How to dye fur at home so that the product looks new? The best ways to dye fur at home

It happens that with the onset of cold weather, you take your favorite white down jacket out of the closet and see that it is no longer worth wearing it ... The down jacket itself is intact - intact, but white fox collar has acquired an unpleasant yellow tint. With a sigh, you take off your collar and decide that over time you will have to buy a new thing, but for now you will wear it without a great addition in the past - fox trim. But do not rush to throw the collar in the trash or cut into fur patches. The situation can be easily corrected.

At home, the fur collar can be dyed with regular hair dye. And this procedure does not require much effort from you.
In this article, we provide step-by-step instructions for painting fur.

1. In order for the dye to freely penetrate the structure of the fur, it is necessary before dyeing degrease and clean from dirt.
To do this, you need to prepare a special solution. We take:
- table salt - 3 teaspoons;
- ammonia - 1 teaspoon;
- any liquid detergent or pet shampoo - 1 teaspoon;
- baking soda - 2 teaspoons;
- water - 1 liter.
We process the fur with a solution with a brush. Then it should be thoroughly washed and dried.

2. It is advisable to protect the core, the lint-free side of the collar, from drying out before painting. To do this, it is lubricated with glycerin or any nourishing cream. Otherwise, your collar is more likely to tear.

3. The best option - dye the fur a tone darker than he was before. But if your paint contains bleaching agents, then you can achieve the original color. Since fox fur is much thicker than the hair on a human head, we recommend stocking up with more than one tube of paint.

4. Now you can start for coloring the collar. We use the paint according to the instructions. In order for the coloring matter to be evenly distributed, it is better to moisten the fur with water beforehand. Work with gloves, apply the paint quickly, spread it over the fur with your hands - the main hair and downs should be thoroughly smeared.

5. At the end of the dyeing time, the fur is washed with plenty of water. After that, rinse the collar in a solution of vinegar. To rinse and add shine and volume to the fur, you can use hair conditioner instead of vinegar.

6. When our collar is rinsed, dry it gently with a towel.

7. In order for the collar not to shrink after dyeing, it must be dried on a flat surface, straightened well, stretched and pinned to the surface with needles. The collar should be dried with the fur facing up. The inside will take the longest to dry, so before removing the fixing needles, make sure that the collar is dry on the inside side.

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Natural fur coat - refers to fashion clothing. Such things are bought not for one season. Time and cleaning make the fur dull, light colors turn yellow, dark ...

Natural fur coat - refers to fashion clothing. Such things are bought not for one season. Time and cleaning make the fur dull, light colors turn yellow, dark ones fade. It is possible to restore the tone by coloring. This is carried out in special workshops, sometimes the service is provided by dry cleaners. Despite the high price, they may refuse you if the fur, in their opinion, is worn out. More often they are simply too lazy to do such work, it is much easier to refresh the shade of a collar or hat. Working with outerwear is responsible, takes a lot of time. The way out is simple, it is possible to paint a fur coat with your own hands.

Before painting, it is necessary to determine whether the product was tinted earlier (during production). The most diverse natural color, in the elite segment, has a mink. It can be black, mahogany (brown), walnut, pearl, silver. The naturalness of the shade is easily determined. If the down is lighter than the awn, the menzra is monophonic, white - the toning of the product was not carried out. An even color is a sign of artificiality. The inner side of the skin will also be dark. Items that have been processed before require special care.

The desired color is advised to choose a couple of shades darker than the actual one. Lightening the dark is not recommended. A multi-colored rabbit or previously dyed colored materials may produce unexpected, undesirable results. White coats are tinted twice.

Stages of work how to dye a fur coat at home

1. Buy hair dye from the supermarket. Do not save, choose a stable, well-proven one. If the clothing area is large, take several packs. It is with this paint that it is possible to give faded villi a new color and shine. If there is no balm for colored hair in the kit, you will also have to buy it.
2. Prepare carefully before painting. Clean off dust and grease. To do this, you can use one of the solutions:
- water 1 liter, 1 dessert spoon of salt plus the same amount of soda, 10 drops of ammonia (ammonia);
- in equal proportions water, vinegar, alcohol;
- water with shampoo.
Moisten the rag. Wipe the fur. No rubbing, in one direction. Rinse off detergent residue.
3. The inside of the thing is carefully smeared with glycerin or a very greasy cream. The base will not absorb water.
4. Wear protective gloves.
5. Read the instructions in the purchased paint. When mixing ingredients, follow the recommendations.
6. With a wide brush, apply the mixture to the pile, with a comb with rare teeth and your hand, evenly distribute the composition. To color paired elements, dilute the paint once.


Prepare more mixture, paint induced at different times, from different boxes in the future may differ in shade.

