What are the people who grow plants called? How to grow exotic plants in your own garden How people grow garden plants

Everyone knows what a garden is. The meaning of this word is beyond doubt, however, what is its difference from the park, what are their types and when did they arise - not everyone can answer these questions. Meanwhile, the tradition of organizing gardens was formed in ancient times.

Garden: the meaning of the word

As soon as humanity moved to and began to create the first semblance of dwellings, the idea arose to grow plants and fruit trees near them.

This is how the first gardens appeared. Gradually, gardening turned into a real art. From the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century. for wealthy people, the garden began to play the role of a place for recreation and walks, and not a source of food. But for the peasants, it has always been (and remains!) A place to grow fruits and nuts, and also helped to earn extra money.

Today, the word "garden" means a territory allotted by a person, on which perennial fruit trees, as well as bushes, sometimes plants and flowers, are planted according to a certain pattern. In rare cases, vegetable gardens are also called gardens. So, in English for the words "garden" and "garden" one term is used - garden.

In the old days, an integral part of the garden was a pond, which was a source of water, and also performed a decorative function. Today, thanks to various watering and irrigation systems, the need for a pond as a source of moisture has disappeared.

Another traditional attribute of gardens is the apiary. Bees pollinate all the flowers in the garden, contributing to a good harvest, and also extract honey.

Types of gardens

First of all, gardens are divided into private and industrial.

A private garden is usually arranged according to the taste of its owner. While the industrial one is of considerable size and is located so that it is convenient to take care of the plants with the help of machines. In such places, specially selected trees and bushes grow, and the people caring for them do not allow different varieties to be mixed.

According to the type of plants, homogeneous gardens and mixed gardens are distinguished.

There are also the following types:

  • A botanical garden is an area where plants are grown for scientific purposes. They also play the role of a kind of "living" museum, where everyone can see various types of flora (including rare or recently bred plants) and even buy some of them.
  • Fruit (fruit or fruit and berry) garden is a place where only fruit trees and bushes grow. This type is considered the most ancient.
  • An ornamental garden serves to satisfy the aesthetic needs of its owner. In other words, plants are grown here not for food, but more for beauty. There are three subspecies of ornamental gardens: Japanese, Chinese and winter. The latter partly resembles a greenhouse or greenhouse, but differs from it, since it is part of the house and is used to preserve non-frost-resistant plants.

What is the difference between a garden and a park?

A park and a garden are two concepts that are quite close to each other, because they are both the creation of human hands.

However, there is a significant difference. The plants planted in the park, and its design itself, serve to satisfy the aesthetic needs of a person: to relax or take a walk - but not to grow food. Sometimes fruit trees are planted in parks, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The most famous gardens in history

The tradition of growing gardens is quite ancient, so history knows a lot of them, and one was even recognized as the second wonder of the world. We are talking about Babylon, built in Babylon by order of the king More than a thousand years later, under Empress Catherine II, in the Russian Empire, by analogy with the Babylonian wonder of the world, the Hanging Garden of the Small Hermitage was created.

In ancient Rome, the ancestor of garden culture was the commander Lucius Lucullus. He created the legendary Gardens of Lucullus, restored over the centuries by the Medici family.

The garden culture of Rome, which became the progenitor of the European one, was based on the developments of Ancient Egypt. Despite the unfavorable climatic situation, the country of the pharaohs was famous for its gardens. In addition to the usual ones, they had palace, temple and even grave types.

It is impossible not to recall the gardens of Versailles, which stretched over more than 900 hectares. This complex, located near Paris, is a living illustration of what the human imagination is capable of with sufficient funding.

As for the UK, gardening is a national tradition here, so there are a lot of them there and some are over 300 years old.

Other meanings of the word "garden"

This name often appears in other meanings. So the garden is called one of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. Also, one of the most famous philosophers and perverts in history bore the name - Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade.

In addition, one of the Polish villages and two Ukrainian villages is called the Garden.

Among other things, there are a lot of names and concepts, the abbreviations of which form the word "SAD": systolic blood pressure, road construction, combined aviation division, etc.

