How to see a brownie and establish contact with him in the safest way. What does a brownie look like?

The brownie lives in almost every home. Most often it can be found where several generations of a family have lived. It is not easy to detect his presence, but if the brownie is not satisfied with something, he will definitely show his dissatisfaction.

The brownie is a mystical entity that has been protecting people’s homes from time immemorial. It is able to protect against many misfortunes: fires, scandals, theft, ill-wishers. However, if the family begins to disrespect their home and creates a mess, the brownie may get angry, and then you will know for sure that he lives with you.

Signs of the presence of a brownie

1. Loud noise. Sometimes at night the brownie can express himself by rearranging the dishes in the kitchen, slamming doors, and loudly stomping. He usually gets angry when housewives stop carefully maintaining order. In this case, the brownie becomes mischievous, hides things, thereby calling for cleaning.

2. Pets. The most common pets, cats and dogs, always see and hear more than people. If you notice that your dog sometimes looks warily into the corner, begins to wag its tail and tries to play as if with itself, most likely it sees a brownie. Cats may also suddenly freeze and then begin to purr, arching their backs as if being stroked by an invisible hand. However, if animals show anxiety, whine, hiss, or hide under furniture, perhaps there is not a brownie in your house at all, but an evil spirit. In this case, it is necessary to clean the house or apartment. Walk through all the rooms, sprinkling the space with holy water, put a little salt in each corner, and then walk with a lit candle.

3. Loss of sweets and small items. We often forget that the brownie also feels our mood and is ready to help us in difficult times. Left without a treat, he may steal a few candies, the wrappers of which will periodically catch your eye in the most unexpected places. He can also shift keys, scissors and other objects out of spite. Pour milk into a small cup, put porridge with butter in a saucer and place it in a corner. Ask the housekeeper for forgiveness for your inattention and ask him to guard your house with the same strength. Also ask for missing items to be returned in exchange, for example, for jelly beans.

4. Sleep. Brownies who love their home and owners often help them. For example, in a dream they can tell you a solution to a problem, indicate who in your close circle is hostile. In rare cases, the brownie indicates the place where the treasure is hidden. This is how he shows respect, thanks for your care, but most often it is gratitude for the fact that when you moved, you did not forget about him and offered to go to a new home.

5. Security. We often feel a state of anxiety, but when we return home, we notice that our fears have evaporated somewhere. A feeling of peace, warmth and comfort appears. And at night we are not tormented by nightmares, we easily fall asleep and wake up cheerful and rested. This is also an indirect sign of the presence of a brownie in the house, caring about your safety and peace of mind.

6. Warning. Sometimes it happens that in the middle of the night we suddenly wake up with a strong feeling of anxiety, and in a dream we feel as if something has fallen on us and is pressing on us. This is how the brownie warns of impending danger. He can also make a loud noise, slam the door, or press the front doorbell. In this case, you should take care of your safety and prevent gas, water leaks or fire by rechecking all important places in the house.

7. Guests. Often before someone drops by to visit you without warning, you have a premonition of it. This may be intuition, but most often the brownie warns about all uninvited guests in advance. A quiet knock or a ringing telephone warns of people with good intentions. A feeling of anxiety, a suddenly broken glass and worried pets signal that ill-wishers want to visit your home.

8. Children. If there are children in the house, pay close attention to them while playing. Brownies treat younger family members with special attention and respect, play with them and protect them. You can often notice that a child sets up an extra device for a puppet tea party, laughs loudly, and tells something into the void. Young mothers often notice that a child who suddenly screams in his sleep becomes silent, his blanket is adjusted, and the cradle rocks quietly.

9. Feelings. When moving to a new home, you should carefully listen to your feelings, especially if someone lived in the house before you. Often, owners leave their apartments and houses without taking the spirit with them. In this case, the brownie is unlikely to treat you kindly. His trust must be earned. If you feel anxious, leave the little spirit a treat and offer friendship. As a gift, you can give him a piece of fabric, old clothes, hay, or a shoe. If this is a private house, then the brownie will definitely choose a secluded corner where he will settle down with great comfort. In apartments it is more difficult for a brownie because of the small space, but even here he can find a place under the bathroom, on the mezzanine or in an old suitcase. If, after time, your life has improved, you feel calm and peaceful, it means that the brownie has accepted you as the new owners and is ready to serve. If the feeling of anxiety grows, things disappear in the house, scandals become more frequent, it is worth thinking about driving away the evil spirit.

10. Appearance. In rare cases, the brownie reveals himself. If a small gray or smoky kitten insists on asking at your door, let him in. Brownies are often embodied in these animals. It also happens that the brownie warns about something so significant that it dares to appear in front of us. It could be a small blurry silhouette, a cat, a gray-haired old man. It is important at this moment to concentrate and ask what news your home protector has brought. If you feel warm, happy news awaits you; cold, chills, trembling or a feeling of danger - expect trouble.

