How to make an automatic login to win 7. Windows: Automatic login (autologin). If the computer is not part of a domain

In this article we will look at how to automatically log in to Windows 7 without entering a password.

You should understand that enabling automatic login reduces the security of the system, since anyone with physical access to the computer will have access to all of your information.

But, if you are the sole owner of a desktop computer, then enabling automatic login will improve ease of use by speeding up the loading of the operating system.

1. One passwordless user

You can leave one passwordless user in the system. This option seems to be the simplest and most commonly used.

To do this, open the menu Start On the Computer item, right-click and select Manage

The same window can be opened by right-clicking on the icon Computer on the desktop and also selecting Control

In the window that opens on the left (in the console tree), follow the path Utilities > Local Users > Users

To disable an account, double-click on it with the left mouse button and, in the window that opens, check the “Deactivate account” checkbox. Click OK

Recording disabled.

This way you turn off all accounts except yours and HomeGroupUser$ (if any).

HomeGroupUser$- the account used to access resources in the HomeGroup. If you disable it, you will not be able to access shared directories and files on other computers in your homegroup.

After this, you need to reset your account password. Right-click on your account and select Set a password

A warning will appear stating that for security reasons you will need to re-authorize in most services. Click Continue.

The password has been reset and you will now be automatically logged into Windows without entering a password when you turn on your computer.

2. Designate one of the users for automatic login

Launch the User Account Control component.

To do this, press the key combination Win + R (Win is the key with the image of the Windows flag on the keyboard in the bottom row to the left of the Space key). A command line will open in which you need to enter the command control userpasswords2 or netplwiz.

In the “User Accounts” window that opens, select the user under whom we need to automatically log in to the system and uncheck the box Require username and password. Click OK.

Now, when you turn on your computer, you will automatically be signed in to the user you selected.

In order to switch to another user, you can click on the arrow to the right of the Shut down button and select Change user or Log out

In this case, you will have the opportunity to select any user.

If you need to immediately log into another user when you turn on the computer, then when you boot the computer you need to hold down the key Shift.

3. Editing the registry

If the first two methods do not work, try the third.

Open the registry editor. Press Win+R again and enter regedit.

In the registry editor on the left in the tree, follow the path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

1. To activate automatic login, you must set the value

AutoAdminLogon = 1.

To change the value, double-click on the parameter (in our case AutoAdminLogon) in the Value field write 1 and click OK

The parameter value has been changed.

2. You must specify a username for automatic login DefaultUserName

Set a username for automatic login

3. If you have a user with a password, you must set this password in the parameter DefaultPassword. I have users without a password, so this option is not there.

If you don't have any parameter, you need to create it.

To do this, right-click on an empty space. Choose New > String Parameter

All parameters considered are string parameters - Type - REG_SZ


We've looked at how to automatically log in to Windows 7. This will greatly improve the usability of your computer, in particular boot speed, and will also greatly reduce the level of security. It seems to me that it is advisable to use this either on personal desktop computers or on computers where there is no important information and you do not save passwords in browsers.

Article content:

This article will discuss how to set up autologin (automatic login without entering a password) on Windows operating systems. This can be useful when there is no need to restrict access to a computer/laptop so as not to waste time entering a password every time you turn it on.

Using control userpasswords2

One of the easiest ways, using standard Windows tools, is to use the command control userpasswords2. This is done as follows:

Click Start - Run (or Win+R keys), and in the window that appears, enter control userpasswords2 , then click OK.

In the window that appears, uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox and click OK.

In the window that appears, you will be required to enter your username and password.

After entering, you can click OK. Now, when you turn on your computer, you will automatically log in as the user you need.

Using Autologon

Another simple method for setting up automatic login to the system is to use a third-party program Autologon, authored by Mark Russinovich. You can download it from the Microsoft website.

Using the program is as simple as possible - you need to run the downloaded program (no installation required, but upon first launch you will have to accept the terms of use), and enter all the data you need.

