How to expand men's narrow patent leather shoes. How to break in patent leather shoes? How to quickly break in new leather shoes

You can help stretch patent leather shoes so that they do not crush and damage your foot, you can do it yourself at home or with the help of shoe repair shops. To do this, use industrial household chemicals in the form of gels, creams, or use folk methods of stretching with steam, alcohol, paper or cloth. This process requires a careful approach, as the varnish is susceptible to external influences and can permanently lose its appearance.

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If patent leather shoes are tight, do not despair and buy the next pair, boots can be quickly expanded using industrial substances for this purpose. They come in the form of creams, sprays or gels. Experts recommend using Salton, GoldCare, Collonil, Ecco, Nikwax, Salamander Professional, as well as Silver, Grangers. Before use, it is important to read the instructions on the package and follow only its recommendations.

It is important not to use aggressive stretching agents in order not to cause damage to the surface of the lacquered material (cracks). It should also be remembered that patent leather shoes can only be stretched in width.

What to do at home?

There are many ways to enlarge shoes a little, such as exposure to cold.

At home use:

  • freezing;
  • alcohol;
  • paper;
  • terry towel;
  • steaming.

You can simply try to break patent leather shoes, putting them on a wet sock or on a person whose foot is one size larger. If this method does not help, it is better to use the services of workshops that use a special stretcher for shoes made of wood, plastic or metal. Stretchable shoes made of genuine leather. If patent leather boots are made of low-quality material, then it is better to immediately exchange them for a new pair, since it will not be possible to stretch them without worsening the appearance of the shoes. Expensive shoes can also be damaged by using the wrong product or not having the skills to carry out the procedure, so it’s better not to stretch yourself, but to give the sandals to be repaired by specialists.


If the shoes do not break in and still press, you can use the property of water, or rather, its expansion when it turns into ice. To do this, take a plastic bag, preferably on a zipper, and insert it into the boot. Next, it should be filled with water so that it comes into contact with the place to be stretched and closed. Shoes are wrapped in fabric to protect the surface of the product from damage, and placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. Cheap patent leather shoes can crack with this stretching method.

The use of alcohol

For processing, you can use any strong alcohol.

Use medical alcohol or other high-alcohol liquors, which are abundantly moistened with a cotton sponge or soft cloth. Wipe the inside of the shoe. Next, a sock made of natural fabric is put on the leg and a wet boot is put on top. You need to walk in it for a couple of hours until it stops bringing discomfort. Do not apply alcohol to the varnish itself, as this will damage the appearance of the boot. You can also prepare a product from vodka - 100 ml, water - 100 ml and detergent - 2 tbsp. l. It is used similarly to alcohol.

Stretch paper

You will need a newspaper or other paper material that is wetted in water and stuffed tightly into shoes. You need to stuff only those patent leather shoes that rub or pinch. It is left in a place remote from the battery or other heating devices, but which is well ventilated. The paper is removed when the boots are completely dry naturally. The average duration of the process is a day.

If shoes or boots made of patent leather do not fit, then you can try to fix it. Below are details on how to break patent leather shoes.

Is it possible?

So, is it possible rawear patent leather boots, boots or shoes? Yes, but only if it is natural thin and soft lacquer leather. In addition, if you want, for example, to get size 38 out of 36, then you should immediately tell yourself honestly: it will not work. In general, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the length of the shoe upwards, because the sole will not change. But stretching a pair of shoes a little wide will probably work!

How to break patent leather shoes: several ways

So, we bring to your attention several ways that will allow you to wear patent leather shoes without experiencing discomfort.

1. Can enlist the help of a friend. But there is one condition: the leg of this girl should be a little wider than your own. But only a little, not 2 sizes! Perhaps if a girlfriend wears shoes for a day or two, she will do you a favor and slightly stretch the shoes.

2. Can be used hair dryer and fat cream. It is worth mentioning right away that this method is very doubtful, because the flow of too hot air can simply ruin the material and its appearance. If you still decide to take a chance, then a pair of shoes must be thoroughly warmed up with a hairdryer, and then greased with a fat cream from the inside (you can use lard or petroleum jelly if you wish), and then put on. To heighten the effect, you can provide the leg with an additional thick sock. Then you need to walk around in this form (for example, for one evening, doing household chores), and then, taking off your boots or shoes, once again treat them with cream and leave them overnight.

3. If patent leather shoes wait, it will help alcohol. No, you should not use it inside, it is better to wipe the shoes with it from the inside and put it on a tight sock. And you can moisten this very sock in alcohol. After such a procedure, you will have to be a little patient and walk like this. By the way, it is better to dilute alcohol with water (at the rate of 2 parts of alcohol to 1 part of water). You can use cologne and perfume for the same purpose. Then the shoes will also smell nice.

