How to make signs for joint purchases. The nuances of organizing joint purchases - I share my personal experience

Recently, joint purchases (SP) have been gaining momentum in the trade in various goods. Their benefit lies in the fact that participants in such purchases save about 15-55% on the cost of purchases. And the organizer receives his 15-18% for the delivery of goods purchased at a wholesale price.

Thus, for those organizing joint purchases, they turn into a small home business that can bring in from 10 to 60 thousand rubles a month. Due to the high competition, several positions are no longer enough; organizers who want to make money on joint purchases need to expand their product line.

Goods in demand in the joint venture

Thinking about becoming an organizer of joint purchases, first of all, you need to decide what kind of goods it is most profitable to work with.

According to statistics, the most popular are clothes for children and goods for newborns. Toys and educational materials are also no less popular. Women's, men's clothing and underwear of well-known and little-known brands. Leather goods - wallets, bags. And both women's and men's. And finally, perfumery products of famous brands.

It is worth choosing the group of goods that you like. Indeed, in the future, when the turnover of the joint venture begins to grow, you will have to deal with the proposed group of goods in order to expand the customer base, advising this or that position.

Who is suitable for the role of the organizer of joint purchases?

First of all, they can be young and active mothers on maternity leave. While the baby is sleeping sweetly, you can find an excellent supplier of goods on the Internet with minimal prices for it. People with disabilities also cope with this task. As well as parents of primary school students who do not have the opportunity to work full time, as the child is only adapting to the educational process. Among the organizers of the joint venture there are students who, due to their overflowing activity, manage to study and earn excellent money.

How to organize a joint purchase: instructions for organizers

As mentioned above, first of all, you need to decide on the group of goods for which the purchase will be collected. Next, you need to find a reliable supplier with competitive prices in the network. To facilitate the process, you can immediately buy a base, as a rule, its price does not exceed 1000 rubles. After you can go directly to work:

Open a current account to accept payments from customers. Most often it is a plastic card or an electronic wallet. But there must be Internet banking so that all payments are in front of your eyes.

Collect applications (it is best to work on an advance payment);

Pay for and pick up the ordered goods;

Distribute or send purchases to customers.

Secrets of a successful organizer

A successful organizer must remember the following:

1. There should always be an "airbag" in financial terms. That is, a certain amount of money will definitely be needed in order to make an additional payment to the supplier. For example, when dealing with shoes, it turns out that one size from the entire range has remained unclaimed. In order not to disrupt the purchase of goods, this amount is paid by the organizer, and then can be sold on an additional ad.

2. In order not to become a victim of fraud, the goods ordered by the buyer are transferred only after full payment.

Why are manufacturers doing this? Again, the same question of money circulation. Often, for suppliers, the regularity of orders is much more important than their cost. Therefore, do not stop at the first available option. In the process of work, you can look for more and more new partners, choosing the most favorable working conditions for yourself.

So, summing up, I would like to note that the main basis for joint purchases is the honesty of their organizers. All these obligations must be fulfilled responsibly. Having earned a positive image, you can very quickly reach a stable and substantial income.

Odnoklassniki is a Russian social network that was launched in March 2006. At the beginning of June 2017, she ranks sixth in the ranking of social networks among Runet users. Despite the fact that the site is not in the top three most popular, its daily traffic is about 70 million people!

61% of visitors are a female audience! Of these, 40% are women from 25 to 35 years old and 29% are women from 36 to 44 years old - the most solvent contingent. The most popular sites are groups with a female theme.

What do you think, dear organizers, is it worth opening a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki or are 29.5 million potential customers not worthy of your attention?!

If you do not yet have your account (your page) in this social network, be sure to create it. Without this, you will not be able to open a joint purchase on the site.

There are three ways to open a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki: create product catalogs on your own page, join an existing joint venture group, or create your own group.

All three options work well! But let's look at each case separately.

We organize a joint venture on our page

To organize a joint venture on your own page, you need to make an announcement on the page that you are the organizer of the joint venture, register an offer and purchase conditions, upload product catalogs to albums and invite purchase participants to your "friends".

