek pouches. The coloration of the back is gray-brown, often with noticeable yellowish-white ripples or specks. Flanks rusty-yellowish, belly pale yellowish.

7. The European gopher species lives in isolated colonies in Central and Eastern Europe from Germany and Austria to Turkey and Moldova.

8. The European ground squirrel is the main food for a number of predators: the steppe polecat, the steppe eagle. Due to a sharp decline in the population, the gray ground squirrel is taken under protection in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and is listed in the Red Books of Moldova and Ukraine.

9. The Russian word “gopher” comes from the Old Slavonic “susati”, which means “to hiss”.

10. The life expectancy of a gopher is from 1 to 3 years, the maximum recorded age of the animal is 8 years.

american gopher

11. American (Beringian, American long-tailed) ground squirrel is one of the largest types of ground squirrels, some individuals grow up to almost 40 cm and have a tail up to 13 cm long. The coloration of the back is brownish-buffy with a distinct pattern of large light spots, the head is darker, brown-rusty. The color of the abdomen is bright, fawn-rusty. The winter fur of the ground squirrel is lighter, with a predominance of gray tones.

12. The American long-tailed ground squirrel is distributed in Eurasia (from Kamchatka, Siberia, almost to Magadan) and North America, from Alaska to Canada. It is an important part of the tundra ecosystem.

13. Ground squirrels feed on underground and aboveground parts of plants, the type of which depends on the season and habitat. It can be wormwood, wheatgrass, clover, bulbous plants, for example, tulips, cultivated cereals (rye, wheat, millet, oats), melons, legumes, sunflowers. Gophers also feed on acorns, young plantings of fruit trees (apricots, peaches).

14. Some gophers, in addition to plant foods, also eat animal food: eggs of birds and small chicks from ground nests, mouse-like rodents, as well as various insects and their larvae: caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, locusts, do not disdain carrion and kitchen waste.

15. Gophers lead a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle in entire colonies. A small "settlement" of 10-12 burrows gathers on the surface with the onset of the day and everyone gets down to their own business. One may be playing while another is cleaning or nibbling on the roots of plants, but the slightest hint of danger raises a general commotion and, with a piercing whistle, each runs to his hiding place. As soon as the danger has passed, everyone will return to their business.

Large (reddish) ground squirrel

16. Large (reddish) ground squirrel is the largest animal of this genus with a body length of up to 34 cm. The weight of the gopher reaches 1.4 kg, and the tail is 10 cm long. The dark ocher-brown color of the back differs markedly from the reddish sides. The superciliary arches and cheeks of the animal are painted red or brown. The big ground squirrel lives in the steppes of Russia and in Kazakhstan. This species of rodents belongs to agricultural pests and plague pathogens.

17. Most species of ground squirrels breed once a year, some are able to bear offspring several times. Rutting occurs immediately after the hibernation of rodents, which can last up to 6-8 months.

18. After mating, the female ground squirrel bears offspring for about a month. There can be from 2 to 12 cubs in a brood, which are born completely naked, blind and deaf. After a week, the offspring is covered with fluffy fur, after 2 weeks it begins to see clearly.

19. These animals prefer to live in burrows that they dig very deep, but they only use them for a season.

20. Gophers “build” their dwellings in meadows, pastures and fields. The length of the hole, as well as its "furnishings", entirely depend on the landscape of habitat and the type of ground squirrel itself. On sandy soils - up to 3 meters deep and 15 meters long, in clay soils - up to 5-7 m. A nesting chamber is always arranged inside the hole itself, which the ground squirrel covers with dry grass.

small gopher

21. Lesser ground squirrel is one of the smallest types of ground squirrels. A short-tailed rodent with a body length of up to 24 cm and a tail of less than 4 cm. It is distinguished by an inconspicuous, earthy gray or fawn color. Huge populations inhabit the steppes from the Volga region, the Dnieper region and the Caucasus Mountains, to the coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas.

22. Colonies of small ground squirrels mercilessly destroy melons and fodder plantings, are carriers of plague, brucellosis and other diseases of epidemiological significance.

23. The sleep of this rodent during hibernation is the strongest sleep in the world. The gopher can even be taken out of the mink, shaken up, but he will not wake up. The type of yellow ground squirrels differs in the duration of sleep - it spends as much as 9 months in this state.

24. Gophers communicate with each other using ultrasound, while human hearing picks up a subtle sound that looks like a hoarse whisper.

25. Gophers hibernate from 5 to 9 months a year. They can hibernate even in the absence of food at any time of the year.

mountain gopher

26. Mountain (mountainous Caucasian) ground squirrel is a small animal, with a body up to 24 cm in length and a tail 5 cm. It looks like a small gopher, but much more unpretentious to the living conditions.

27. The mountain gopher lives on the meadow slopes of Elbrus and the coastal areas of the Kuban and Terek rivers. In the Caucasus region, it is considered the main pest of land and a carrier of infectious diseases, including plague.

28. Gophers, like many animals that spend a lot of time underground, have poor eyesight. (Therefore, very often they can be seen on various elevations in the immediate vicinity of their holes.)

29. The tail of gophers has special sensitive endings that allow rodents to navigate very quickly and accurately in numerous underground passages.

30. The jaw of gophers has protruding incisors (fangs, like all rodents, they do not have). Such tooth modifications allow them to create underground passages without swallowing the earth.

Red-cheeked ground squirrel

31. Red-cheeked ground squirrel is a medium-sized rodent, growing up to 28 cm in length, with a tail 4-6 cm. This type of ground squirrel is distinguished by characteristic brown or red spots located on the cheeks.

