How to relax in September in Mallorca - instructions and useful tips. Events and weather in Spain Where to go on a tour of Mallorca

September is considered one of the best times of the year to travel to the Spanish island of Mallorca. In the first month of autumn, the island appears to its guests as sunny, clear, hot (+25…+30°C). Nights in September are not as stuffy as in summer, but still quite warm (+20…+23°С). There is practically no rain at this time, the sky is clear for most of the month, and the water temperature in the sea reaches + 26-27 ° C.

Luxurious clear weather suggests an ideal beach holiday and allows you to make excursions around the island with no less comfort. Mallorca has no shortage of attractions and beautiful places. And above all, it is worth visiting the heart of the island, the city of Palma de Mallorca. The beautiful town is hidden in a 20-kilometer bay, which is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world. Palma is narrow streets, typical medieval squares, houses with charming Spanish patios and the magnificent Bellver Castle, as if hovering over the bay.

Another important attraction of the island is the Valldemos Monastery of the 14th century, most of the cells of which are now given over to museum sites.

The island is not that big, but it will take more than one day to explore it. Beautiful not only the coast of the island with its beaches, cliffs and cliffs, but also its central mountainous parts. On clear September days, active tourists can be recommended to climb the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, stretching across the entire island. The slopes of the mountains are covered with wonderful olive groves and lush meadows, where sheep graze peacefully, and from the observation decks, truly magnificent views of the surroundings and the sea open up.

In September, the Marineland Dolphinarium and water parks are open, which will appeal to both adults and children. And, of course, all nightclubs, bars and restaurants are open in September. It seems that the people of Mallorca know better than anyone in the world how to relax beautifully and correctly! And the most fun after sunset is in Magaluf, Arenal or Paseo Maritimo in the capital.

In September, Mallorca hosts some amazing holidays. For example, in the first half of September, the arrival of King Jaume I on the island is celebrated in Santa Ponsa: concerts and a large-scale reconstruction of the battle between the Moors and Christians are expected as part of the holiday.

If the trip falls at the beginning of September, it is worth visiting the Mare de Déu de la Salut (processions and flower offerings in the capital of the island) or the Melon Festival in Vilafranca de Bonany, a celebration dedicated to the beginning of the harvest of melons and fruits.

At the end of the month in the city of Binissalem, you can participate in the Grape Harvest Festival, which includes fun competitions, eating giant paella, treats, performances, a parade and grape fights.

Despite the onset of calendar autumn, September still continues popular season in the beach resorts of Spain, including the island of Mallorca. Many consider this time to be the most comfortable for relaxation, as the air begins to cool slightly, and there is no longer a strong heat, while the sea remains warm to the most comfortable temperatures.

In August in Mallorca during the day, the thermometer on average rises to the mark +26°C and falls at night up to +18°C. Throughout the month, stable indicators remain, towards the end, a decrease in temperature can be observed, but it is insignificant.

Water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is, as in August, +25°C on average, while at the beginning of the month it is still about +26°C, but towards the end it is already fixed at about +24°C. However, this indicator is different every year, and the water can be both warmer and a little cooler, but it will still be comfortable for swimming.

Weather in Mallorca in September mostly clear- however, the predominance of sunny days over cloudy ones is observed throughout the year. Compared to August, the cloudiness slightly increases, in addition, cloudy weather is possible. Daylight hours are slightly reduced and average 12.5 h.

The amount of precipitation increases with the arrival of autumn, since this season is characterized by the most rainy weather in Mallorca. In September falls on average 61 mm precipitation, happens around four rainy days.

But the wind strength is slightly reduced compared to August. The average gust speed is 3.4 m/s, thanks to which the beginning of autumn is considered one of the calmest periods of the year. Dominant direction - southeastern, however, if there were practically no other winds in the summer, now there are gusts from the northwest and even from the north. However, they rarely blow, so the rest will not be spoiled.

The Balearic archipelago is dominated by a temperate Mediterranean climate. The swimming season here lasts about half of autumn, and the sun gives bright warm rays. At the same time, this season is not devoid of precipitation with short-term cooling of various periodicities. But it should be borne in mind that on all four islands the weather conditions can be heterogeneous. Therefore, it is always possible to choose a resort with the most favorable climatic conditions.

Weather in the Balearic Islands in September

September rightfully gets the title of the hottest and sunniest autumn month. The “enthusiasm” of the fiery luminary, although it is reduced by as much as two hours compared to August, is still enough to get an even, beautiful tan, and in the case of a careless attitude to one’s own health, even a burn. The level of ultraviolet light does not yet allow you to stop using sunscreen and hats. However, it is no longer as high as in summer, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for children and people with a weak body.

