How to make a rebus of words. Rules for solving children's puzzles

Good afternoon, our inquisitive readers! Puzzles for grade 1 in pictures are very useful to solve not only for children, but also for adults. They help pass the time for an exciting activity, and also develop imagination, ingenuity and logic.

Do you want your student to have a good brain exercise? Train yourself first. We have selected for you 15 types of entertaining puzzles that use the student's knowledge in writing, mathematics and other subjects. All puzzles come with answers.

Why are puzzles needed?

Teachers sometimes offer to solve puzzles in the classroom and sometimes ask them to the kids at home. In modern textbooks for the first grade, for example, in the Goretsky alphabet, you will find many such tasks. These unusual puzzles allow you to:

  • increase the student's interest in the perception of new information;
  • develop flexibility of thinking;
  • look for non-standard solutions;
  • open the mind;
  • relieve unnecessary stress in the process of studying;
  • add variety to your classes.

You can print interesting encryptions for every taste from the Internet. You can also seat your child at the computer so that he can solve puzzles online.

Basic rules for compiling puzzles

Has it ever happened to you that your son or daughter asks you to help solve a puzzle, you take it with zeal - and you cannot solve it? We know why this happens. You should learn the basic rules for compiling such tasks.

upside down picture

If the picture shows an upside down object, then its name should be substituted backwards in the guess.

For example, the solution to this puzzle looks like this: "KA" + inverted "CAT" \u003d "KA" + "CURRENT".

Answer: "Rink".

Use of commas

This is one of the most common tricks. The comma in the figure indicates that a letter needs to be removed from the word. The number of commas is always equal to the number of characters to be removed.

At the same time, commas to the left of the image mean that you need to delete the first letters, and commas to the right of the picture call for discarding the last ones.

Answer: Boar.

Letter next to the picture

The letter next to the picture will definitely become part of the answer. If she stands in front of the image, then her place is at the beginning of the word, if after it, then at the end. Such tasks are simple, so it is best to start acquaintance with puzzles with them.

Answer: Screen.

Strikethrough letter or equal sign

Often a crossed-out letter is written next to the picture, and another is indicated next to it. This means that the crossed out letter in the word denoting the depicted object must be replaced by another. Follow the same principle if you see a mathematical equals sign between letters.

Answer: Cow.

Numbers under the picture

If you see numbers below or above the image, then write the name of the image and rearrange the letters in the order indicated.

Answer: Strong.

There are more complex variants of such puzzles. If fewer numbers are written under the image than letters in a given word, then from the name we take only those characters whose numbers are indicated in the picture.

Horizontal line

The horizontal line that divides the riddle into upper and lower parts indicates that in the middle of the word there will be a preposition "above", "under" or "on".

Answer: "Ditch".

Letters inside an image

A letter or an object located inside a symbol or geometric figure means that the preposition “in” will be found in the guess.

Answers: "Crow", "Harm".

Drawing by drawing

If the images seem to be hiding one after the other, then it's time to use the word "for".

Answer: Kazan.

A letter made up of small letters

When one large character is made up of small characters, feel free to use the preposition “from”.

Answer: Downstairs.


The image of the notes in the rebus is the reason for using their names in the solution. Children who do not know the musical scale are usually given a hint.

Answer: "Share", "Beans".

Symbols holding hands

If the letters are holding hands, then we use the preposition "and" or "c" to guess.

Answer: Wasp.

Running symbols

When funny letters run away from each other or joyfully run towards, then we use the preposition "to" or "from".

Answer: Outflow.

Numbers next to letters

If the figure shows letters, and next to them are numbers, then in the guess we use the name of the number in combination with the indicated symbols.

Answer: Parking.

Some numbers can be encrypted under different names. For example, the number "1" can sound like "one", "one" and even "count".

Answer: "Fork".

Math Actions

In puzzles, you can encrypt not only words, but also numbers. For example, in order to guess these seemingly simple examples, you have to think carefully and connect your knowledge of mathematics:

A triangle represents a number with one digit. Moreover, if you add it 4 times, you get a single-digit number, indicated by a square, and if you add it 5 times, you will get a two-digit number, indicated in the figure by a circle and a rhombus.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8,

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10.

Combined encryptions

Offer your student various puzzles more often, and soon he will easily guess them on his own. Now you can move on to more sophisticated options for tasks. For example, how do you like this option?

