How to take chia seeds for maximum effect. Chia seeds: benefits and harm to human health Benefits of chia seeds

Chia (Spanish sage) is a steppe plant that grows in South America, Australia, India, Guatemala, and Mexico. The beneficial substances of the seed of this plant have been known to mankind since ancient times.

Chia seeds come in white, gray, brown and black colors. This is an oily product, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Among other beneficial properties, Eating chia seeds promotes the following beneficial processes in the human body:

  • plasma glucose levels are normalized;
  • allergic condition improves;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • blood flow is adjusted;
  • taking seeds has proven itself as a preventive measure for oncology and anemia;

Chia seeds: composition, nutritional value, calorie content

Today, chia seeds are becoming increasingly popular among people who are overweight. This is explained low calorie product (392 cal), with high nutritional value.

The richest source of nutrients contains:

  • omega – 6, omega – 3;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin complex (A, B, C);
  • iron;
  • niacin;
  • potassium;
  • thiamine;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • riboflavin;
  • protease inhibitors;
  • antioxidants;

The use of grains prevents depression, sclerosis, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's disease. After taking the seeds, your mood improves, your sleep normalizes, the digestive process is improved. Thanks to the valuable composition of nutrients, the body quickly gets rid of the feeling of hunger. Doctors recommend the use of these grains for people who are overweight.

What are the differences between white and black chia seeds?

In fact, the color of the seeds does not affect the amount of constituent nutrients. The color of the grain is influenced by the place where the plant is grown. This is due to climatic conditions and the chemical composition of the soil.

Black chia seeds

Black Seed (Dove Sage)– collected in Guatemala and Central America. Doctors say that black grain effectively fights high sugar (diabetes), removes cholesterol, treats fever.

White chia seeds

White seed (narrow-leaved sage)– grows in South America, Mexico. Recommended for use in cases of hormonal imbalance, anemia, and allergies.

There are many ways to consume the seeds. Some people add them while cooking, others prepare a medicinal infusion from them simply by soaking them in water. Oil and extract are prepared from the grains. Puddings, marshmallows, desserts are prepared with the seeds, and are widely used in cosmetology.

Despite the color difference, scientists say that chia seeds do not differ in the composition of nutrients.

Chia seed oil

The number of people who have become familiar with information about the beneficial qualities of grains is increasing every day. Oil is also made from this product.

Important to know! Chia seed oil is an excellent product for those who follow a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

The product is made from the seed using the cold press method. This allows you to achieve high quality while maintaining extreme naturalness. Strict temperature control allows you to obtain high-quality and functional dietary supplements.

The most significant components of the oil: omega-3, omega-6 (fatty acids). The product is a source of vitamin B, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron, calcium and zinc. Boron promotes calcium absorption.

The undeniable advantages of the oil:

  • Fatty acids, which are contained in huge quantities in oil, are irreplaceable for the human body. The lack of these acids for the body affects memory loss, dry skin, increased fatigue, and poor blood flow. Vegetarians who do not consume fish products should supplement their diet with Spanish sage oil.
  • Omega – 3– strengthens the body’s protective function, protecting against cardiovascular pathologies. Omega-3 fatty acids lower cholesterol levels and help prevent the formation of thrombosis. To all this, it is worth adding the fact that chia seed oil reduces blood pressure. Therefore, hypotensive patients should use this product with caution.
  • The oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is a salvation for people with arthritis. Taking the oil promotes joint mobility and relieves pain.

People who want to use the product for weight loss should consume whole grains. They contain fiber, which helps cleanse the body, and are rich in useful components; it is better to choose oil.

The oil can be used by adding it to food. Very often this product is used in cosmetology, sometimes it is combined with other oils.

Chia seed extract

The extract is obtained using the extraction method from the seeds of the plant. The extract has a powerful concentration of antioxidants, acids: palmitic, vaccenic, alpha-lanolin, oleic, stearic, palmitoleic, linoleic, as well as sterols and tocopherols, omega-3 fatty acids.

The extract is widely used in cosmetology and is included in many cosmetics:

  • moisturizing creams and lotions;
  • anti-aging cosmetics;
  • products for dry, damaged, cracked scalp and hair.

Cosmetic products containing predominantly chia seed extract retain moisture in the skin, increase elasticity, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Regular use of medicinal cosmetics with chia extract improves complexion, makes it soft and silky.

Medicinal use

This product is used for the manufacture of food supplements, which are recommended for use for:

  • enrichment with vitamins and strengthening the body;
  • saturation with antioxidants;
  • when normalizing metabolism;
  • to lower cholesterol;
  • as a powerful means for losing weight;
  • to stimulate intestinal function and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Important to know! Concentrated extract, not recommended for ingestion. Among the contraindications, individual intolerance is possible.

The benefits and possible harm of chia seeds for the body

Thanks to the specific chemical composition of the product, chia grains have a beneficial effect on the body. The high calcium content normalizes the motor system of children and people who play sports professionally.

When the seeds are consumed by elderly people diagnosed with osteoporosis, positive dynamics are noted. Changes in health status for the better were noted by women of climatic age.