Gardens, like forests, are the lungs of the planet and therefore the more they appear, the better. I would like to hope that in the modern world the horticultural culture will not disappear, but will only improve, and new and beautiful gardens will be planted on Earth every year.

To consolidate knowledge about the classification of plants;

Introduce students to the types of plants in the garden and garden;

Give an idea of ​​the benefits of plants;

To expand students' knowledge of cultivated plants;

Develop practical skills of students;

Stimulate the development of cognitive abilities;

Cultivate love for nature, for the world around.

Planned results:

Be able to distinguish between fruits and vegetables;

To consolidate students' knowledge of cultivated and wild plants.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation, pictures of fruits and vegetables, music recording.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

In the last lesson, we talked about the fact that plants are usually divided into cultivated and wild.

Look carefully at the picture (depicted are an apple tree, a tomato bush, lettuce, a cherry tree and a pine tree)

What plant is missing here? Explain your choice.

Extra - pine. She is wild. The rest of the plants are cultivated. They are grown by man.

Do you know the history of the emergence of cultivated plants?

The man tried the fruits of different plants. Those that they liked, people began to plant near their homes. They looked after them, watered them, loosened the soil, fertilized and fed the plants. Gradually, such plants got used to being taken care of. This is how cultivated plants appeared.

III. Preparation for the perception of the topic

Where does man grow plants?

(In the garden, in the garden, in parks, in flower beds, in squares, on the street, at home)

Today we will go on a virtual walk.

Presentation work. On the slide is an image of a basket. The teacher makes riddles. After the children guess the riddle, an image appears.

red mouse
With a white tail
Sits in a mink
Under the green bush
. (Radish)

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tasty like honey
. (Cherry)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Who undresses him sheds tears
. (Onion)

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb
. (Pear)

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.
. (Cucumber)

Just off the cam
red barrel,
You touch - smoothly,
take a bite - sweet
. (Apple)

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
Turn red in autumn
. (Tomatoes)

And green and thick in the garden grew a bush.
Dig a little: under a bush
... (Potato)

We put all the fruits in one basket. But they grow in different places. Try to divide the fruits into two groups. What is the common word for each group?

Students separate fruits and vegetables.

Complete each group. What other fruits and vegetables do you know?

Where do fruits grow? What about vegetables? (Fruits grow in the garden, vegetables in the garden.)

Have you guessed what plants we are going to talk about today?

IV. Explanation of the new topic

Lesson topic: Garden and vegetable garden plants

We will talk about the importance of fruits and vegetables for humans. And also learn a lot of interesting things about the fruits in different countries.

Remember what fruits grow in our country. (apples, cherries, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, nectarines), and which grow in other countries.

1) Game "Guess the fruit"

The teacher reads the description of the fruit. Students must guess what is being said.

It grows on a tree. It can be red and green, yellow and even burgundy. It is round, but there is also an elongated shape. (Apple)

This fruit grows in the garden, on a tree. He is purple. (Plum)

2) Working with a presentation

There are many fruits that are brought to us from other countries. Look at the map.

On the slide is a map of the world. Fruits are drawn below: orange, lemon, kiwi, pineapple, mango, banana, melon.

In the course of the story, a card with the image of the fetus is sent to the country where it is grown.

Melons - Central Asia.

Bananas - Southeast Asia. Bananas do not grow on a palm tree, but on a banana plant, which belongs to herbs.

Watermelon - the birthplace of watermelon - Africa. Watermelons are very ancient fruits. It is known that even in ancient Egypt, these berries were placed in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Mango - India and Pakistan.

Papaya - South America

Pomegranate - originally from Persia (Iran). It is known that a pomegranate can contain up to a thousand grains.

Pineapple - South America. This is a land plant.

3) Game "We stock up for the winter"

Harvesting fruit is half the battle. We need to save fruit until the onset of cold weather, so that we can enjoy juicy fruits in winter. How can fruit be preserved?

