How to properly calibrate the battery on a laptop. How to repair a laptop battery: self-recovery of a worn-out laptop battery

How to properly calibrate the battery on a laptop: tips for device models.

Thanks to the ability to calibrate the laptop battery device, you can correct the operating errors of the controller, which are manifested in the display of incorrect readings. An uncalibrated charger negatively affects the battery life of a laptop. For a more accurate understanding of the problem and its solution, an illustrative example should be given.

The actual battery percentage is 80%, but the controller displays data in which this parameter is 50%. After the controller reduces the rate to 10%, the computerized device enters sleep mode. Although the actual battery capacity only reached 40%. It turns out that the user cannot fully use the resources of his device.

Today, there are several ways to calibrate laptops. Now we will consider each of them separately using examples from various laptop companies. To perform this type of calibration, you must fully charge and discharge the device battery. The operation time can take from 1 to 5 hours. During the laptop calibration process, it is temporarily forbidden to use the device.

Step-by-step instructions on how to calibrate a laptop battery:

  1. Turn off computerized equipment.
  2. Connect the charger cable to the laptop and wait until the battery is fully charged. This is indicated by the green light of the indicator.
  3. Turn on the machine through the "Start" button.
  4. As soon as the hp logo appears on the screen, you must press the F8 key several times.
  5. In the additional boot options window that appears, use the arrows to select "Safe Mode" and press the Enter button.
  6. When the boot menu appears on the screen, select "Start in Safe Mode".
  7. Now we disconnect the cable from the laptop, and let the battery discharge until the device is turned off.

This is how easy it is to make the controller and battery work correctly. The course of the proposed actions clearly demonstrates how to calibrate the battery of a dexp and hp laptop.

How to calibrate an Acer laptop battery - quick calibration

If you have an Acer laptop on your desk, then you can very quickly perform a battery calibration, which is similar to hp calibration in the way it works. A prerequisite for this operation is the presence of sleep mode. Therefore, to get started, do the following:

  • Control Panel;
  • Power supply;
  • Power setting;
  • Change power settings;
  • At the very bottom is the "battery" tab;
  • The action of almost completely discharging the battery;
  • In the sub-item from the battery, select the "Sleep" parameter.

We disconnect the device from the network and work until the transition to sleep mode, then we charge up to 100% of the indicator, not including the laptop. Disconnect the cord again and start the system in safe mode. In this case, it is recommended to set the minimum brightness of the monitor. We are waiting for the battery to be discharged and turn off. We connect the cord again, without turning on the laptop itself, and wait for 100% battery charge.

After a cycle of such manipulations, you can start the computerized device in normal mode and continue working. Your battery has been calibrated.

We will not separately consider the question of how to calibrate a lenovo laptop battery, because the principle of action is exactly the same as in the above options.

How to calibrate asus laptop battery through bios: fast and efficient

Calibration of laptops of this brand is often carried out using a special program that is installed by default on the motherboard of the device. So, in order to start working with the application while turning on the computer, you must press the F2 key. Next, run the BIOS program and use the arrows to select Boot.

Now sub-item Calibration, after which a warning message will appear on the monitor. It needs to be confirmed. The whole process is running and it will take from two to three hours to complete it, it all depends on the degree of incorrect battery operation. We hope that now it has become very clear how to calibrate an asus laptop battery through the BIOS.

This program can be installed on other computerized devices. If the application is not available by default, it can be downloaded from the Internet. The question of how to calibrate a samsung laptop battery disappears by itself. After all, here you can use not only the manual, but also the software method.

It's time to sum up all the above. Calibrating the charger of any laptop is a necessary measure that allows you to establish the interaction of the corrector with the battery. Thanks to this feature, you can significantly increase the time of computerized equipment offline. There are several effective ways to help accomplish this option. Moreover, certain brands of laptops involve the use of various methods.

A reliable bios program helps to calibrate the laptop battery within three hours. While manual setup may take about 5 hours. Regardless of how you perform the actions, the laptop battery must be 100% charged. Otherwise, the proper positive result may not be achieved.