Consumption of the product significantly improves memory, stabilizes pathological abnormalities of the nervous system. Thanks to the potassium present in the seed, muscle cramps disappear in people and surges in blood pressure disappear. Zinc helps to activate the muscles, reproductive and immune systems.

The complex composition of microelements restores the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, which has a positive effect on endocrine processes. The rich composition of multivitamins supports the heart muscle and metabolic processes. The absence of cholesterol helps reduce the level of neutral fats and existing cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

For people with diabetes, the product serves as a preventive measure for glucose control. Consumption of chia grains has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of tissues of the musculoskeletal system, and restores the female body during the prenatal and postpartum period.

The seeds have special properties in the process of losing weight. All metabolic processes are accelerated, including fat. Overweight patients take chia seeds and lose extra pounds due to their low glycemic index.

Despite all the benefits of the product, its use has some contraindications:

  • Chia seeds should not be taken if you are allergic to this product (possible rash, difficulty breathing, redness of the skin, diarrhea);
  • during feeding period;
  • should not be used by people with arthritis and pathological changes in the thyroid gland;
  • should be avoided in patients with increased gas formation;

Chia and flax seeds to cleanse the body

Consumption of sage seeds allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and harmful substances. Flax seeds have the same properties.

Looking at the two products, you can notice a slight difference. The grains of both plants contain impressive amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Flax seeds contain 16.6 g sage – 17.5 g.

Fiber: flax – 38 g, chia – 27 g. Sage is a source of antioxidants, which allows the product to remain fresh for a long time; flax is demanding in terms of preservation conditions (it is better to store it in the refrigerator).

Lignans (substances that reduce the risk of cancer) both products contain almost the same amount, linen is a little richer. Chia seeds, in their complex, have a more saturated mineral composition. The protein content in both products is almost the same.

Chia grains can be consumed without additional processing; flax seeds have a hard shell. To obtain all the beneficial substances in full, flax seeds need to be ground.

How to cook and how to use (use)

How to cleanse the body with flax seeds?

To cleanse the body with flax seeds, 1 tsp is required. not ground grain, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infusion time ranges from several hours to one day. This infusion does not require straining through cheesecloth; you need to drink it every day before going to bed, for 20 days. Requires fresh preparation daily.

How to cleanse the body with chia grains?

To cleanse the body with chia seeds, any chosen method is suitable. The product can be consumed half an hour before meals three times a day in dry form. It can be added to liquid before use to form a gel or added to food during cooking.

If raw materials are added to products, the purification course should last at least one and a half months. Thanks to the intake of dry raw materials, cleansing of the body will occur in 21 days.

The required daily dose of sage seeds should be at least two tablespoons. The consumer himself chooses the method of administration:

  • dry raw materials, washed down with water;
  • pour liquid until a gel forms;
  • an additional ingredient in cooking;
  • in the form of flour;
  • oil;

Sage seeds are used in preparing various dishes. Here are some healthy and delicious treats.

Chia seeds: other recipes on how to eat chia seeds for health

Coffee pudding

Required products for cooking for 4 persons:

  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l;
  • coconut milk – 0.5 cups;
  • chia seeds – 1 cup;
  • protein chocolate powder – 2 scoops;
  • half a cup of honey;
  • brewed natural coffee – one and a half cups;
  • almond milk - a little more than a cup;

The ingredients are mixed in a bowl, poured into glasses or cups, and placed in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours.

Orange pudding

Cooking for 2 persons.

  • a quarter cup of chia seeds;
  • zest from one orange;
  • plant-based milk – 1 cup;
  • for decoration: nuts, berries, pieces of exotic fruits, coconut shavings;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • fresh orange juice – half a cup;

Juice, zest, milk and honey are mixed into a homogeneous mass, chia grains are added. After thorough mixing, the mass is laid out in bowls, left for 5 minutes and mixed again. The cups are placed in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours, before use, the pudding is sprinkled with nuts, pieces of fruit, berries and coconut shavings.

Apple cinnamon pudding

Prepare two servings.

  • apples – 2 pieces, cut into thin slices;
  • any plant milk – 2 cups;
  • cinnamon – 2 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • coconut shavings - 2 tbsp. l;
  • chia seeds – 2/3 cup;

The prepared dish should be served warm. Heat the milk in a saucepan along with the vanilla extract over high heat for 3-5 minutes. Chia seeds are poured into a container into which heated milk is poured. With vigorous stirring, the grains should absorb the milk, leave for five minutes and add all other ingredients.

Desserts with chia seeds

Persimmon with chia grains

  • persimmon to taste;
  • milk, soy milk possible – 150 ml;
  • half a banana;
  • sage seeds - 1.5 cups;

The seed is soaked in milk, the banana and persimmon are crushed in a blender to the consistency of a puree, to which the prepared grains are added. The dish is placed in the refrigerator for about an hour, after which the dessert is ready.

Berry dessert

Prepare two servings.

  • half a glass of fresh or frozen berries;
  • a quarter cup of chia grains;
  • coconut milk – 200 ml;
  • honey at your discretion;

Milk, berries and honey are whipped in a blender. The mixture is poured into glasses, into which chia seeds are added, mixed well and sent to the refrigerator. It is best to prepare the dessert in the evening, then it will remain in the refrigerator until the morning.

