How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank online. Through which bank can you pay an administrative fine? Administrative fine - how to pay? Procedure for paying fines for administrative offenses How to pay an administrative fine by decision

Administrative violations can be applied for violation of labor, civil, criminal-constitutional, administrative and other branches of law.

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The imposition of fines is mainly aimed at correcting the guilty person and makes the offender understand the degree of responsibility for the committed crime of law. An administrative fine may temporarily worsen the legal situation of the offender. Is it easiest to pay an administrative fine online?

What is it

An administrative fine is a measure of punishment adopted by the state for an administrative offense (Administrative Offense), in the form of collection of funds. It is used to prevent the commission of new violations by both individuals and legal entities.

Only the measures set out in Art. 3.2-3.12 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for their appointment is determined by the norms of this code. Administrative penalties cannot include, for example, such penalties as: suspension from work, prohibition of driving a vehicle, withdrawal of a license to provide any services for legal entities, etc.

Anyone can get into an awkward situation and become a criminal. By drinking alcohol in public places or crossing the street in the wrong place, we are breaking the law.

Law enforcement officers have every right to write us a report and collect official fines established by law.

If you do not pay the fine on time, its amount may double or lead to the arrest of the offender.

The administrative fine is expressed in amounts that are multiples of:

  • the value of the item at the time of issuance of an official document confirming the administrative offense;
  • the amount of unpaid duties, taxes or fees at the time of completion or issuance of documents on the offense;
  • the amount of currency fraud;
  • the amount of funds that did not arrive at the bank branch or the budget of the Russian Federation within the time limits prescribed by law;
  • The amount of illegal money collected by the offender from the sale of a service or group of goods;
  • The amount of the administrative fine itself.

Payment methods

Today, there are various ways to pay fines. You can choose any of them. It will take a minimum of time and effort, you will not have to stand in line and look for banks through which you can pay off the debt.

With the development of digital technologies in the World, it has become much easier to pay fines.

There are the following methods of paying fines for administrative violations:

  • Through SBERBANK using a receipt. A very reliable payment method. Despite its simplicity, it takes quite a lot of time. The bank charges a commission of 40-50 rubles for each fine. After payment, the citizen receives a document, which it is advisable to keep with him in case of claims of non-payment.
  • Through the SBERBANK terminal. One of the simplest ways. On the terminal screen you need to enter the offender’s name and the order number. Be sure to take into account the bank commission, since the payment may not go through, and you will have to re-deposit the required amount or pay extra.
  • Payment using the online service in SBERBANK. The most popular method, as it allows you to pay all fines without leaving your home.

Video: From a mobile phone

How to pay an administrative fine online through Sberbank?

To pay an administrative fine online, you must have a Sberbank card. If you don’t have one, you can contact the bank’s consultants and get a card instantly.

Using your card at an ATM, you will receive a password and can easily identify yourself in the system online.

After which you will need to link the card through the bank’s website, and then according to the scheme:

  • Register on the official website of Sberbank.
  • Go to your personal account, which is open at any time, and select the “traffic police fines” section. In the sub-item “State traffic police, duties, taxes, budget payments, find the line “State traffic police”
  • Using the search bar, indicate the locality and department where the funds will be received.
  • Then enter your driver's license number, and the system will indicate the required amount for payment. The payer may request a receipt from the Bank to confirm payment of the fine.

For individuals, fines can also be paid through Sberbank online in this way:

  • Log in to your personal account.
  • Select "Payments and transfers".
  • Fill in the information from the receipt issued for payment. In the payment column you need to fill in all the data and details that you will see in the receipt of the offense: last name, first name, patronymic, registration, series of the resolution and its number, date of the offense.
  • After the “Confirm” and “Continue” buttons, enter the amount of the administrative fine.
  • Indicate the card from which cash will be debited to pay off the fine. Payment by credit card is not possible due to the bank's terms and conditions. “Confirm” again.
  • In the window at the bottom of the screen you need to enter a confirmation code. The code will be sent to your registered number via SMS within a minute.
  • The completion of the transaction will be indicated by a blue bank seal on the screen. The receipt can be printed instantly or at any time. All data is saved, but it is advisable to keep a copy so as not to get into awkward situations.