Answer: Paddle.

Learning with interest

Well, are you convinced that solving puzzles is a whole science with its own concepts and rules? We hope we could help you figure it out. How to instill in a child an interest in such a creative way of learning? "Eureka" will give some simple tips:

  • Start with the simplest tasks and gradually move on to more complex ones.
  • Act unobtrusively.
  • Come up with puzzles yourself and involve the child in this activity.
  • Use puzzle solving as a competition with prizes for the winners - for example, at a children's birthday party.
  • Help the baby if he cannot cope with the task for a long time.
  • Praise him for correct transcription and be gentle if he fails.

We are happy to dispel the myth that studying is hard and boring. We hope we succeeded! Convey a positive attitude to your young student and share your impressions in the comments to this article. See you soon!

Sometimes in the magazine there is a riddle with pictures, letters and numbers, as well as punctuation and equal signs. This is a puzzle. Compared to crosswords or crossword puzzles, not many people can guess this riddle. The question arises: "What do the commas in puzzles mean?" The difficulty is that the decision rules are never printed. And if there is a certain instruction, then it will most likely be incomplete. But in fact, everything is not so difficult.

What is a rebus

The Latin word rebus means "things". The catchphrase "not with the help of words, but with the help of things" very accurately describes the parlor word game. For the first time, it became known in France, when a collection of these riddles was published. Its compiler is E. Tamburo. The first puzzles did not differ in a wide palette of guessing tools, but in subsequent years they were significantly enriched with various techniques.

Since then, musical, literary, mathematical and theatrical puzzles have appeared. The principle is the same for everyone: an encrypted concept is composed in parts from several other words, which are represented by pictures or pantomime. In the board game of puzzles, there are commas that are interspersed with images.

There are certain principles by which encryption is written. To solve the riddle, you should know what the commas mean.

Puzzles have their own laws

In short, commas denote letters that need to be removed from a word. They can stand on one or the other side of the picture. Since the text is read from left to right, the presence of a comma before the image means that the first letter is removed. A comma after it indicates that the last letter is not taken into account. There may be several characters. In this case, several letters are excluded from the word encrypted with the image.

What does the comma at the top of the picture mean? Another rule says that the rebus is read from top to bottom. So, we discard the initial letter. By analogy, it is already clear what the comma in the rebus below means - discarding the final letter.

There are also inverted signs. This means that letters from the end of the word are discarded. When inverted drawings are encountered, the word is read backwards. If the picture also contains a comma drawn upside down, then the final letter is removed from the word read backwards.

For example, under the image of a cow there are two inverted commas. Under them is a lion, and under the lion the letter is "A". Solution: first, remove the last two letters from the word "cow", we get "koro". Now add "left". The word "queen" is obtained.

Multiple commas

Sometimes there are not one, but two commas in the rebus. What does this cipher mean? Some people think it's quotation marks. However, it is not.

For example, you need to guess the following riddle: there are two commas before the picture of an elephant on the left. Words are read from left to right, which means that the first two letters will be removed. If you subtract the first two letters from the word "elephant", you get "he".

Another option: before the picture of the elephant on the left is the syllable "mu". After the picture on the right are two commas and the letter "and". Solution: subtract the last two letters from the word "elephant", it turns out "sl". We add "mu" to the beginning, and "and" to the end, we get the word "muesli".

But what if you need to make a rebus yourself? Suppose you need to choose an encryption for the syllable "he". Of course, you can use different methods. But if you remember what the commas in puzzles mean, then everything will become easy. In Russian, there are enough words consisting of several syllables. To get the one you need, you don't have to worry about inventing items. And for example, take a picture with a gramophone and put nine commas on the left. The task is complicated by the fact that you first need to guess which word is encrypted by the picture. Perhaps not everyone knows what a gramophone is.

A picture with a chameleon and six commas on the left can also be imagined as a rebus.

What does the comma at the top of the picture mean?

This means that it is necessary to discard the first letter of the word, since the rule for reading rebuses always applies: from left to right and from top to bottom. For example, there is a rebus consisting of two pictures - a bucket and a book. Above both pictures are three regular non-inverted commas. The solution is this: we subtract the first three letters from the words "bucket" and "book". We get "ro" and "ha", that is, "horns".

