How to keep bananas fresh at home. How to store bananas at home correctly so that they do not turn black. How to store ripe bananas

Over time, black dots appear on the skin of the banana, and then the entire fruit becomes covered with a black color. As a result, you don’t want to eat a banana at all, as it looks unappetizing. In fact, when black specks appear on the skin and pulp, this is normal. The dots indicate the ripeness of the fruit, it is then that it has sweetness, and the pulp itself contains the maximum level of vitamins and minerals that are so beneficial for human health.

One of the components of banana pulp is a well-known component - starch. When a little time passes, under the influence of oxygen, the complex carbohydrate chains contained in the pulp break down, forming sucrose. As a result of oxidation, the pulp and skin acquire a darkish tint, and the taste of the fruit itself becomes sweeter due to an increase in sugars in the composition. In this form, the pulp is quickly absorbed by the body and is more easily processed into energy, so eating ripe bananas is the healthiest.

Factors affecting the shelf life of bananas

The more seriously you choose your fruit, the longer it will last. Initially, choose only healthy fruits in the store that do not show signs of damage or a strong, cloying odor. Refrain from buying fruit on sale or buy it only if you know for sure that the bananas will be eaten in the near future. The skin of the fruit should be yellow, and the flesh should be firm to the touch; your fingers should not sink into it. In the future, the shelf life of fruits is influenced by the following factors:

  • temperature. The ideal temperature range is between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius. The higher the temperature, the faster the pulp will ripen, and eventually its decomposition will begin. At lower temperatures, the fruit begins to freeze and loses its taste;
  • humidity. It should not be too high, more than 90%. The optimal humidity value is from 60 to 80%. Too dry air can cause dry pulp, but, on the contrary, with high humidity, fruits begin to rot and deteriorate;
  • lighting. You should not store fruits in direct sunlight, as it will provoke the fermentation process. The exception is unripe fruits.

Bananas are classified as perishable fruits. Even if storage conditions are carefully observed, the fruits are unlikely to last more than 2 weeks.


Before storing fruits, it is strictly forbidden to wash them. This will significantly reduce the shelf life.

Methods for storing exotic fruits

There are not many ways to store fruits at home. The most common way to put fruits is in the refrigerator. It is advisable that it has a separate compartment or tray designed for storing perishable foods. First, place the bananas in a paper bag. It will protect their skin from moisture and extend their shelf life. If you can’t find a paper bag, you can wrap the fruits in newspaper. Under no circumstances should you put fruit in a plastic bag, especially if you do not tie it in a knot, as this prevents air circulation, as a result, the pulp rots and moisture condenses on the cellophane. Set the temperature in the refrigerator to 12-14 degrees and leave the fruit in it. Do not add other perishable or strong-smelling foods to bananas. Check the condition of the peel periodically: if spots begin to appear on it, then the bananas must be eaten as soon as possible, otherwise they will spoil.

You can leave the fruits to be stored indoors, but in this case you shouldn’t count on storing them for too long. At most, they can last about a week; if the fruits are unripe, then up to 10 days. To extend shelf life at room temperature, you need to:

  • separate the fruits from the bunch;
  • Wrap each end of the fruit with foil or a piece of paper. This technique will prevent the release of gases that are released during fruit ripening;
  • add bananas to unripe fruits. These may be late ripened apples or pears. Bananas will spoil more slowly, and apples and pears will ripen faster.

If you have a dark, cool room in your home without access to light, such as a pantry or closet, you can hang a bunch of bananas from the top with a string or hook. In such conditions, the fruit will remain calm for up to 2 weeks.


A ripe banana contains vitamins A and E, which are responsible for healthy skin, hair or nails. A couple of bananas eaten a day will ensure beauty and prolong youth.

Freezing bananas

The most prudent housewives know that fruits can not only be stored indoors, but also frozen. This method is suitable for those who like to use banana puree in cooking: make smoothies, add the pulp to baked goods, jelly, or yogurt. Frozen bananas fully retain both taste and nutritional properties, do not lose their attractive appearance and can be stored for at least 3 months if properly prepared. To freeze fruit you need:

  • to peel;
  • put the whole thing into plastic bags, do not cut into circles, the slices may turn black;
  • tie the bag or staple it;
  • put the fruits in bags in the freezer.

