How to see your future husband in a dream. The most truthful fortune-telling for a dream - how to see the betrothed

From time immemorial, unmarried girls have guessed at their betrothed in a variety of ways. Many popular fortune-telling suggested how to see a future guy in a dream. The rituals are so simple that it is quite possible to use them even in modern conditions. According to reviews, girls do sometimes see in such dreams the image of a future husband.

How to see your future boyfriend in a dream?

Consider a few simple rituals, thanks to which you can see the future guy in a dream. It is best to carry out such activities on Friday night.

  1. Place a comb under the pillow and say three times: "Narrowed-mummer, come comb me". After that, immediately go to bed, and you will dream about the image of your future man.
  2. Take a poplar branch and tie it with thread from your clothes that you use (and not from old and unnecessary ones). Mentally think that you dream of a future lover, put a branch under the pillow and go to sleep. A dream can allegorically convey information about a future husband.
  3. Take out the King of Diamonds from the deck, put it under your pillow and mentally ask your future husband to come to you in a dream. It is believed that such fortune-telling is most effective on the night of February 2.

If the thought of how to see the future guy in a dream haunts you, perform the ritual every Friday until you reach the result.

How can you see the future in a dream?

To see in a dream a fragment from your future life and look at a potential husband, it is not at all necessary to be a psychic. It is enough just to give the necessary installation to your subconscious.

The easiest way to achieve this is to go to bed early, with your hair down and a loose shirt. It is important that you are alone in the room. You need to relax, close your eyes and guess the date or period. Then think about what you already know about your life at that time? Where will you study or work, with whom will you communicate? The more details you install, the easier it is to tune in to get the information you need. With these thoughts, you need to try to fall asleep, and in the morning in a dream you may well see other details of your personal life from the future.

How to see the betrothed

Every girl deep down wants to know what her future husband will look like. Therefore, if you are really worried about the problem of how to see your betrothed in a dream or in reality, the following ancient fortune-telling for your future soul mate will be useful to you.

The most reliable ways of divination how to see the betrothed

The centuries-old methods of divination for a betrothed include the following:

Divination on mirrors. It should be done in a dark room and preferably alone. Take a mirror, holy water and a candle. Remember that by conducting this fortune-telling, you open the door to the other world, so it’s better to read “Our Father” before starting it and draw a sponge dipped in holy water along the edges of the mirror.

Light a candle and place it in front of a mirror. Start peering into the dark corridor formed in the mirror, fully focusing on your desire. Sooner or later you must see your future groom there. After that, immediately say: “Chur me,” so that he does not come out of the mirror, and put out the candle, which then needs to be buried or burned;

Card divination. Put 4 kings from a deck of cards under the pillow and say at the same time: “My betrothed, mummers, dream of me today.” If the groom dreamed in the form of a king of spades, he would be old and rich, a clubs - avaricious and a widower, a heart - handsome and passionately loved, a diamond - loving and wealthy;

Divination with a circle. It will be an ideal option if you are concerned not only with the question of how to see your betrothed, but also how to make sure that he appears in your life as soon as possible. You will need 2 glasses of red wine, a gold ring, a rose, a man's handkerchief, a couple of coins, 2 candles, and some personal jewelry of your own. In an empty room, draw a small circle in which to place the candles, orienting them to the south and east. Wrap the rose, ring, coins and jewelry in a scarf, put it all in a circle and put a glass of wine there. Holding a second glass of wine in your hands with both hands, say: "My dear, come to my house, drink wine and do not regret your love." Then drink your glass to the bottom, exit the room and close the door. In a dream, you should see your betrothed. In the morning, erase the circle, pour out the wine, and destroy the remnants of the candles.

All these divinations must be done with caution, since we are dealing with forces that are not fully known, but if you do everything right, you will not be in any danger, and you will be able to find out what the person who will become your destiny will look like.

how to see your future husband?



So, so.
You take 7 pieces of paper and write a name on each. Just ask the last question. You wrap up the whole thing (each piece of paper separately) and put it under the pillow. You wake up in the morning and take out any piece of paper. Look at the name. That's what your husband will be called.
If you have a question, then you do not have this name on the list. (so they guess either tonight or overnight at Christmas)

Today you can still guess like this:
When midnight strikes, go outside and wait for the first passerby of the opposite sex.
When one is found, ask for his name, and that will be the name of your betrothed.


Imagine at night how you want to see him, fall asleep and you will have an epiphany.


Vozmi volosi s svoei ras4eski i postav "na no4" pod podushku.

1 2

You mean on your own?

At Christmas time - fortune telling. (and that's not a fact)

Everything else is for fun.