In the field Username you should write the user name; if the user belongs to an Active Directory domain, then you should indicate his name in the field Domain. And finally in the field Password you must enter your password. After that, to turn it on, you just need to press the " Enable", and after that auto login will be configured.

The utility saves the password to the registry in encrypted form, so you won’t be able to view it in the registry after installing autologin.

Setting up via the registry

There is also a way to configure automatic login through the registry.

To enable autologin in the registry, you need to open the Start menu and select Run (or press the Win+R key combination). In the window that appears, type regedit and click OK.

Hint: in order to change the value of a parameter, just double-click on it, or right-click and select " Change".

AutoAdminLogon - We set it to one, otherwise the automatic login will not work.
ForceAutoLogon - If we want the user to be “forcibly” logged back into the system, then we set it to one.
DefaultUserName - The username under which we want to automatically log in.
DefaultPassword - Password of the user under which we want to automatically log in. Most likely, this parameter will not be available, and therefore you will have to create it yourself. To do this, right-click on an empty space and select New - String Parameter, and give it a name DefaultPassword.

Judging by search statistics, a large number of people are interested in the answer to this question. Although, to be honest, it’s only about five minutes of work, no more. Soon you will see everything for yourself. So here we go.

And now, when we turn on the computer and load the great and terrible Windows, we see a dialog box asking us to select the desired user and enter a password. This is how the picture looks like:

But we don’t want that, now we will need to enter data every time. We love it when automatic login occurs, so that nothing is required from us. Okay, let's do everything now as it was, the old way. It's very simple.

It is also worth saying that all the settings in the article will be made using the example of the Windows 10 operating system. But if you configure this matter on versions 7 or 8 of this OS, you will see that everything is absolutely identical.

So, first, click on the "Start" button and select "All applications":

Then you need to find “Command Line” in the general list of programs and run it:

In the black window that opens, enter the service command:

After that, press the "Enter" key:

At this step, you will need to uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox, and then click on the “Apply” button:

Now a dialog box will open in which you will need to specify the user account on whose behalf you will automatically log in when loading Windows versions 7, 8, 10:

It is logical that this should be the “account” of the computer administrator. That is, the person who is endowed with maximum rights is the master here. As you can see in the screenshot above, the “User” column already contains the “Admin” value we need, so all you have to do is enter the password and confirm it.

Once again I focus attention on this point so that there is no confusion later. “Admin” in our case is not the name of the account, but its type, which specifies rights. And the recording itself can be called differently, so to speak, according to yours.

I hope that this will be more accessible, since it is very important to understand exactly this moment of the settings in order to really understand the whole essence of these actions. In general, at the end of all our joint movements, click on “OK”:

Well, people, now let's check that the changes made are correct. To do this, you need to reboot your computer and see if automatic login works.

So, the operating system begins to start, the nerves are taut like strings:

And... Things seem to be going well. Yes, together with you we coped with this task:

So, dear readers, as you can see for yourself, we have easily and simply set up automatic login to Windows 7, 8, 10. But if suddenly something still doesn’t work out for you, ask questions in the comments to the article.

At this point, allow me to take my leave. After all, as they say, it’s time to know the honor. Thank you all for your attention and understanding. In the meantime, you can take a musical break. And as always, the author is nostalgic. 😉

13.09.2015 0 9208

If you are not particularly concerned about the security of your system, you can configure automatic login windows 7, which will slightly reduce the time it takes to start your computer.

1. Click the Start button and enter the following command in the search field:

2. In the contribution Users, which should open first, uncheck the " Require username and password"

3. Click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the window "User Accounts".

4. When you see the automatic login dialog box, enter the username you want to automatically login as and also enter their password twice

5. Click the button OK to complete the system setup process.

Why disabling Windows 7 login is not a good idea

No matter how much the process annoys you windows 7 login, shutdown requesting a login and password leads to serious threats associated with unauthorized access to your computer. If your Windows 7 computer is used exclusively at home, which is locked, has an alarm, a guard dog and other security systems, then setting up auto-login on the computer will not greatly increase the risk of strangers gaining access to your computer.