Calibration is not a complicated process that will be within the power of the most ordinary user. There is no need to learn new skills to perform the corrective process. It is enough to read this article and it becomes clear that it cannot be easier.
Here you will find all the answers to questions about how to calibrate the laptop battery of asus, samsung, acer and other brands.

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Rechargeable batteries of mobile computers are very fond of surprising their owners. After working for 1-2 years as it should be, they begin to act weird: then, showing a full charge, they do not allow the laptop to turn on even for five minutes; then in a matter of seconds they are charged from 0 to 100% and “blown away” back to zero at the same speed.

Sometimes such frills allow themselves far from old batteries, which still work and work. It’s just that over time, they “forget” about their real capacity and display the wrong percentage of the charge that they actually have. To "refresh memory" these capricious devices are shown the calibration procedure.

Today we’ll talk about what laptop battery calibration is and how it should be done. And to make it clearer, first we will get acquainted with the design of batteries and the functioning of the charging system.

The device and features of laptop batteries and their charge systems

In all mobile computers, with the exception of rare centenarians, batteries (batteries) of a lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-po) type are installed. Why exactly them? Here are 4 qualities that make manufacturers choose in their favor:

  • High charge density (capacity or amount of energy that a battery can hold) in a small package. This allows you to achieve good autonomy of the device, without increasing its size and weight.
  • Possibility of charging and discharging with high currents. The charging speed depends on the amount of current, that is, lithium batteries are able to charge quickly. They also give large currents to laptop devices without harm to themselves.
  • Small self-discharge (decrease in charge in the state disconnected from the load through internal resistance). If the battery is not used for some time, its charge level will decrease slightly.
  • Maintenance free. To prevent the laptop battery from failing ahead of time, which occurs after 2.5-5 years of use, it is enough for the owner to follow the rules for its operation and calibrate it from time to time.

The laptop battery consists of 6-8-12 batteries or "cans", which look like AA batteries. The nominal voltage of one element is 3.6 V (3.7 V for Li-po), the actual voltage is about 3.9-4.2 V. This voltage indicator is taken as 100% charge.

"Banks" of 2-3 pieces are connected in parallel into cells. With this type of connection, their capacitances are summed up. The cells are connected to each other in series. When connected in series, their voltage is summed up. By changing the number of cells and how they are connected, manufacturers create batteries of various output voltages and capacities.

The actual output voltage of a typical 3-cell mobile computer battery is 10.8–12.6 V, a 4-cell battery is 14.8–17.2 V.

"Banks" with the same ratings are used in the same battery, but their physical properties, such as capacity and charging speed, usually differ. To ensure that the elements are charged strictly to the required level and do not “grab” the excess, a special device is monitored - the battery controller, which is located inside itself.

Each cell is connected to the controller contacts with balancing wires, through which it receives information about the voltage. If one group of elements has already reached the upper threshold, and the rest have not, the controller disconnects it from the power supply. This is done not only to optimally fill the capacity, but also to protect the cells from overcharging, which can cause fire and even explosion of the battery.

For lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries, too strong a discharge is also harmful - below 0% or 3.3–2.7 V. Overdischarge can lead to a significant decrease in capacity, and in the worst case, to complete impossibility of charging due to controller blocking . Lockout is an emergency measure to prevent further discharge and complete battery failure, but it is very difficult to get the controller out of it. Especially at home.

In addition to the controller built into the battery, the laptop has another system that controls the charging process. The central link of this system is the charger chip. It is located on the motherboard and is a shim controller, which, receiving information about the state of the battery and power supply, opens and closes transistor switches that switch power supply channels.

The tasks of the internal charge control system include:

  • Determine if the battery is connected to the computer.
  • Recognition of the type and capacity of the battery, the formation of current and voltage levels that are needed to charge it.
  • Monitoring of charging current and voltage levels.
  • Stop charging the battery when it reaches 100%.

The ability to power the computer from the battery ensures the joint operation of all components - from "cans" to elements on the motherboard. Malfunctions of any link lead to early loss of battery capacity, to the inability to charge it or power the device from it.