Presentation work. On the slide is an image of fruits and words (compote, jam, jam, jam)

Students must match the pictures and words, pronouncing the phrase: "I love ...".

For example, "I love plum jam." "I love apple compote."

Well done! We stocked up fruit for the winter. Now it's time to go to the garden.

4) The song "Harvest" sounds("We carry baskets ...")

Name the vegetables that were sung about in the song. (cucumbers, beans, peas, tomatoes, potatoes)

What other vegetables do we grow? (Pumpkin, turnip, radish)

We also need to stock up on vegetables for the winter.

5) Working with a presentation. On the slide are images of vegetables and the words: caviar, salad, pickle, storage.

Students correlate words and pictures: "Delicious caviar is obtained from zucchini. Potatoes are best stored in a dry and dark place. Cucumbers are salted and pickled. Delicious tomato paste is made from tomatoes."

V. Consolidation

You have learned a lot about fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits are not only nutritious. It is also a rich supply of vitamins, which we lack so much in winter. That is why fruits and vegetables must be eaten both in winter and in summer.

1) Game "Help Mom"

The students are divided into two groups. One group chooses vegetables to make borscht, the second group chooses fruits for compote.

2) The game "Remove the excess"

Students receive cards with 4 words each: potato, onion, apple, cucumber. Extra - an apple, because it is a fruit.

3) Game "Phrases". Remember what fairy tales these phrases are from:

"Pull, pull, they can't pull" (Turnip)

"Cockerel choked on a bean seed" (Cockerel and bean seed)

"Once upon a time there was a prince. And he wanted to marry a princess. But only a real one." (Princess on the Pea)

"Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipollucci and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family." (Adventures of Cipollino)

4) Game "What to cook"

Students take turns calling dishes that can be prepared from potatoes, cabbage, apples.

5) The game "I believe - I do not believe"

The teacher reads the sentences. If the students agree with the statement, they raise their hands.

Apples grow on bushes.

Onions and potatoes are vegetables.

Vegetables grow in the garden.

A garden is a piece of land where fruit trees grow.

Garlic grows in the garden.

Zucchini is a garden plant.

Cherries grow in the garden.

A garden is a piece of land where wild plants grow.

VI. Reflection

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What task did you like?

What else would you like to know about fruits and vegetables?

VII. Homework

Prepare a short story about any fruit or vegetable. Where is it grown, what are the benefits of the fruits of this plant.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 7"


Kotko Natalya Andreevna,

Primary school teacher

Grade 2 The world

"Promising Primary School".

Lesson topic:

Garden plants.


learn to observe, draw conclusions, generalize; develop the communication skills of students, the ability to independently obtain educational material; educate respect for nature, interest in the study of nature. To generalize and systematize students' knowledge about garden plants of their native land, about the work of people in the garden.

UUD: personal: the formation of an algorithm for one's action, the translation of external speech into the internal plan; awareness

the importance of the ability to solve a learning problem.

regulatory: mastering the concept of the term "garden plants";

cognitive : logical actions and operations;

communicative: the ability to hear, listen and understand others, plan and carry out in a coordinated manner

joint activities, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate.

Lesson type


Form of organization of student activities

Individual, couples, group


Computer, multimedia projector

Textbook, TPO.


Windows operating systemXP, MicrosoftWord2010, presentation program "Power Point 2007".

Demo Material

multimedia presentation.

Additional handout

    Cards cplant drawings

    Feedback cards in two colors

Basic concepts

Task. Condition. Requirement.

Planned result

Students should know:

that the solution of the problem depends on the correctly chosen arithmetic operation;

plan the course of solving the problem, choose and explain the choice of action, write it down in a notebook;


Lesson stage.

Actions (teacher's words)

Actions (words) of students


to learning activities.

The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts!

Let's think, we'll know.

Let's think and decide.

You are ready for the lesson, line up, see if you have everything you need in the lesson.

Organize their activities.

2. Checking the house. tasks

Remember what we talked about in the last lesson:

What crops are grown in the fields?

Why do people grow plants at all?