As for the temperature regime, the maximum extremes are recorded in Ibiza, located exactly opposite the Costa Blanca. In the first few days of the month, the thermometer often props up the 30-degree mark. At the same time, there is no talk of heat - the Embat sea breeze has a good refreshing effect. True, in the evenings, the same breeze significantly distorts the perception of temperatures: it seems that it is much cooler outside than it really is. Almost similar weather prevails in Formentera, located 6 km south of Ibiza. In Mallorca and Menorca, it is more restrained. And for a comfortable beach holiday, it is best to go in the first two weeks of September.

Regarding precipitation, as the month "progresses" the sky is increasingly covered with gray clouds. But, fortunately, the rains do not have a strong intensity. In general, there are 6 to 8 wet days.

Water and air temperature in the main islands of the Balearic archipelago in September

Max. temperature: Ibiza - +28 °C; Formentera - +27 °C; Menorca - +26 °C; Mallorca - +26 °C.
Min. temperature: Ibiza - +20 °C; Formentera - +19 °C; Menorca - +19 °C; Mallorca - +18 °C.
Water temperature: Ibiza - +25 °C; Formentera - +25 °C; Menorca - +24 °C; Mallorca - +24 °C.

Weather in the Balearic Islands in October

October in the Balearic Islands is a very warm month by our standards. During the day it is quite possible to walk in summer clothes. On some days weather forecasters register about +25..+26 °C.

Most often, of course, such weather happens in the period from the 1st to the 15th (however, it also happens vice versa, as in 2013, when the days from October 12 to 30 turned out to be the warmest). And this is the best time for swimming in the sea, because later the air cools down more and more every day, and even with the slightest breeze, there is no longer any desire to “bare” on the beach (not to mention entering the water).

However, even in the presence of this, it will not always be possible to implement it, as the volume of precipitation increases. According to long-term meteorological archives, the number of "wet" days ranges from 10-12. The most "dry" islands are Ibiza and Formentera.

Water and air temperature in the main islands of the Balearic archipelago in October

Max. temperature: Ibiza - +24 °C; Formentera - +23 °C; Menorca - +22 °C; Mallorca - +22 °C.
Min. temperature: Ibiza - +17 °C; Formentera - +15 °C; Menorca - +15 °C; Mallorca - +15 °C.
Water temperature: Ibiza - +23 °C; Formentera - +22 °C; Menorca - +22 °C; Mallorca - +22 °C.

Weather in the Balearic Islands in November

In November, the air continues to slowly cool down. If until the second decade it is still quite possible to flaunt in sweaters and short-sleeved T-shirts during the day, then in the last week the probability of this is very small.

Not the best way affect the wind and high levels of humidity. From the first, a dense insulated jacket with a hood will perfectly protect. An umbrella will not be superfluous either: a little more than a third of the month is marked by showers. As for the beach holiday, it has already come to an end. The only people you can meet "in the water" are surfers.

Water and air temperature in the main islands of the Balearic archipelago in November

Max. temperature: Ibiza - +19 °C; Formentera - +19 °C; Menorca - +18 °C; Mallorca - +18 °C.
Min. temperature: Ibiza - +13 °C; Formentera - +12 °C; Menorca - +11 °C; Mallorca - +11 °C.
Water temperature: Ibiza - +19 °C; Formentera - +19 °C; Menorca - +19 °C; Mallorca - +19 °C.

Autumn in the Balearic Islands is not original. Just like in other seaside resorts, it has the most favorable disposition in September - early October.

Boat trips, beach holidays, trips to the mountains, excursions to caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites, discos until the morning, as well as quiet trips to small original villages - all these moments will give a holiday in Mallorca in September. On the island, you can spend your vacation quietly, with your family, basking on a clean beach and enjoying nature, or you can arrange an endless raid on entertainment venues.

Despite the fact that Mallorca is a Spanish land, its insular position has made some adjustments to the customs of the locals. Each holiday or festival here has its own individual characteristics. Certain traditions have developed on the island. Here they like to make some noise, they always support any fun undertaking, and therefore every holiday is a special show, surrounded by colorful processions, performances, games and dances.

Mallorca hosts many fairs. Each of them is characteristic of a certain locality. For example, in the municipality of Vilafranca de Bonany, a melon fair is held in early September. It does not do without competitions for the largest, most delicious, most unusual melon.

September on the island is rich in big holidays. In Santa Ponsa this month they celebrate the arrival of King Jaime I in Mallorca (such a happy event took place in 1229). Such a holiday is celebrated throughout the first half of September, they arrange historical reconstructions, symbolic battles of the Moors and Christians, at this time there is a show of giant dolls, many performances for children, and competitions. Do not count all the events planned for Mallorca Day. It falls on September 12, but the celebration is not limited to this number, it stretches for more than one week. So a tour to Mallorca in September promises to be very interesting.