What is battery calibration and what is the use of it

If you have ever used devices powered by nickel-based batteries, you may be aware of the memory effect, a temporary decrease in battery capacity due to recharging before it is fully discharged. Such batteries remember the voltage threshold at which they were connected to the power source, and at the next cycle of operation they take it as 0%. To eliminate this effect, the battery must be completely discharged and charged again to 100%. This process is called calibration.

Lithium power supplies do not have a memory effect, but they also need periodic calibration. The reason is the desynchronization of data on the charge level on the internal and external controllers, which occurs after multiple incomplete charge-discharge cycles. The calculation error is about 1% per cycle and accumulates over time. At the same time, the control system begins to “think” that the battery capacity is lower than it actually is.

Manufacturers of lithium batteries for mobile computers recommend calibrating once every 3 months, but this is not a hard and fast rule. You can do it more or less, depending on how you use the battery.

How to properly calibrate a battery

A full laptop battery calibration cycle takes several hours. In addition, to enhance the effect, it is carried out with a 5-8 hour break. During this time, the battery "rests" and recovers. Therefore, it is best to carry out the procedure before going to bed or leaving home, for example, to work.

To carry out calibration, the capabilities of the operating system are sufficient, but if desired, this can be done using the programs discussed below, as well as a specialized utility built into some BIOS versions.

Calibration procedure by means of the operating system

  • Charge the battery up to 100% and let it hold a charge for 1-2 hours, that is, leave the power supply connected to the laptop. During this time, you can use the device as usual, but not too intensively so that the battery does not heat up.
  • Disconnect the power supply cable from the laptop. Open the control panel section " Power supply” and click “ Sleep setting».

  • Then click " Change advanced power settings».

  • Open the list of additional options section " Battery". Assign " Nearly empty battery action» when powered by battery, the value « hibernation", and in the section" Low battery level» when powered by a battery, set the lowest possible value, optimally - up to 5%. After saving the setting, when the charge drops to the specified level, the laptop will automatically enter the hibernation state.

  • Keep the computer on until the battery is at its lowest level, followed by shutdown. At this time, you can continue to work, but not too intensively, so as not to heat up the battery. After disconnection, at least 5 hours must elapse before the battery is reconnected to a power source. If it is not possible to keep the laptop turned off, remove the battery from it.
  • Connect the laptop to the mains and charge the battery to 100%, being careful not to interrupt this process. You can use the device while charging.

After calibration, you will know the actual battery capacity. If he has not worked out his resource too much, the capacity will be higher, and sometimes by tens of percent. However, along with it, the level of battery wear will also increase (it is displayed by many monitoring utilities). Do not be afraid of this phenomenon: calibration does not damage the battery and does not accelerate its wear, just after it all the indicators approach the true values.

Calibration via BIOS

The battery calibration tool that is built into some BIOS versions is called " SmartBatteryCalibration" and is located in the Boot section. In some Russian-language versions of UEFI, this function is also called " Testingbattery»

According to experts, BIOS calibration is more efficient and correct than in the operating system, since outside the OS, the lower battery discharge threshold approaches zero. However, for the user, this method is less convenient, since during the execution, which can last 3-5 hours, work on the laptop is not possible.

How to calibrate using Smart Battery Calibration:

  • Disconnect the laptop from the mains.

Why are they given so little attention in the article? Because they are mentioned rather for reference. I do not recommend installing, let alone buying them for this task, because they essentially automate what can be done by hand, and the result of their work is not always satisfactory. It is easier and more reliable to use operating system tools or BIOS functions to calibrate batteries where possible.

More on the site:

Laptop battery calibration: what is its meaning and how to do it correctly updated: March 13, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Some readers of the site send us questions about how to reset the battery controller of a particular laptop. Here it is worth clarifying what is meant by resetting the battery controller. If the elements were replaced in the battery and then a firmware reset is required, this is one case. If there is a problem with the battery that is not related to its repair (failure in the software or OS), then this is a different case. Let's take a quick look at both of these options.

Resetting the battery controller when replacing battery cells

This procedure is required after you have replaced the batteries in the battery. In general, such battery repairs are carried out in service centers. It can be done at home, but for this you need to have the appropriate skills and experience, as well as the necessary equipment. The procedure for replacing battery cells is also called repacking.