You can use vacuum bags or plastic containers with lids. Place the fruits there and store them in the freezer. Then, when you need the fruit, remove the bag or container from the freezer and let the fruit sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. There is no need to defrost bananas under hot water, they thaw themselves perfectly, it does not take much time.

How to store bananas without peel

If you have leftover banana slices after the holiday, don’t rush to throw them away. The slices can still be saved. You can easily extend the shelf life of banana slices by sprinkling them with a little lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice, diluted apple cider vinegar or citric acid is suitable. An acidic environment will slow down the oxidation process, causing the banana slices to turn black more slowly. Then place the peeled bananas on one plate, cover with a sheet of paper and put in the refrigerator. In this state, the fruit will definitely last until tomorrow.

Another win-win option is to place the banana slices in a plastic container, close the lid and store them in the freezer. Just be sure to use the frozen product within the next three months.


Even if the banana pulp has turned a little black, there is nothing to worry about. Blend it in a blender and add it to a milkshake or baking filling.

Ripening green bananas

Most people prefer to buy green fruits. This helps to eliminate the fact of buying spoiled fruits, however, unripe bananas have much less benefits than ripe ones. Moreover, the green pulp is not very pleasant to the taste: it is hard, and there is little sugar in it. Therefore, those who love sweet fruits need to wait until the fruits ripen. You won’t have to wait long, because bananas will reach maturity in 3-5 days under room conditions. For this:

  • Place the bananas in a sunny place, such as on a table. Do not place them in direct sunlight;
  • Add already ripe pears or apples to unripe bananas. They emit a special gas that ensures the ripening process;
  • You can put the fruits in a cardboard box, cover with a dry towel and leave at room temperature for a couple of days.

After a couple of days, you will see the skin begin to take on a yellowish tint and the flesh will become sweeter. It is not advisable to put green fruits in the refrigerator for ripening. There it will proceed very slowly, it will take up to 2 weeks for the fruit to reach ripeness.

Now you know how to keep fruits as fresh as possible, and you can enjoy them all year round, without any fears for your health. Try to use our recommendations in everyday life, and you will see for yourself that all the tips work and are easy to use.

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Banana is an exotic fruit, or rather a herb, which has not only an amazing taste, but also a number of beneficial properties. Despite their year-round availability, sometimes there is a need to store bananas. For many housewives, this task causes a number of difficulties, since at home they quickly darken, lose their presentable appearance and taste. A similar problem arises when it is necessary to store fruits in a store. The tips below will help you figure out how, where and for how long it is better to store bananas so that they do not turn black.

How to choose the right bananas

Banana, in addition to its pleasant taste, has a rich composition and has a beneficial effect on well-being. It maintains the health of the heart muscle, strengthens bones, normalizes the digestion process, and enriches the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals. In addition, consuming one fruit per day will prevent the development of depression and provide support for a stable psycho-emotional state.

Before buying bananas in the store, it is important to understand for what purpose they are needed. For baking, purchase ripe yellow fruits. Their pulp has a rich aroma and taste. However, such fruits should be used immediately - they cannot be stored.

Buy greenish fruits if you need to keep them fresh for several days. Experts say that the shelf life of fruits can be up to 2 weeks. During this time, they will have time to ripen without losing their appetizing appearance.

Don't buy bananas with damaged skins. Not only can they not be preserved at home, but they also pose a health hazard. Do not buy spoiled fruits either. The presence of gray spots indicates improper storage of the product. Such fruits will quickly deteriorate, and it will not be possible to preserve them at home.

Fruits with yellow skin and a greenish tail are ideal for enjoying immediately or storing for several days before the celebration.

How to store bananas at home

Bananas are quite capricious in terms of storage. They react negatively to sudden temperature changes, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and extreme cold. Improper storage conditions lead to darkening of the fruit and spoilage. To preserve the appearance and taste of exotic fruits for a long time, consider their degree of ripeness and follow simple recommendations.

In order to ensure the delivery of exotic fruits from warm countries to store shelves around the world, the fruits are picked green. This allows them to be preserved for the 40 days required for transportation. During transportation, the fruits are placed in the holds of ships, where optimal temperature and humidity are maintained.