Become an organizer in an existing JV group

It is quite convenient to join an already prepared JV group in your city. There are many advantages: most importantly, there are already buyers who have already been trained in all the rules of purchase, you will have someone to learn from - you can always turn to more experienced JV organizers for advice. But there are also disadvantages! It is not always possible to find an already promoted JV group in your city, in which several different organizers work, ready to take on others who want to join.

Firstly, there are not many such groups, and secondly, if you do not have experience yet, then most likely they will not take you. In addition, there may already be an organizer in this group who works with your supplier.

Own JV group

Therefore, it is still better to create your own group and conduct purchases in it. "There must be one mistress in every kitchen..." Your group, your rules!

Being the only organizer in the group, you can make your own design, create your own purchasing conditions, assign your organizational percentage, publish your own content, figure out how to attract a buyer, and so on. But of course, be prepared to work hard too. The group, like your own page, will have to be promoted independently.

The best option would be to use all three methods at the same time, or at least two if you can’t find an option with an already existing group in which new organizers are being recruited. But first, let's create our own group and prepare it for promotion (search for potential participants in your purchase). In the following articles, we will discuss the technical aspects of creating and designing the Joint Purchases group on the Odnoklassniki social network.

Joint purchases in VKontakte are the purchases of goods in a wholesale batch, which is made by a group of people. One person for a fee is looking for a supplier, so you can buy any product - clothes, shoes, food. The organizer of joint purchases collects funds, agrees on a delivery date and distributes the received goods. At the same time, each buyer receives the goods at a wholesale price.

Organization of purchases can bring some income. But, at the very beginning of the event - this is a costly business, you need to establish contact with the manufacturer and supplier, become an accountant and courier. After gaining experience, incomes begin to increase. The organizer is responsible for the ordered goods and the collected money. If the transaction did not take place, or the wrong product was received, then the money is returned to the buyers.

In a group in Vkontakte, you can create your own page, gather a large number of friends with whom cooperation is possible. Sometimes, the organizer has to buy a product with his own money, and then sell it to friends and acquaintances, you just need to decide which group of goods you want to deal with. Choose popular products that are easy to sell. Small businesses are happy to sell their goods in small batches. You need to choose suppliers that are trusted, it’s good if they are located in your area.

To pay for goods, you need to open a bank account, use a payment system or pay with a plastic card.

On your page in Contact, write the necessary information and come up with a name, open a forum, inform about the percentage charged for services. It is necessary to explain the terms of cooperation, the rules of payment and receipt of goods. Convey to customers that by placing an order, they agree to the terms of joint purchases. Orders can be collected automatically or manually.

Work quickly, answer questions in a timely manner. After collecting subscribers, money is collected. If there have been changes in the order, then clarification is required from the customers. After the order, we observe the delivery path of the parcel on the Internet. The received goods can be delivered independently or left at the parcel distribution point, keep in mind that they charge money for the service. To organize joint purchases, you must try to buy a product through a certain site yourself in order to get the desired experience.

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If you are looking for a comfortable way to make money without leaving your own home, then working as an organizer of joint purchases using the Internet is what you need. Moreover, you will also get the opportunity to buy various goods for yourself at low prices.

What is the meaning of such earnings?

Joint purchases are a great opportunity to save a lot of money by skipping the retail sales period, where the largest price increase occurs. In everyday life, the abbreviation JV is also often used, as a result, do not get lost when you meet a similar letter combination. Joint purchases are implemented by a group of people who want to buy the same goods or, for example, products from the same manufacturer at wholesale prices. It is often in such situations that the question arises: “Why not organize joint purchases?” , as well as: "How to become an organizer of joint purchases?".

For example, it is possible to purchase 50 units of goods at a cost significantly less than the market value. Such a big purchase is useless for one person, but if you find another 20-30 people who want it, then there will be a prospect to profitably purchase the right thing.

What do you need to do to become an organizer?

Most likely, you have a question about how to become an organizer of joint purchases. We tell.