4. Suitable and vinegar when diluted with water in equal parts. After that, the same manipulations are performed as with alcohol. True, vinegar can adversely affect the delicate skin of the heels, so it is better to wipe the shoes from the inside with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

5. Boiling water or steam. You can pour boiling water into the shoes, and then walk around in them. But as a result, you can be left with nothing. But if you hold the shoes over hot steam or wipe the inside with a cloth soaked in hot water, and then vilify, then the size will probably increase.

6. How to break patent leather shoes in other ways? Can be used for this ice. Some advise pouring water into a plastic bag, placing it inside shoes or boots, and putting it all in the freezer of the refrigerator. Remember the laws of physics: liquid expands when it freezes, and the bag should stretch the shoes. But, as you know, low temperatures adversely affect patent leather and can lead to cracking.

7. You can wrap your shoes in a terry towel soaked in warm water, and put it all in a bag, and wear the shoes the next day.

8. Can be used special fixtures, sold in shoe stores.

9. Best take the shoes to the workshop where professionals will do the stretching.

If the new thing is not only tight, but try changing the insoles.

Enjoy the shopping!

A thousand times I swore off buying shoes on the Internet! But again, she couldn't resist! Probably, this is already a "shoe" disease. Fingers themselves reach out to press the treasured “buy” button at the sight of pitch-black shoes with fashionable square heels or soft-powder classic pumps with stiletto heels. You are looking forward to the treasured parcel, tracking every postal item every day. Then you run to the post office, spend a lot of time on an endless line ... And finally, you are left alone with a sealed box, looking forward to the next fitting. But ... again, a complete disappointment! New patent leather shoes are simply amazing - from a famous designer, my size, everything is fine in length, but I looked like five minutes at home and somehow took it off. They turned out to be tight. This is a catastrophe!

I once heard that you can stretch patent leather shoes at home. Indeed, there were even several ways to stretch patent leather shoes.

7 ways to stretch patent leather shoes at home

To do this, we first learn how patent leather is obtained. For several seasons, patent leather shoes and boots have been on the catwalks, and at the same time, we women cannot resist buying patent leather shoes. Such skin, of course, is somewhat specific in wear and care. But she's so shiny!

In the production of patent leather shoes, the skin is coated with special compounds that make it glossy. The basis of these compositions are polymeric materials. They also protect the skin from dampness and scratches - that's why patent leather shoes last much longer than ordinary leather shoes. But there is another side of the coin - patent leather shoes because of these polymers become rough and hard. And that's why stretching patent leather shoes is very difficult. Difficult, but possible. Artificial patent leather shoes can be stretched in the same way.

First way. Big feet

This way of stretching patent leather shoes is very suitable for those ladies who have girlfriends who want to sacrifice themselves, and with a foot size larger than yours. Let them suffer, walking in your shoes around the apartment. After such "festivities" you can easily pull on already, of course, not quite brand new, but comfortable patent leather shoes.

The second way. Hair dryer and cream

I hope that every decent woman has these two irreplaceable things in her arsenal - a hair dryer and a cream. It's really hard to live without them. Not only hair is dried with a hair dryer, but not only the face and body are smeared with cream. In addition to styling with a hairdryer, use it to quickly stretch patent leather shoes. How to do it? We act in stages. Please note that patent leather shoes do not tolerate too hot exposure, so do not set the hair dryer to the maximum temperature, but proceed with caution.

First, take the included hair dryer and direct very warm air inside the shoe. Warm up the patent leather shoes inside for a few minutes. Then thoroughly lubricate the patent leather shoes from the inside with any greasy cream (of course, do not use a very expensive one from the elite series for the face, but take something simpler, you can use ordinary Vaseline). After that, put on thick socks (terry, woolen or several pairs of regular socks will do) and pull new patent leather shoes over your feet. No, they do not need to walk or sleep for a long time. A couple of hours will be enough. The main thing is that after you take them off, be sure to once again lubricate the shoes from the inside with cream and leave until the morning. In the morning, after wiping the inside of new patent leather shoes with a regular napkin, put them on and, I think, the effect will be obvious.