Upon arrival at the site, the bunches are treated with ethylene. This speeds up their maturation and allows the product to be put into sale. That is why you can rarely find green fruits in our stores. However, if you need to preserve fruit for a long time, try to find and buy unripe bananas. To preserve their taste and appearance, as well as wait for natural ripening, store bananas at a temperature of +12...14 ℃ and an air humidity of 85-90%. Such conditions can be found on a glazed balcony (in winter) in an apartment or on the steps in a cellar. To store, place bananas in a brown paper bag or wrap each fruit individually in baking parchment.

To preserve ripe fruits, use little tricks. First of all, remove them from the plastic and separate them. Store bananas separately from other fruits. This will reduce the ethylene concentration and slow down the ripening process.

At what temperature should fruits be stored? The best option is 13-17 degrees above zero. Storing in cooler conditions will cause black spots to appear, while warmer temperatures will speed up the ripening of bananas.

Many people are interested in the question of why fruit should not be kept in conditions of high humidity. The answer is simple - this will lead to rapid rotting and spoilage of the product. Can bananas be stored in the refrigerator? Opinions vary on this issue, but it has been scientifically proven that low temperatures slow down the circulation of ethylene. This allows you to preserve the appearance and taste of the fruit pulp longer. However, keeping a banana in the refrigerator will cause the peel to darken and black spots to appear on it.

Storing bananas without peel

If there is a peeled banana left after the holiday, do not rush to throw it in the trash. The peeled fruit can also be saved. Perfect option - freezing. Place the fruit in an airtight container and place in the freezer. Frozen bananas have a shelf life of several months. This product is suitable for baking, making milkshake or sauce.

Soaking will help preserve the peeled fruits for several days. Dip the fruit in a mixture of vinegar and water (1:4 ratio) for a few minutes and then place it in a container. Store the banana container in a cool place for up to 3 days.

Do not freeze whole fruits with their skins on. After defrosting and removing the skin, the pulp will turn into a tasteless mushy mass.

To keep peeled fruits overnight without turning black, sprinkle them with apple, lime or lemon juice. The acid will slow down the darkening of the fruit.

Simple and accessible tricks will help you extend the shelf life of exotic fruits at home. Be sure to remove the bananas from the plastic bag and separate each other, select the optimal temperature and air humidity.


To figure out how to properly store bananas, watch the video:

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Recently I had a question - how and where to store bananas so that they remain fresh and tasty. I found the answers. I’ll try to help you figure out how to store bananas correctly.

How to keep bananas fresh?

Bananas are a perishable product. But, despite the fact that their price can be very attractive, it is not advisable to buy them for future use. However, even several purchased fruits must be stored correctly to prevent darkening and spoilage.

Rule 1. Optimal storage conditions

  1. These fruits will be best stored at a temperature of +13 ... +14 ° C. At the same time, sudden changes in temperature should be avoided.
  2. Ideal air humidity for storing bananas - 85-90%. If you have a basement or cellar, store them there.
  3. Air circulation. It is better to keep these fruits in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Whole bunches last longer, if you wrap the leg in tape or polyethylene.

Bananas should not be stored in a plastic bag - it retains moisture and can cause the fruit to rot.

Rule 2. Degree of maturity

You, of course, have noticed that you can buy bananas of different colors in the store. And this indicator must be taken into account during storage:

  1. Greens- unripe fruits. Their clusters are quite dense and difficult to separate. The pulp of the green fruits is not very sweet and has a slight grassy taste. It is these bananas that last as long as possible and ripen during the process.

  1. Yellow– ripe fruits, completely ready to eat. They have a pleasant aroma, taste and consistency.

  1. Darkened with black spots- overripe fruits that can be eaten.

Rule 3. Features of storing yellow fruits in peels

Can bananas be stored in the refrigerator?? A logical question, but not everything is so simple. Fruits of varying degrees of maturity require special conditions and storage periods.

Simple instructions will help you understand all the intricacies and act correctly.

Image Storage Features

Storing green fruits:
  1. Green fruits should never be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. They can be left at room temperature and allowed to ripen.
  2. To ensure ripening occurs gradually and evenly, It is better to place a bunch of green bananas in a dark paper bag for five days.
  3. The temperature should not be higher than 20 °C.
  4. If you put bananas next to ripe apples, the fruits will ripen faster.
  5. After the bananas turn yellow, they can be transferred to a fruit bowl and stored at room temperature.

Storing yellow fruits:
  1. Choose a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  2. For ease of storage, the whole bunch can be divided into individual fruits.
  3. It is advisable to wrap each leg with tape or foil- This is to prevent spoilage of the fruit.
  4. If you place an unripe pear or avocado next to yellow bananas, This will help slow down the banana's overripening and maintain its yellow color.