Initially, you need to decide how exactly you will work: you can engage in this type of activity as an individual or legal entity. An organizer of joint purchases working in this area can tell you in detail about this. The reviews are such that it is still better to register as a legal entity. In this case, you need to register and get all the necessary documents, and register with the tax service. But there are also advantages to the second option:

Your opportunities will increase as some contractors do not work with individuals.

Customer confidence in such organizers is much higher.

All contentions are resolved in court, and the opportunity to win increases.

Then you will need to select the Internet source through which you will work. For example, you can use a web page, a forum thread, or your own website. It is convenient to be the organizer of joint purchases using the Internet, because there is no need to coordinate your own actions with the moderator. However, the circle of clients is significantly narrowed.

The Forum is the most famous shopping area. You need to create your own theme and submit it for review. It is possible that the theme will be paid, and you will need to transfer part of your own money to the moderator.

To date, there are sites for organizing purchases. This method is probably the most correct. If the site has proven itself well, then a trust is formed between the organizer and the client, which insures against various risks. After you have registered on the site or made your own topic on the forum, you can start shopping. If the thought “I want to become an organizer of joint purchases” has not yet disappeared, read on.

Advantages in organizing a joint venture

The advantages in this case are obvious, and the main advantage is precisely in the cost. You can buy the necessary goods at a ridiculous price. However, the organizer of the purchase acquires another bonus - a financial reward for personal work.

This can be a regular percentage of the transaction price or a discount provided by the seller. In the first episode, it is possible to set a commission equal to the required share of the order value. As a rule, the price of the work does not exceed 20 percent. When a contractor offers a discount to the organizer for purchasing a large number of goods, you can pocket the difference in cost.

Risks in organizing your activities

You need to know that before becoming a joint purchase organizer, you need to assess the risks involved. As a rule, they are directly related to the order through the global web and the delivery of goods. Customers do not see the products live, therefore, when purchasing them, unpleasant surprises can await them. Plus, there may be inconsistencies in scales, colors and properties.

Well, and one more subject, on which the triumph of the acquisition depends - this is the carrier. If the transportation is delayed, then the organizer of the joint venture almost always hears reproaches.

What can you buy?

You need to offer products that are in high demand.
The most popular products are:

Household and household trifles (this includes everything else towels, small appliances, dishes);

Children's products;

Clothing and footwear;

With clothes and shoes you need to be careful, there is a big risk and a very serious one. The downside is that those who offer shoes at low wholesale prices are often forced to buy them in sizes. This means that you will need to order the same shoes in all existing sizes. This option is not suitable for everyone.

Warn customers that you are not personally responsible for the quality, size, shades of goods and transportation.

Before collecting orders, study all the data about the contractor. It will not be superfluous to find reviews about it. Phone the seller himself and ask him for comparative information. You also need to find out in detail about the possibility of returning the marriage and the terms of delivery.

Work only on advance payment from customers. It would be nice to open a separate card account to which you need to credit funds for purchases.

Clearly and diligently write down all information about orders, so as not to get lost during the sorting of goods.

You can give an order only upon presentation of a passport and, as a rule, a receipt for payment.

Coordinate the place and time of receipt of goods absolutely with all participants in the joint venture.

The most important thing is not to forget that joint purchases are entrepreneurial activities carried out by the organizer of joint purchases. Taxation, in this case, is an integral part, which is regulated by the current legislation.

I would like to clarify one more important point. Before you start doing this business, you need to analyze many points. What is important is not how to become an organizer of joint purchases, but why you want to become one.


Mom, wife and successful organizer of joint purchases: how to combine everything? The answers are in the interview!

Alexandra Shilova from Nadym has been organizing joint purchases since 2012, but this work became her main source of income only a year ago. Today, the wife and mother of two children spends all their free time collecting and sending orders, and the customer base from a small town in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has several thousand people.

We spoke with Alexandra to find out how she's been successful and why honesty is the best way to deal with collaborators.