Another example: a drawing of a snake with a comma above it. There is an indication: "i" = "l". The solution will be this: we subtract the first letter from the word "snake", it turns out "meya". Now we change the letter "i" to "l". It turns out "chalk".

Examples with a chameleon or a gramophone, which were considered above, could be written as follows: put the required number of commas above the picture with the image of the word in order to take them away from the words "gramophone" and "chameleon".

When the signs are under the picture

It happens that commas are at the top or bottom of the picture. What does the comma below mean in the rebus? Don't let that bother you. When reading from top to bottom, the comma above the picture shows that the first letter of the encoded word is discarded. And the one below the image indicates the latter. If there are several commas, several letters are removed.

Let's say we have an image of a hammer. There is an indication: "t" = "k". This means that the letter "t" should be replaced by "k". There is a comma below the picture. Solution: we replace the letter, we get the word "milk". We remove the last - "milk" comes out.

Inverted punctuation mark

Sometimes there is an inverted comma in puzzles, what does the removal of the last letter mean in this case? To complicate the task, this sign, standing upside down, may not be at the end or at the bottom of the picture. If the rebus is made up of several images, each of which is supplemented with commas, the following principle will help not to get confused.

If there is an ordinary comma, then the letters at the beginning of the word are removed, and if it is inverted, then the letters from the end of the word are removed. In the case of encryption of a word from several pictures and commas, ordinary commas will appear in front of each picture, and inverted ones after. Thus the parts of the puzzle are separated. No matter how many commas stand between the drawings, by their position one can understand where the cipher of the previous syllable ends and the encryption of the next one begins.

For example, there are two images: raspberries and an umbrella. There are two regular commas before the raspberry, then two inverted ones. After the umbrella is another upside down. There is an indication: "z" = "m". We decide in order. The whole rebus is written in a line, which means we read from left to right. We take away from the word "raspberry" two letters at the beginning and two at the end, it turns out "whether". This is the first syllable. Now at the word "umbrella" we change the letter "z" to "t", it turns out "mont". We delete the last letter and get "mon". This is the second syllable, and all together it will be "lemon".

Vertical puzzles

There are also vertical riddles, where there are punctuation marks between the pictures. What do the commas in puzzles mean if they are located one above the other? Some of them, if written on a line, take up too much space. Let's say one picture shows a field, the other shows a road. After the field there are two inverted commas, before the road - two more, but already ordinary, and after the road one inverted. This puzzle will not fit on the page, but it cannot be transferred. What to do?

The method of writing the rebus from top to bottom will help out, in which the pictures will be placed one above the other. Under the one with the field, we put two inverted commas, above the road - two ordinary ones, and under the road - inverted. We solve the rebus: we subtract the last two letters from the word "field", we get "by". This is the first syllable. We subtract the first two and one last letters from the word "road". We get the "horn". This is the second syllable. Together - the "threshold".

How to make a beautiful rebus with commas

To record the rebus gracefully, do not stretch it too long or high. For example, you can use this method: take the middle part of the word and find a picture for it. Let it be a syllable that is easy to find in other words. Cutting off extra letters with commas from above and below, we get the desired syllable. Now you just need to add the missing letters before the picture and after it, and the work is ready.

Example: you need to encrypt the word "deer". First, we choose the middle syllable, which we will represent with a picture. In this case, it is easier to choose the syllable "le". It is part of many words, but for beauty we will choose "beehive". It is square, it is easy to place it in the middle of the sheet. We put commas at the top and bottom of the picture with the beehive. Above - normal, below - inverted. So we designate the syllable "le". Now on the left in front of the picture we put the letter "o", and after - the letters "n" and "b". All together - "deer".

Try this board game. It develops logic and increases vocabulary. After a while, you will notice that you have become better at understanding the composition of words.

Game methods and techniques are aimed at increasing interest, positive emotions, they help to focus on the educational task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired, personal goal. The solution of a learning problem during the game is associated with less expenditure of nervous energy, with minimal volitional effort.

Any logical task for ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load, which is most often masked by an entertaining plot, external data, the condition of the task, and so on.

What is a rebus?

A rebus is a riddle consisting of images of various objects (often interspersed with letters, numbers and musical notes), the names of which do not indicate the concepts expressed by the words to be solved, but are similar to them in pronunciation or consonance (without any relation to spelling).

Puzzles train memory, sharpen intelligence, develop perseverance, the ability to think logically, analyze and compare.