However, if you are using a Windows 7 computer, laptop, tablet, or any other device that is frequently used outside your home, we strongly do not recommend remove login windows 7 with a request for login and password. Because anyone can access your device without your knowledge.

Logging in with a username and password primarily protects your computer from users who should not have access to it. If your computer is stolen and you set it to auto-login, the thief will have access to everything you worked with - email, social networks, bank accounts, etc.

How to set up auto login if your computer is on a domain

If your computer is on a domain, your credentials are stored on the server, not on your local computer. It's a little complicated how remove Windows 7 login using a login and password, but this can still be configured.

  1. Open the Windows 7 registry (to do this, click the Search button and enter the command there regedit)
  2. Open the hive in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, further SOFTWARE
  3. On the left, find the item Microsoft, further Windows NT, CurrentVersion, Winlogon
  4. Select the key on the left WinLogon, and on the right find the value AutoAdminLogon
  5. Double click on AutoAdminLogon and change the value to 1
  6. Click OK
  7. Restart your computer and then follow the standard instructions for setting up automatic login described above.
  1. Open the Windows 7 registry (to do this, click the Search button and enter the regedit command there)
  2. Open the hive in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, further SOFTWARE
  3. On the left, find the item Microsoft, further Windows NT, CurrentVersion, Winlogon
  4. On the right should be the following string parameters (if not, create them): DefaultDomainName, DeftaultUserName And DefaultPassword
  5. Enter the values ​​for these parameters: domain, login and password respectively
  6. Restart your computer and make sure that auto-login works for you.

P.S. If you couldn't disable automatic login to Windows, contact our

If you don't want to waste time entering your password when booting the system and skipping the Windows login screen, then this can be easily accomplished by following a simple set of steps. By setting up automatic login, you'll save a few seconds, which will ultimately reduce your overall Windows boot time.

This method can be used for both a local account and a Microsoft account.

It is not recommended to enable automatic login if someone else uses the computer besides you and works under separate accounts. It is also not safe to use this setting if you frequently carry your laptop and it is left unattended for a while.

Can be used 2 ways to configure auto-login in Windows:

Method 1: Through user account settings

1. Right-click on the “ Start" and in the window that opens, select " Execute" A similar action can be performed using a key combination Windows + R.

2. Now enter the command and click on " OK».

3. As a result, a window with a list of accounts should load. Select the desired account and uncheck the "". Click the button Apply».

4. Enter your user's password twice and click " OK».

Now when you reboot the system, you will automatically be taken to your user's desktop.

Method 2: By tweaking the Windows Registry

If for some reason the above method for automatically logging into Windows 10 did not help you, try using another option.

1. Open Registry Editor. To do this, open the window " Execute» ( Windows +R), enter the command regedit and click " OK».

2. In the Registry Editor, go to the following section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

3. On the right side of the window, find an option called DefaultUserName and double click on it. Make sure the value matches your local or Microsoft account.

4. Next, on the right side of the window, find the parameter DefaultPassword. If there is no such parameter, then create it. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the right side of the window and select “ String parameter" and give it a name DefaultPassword.

Then set a value for it by double-clicking it, which will correspond to the password for your account.

5. Well, the last step is to enable automatic login. To do this, find the parameter there AutoAdminLogon and give it a value 1 .

As in the first case, try restarting your computer and make sure that Windows 10 boots without asking for a password.

It is also worth noting that by setting up automatic login, you simultaneously.

Finally, I would like to remind you that auto-login in Windows is a convenient, but unsafe function. Therefore, it is better not to turn it on unless absolutely necessary. But if you still turn it on, then in some cases you can use the key combination Windows + L to block your account.