Marshmallows with chia grains


  • sugar – 715 g;
  • chicken egg white – 50 g;
  • apples – 5 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • agar-agar – 8 g;
  • sage grains – 2 tbsp. l;
  • water - 150 ml;

Water is poured into a bowl, agar-agar is added and left for about 35 minutes. The sage seed is also soaked separately in water for an hour. I take out the core from the apples, bake in a preheated oven for about 5 minutes, beat the pulp of the baked apples with a blender.

Vanilla sugar, sage seeds, and granulated sugar are added to applesauce. All this is mixed and kept for 1 hour.

The soaked agar-agar is brought to a boil until all is dissolved. 480 g of sugar is added to it; with constant stirring, the cooking time takes about 5 minutes (you should get a viscous mass). The process of cooling the mass lasts until a crust is obtained.

After cooling, add half the protein to the applesauce with chia grains and mix thoroughly. When the mass changes color, you can add the remaining protein and beat everything with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed. You need to add agar-agar syrup to the prepared puree, without stopping whisking with a mixer (you should get a mixture with the consistency of meringue).

Using a pastry bag, pipe marshmallows onto a baking paper surface and leave the dish overnight to harden.

How do chia seeds help you lose weight?

Sage seed is an effective remedy for weight loss. The process of losing weight occurs due to the increase in size of the seeds after liquid is added to them. A small grain can increase its size by more than 10 times.

Eating chia seeds really helps you lose weight and cleanse your body.

If you eat a spoonful of miraculous seeds in the morning, when they enter the stomach, they will swell. The feeling of fullness will be felt for 6-7 hours.

Isn't this a miracle? One spoon of grains and no cravings for food.

Thanks to this valuable product, people who want to achieve ideal shapes and proportions quickly lose weight. Any diet is stressful for the body. This occurs due to a constant feeling of hunger, and sage grains, on the contrary, replenish the body with useful substances and satisfy hunger.

How to take chia seeds for weight loss

With a recommended daily dose of seeds of 25 g, the calorie content is almost invisible. Based on consumer reviews, hunger is completely satisfied. For weight loss purposes, grains are consumed in the standard way.

The seed is simply poured with vegetable milk or kefir, then you need to wait a little time until they swell and soften a little. You need to consume chia seeds for weight loss three times a day, half an hour before meals. The recommended course is 45 days.

Important to know! After taking the seed, drink a sufficient amount of ordinary water, since it is the liquid that allows the product to increase in volume, turning into a gel-like mass.

The stomach filled with miracle gel slowly digests the product with a complete feeling of satiety. The fiber present in the composition has a beneficial effect on digestion. This allows you to speed up your metabolism, which helps you lose weight.

How to cook chia seeds (recipes for weight loss)

Oatmeal porridge with chia grains

  • rolled oats – 120 g;
  • helium mass from sage seeds – 2 tbsp. l;
  • plant milk (can be 1% cow's milk) – 350 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vanillin and cinnamon to taste;

All ingredients are added to boiled milk, honey - at the end of cooking. Before serving, you can add fruit.

Salad with sage grains

  • helium mass of sage seeds – 3 tbsp. l;
  • ginger root - two cut pieces;
  • spinach;
  • squeezed juice of one lemon;
  • avocado – 1 piece;

All products are cut (ginger, kiwi and avocado into cubes), chopped spinach, lemon juice, and seed gel are added. Everything is mixed, the salad is ready.

Green buckwheat and chia seeds for weight loss

All ingredients included in the preparation of this dish are enriched with natural protein and vitamins, which helps normalize weight. Bananas add sweetness and add potassium to the dish.

Chia grains are a fat burner.

  • Spanish sage seed - 2 tbsp. l;
  • green buckwheat – 4 tbsp. l;
  • petiole celery - 2 stalks;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts - to taste;

There is no need to cook buckwheat, this allows you to preserve its beneficial qualities.. In the evening, mix the cereal with chopped nuts, pour in warm water, and leave to steam until the next day.

In the morning you need to drain the water, add the rest of the products with pre-soaked chia seeds, beat with a blender, the healthy porridge is ready. This weight loss dish is recommended to be consumed every morning.

Chia seeds - opinions and reviews of doctors

Medicine is ambivalent about a new remedy for getting rid of excess weight. Doctors do not deny the benefits of grains, which are called superfoods.

Nutritionists recommend chia seeds for vegetarians, so the product easily replaces meat and vegetable proteins. There have been no official studies of sage seeds on how the product affects weight, which worries doctors.

That's why medicine treats this weight loss product with caution. Nutritionists do not recommend taking the seeds for more than 5 months.

Is it possible to give chia seeds to children?

The product has a positive effect on the children's body due to its rich composition of nutrients. Before giving chia grains to your child, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to sesame seeds.

The child should not use antibiotics or acetylsalicylic acid. It is forbidden to give chia seeds to children with low blood pressure, as well as with digestive tract problems.