Rebus- a riddle in which the desired word or phrase is depicted by a combination of figures of letters or signs (Ozhegov S.)

The essence of the rebus is a riddle formulated in the form of a drawing (or photograph) in combination with letters, numbers, signs, symbols, figures.

Solving a rebus means “translating” everything it contains into letters that make up a meaningful word or sentence.

Rebus requirement

  1. The rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: "Find two solutions to this puzzle."
  2. The guessed word or sentence should not contain spelling errors.
  3. If one word is guessed in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, moreover, in the singular and in the nominative case. A deviation from this rule must be specified in the terms of the rebus (for example: “Guess the participle”).
  4. If a sentence is guessed (proverb, aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the conditions of the rebus should contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the proverb”).
  5. The puzzle should be drawn from left to right.
  6. When compiling puzzles, always consider the target audience.

How to make and solve educational puzzles

Simple rules:

  • a word or sentence is divided into such parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture;
  • the names of all the objects shown in the figure should be read only in the nominative case;
  • if the object in the picture is turned upside down, its name is read from right to left;
  • if there are commas (one or more) to the left of the figure, then the first letters of the word are not read. If commas are after the figure, to the right of it, the last letters are not read;
  • if a crossed-out letter is shown above the figure, it must be excluded from the name of the subject;
  • if there are numbers above the figure, the letters should be read in the indicated order;
  • if another letter is written next to the crossed out letter, it should be read instead of the crossed out one. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters;
  • if part of the word is pronounced as a numeral, in the rebus it is represented by numbers and numbers (O5 - again; 100G - haystack);
  • if the drawing does not have any additional characters, only the first letter of the name of the depicted object should be taken into account;
  • many parts of encrypted words are indicated by the corresponding arrangement of letters and drawings. Words that have a combination of letters on, under, over, behind, can be depicted by placing letters or objects one above the other or behind the other. The letters C and B can become prepositions. If the letter is made up of other letters, the preposition from is used when reading.

When can puzzles be used in teaching?

  1. At the stage of fixing the material. At the same time, students do not just reproduce knowledge in the form in which they were learned, but transform, transform it, learn to operate with it depending on the game situation.
  2. At the stage of independent work of students. Organization of active independent search, finding and use of scientific information.
  3. At the stage of switching and activation of attention (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control).

The puzzle method is used:

In teaching preschoolers to read - Lev Sternberg's Rebus method,

In adult education - rebuses in Anatomy for first-year students as an additional means of testing knowledge in certain sections of the discipline "Human Anatomy and Physiology" or in Economics, as a stage of students' project activities.

Today there is even a puzzle generator:

Fig.1. Puzzle generator

Answer: Communion.

More puzzles created with the generator:

Answer: verb

Answer: Battle of Moscow

Answer: Oxymoron

Examples of rebuses on the History of the Fatherland (author R. Kitaev).

Answer: Aurora

Answer: Chinese wall

Answer: Victory Day

Answer: Serfdom

Answer: Tsar Cannon

Answer: Napoleon

The comma to the left of the word indicates the number of letters to remove from the beginning of the word.

It was "SYRINGE" became "PRITS".

The inverted comma on the right is the number of letters to remove from the end of the word.

It was "PALMA" became "PAL".

If there are crossed out letters above the word, then this means that they need to be crossed out. If there are several such letters in the word, then all of them are crossed out.

It was "TABLE" became "ST".

Sometimes crossed out numbers of letters from the beginning of the word are displayed. It is necessary to cross out only the letters with the corresponding serial number.

It was "Executioner" became "Crying".

To replace letters inside, use an equality of the type I \u003d E, which means that all letters I should be replaced with E. If an equality of the type 2 \u003d P is indicated, then the second letter should be replaced with P.

It was "NET" became "SAKOK".

A line like 2,4,6,7 means that only letters 2,4,6 and 7 must be used from the word.

It was "ALARM CLOCK" became "GO".

An inverted picture means that the word must be read from right to left.

It was "MOLE" became "TORK".

When encrypting, the image outline structure is often used.

The letter "X" is contained in the letter "O", we get x-in-o, i.e. "HVO". There may be a reverse option in-o-x, i.e. "VOH". Depending on the meaning, one or the other is chosen.

Or another image outline structure.