After the elements have been replaced, you need to reset the firmware or reset the laptop controller. The Battery EEPROM Works utility can be used for this. What does the program do:

  • Flashes the remaining capacity (Full Charge Capacity). You set it according to the real value. That is, for the controller, this value will become the actual capacity of these battery cells at the moment;
  • The cycle counter is reset to zero;
  • The release date (Manufacturer Date) is set to the current one from your PC.

Battery EEPROM Works

After resetting the controller, the battery starts to "work from scratch". More precisely, the lithium cells themselves, which have been replaced, work from scratch.

If this is not done, then problems will begin during the functioning of the battery. For example, a laptop will shut down when the battery is not fully discharged. This is explained by the incorrect value of the residual capacity, which remained in the controller's memory before the elements were replaced. The old number of charge-discharge cycles, etc. will also be displayed.

Resetting the battery controller in case of problems with the software

Beneath this reset is what is commonly referred to as battery calibration. It consists in fully discharging and then charging the battery. With a stretch, this procedure can also be called a reset. After all, the controller notes in its memory the full discharge and charge. Therefore, the process is called calibration. At the same time, the charge and discharge boundaries are calibrated, which makes it possible to eliminate errors during battery operation.

Laptop Battery Calibration

Earlier we already talked about various programs for calibrating a laptop battery. To do this, it is better to use the laptop manufacturer's utilities, if any. In addition, some models have a built-in calibration feature in the BIOS. In the absence of both, you can use third-party programs.

You can also easily calibrate manually. To do this, fully discharge the laptop battery, and then fully charge it. What needs to be done for this:

  • Disconnect the power adapter from the network, restart the laptop and call the BIOS (buttons F2, Del, etc.) before loading the operating system;
  • In this state, leave the laptop until shutdown. It is desirable that it stand on a cooling pad to improve heat dissipation;
  • After turning off the laptop, plug in the power adapter and fully charge the battery.

This is how manual calibration is performed. Additionally, you can read the article about the reasons why the laptop battery does not charge. If the material was useful to you, share the link to it on social networks. This will help the development of the site. Vote in the poll below and rate the material! Additions and corrections leave in the comments to the article.

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Laptop battery: controller reset, firmware and reset

At one time, laptops gained immense popularity due to the ability to operate on battery power, which made it possible not to be chained to one place and to perform the necessary work almost anywhere. The first models could not last long without a charge, and the nickel-metal hydride batteries used had a bunch of drawbacks. But manufacturers did not sit idly by, and over several decades, battery technology has undergone dramatic changes. Today, the vast majority of laptops use lithium-ion batteries. They can last quite a long time and are devoid of many of the shortcomings of their predecessors.

Nevertheless, they are not perfect and over time they can also become unusable. A battery malfunction is expressed in the fact that it is very quickly discharged, or the laptop incorrectly displays the charge level. In this case, manufacturers and sellers of equipment recommend purchasing a new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to correct its work yourself. Depending on the extent of the damage, either the battery cells need to be replaced, or a reset of the laptop's battery controller will suffice.

It is about the latter possibility that we want to talk in more detail in today's material. You can find out in which cases you need to reset the controller, and we will also talk about possible ways how you can do it yourself at home.

When to Reset the Battery Controller

To begin with, it is worth figuring out what a battery controller is. This is a small microcircuit built into the battery itself, which controls its operating condition, as well as the process of charging and discharging. It interacts with the power controller on the motherboard of the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information to the operating system. We hope you understand the diagram. We tried to describe everything in simple terms, but if you want to know the technical details, search the Internet.

When this little chip stops working correctly, it may be necessary to reset the controller. Popularly, this procedure is also known as battery calibration. By and large, there are only two situations when this may be required: incorrect charge display and replacement of battery cells.

An incorrect charge display should be understood as a situation when the laptop operating system, even after a long charge, shows that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop does not turn off after a few hours, as it should, but much faster. Many begin to think that the battery has become unusable, but this is not always the case. The problem very often lies in its controller, which simply incorrectly displays the charge.