Chia seeds: reviews from those who have lost weight


“I have been overweight for more than 5 years, my wife advised me to buy a seed and add it to my main diet. I started adding it to seasonings, salads, soups, and cereals. Honestly, I didn’t even expect the result. And then I noticed that I felt more cheerful, the portions of food I eat to fill myself up noticeably decreased, and I began to slowly lose weight. It’s not for nothing that many people recommend these seeds.”

Tatiana P.:

“I bought chia seeds online. Then I started taking it for weight loss before meals three times a day. So far there is no feeling of hunger, although I eat little. In 2 weeks I lost 2 kilograms.”


“I’ve been using the seeds for 1 month now, although I strictly follow all the diet rules. The effect is obvious - minus 7 kilograms after 36 days, to be precise. The body is full of energy and strength. I'm happy."

Cosmetology: benefits of chia seeds for the face

Due to its rich composition, sage seed is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to scrubs, washing powders, masks, creams.

The use of medicinal products for the skin makes it silky, elastic, and saturated with moisture.. Chia seed helps preserve youth, relieves irritation, allergic reactions, and is suitable for any skin type.

Women prefer face creams based on chia seeds. They have the following effects.

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • supply;
  • moisturizing.

Among the many cosmetic products based on ground chia seeds, the cream has positive reviews The Face Shop Chia Seed Sebum Control.

The cream can be used for evening and morning application. The benefits of this cream are comprehensive skin care. It has a moisturizing, nourishing, and restoring skin structure healing effect.

The cream deeply moisturizes, nourishes with moisture, and controls the secretion of sebaceous secretions.

Useful video about chia seeds, their benefits for the body and for weight loss

In almost all corners of the globe there are gifts of nature that help people fight illnesses without the use of conventional medications.

Today, unlike past times, people can purchase any plant without any problems, even if its homeland is many thousands of kilometers away from their place of residence. One of these miraculous natural remedies, which today is actively gaining popularity throughout the world in alternative medicine, is chia seeds.

What is chia, what properties does it have and in what cases is it used? You can learn about all this by reading the information presented in the article.

Origin of the name of the plant

When you pronounce the name of this plant, the name of the dog breed involuntarily comes to mind - Chia Hua (Chihuahua). It is considered the smallest dog in the world and is named after one of the Mexican states of Chihuahua. According to some assumptions, its ancestors lived a long time ago in the wild and were domesticated by the Toltecs during the era of civilization. This breed is known to the Aztecs and Mayan tribes. And the plant, which will be discussed later in the article, has been known to these peoples since those very times, and its homeland is the same place where that same dog came from.

There is still controversy about the origin of the name of the plant - chia. Some researchers believe that it comes from the word chiabaan, which means “strengthening.” Others are inclined to believe that it comes from the Aztec word chian, which translates as “fat.”

It is worth noting here (for reference) that there is another famous name that includes the same word, but has nothing to do with the plant described in the article. This is Mantak Chia (or Mantak Jia) - a Chinese qigong master, Taoist teacher, author of many books on sexual practices and meditation.

Homeland of the plant, place of growth

A strange, mysterious name for the miracle plant was given in Central America (Guatemala, southern and central regions of Mexico), which is its homeland.

The plant itself did not play a big role in people's lives and did not attract much attention. But healthy chia seeds have gained considerable popularity, especially in recent years, not only in America, but also in countries on other continents.

Chia grows naturally in deserts or dry plains, but at altitudes below 1200 meters. Many people use it in indoor floriculture, but this requires the creation of the following prerequisites: good drainage, dry air and constant sunlight.

A little history of chia

Since ancient times, the Aztecs (Indian people in Central America) believed in the enormous power of seeds, so they ate them in large quantities, especially before a hunt or an important and difficult trip. Chia seeds gave the body incredible strength, increased energy levels, and gave stamina and endurance.

Chia can undoubtedly be considered a culture that ensured the power of the Aztec state. Ancient warriors ate a handful of these seeds every day. They believed that they gave them considerable strength to make difficult transitions.

Aztec warriors were always full of strength. Despite the hot climatic conditions and thin mountain air, they did not suffer from dehydration and were distinguished by amazing fortitude. They always had a bag of these miraculous seeds at hand.

The conquistador warriors, led by Cortez, once put an end to the prosperous Aztec empire. The wonderful chia plant also fell into disgrace. Absolutely all crops were destroyed, and the Indians who survived were forbidden to cultivate this plant in the future.

This continued for five centuries, until the revival of a useful ancient culture began thanks to a government program. In the last century, in the early 90s, small wild plantations of the Chia culture, preserved from those times, were discovered in remote areas of Mexico and Guatemala. It took breeders fifteen years to create a new type of Spanish sage - salba. So Chia emerged from a long period of oblivion.

What is chia for people who lived in the old days?

  1. Seeds were among the most important foods in the diet of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans for several millennia. They were used in food along with amaranth, beans and corn.
  2. Chia (Spanish sage) was valued not only for its excellent nutritional properties. Its seeds were indispensable during the religious rites of Indian tribes - they represented the object of sacrifice to their supreme deities.
  3. The seeds of the plant were even a means of payment: enslaved tribes bought them (as tribute) from their conquerors, and the Aztec nobility and clergy accepted them as taxes.
  4. Traditional healing medicines were made from the plant and, whenever possible, equally useful oil was produced.

