How to make currant marshmallow in the oven. Currant marshmallow: the best recipes. Blackcurrant pastille - recipe

Currant pastille is a delicious low-calorie dessert that will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. You can prepare this dish with fresh or frozen berries. Use the recipes from this article to please your loved ones with original and healthy sweets.


Black currant 1 kg

  • Servings: 1
  • Time for preparing: 6 minutes

Currant marshmallow at home: a step by step recipe

You can cook delicious pastille without any effort. Most of the time it takes directly drying the "sweets". To create sweets you will need:

    1 kg currant;

    500 gr sugar.

Currants first of all need to be washed well, remove all spoiled berries, kill in a blender. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. Put the puree in a saucepan and heat a little. When the temperature rises, the currant becomes soft and releases all the juice. We pass the berry mousse through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, add sugar and cook over low heat until thickened. When the jam has cooled, you need to lightly beat it with a mixer so that it becomes lighter and more airy.

We cover the baking sheet with oiled parchment paper, spread the currant puree on it with a small layer. Now it remains just to dry the marshmallow in the oven at 60 degrees. It will take you 5-6 hours. Before serving, the dessert must be divided into several small pieces to make impromptu sweets.

Pastila from currants in an electric dryer

For this recipe, you only need 500 grams of berries and 300 grams of sugar. Smash the currants in mashed potatoes and heat a little so that all the juice comes out. We filter the berry juice through a sieve, mix with sugar and cook until thickened.

The prepared puree should not be poured onto a baking sheet, but into the tray of an electric dryer. We turn on the unit at 70 degrees and forget about dessert for 10 hours. It is better to start cooking in the evening so that in the morning you already have fresh marshmallow.

These berries contain many vitamins and nutrients that will help maintain health and strengthen the immune system.

You can use the currant marshmallow recipes presented in this article to delight your children with natural candies. The process of creating a dessert takes quite a lot of time, but it's worth it. In no store you can buy such healthy sweets, and the cost of a dish in the summer season is minimal.

Blackcurrant pastille

1 kg of blackcurrant berries, 600 g of sugar, 3/4 cup of water.

Berries put in an enamel pan, pour water and boil under the lid until softened. Rub the mass through a sieve. Thoroughly mix the resulting puree with sugar and boil in a saucepan until the consistency of thick sour cream, place the hot mass in wooden or plywood trays and dry in an oven heated to 60-70 ° C for 10-12 hours. Cover with parchment and store in a dry and cold place.

From the book Cooking compotes, juices author Melnikov Ilya

Blackcurrant juice To prepare juice, it is necessary to sort out the currants, cut off the remnants of the sepals with scissors, rinse thoroughly and let the water drain. Pass the prepared berries through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Place the chopped currants in an enameled

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Blackcurrant juice 2 tbsp. l. Sort out ripe and undamaged berries and remove the stalks. Then rinse them under running water, pour over with boiling water, wrap in gauze folded 2-3 times and squeeze out the juice, helping with a spoon. Add 0.5 tsp to the finished juice. sugar

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Blackcurrant juice Ingredients: 1 kg of currants, 200 g of sugar. Heat the juice squeezed using a juicer, add sugar, pour into prepared jars or bottles and seal

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Currant marshmallow Ingredients: 1 kg of black currant, 100 g of powdered sugar. Blanch prepared berries in boiling water for 4-5 minutes and rub hot through a sieve. Put the resulting puree on low heat and boil in several steps by half

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Blackcurrant marshmallow 1 kg of blackcurrant berries, 600 g of sugar, 1 glass of water. Put the berries in an enamel pan, add water and boil under the lid until softened. Rub the mass through a sieve. The resulting puree is thoroughly mixed with sugar and boiled in

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Blackcurrant pastille 1 kg of blackcurrant berries, 600 g of sugar, 3/4 cup of water. Berries put in an enamel pan, pour water and boil under the lid until softened. Rub the mass through a sieve. The resulting puree is thoroughly mixed with sugar and boiled in

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616. DENSE KISSEL FROM RED CURRANT, BLACK CURRANT AND COWBERRY 3 cups of berries, 4 tbsp. spoons of starch, 1-1? glasses of sugar, 4 glasses of water, spices. Kissel from these berries is boiled in the same way as cranberry jelly (615). Berries must be ripe and

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Blackcurrant soup Ingredients: blackcurrant - 1 cup, sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, starch - 1/2 tbsp. spoons, water - 3 glasses; for dumplings: cottage cheese - 150 g, egg - 2 pcs., sugar - 4 teaspoons, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons. Rinse the blackcurrant, mash with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice.