Another advantage of the online service is that the operation is carried out without commission and loss of time waiting for your turn.

Payment Features

Every citizen has the right to appeal a fine within no more than 10 days. If you received more than two administrative violations, then you must pay separately for each of the violations. Keep copies of your receipts with you for a year.

You should not send proof of payment to law enforcement agencies. As soon as you pay the fine, confirmation of payment will be sent to the necessary authorities within three days maximum.

No more than 60 days should pass from the date of issuance of the decision on the violation to the time of payment. Otherwise, additional penalties provided by law will be charged.

For late payment, the offender may not only be fined, but also imprisoned for up to 15 days. And if the fine amounts to more than ten thousand rubles, the person will be deprived of the right to leave the country.

The online service will help you quickly sort out an unpleasant situation without wasting time and effort. It is better to provide the necessary documents on time and pay the fine than to allow proceedings in court and have problems in the future due to a minor administrative fine.

Payment deadlines

According to the article on the Administrative Offences, there are deadlines for paying fines for violations. The deadlines are the same for everyone, no matter how you violate this law.

Each person can appeal a ruling on an offense within 10 days. If you do not appeal, the violation decision will enter into force, after which you will be required to pay the full amount of the fine.

The state provides 60 days to fully pay off the fine. If the owner of a car or a pedestrian commits an offense for the first time, then he is given a chance to pay only half of the penalty within 20 days.

This discount for traffic violations began to apply on January 1, 2018. If more than 20 days have passed since the delivery of the administrative fine and half of the debt has still not been paid, then the violator loses the right to a discount and is obliged to pay the fine in full.

All cases with fines not paid on time are referred to the court, and then the offender is required to pay additional monetary sanctions.

Consequences of non-payment of fines

Let's figure out what the consequences may be due to failure to pay a fine.

If you forgot and did not pay on time, you may face the following sanctions:

  • Part 1 of Article 20.25 “for failure to pay an administrative fine” of the Code provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of two times the original amount of the fine if not paid within two months. This applies to an amount of at least 1 thousand rubles.
  • Arrest of the offender for up to fifteen days
  • Correctional labor up to 50 hours

So, an unpaid fine of 1,000 rubles will result in a mandatory collection of 1,500 rubles from you. The total payment amount will be 2500 rubles.

Corrective labor or even imprisonment for 15 days may become more unpleasant for you. It is unlikely that anyone would want to serve their sentence at hard work with other offenders for at least two hours a day after their main job.

Every person needs to know how to pay an administrative fine. The point is that even a conscientious resident of the Russian Federation can encounter administrative violations. And the fine that will be imposed on the person will have to be paid. Not everyone knows exactly how. Next, we will consider all the features of paying existing administrative fines. There are a lot of them, but there are no difficult-to-understand moments in the topic being studied.


The first step is to understand what time frame you will have to meet to deposit funds into the country’s treasury. Otherwise, the person will be in arrears. It entails additional liability.

Payment of the administrative fine to the traffic police must be made within strictly established periods. Namely - 70 days from the date of issue of the receipt. Of these, 10 days are allocated for review of the case, and 60 is the period of voluntary payment of the “debt”.


In Russia, until 2019, payment of an administrative fine can be made taking into account discounts - from 30 to 50%. In particular, if the punishment is imposed for violating traffic rules.

Discounts are offered to pay bills for those who decide to do this no later than 20 days after receiving the payment order. Most often, a reduction in the amount of the fine is observed when paying through “Government Services”,

In any case, everyone has a chance to reduce the fine. And you can use this! The main thing is to understand the features of the process.

Where to pay?

Where can I pay a fine for an administrative violation? There is no consensus. This is due to the fact that modern citizens are offered many alternatives during the implementation of the task.

To put it briefly, it is proposed to deal with fines in the following places:

  • traffic police;
  • banks;
  • Internet.

More and more people are using the Internet to make certain payments. Taxes and fines are no exception. But banking services are still often used.