Going to Mallorca in early autumn is a great idea. During this period, the weather is excellent on the largest of the Balearic Islands - the summer heat has already subsided, but there is still no autumn cold and rain. It is quite possible to swim, sunbathe, and enjoy life. During this period, many traditional holidays, festivals and several interesting fairs are held here. More about everything in the article.

The beginning of autumn is a great time for carriage rides in Mallorca.
Photo: [email protected]


Briefly about the weather in Mallorca in September: warm and dry. During the day it is very warm - + 25-26 ° C, sometimes under +30. At night, it will be comfortable to sleep even without air conditioning. At night it gets cooler - an average of +18°C.

Mallorca weather forecast for September 2019.

You can and should swim in September on a Spanish island: the water temperature during the day is +26°C, but by the end of the month the water usually cools down to about +24°C. Occasionally it rains, but not gloomy torrential, but rather like a light refreshing shower.

The water in the September Sea is still warm enough for both adults and children to swim.


The impressions of the trip will be incomplete without excursions. Tourists are increasingly ordering tours via the Internet. This is more convenient for several reasons. Can:

  • take your time to read the description and reviews and choose what you like;
  • do not fuss and do not waste precious time on the island searching and buying excursions;
  • buy in advance from home, and pay by card;
  • the choice online is greater than in any agency, and the prices are 15-20% lower, because no agency fee.

The most popular excursions in Mallorca in 2019:

  • - 8 hours, € 72 per person, children - € 36;
  • - 8 hours, € 99 per person;
  • - 5 hours, € 59 per person;
  • - 8 hours, € 83 per person.

beach holiday

The main occupation for which most people travel to Mallorca in the first month of autumn is, of course, the opportunity to extend the summer season. The island has many excellent beaches - both large ones where you can relax in the company of the same tourists and locals - and small coves that allow you to sunbathe in relative solitude. Large beaches are landscaped: clean, equipped with rescue towers, changing cabins, showers, sun loungers. The cost of renting an umbrella and sunbed in September is slightly lower than in summer - an average of 6-8 euros.

The beaches of Mallorca are clean, well-groomed. Resting on them is a real pleasure.

If you want to actively relax on the water, then catamarans, jet skis, extreme water skiing races are at your service.

Entertainment on the island

A small overview of entertainment in Mallorca, which is available in September.

  • Diving. For those who want to admire the underwater beauties of the Mediterranean Sea - colorful fish and picturesque sea plants.

By diving, you can get to know the marine life better.
Photo: [email protected]

  • Mountain conquest. The largest peaks - Levante and Tramuntana - are waiting for their conquerors. Even a novice climber can climb them. Walking paths are laid everywhere and “goat” paths are trodden, and guided tours are also held.
    Water parks. There are several of them in Mallorca. They include, as elsewhere, traditional slides, attractions, pools.
  • Night life. If you want to "break away" in full, then visit the island's nightclubs, trendy discos and casinos. You can hang out all night, moving from one place to another. Also, many famous performers often come to Mallorca with concerts.
  • Skydiving. An extreme, but very interesting version of sports recreation - probably nothing else will cheer you up.
  • Golf. There are all conditions for this elite sport on the island: beautiful flat fields, green lawns, excellent low-wind weather, affordability.

Golf is the game of aristocrats.

  • Fishing. In Mallorca you can catch tuna or sea bass. It is better to fish on a rented yacht or boat, since a really good catch can only be at a depth, and for this you have to move away from the coast.

If a you will be on an excursion, we advise you to take a walk along the picturesque streets- in any city there will be enough excellent cafes and restaurants. In the morning, walk to the nearest market for delicious jamon, and in the evening head to the beach with a bottle of wine. If you don't feel like going anywhere, you can watch the sunset from a sun lounger on the terrace of your hotel room. Look at the photo with views of Mallorca - and you will understand everything yourself.

There are many historical buildings in Mallorca that would be nice to see with your own eyes. This is the oldest palace in Spain - the Palacio de la Almudaina and the La Seu Cathedral, which was built for almost 800 years, the building of the La Lonja Trade Exchange, and the Bellver Castle, and too.