The letter "I" is under "H", we get under-n-I, i.e. "UP". There may be another option i-under-n, i.e. "Japod". Or n-over-I, i.e. "NNADYA". Depending on the meaning, one or the other is chosen.


The first word is "CIRCLE". The second word is "DEER", we remove the first letter, we get "LAZINESS". The third word is "NET", we replace "H" with "K", we remove the first two letters and the last one, we get "KO". We connect all three words and get "ROUND".

Reprinting of this text or parts thereof is prohibited.

Making puzzles in PowerPoint 2007. Master class with step by step photos

Tolstikova Tatyana Alexandrovna, educator, SBEI NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention a master class on designing puzzles in PowerPoint 2007. Teachers often have to use puzzles in their work when holding events and organizing children's leisure. But it is not always possible to find ready-made puzzles on the desired topic, so teachers will never interfere with the skills of compiling and designing puzzles. The proposed master class can be useful for both teachers and all puzzle lovers.
Target: puzzle design in PowerPoint 2007
to consolidate the skills of compiling and solving puzzles,
introduce different ways of designing puzzles,
Improve your PowerPoint 2007 skills

Before starting work, we create a new presentation in PowerPoint (I work in PowerPoint 2007).
Choose the desired background or create your own on the topic of puzzles. How to create a presentation background can be found in the material.
In my master class, I decided to tell you how to compose and arrange a rebus using the word ROCKET as an example, so I created a background with a frame in the form of a starry sky.

The rules for solving puzzles, which can also be used when compiling puzzles, can be found in the material.
In my master class, I will show several ways that you can use when compiling a rebus for the word ROCKET.

All letters of the word ROCKET are in the word ROCKET. In the search bar with pictures, I enter the words "racquet clipart", select the desired image.

Enlarge the selected image, copy it.

Now I transfer the picture to the presentation slide, give it the desired size.

There is an extra letter in the word RACKET that we need to remove and show it in a rebus. We use the rule with the deletion of the letter. You can draw the desired letter and cross it out. In our case, the penultimate letter K is superfluous. But the letter K occurs twice in this word, so I will indicate in the rebus not the extra letter itself, but its serial number. In the search bar with pictures, I enter "number 6" and select the picture I like.

I transfer it to the presentation, I attach the desired size.

The selected image has a white background that we need to remove. To do this, we execute the following commands: “work with pictures”, “recolor”, “set a transparent background”.

With the arrow that appears when all commands are executed, click on the white background color and it will disappear.

Now we need to show that this letter is superfluous in the word, and cross it out. To do this, through the commands "insert" and "figures" I select the minus sign.

By clicking on it and inserting it into the presentation, I give it the desired size and color, cross out the number 6 with it. The rebus is made up.

From the word ROCKET we got the word ROCKET.

The word CARRIAGE consists of the letters of the word ROCKET. Let's use this moment when drawing up the following rebus.
Let's find a picture of the carriage.

Now we need to show in the rebus in what order the letters should be rearranged. To do this, execute the commands "insert", "WordArd" and select the font you like.

When you click on the selected number, the inscription "Inscription Text" will appear on the slide. Give it the desired color, size and drag it to the right place.

Instead of this inscription, using numbers, we show in what order the letters in the word should be placed.

From the word CARRIAGE we got the word ROCKET.

If I placed the previous puzzles on separate slides, then I will place the next ones on one slide within the framework. To do this, using the "insert" and "shapes" commands, I will select a rectangle.

We press the left mouse button first on the selected figure, then on the slide. A rectangle will appear on the slide, to which we give the desired color and size using the “drawing tools”. Copy it and paste it next to the second one, because There will be two puzzles on the slide.

Now you can make puzzles in the third way.

You can break the word into syllables RA-KE-TA. With the help of pictures we will encrypt each syllable. For the syllable RA I use the word RAK, for the syllable KE - KEDY, for the syllable TA - tank. Using commas, we will show which letters and where to remove.
You can also break the words and individual letters RA-KET-A into parts. Here we use not only commas, but also replace one letter in the word KIT.
When compiling these puzzles, we will execute the same commands as when compiling puzzles in the first and second ways: we will find the necessary pictures, insert commas and letters using the “insert”, “WordArd” commands.

You can encrypt this word in several more ways.
Any word can be represented as a rebus. Over some words you have to “conjure”, and some themselves lie down in the form of pictures, signs and letters in the form of a rebus.
Wish you luck!