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Currant marshmallow Ingredients 1 kg blackcurrant, 100 g powdered sugar. Cooking method Blanch prepared berries in boiling water for 4-5 minutes and rub through a sieve while hot. Put the resulting puree on low heat and boil

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Blackcurrant juice For 2.5 liters of juice, 1 kg of sugar is taken. Squeeze the juice from the washed berries, add sugar and heat to 60 degrees. This is the original juice. Cake of berries pour another 1.5 liters of hot water, add 0.5 kg of sugar. Bring to a boil, strain. This is secondary juice. Can be mixed

Homemade currant marshmallow is made from whipped mashed berry puree, honey or sugar is often added to the marshmallow recipe, but someone also likes just a natural berry taste.

Homemade currant marshmallow: recipes for delicious currant marshmallows in the oven or dryer

Usually pastille is made from apples, pears, or quince, but when it comes to the berry version of the famous sweetness, black and red currants are unrivaled. If over the summer you have gathered a decent harvest and do not know where to put the remaining berries, then we will tell you how to make homemade currant marshmallow.

Homemade blackcurrant pastille prepared from whipped puree of this berry. It is ideal for the production of such a dessert, as it contains a lot of pectin and has a very sour taste. Honey or sugar is often added to the blackcurrant marshmallow recipe, but some people like the natural berry flavor as well. Currant marshmallow is dried at home for quite a long time, but the result justifies expectations. Let's get ready..

To grind berries, it is very convenient to use such kitchen appliances as a blender, before currants were crushed in a mortar and only then rubbed through a sieve.

Blackcurrant pastille in the oven or dryer

Homemade blackcurrant marshmallow is made from whipped blackcurrant puree. It is ideal for the production of such a dessert, because it contains a lot of pectin and has a very sour taste.

Currant marshmallow is easy to prepare, but it takes a fair amount of time to dry, so be patient and start cooking.


  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g.


  • Before you do currant paste , sort and wash the berries, puree in a blender.
  • Pour the berry puree into a saucepan and put on fire, heat the contents of the saucepan to approximately 60 degrees.
  • We rub the warm currant puree through a sieve and return it to the fire again, flavored with sugar.
  • We bring the mass for the future marshmallow to a thickening, cool to room temperature and beat with a mixer in order to make the marshmallow more tender and airy.
  • Lubricate the parchment with oil using a napkin and pour the currant puree in a thin layer of 0.5 cm.
  • We dry homemade marshmallows in the oven at 60 degrees for 5-6 hours.
  • Next, divide the dessert into portioned pieces and return to the oven again. The finished marshmallow turns out to be quite elastic and does not stick to your hands. After removing the paper, you can sprinkle the marshmallow with powdered sugar or granulated sugar, roll in starch, like Turkish delight.

How to make blackcurrant marshmallow without sugar

Traditionally, marshmallow is prepared from blackcurrant puree with some amount of sugar, without sugar is also possible, but very sour.

And another popular recipe is how to cook blackcurrant marshmallow without adding sugar.

Everyone has different tastes, and someone just loses weight and cannot afford to eat a lot of sweets. Just want to say that natural blackcurrant pastille without sugar very sour, the taste of its acid can only be compared with lemon.


  • Berries need to be crushed with a blender and rubbed through a sieve.
  • Next, boil and follow all the remaining points of the previous recipe for blackcurrant marshmallow.
  • You can try to make marshmallow without sugar, but in the old fashioned way - with honey.
  • For 1 kg of berries, 0.5 kg of honey is taken.
  • If desired, any nuts can be added to the marshmallow, for example, chopped walnuts, your dessert will only benefit from this.
  • Blackcurrant also goes well with ginger, coriander, lemon and orange zest.
  • Pastila is stored in a cool, dry place, otherwise it becomes soft and sticky.

Recipe for black and red currant marshmallow

Pastila from a mixture of berries (red and black currants)


  • blackcurrant - 300 g;
  • red currant - 300 g;
  • honey - 300 g.


  • We sort out the berries of red and black currants and wash them.
  • Puree the currants with a blender and wipe through a sieve. If you want to get a slightly tart marshmallow, then you can not grind the berries.
  • We put the finished puree on the stove, mix with honey and hold until thickened.
  • Pour the completely cooled marshmallow into a thin layer on parchment greased with vegetable oil and send it to a warm oven.
  • It will take about 6 hours for the marshmallow to harden, after which the delicacy can be divided into portions and dried in the sun.

It is necessary to store marshmallow in a cool, dry place, otherwise it will again acquire its former stickiness and softness.

In such a recipe, you can use not only currants, raspberries, strawberries, a little gooseberry are perfect, in a word, everything that was found in the garden. The cooking technology of the dish does not change depending on the composition, although instead of drying in the oven on a sunny day, you can dry the delicacy on the balcony or in the yard.