And what do we call such plants that a person cares for?

Children's answers...

Rye, oats, corn, wheat

Needed by people for food, for pet food, for the manufacture of fabrics, for medicine and beauty.


3. Definition of the topic and lesson objectives .

slide 1

slide 2

Look at the screen and, after thinking, try to determine the topic of our lesson. What plants are we talking about today?

Where do all these plants grow?

So, today we will talk about Garden Plants.

Think about what goals we set for ourselves.

    Get to know the plants in the garden.

    Find out the significance of these plants for humans.

    Features of care in different seasons.

Children's answers...

4. Working on a new theme.

The game "Guess the plants by description."

slide 3

slide 4

Slide 5-10

slide 11

slide 12

slide 13

Guys, when we do not understand a word, where can we see the meaning of this word?

On the screen we can see what the word meansgarden according to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary

Let's see if this is the case and look at a few images of the garden.

So, guys, if we say that a garden is an area with fruit trees and shrubs planted by man, then today we will talk about trees and shrubs.

And I suggest playing the game "Guess the plants by description."

I am a ruddy Matryoshka

I won't tear myself away from my friends

I'll wait until Matryoshka

It will fall into the grass.

There is fruit in the garden

He's sweet like honey

Blush, like a kalach,

But not round like a ball, -

It's under the very foot

Pulled out a little.

Was green

satin dress.

No, I didn't like it

chose red.

But I'm tired of this too...

dressed in blue.

Queen of the berries of the garden

Gardeners called it

And it's golden

Black, red and fragrant!

Low, but prickly

Sweet, but not smelly.

While you break -

Take your whole hand.

Bush. You can get stuck. Since ancient times, dried berries have been used to treat colds. The bear loves to eat these berries.

Conclusions: Fruit trees and berry bushes grow in the garden.

Guys, why do peoplegrowing garden plants?

In dictionary

A garden is an area with fruit trees and shrubs planted by man.

Children's answers

Apple tree






5. Physical exercise (3-5 minutes)

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)Raise your shoulders higherAnd then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)Put your hands in front of your chestAnd we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)You need to jump ten timesLet's go higher, let's go together! (Jumping in place.)We raise our kneesWe take a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)From the bottom of our hearts we stretched, (Pulling the arms up and to the sides.)And they returned to their place. (Children sit down.)They sat down quietly. We continue to work.

6. Work according to the textbook 101 .

slide 15

The guys, Masha and Misha say that somehow their classmates argued which plants are the easiest to take care of and decided that these are garden trees and shrubs, planted once, and you harvest every year, not like other plants, plant every year, poli, fertilize, water.

Guys, look at the drawing on page 101 in the textbook. What do you see?

And why:

1) Why are tree trunks tied with spruce branches?

2) Why hang birdhouses and bird feeders?

3) Why whitewash tree trunks?

4) Why shake off the snow from the branches?

5) Why do garden plants need to be spudded with snow in severe frosts?

6) Why do gardeners remove dried leaves from trees?

Pair discussion

Resolve the dispute of Masha's classmates?Can we agree that garden plants require less maintenance than garden plants?

- Choose the time of the year when gardeners work in the garden.

Conclusion: All cultivated plants require care.

Children's answers

Presentation of their answers from the couple

Children's answers

7. Consolidation of acquired knowledge

And now guys, I propose to create a layout of the garden of our area.

Practical work at the blackboard.

8. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson

What were the goals of our lesson?

Have we reached our goals?

What conclusions did we draw?

Children's answers (raise cards)

- Fruit trees and berry bushes grow in the garden.

- Garden plants, like other groups of cultivated plants, benefit people.

- All cultivated plants, including garden plants, require care.

9. Homework

Textbook pp. 100 - 101, Fri p. 44, No. 61

Homework discussion

Children's questions

A beautiful colorful garden from spring to late autumn is not a dream. But not everyone wants to spend all their time on the site, planting flower beds and caring for the lawn. How to minimize the effort to enjoy the colors of the garden, lying on a deck chair with a book or rocking on a garden rocking chair? Firstly, competently plan the landscape and, secondly, select plants that require a minimum of care.