About the techniques

How to pay an administrative fine? This, as we have already found out, is allowed in different places. There are also many ways to deposit money for taxes and fines.

The following schedules stand out among them:

  • use of "Government services";
  • work with the website "Payment for State Services";
  • contacting bank cash desks;
  • work with Internet banking;
  • payment by terminals or ATMs;
  • transfer of funds through virtual payment systems.

Next, we will consider each of the techniques separately. Despite the fact that the types of administrative fines are different, the algorithm of actions will always be approximately the same. Every person should remember this.

What will be useful?

Before solving the problem, you need to stock up on some information. It will reduce the likelihood of failure when paying a fine to a minimum.

The offender will have to find out:

  • the amount of the fine;
  • details of the recipient traffic police.

The following documents and things may also be useful to him:

  • telephone (mobile);
  • bank card;
  • money (cash);

You can do without the latter. However, if the payer has a payment card, it will provide access to a quick search for fine data when working with terminals and/or ATMs.

Box office

Let's start with the oldest and most proven, but not entirely convenient solution. How to pay an administrative fine? Go to the cash desk of any bank. Sberbank, for example, does not charge a commission for such services. Therefore, it is recommended to contact us here.

  1. The client gives the payment to the cashier.
  2. ID must be presented.
  3. Money is given for a fine.
  4. A check and change are issued.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming. Because of this, the population prefers self-service systems for making payments on certain accounts.

ATM terminals

Has an administrative fine been issued? The Code of Administrative Offenses specifies in which cases a citizen is brought to administrative responsibility. And therefore, you can always check the legality of the fine issued.

It turned out that the person was fined legally? In this case, you need to get rid of the “debt” as quickly as possible. Otherwise, another responsibility will come.

Quite often, people use ATMs and payment terminals to make bill payments. Let's consider the operation using the example of Sberbank. The instructions are equally suitable for both terminals and ATMs.

She looks like this:

  1. Open the main menu of the selected machine.
  2. Go to the section "Fines, taxes" - "State Traffic Safety Inspectorate".
  3. Select the desired traffic police department.
  4. Enter the amount of the fine.
  5. Provide information about who is transferring the funds.
  6. Place the bills into a special receptacle. This step is only relevant when working with terminals.
  7. Click on “Ok” and pick up the issued check. In the case of Sberbank, the client will receive a message with a 4-digit code on their phone. You will need to enter it at the ATM before issuing a payment receipt.

As we have already said, if the payer has a payment order, you can act differently. Information about a fine is searched much faster.

Codes and receipts

We are talking about searching for information about the recipient using a barcode. This technique is used when working with terminals, as well as when using ATMs at the time of making payments.

What to do? Need to:

  1. In the main menu of the selected machine, open “Payments in my city”.
  2. Go to “Search for recipient” - “By barcode”. You can also find fines by last name, but it’s better not to do this. This technique works perfectly online.
  3. Present the barcode receipt to a special reader.
  4. Confirm payment.
  5. Deposit money towards the fine and complete the procedure.

As practice shows, this technique is not used too often in real life. After all, there are many other ways to pay taxes, fees and fines.

"Payment for public services" and fines

It is indeed possible to find and “close” fines by last name online. Typically this service is offered by third party services. It's better to ignore her.

To get rid of administrative fines without registration and fears, you are invited to get acquainted with the “Payment for State Services” website. It is officially recognized as safe.

To work with it smoothly you need:

  1. Go to the portal address in your browser.
  2. Click the desired item on the top panel. For example, "Traffic police fines".
  3. Specify information search parameters.
  4. Enter certain data in the highlighted fields, then click on “Search”.
  5. Click on the "Pay" button.
  6. Select payment method. Usually, it is offered to deposit funds into the account by card or electronic wallet.
  7. Enter the details requested by the system.
  8. Click on "Ok" and finish working with the service.

Payment systems

The last interesting trick is working with online wallets. How to pay the administrative fine in this case?