Storing overripe fruits:
  1. Overripe fruits should be placed in the refrigerator. There they will darken evenly, and the flesh will remain dense and pleasant to the taste.
  2. But it is best to eat such fruits right away. after purchase and do not store for more than a day.

Rule 4. Peculiarities of storing peeled bananas

In some cases, you can store peeled bananas in the refrigerator.

Image Storage method

  1. In the fresh air, fruits prepared for salad or slicing quickly darken, and may look unappetizing when served. In this case it will help lemon juice or pineapple vinegar.
  2. Simply drizzle over exposed parts of cut fruit., and their color will remain unchanged for two hours.

  1. Peeled fruits and all strings can be stored in the freezer in sealed plastic containers.
  2. For convenience, they can be cut.
  3. The period of such storage can last up to six months.
  4. True, after defrosting, such bananas will only be suitable for homemade purees and other desserts.

What you should pay attention to?

  • Bananas do not tolerate direct exposure sources of artificial heat or sunlight. They don’t ripen, but immediately spoil.
  • If overripe fruit has gray spots or traces of mold - this indicates violations of storage or transportation rules. You should not buy such fruits - it can be dangerous to health.
  • If you often purchase ripe bananas, consider purchasing a special stand to store them.

Bananas are a favorite treat of fruit flies. If you have these at home, it is better to keep the fruit in a closed paper bag or in the refrigerator.

Fortunately, there are no interruptions in the supply of fresh bananas to supermarkets today. On any day, at any time of the year, you can go into the store and choose a bunch of ripe overseas fruits. And yet, sometimes situations arise when the question of how to store bananas so that they do not turn black becomes relevant.

For example, for those who are accustomed to purchasing products in bulk or if bananas were purchased in advance on the eve of any special event, large family holiday, etc. So the options for long-term storage of bananas at home proposed below will never be superfluous.

The “correct” banana turns black more slowly!

First, let's touch on the equally important topic of choosing bananas. It is clear that ripe fruits with yellow skin are more attractive to the buyer. However, it is not always necessary to give preference to just such a product. Sometimes it is better to opt for greenish, unripe fruits. Especially when their immediate use is not planned.

For storing bananas for up to several days

Criterias of choice:

  • tails without dark spots or signs of rotting;
  • the peel is clean, even yellow in color, without cracks, scratches, or dents;
  • The fruit gives off a strong aroma of ripe fruit.

For storing bananas from several days to several weeks

Quality assessment criteria:

  • the tails are intact, without damage;
  • the peel is green, without cracks or scratches;
  • when pressed, the elastic hardness of the pulp is felt;
  • the smell is noticeable, but not as bright as that of ripe fruits.

How long it takes for unripe fruit to spoil and turn black on the outside depends on the conditions in which it is placed.

Storage conditions for green bananas

Ideally, bananas should be stored at a temperature of +13–14 degrees, in a room with a humidity of 85-90%. The specified conditions are easy to provide in a basement or cellar, but, alas, not in a city apartment. In this case, other ways to extend the shelf life of bananas to 2-3 weeks work.

For storing bananas for up to 2-3 weeks

Down with polyethylene and cellophane! In packaging that does not allow air to pass through, fruits suffocate and spoil much earlier than possible, even in the refrigerator. To preserve green bananas longer, you cannot pack them in plastic bags.

  1. To prevent unripe fruits from spoiling and at the same time gradually ripening, it is recommended to store them at room temperature, packaged in thick paper bags. If you need to speed up the ripening process, put ripe fruits in the bag. Or they leave green bananas on a plate with other fruits (pears, plums, apples) on the table, in the buffet.
  2. Green bananas are stored well and for a relatively long time in a suspended state. In whole tassels, mounted on twine, they are placed in a convenient place in the kitchen, balcony, and living rooms. A prerequisite is shade and relative coolness.

The refrigerator is not the best place for green bananas.

At low temperatures above zero, the structure of the fruit pulp changes. After this, the fruit will no longer reach the desired condition. However, as soon as spots begin to appear on the peels of bananas stored at room temperature, they are immediately moved to the refrigerator to prevent overripening.