General information, description of the plant and seeds

What is chia? Its other name (as noted above) is Spanish sage. The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family, the genus of sage. The height of Chia can reach one hundred centimeters. The leaves are oblong, opposite, the flowers are purple or white.

The seeds of this annual herb resemble beans in appearance, but they are much smaller in size, approximately like flax seeds. Diameter is about one millimeter. They have a shiny surface and have a mild but characteristic nutty taste. Their color is usually gray, black and white with a characteristic raised pattern, reminiscent of the pattern on several varieties of beans. All seeds, regardless of their color, have exactly the same composition.


Chia seeds, whose properties are undoubtedly beneficial, have the following chemical composition:

  • fats - approximately 31-39%;
  • proteins - about 16-22%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 40-44%;
  • dietary fiber - more than 25%.

Iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and many more. etc. - all this is part of the seeds of this most healing plant. It also contains substances such as thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.

It should be noted that the product does not contain cholesterol. The plant also contains vitamins A, C and E.

Useful properties

After the presented composition, it becomes more or less clear what chia seeds are. This is an excellent energy drink that charges the body with strength. High mineral content - an excellent vitamin set created by nature. It is important to note that it is precisely these (plant) sources of calcium that contribute to better absorption of this beneficial substance in the body than animal sources.

The beneficial properties of chia, as well as the few contraindications, are due to both their chemical content and the presence of a large amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, the proportion of which in this product is unique.

What is chia in terms of benefits for people? Products made from them are used to treat a variety of diseases, as well as to get rid of excess body weight.

Due to the active growth in the popularity of chia seeds, especially in recent years, there is too much information about this product, and it is quite difficult to determine the most truthful information about it. Therefore, first of all, you should rely on the facts about the composition of the seeds and the healing properties of chia. The seeds are an excellent alternative to pharmacy vitamin complexes. They are well absorbed in the body and supply it with considerable useful substances.

Feature of seeds

The main feature of the grains is their high hydrophilicity. They are able to absorb large quantities of water. This value is equal to a volume approximately 12 times the size of the seeds themselves.

Even a small amount of seeds, when swollen in the stomach, maintains a feeling of fullness for some time. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using it to their patients who want to lose weight.

This is good to know

  1. Two spoons of seeds have a nutritional value of 85 kilocalories.
  2. The amount of fatty acids (mainly omega-3) in the seeds of the plant exceeds their content in salmon meat.
  3. Two tablespoons of seeds provide 41% of your daily fiber value.
  4. The amount of calcium in the plant is 6 times greater than its content in milk.
  5. The iron content is 6 times higher than in spinach.
  6. Contains chia seeds and antioxidants (blueberries contain half as much).
  7. There is 64% more potassium in the seeds than in a banana.

Benefits for the body

Regular use of the product in food gives the body the following benefits:

  1. Regulates body weight. You just need to remember that in addition to consuming these seeds, you should use sufficient amounts of liquid and adhere to a proper diet.
  2. The level of bad cholesterol in the body decreases, and significantly.
  3. Fatty acids normalize heart function, improve the condition of blood vessels and support the body as a whole.
  4. Long-term saturation occurs (a unique feature of the grains was noted above). Even after the first two spoons of seeds, the feeling of hunger disappears. There are many weight loss diets based on this American product.
  5. Today, a new drug based on chia seeds is being researched and developed, which in the future is planned to be used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes.
  6. The seeds are an excellent remedy for colds and flu. Regular consumption of them helps prevent the risk of disease.
  7. Teeth and bones are strengthened, the condition of nails and hair is improved due to the content of useful elements in the plant (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.).
  8. An excellent source of calcium is well appreciated and quite actively used by vegetarians.
  9. The beneficial properties of chia seeds are also beneficial in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. In the intestines, the seeds actively fight harmful bacteria and create beneficial ones.
  10. The antioxidants contained in the plant relieve allergic symptoms and have a rejuvenating and general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Harm of chia seeds, contraindications

In addition to the beneficial properties of any product, as a rule, it also contains some disadvantages. Even if they are not that significant, for people suffering from certain diseases they can pose a rather serious threat.

And chia seeds, naturally, have contraindications:

  • Some people may experience allergic reactions, which may result in the following symptoms: skin rashes, difficulty breathing, diarrhea;
  • hypotensive patients should not use products with chia seeds;
  • combining the use of anticoagulants and seeds can lead to side effects;
  • Eating seeds can cause side effects such as the formation of excess gases in the intestines.

Both the harmful and beneficial properties of chia have not yet been fully studied. Contraindications for pregnant and lactating women are also questionable. It is quite possible that there are no side effects from using products with the seeds of this plant, but it is better to refrain from using it during these periods.

A little about chia oil

In cosmetology, it is not the seeds that are used to a greater extent, but the oil obtained from them. It is used both externally and internally. Combine this product with other vegetable oils: coconut, olive, etc.

The product perfectly moisturizes dry skin, helps in the fight against dermatitis, and has a positive effect on hair growth.

Oil is also added when preparing all kinds of dishes.