Think about which garden is easier for you to keep tidy - regular French, which requires frequent cutting of garden forms, beds that exclude even a hint of weeds, or slightly neglected English with its free layout? Logic suggests that the English version is more convenient.

The fewer flower beds in the garden, the easier it is to care for it. Choose vibrant shrubs that change their appearance throughout the season. But still it is difficult to imagine a luxurious garden without flowers at all. And they need a beautiful background - lay large areas under the lawn or a picturesque lawn with clover, daisies, tenacity. Weeds are not so noticeable on it - it is enough to mow them. By the way, daisies easily tolerate a haircut and bloom remarkably, very low above the rosettes of leaves.

A beautifully blooming front garden that fills the space in front of the facade of the house will create the feeling of a painstakingly cultivated garden. But the rest of the area can be left under the lawn, surrounded by bushes. Instead of flower beds with geometric shapes, create mixborders with a free arrangement of different plants. They look more picturesque and look good even when overgrown with weeds.

Choose plants that are resistant to our climate and tolerate frost. Combine plants with different foliage in height, shape and color so that even when not in bloom, the garden remains decorative. Arrange mixborders at the intersection of paths to complicate the look of the garden.

If there is a landscape difference on the site, do not be afraid to create terraces and retaining walls - they will enrich the picture of the garden, make it more picturesque.

A paved patio will also do a great job of providing a backdrop for the flowers, and it will also reduce the hassle of mowing the lawn - a tiring task, even with a self-propelled gasoline lawn mower.

By the way, high-quality equipment will greatly simplify the care of the garden. In addition to a lawnmower suitable for open flat spaces, stock up on a petrol trimmer to cut grass and weeds around bushes and trees.

Lawn care advice
As soon as the grass has grown over ten centimeters, a weekly mowing (or at least once every two weeks) will accompany your holiday in the garden. Remember that the correct mowing of the lawn involves mowing with a “snake”, so that the grass crushed by the wheels falls under the blade of the mower going in the opposite direction.

The shape of the lawn and the organization of the plantings surrounding it is very important. The more separately growing plantings in the middle of the lawn, the more time you will spend. The border between lawn and solid plantings is another important decision to make maintenance easier.

Optimizing lawn mowing is not a reason to completely abandon the tapeworm in the middle of it. If we are talking about a tree, form its crown at such a height that you can walk under it freely. Plants that should be spaced apart should not be planted closer than the width of the wheels of a lawn mower, otherwise you will have to cut the grass with a trimmer, and this is quite tedious.

To avoid clogging the soil between out-of-lawn plantings, cover the soil with a decorative mulch (such as bark). Between young plantings, it is worth covering the ground with non-woven material and sprinkle with gravel - this will save you from weeding and ubiquitous grass. Or, if fresh plantings of shrubs and perennials require filling in the space between young plants, colorful annuals can be used.

What to plant in the garden
Refuse to plant annuals through seedlings - choose those that develop easily without care, do not require pre-germination, bloom for a long time and brightly, and also self-seeding next year: eschscholzia, self-seeding poppy (Papaver rhoeas), annual flax ( Linum grandiflorum), cornflower (Centaurea), flaxseed (Linaria vulgaris), calendula (Calendula officinalis).

Bulb flowers: buried and forgotten
Tulips and hyacinths are magical spring flowers that delight the eye at the start of the season. But imagine what will be in their place in the summer, as soon as the flowers fade? Drying leaves that you still can’t cut off, so as not to deprive the bulb of the accumulated nutrients in this way. But after the leaves have completely dried, you need to have time to dig the bulbs to dry. And in late summer or early autumn, you will have to re-plant them.

Therefore, everything that needs to be dug up annually for drying or for wintering indoors and then re-planted (tulips, hyacinths, anemones, gladioli, crocosmia, and also tuberous dahlias) is, alas, better not to plant.