Rules for storing ripe unpeeled bananas

Simple methods can help extend the shelf life of fully ripened bananas. And it's not cold. In the refrigerator, banana peels and tails quickly turn black. Ethylene is released more strongly, accelerating the over-ripening of the pulp.

As is the case with green fruits, it is better to store ripe bananas at room temperature, wrapped in thick paper. It is not advisable to pack soft fruits in plastic bags. Without access to air, with high humidity and a high content of ethylene released by bananas inside the package, ripe fruits will quickly deteriorate, turn black and rot.

Unpeeled ripe bananas will not turn black for as long as possible if you wrap the tails with cling film. To do this, you need to divide the brush into individual fruits, wrap each leg and, for reliability, secure the film with tape. In this form at room temperature, the banana peel will not turn black within 5–7 days, the fruits will remain fresh and suitable for consumption.

How to Store Unpeeled Bananas in the Refrigerator

Bananas that have begun to darken on the outside are best eaten as quickly as possible. Or put it in the refrigerator. This will not save the top from blackening, but the flesh will not deteriorate for another 4–7 days.

Unpeeled yellow bananas are placed in the warmest place of the refrigerator - in the compartments on the door or in containers for vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to separate ripe fruits from unripe ones and wrap them in wrapping paper.

You cannot store bananas in plastic or cellophane bags, even in the refrigerator.

To make bananas last as long as possible, it is recommended to place unripe fruits with hard pulp in a paper bag along with them. For example, avocados, apples, pears.

How to prevent peeled bananas from turning black

Banana pulp quickly darkens due to oxidation. However, this moment can be delayed by cutting off air access to the fruits. In particular, you can store peeled bananas in a hermetically sealed plastic container or cover a dish with pieces of fruit with cling film. Naturally, peeled bananas should be stored in a cool place - on the balcony, in the refrigerator, etc.

To prevent peeled bananas from darkening for as long as possible at a temperature of 18–23 degrees, you need to dip them in an acidic environment. For example, sprinkle the pieces with citrus (lemon, orange), pineapple, apple juice. Or put the fruits in vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 for 3 minutes.

How to store bananas in the freezer

Freezing is the longest way to store fruit. Bananas can be kept in the freezer for up to six months. True, the pulp of the fruit after defrosting turns into a sweet porridge. But it is perfect for making ice cream, fruit cocktails, pie fillings, and candies.

The easiest way to freeze bananas:

  1. Remove the peel.
  2. Place whole or cut into pieces fruits in a plastic container in layers.
  3. Close with an airtight lid.
  4. Place in the freezer.

How to defrost bananas:

Banana is a capricious fruit that is “afraid” of heat and cold and is ripened using special gas treatment. But it can also be stored at home by creating the right conditions and using available materials. We will tell you how exactly further.

Selection of bananas by degree of ripeness

  1. Unripe. They have a bright green color without yellowness or with slight inclusions of a light yellow tint. These are unripe fruits; their ripening requires treatment with ethylene gas.
  2. Ripe. They have a bright yellow color, with minor brown spots on the peel (no more than 5-10% of the fruit area). These are the most delicious bananas.
  3. Overripe. They are colored yellow, with black-brown spots all over the skin. This fruit is overripe and can still be eaten, but it tastes worse and the flesh is loose.

Which bananas to choose depends on when and how they will be consumed. If the fruit will be eaten in the near future, buy ripe ones - bright yellow with small brown spots. Green fruits are suitable for storage.

Do not take bananas with a grayish tint to the peel. They were stored in the refrigerator at too low a temperature - less than +14°C, so they will no longer ripen, they will simply spoil.

Important! Red and evenly brown bananas are also classified as ripe, they are just of a different variety.

How to preserve bananas at home so they don’t turn black or spoil

Having bought bananas in a store or fruit and vegetable shop, many of us ended up with blackened fruits with loose, tasteless pulp within 1-2 days, or even after a few hours. Why is this happening? We'll figure out.

Why do bananas turn black?

Banana is a climatic fruit, that is, it tends to ripen after being picked.. When a banana is torn from the palm tree, it begins to release ethylene, a substance that turns the fruit from green to ripe yellow.

Ethylene, in combination with plant genes, triggers the production of such basic enzymes:

  • pectinases - soften the fruit by destroying its cells;
  • Amylases - convert starch into sugar;
  • hydrolases - reduce the concentration of chlorophyll, due to which the color of the fruit changes.

