How to remove rudeness in the voice. How to make a rude man's voice quick and easy

There are several possible causes of impaired voice function:

  • inflammatory diseases of the throat and larynx, which are associated with infection. The syndrome develops with swelling, which is typical for laryngitis. Edema prevents the vocal cords from closing, which leads to a coarsening of the voice. A group of diseases is characterized by elevated body temperature, discomfort in the larynx, the voice can completely disappear;
  • coarsening of the voice progresses after intoxication of the body, for example, chlorine poisoning provokes a spasm of the glottis. An accompanying symptom is a dry cough. Chlorine intoxication is possible at home, this substance is contained in household chemicals. Ammonia poisoning is characterized by soreness in the larynx, pain in the chest area, and sputum production. Fluorine intoxication is characterized by redness of the eyes, mucus from the nose, diarrhea with an admixture of blood cells is possible;
  • the voice becomes rougher as a result of an allergic reaction, which provokes Quincke's edema. Violation of the functions of the vocal apparatus indicates stenosis of the larynx. The patient has difficulty breathing. The first sign of edema is pallor of the skin, blue fingers on the upper limbs, fainting is possible. The disease requires urgent medical attention;
  • violation of the vocal apparatus is noted in hypothyroidism, the disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. Concomitant symptoms - swelling of the ligaments and larynx, pallor of the skin, lethargy, brittle hair, lack of appetite, shortness of breath;
  • a change in the timbre of the voice is characteristic of an overstrain of the ligaments. The syndrome develops in a person who has to speak or sing loudly. The voice “sits down” with a constant overstrain of the ligaments;
  • hoarseness progresses with chemical burns, for example, upon contact with acetic acid;
  • smoking, tar and other components of cigarettes have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx, swelling of the ligaments is provoked;
  • burns are possible when drinking alcohol;
  • reflux esophagitis, characterized by the penetration of hydrochloric acid from their gastric tract into the larynx;
  • physical damage to the ligaments, for example, when a foreign object enters the larynx or dissection of the ligaments during surgical treatment;
  • paralysis of the nerve endings supplying the larynx. The syndrome develops with syphilis and diphtheria;
  • neoplasms of the larynx of a benign or malignant nature, compression of the vascular channels and nerve endings is provoked, which affects the mobility of the ligaments;
  • damage to the brain stem, the syndrome progresses with Lyme disease. Speech becomes incomprehensible, it is difficult for patients to swallow food and speak. noted

Famous actor, Benedict Cumberbatch became famous not only because of the role of Sherlock Holmes. It was he who voiced the dragon Smaug, striking with his low, expressive voice penetrating the very soul. How to make the voice rougher in accessible ways, because a low voice allows you to make a brighter and more charismatic impression?
There are several radical methods and a whole host of exercises that can make the voice coarser. Let's consider them all in turn. But first you need to understand why the voice is too high and does not suit its owner. Causes:

  • 1. The natural voice of a man is high enough and remained so even after breaking. In fact, this is rare. A man with such a voice should appreciate his natural gift, and perhaps think about a singing career. By the way, vocal lessons will help you discover your hidden abilities and expand your range, perhaps it is wide enough and the owner of a high voice simply does not know how to use it to speak lower.
  • 2. Breaking dragged on. On average, boys change their voice at the age of 13-14, but this is too individual and the voice can remain childish for quite a long time. The cause of late withdrawal may be problems with hormones or with the throat: frequent colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.

Thus, first you need to check your health, and only then proceed to the exercises to "coarse" the voice.

So who to contact:

  1. To the endocrinologist. Perhaps the delay in breaking the voice is associated with hormonal disorders and treatment will be required.
  2. To LOR. Against the background of any diseases of the throat, you can not do exercises. Overexertion of the ligaments can lead to the fact that the voice becomes hoarse or disappears altogether.
  3. To the phonoped. He is a voice specialist. Sometimes it's not that the voice itself is too high. The reason may be that its owner simply does not know how to use his capabilities. Sometimes a couple of sessions with a phonopedist are enough to change the voice. This is an option for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to make a voice rougher quickly. There are no other quick and easy ways.
  4. To the phoniatrist. It is not easy to find such a doctor, but his consultation can be very useful. He specializes in diseases of the ligaments, singers, announcers, politicians, teachers turn to him.