It is better to choose bulbs that will grow well if not dug at all. Beautiful, though not so large flowers: Pushkinia (Puschkinia), Scilla (Scilla), Muscari (Muscari), Brodiaea (Brodiaea), white flowers (Leucojum, blooms in spring and summer), crocuses (Crocus) - spring blooming and autumn blooming, camassia (Camassia) - showy blue flowers blooming in early summer, decorative bows that adorn the garden with balls of flowers on high legs in mid-summer. Be sure to plant plenty of Asiatic and LA hybrids. And refrain from eastern ones, they winter much worse in central Russia. The care of these flowers is minimal - fertilizing with fertilizer for bulbs.

If you really want tulips, plant wild species: they look rather unusual. Daffodils in one place can bloom well without digging for about 4-5 years. The only problem is yellowing leaves that cannot be cut until completely dry. Therefore, choose a place for them next to perennials, which will cover them with their leaves in summer.

However, if you cannot imagine your garden without large beautiful tulips in spring, place their bulbs in plastic nets in the ground - it will be easier and faster to dig them out to dry. Allow yourself to forget about this process for a year - one summer spent in the ground without drying out will not cause such terrible damage to the tulips blooming next year. The ideal "shelter" for faded bulbs will be hostas, peonies, daylilies.

Do not be afraid of weeds and constantly fight with them. The garden, close to the country style, suits a slight neglect. The latest trends at the Chelsea Garden Show are further proof that weeds can beautify a garden.

Leave the natural forms characteristic of your soil. They will give the garden a more natural look. For example, an ordinary garden chamomile creates beautiful compositions without any participation of the gardener, links plantings together. In addition, it blooms for a long time and is very resistant to heat and drought. Even burdock with its huge leaves can look spectacular, and thistles can decorate a composition with lupins and rudbeckia with their flowers.

Perennials - only the most unpretentious
Peonies require regular fertilization, watering before flowering and cutting leaves before winter, but this care will pay off a hundredfold when the garden is filled with huge fragrant flowers. Daylilies will thrive in full sun and, like peonies, will look decorative and neat even after they have faded.

Decorative foliage and beautiful arrows with white or lilac hosta bell flowers are ideal for semi-shady and shady places (including under trees, but not near the trunks). True, the hosts will need to be cut off after the first frosts, which will “beat” their leaves, and in October they will be mulched with earth for the winter.

Irises - Siberian (Irissibírica) and marsh (Iris pseudacoru), easy to care for - will decorate the humid sunny places of the garden. Before the onset of winter, they will also need to be cut at a height of 10 cm above the ground. Bearded irises will require more care: weeding, digging rhizomes (bearded irises stop blooming profusely and start to hurt when their rhizomes deepen), shelters for the winter. But still, bearded irises are one of the best garden decorations in June. To make it easier to care for them, choose old proven varieties that grow quickly and are resistant to diseases.

Daisies, lupins, rudbeckias are all very resistant plants that look beautiful both in flower beds (elongated flower beds) and separately in a mixborder. They can be grown in the garden directly from seeds.

Biennials - Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus), stock-rose (Alcea rosea) - are also suitable for discounts and mixborders and are very easy to grow. The only thing to consider is that they bloom only in the second year after planting, and then they must be removed and planted again, otherwise there will be no lush flowering.

flowering shrubs
To almost completely relieve yourself of the worries of caring for the garden, create a multi-layer composition of beautifully flowering shrubs . Arrange shrubs of different types, heights and shapes around the perimeter of your garden, near the fence, next to the buildings. The more picturesque, the better - even if one of them freezes over during the winter, the neighbors will hide its untidy appearance.

The common lilac is a must-have in a low maintenance garden. In May, the fragrance of her flowers will flood the entire garden, and everyone knows about the beauty of the luxuriantly flowering bushes. Choose varieties with large double flowers - "Hope", "Beauty of Moscow" and other varieties of L. A. Kolesnikov, striking in the size of flowers and wintering well in the Moscow region. The only concern is to trim the faded brushes after flowering.