By replacing battery cells, I mean that in some workshops and service centers they can offer the so-called repacking of the battery, that is, to replace the indoor units that have become unusable. The controller must then be reset so that all new elements are recognized and can be properly enabled. Although, if after replacing the blocks something does not work, you have every right to make a claim and demand that the defects be corrected.

Replacing the laptop battery

Now let's look at how to reset a laptop battery controller. Let's touch on software and manual methods.

Software reset of the controller

On some sites you may see a recommendation to use the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is indeed a very powerful and advanced utility that can, in some cases, literally reanimate the battery. But there is one big BUT! To use it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand electrical circuits, as well as have the necessary adapters, which are far from always easy to get on the free market. We will not recommend this program to you for use in home devices, as it is very easy to permanently damage the battery. What then is right for you?

Battery EEPROM Works window

Almost every manufacturer has built-in power management utilities. It can be downloaded from the support site, from the driver download page for your device, and in some cases, the utility may be either preinstalled or written to the included driver disk. Select the reset or calibration function and follow the on-screen instructions exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it charges up to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme indicators of the charge level and will work, as it did immediately upon purchase.

Manual controller reset

If for some reason you cannot find or install the power management utility, you can manually reset or calibrate the battery. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the electrical network, then put it into BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start BIOS mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Make sure it doesn't overheat.
  3. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge. Wait for it to be fully charged, for this you can leave it on all night.

In 99% of cases, such simple actions will help bring the battery back to life. Well, if this does not help either, buy a new battery, or connect the laptop directly to the outlet, while removing the battery.

  • If you use your laptop only at home, then to reduce wear on its battery, it would be better to remove it. But before that, charge it to about 80%, and also check the charge level from time to time, as it is prone to self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use it as a desktop computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop only in one place, since with this use you can lose data if you disconnect the laptop from the power source during operation.
  • To increase the time spent on your device, set the appropriate options in the power plan settings. Use the power saving mode if necessary.


Friends, today we talked about how to reset the laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem is not only in the hardware of the computer, but also in the software. Therefore, there is no need to rush to immediately order a new battery. We hope that everything worked out for you, and there are no questions left. Don't forget to share your opinion in the comments.

Reset the battery controller

2014-07-09 EVK IT Service 135899

Let's see what batteries are in principle: - NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY - (or NiCd for short) nickel-cadmium; - NICKEL METAL-HYDRIDE BATTERY - (or NiMH for short) nickel-metal hydride;

LITHIUM ION BATTERY - (or Li-ion for short) lithium-ion batteries.

Recently, Li-ion batteries have been used.

The first thing to do is calibrate the battery. In fact, there is a controller calibration.

First you need to discharge the battery to the end - turn off the power supply, reboot, intercept the boot (so that the OS does not boot) by calling the BIOS setup.

Put the laptop on the end like an ajar book (for better cooling - with the muzzle up if it is on the side) and leave until it turns off until the entire battery is dropped.

Usually, the controller notes both events (full discharge and full charge), after which it starts to count the charge correctly - for some time, until the charge measurement error again occurs.

If all of the above did not help, I'm afraid you will have to change the battery completely. We have almost any laptop batteries.

Ask questions to our managers by phone or via icq and skype.

Pinout of the 9-pin DELL battery connector

Program for working with laptop batteries. The process of repairing a laptop battery can be conditionally divided into two parts: replacing cells and editing the contents of the EEPROM or internal flash memory of the battery controller. If the replacement of elements is a simple process, accessible to any novice radio amateur who owns elementary skills in handling a soldering iron / spot welding machine, then programming the controller is a difficult stage of work, accessible only to a repairman who has enough knowledge and experience. The Battery EEPROM Works software is specifically designed to make the second step of battery repair as easy as possible. Battery EEPROM Works makes this step as easy as 1-2-3. The user only needs to connect the memory chip (EEPROM) to the adapter and press the RESET button. All other actions will be done by the program. The remaining capacity (Full Charge Capacity) will be what you set before pressing the RESET button and will display the actual capacity of the new cells. The Cycles Count will be set to zero. The Manufacturer Date will be changed to the current date on your computer. The blocking (Permanent Failure Flag) will be removed, as well as all other necessary changes will be made. The data in the controller will be like a new battery.