  • Marshmallow dried in a relatively thick layer will be softer and juicier than thin, almost like thick marmalade.
  • Such marshmallow is cut into plates or various figures - a tasty and healthy alternative to purchased sweets, only it will take longer to dry.
  • The best marshmallow will come out if you dry it naturally - in a warm place near the stove, radiator, or, ideally, in the sun. It will take 3-5 days, depending on the drying temperature and the thickness of the layer of berry mass.
  • Rather, it will turn out when drying in the oven at a low temperature (50-60 degrees, well, a maximum of 70) - this is from five to eight hours, but the marshmallow will be more viscous and not with such a fresh taste and aroma. The oven needs to be slightly opened from time to time to release steam, and also test the marshmallow for elasticity and lagging behind the parchment (carefully!). In the middle of the drying process, the layer should be turned over. It is not worth overdrying the marshmallow, and we strongly do not recommend accelerating by increasing the drying temperature - the product will be spoiled.
  • Natural drying will be faster if you pour the berry mass into two baking sheets twice as thin as a layer - it will not be so soft and juicy, but it will taste no worse.
  • If you plan to store marshmallow for a long time, then it is convenient to put it in piles in a plastic container and, covered with a lid, place it in the refrigerator.

Veeesh, as my eldest son said 🙂 Experiment on gelatin

Pasta again! After cooking Belevsky marshmallow, which, well, is just very, very tasty, but rather laborious, I decided to look for simpler and faster marshmallow recipes. Found! Several options: purely from puree, when you get marshmallows with plates and a variant of store-bought marshmallows on agar-agar. I never did anything on agar-agar, but somehow I was interested in where you can buy it, and it turned out that it is so rare that I didn’t bother and order it on the Internet, and marshmallow recipes are only on agar-agar ... A couple of days I was looking for it in stores, everywhere they told me that there is no such thing .. But there is gelatin! Only here on gelatin I did not find a recipe. That is, everywhere they write that replace agar-agar with gelatin boldly and everything will work out. I replaced it, and nothing worked) But it didn’t work because agar-agar must be brought to a boil and it solidifies already at 40 degrees(that is, at room temperature), and gelatin should not be brought to a boil, it immediately loses its properties. Since I did it according to the recipe on agar-agar, but “boldly replaced it with gelatin”, as advised, the marshmallow did not freeze in a day or two))

Well, nothing, attempt #2 was a great success with some adaptations for gelatin. I share with you! (and I will still order agar-agar to compare and understand the difference)

If you cannot get agar-agar, but you want marshmallows, I suggest you step-by-step photo recipe for making fruit marshmallow just like in the store! * By the way, today I specifically looked at the composition of marshmallows at different companies, they write “thickeners” everywhere, they hide something)

* I don’t have scales, but it was necessary to measure exactly, so I searched the Internet. To help those like me, deprived of weights:

Applesauce: 1 tbsp. spoon = 50 gr. 1 glass = 350 gr.

Agar-agar 1 tsp = gelatin 4 tsp (that is, agar-agar goes 1 to 4 in relation to gelatin)

Base Recipe:

  1. Apples - 5 - 6 pcs. medium sour *We need to get 5 tbsp. heaping tablespoons of puree
  2. Sugar - 250 gr.
  3. Protein - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  4. Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  5. *Powdered sugar - for sprinkling

Syrup recipe: * I made it with juice obtained from frozen red currants. Can be done on the water

  1. Currant juice - 50 gr.
  2. Sugar 150 gr.

Gelatin filling recipe:

  1. Gelatin - 4 tsp *I took Dr.Oetker instant gelatin
  2. Currant juice - 50 gr.

Base preparation:

  1. Peel and cut apples
  2. We put it in the oven for 200 gr. and bring to softness. (20 minutes)
  3. We pass over hot apples with a mixer or blender to a puree state (2-3 minutes). Set aside 5 tbsp. heaping spoons of mashed potatoes * We eat the rest or give it to the kids 🙂
  4. In puree we fall asleep 250 gr. sugar, vanilla sugar and leave to cool
  5. After cooling, the puree will be so viscous
  6. Add half of the protein to the cooled puree *To measure in half, beat the egg white with a fork to break up the structure of the egg
  7. Start whipping at maximum speed
  8. Beat until standing peaks and white. * Whipped pretty fast, 10 minutes

Syrup preparation:

Preparation of gelatin filling:

Pastille molding:

  1. In a not very large form with sides we line the cling film.
  2. We pour our marshmallow and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens. *You can clean at night. I took it out for 4 hours.
  3. As the marshmallow hardens, sprinkle it on top with powdered sugar without sparing
  4. Flip onto board or parchment
  5. Sprinkle with powdered sugar again.
  6. Cut into pieces, squares
  7. Roll in powder on all sides

Well, everything is ready! You can already eat, which my children have already done) Half of them have already been eaten ... Half lies in powdered sugar, winds up to the state of the store, tomorrow I will put it in a bag if they don’t eat it earlier :)) To taste - apples are much more felt than in the store. The marshmallow is very tender and airy, now after 3 hours after cutting it is all covered with a crust. Very sweet, but due to the sourness from apples and currants, you can eat a lot of it! Therefore, carefully so that nothing sticks together 🙂 Well, vanilla is vanilla 🙂 As my eldest son said - THIS IS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO away

Not everyone knows that pastila is an original Russian dessert, which was first prepared back in the 15th century. The benefits of this delicacy are explained by the chemical composition of the berry or fruit puree, which underlies the sweetness. Since the berries are practically not subject to heat treatment, vitamins and minerals are stored in the dessert in full. That is why we can affirmatively say that pastille is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare a delicacy.