History: Alexandra works as a printer. She applies images to business cards, certificates, t-shirts and mugs. Piece work - salary depends on the amount of work performed. For more than a year there have been practically no orders for printing, so joint purchases for her are the only way to bring money to the family.

“The first client is myself!”

- Alexandra, when did you organize the first joint purchase in Sima-land?

I started working with Sima-land in 2012, but at first it was not a joint purchase, but my own order. Then the daughter went to kindergarten. On behalf of the parent committee, I needed to buy stationery and toys somewhere.

I opened a search engine to find a store with low prices, and accidentally came across Sima Land. I liked the assortment and the fact that the store is located in the Urals, not very far from us, which meant that purchases would be delivered quickly. I ordered everything for the kindergarten and some little things for myself.

- Then it seemed to you a one-time purchase? How did it happen that you became an organizer?

I told at work about good prices, the girls looked at the site, they found something. We decided to get together. I made a joint order - because I already knew how to organize a joint purchase.

Further - in the same way: she walked through her own, asked who needed what, told about Sima-land. People liked the idea: all goods are available in our city, but shops buy them in the same Sima-land, and sell them for 2-3 times more. Then I began to perceive the joint venture as a hobby - I like to do purchases, help people save money.

- How did you start making money on joint purchases?

I worked for friends and acquaintances, but then I thought, why not start taking orders from other people? It became interesting to me. One client advised me to create a group and attract people there, advertise in all the communities that we have in the city.

Together we made a plan, and for this he asked for only one thing - not to take an organizational fee from his orders, that is, to give him goods at the price of the site. I agreed. My group began to grow and prosper, people began to recognize me and recommend me to friends. It's nice when a person, contacting me for the first time, says that he was recommended to call here.

“There are many clients, everyone needs help”

The boxes barely fit in the stairwell.

You say that twice a week you send an order and receive a car. How much time does it take to collect orders, receive, sort, issue?

All free time. My husband goes to work, and I work from home in the same way. I sent the children to kindergarten, finished household chores, sat down at the computer. Processing an order takes time, because there are a lot of applications, everyone needs to respond and accept the order. And write every day!

On the day of sending the order, I can sit down at the computer at 12 noon and work until 17:00 until the application is completed, agreed with the manager and sent for assembly. In fact, it all takes a very long time. You need to find contact with each client: help someone choose a product, advise someone what is best. And, of course, I can’t refuse, it’s my job to help people! It seems to me that I will let all my customers down if I give up joint purchases.

- Is it difficult to reach the minimum order amount?

No, this hasn't been a problem for a long time. Previously, I had to order something for myself, adjust to the schedule of salaries, advances, collect orders irregularly. Then I started to send an order once a week, and with the advent of a remote warehouse, twice, so that I could receive and issue purchases faster. Now there are many participants, the order amount is always much more than the minimum. When the customer base has been developed over the years, then the volume of purchases is large.

- And who are your customers and what do they order most often?

Clients are different, but mostly - women. There are many mothers - both experienced and those who are just about to give birth. That is why they order a lot of children, especially before the New Year - everyone wants to buy gifts. This is the pinnacle of work. Then - February 23, March 8, Victory Day.

But in fact, all customers are different. There are even children! I communicate with them, I ask if my mother knows or not. It was such that one girl of 13 years old made an order with me and I called up her dad to find out if he was aware that his daughter was making online purchases? It turned out that yes, everything is in order, the order will be paid and I don’t have to worry! And the girl chose something for herself from the office and a gift for her mother on March 8.

What service do you offer to your customers? Do you deliver goods?

No, we don't have a car, but now we are thinking of expanding. All products are collected from my home. But it's convenient for them. I give out purchases in convenient packaging so that a person does not have to stand, wait, freeze or sweat.

There is a secret of excellent service - a good attitude towards the client. I am always friendly, never go to conflict. Everyone can agree. And I can do it, although the conditions are the same for everyone!

"Even the kids help"

- Is it difficult to accept bulk orders? Who helps you unload the cars?

My husband helps, because usually I get 40-50 boxes of different sizes and weights. 50-70 boxes come out on the eve of the holidays.