Battery EEPROM Works supports most laptop batteries from different manufacturers


Key Features Reading SMbus data via laptop battery connector. Saving SMbus data to a text file. Saving data in own BQD format (BQ208X data file), for further use in cloning bq208X chips. Read and write all memory chips used in laptop batteries. Reading and writing data from flash memory and EEPROM in chips with integrated memory, such as: BQ2083, BQ2084, BQ2085, PS401, PS402, BQ20Z70, BQ20Z80, BQ20Z90. Saving data from flash memory and EEPROM in BIN format. Resetting (zeroing) the parameters of the microcircuit to the initial (factory) parameters in one click of the mouse.

Clone password-protected integrated flash chips (bq208X) to new or non-password protected chips.

Laptop Battery Replacement | Reset laptop battery charge controller | Laptop battery calibration | Laptop battery pinout

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Omsk forum:: (Reset the battery controller (battery) Asus A35-K52.)

Indoorser wrote: ...Usually the controller marks both events (full discharge and full charge), after which it starts to count the charge correctly - for some time, until the charge measurement error again occurs. Didn't try. The bottom line is, if you remove the battery and measure with a multimeter according to the pinout of the connector, when a minus is applied to the S-signal minus through a 1 kOhm resistor, voltage should appear on "+" and "-". They took specifically exactly the same working one, they checked it, everything appears, if you remove the signal from S, it disappears. There is no voltage from this battery. It does not appear when applied to S. Therefore, the laptop sees it, or rather it sees the battery controller, and it blocks the supply of voltage to it, as well as from it. accordingly, even if you turn it on from the battery, it does not sit down, it does not even try to turn on from it, there is no voltage from it. Therefore, in a similar way, it will not work to discharge it, as well as to charge it. Charged directly opened, but up to 4.2V to the maximum for each element was not brought out of harm's way. Therefore, it is not a matter of an error in measuring the charge and some kind of error. And in blocking the battery controller from charge and discharge. Since there was a fuse blown in order to prevent overcharging, so as not to explode.

Flash eeprom is also there, and an error is recorded there that the battery is defective. You need to throw it off, or overwrite the normal bit there, that the battery is new)

Laptop Battery Calibration

Each of us has faced the problem of reducing the life of portable devices. If earlier your mobile phone or laptop worked for 2-3 days, now you need to charge it every day, have you noticed? It's all about the battery, more precisely, in its volume. In this article, we will look at the principles of calibrating modern lithium-ion batteries, it's a simple process, you can do it.

During operation, the volume of the battery decreases, this is due to the gradual knocking down of the battery controller. A downed controller can indicate that the battery is charged when it is only 70% full, thus significantly reducing the duration of your device.

As mentioned above, modern lithium-ion batteries consist of a controller and battery cells. The controller monitors the voltage in each of the cells, so the voltage is maximum, which is equal to 100% battery charge or 4.2 volts of voltage in the battery cells.

In order to return the device to its former working life, the battery is calibrated, this is a simple process and anyone can follow the simple instructions below.

Battery calibration consists of three points:

1. We charge the battery up to 100%. 2. We discharge the battery to 0.

3. We charge the battery up to 100%.

Only 3 short points, now let's figure out how to do it right. After you charge the battery to the maximum, it will need to be discharged to full zero, while the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the charge level of the battery cells on the controller will equalize, at which point they will all be equal to 0%. After that, the battery can be called calibrated, in order to consolidate success, it is necessary to charge the battery again to 100%.

Now about the pitfalls of the process, in order to discharge the device, it must be disconnected from the power supply, but as soon as you do this, the laptop will change the power consumption mode to a more economical one and turn off the display without your long attention, and then go into sleep mode.

Thus, you will need more than one day to discharge the battery completely. But you and I are practical people and value our time, so we need to discharge the battery quickly, and, therefore, prohibit the device from falling asleep. To prevent the laptop from automatically turning off when the power is off, you need to change the power plan, you can do it like this:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options

Select Create a power plan from the menu on the left. We set the switch to high performance, this will allow the computer to use all its power and drain the battery faster, enter the name of the power plan. Battery Calibration - would be a reasonable name.