7. Keep the time set according to the instructions
8. Wash off the coloring composition with running water. You need to do this together. Do not soak your coat in water. Rinse the lint thoroughly while keeping the clothes hanging.
9. To fix the color, rinse in cold water with vinegar (when watering the fur, try not to make the menzdra limp).
10. Apply conditioner for colored hair. Hold for a couple of minutes, rinse. The fur will become soft and shiny, the smell of vinegar will go away.
11. Let excess liquid drain. Fold the fur coat in half, lay it on a wide support.
12. Treat the skin a second time with glycerin.
13. Lay out the clothes with the fur on the outside. Use a backing made of dense fabrics that absorb moisture well. Change it at first every two hours, then as needed.

Smooth and comb the product. Dry in a dry, ventilated place. Away from artificial heat sources and direct sunlight. The process takes 3-5 days.

Be patient. Rapid drying will shrink the skins.

Accurately sustained process of coloring a guarantor of excellent result.

Products made of natural fur are always a priority for women, because it is beautiful, expensive and prestigious. But what if something happened to your favorite fur coat, it burned out in the sun, or paint got on it? It doesn't matter - after all, it is quite possible to dye natural fur even at home. In order to dye natural fur, you will need the most common hair dye. The choice of color palette in this case is not limited: from fiery red to jet black. Just remember that after such dyeing, the color of the fur lasts up to eight months, after which the red fades and fades, and the black turns into dark brown and gradually turns red. You can also try to lighten the fur, but the result can be very unexpected: the muskrat becomes soft peach with a white undercoat, and the beaver turns yellow.

Before painting, it is worth doing a little preparatory work. Mezdra (the lower layer of the skin) should be soaked with a fat cream, thus protecting it from drying out. Apply the paint to pre-moistened fur - the color will look deeper and lie more evenly. If you do not want to radically change the shade of the fur, then you should generally dry it a little - the color will turn out to be less intense.

After applying the paint, carefully remember the fur with your hands, rubbing the dye over the entire surface. Make sure there are no unpainted spots left. Leave the product for the same time as when dyeing hair, that is, 30-35 minutes.

After holding the right time, wash off the paint under a powerful jet of water. You can keep the skin for a few minutes in saline so that the color lasts longer and the hairs shine in the sun. Gently wring out the fur - you can lay it out on the bathroom wall and intensively run your hand over it several times.

Then lay the skin out on a surface to dry. It is better to let it drain and dry on its own. Comb the fur, setting the desired direction.

Advice from Osinka.
Skin coloring. Cheap skins, with appropriate processing and coloring, can look like expensive furs. Previously, the dyeing of furs was a very complicated matter: it was done using various mordants from chromium, iron and copper sulfate, etc. The introduction of aniline dyes into practice greatly simplified production, increased the color strength and the range of shades obtained.

When using aniline dyes, the color appears on the fibers with the help of oxidizing agents, such as: sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Sodium perborate is more convenient than hydrogen peroxide, it does not decompose so quickly and is cheaper.

2. Aniline paints for skins. Skin coloring can be done in two ways. According to the first method, the entire skin is immersed in a dyeing bath (dipping dyeing), according to the second, the dyeing liquid is brushed onto the hair (pointing).

If the skins are rich in fat, then before coloring they should be treated with the following mixture: 500 g of slaked lime, 250 g of iron sulfate, 150 g of alum per 10 liters of water. Apply the mixture with a brush, after which the skins are dried and washed well several times in water. Thanks to this treatment, the hair is degreased and takes color more easily.

For skins less greasy, you can use a solution of soda (6 ° B.) and soap for washing. The use of caustic soda should be avoided.

One more piece of advice.
First of all, we process the mezra as follows. With ordinary glycerin (so that not too much and not too little) we apply it on the surface of the mezra carefully so as not to touch the villi of the fur along the edges. We buy ordinary hair dye of the desired color (I note that the colors when painting light fur completely correspond to the palette of colors) henna - there will be red fur, basma-dark green. When the glycerin is slightly absorbed, we take a board and pin the fur around the perimeter with sewing pins, and paint according to the instructions attached to the selected paint. and dry it with a hairdryer. Done! If you want to make spots of a different color, then wrap the painted places in foil, there will be a beautiful spot.

Painting advice.
I am writing at the request of workers on the eve of winter.
We paint the fur, in my case there was a collar.
The coloring technology is simple - we rip off the collar - so that there is only fur, without fabric, etc.
We take hair dye - I took a black phytolinium garnier (gave the best result), we dilute the paint - the whole bottle went to my large collar, and we apply paint on a board dressed in a plastic bag with an old toothbrush.
There is such a catch - the fur is thick, the arctic fox, the mink is painted worse than the marmot - the undercoat is stained everywhere. It takes a long time and tedious to move the brush in different directions in order to evenly distribute the paint.
Leave for the time indicated on the bottle of paint. Periodically comb the fur with a brush, so that it would be taken more evenly.
Rinse off in the shower, apply (if any) balm. We wash off again. And then we prick the wet fur along the edge of the skin with needles on the board. We dry. I took it off the board when the fur was dry and the skin was semi-dry. In the process of drying, I combed it with a clothes brush. Then air dried.
At the end, it would be good to spread the mezdra with glycerin, or hand cream, or just sunflower oil.
And then - sew! smile
The main thing is not to dry it with a hairdryer, and not to let it dry without being stretched - my mink shrank after this, began to tear, in general - I ruined the fur.
But if everything is done well - my brown groundhog has become completely black, soft and smells like a pleasant balm.
Good luck!

