How to become a fashion model in Belarus. “When you ask for a modest $100 for a shoot, they look at you as if you were taking away the last piece of bread.” Aviator about modeling career in Belarus. Anya, on what basis children are chosen in the model

Being a male model in Belarusian realities is not so easy. Firstly, any man in sweatpants considers it his duty to remind you that “normal boys” don’t walk the catwalk and don’t post photos with a naked torso on Instagram. Secondly, many clothing manufacturers firmly believe that it is not necessary to pay for the work of a model, they say, getting into the frame is already good luck. talked about the vicissitudes of the Minsk model life, fees, stereotypes and public condemnation with 25-year-old Atamurat Erdzhanov, a graduate of the Belarusian Aviation Academy.

- In social networks you write: “Just a couple of years ago, I worked for a penny as a parking attendant, a loader, poured coffee in shopping centers and walked in costumes of cartoon characters, and now life has changed so much.” Today you are quite a successful male model by Minsk standards. How did it happen?

I came to Minsk to study from Turkmenistan, graduated from the Belarusian Aviation Academy, then a master's degree. Why Minsk? In 2010, it was just an ideal city for a student: cheap and affordable. Yes, and my parents wanted me to see another country.

How did it happen with modeling? I think it all started with the fact that I had wild complexes, because at one time I was very thin.

- You talk so calmly about it.

Yes, I still have huge complexes! (Laughs.) There are photos of those times when I just started, just arrived in Minsk. See for yourself: I'm really skinny.

So, I flew to Minsk and look: and the Belarusians are all healthy, big! And we are so small walk with high self-esteem. (Laughs.) I think: no, it won't work like that. I was then 18 years old. Started to train. I made a certain shape, a figure. I thought that to become a model, you must be pumped up. I trained, invested a lot of money and in the end I realized: I'm ready! I went to the casting at the National School of Beauty. And they looked at me and said: "Where did you come?" It turned out that I became too big and pumped up. I remember myself at the graduation ceremony at the aviation academy in a classic size 54 suit. It was pretty ridiculous. (Smiling.) I decided to lose a couple of kilograms so that the jackets fit normally. A couple of months later I worked at a wedding exhibition, then the suits fit perfectly.

- That is, it was the path to the ideal male body?

No, to self-affirmation. (Smiling.) I wanted to assert myself, I wanted to be more than I am. I suffered from lack of attention. That helped. (Laughs.)

Yes, I see that your Instagram posts get under a thousand likes. And dozens of enthusiastic female comments - from "How beautiful you are!" to "That's it, I'm leaving!" ...

Yes, that's how I get my dose of attention. Of course, this is stupid, on the one hand. And on the other - why not amuse pride?

Don't think that I'm some crazy bodybuilder who lives by the motto "Don't swing today - die!". No, this story is not about me. I do not impose any ideals of sportiness on anyone.

Posted by (@atamuavia) Aug 17, 2017 at 11:43 PDT

I was healthy, pumped up - I noticed that women do not like it, it repels them. Some patterns fall on you like “stupid jock” or “narcissistic m * duck”. It hurts a lot. Everyone has to prove: no, I'm not like that, I have other interests! Useless. All the templates about a narcissist have already been glued to you.

You participated in fashion shows and were shot in commercials for Nike, Mark Formelle, Historia, Westerly, Sister's, Coo Culte... And what do you consider your biggest success?

Nothing can be cooler than the fact that I personally met two presidents: Lukashenka and Putin. It was at a private display of the national Olympic uniform before the games in Rio. Our president even thought that I was an athlete and shook my hand. (Laughs.)

These videos are very defiant, yes. Provocative. The goal was to attract attention - and it was achieved. The reaction was very violent. The videos were discussed for a long time, shown on the air. They hooked the viewer. And this, in my opinion, is an indicator of good advertising.

Many girls from childhood dream of a stormy life of a model - shooting, shows, fame ... Arina Yakubovskaya also belongs to them. By the age of 16, she had already appeared on the podium more than once. asked the novice model about the difficulties of the profession, and also asked for advice for girls who want to follow in her footsteps.

Beauty school in Minsk

What kind of girls will we acceptgo to beauty school, what do they teach there?

IN national beauty school they take different girls for training from 6 to 25 years old. There you will learn how to walk correctly, watching your posture, as well as learn about proper nutrition and start exercising regularly. After all, healthy nutrition and sports are the guarantors of an excellent figure and clean skin, which is important for a model.

If you successfully complete the training course and your parameters are suitable for modeling, the agency will offer you a contract. You will be able to participate in castings and shows that the agency selects. Having a contract, you will be able to receive a fee for participating in the fashion show and shooting.