  1. The seeds of this crop are added to various drinks.
  2. Spanish sage seeds are widely used in the preparation of salads and desserts, to which they give a unique and pleasant taste.
  3. It is known that confectioners use the seeds of the plant even as an egg substitute when baking culinary products.
  4. The unique property of seeds is also used - the ability to absorb liquid well. When making sauces, they act as a good thickener.

Many people are interested Chia - what is it? Recently, more and more women are turning their attention to an overseas miracle remedy - chia seeds. The benefits and harms of these mysterious seeds have not yet been reliably studied, but the world has already heard a lot about their unique properties. In our article we discuss this topic.

Relatively recently, an overseas product such as chia seeds has become popular all over the world. The benefits of small grains were known to the ancient Aztecs. It was they who discovered the miraculous properties of the annual plant.

Chia seeds are also called Spanish sage. Currently, they are so popular that they are grown on the European and Australian continents. Of course, not all climatic conditions are suitable for cultivating the Mexican plant, but do not despair. Nowadays, you can buy chia in the store without any problems.

The ancient Aztecs said that chia seeds gave them strength and stamina. And the women were grateful to the gods for such a gift. The fair sex of that time were famous for their natural beauty thanks to chia seeds.

Modern people evaluate chia seeds solely for their properties that promote weight loss. But this is not true, because the range of positive qualities of Mexican grains is much greater and it lies, of course, in the rich component composition.

Chemical composition of chia:

  • omega 3;
  • fiber;
  • omega 6;
  • calcium;
  • protein;
  • ferrum;
  • potassium;
  • antioxidants;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins;
  • selenium.

Interesting! Just imagine that a 100g serving of chia seeds contains six times more calcium than a glass of unpasteurized cow's milk. This product is superior in fatty acid concentration to salmon fillet.

It cannot be classified as a dietary product. Two tablespoons contain about 85 kilocalories, but there is no cholesterol at all in overseas grains, which makes them even healthier.

Thanks to its unique component composition, chia has a beneficial effect on the human body, helping to strengthen the immune system. In addition, the seeds serve as a preventive measure for a number of dangerous ailments. The main thing is that their use is safe for our filtration organ – the liver.

Healing properties of chia seeds:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • replenishment of the deficiency of protein, minerals, fiber;
  • normalization of blood pressure levels;
  • treatment of allergic reactions to certain foods;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • satisfying the feeling of hunger.

The benefits of Spanish sage do not end there. The product is very useful for the whole body in general and individual organs in particular. Due to an increase in cholesterol levels, the vascular lumen narrows, increasing the risk of plaque formation, as a result of which a person is not immune from atherosclerosis.

Chia seeds contain a high concentration of saturated omega acids, which helps lower cholesterol levels, and therefore serves as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies.

Interesting! Experts who have studied the Mexican product for a long time have come to the conclusion that chia is beneficial for people suffering from epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and sclerosis. A handful of grains will help normalize the psycho-emotional state of depression.

If you regularly eat chia seeds, you can normalize your blood sugar levels. Some experts call chia a natural antibiotic. These seeds help fight various diseases and also play an important role in the functioning of the immune system.

They can be used to prevent colds, viral and acute respiratory illnesses. It is also recommended to eat chia to prevent the development of cancer pathologies. This product also has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Note! There is an opinion that eating chia seeds not only works from the inside, but also helps the skin regenerate faster. Herbalists notice accelerated healing of damaged skin areas.

Chia is known for another amazing property – helping to rejuvenate the body. These seeds are also considered a powerful antihistamine. In a certain dosage, the grains help reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Note! Remember that chia is a source of iron. This element is necessary for our body to function properly. With iron deficiency, anemia develops. Chia seeds have preventive properties against this disease.

Note to women

Chia seeds have enormous power. Their benefits for women are obvious, and not only in the fight against excess weight. Chia can be consumed in different ways and added to your favorite dishes. Most often, girls combine this product with yogurt. This option is an excellent solution for those who adhere to proper nutrition. You can eat this delicacy, for example, during an afternoon snack.

Chia seeds also go well with vegetable salads, side dishes and granola. Small grains will enrich your food with useful substances and vitamins, and also give ordinary dishes an exquisite taste.

Losing weight for health benefits

For many women, excess weight is a real problem that is sometimes very difficult to solve. With chia seeds you can safely lose weight and improve your body health. You don't have to radically change your diet. In addition, chia seeds are an excellent alternative to strict monotonous diets.

The main rules for losing weight with chia seeds:

  1. We reduce the daily amount of calories.
  2. The duration of the weight loss course is calculated to be up to six weeks continuously.
  3. We drink a cocktail with chia seeds before every meal.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of calories a person needs to consume per day for the full functioning of the entire body. Be sure to take into account your physical activity and metabolic rate. To start the process of losing weight, the number of kilocalories must be reduced, that is, the amount consumed must be less than the amount consumed. The formula is simple.

Losing weight on chia seeds is designed for a maximum of six weeks. It is allowed to continue to use Spanish sage, but the weight loss process may slow down and the so-called plateau effect will occur.