  1. Open a virtual wallet. For example, Yandex.
  2. Top up your account using any available method.
  3. Open the "Products and Services" item.
  4. Click on "Fines" or "Receipts". It all depends on the payment system used.
  5. Enter the TIN or name of the recipient organization.
  6. Provide information about the amount of payment.
  7. Check the available details and confirm the transfer.

Sberbank provides the opportunity to pay for any types of violations. To do this, the payer must know the details of the company to whose account the money needs to be transferred. There are several options for paying off fines through Sberbank.

Take the payment order and go to the nearest Sberbank branch. Explain to the consultant the purpose of your visit. He will give you the corresponding document in two copies and ask you to fill it out. All details of the recipient company are indicated in the payment order. Fill in the name of the organization, its TIN, account number, bank branch, etc. In the “Name of payment” field, write “Fine”. Next, write down your details. Indicate your full name, registration address and amount of funds. Enter the number and signature. Check that the entered data is correct. After this, go to the window labeled “Accepting payments” and pay the required amount. You should have one copy of the previously completed document with a payment receipt. To avoid additional difficulties when filling out the document, you can order this service from a Sberbank consultant. Check its cost in advance and, if desired, entrust the filling to a specialist.

You can pay off the fine through any Sberbank terminal. If you want to make a non-cash transfer, you must have a bank plastic card. You also have the opportunity to make a cash payment, but remember that not all terminals are equipped with bill acceptors. The website lists all terminal addresses in Russia. Choose the most suitable option. Please note whether this terminal accepts payments and cash. If not, find out which cards can be used to make payments. All data is indicated on the official website of Sberbank.

When making a payment, carefully enter the recipient's details. If you are going to pay in cash, select Cash Payments. The system will give you a list of organizations to whose account you can transfer money. Select the appropriate one and hold the barcode of the payment receipt to the scanner window. Enter the required amount and click the “Accept payment” button. Be sure to pick up your payment receipt and remember that payment fees may apply.

The most convenient payment method is the Sberbank Online system. You can pay the fine directly from home. Make sure that you are connected to this service and go to your personal account. You will be asked to enter the identification code that you received when you received your bank card. If you have forgotten it, contact your bank operator and ask him to remind you of the code. You will be asked to give your bank card number and the secret word that you indicated in the application form when you received it.

If you forgot it, you will have to go to the office with your passport and confirm your identity. Only after this will employees provide you with access to your personal account. Select "Payments and Transactions". Then go to the “Housing and communal services, communications, telephony, etc.” tab. Select "Taxes and fines". The system should provide you with a list of organizations to pay the fine. If you don’t see a suitable one there, select the “Payment using custom details” option, enter the details and transfer the money.

Now you know that you can pay off any fine through Sberbank. You only need a payment order. Choose the most suitable method and make the payment. Any of the above methods allows you to instantly transfer money.

No person is immune from receiving an administrative fine. After all, it is quite easy to incur such punishment simply by crossing the road in the wrong place, drinking an alcoholic drink or smoking in public places. Often these fines are small, but they can cause a lot of trouble.

In the absence of timely payment, the debt may double or even end in administrative arrest. Therefore, it is very important to make the payment on time. The Sberbank Online system will be a great help with this, where you can easily pay off debt and even track the occurrence of penalties.

How to pay off debt online?

The Sberbank Online service is the most convenient way to pay a fine at a time when it is convenient for a person. To do this, you need to register with the service, receiving credentials in the form of a login and password. The service operates 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online?

To make a payment, just have your phone, tablet or laptop at hand and follow the following instructions:

  • Log in to your Personal Account.
  • Select the “Payments and Transfers” menu button.
  • Enter information from the receipt received to pay the collection. Here you must write all the information contained in the violation receipt: personal information about the violator, as well as the number and series of the resolution and the date of the violation.
  • Confirm that the entered data is correct.
  • Enter the amount of the penalty.
  • Select the card from which payment will be made.
  • Click the “Confirm” button.
  • Enter a confirmation code that will be sent to your phone as an SMS message.

When the operation is completed, a blue institutional seal will appear on the screen. The user can print the receipt at any time. Although the system stores all payment data, you should still make copies and keep them with you in order to avoid new troubles in the future.