In the settings of the power plan, we prohibit turning off the display or switching to sleep mode by selecting the appropriate values ​​in the opening windows.

A plan for a quick battery calibration has been created, select it and wait for the result.

If you do not have a strong desire to create new power plans, or for some reason this is not possible, use another method, go to the BIOS.

In order to enter the BIOS, it is necessary when you turn on the laptop, but before the operating system starts loading, press the Del key, this is the most common key, but there may be options, such as: F2, F10, Esc.

A reasonable option would be to quickly press these 4 keys immediately after turning on the device. While in BIOS, the laptop will not be able to turn off the screen or go to sleep, it will work until the last.

The disadvantages of this method will be the lack of a battery indicator in the BIOS and the inability to predict when the laptop will turn off. In addition, a discharged battery must be immediately connected to the network, to start the charging process, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is better not to hesitate.

In addition to manual calibration methods, owners of Lenovo and HP laptops can use the official utilities from the manufacturer, I will leave links to their downloads at the end of the article.

I would also like to add a few tips regarding the operation of lithium-ion batteries:

1. Batteries do not feel good at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 35. At low temperatures, the battery discharge is significantly accelerated, it can fail, at high Celsius values ​​there is a possibility of an explosion, be careful when using batteries and observe temperature conditions.

2. Lithium-ion batteries should not be completely discharged, it will harm them.

3. Manufacturers do not recommend keeping the laptop constantly connected to the power grid, this accelerates battery wear. Lenovo laptops have a special mode that uses only 50% of the battery when powered by the mains, thus extending its life.

That's all, reliable batteries for you.

  • Battery Calibration on Lenovo website
  • Battery Calibration at HP website
  • Many laptop owners eventually have to deal with certain oddities in their "behavior" - this directly relates to battery performance. It happens that suddenly, against the background of absolutely normal operation, the computer turns off, and involuntarily it seems that its battery is low. In fact, everything is in order with the battery, and the problem lies not in it, but in the controller. It is the controller installed inside the battery that gives serious failures in data processing. In this case, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure as a laptop.

    Causes of controller failure

    The task of the controller installed inside the battery is to display all its current charge-discharge processes (cycles). In this case, the main thing is to show them accurately, counting cycle by cycle. Typically, the controller starts to malfunction when the laptop battery is regularly subjected to chaotic, random and irregular “recharging”. At the same time, regular and full charge and discharge of the laptop battery during its operation are rare, or absent altogether.

    This situation is typical for those owners of portable computers who, seeing that the battery is 50 percent discharged, immediately want to “insure” that it does not fail. An under-discharged battery is immediately "recharged", and if this happens regularly, the controller goes haywire and begins to give incorrect information about the state of the battery, "commanding" the laptop to turn it off.

    Checking laptop battery capacity

    Before proceeding with the battery calibration process itself, it is advisable to make sure that you need it. As already mentioned, the leading "symptom" that the controller is not working correctly is the sudden and regularly repeated shutdowns of your laptop. Or the appearance that the battery starts to discharge very quickly.

    You can make sure that you need a battery calibration by checking its actual capacity. The concept of “capacity” can be explained in simple terms as follows: this is the time during which the battery works fully, without a drop in its current performance (internal battery life).

    Over time, the capacity becomes smaller, and the time during which the laptop can work independently decreases naturally. But if your computer is still quite new and has been working for a short amount of time, and the battery starts to "jump" in operation - most likely it's not about it, but about the controller.

    So, we check the battery capacity.

    It is also important not to confuse the concepts of gauge and . The batteries that are now installed in every laptop, with proper use, have a fairly long life. Their restoration, if carried out, is carried out in a different way - and for a very short time. Calibration, on the other hand, will not provide an increase in battery life without connecting a charger to it, nor will it compensate for the natural wear and tear of battery resources. However, it will allow you to return the controller to the correct operation mode and will allow you to make the most productive use of the remaining battery life.