Folk recipes for voice

How to make your voice rougher at home? The network provides recipes for rinsing with herbs. Let's clarify right away that no rinsing by itself will change the voice! But they can be useful for overall strengthening and improving the condition of the ligaments.

For example, mint has a calming, softening, relaxing effect. Many men are confused by its possible effect on male potency. It can really reduce attraction with systematic use. However, in Georgia, mint tea is very popular, it is drunk every day. Who can reproach Georgian men for lack of temperament?

Recipe: brew a mint decoction as indicated on the package, drink a glass of decoction a day. Drinking must be alternated with exercise: before each sip, you need to pull a low and loud “a” for 15-20 seconds.

There is no evidence that this method helped to make the voice rougher. But it won't do any harm either.
You can improve the condition of the ligaments and the sound of the voice with the help of rinses and cocktails. There are various recipes based on herbs (chamomile, for example) or eggs, they will not change the pitch of the voice, but are useful if you still decide to take up exercises that can only be done with a healthy throat.

medical methods

Hormone intake

You can contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe an examination and, possibly, prescribe the intake of male hormones. You should prepare for the fact that not only the voice will change (more body hair, denser and oilier skin, denser and wider bones, muscle growth). But, of course, no one will prescribe testosterone to a perfectly healthy well-developed guy just for the sake of changing his natural high voice.

Surgical intervention

Is it possible to quickly resolve the issue with changing the voice? Alas. Operations on ligaments for such a purpose are not performed in Russia. You can, of course, contact clinics that are members of the Union of Phoniators and Logophonopedists, for example, in Moscow. But without medical indications, a referral for surgery is unlikely. There are clinics abroad, for example, Yeson Voice Center in South Korea. Of course, the trip itself, and the operation itself, even if it is undertaken without medical indications, will cost a pretty penny.


How to make your voice rougher with exercise? The first thing to consider is that the exercises will require perseverance and hard work. The best thing is to contact a vocal teacher and take a few lessons to do the exercises correctly.

The first step is to learn how to lower the larynx. The height of the voice depends on its position. The easier it is for you to keep it low, the easier it is to speak in a rougher voice. First, try to parody different voices and observe how the position of the larynx, pharynx, tongue changes.

Be sure to record your voice before class! Otherwise, you will not be able to measure progress. As a rule, people rarely hear their true voice, they perceive it "from the inside". Passing through the soft tissues of the face and bones of the skull, the sound seems to be lower than it actually is.

Then start exercising:
Yawn. Place your hand on your throat and yawn widely. You will feel the muscles drop. Try doing the exercise with your mouth closed.

Correct head position for bass. Watch the bassist singers in the video. The back is straight, the neck is extended, the head is raised, but the chin is not lifted up! On the contrary, it is pressed to the neck.

We fix the low sound. Sit on a chair or do the exercise while standing. Take a position for a comfortable extraction of the bass (chin pressed to the chest), stretch out a low "ee". Keep pulling it and gradually lift your chin up. Your goal is to keep the low sound at the same level as you change the position of your head. It will be difficult at first. The voice will break, rise. This suggests that the ligaments are clamped in spasm and are too tense. Exercise should be done several times a day until you achieve the result. Instead of the sound "iii" you can pull "zhzhzh".

The pronunciation of any words with the sound "p" helps to improve articulation, clarity and expressiveness of speech. Therefore, this sound is very often used in vocal exercises. To lower the pitch of your voice, do the following exercise: say a continuous "ppr", starting from the lowest possible note to the highest, then go back down. You need to walk up and down such "steps" several times a day. Even one approach is enough to feel lightness in the throat area.

Several times a day, try to sing any vowel sounds: “a”, “o”, “u”, “s” for 15-20 seconds. Do several sets with breaks. It is necessary to achieve a gradual decrease in tonality. On the first day, sing as you feel comfortable. It is important to stick to one key throughout the entire exercise, without jumping from one to another. The next day, try to lower the tone and again hold it for 15-20 seconds. Gradually lower the tone and increase the number of sets, being careful not to overstrain the ligaments. As a result, you should ensure that all 15 seconds your voice sounds even bass.