The client also has the opportunity to activate the “Autopayment” service so that fines are paid automatically. With this option, there will definitely be no late payments if the person has enough funds on the card to write off. The system will not repay the debt by driving it into the red.

Useful information about administrative fines

  • The violator has the right to appeal the fine within 10 days.
  • The penalty must be paid within 60 days from the date of the decision.
  • If there are several fines, they can be paid separately. Payment receipts must be saved, but confirmation is not required.
  • In case of failure to pay the penalty within 60 days, legal proceedings are possible, as a result of which the amount of the penalty may be doubled or the violator may be arrested for 15 days.
  • If the debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, then a temporary ban on traveling abroad is possible.

Thus, if you know how to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online, then no problems will arise with repaying the debt. Collection can be paid at any convenient time, and most importantly, without commission.

Administrative offenses are committed by citizens without causing particularly large and serious damage, as well as harm to other people. Typically this category includes ignoring traffic rules, minor thefts, copyright infringement, smoking or drinking alcohol in the wrong place, etc. If the subject is found guilty, he will have to pay an administrative fine.

Where can I pay an administrative fine?

There is no consensus on where exactly a fine for an administrative offense can be paid. This is due to the fact that today Russian citizens have a sufficient number of alternatives to carry out such a task.

You can get rid of fines in the following places:

  • traffic police;
  • banking organizations;
  • Internet.

In the modern world, people increasingly prefer to use the Internet to make various types of payments, and fines are no exception. The services of financial institutions are in second place in popularity.

How long does it take to pay a fine for an administrative offense?

It contains the following data:

  • the name of the banking organization to which the payment will go;
  • numbers of current and correspondent accounts;
  • TIN of the department that imposed the fine;
  • amount of debt;
  • the reason why the fine was imposed;
  • Full name of the offender;
  • payer's registration address.

If the payer has a bank account, the fine can be paid via bank transfer. In such a situation, all empty columns in the order are filled in by a bank employee.

How to pay an administrative fine without a receipt

Step by step instructions:

  1. Log in to your virtual wallet, for example, in the Yandex system. Money.
  2. Transfer money to your account using any suitable method.
  3. Go to the “Products and Services” section.
  4. Click the “Fines” button. Its name may be different, it all depends on the specific service.
  5. Indicate the TIN or name of the organization that will receive the funds.
  6. Enter information about the amount of the fine.
  7. Check that the details have been entered correctly and confirm the transaction.

How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online

The option of paying fines through the Sberbank Online application is the most popular among users, as it does not involve charging a percentage fee. To carry out this procedure, you must have a payment card issued by this bank, an installed application, as well as a receipt or a copy of the resolution.

If the payer is not the owner of a Sberbank card, it can be obtained using instant issuance at any of the branches, and then connect to online banking through an ATM by entering the received ID.

How to pay a fine to the tax office through Sberbank Online (or to other departments: Rospotrebnadzor, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.):

How to pay an administrative fine through State Services

To get rid of administrative fines online and without going through any registration, you should use the official portal “Payment for State Services”.

How to pay an administrative fine based on a decision through State Services:

  1. Go to the site address.
  2. Find the desired section on the top of the panel.
  3. Enter search operation parameters.
  4. Indicate the relevant information in the fields that appear and click on the “Search” button.
  5. Click the “Payment” button.
  6. Choose the appropriate method. The most common– depositing funds from a payment card or from a virtual wallet.
  7. Specify the details requested by the service.
  8. Click “OK” and finish working in the system.

After these actions are completed, the debt is considered liquidated. Data about this will appear in the information database within two days.

How to pay an administrative fine through an ATM

To pay administrative fines, special ATMs and terminals are often used, for example, devices belonging to Sberbank. The instructions below are similar for both terminals and ATMs.

What to do:

  1. Enter the main menu of the device.
  2. Go to the “Taxes, fines, traffic police” section.
  3. Select the required department.
  4. Indicate the amount of debt.
  5. Write information about the payer.
  6. Deposit money into the receiver (this happens when paying through terminals).
  7. Click the “OK” button and collect the issued receipt. If the payment was made through a Sberbank ATM, the payer will receive a message on their phone with a one-time code that must be entered into the device.