These processes lead to the ripening of the banana, and then - its softening, blackening and spoilage.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The following conditions are required for storing bananas::

  1. Suitable temperature is +14…16°C (for ripe fruits).
  2. Darkness - a cellar or pantry is suitable if you do not turn on the light in it. Darkness is necessary because light triggers the process of photosynthesis, and then the fruits turn yellow and then black.
  3. Good ventilation will slow down the softening of the fruit.
  4. No damage - bananas with damaged peels cannot be stored.

If longer storage is required, wrapping the stem in cellophane will help., since ethylene is concentrated in it. This will slow down the natural process of ripening and spoilage.

  1. Store ripe bananas separately from green ones. This way, unripe fruits will ripen more slowly.
  2. Place ripe bananas along with other unripe fruits - pears, apples.
  3. Do not store fruit in a plastic bag. Due to the greenhouse effect and poor ventilation, they will quickly disappear.

Expiration dates

Bananas are stored only if there are no cracks, dents from impact, or scratches. Eat damaged fruits immediately.

Shelf life of bananas:

  • at room temperature - 4-6 days;
  • in the refrigerator - 10-14 days;
  • in the freezer - 2-3 months;
  • in dried form - 2-6 months.

During the summer months due to the heat the storage time of fruits in the room is reduced to 1-2 days.

Bananas in the refrigerator

The refrigerator will not protect bananas from blackening., but will help keep them fresh inside and edible.

Bananas cannot tolerate temperatures below +10°C, so they should be placed in the refrigerator door or in a special compartment for fruits and vegetables. The average temperature in the door is +12°C, in the fruit department - +10-12°C. Place the bunch out of a plastic bag: there is insufficient ventilation in the refrigerator and the bananas in the bag will spoil in less than a day.

Advice. If the fruit is placed in a paper bag, it will not darken for 1-2 days.

If the fruit is sent to the refrigerator in sliced ​​form, its shelf life will be even shorter.- 4-5 hours. Sour lemon or orange juice will help bananas stay fresh for up to 12 hours. Just sprinkle it on the pieces of fruit and then put it in an airtight container.

How to store bananas in the freezer

The freezer is used when bananas need to be preserved for more than a month.

Both ripe and overripe specimens are stored in the freezer. If you will subsequently use the fruit chopped, freeze it in the peel or as a puree. If you need whole fruit (for example, for ice cream) or pieces, then methods with peeled bananas are suitable.

Method No. 1: freezing whole fruits with peel

Freezing fruit whole is the easiest way. It will take the least amount of hassle:

  1. Place the fruit, peeled and unwashed, in a zip-top freezer bag.
  2. Zip tightly and place in the freezer.

Thaw at room temperature, clean as usual before use.. The peel of this fruit will darken, but it is quite suitable for making cocktails, smoothies, or as a fruit ingredient in sweet baked goods and porridges.

Method No. 2: freezing whole fruits without peel

To freeze fruits without peels you need:

  1. Clean the fruits.
  2. Place them on a plastic or wooden board covered with cling film.
  3. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours.
  4. Pull out and place into packaging bags.
  5. Place in the freezer for permanent storage.

Let it thaw a little before using., then use. Suitable for making smoothies, baking and homemade banana ice cream.

Method number 3: freezing in pieces

For this you need:

  1. Cut the fruit into circles 0.5-1 cm thick, trying to make them the same width. This way they will freeze more evenly.
  2. Place on a plastic or wooden board and place in the freezer for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Remove and place into packaging bags.
  4. Remove as much air as possible from the bags, close and place in the freezer for permanent storage.

Defrost at room temperature. It is advisable to leave it frozen in the middle so that it does not turn out to be a “sauerkraut”. Suitable for making porridges, smoothies, sweet pastries.

Method number 4: freezing banana puree

This This method is suitable for overripe fruits.. Necessary:

  1. Cut into pieces and “beat” in a blender.
  2. Drizzling with lemon or orange juice is optional, but it will help preserve the color. If there are no citrus fruits, “ascorbic acid” will do: ¼ tsp. mix with 15 ml of water and pour into the banana mixture.
  3. Place the resulting puree into plastic cups or ice trays.
  4. Place in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  5. Remove and distribute into packaging bags: pour the cubes into one or more bags, and cover the cups tightly with cling film on top.