Proper breathing is one of the most important things. The basic principle is to breathe through the nose! Breathing exercises for a low voice should be looked at separately, many guys do not even realize that they are breathing incorrectly, like a woman. It is necessary to train the chest type of breathing (namely, this is needed for a lower voice).

Get good sleep! Observe yourself: you have had enough sleep, and, oddly enough, speak more low. Even in girls, immediately after sleep, the voice is quite low. The fact is that in a well-rested person, the ligaments are more relaxed, and the voice sounds fuller and richer.

Speak more slowly. It has been proven that fast speech requires a higher voice, this is known to announcers, especially those who are forced to pack maximum information in a minimum of time.

Watch your posture. As a rule, people with plasticity, good body control, voices are more expressive and low. Ligaments are a muscle like any other. The ability to feel your body as a whole helps in particular.

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The voice is the most striking indicator of a person's personality, capable of telling a lot about the interlocutor. Therefore, it is no secret that those people who do not like the sound of their voice are somewhat complex when communicating. Scientists have proven that a lower voice timbre is perceived better than a squeaky falsetto. Especially this problem worries men and adolescents, whose voice broke, broke, but did not break out. The roughness of the voice in men directly depends on the amount of the male hormone - testosterone, which is produced in the body from the onset of puberty (which is what causes the process of breaking the voice in adolescence). A rough male voice is a signal of the opposite of gender. Women subconsciously feel the alpha male, whose rough bass speaks of an overabundance of hormones, and therefore perceive men with a rough voice as an ideal partner for procreation. Yes, this implies a direct relationship between the male voice and his sexuality. It is clear that men who are not gifted by nature with the main erotic factor seek to correct this matter. And in response to such an understandable desire, today there are several solutions.
First of all, the high sounding of the voice is characterized by the state of the ligaments. Like the strings of a guitar being taut, the voice sounds higher; if the strings are taut, the sound is boomy and low. Therefore, a strong tension of the ligaments should be removed in this way: it is necessary to do special exercises every day. One of these exercises is to sing (or just buzz) a consonant sound, such as "o" or "a", while trying to lower your voice as much as possible during the day. This exercise is often used by choir singers and not only as a chant. It makes the tissue of the ligaments more elastic, and allows experienced soloists to hit a wide variety of notes. By doing these exercises, you can learn to control your voice and lower it significantly when you want it.
Also, in addition to this option, you can attend choir classes. There is probably a music school nearby, where adults can also study if they wish. Singing teachers in a year will be able to fully develop your voice, which will now be under your control.
In addition, lovers of stress relief in an unusual way will tell you how to be. It is very useful to yell often and a lot, the louder the better, but you should try to lower your voice as much as possible. That is, yell bass! But not at home, of course. You can yell near the railroad tracks while the train is moving, or visit places where everyone yells: hockey and football matches, noisy parties.
If you feel embarrassed when communicating with your thin voice, try to just speak in a quieter and even way. This will present you as a self-confident person and absolutely not worried about the fact of the disease. Other, more radical ways to solve the problem include options such as bad habits and surgery.
If you start drinking alcohol heavily and smoking unfiltered cigarettes, you can be sure that after a year or two you will acquire a rough voice with a strong tinge of hoarseness. And in addition to this, a characteristic smell and an appropriate appearance. And now it is not the voice in you that will not be attractive, you will not be able to completely conquer, despite the courageous hoarse bass. So do not acquire bad habits, and if you are already involved, try to eradicate these infections. Smoking and alcohol affect the ligaments, gradually breaking their elasticity and making them flabby. Many ligament fibers are torn, creating hoarseness.
The last way is surgery. Of course, any surgical intervention is dangerous, but in this case the risk to general health is small, provided there are no contraindications. The operation is performed almost on an outpatient basis. The surgeon simply cuts a part of the ligaments that are very tight, creating high tones. Your voice is your weapon, protect it from bad habits and restore it if necessary.

The timbre of the voice affects a person's self-confidence. This is especially true of the stronger sex: men who have a quiet and nondescript speech are less likely to impress others. This requires a loud and masculine sound.