Do I need parental consent to participate in filming and screenings?

The written consent of the parents is mandatory when drawing up a contract with the agency. Some photographers also ask for the signature of the parents on the shooting agreement, but this is rare.

How are the castings going? What do you need to do to successfully pass them?

Don't go to a casting with a ton of makeup on your face! Make very light makeup, or better yet, give it up altogether. You must look neat and well-groomed. As for clothing, it is best to wear a black tight-fitting tank top and leggings. And of course, don't forget your heels.

What difficulties did you face in modeling?

When there were the first castings and shows, I was very worried about how they would perceive me, whether I would be comfortable in front of everyone. But when I started talking with curators and models, I realized that they are all simple and open people.

From those who do not know anything about modeling, I had to hear something like: “Just a doll!” or “Only fashion on my mind!” At times like this, it's very embarrassing. After all, this is also a profession, and it is no worse than others. Being a model is not easy. A beautiful gait, correct posture, an interesting look - everything should be perfected.

What rules do you have to follow? Are you on a diet?

Without the permission of the agency, I cannot change the image, for example, get bangs or dye my hair. And you can completely forget about piercing. Also, the model should take care of her figure and skin, like any girl, but for this it is enough to adhere to proper nutrition. If I want to eat chocolate, then I will eat it.

What do you like about modeling?

I really love shows. You walk along the catwalk, everyone is looking at you, taking pictures ... What a thrill I feel in these moments! Filming is no less fun, although it can last from half an hour to three hours.

What are you dreaming about now? Do you want to continue your modeling career?

At the moment, I really want to go to college. After all, you won’t be a model all your life, they end their careers by the age of 24-27. Therefore, each model must be educated. But until I am 26 years old, I am ready to work in this area.

What advice can you give to girls who are planning to link their lives with modeling?

If you want to try yourself as a model, start looking for a good photographer right away. Take snaps and send them to different modeling agencies.

Snaps (snaps, from English snapshots) is a set of shots that includes at least six photos of the model. This is a full-face, three-quarters and profile portrait, as well as full-length shots, in an open swimsuit or in lingerie (in front, profile and from the back).

To get good shots, it is important to relax and be yourself in front of the lens. A beautiful smile and a perky look are the key to cool photos.

But first, love yourself for who you are. Do not bother because of a mole or freckles on your face. This could be your highlight. Appreciate and love yourself!

Follow your dreams and set high goals! If you try and put in enough effort, you will definitely succeed!

- At what age is it best to start a modeling career, and at what age is it too late?

- It is better to start at 13-14 years old - this is the time when you can already see the perspective in the model. It is at this age that we can notice the model, and at 15–16 she may well enter the professional podium for the first time. Our models retire at the age of 25.

– Do many models leave Belarus abroad?

- Not. This is a very competitive environment, so only a few leave. We do not set such a goal for ourselves - to bring everyone to the world podiums. Even the most European agencies cannot boast of one or two world famous stars. We already have such ones - this is the supermodel of the world Katya Domankova and our famous model from Brest Anastasia Belikova, who now conquer the world catwalks and work with the most famous designers such as Armani and Cavalli, and constantly participate in FashionTV shows.

- Girls with what parameters are now in the top of the world modeling business?

- In the top, petite girls with a height of 178 cm and above. We do not pay attention to the chest, but more to the waist and hips - 60 and 90, respectively. The parameters should not go beyond these limits, and this is clearly stated in the contracts. If a girl goes beyond these parameters, then her work can be canceled and the model returned back.

- But what about the well-known stereotype that breasts can interfere with the work of the model?

- Not true. If a girl has good breasts, then she will also work in lingerie shows. This could be a plus.

- Can a girl from the street, without going through a modeling school, become a model if she has the makings?

“Of course, we have scouts who simply stop the girls who suit us on the street, and in a month they can go to the catwalk of a famous designer. Scouts work not only in Minsk, but also in other cities. But basically, of course, we are fueled by the catwalk school.

– Is it possible to say that Belarus is a full-fledged platform for world fashion or are we still somewhere on the sidelines?

“Of course you can, why not? You know, my family lives in Mallorca. I often go there and remember that the FashionTV channel broadcasts Belarusian designers from haute couture weeks and other fashion events. I think that we have enough such events and designers. Most recently, I talked with some - they just arrived from China, participated in the fashion week there. There are already names in Belarus, there are interesting collections, and they are also going to make good sales. Maybe not yet at the international level and they do not yet have representative offices abroad, but in our country they work actively and famous people in show business are happy to order costumes from them.