When you have fun - do it with irony, not forgetting that often we see not as it is, but what we want to see.

how can you find out the name of your future husband, or see in a dream?



How to find out the name of the future husband from a four-leaf clover. Put a quatrefoil in your right shoe, and the first unmarried man you meet after that should become your husband.

How to find out the name of the future husband on the new moon. On that night, when the young moon becomes visible for the first time, open the windows in the bedroom, and, sitting on the windowsill, without blinking, look at the moon and affectionately, gently repeat: “Selena, I greet you! Please tell me the secret of who will become my husband. It is believed that you should see your betrothed in a dream.
How to find out the name of the future husband by apple peel. It is necessary to peel the apple in such a way that the peel does not break and looks like an integral "spiral". The peel should be thrown obliquely over the left shoulder with the right hand, and then watch how it fell to the floor. It is believed that in this peel you can see the first letter of the name of the future spouse.

Valentina Tolokonnikova

very simple.


Where can I get this 4 leaf clover?

how to see a future husband in a dream, thank you


Alina Belotserkovets

tell fortunes on a comb)))

♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

Any of the popular methods. They work.

Dmitry Dontsov

Dream guess.

Cheating future husband

Dream Interpretation Cheating Future Husband dreamed of why in a dream the betrayal of a future husband? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about Cheating a future husband by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cheating husband or wife

Seeing a cheating husband or wife in a dream means that your lover secretly wants to cheat on you.

Dream Interpretation - Treason

Cheating - If you dreamed that you cheated, then something similar happened to you in real life. It is possible that so far this is not the fact of treason, but the intention that you carefully consider. What good can cheating do for you? After all, living with the thought that you have cheated, and not being able to say it directly, is by no means stimulating. If you want to change only in order to later openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly. - If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by unfounded suspicions. Do not suffer and do not irrigate the pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with her husband - to peace and harmony.

If a husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

To leave her husband, to love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy - someone else's interference in business, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband - to the loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunately.

For every girl, a completely natural desire is the desire to find out who her husband will be, how he will look, how soon the long-awaited meeting will take place. And ancient fortune-telling is ready to help them with this. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to see your future husband in a dream, what conspiracies and methods exist. There are a large number of different techniques, some of which are quite capable of being repeated by modern girls - residents of city apartments.

Divination with hair

We will learn how to see the future husband in a dream with the help of your own curls. This method is the simplest and therefore popular with young beauties. The only difficulty is that the ritual can be performed only once a week, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, it is at this time that fate is ready to give an answer to the most exciting question.

So, on this night, before going to bed, the curls should be untangled, combed with a wooden comb, invoking the betrothed spouse to appear in a night vision, then put the comb under the pillow and go to bed. The chosen one must appear before the girl, but if this does not happen, after a week you can re-use the technique.

The conspiracy is better pronounced like this:

My betrothed, mummer, come comb me.

Ring method

Another easy way to get acquainted with the appearance of the betrothed spouse is the technique with a ring and a piece of wedding cake. The girl needs to put a ring on the finger of her right hand, ring finger, and wrap a piece of cake properly in a napkin and place it under the pillow.

Next to the bed, it is very important to place your shoes so that the shoes form the letter T. After that, you can go to bed, the chosen one should visit his bride that night.

Ritual with water and church candles

How to see a future husband in a dream? A church candle and a glass of clean water will help. Before going to bed, you should light a candle, put it by the bed, and place a glass of water next to it. Read this conspiracy:

My betrothed, mummers, if you get tired on the road, get off the road and come to me to drink water.

After that, go to bed, in a night dream, the image of the betrothed should appear brightly and be remembered by the girl in all details. In the morning after such a vision, you need to drink water.

Rite with a broom

An ordinary broom will also help to see the betrothed-mummer in a dream, from which the girl must tear off four twigs with her own hands, connect them together. At night, you will have to read such a conspiracy three times:

I want my betrothed, mummers across a bridge made of twigs, to fall into the dream of a servant of God (say her name), and I saw him. So be it. Amen.

After reading, the twigs are placed under the pillow and go to bed, the image of the future spouse should appear. It is important that the broom must be new, but purchased for its intended purpose, you cannot purchase this item only on the occasion of fortune-telling.

Christmas divination

Christmas time is the best time to perform rituals and see the chosen one in the night dreams. There are several ways to guess:

  • With pins. Several pins should be connected together (it is better if there are 4 of them) and pinned to the shirt before going to bed. The future spouse will definitely appear in a night vision.
  • With the help of a conspiracy, can you see your future husband in a dream? The conspiracy is this:

Lord Christ and 3 saints in the hut. One sees the truth, the other will tell it, the third will predict my fate.