About a quarter of an hour before meals, drink a glass of filtered still water with the addition of one spoon of chia seeds. This vitamin cocktail will activate your metabolism and promote healthy weight loss.

Note! Make it a habit to regularly monitor your weight changes using scales and measuring tape. Don't try to lose a maximum of pounds in a couple of days. Losing weight should occur without compromising health and loss of performance and physical activity.

Regarding contraindications

Unfortunately, not all people can eat such a popular product. During the research, scientists compiled a whole list of contraindications. If you do not take them into account, then Spanish sage can cause significant harm to your body and undermine your health.

List of contraindications:

  • low blood pressure;
  • food intoxication;
  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • malignant neoplasm localized in the prostate;
  • individual intolerance;
  • flatulence;
  • allergic reactions.

Doctors do not advise women to take chia seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should also avoid this dietary supplement when taking aspirin.

Please note that chia seeds are contraindicated during dental treatment. The grains have a durable shell. When you try to chew chia seeds, they may get stuck between your teeth. And leftover food is known to disrupt oral hygiene and can lead to the development of caries.

In general, before using a new overseas product, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if you intend to use this dietary supplement for the purpose of losing weight.

Chia seeds are a fairly new superfood that is no less popular among healthy lifestyle followers than acai, goji berries and spirulina. You may be wary of the term “superfoods” (and rightfully so), but you really should add chia to your diet. And below we will tell you why.

What is chia

Chia (or Spanish sage) is an annual herbaceous plant with purple or white flowers. Chia is considered to be the birthplace of Central and South America, between 1500 and 900 BC. The Aztecs used its seeds not only as food, but also as currency.

Here are some impressive facts about chia: One serving contains more calcium than a glass of milk, more omega-3s than a handful of nuts, and just as many antioxidants. In addition, chia seeds, like hyaluronic acid molecules in cosmetology, are able to absorb an amount of water many times greater than their own weight. Thus, chia will help prevent dehydration if you are not drinking enough water.

5 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

1. Chia seeds are an excellent source of vegetable protein (up to 5 g per 30 g of chia). Add to this all eight essential amino acids, which is rare in plant-based foods. However, to compete with animal proteins, chia must be consumed every day.

2. Chia seeds are incredibly beneficial for digestion. The secret is that they contain up to 11 grams of fiber per 30 grams of chia, and these fibers do not cause a spike in blood sugar levels or affect insulin like other carbohydrates.

3. Chia seeds have the ability to suppress appetite, which will be a nice bonus if you are trying to lose excess weight. This occurs due to the ability of the seeds to expand in the stomach, saturated with water, and their slow digestibility. Feeling hungry but can't afford a full meal? Greek yogurt with chia seeds would be great.

4. The Mayans and Aztecs are known to have added chia seeds to their food for extra energy and stamina. It turns out that these benefits still work today: Studies have shown that chia seeds are as effective as sports energy drinks - and that's worth keeping in mind.

5. Chia seeds are so versatile that you can add them to soups, salads and drinks, or use chia as a “seasoning” when frying fish or meat. Unlike some superfoods, chia does not have a strong flavor or strong aroma, so you can use the seeds in your favorite recipes as you see fit.

There is only one warning with chia seeds - be aware of phytic acid. Like all grains and seeds, chia contains phytates, compounds that block the absorption of some nutrients. However, there is evidence that soaking seeds in warm water before use may reduce the decrease in these compounds.

Chia seeds have been the top superfood of the last few years. According to the advertisement, “This 100% natural supplement contains an unprecedented amount of beneficial substances; chia surpasses milk in calcium content, they contain 2 times more potassium than bananas, and 15 times more iron than spinach.” However, are chia grains really the leader?

Research confirms that chia seeds are an excellent food for a healthy diet. They contain plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids and a rare type of water-insoluble . Due to their characteristics, the seeds can be considered a superfood - a food product extremely rich in important nutrients.

Chia seeds can be used in salads or ground into flour and added to baking. In addition, chia can also be used for medicinal purposes - for example, in case of digestive difficulties, a decoction or infusion of chia seeds gently and safely weakens.

What is chia?

The chia plant is known to the botanical community as Spanish sage. In fact, it is an annual plant up to 2 m high with white or dark blue flowers that produce black seed grains. Homeland - Central and Southern Mexico. Before Spanish colonization, chia, along with corn, was a key product in the Aztec diet.

The benefit of chia seeds is that they improve digestion and normalize metabolism. Their constituents help eliminate various micro-inflammations in the body and help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. In turn, fiber reduces insulin levels and acts as a pribiotic. In addition, tryptophan contained in chia seeds is important for a good mood.

Chia seeds - beneficial properties

Research suggests that regularly consuming chia seeds helps reduce micro-inflammation in the body¹. This indirectly affects lowering blood pressure and also helps the body fight bad blood pressure. In addition, the fiber from grains can absorb large amounts of water, filling the stomach and serving as food for beneficial bacteria.