Defrost fruit in cups without removing them from the plastic.. The cubes do not defrost; in this form they are thrown as filler into hot porridge, preferably boiled rather than steamed. This way the cubes will melt completely.

Advice. In order not to miss the time when the shelf life of fruits in the freezer ends, just write the freezing date on each bag with a marker.

Dried bananas

Drying provides the longest home storage method for bananas. At the same time, the fruits do not lose vitamins and remain as healthy as fresh ones.

This method will require a special electric dryer with trays. Ripe, yellow specimens are dried.

Drying happens like this:

  1. Cut the fruit into slices no more than 5 mm thick.
  2. Separately, in a wide cup, mix lemon juice and water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively.
  3. Dip the slices into the liquid for 15-20 seconds each.
  4. Place in the dryer and set the timer for 14-17 hours.

Where to keep bananas for ripening

Green specimens are considered healthier than ripe ones, because they contain the same vitamins as ripe ones, but at the same time they contain less sugar. But they also have disadvantages: the taste of such fruits is grassy, ​​astringent, and people with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract will experience stool upset. Therefore, many people prefer to let the treat finish.

Natural ethylene method

On an industrial scale, banana bunches are treated with a mixture of nitrogen (95%) and ethylene (5%) gases. At home, the ripening process is accelerated by natural ethylene, which is produced by ripe fruits.

For this green bananas are placed in a paper bag along with chopped ripe large pieces of pears or apples. A cardboard shoe box will also work for storage. The amount of bananas and other fruits is equal.

Place the package or box in a dark place. The optimal temperature is +18-20°C. Using this method, fruits will ripen in 25-30 hours.

Self-ripening method

You can leave the fruit to ripen without additional stimulation.. To ensure that they ripen and do not spoil, place the bananas in a wooden box and provide a temperature of +8 to +14°C. Green fruits will “arrive” in 5 days. It is important to remove the fruit from the plastic bag, otherwise they will turn black and spoil.

If it is impossible to create such conditions, place fruits in the kitchen. The least lit wall, which is farthest from the oven and microwave, will do. Bananas are hung without packaging on a nail or hook, this will get rid of bedsores. These fruits will ripen in 2 days. They will taste inferior to those ripened under optimal conditions, but will not spoil and will be ready for consumption.

Features of storing sliced ​​bananas

Sliced ​​fruits quickly darken and disappear. To avoid this, choose the right way to store banana slices.

Method No. 1: processing with fruit juice

Fruit juice for this purpose is suitable either purchased or prepared with your own hands.

These juices are preferable:

  • citric;
  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • canned pineapple;
  • apple;
  • lime juice.

To preserve fresh fruit slices, sprinkle them with juice from a spray bottle.. If you don’t have one, a brush used to grease baked goods will do.

Also banana pieces will process well if you put them in a plastic bag with juice and carefully turn over 2-3 times. But this method will change the taste of bananas more than using a brush or spray.

A juice bath will help refresh already slightly darkened slices.. Pineapple and grapefruit will do the best job of lightening. The slices are immersed in a container with juice for 10-15 minutes so that they are completely covered with it. The color will lighten to yellow, and the fruit itself will acquire a pleasant taste.

Method No. 2: treatment with soda

Use unsweetened soda, no added syrups. Flavoring additives will give the slices an unpleasant aftertaste.

Method No. 3: treatment with powdered citric acid

Citric acid packets used in baking will also help keep the fruit fresh and prevent it from turning black.

Treatment with citric acid goes like this::

  1. Pour 3 tbsp. l. powder (15 mg) per cup.
  2. Pour 250 ml of water at room temperature.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. Dip banana slices for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Place in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator.

Method No. 4: treatment with plain water

Water is less effective than juice, but will also extend the freshness of sliced ​​bananas by 5-7 hours.. The treatment is carried out in the same way as with citric acid. The slices are immersed in water for 10-15 seconds.

If you plan to give such fruits to children, it is better to use boiled water.. Bottled or filtered will do. Bananas absorb large amounts of water, and if it contains bacteria (for example, E. coli), they will receive a favorable environment for rapid reproduction. Babies and people with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract will experience stool upset.


Bananas are stored peeled and peeled, whole or cut into pieces. The optimal place is a cellar, but a refrigerator and a ventilated kitchen are also suitable. For long-term storage of more than two months, fruits are frozen or dried.

To keep the fruits fresh longer, use auxiliary substances: acids, carbonated or plain water.