Quickly grow in a sunny place into a huge sprawling three-meter bush capable of vesicle. To create a contrasting composition with other shrubs and flowers, choose one of the brightest expressive varieties - Physocarpus Diablo with dark foliage. In June, it will be covered with white flowers, collected in slightly pinkish corymbs. In June, mock orange (garden jasmine) will decorate the garden with its white flowers with the scent of jasmine.

Derain white (Cornus alba) in its popular variegated form blooms beautifully in spring, expressively turns pink in autumn, and its red branches are spectacular even in a winter garden that has flown around. Plant turf on moist soils, where it develops rapidly, and always in the back of the composition, otherwise soon you will not see neighbors behind it - turf, like silver sucker, behaves quite aggressively, taking up much more space than was allotted according to plan.

Do not forget about the wild rose - after fragrant flowers, it has bright fruits to decorate the garden.

Decide for yourself, having estimated the amount of necessary autumn work, whether you are ready to see forsythia in your garden. This yellow-flowered yet leafless shrub makes a big impression in early spring. By autumn, its graceful foliage is painted in different colors. But for good flowering of forsythia, it is necessary to hide it in a shelter during the winter near Moscow: in the fall, special attention will have to be paid to forsythia, bending its branches to the ground and wrapping it with lutrasil.

For the foreground in a composition of shrubs and perennials, spireas in all their diversity are suitable - gray spirea (Spirae a cinerea), Japanese spirea (Spiraeajaponica), Vanguta spirea (Spiraeavanhouttei) and others. All of them are very decorative: they bloom beautifully, moreover, at different times and without any care. The branches of a low gray spirea are completely doused with small white flowers in the spring. In the summer and even again in the fall (when pruning after flowering), the Japanese spirea blooms with pink flowers.

Hydrangea tree (Hydrangea arborescens) and paniculate (Hydrangea paniculata) - decoration for semi-shady places in the garden. It looks great in compositions with coniferous plants.

Barberries (frequently found common barberry Berberis vulgaris and Thunberg barberry Berberisthunbergi) bloom with yellow flowers not too spectacularly, but their characteristic leaves and branches with small red berries look very decorative. Moreover, last year's berries remain on the bush. The same can be said about the European spindle tree, extremely decorative in autumn thanks to the flaming foliage and its special fruits in the form of opened bright pink boxes with orange berries inside.

Whole-leaved willow "Hakuro Nishiki" (Salixintegra Hakuro Nishiki) is another maintenance-free ornamental shrub that does not have flowers, but foliage worthy of becoming a garden decoration. The white leaves on the young shoots of this willow are painted in the sun in pale pink tones.

Trees in bloom and more
Usually you have to wait too long until the young trees planted show themselves in all their glory, and not every gardener can master the planting of large trees. So if your garden already has large trees, let them be the basis for creating compositions from shrubs and perennials, because without them it is difficult to achieve a sense of natural luxury and scope in the most beautiful garden.

Of what is worth adding to the garden, not counting the beautifully flowering apple trees, cherries, plums, is the bird cherry in its red-leaved form. Horse chestnut with candles of flowers and decorative foliage is good even in the form of a young tree. Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica) due to large openwork leaves, growth rate, excellent winter hardiness is another candidate for your garden. The red-leaved forms of oak and maple will support the purple barberry bushes, the red-brown foliage of the Diabolo vesicle with the color of the foliage.

evergreen garden
Be sure to add coniferous shrubs and trees to the garden. Junipers of different forms perfectly connect different plants in a mix-border - you can already create a decorative garden from junipers and thujas alone, playing with the color of the needles (yellow-colored Aurea forms, white-tipped Albospikata) and the shape of the plants. All these plants can be easily found in nurseries: more budgetary - in the form of very small seedlings and more expensive - at the age of three to five years. What to choose depends only on the budget.

Of course, the competent planting of all these plants and the correct set of fertilizers in the planting pits of the required width and depth will require a lot of effort, but only once. And with the most minimal care, such a garden will sparkle with all the richness of colors in a few years. You just need to give him a little freedom.