What are the benefits of chia seeds:

  1. Reduce cholesterol levels. Due to their content of omega-3 fatty acids and a rare type of water-insoluble fiber, chia may influence blood cholesterol levels by increasing the amount of “good” cholesterol. The difference between their fiber is that it is able to absorb large amounts of water.
  2. Reduces hunger. Since chia seeds contain a lot of fiber, they quickly relieve hunger and provide a long-term feeling of fullness. You can keep a bag of chia grains in your bag, washing down a handful of seeds with water as needed - a technique of the ancient Aztecs.
  3. Contains many antioxidants. The chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid contained in the seeds are strong natural antioxidants. Chia also contains phytonutrients myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol - they are beneficial for the immune system.
  4. Source of Essential Amino Acids. The protein profile of chia seeds is complete, and they contain the essential amino acids lysine, methionine and others important for metabolism. Eating chia is especially beneficial for vegetarians - in fact, they can replace meat.
  5. Contains omega-3 fatty acids. They are one of the leaders in the content of plant Omega-3, which reduces the level of various inflammations in the body. However, the best way to take it in this case is to use chia oil.
  6. Good for gut health. A decoction of chia seeds has probiotic properties - that is, it improves the condition of intestinal microflora. In addition, chia is safely weakened (when taken at night), without side effects or contraindications.
  7. Contains many minerals. Chia seeds are an excellent source of magnesium and calcium, which are important for metabolism. 100 g of seeds contain 94% of the daily value of magnesium, 63% of calcium and 59% of iron. Let us remember that magnesium restores the nervous system, and iron is good for the circulatory system.

Chia seeds for stomach function

As a colon cleansing tool and a natural remedy for constipation, chia seeds should be taken at night. Mix three tablespoons of grains, a teaspoon of coconut oil and 100 ml of warm water (or milk), let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Take just before going to bed.

How to take chia seeds:

  • as a source of vitamins and fiber - 1 tablespoon per day
  • as a colon cleanser - 3 tablespoons at night

Composition and content of useful nutrients

100 g of chia seeds contain up to 17 g - the same as in a large salmon steak. However, the difficulty is that they contain plant Omega-3s, while salmon contains animal ones. Scientific research shows that no more than 5-10% of plant-based Omega-3 fats (in the form of α-Linolenic acid, or ALA) are absorbed by the human body³.

In fact, a tablespoon of seeds is equivalent to only 0.3-0.5 g of fish oil, which is less than a standard capsule. It is important to take this into account when calculating your daily Omega-3 intake, preferring chia oil. The fact that chia seeds are covered with a fairly dense shell of water-insoluble fiber also plays a role - in total, this fiber accounts for about 30% of the total weight of dry seeds.

Chia seeds, composition and KBJU:

Please note that the actual content of minerals and vitamins in chia seeds is indicated below (in terms of percentages of the daily value) - without taking into account exactly how much of these substances will be absorbed by the body of a particular person. Let us remind you that since the seeds are covered with a dense shell, this may interfere with their digestion. This is why ground chia and various decoctions are better absorbed.

Content per 100 g Contents per serving (10 g)
Calcium63% 6.3%
Iron59% 6%
Magnesium94% 9.4%
Manganese130% 13%
Phosphorus123% 12.3%
Zinc48% 4.8%
7% 0.7%
Vitamin B 154% 5.4%
Vitamin B 214% 1.4%
Vitamin B 359% 6%
2% 0.2%
3% 0.3%

Chia - history of the plant

Chia ( salvia hispanica, Spanish sage) is one of the key plants of the ancient Aztecs. It was used for medicinal purposes and also eaten - chia seeds were valued for their nutritional properties. Flatbreads were made from ground flour, and warriors took a bag of grains on campaigns to satisfy their hunger.

Note that chia is a relative of common sage ( salvia). Tea made from its aromatic leaves was used both in Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. Hippocrates called sage a sacred herb and advised using the essential oil obtained from its flowers to strengthen and rejuvenate the body.

Chia in Aztec culture

In Aztec culture, chia seeds were used to pay taxes to the clergy and tribute to the nobility, and the grains themselves were the main part of religious ceremonies - they were sacrificed to the Aztec gods. The capital of the empire annually received from the conquered peoples more than 15,000 tons of chia, which was considered a symbol of life, strength and power.

After the conquest of the Aztecs by the conquistadors, the chia plantations were completely burned. Already in modern times, a forgotten plant was discovered in the remote mountains of Paraguay. In the early 1990s, crops were restored in Argentina, and today chia grows in many countries around the world.

The benefits of chia in traditional medicine

The ancient Aztecs believed that drinking a decoction of ground chia grains could cure respiratory diseases - from a strangulated cough to serious pulmonary diseases accompanied by coughing up blood. The grains were also used for stomach diseases.


Chia seeds are the edible grains of the chia plant, which is a close relative of sage. They contain a number of vitamins, plant omega-3s and a rare type of water-insoluble fiber. The benefits of chia have been confirmed by scientific research - primarily due to their mechanical effect on digestion, and due to the properties of the phytonutrients they contain.

Scientific sources:

  1. Salvia hispanica:,
  2. Salvia officinalis: WebMD,
  3. Efficiency of conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to long chain n-3 fatty acids in man,
  4. Cholesterol: Genetic, Clinical and Natural Implications,
  5. Seeds, chia seeds, dried Nutrition Facts & Calories,