Ritual for Walpurgis Night

Consider how to see a future husband in a dream. This technique is quite difficult to implement, but it is effective, with the right attitude, the spouse will certainly show his face. The ritual should be performed on the eve of Walpurgis Night. What actions should the girl take? First of all, these are the preparatory steps:

  • Find a hawthorn bush.
  • Break off a small branch from the plant that grows about ½ meter from the top.
  • Moving east, without turning your back to the hawthorn, you should move away from the plant by about 8-10 meters. You will have to walk backwards, so it is important to be careful.
  • Now, with the help of a hawthorn branch, it is necessary to draw a circle on the ground, about a meter in diameter.
  • Stand in the center of the circle, facing east.
  • Take a branch in your left hand and raise it above your head.
  • Say a simple conspiracy:

As male birds fall in love with a flying female, so let the men in love wait for me.

After these words, a hawthorn branch is stuck in the place where the girl stood, and she herself leaves without looking back.

The ritual itself

The next part of fortune-telling takes place already at night, it is necessary to light a candle, preferably green, and fumigate the room with the scent of lavender.

Now you should prepare a magic potion, which requires the following components:

  • Pure water (preferably from a natural spring) - 2 cups.
  • Carnation.
  • Muscat.
  • Chopped orange peels.

They take a little spices, each with a pinch. Water is poured into a ladle, put on gas, spices are added, brought to a boil, stirring with the right hand and thinking about your future wife.

The boiled potion is removed from the fire, filtered and drunk 1 glass.

If for some reason it was not possible to see the chosen one or his image was erased from memory, after a year the ritual can be repeated.

Important Rules

In order for the bedtime conspiracies to work, and in a night dream the girl was really able to look at her chosen one, she needs to fulfill certain conditions:

  • Take divination seriously. With a frivolous attitude and a desire to just have fun, the right results will not be obtained.
  • Repeat divination only when it is provided. So, if the beauty simply didn’t like the face of the betrothed-mummer, you can’t repeat the ritual in the hope that it will change, because you can’t deceive fate. But once again it is possible to tell fortunes if it was not possible to see the long-awaited face.
  • Yuletide fortune-telling, for all its simplicity, is very attractive to modern girls, but they can only be used during a certain period, in fact, at Christmas time.
  • If jewelry is mentioned in the divination method, only one's own items should be taken (unless otherwise indicated), preferably from gold or silver.
  • To obtain a reliable result at night, it is advisable not to get out of bed.
  • Most of the techniques and rituals are designed to be carried out alone, so it will not work to gather friends and have fun, and at the same time look at the chosen one.
  • Having performed all the actions described in the ritual, the girl must immediately go to bed and not talk to anyone else that night.

Finally, we note separately that you should carry out all the described actions and go to bed before 24-00, it is best to start at 22-00, so that during the change of days you are already in the kingdom of Morpheus.

We looked at how to see a future husband in a dream. Of course, fortune-telling is recognized by the church as a grave sin, but since ancient times, on Holy Week, girls have somewhat departed from strict canons and allowed themselves to try to look into the secrets of the past. Of course, every modern beauty decides for herself whether she will try to find out who her betrothed is, or patiently wait for a meeting.

A dream is not a lost time in a person’s life, since it is in a dream that one can see the clue to certain moments in life. To decipher such sleep data, you should use dream books in order to better recognize yourself and open the veil of the secrets of the future. The interpretation of such dreams and images given to a person in a dream is a complex ancient science that will give answers to what was seen in a dream and indicate the future betrothed.

When you have a dream on Saturday night, then you should prepare for the fact that fate will soon prepare complex changes and such a moment will attract a number of quite interesting trials. Such a dream suggests that there will soon be unique changes in life, fate can still be improved and will soon become different for sure.

It is on this day that you will be able to see many clues from the side of the universe and get rid of many difficulties and difficulties, a dream on Saturday often comes true and will definitely be fateful. Such predictions for Saturday are not only knowledge of the future of a particular girl, as it concerns all her friends and relatives, so be careful and remember all the moments of sleep that will tell you about all the details.

1. How to guess correctly

Fortune telling should be carried out on the groom from Friday to Saturday, as this is the best time for such an action for every girl. If you want to see a dream about your future husband, then the girl should put such an object as a comb under her usual pillows. Next, when the comb has been laid, the girl will have to let her hair down and then lie down on the bed, saying the simple words of the spell. According to ancient ancient beliefs, the future husband of a person who is now fortune-telling should really come to her in a dream to comb this lady's hair.