In our article we will talk about how to make currant marshmallow at home. To do this, we offer different options for its preparation: in the air, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

Traditional recipe for delicious pasta

To prepare this delicacy, you do not need to purchase special tools, and you can not add sugar to the dessert to make it even more useful. The only thing you need to stock up is patience. At home, it will take almost a week to prepare sweets.

The recipe for homemade currant marshmallow is to do the following:

  1. The berries are thoroughly washed and cleaned of ponytails and leaves.
  2. Currants are transferred to a colander and lowered into a pot of hot water for 5 minutes. This must be done in order for the berries to become softer.
  3. After the water drains, the cooled currants are brought to a puree state using a blender.
  4. A pot with berry puree is placed on the stove and simmered over low heat until its contents are halved in volume. 100 g of sugar is added to warm puree (based on 1 kg of currant).
  5. In the meantime, prepare a baking sheet for the marshmallow. To do this, it is carefully covered with cling film.
  6. The slightly cooled puree is laid out on a baking sheet, which is immediately sent to the sun.
  7. The marshmallow is dried for 4 days on one side, after which it needs to be turned over and drying continues for another 2 days.
  8. The marshmallow is ready when it no longer sticks to your hands.

How to cook pastille in the oven?

An equally delicious dessert of berry puree can be prepared according to the following recipe. To begin with, currants (1 kg) in a saucepan are poured with 100 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then soft berries are crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. After that, the resulting mass is ground through a sieve. The result should be a smooth puree. Now you need to add 300 g of sugar and whipped egg white to it. To stir thoroughly.

The oven heats up to 100°. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, and berry puree is laid out on it. In the oven, the currant marshmallow is baked for 2 hours, after which it should be pulled out for 1 hour and left at room temperature. Repeat the same steps 3 more times. For the last time, leave the marshmallow on the table in the room until completely dry, then turn over to the other side and dry for another 1 hour.

Blackcurrant pastille in an electric dryer

Appetizing rolls of sweet treats, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar, can be prepared according to the following recipe. P astila from is prepared from ripe and soft berries, with little or no added sugar (2 tablespoons). If desired, this ingredient can be completely omitted.

First of all, berry puree is prepared. To do this, the currants are thoroughly washed and ground with a blender to the desired consistency. The resulting mass should be boiled for 5 minutes and, if necessary, add sugar at this stage. Now the puree is laid out on parchment, which is immediately transferred to the dryer tray. Currant pastille takes about 5 hours to cook. It should become stiff and stop sticking to your hands.

Red currant pastille

A healthy treat with a wonderful sweet and sour taste is obtained according to the following recipe. To begin with, the berries (1 kg) are cleaned of twigs and leaves, transferred to a saucepan and boiled with a small amount of water (100 ml) for about 20 minutes. Hot currants are rubbed through a sieve, combined with sugar (600 g) and boiled down to a thick state. After that, the mass should be cooled and thoroughly beat with a blender.

Redcurrant marshmallow is dried in an electric dryer for at least 12 hours. If necessary, it can be held in the air for a while, and then dried further.

The most useful pastille

At home, currant pastille according to this recipe is prepared in a cold way, that is, without heat treatment of berries. This allows you to save all the useful vitamins that are contained in currants in full.

To prepare marshmallow, the berries are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Then you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the resulting puree to taste. The mass is quite thick, so it can not be boiled down. The baking sheet is covered with baking paper, currant puree is laid out on top. The marshmallow should be dried in the sun, and so that insects and dust do not sit on it, it is recommended to cover the baking sheet with gauze on top. After 1-2 days, the dried layer turns over to the other side. The finished marshmallow is rolled into a roll and wrapped in parchment.

cooking secrets

The following recommendations will help you make delicious blackcurrant marshmallow:

  1. In order for the marshmallow to dry as quickly as possible, spread the berry puree on parchment as thinly as possible.
  2. If you prefer to dry the treat in the oven, be sure to periodically remove the baking sheet and leave it in the air for at least 1 hour.
  3. Ready marshmallow can be stored for the whole winter. To do this, it is rolled up into rolls and wrapped in parchment or already prepared layers are layered with the same baking paper.