With him, we get it all and raise it home. We have no assistants, sometimes a neighbor, a young high school boy, brings in a few boxes for a small fee.

It was also such that they received 2 cars with a load on the same day. It was just before the New Year, one car was running late, the other ahead of schedule. It turned out that they arrived on the same day. But it’s good that we didn’t receive them immediately, but at different times ... We managed to take a break. In general, work is not always easy, but this is a favorite thing that brings money.

- Do you manage to combine the duties of mother and wife with the role of the organizer of the joint venture?

It takes a lot of time, but I manage to do my homework with the child, take the youngest to kindergarten, cook food, clean up. In principle, there is enough for household chores. And the children also help me - they are very interested when we receive the goods, because I want to touch and see everything. Here we use them.

“All difficulties can be solved with the manager”

- What difficulties do you face in your work?

There are unpaid orders. A person simply does not pick up his purchase. But I do not lose heart, but just sell it through social networks.

The big difficulty is if marriage comes. The solution of this issue is sometimes delayed for a long time, the problem must be monitored all the time. You need to wait for the decision of the company, and then send the defective product back, wait until it arrives at the warehouse until it is accepted. And only then the money is returned to my account, which I then send to the client.

Sometimes accounts get lost. We have to wait and check documents, request new ones. But the most important thing is the return of the goods. The claim can be considered for a long time, and then denied. But we'll fix it. Moreover, my wonderful manager helps to deal with all the problems.

Order sorting takes several hours.

Do you support the opinion of Yuri Ilyaev (an experienced organizer of joint purchases from Yekaterinburg, the hero of our publication) that the organizer should never change his personal manager?

Yes. I completely agree with him. My manager - Gleb Esipov - knows me inside and out. He knows how and on what days I work, when I send an order, where the car should arrive and what problems may arise.

Once I placed an order and they sent me the wrong bill with double the amount. I could not solve the problem, because the order had already been transferred for delivery. Gleb was not there, but the next day he fixed everything - quickly and without any difficulties.

By the way, about placing orders. You managed to register in the new joint purchase service and even posted in your group on VKontakte a self-made instruction on how to work in it. Did you like him?

The service is convenient, I use it, but I’m not ready to switch to it completely yet, because I have a lot of regular clients in social networks, they are used to working with me there.

It would be great if you could communicate with the client within the system - chat, calls or something else to communicate with the participant. If you improve the service, it will be great.

"Being honest is the secret"

- How do you want to develop as an organizer?

I want to change the place of issue, because with two children, the reception of goods often turns into a complete mess. Although it will not be convenient for everyone to come to the office - employees often pick up their orders in the evening, at hours when I will no longer be sitting in the office.

- What should the organizer be like so that customers come back for shopping again and again?

He must inspire confidence. It is important to explain well all working conditions and non-standard situations. For example, for purchases from a remote warehouse. This is a product that is out of stock and needs to be waited for. People believe me, they order, pay and wait for their item with me. And no one is worried that I took the money and spent it somewhere. They paid for their purchase and are waiting, and I always notify you that the goods can be picked up!

And you also need to take marriage and re-grading seriously (the case when the wrong product arrives that the buyer needs). When the goods arrive in the wrong quantity, I immediately put the person on the next purchase and be sure to return the money for what did not come. I didn’t have such a thing that I hold up somewhere, hide, overestimate prices.

How to become a popular organizer of joint purchases: advice from Alexandra Shilova

  • Tell your loved ones about the opportunity to buy quality goods at low prices.
  • Create a social media group and run a raffle to let people know about you.
  • Handle all applications diligently. Customers appreciate the organizer's timely responses.
  • Know the needs of your customers and negotiate with each so that it is convenient for both of you.
  • Arrange for convenient pickup or delivery. Remember that people don't like to stand in line, wait, or get cold.
  • Be honest, always listen to the client and tell him about all the nuances of the purchase.


Have you already decided to repeat the success of the hero of the article? Read the detailed information about the new service of joint purchases, which allows you to collect applications from participants directly on the site, register and earn!