- Is it true that rich businessmen often take models right off the catwalk and girls agree to their terms, go into private life, abandon work?

- You can now stay after the show in the hall and see if someone will be removed from the podium today 🙂 Of course, for every girl in any profession, personal life is very important. I can only say that our agency never interferes with the personal choice of a girl. If she decides to sacrifice her career, the podium and goes into her personal life, there are a lot of beautiful girls breathing down her back, there are enough of them in Belarus. So if not her, then someone else. The agency does not monitor the personal lives of their models. The only one, in this case, she must clearly say either “I am ready to work”, or “I will take care of my family, children.” Sometimes girls choose to study, but many also combine it with work - they only go to summer shows abroad.

- How do the fees of models abroad and in Belarus differ?

- Fees in Belarus are five times less than in Europe. But if the model works actively, then it can earn the same amount here. And this money may be enough to pay for their studies at a university or in the future, for example, to open their own business or help their parents buy an apartment.

– Do we have hard-working models in Belarus? In particular, in Baranovichi?

– Hardworking, very. Well, it's hard to make money these days. And the model is such a profession that at a young age already gives the girl independence. Perhaps, only sports and the modeling business make it possible to earn money at this age, because there you have to become independent early.

– Which countries are most interested in Belarusian models? Where are they invited most often?

- The best market where our models are actively working is America. But to get to America, you still need to go through the launch pad in Europe or Asia. Therefore, most often our models start from Paris, Milan, London, and then they can be invited to America. There are more interesting contracts, more work. The Chinese market has also become more active, Japan and North Korea are still interested in our models.

- How can parents ensure the safety of a child who is already being offered contracts abroad? Do they need to personally check overseas agencies?

- We have a license to employ models abroad, respectively, each contract with us is checked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and officially registered. We do not work with countries where the modeling business is very weak, such as Turkey. And we work with the European capitals of fashion, where everything is cultural, legal and such dangerous moments are excluded.

- What should parents be prepared for when sending their children to a podium school? What will have to be sacrificed?

“You have to sacrifice your time on the weekends. And clearly understand that the children they bring are going to study at the school of aesthetic development. They should be prepared that children at this age do not yet become stars, they do more for themselves, to be flexible, artistic, to know etiquette - this whole set of disciplines will be useful in every child’s life anyway. And only in the older groups, the top, where they are engaged from the age of 15, we look for teenagers specifically for work throughout Belarus. Some Baranavichy models are already working abroad. We scan the whole of Belarus for beauty.

News of Belarus. When size matters. An unusual beauty contest is taking place in the capital. "Miss Belarus Plus Size" unites one and a half hundred girls from all over the country. The participants destroy the usual stereotypes with all their appearance, the 24 Hours News program on STV reported.

But correspondent Yana Shipko found in such beauty a connection with the Baroque era.

Yana Shipko, correspondent:
Real beauty is not measured in centimeters and kilograms - the unspoken motto of the competition. In addition to impressive forms, the jury also evaluated the erudition and talents of the participants. The winners will be at the head of the Belarusian body positivity movement, which is gaining more and more adherents around the world. Instead of chasing model benchmarks, why not become a Plus Size model yourself? At the same time, all participantsfans of an active and healthy lifestyle. Girls with curves know how to love themselves, and confidence can only be learned from them. By the way, according to the canons of the Plus Size contest, participants must be at least size 46.

Evgenia Tyuleneva, model, Vice-Miss World Plus Size-2017:
I think that my example inspired. I think there are enough girls in the world who inspire. I'm surprised that so many applications have been received. This is great! Today we'll see: maybe half of themselves overestimated themselves by calling themselves Plus Size.

It is always very easy to be thin beautiful. And full, with large and beautiful forms, being beautiful is much more difficult. I thank God that I can do it. Somehow it just works out.

This is the first such adventurous competition in my life. Friends asked me to fill out a questionnaire. Of course, I agreed. I didn’t prepare at all: spontaneously, after work, I came here and am in such an exciting bustle.

Based on the results of the casting, the jury will select the five finalists who will represent Belarus at the International Miss World Plus Size Contest, which will be held in 2020 in Kyiv.

Remembering her childhood, almost every girl dreamed of becoming a model. We looked with admiration at the long-legged beauties defiling on the catwalks of famous fashion houses and watched with bated breath how they pose for camera lenses and act in films and videos.

Many people still dream about it. But not our heroine. Lisa was an ordinary student, she studied at a technological university and could not even imagine that a chance meeting would divide her life into “before” and “after”.