Fur, like human hair, tends to fade in the sun: fur collars and hats, after a certain time of wearing, lose their color brightness or acquire a copper tint. To return the former brightness of colors to your favorite collar, it is not necessary to turn to specialists, you can manage the wave with your own efforts.

How to dye fur at home?

Of course, many are interested in how to dye natural fur, for example, mink or arctic fox. Fur is similar in structure to human hair, so the procedure for dyeing it will be very similar to dyeing hair at home.

To dye the fur you will need:

  • dye. It is better to choose high-quality, expensive paint, it will last longer and will not stain the fur with spots;
  • salt - 2-3 teaspoons, ammonia - 1 teaspoon, detergent - 1 teaspoon, baking soda - 1 teaspoon, 1 liter of water. The solution obtained by mixing these ingredients is used to clean the fur before dyeing. Before dyeing fox, mink, or any other fur, it should be cleaned of grease and dirt, otherwise the paint will not stick and all efforts will be in vain;
  • fat cream (or glycerin) - they process the mezdra (skin on the back of the product) in order to avoid its drying out;
  • vinegar - needed to rinse the fur after dyeing.

Coloring procedure:

  1. Fur wash. The above alkaline solution is applied with a brush, then rinsed and dried naturally. The fur can shrink after washing, so it is better to stretch it on a wooden board and secure it with pins (or carnations).
  2. Direct staining carried out quickly, on a pre-moistened pile. The paint is kept for as long as indicated on the box.
  3. After staining the fur is kept in warm water with vinegar and dried without the use of a hair dryer. In order for the product not to sit down, it is also attached to the board with the fur up. The mezra dries the longest, so do not rush to remove the product from drying if it seems that the fur is already dry.

Many are interested in how to dye white mink fur on their own. Unfortunately, coloring in paints like "blond" can lead to the appearance of unwanted shades, which will be very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to take a white fur coat or collar that has changed color to a dry cleaner, where it will be returned to its original appearance.

Girls, I will share my experience of coloring fur. She dyed a mink (a blue-gray fur coat made of ponytails) and an arctic fox (it was once white, but turned yellow and gray in the process of wearing).
Mink: I decided to alter it, but before that, paint it. The details of the fur coat were painted with the cheapest paint by Impression (I chose blue-black color, because the fur coat itself was blue-gray and had already darkened in the sock). I chose cheap paint for the simplest reason: I once wanted to tone my hair into a light pinkish tint, paints of this color were only cheap, I dyed it myself at home, after some time I decided to do highlighting at the hairdresser and got pink strands, the master was very surprised to such an effect, after that I highlighted the hair several more times, but the shade remained until the hair grew and I gradually cut it off.
Let's get back to the coat. She painted with a hairdressing brush, they are usually sold where hair dyes or in salons (20 - 40 rubles). For example, the sleeve was painted for about two hours, because. I painted over almost every hair, it’s good that the brush is hard, it paints better, I immediately combed it with a plastic comb so that the paint was better distributed. After painting, I waited the prescribed time according to the instructions, then washed it in the shower, smeared it with a fixative balm (sold with paint), washed it off, dried it with a sheet, fixed it with needles on the ceiling panels according to the drawn detail (60x60 squares remained from the repair, the foam ceiling, but first I folded the squares into the surface of the desired area and traced the detail), very convenient, no need to beat the carnations.
All this dried for some time, during drying it combed several times so that the fur dries faster and evenly.
The effect is shocking. From the gray shabby skin, shiny blue-black ones were obtained.
Before that, I tried to paint in the way that was once proposed in this thread, i.e. smear without staining and wash off with a sponge, it turned out to be a complete disgrace in some kind of stains. Therefore, I did everything as with hair, painting over each strand of fur.
after drying, the mezra remained soft, because. Before painting, I smeared it with glycerin.
Arctic fox: I didn’t smear the mezdra with glycerin, I painted it as Goldfish wrote above, smeared it, massaged it, without any brushes, because the arctic fox has too thick down, no brush will paint over. The paint is again blue-black, on a white scribe it turned out bright blue. She dried, hanging on a hanger, did not pull anywhere, the mezra remained soft, the fur did not sit down.
Mink, if not smeared with glycerin, dubeet.
Sprays are good only for tinting and masking defects, I didn’t succeed in painting, because. downs are not dyed. Maybe sprays are like that, or maybe there is no skill.
It is still difficult to find the right color if the spray is for fur, we have only 3 colors in our city: gray, brown, black, gray is very light.
Shoe paints can be used, but also for tinting, i.e. tinting.
I also noticed that with cheap paints you can sometimes find colors in the palette that expensive ones do not have.
Maybe I forgot something, just ask.