She should say this spell:

My long-awaited betrothed mummer, come and comb my hair.

2. How to guess correctly

For fortune-telling from Friday, you can also use this method, it is very interesting and quite easy, for this action you should stock up on such simple elements as water and salt. Until the fortune-telling, you should take a small amount of water and add a pinch of salt there, and then mix everything thoroughly and then drink immediately.

Now, when the girl goes to bed, she will have to say these usual phrases:

Who is given to me by God, who is destined by fate, he will bring me water in a dream to drink today

3. How to guess correctly

If the girl is unmarried, then she should put four kings under her very pillow and say a simple spell: My betrothed and long-awaited dream of me and come this night today. When you have a dream where the king of the suit of spades was seen, then the man of her dreams will come to her is no longer young and will be quite jealous. And when the king of worms comes in a dream, this means that a young handsome groom will appear soon and he will be very wealthy.

A cross card will mean that matchmakers from a military man or businessman may come soon. If a diamond suit is dreamed of and this is a king, then the dream is an exact symbol of an early and easy meeting with your desired one and you will see it very soon.

About Saturday

Saturn is the general patron of such a day of the week as Saturday, this planet is sad and quite strict, it is also a symbol of fate and wisdom. It is the planet Saturn that will be the patron of the trials that will come to you in life, the dreams indicated by him speak of future difficulties and fate.

The dreams that will be on this night speak of the requirements and rules of life, and also usually promise good various decisions, and this is also a sign of the planned implementation. If the dream was painful or even black and white, then this is a test, and if a relative is dreaming, then this is an unpleasant event, here it is the planet Saturn that will be the patron of dreams on Saturday.

Sleep since Friday

Sleep from Friday itself is of great importance, so you can know your fate for sure from it, all dream books say that the transition in a dream from Friday to Saturday is complex and difficult. Such a dream gives a person a lot of information about the implementation of his future plans and the sequence of all actions, so the dream will tell you the truth of life for sure. If guesses before sleep were made rationally and clearly, then the dream will be bright and rich, and will also tell about the future and the implementation of a person’s plans. When a dream brings a lot of good emotions, then you can avoid problems in life and realize the desired moments.

Literally every girl wants to look into her future in order to see her betrothed there, only for this one should take into account all the features and subtleties of fortune-telling on this day. The spells and rituals required for divination on this day should be taken quite seriously, and the girl herself must necessarily believe in divination. Only thanks to such faith and rational spells will a woman be able to look into the future and find out fate, as well as see what awaits you soon.

It is required to formulate the question itself even before sleep, and only then can you be given a clear and intelligent answer in a dream, that is, you can really see your betrothed. And if such a question is not asked correctly, and the spell did not go as expected, then a reliable answer will be too vague and difficult to understand.

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Indeed, there are many ways to make your future husband dream. However, practice shows that it is best to perform the ceremony on the eve of May 1, Walpurgis Night.

Of course, you can try to see your future spouse in your dream on any night on the growing moon. But such dreams, as a rule, are not very bright and do not make it possible to consider the chosen one in all details. By the way, most of the methods are suitable not only for girls, but also for young guys.

You need to find a hawthorn bush and break off a branch half a meter from its top. Then, you should move away from the bush in an easterly direction by about 8-10 meters, moving forward with your back. A branch on the ground draw a circle with a diameter of about a meter. It is necessary to stand in the center of the circle and turn to face the east. With the left hand, a hawthorn branch is raised above the head and the following words are pronounced: as male birds fall in love with a flying female, so let the men in love wait for me. A branch is stuck in the central part of the circle and they leave without looking back.

At midnight, a green candle and a lavender incense stick are lit. 2 cups of spring water are poured into a large container and dry orange peels, nutmeg and cloves are poured into it. Water with herbs is mixed with the right hand. After that, the vessel must be heated and, until the water boils, think about the only and beloved man, mentally imagining his image.

As soon as the broth begins to boil, it is filtered and, having cooled slightly, drink 1 glass. Under the pillow you need to put eucalyptus leaves in a canvas bag. Now you can go to bed and ask Morpheus, the god of dreams, to show your future spouse.

Expert opinion

If there is no desire to resort to such a complex fortune-telling so that the future husband dreams, you can use simpler methods. For example, from the twigs of a new broom they weave a bridge and hide it under their pillow. Getting into bed, they say three times: he will be my betrothed, who will take me across the bridge. Perform the ceremony and fall asleep preferably before midnight.