Bristles on the face and a rough voice in adolescence do not appear in everyone in time. And for some, it's even the opposite - prematurely. But young men from the first category become very uncomfortable due to the fact that they "lag behind" their peers. After all, at 15-17 years old, all the guys want to look as old as possible. But what if you are already a man at all, but are still embarrassed by a thin, inconspicuous voice?

To sound rougher, it is not necessary to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day and drink liters of alcohol. You can do a special examination of the vocal cords by a phoniatrist. Based on its results, a professional will be able to determine exactly why your voice sounds high and how you can make it rougher.

Experts say: ligaments can really be trained (and thus correct their work). This will help special exercises and procedures carried out under the close supervision of an experienced speech therapist.

By the way, cigarettes and alcohol really contribute to a change in the timbre of the voice. Because of all this “good”, the vocal cords swell, and therefore sound lower. But the effect of such methods is short-lived, and drinking and smoking packs of cigarettes every day is more expensive for yourself. It is unlikely that you are ready to sacrifice health for the sake of imaginary compliance with standards.

And what about the operation? This is too radical approach - in most cases it is enough to do the exercises. For example, pronouncing special sounds, making a “buzz”, etc. If such training is regular, then your vocal cords will learn to relax, as a result of which their sound will come closer to the desired one. To make your voice sound rougher, you can practice yourself at home, but it is better to ask a speech therapist for help, who will teach you exercises to acquire a courageous voice.

How to check the results? The best way is to record yourself in normal situations, such as during a telephone conversation or dialogue with loved ones. And then, in a month or two, compare your new voice with what was before.

Be patient and disciplined - then the exercises will give results, and you will get closer to the beautiful, booming speech that you have been dreaming about!

Exercises to lower the timbre of the voice may be needed in different cases. And radio hosts, and opera performers, and the newly minted boss, so that they would be afraid of his “command voice” and unquestioningly fulfill the requirements. Psychologists, hypnotists, pick-up artists and ordinary high school students who want to conquer girls with confessions (they love their ears more) force them to sign up for courses with professional voice directors. And this is the right "investment in yourself." Others can try to improve themselves.

How to lower the tone? Train hard!

When working on a tone, it is important to understand that you can change it for a month, a year, and several years. Systematism and patience will help to avoid disruption of the ligaments and achieve a decent result. You need to complete all tasks (on average) for 15 minutes daily (no longer worth it, harmful).

1. Within 15 seconds, a vowel sound ("A") is drawn in the usual key. Then lower the tone, then you can return to a comfortable sound. Ligaments, gradually adapting, train. Tomorrow it will be easier to sing one more tone lower.

2. They sing, having secured diaphragmatic breathing (the stomach works on inhalation and exhalation, which is easy to follow by placing a hand on it during training).

3. Lowering the chin to the chest, draw out the sound "I" (slowly). Then the head is gradually thrown back. If “i-i-i” is obtained by raising the head higher, it means that the ligaments have become tense. You need to control yourself as much as possible and be able to relax.

4. A similar exercise also lowers the timbre, but with the sound “Ж”. For his drawl, more forces from the ligaments will be required, which gives a positive effect.

5. Vocal chanting “ah-ah-ah” will also come in handy, when the tone drops lower and lower (it can be accompanied).

But in pursuit of an erotic, strong and enveloping voice, you don’t need to go all out. Sometimes it is better to rejoice in small successes than to lose health.

How to lower the timbre of the voice: avoid mistakes

With age, the timbre coarsens in everyone - men and women. There is no need to fall for the bait of narrators that smoking and drinking alcohol significantly affects the timbre. The percentage of “lucky ones” does not exceed one third, the rest become patients of drug treatment centers and lose their voice.

The same applies to lovers of hormone therapy (take testosterone) and fans of surgical techniques. The operation on the ligaments will correct the timbre, but you will most likely have to say goodbye to the ability to sing and speak loudly.

Lowering the timbre of the voice by folk methods

Help yourself really, doing without holidays and weekends, every day. A weak infusion of mint sometimes helps to enhance the effect, between taking which (through a sip) you need to sing the sound “A” with a decrease.