In September 2019, Mallorca celebrates several holidays:

  • Scheduled for September 3 Melon fairs. The venue is the village of Vilafranca de Bonany. Don't miss the contests for the biggest and most delicious melon.
  • From the 5th to the 11th day of the month in the city of Calvia is traditionally organized festival del Rei en Jaume, which is dedicated to the conquest of Mallorca by King Jaime I in the 13th century. At this event, people usually play out (quite realistically) scenes of the capture of the island by Spanish ships, hot battles between the Aboriginal Moors and the colonialists. The city takes on a medieval look, and you can easily get an impression of how people lived in Spain at that distant time.
  • The 12th is Mallorca's day. It is celebrated in all cities of the island. On this day, several centuries ago, the king took the oath for the first time. The celebration of this significant event continues in some cities until September 20th. Spectacular team games are held this week, sports competitions and races are held.

See how the Diada de Mallorca - Mallorca's day goes:

  • If you want to get on wine fair, then come to the city of Benissalem at the end of the month. In 2019, the dates are scheduled for the 24th and 25th. A classic wine fair includes an exhibition, a sale, and a tasting of locally produced wine.
  • Interested crafts and agriculture We advise you to visit the island at the very end of the month. From September 30 to October 2, the autumn fair will be held in Alcudia. It will be possible to get acquainted with the achievements of Spanish artisans, livestock breeders, gardeners, even artists and decorators, buy souvenirs and just stare.

At the Autumn Fair, you can buy original souvenirs.


For this exciting activity, the capital of the island, the city of Palma de Mallorca, is most suitable. Almost all famous and noteworthy global clothing brands have their stores here. There are several completely "shopping" streets, which consist of only mirrored storefronts. If a if you want to save money, go to the Festival Park outlet. Prices for the same brands are cheaper there. The outlet is located between the capital of the island and the city of Inca. If you get by train, then from the central station you will need to drive only a couple of stops. It can also be reached by car or bus. Reviews of thrifty tourists convince us that shopping in outlets is much more profitable.

In the markets and in souvenir shops you can buy products of local painters and artisans. Also there is a famous pearl factory on the island, which has the same name with the island - Majorica.

September, unlike January-February and July-August, is not a month of mass discounts so you won't be able to save much. But in any case, the prices for high-quality clothes, shoes, leather goods and jewelry will be cheaper than in Russia.

Ticket prices and accommodation

With the end of summer, the high season in Mallorca also ends, so there are more places on the beaches, and the cost of tickets and accommodation in hotels is reduced. But at the same time there is an opportunity to swim and sunbathe. Therefore, tours to Mallorca in September are almost an ideal investment in a guaranteed successful vacation. Compared to summer, in September, starting from about the middle of the month, hotel prices fall by about 20%.

Double apartments for 10 days in a four-star hotel will cost from 80 to 110 thousand rubles - the price together with the cost of tickets. At the same time, meals (breakfast + dinner) can be included in the tour for 80 thousand, and it may not be available at all when buying a ticket for a higher price. Ask your tour operator about this.

In September, hotels reduce prices for accommodation and you can choose any of them for your vacation.

Marina from Moscow shares her impressions:

“We rested at the beginning of September 2016 at the three-star Club Hotel Tropicana Mallorca, the city of Calas de Mallorca. The number of stars did not affect the quality of service at all. At the reception there is an employee who knows Russian, which made it easier for us to communicate. We ate right there, at the hotel - three meals a day in the restaurant, but you can have a bite to eat at any time at the bar without any problems. Every day of the week - a new menu, mainly traditional Spanish and Italian cuisine. Everything is very delicious. But this hotel is suitable for those who plan to spend most of their time relaxing on its territory, since the main attractions and "hot" places are far to reach.

Yana from Tuapse says:

“We went to Mallorca in September 2016. The 4-star Roc Illetas Playa is located in Illetas, 20 minutes by bus from Palma. The sea is nearby, umbrellas and sunbeds on the beach are free. The hotel is more youthful: we did not see pensioners, there are few families with children. I liked everything very much, the food is excellent - seafood and meat in different forms. Delicious ice cream and desserts.

Feedback from Herman, Tolyatti:

“We rested at the beginning of autumn 2016 in the four-star hotel Europa Playa Marina. Chose a good place - previously read the reviews on the site. The hotel itself is located in the city of Illetas, but the capital is nearby - we went every day to walk and have fun. The city is clean, imprisoned "for tourists." But at the same time, you can find such ancient nooks and crannies where the completely old Spanish spirit has been preserved. The food is delicious: seafood, meat, national recipes - just a paradise for food lovers. Even our children endured the heat well. Thanks to the sea breeze, there is no stuffiness. We are satisfied".

A September holiday in Mallorca may turn out to be a wonderful option, especially now - when the recently popular Egypt has lost ground. And here, at this time of the year, prices are falling, and holidays are almost every day, and all the charms of summer are still in force - warmth, sea and beaches. In addition, a last-minute tour can be purchased at a reduced cost - a good reason to spend more money on entertainment, souvenirs, and delicious food.