- I got into the modeling business, like many girls, by pure chance. The director of my agency met me in the center of Minsk when I was heading home from school. She just came up and asked if I wanted to be a model. Invited to a meeting in the office and gave her business card. Although I never dreamed of being on the podium, I still went to the meeting.

The interview went well, and Lisa was invited to study at one of the popular modeling schools in Minsk.

- Over the next 3 months, I graduated from modeling school and participated in several local projects. Developed, so to speak. The plans included trips abroad, but I knew that the chances were small, so I was happy even with free projects in Belarus.

The first projects were free shows and photo shoots within the country. Lisa also participated in the Belarusian Fashion Week and performed at city events.

- After 2 months, I got on the cover of the New Year's issue of the magazine "City of Women" and for the first time appeared on TV.

The first serious work for the girl was a trip to Milan. Lisa signed a contract with one of the leading agencies in Milan and was cast for the Gucci show as part of the spring fashion week.

« I will never forget that exit to the podium.", - says the girl.

The trip to Milan coincided with the beginning of the second semester of the 3rd year at the university. I had to make a choice - work or study.

- I studied well, I was on a budget. With difficulty I asked for time off from the teachers, promised to pay off all the debts when I arrived. But after the first trip for a month almost immediately there was a second one. I realized that I would not be able to pass the session. Therefore, I decided to take the documents from the university. I was wished good luck and told that I could recover if I wanted to.

The requirements for working as a model in each country are different, but there are basic ones: height from 172 cm, hips up to 88, waist up to 58, bust up to 86.

-Most girls are on strict diets to keep their parameters within these limits. Fortunately, my genetics allowed me to eat whatever I want, and not be afraid that I would not be hired, - smiling Lisa .

There are different types that are valued in the areas of the fashion industry and countries. A memorable appearance, confidence in your look and behavior, well-groomed skin and hair - these are the moments that employers pay attention to at every casting, no matter where in the world you work as a model.

- Usually, my day on any trip starts quite early: at 7-8 in the morning I get up and hastily take a shower, have breakfast.

Depending on what is planned for the day (castings or work), I do makeup, take everything I need with me (usually basic underwear, a comb, a bottle of water, money, a phone, a charger and beech - model portfolio) and go to the appointed place at the appointed time.

After work in any city, I usually went to lunch or dinner (unless, of course, they fed me at work). And then walk. I discovered a lot of interesting places in different cities in this way - aimlessly wandering along the central streets, - says Lisa.

There is a myth that models literally bathe in money and can afford literally anything they want. But it's not.

- In Belarus, work is paid rarely and little, especially in comparison with the scale of the global modeling business. In Europe, they pay well, but there is a minus - the payment system when working through modeling agencies.

The host agency in another country pays the model for flights, accommodation, and gives pocket money. But then, when it is time for the model to return home, all these expenses are deducted from the money earned by the model for the trip. Very often, models go negative. On the next trip to this country, she will have to cover this minus.

Although the minus burns out in Asia, that is, the model does not have to work it out on the next trip to Asian countries.

In Europe, the highest pay is for shows during the fashion week and work in showrooms, in Asia - for photo shoots for magazines and catalogs.

- If we talk about me, then after the first trip I was able to afford to buy a new smartphone and pay for a rented apartment for some time. I was lucky then. But from Japan I brought nothing but unforgettable impressions.

The difficulties experienced by most Belarusian models are communication. When traveling abroad, a good level of English is essential.

Another problem is budget planning.

- Usually the money that was given weekly in the agency was barely enough for food and travel. I had to save on everything: I walked almost the whole of Paris.

Although at the time of the beginning of her career the girl was 19 years old, Lisa never lived with strangers in the same apartment. " It was very difficult to get used to the fact that you have almost no personal space, ”- says Lisa.

- All my friends and parents also stayed in Minsk. I haven't seen them for over a month, I miss them so much. Sometimes it seemed that I would drop everything and ask to be sent home.

Some moments in the work of the model can greatly affect self-esteem: casting failures, constant measurements of parameters.

Attitude to models, as to things that are matched to clothes, and not vice versa. Most of the time, no one cares what the model thinks.

Our duty is to remain silent and do what they say. It is almost impossible to be a model and have ambitions here, - says Lisa.

During the year of her career, Lisa managed to work in Italy (Milan and Florence), France (Paris) and Japan (Tokyo).

-Each country and each city has its own rules of the modeling business, its own subtleties. Most of all I liked working in Milan. But Tokyo and Paris also left many wonderful memories.

After working abroad, the girl recovered at the university, received a diploma and continues to work as a model.

Vaseko Daria

Photo: from the personal archive of the heroine