The third way. Alcoholic

You probably thought you'd have to drink? Not! You are wrong. Alcohol will be required in order to stretch patent leather shoes in width. Prepare cotton swabs and alcohol. It is for patent leather shoes that it is better to use medical alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cologne are also suitable). Then proceed carefully. Soak cotton swabs in alcohol and run around the perimeter of the inside of patent leather shoes several times. It is important here that alcohol does not get outside the patent leather shoes, otherwise they will suffer greatly. One more warning: with wounds on the feet or fungal diseases, this method of stretching patent leather shoes will not work.

The fourth way. Boiling

We are talking, of course, about boiled and boiling water. Who will like it better. Either you pour boiling water into the shoes, or you direct the steam from the boiling water inside to stretch the patent leather shoes. Hold boiling water for two to three minutes and pour. After this procedure, pull the patent leather shoes that have slightly increased in size on your feet with a toe and walk around. If you use steam to stretch patent shoes, be careful not to get it on the outside, otherwise the shoes will deteriorate. For this method, it is convenient to use the spout of the kettle - just point it first inside one shoe, and after a couple of minutes, substitute another.

Fifth way. Ice

Again, you didn't guess! It is not tedious to put ice inside to stretch patent leather shoes. We act a little differently. Here we present two options. First option. Take a large towel, soak it in hot water, and wrap a pair of patent leather shoes around. After that, place this package in a sealed plastic bag and place a rather voluminous package in the freezer. Leave your jewel there until the morning. When you take out the bag of shoes in the morning, put them on your feet with socks and let them dry.

Second option. Prepare two airtight and tight plastic bags. Insert each into a shoe and pour water inside the bag. The package will take the form of a shoe. Then simply place the shoes in the freezer for four or five hours. As you know, water, turning into ice, expands, which means that your shoes will also increase in size.

Sixth way. Newspaper

You can, of course, first read the newspapers, and then stretch patent leather shoes wide with them. Take plenty of newspapers (three or four large ones), tear them into small pieces (great for relieving any stress). Then thoroughly wet the resulting newspaper lump with water and press it very tightly into the inside of each shoe. And that's it. Forget about the existence of your favorite new patent leather shoes for about a day. Let them dry on their own. Do not put them near the battery or in the sun - ruin them. Have some patience. But in a day they will please you.

Seventh way. Professional

Unlike the first six (completely free), this method requires investments. In shoe stores, shoe repair shops, you will always be offered special shoe stretchers. They are usually available in the form of a spray (there is a liquid or foam inside). Sometimes a special stretching device may also be included in the kit. Such special means are completely safe for stretching patent leather shoes - you can splash both inside and outside. Very good reviews from the products of the company "Salamander" ("Express polish", "Shoe stretch"), as well as the foam "Silver".

How to stretch tight shoes (life hacks):

As many as six ways to stretch patent leather shoes at home are free and one for money. By the way, he is the only one who guarantees the complete safety of your favorite patent leather shoes. It is best used to stretch expensive shoes. Other methods can also be used to stretch artificial patent leather shoes. Most importantly, remember that you can stretch patent leather shoes only in width and no more than a few millimeters.

If you have no desire to go to specialized shoe repair shops, you can also stretch shoes at home. The easiest way is to ask someone with a large foot size to wear a narrow new thing a little. The difference in size should not be too strong, otherwise you can get the exact opposite effect. There are other effective ways to make shoes more comfortable.

You can stretch the shoes yourself

Treatment with vinegar, alcohol or cologne

With one of the chosen means, the shoes are thoroughly wiped from the inside. Then they put it on a woolen sock and wear it until completely dry. If there are wounds or other damage on the skin, then discomfort may appear.

Low temperatures, like high temperatures, can adversely affect the appearance of shoes. stretches a little with ice, but you should act very carefully. Sealed plastic bags are filled with liquid and put into shoes, after which they can be put in another bag and placed in the freezer. The effectiveness of the method is explained by the fact that when freezing, the liquid expands, stretching the uncomfortable new thing.

Ice can help stretch uncomfortable shoes

It is best to use two small bags for each shoe for these purposes. One, after filling with water, is inserted into the toe part, and the second - into the opposite. The package in the heel is left with the untied ends looking out. Thus, during freezing, the water will take the most natural form.

On the shelves of stores now you can find various caring products for shoes. On sale there are special means in the form of sprays, the main effect of which is to give the material greater elasticity. Strictly following the recommendations of manufacturers, you can easily stretch a summer pair at home.

Shoe Stretch Spray

Knowing the various ways to stretch patent leather shoes at home, you should choose the most suitable option for your pair. You should start with the least traumatic ones, since the application of the spray and the breaking in of shoes by a person with a wider foot. If these methods prove to be ineffective, then it is worth trying the manipulations described below.