On Christmastide evenings, you can say a special conspiracy before going to bed: Lord Christ and 3 saints in the hut. One sees the truth, the other will tell it, the third will predict my fate. At night, the girl will dream of her fiancé. It is necessary to remember not only his image. During sleep, some thing will definitely appear, painted in white or black. White color - to a successful marriage, black - to an unhappy marriage.

Going to bed, the girl should carefully comb her hair, saying: betrothed, come, comb my hair and show yourself. The comb is removed under the pillow and the hair is left loose at night. You can also go to bed, putting on a stocking on your right leg and asking your future husband to come in a dream and remove the stocking from your leg. There are really incredibly many ways to get to know your spouse in a dream. The main thing, after performing the ceremony, immediately go to bed and no longer talk to anyone that evening.

Knowing what to do so that the future husband would dream, the girl is able to see her chosen one and determine whether this union will be happy. However, do not rely on dreams. How his life will turn out is determined by the person himself.

Many girls want to know their fate. Those who are not married often want to know what their chosen one will be like and what fate has in store for them in marriage. That is why various fortune-telling for a betrothed is so popular among young women.

The girl who was about to see a prophetic dream should mentally prepare and tune in seriously. Only with such an attitude is there a chance to lift the veil of the future. If you treat the fortune-telling ritual as fun, then there will be no result.

It turns out that there are many rituals that allow you to find out the future and make your future husband dream. Some of them are simple and do not require any complicated preparation from the girls. But the result of such fortune-telling does not always allow you to find out interesting details. Some complex fortune-telling allows you to learn more about fate and even see your future betrothed.

The first way is pretty simple. On Thursday night, you need to undo your hair, comb it, wash your face and say before going to bed: "My future husband, appear in my dream, show yourself, good fellow." If for the first time no one dreamed about the girl, you can repeat the ceremony the next night on Thursday.

Another way to see the betrothed in a dream also does not require any special preparation. All you need is cards that no one has gambled with. From a clean deck, you need to choose all the kings. They need to be put under the pillow with the words: "as the night falls on the earth, as the sun moves behind the mountains, so you, my husband, appear in my dream, show your suit." In the morning you need to draw a card and look at the suit of the card. If the fortuneteller pulled out the king of spades, then the groom will be rich, but wayward. If baptized, then the betrothed will love his wife, but in marriage the girl will shed many tears. If the king of worms, then the fortuneteller will be happy in her future marriage, she will love the man very much and the chosen one will reciprocate. The king of tambourines predicts a not too happy marriage and constant quarrels and omissions with her future husband.

Also, after this fortune-telling, the girl should remember if she dreamed of someone and what he looked like. If you don’t remember anything, then fortune-telling can be repeated.

The human subconscious is practically not studied. No one can explain why the fair sex has prophetic dreams after a ritual or divination, and why in the future the dream they see comes true. But if the girl didn’t like the result of fortune-telling, you shouldn’t get upset or panic, you just need to forget about an unpleasant dream.

Not many girls know what to do so that the future husband would dream and the fortuneteller took a good look at her chosen one. To do this, you need to write a note with the words: "I leave a piece of bread under my pillow for you, my betrothed, come, treat yourself, appear to me with your face." Attach a piece of bread to the note. The girl should go to bed with her hair loose. If a braid or ponytail is braided, fortune-telling will be unsuccessful and the groom will not dream.

Another way of divination in a dream is also not too complicated. Before going to bed, a girl should put a deep plate of water under the bed, put a wooden plank or ruler on top of the container. On the dishes with water you need to say the words: "my betrothed and mummers, come to me, take me across the bridge." It is believed that the groom will come to the aid of his future chosen one.

You can also lure the groom with honey. To do this, on a saucer you need to put a treat near the bed. Before going to bed, you need to say the following words: "I put honey, I beckon the groom to me, come, treat yourself, appear in my dream."

If a girl spends the night in a new place, then she can try to call her betrothed with the help of the words: "I sleep in a new place, dream of the groom to the bride, come to me with your face, boast of the article." After these words are uttered, the fortuneteller should not talk to anyone.

Many representatives are interested in how to make the future husband dream and at the same time remember your dream. To do this, before fortune-telling, do not tell anyone about your plans and do not talk before the ritual itself. You can also put a glass of clean water near the bed, it is believed that the dream will be remembered.

It is believed that fortune-telling is a great sin. But in the old days it was believed that you can find out your fate at Christmas time - holidays that last from Christmas to Baptism. According to legend, this is the most favorable period in order to find out your fate.

Divination in the name of the betrothed "My beloved"

The name is guessed quite often. Any girl wants to know what the name of her future husband will be, and whether there are people with that name among her acquaintances. There are a lot of ways here. For example, all...