32. Representatives of the red-cheeked ground squirrel are common on the Siberian plains, in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Animals are characterized as dangerous pests of crops and garden crops, they are carriers of plague and encephalitis.

33. Gophers have a huge number of enemies: antelopes, coyotes, foxes, wolves, badgers, hawks, eagles and snakes. It is noteworthy that in adult gophers, an antidote to snake venom is produced in the body, which makes it possible to avoid death.

34. If a snake enters the hole of a gopher, the female stands across the passage and waving her tail with all her might, trying to look bigger. The mother, who defends her offspring, is not afraid of the upcoming fight, and she continues the defense, even when bitten by a poisonous snake.

35. The territory of the colony is always guarded by a guard gopher, the posture of this gopher resembles a stand. In the case of a person or predator approaching, the animal emits a special signal resembling a squeak. Such a cry of a gopher warns the flock of danger.

yellow gopher

36. Yellow ground squirrel (gopher - sandstone), the largest ground squirrel living in Russia, grows up to 38 cm, average weight is 800 grams. Rodents are distinguished by a yellow-sand color of the back and poorly developed cheek pouches.

37. The yellow ground squirrel lives in the steppes of the Volga region, Kazakhstan, in the desert landscapes of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran.

38. Sandstone ground squirrel is not a serious agricultural pest, it partially transmits the plague virus. Valued for spring fur imitating mink and lard suitable for consumption.

39. Female gophers are caring mothers: while the offspring are growing and gaining strength, the mother digs separate holes for them, where the children move.

40. An independent life of gophers begins at 4-5 months.

Long-tailed ground squirrel

41. Long-tailed ground squirrel (Eversman gopher) is a large animal, grows up to almost 32 cm and is distinguished by a long (up to 16 cm), fluffy tail. The color of the back of this ground squirrel is brownish-buffy with light specks; on the sides and shoulders turns into red. The belly is bright, reddish-yellow.

42. The habitat of long-tailed ground squirrels has been noted in Siberia, the Trans-Baikal region, Mongolia and China. Gopher is food for foxes, golden eagles, owls, participates in soil formation, is valued for fur and fat. Crops harm only partially.

43. Each gopher builds his own mink up to 15 meters long at a depth of 1.5 to 7 meters. They have their own system of moves and "rooms".

44. Gophers build "rooms" for the protection of the settlement, for the birth of offspring (summer burrows), for hibernation (winter burrows).

45. Gophers, like humans, have lacrimal glands (only they are slightly enlarged), which allow mammals to get rid of dust and dirt that gets into their eyes. For the same reasons, gophers have a barely noticeable auricle.

spotted ground squirrel

46. ​​Spotted ground squirrel is one of the smallest types of ground squirrels, weighing 500 grams. Its body length is only 17-26 cm, tail 3-5 cm. .

47. Speckled ground squirrel is distributed in the steppes and southern forest-steppes of the East European Plain, from the Danube and Prut to the middle reaches of the Volga. Also, the speckled ground squirrel lives in the north-west of Ukraine (Volyn Upland) and the west of Belarus (Novogrudok Upland, Kopyl Ridge).

48. Gophers are faithful animals. They, most often, choose a couple for life.

49. Gophers are one of the decorative types of domestic animals. With talented training and incredible intelligence of animals, small mammals will be able to learn to carry out even individual commands.

50. The role of the ground squirrel in nature, as a separate species, is as follows: by throwing the soil of the lower layers to the surface, these rodents contribute to soil formation. It was thanks to these animals that the fertile black soil of the south of Russia was formed, the most fertile layer of earth in the world.

Gophers are small rodents that belong to the squirrel family. Their body length can be up to 40 cm. The forelimbs are shorter than the hind ones. The ears are short, there is very little fur on them. The color of the fur of the back of gophers is very diverse, sometimes there are gophers with stripes or spots. Gophers have cheek pouches.

Gophers are typical burrowers, that is, animals that spend most of their time in burrows. They lead a colonial lifestyle.

Ground squirrels have a varied diet: succulent parts of herbs, bulbs, seeds, fruits, insects. They can find food by smell. In search of food, they can sometimes travel several kilometers.

funny gophers

Gophers are very funny animals. They are quite interesting to watch. They are very cautious, but as soon as one or two come out of the mink and start to frolic, they are immediately surrounded by dozens of other ground squirrels. And when there is danger, everyone scatters very quickly, and after a moment the clearing becomes empty.

You can often see how gophers stand at their minks, frozen like columns. But if you move, trying to approach them, gophers emit a piercing whistle and instantly disappear.

Winter sleep

Gophers live in deep burrows that change every season. For the winter, they wall up the entrance to the hole with earth and hibernate. They sleep all winter, during which time they do not eat anything. The body temperature drops, the heart beats very rarely, 5 times per minute. During the winter, ground squirrels lose a lot of weight, losing almost half of their normal weight. Six months later, they wake up, gradually warm up, go outside and begin an active life.


Gophers sometimes cause significant damage to gardens and orchards. They gnaw fruit seedlings at the roots, dig up crops, eat the green parts of plants and fruits, trample the beds. It comes with the way of flooding holes and seeding.


There are many gophers in the northern and temperate latitudes, in the Arctic. Meadow gophers are not afraid of the cold. Steppe ground squirrels prefer to settle in deserts and semi-deserts. They can also be seen in Eastern Siberia, the steppes of Central Asia and the mountains of the North Caucasus.

Recently, the number of ground squirrels in central Russia has decreased as a result of plowing and cultivating the land. The habitat conditions of these rodents have changed, and they began to move from here to the northwestern part of the country.