A powerful hair dryer and a moisturizing oily cream will help you stretch your shoes on your own. This method should be used very carefully, otherwise a jet of hot air directed at the shoes may damage the varnish surface. The cream must be chosen the fattest, Vaseline is suitable instead.

  1. In the off state, direct the hole of the hair dryer inside the shoe.
  2. Select the mode with the hottest air and turn on the device. During this procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the air flow does not fall on the outside of the shoe.
  3. Continue heating for about 3-5 minutes until the inside is hot.
  4. After heating, grease the shoes from the inside with a greasy cream.
  5. Put on thick woolen socks or a few thin ones and put on shoes.
  6. To achieve stretching, you need to walk about two hours.
  7. After the time has elapsed, the product is again smeared with cream

Hairdryer will help stretch new shoes

For this method to work, shoes must be made from quality materials. Before putting on shoes, they should be thoroughly cleaned of the cream with paper towels or napkins. If this is not done, under the influence of heat, the cream will roll into balls and become a dirty gray color.

The impact of steam on the outer lacquer surface of the product should be minimal. Shoes with the inside will have to be held over a boiling saucepan for several minutes. This should be done very carefully so as not to burn your hands with steam. You can arm yourself with an impromptu holder and put a potholder on your hand.

Be careful not to damage your shoes

To increase the size of shoes, boiling water is often used. The main thing is that the new thing is of high quality and durable. In this case, she will not be afraid of such manipulations. Boiling water is carefully poured inside the shoes. In this state, it is left for 5 minutes. Then the water is poured out and wiped dry. Having previously put on warm socks, they put the shoes on their feet and wear them until they cool completely.

You can use a terry towel soaked in hot water. It is carefully wrung out and wrapped around the shoe. Then the resulting structure is hermetically sealed in a plastic bag and left in this state until the morning. When it dries, it will noticeably stretch and be comfortable to wear.

After steaming or freezing, make sure that the shoes are completely dry. You can not put them near batteries and heaters, they must dry at room temperature. When the patent leather shoes are dry, its surface must be treated with a transparent shoe shine cream.

Remember that stretching the shoes in length will not work, since it is impossible to increase the size of the sole. You can achieve an expansion that will be sufficient for comfortable wear. It is also not worth getting carried away with stretching in width, since even super-high-quality material may not withstand mechanical or thermal stress. It will begin to crack and the product will finally lose its appearance.

If you still decide not to risk your new clothes and contact the workshop, you can be sure that with the help of professional equipment and special means, the shoes will retain their appearance, while becoming absolutely comfortable to wear.

Efficiency Shoe risk Opinion Rendez-Vous

Lacquer - genuine leather, processed by a special method. The front surface of the skin is leveled by grinding and covered with primer, which hides the natural pattern. The leather is then dyed to the desired color and a polyurethane lacquer is sprayed on top to create a sheen.

With improper care, the lacquer film can fold, crack, peel, fade and change color. Patent leather is less elastic than uncoated leather. Shoes made of patent leather should not be stretched with blocks or in any other mechanical way, alcohol compositions should not be applied to the surface, it is dangerous to heat the varnish too much.

  • wet with water and wear until dry;
  • wipe with alcohol, vodka or cologne and wear until dry;
  • wipe with vinegar and wear;
  • stuff with wet newspapers or paper and leave to dry;
  • put a bag of water inside and freeze it with shoes in the refrigerator;
  • heat with a hair dryer and wear in;
  • hold over hot steam and wear until cool;
  • put on thick socks and break in shoes.

Patent leather shoes can only be broken in naturally or supplemented with Oke Saphir. Spray only on the inside of the shoe, as the ingredients in Oke can damage the lacquer film. The Rendez-Vous masters know how to break in patent leather shoes that are tight at home: work Oke Saphir on problem areas of the shoe from the inside, put on shoes and wear until discomfort subsides. Repeat if necessary.

Patent leather care

One procedure is enough for shoes or boots to sit on the leg. If you need a more tangible effect, use the spray in combination with moisturizing. Work the inside of the Oke Saphir shoes and place the shoes in one end of a large plastic bag. Place a damp cloth at the other end of the bag, close the bag and leave overnight. Water should not drain from the fabric into the bag, and the fabric itself should not touch the shoes! The bag should also not be colored on the inside, so that if it accidentally gets wet, it does not stain the shoes. In the morning, re-treat the lining with Oke, put on your shoes and start breaking them in.

Patent shoes can only be broken in in a natural way, we do not recommend using mechanical stretching of shoes (blocks, spacers), as it will damage the varnish and the shoes will lose their appearance.