If the payer has a payment order with him, making a payment through an ATM can be even easier:

  1. In the device menu, enter the “Payments in my city” section.
  2. Click “Search for recipient” – “By QR code”. Searching by last name is also possible, but not particularly convenient.
  3. Present the order with the barcode to the reader.
  4. Confirm the operation.
  5. Deposit funds and complete payment.

In practice, the last described option is not used very often.

Regardless of what administrative offense caused the fine, you will still have to pay for it - this procedure applies not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus). Otherwise, the violator will face even greater fines, and sometimes even penalties of a completely different kind. In order not to aggravate the procedure by standing in queues, it is better to do everything online. This way, the payer will save his time and money, because on the Internet there is no fee for paying a fine.

As national statistics show, in relation to every fourth adult and able-bodied citizen of the Russian Federation, a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up at least once during his life, and 70% of the issued documents provide for a penalty in the form of a fine. And, interestingly, another third of the issued orders are ignored by violators, which entails a wide range of legal consequences. And in order not to have to face harsh sanctions from Themis, it is necessary to pay the administrative fine on time and in full.

Methods of paying administrative fines

The easiest way to deposit the required amount of funds towards a fine is through a Sberbank branch. In addition, in this way it is also possible to pay a fine without a receipt. It is necessary to contact the cash desk of the financial institution and provide the details of the body that issued the decision to impose a penalty. Then you need to provide information about the payer of the funds and deposit the required amount. This procedure takes no more than five minutes, not counting the time spent in line, but involves an additional commission, which is approximately 50 rubles for each payment made.

Important! Violators can be fined by various law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities (for example, for drinking alcohol or other alcoholic beverages, both the police and the court may impose penalties, depending on the repetition of the violation), so you need to be careful when specifying the details of the recipient of the funds, since return You won't get the money back.

The most convenient way to pay an administrative fine online is through the Internet and remote access to Sberbank services. To do this, you need to log in to the system and go to the “Payments and Transfers” section. In the window that opens, select the “Payment of fines” section and display the details of the authority in favor of which you need to pay the fine.

The next point is to enter the personal information of the payer of the funds (last name, first name, passport details, registration and place of residence). The final stage is to display the payment amount and its purpose, as well as confirm that the money has been sent. Stationary payment terminals work in a similar way.

Another alternative method is to transfer money through the State Services portal. But to use this option, you must first go through a multi-level user registration procedure in the system. The advantage of this method is that State Services allow you to make payments without commissions.

Deadlines for payment of fines

It must be remembered that the decision on the application of sanctions does not take effect immediately, but after 10 days from the date of issuance, so payment should not be transferred before this period. These 10 days are allocated to the violator to protest the punishment for the violation committed, but after this period of time the resolution is considered to have entered into legal force.

And from this day the countdown of 60 days begins, before the expiration of which the debtor must pay the full amount of the imposed penalty. A government agency can independently check whether the money has been received from the payer, but it is better to provide a receipt of payment to avoid additional proceedings.

How to get a discount when paying fines

At the beginning of 2016, new rules for applying penalties to debtors who violated traffic rules came into force. Thus, according to the new rules, for an administrative offense that provides for sanctions in the form of a fine, the violator can receive a 50% discount on the payment.

The rule operates in such a way that the debtor, on a general basis, is allocated two calendar months to deposit the full amount issued into the state account. But if the sanctions are paid in the first 20 days, the fine is automatically reduced by half. But it is necessary to avoid transferring finances at the last moment. It is better to do this a day or two before the end of the grace period to avoid additional disputes.

As mentioned above, other sanctions may be applied to the debtor for evading payment of penalties. Among them:

  • doubling the amount of the sanction;
  • application of public works;
  • administrative arrest.

These are exceptional measures that are applied only by court decision. And in order not to encounter such problems and severe sanctions, it is better to repay any debts that arise in a timely manner. Moreover, this can be done via the home Internet.