If you discover the presence of a brownie in your home, try to make friends with it. This little helper can improve your life, help you and protect you from any evil. However, if it is aggressive and haunts you, perform a ritual to expel the entity, because it may turn out that it is not a brownie, but an evil spirit. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Almost all people confirm that things often disappeared from them under unknown circumstances, and then appeared in completely unexpected places. This can be attributed to forgetfulness, but many are sure that the brownie is playing pranks like this. He is also called the invisible master, as he keeps order, lowers the level and protects the house from evil spirits.

What might a brownie look like?

There is no specific image, so each person can see the drum in their own way. The most popular options have been collected:

  1. The most common image, presented in various fairy tales and beliefs, is a gray-haired old man, whose height is no more than 1 m. He does not like hats, and among his clothes he prefers a long shirt, belted with a rope.
  2. The brownie is often represented as a creature that is completely covered with short white fur and has long fingernails.
  3. A spirit may appear in the form of a tall and strong man with black disheveled hair. Distinctive features include long hairy arms.
  4. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to see a brownie during the day and in what form. In this case, he can transform into a black or white cat, whose eyes will shine very much. Some people have met brownies in the form of other animals and birds.

What to do if you see a brownie?

If you manage to see a drum, then look at its fur. If it is beautiful and thick, it means that the year will be happy for all residents of the apartment or house. The absence of fur is a harbinger of serious trouble. There are a large number of people testifying that in a dream they managed not only to see a brownie, but also to feel how he touched and even strangled. In this case, psychics recommend asking the spirit: “For good or for bad?” and hear the answer. Often with such actions the brownie tries to warn about impending changes.

How to see a brownie?

There are various methods that our ancestors used:

How to decorate a brownie's things?

In ancient times, people believed that an invisible owner had magical things, for example, an invisible hat and a magic coin. There are methods that allow you to get these miracle things. To steal the invisibility cap, you need to go to church at Matins and return home with a lit candle. On the way you may meet a brownie, from whom you need to rip off his hat and put on your own in return. Then return to the church. It is important that the candle does not go out during all actions.

Brownie in the house and in the apartment. Who is a brownie and what is he like? What does a brownie look like? Is it possible to see a brownie? Photos of a brownie - do they exist? Why does a brownie strangle him in his sleep? How to appease a brownie? How to drive out a bad brownie? Everything about the brownie in this article.

One of my clients once expressed to me her concerns about the behavior of her little daughter. The little girl behaved as if she was really communicating with some invisible entities: she smiled at someone, said hello, and waved her hand in a friendly manner. One of the woman’s acquaintances suggested that the reason for the girl’s behavior was the evil eye or fear, and advised her to contact her “grandmother” or a magician. What's the matter? The explanation may seem fantastic to some readers, but it is the most obvious. The girl really communicates with a representative of the astral world - with a brownie who lives in the same apartment with her. Because a brownie in an apartment or a brownie in a house is a common thing.


A brownie is an astral spirit, very close to our physical world, which lives in our houses and apartments. There is an opinion that brownies have within them the embodied souls of deceased young children. Therefore, a brownie usually has the intelligence of a small child. Young brownies are playful and mischievous, they hide things and bully pets. Adult brownies try to behave seriously; they feel like the “owners” of the apartment or house in which they live. Every brownie in the house is sure that this is “his house.”


Yes, sometimes we can see a brownie. The human eye is capable of recording not only objects of the material world, but also non-physical phenomena. However, in the human mind there are a number of unique barriers through which such information does not pass. For some people, these barriers work poorly or do not function at all, and the perception of reality in such people differs significantly from traditional ideas about the world. For some especially sensitive and emotional children, the barrier to the receipt of “otherworldly” information has not yet been formed, and these children easily and unhinderedly talk and play with brownies, and with other astral spirits. If your child behaves in a similar way, you should not be alarmed. As a rule, over time, unusual games stop, but the brownie will carefully protect the baby from all sorts of troubles: from electrical appliances, fire, falls and even from diseases! This is precisely the function that a brownie usually performs: protecting a house or apartment from troubles and troubles.

However, if invisible things frighten a child, and he is afraid of the darkness and corners of the apartment, complains about visits from “women and gnomes who choke”, the matter really lies in the damage caused to the child or the evil eye. Or the child is strangled by a brownie, which also happens. In this case, you need to immediately remove this scourge from a specialist in magical affairs. It is often enough for me to spend 2-3 sessions with a child for the nightmare visions that haunt him to stop. And the doctor will prescribe tranquilizers to the child, which are more likely to destroy the liver and kidneys than to cope with evil spirits.


The brownie looks like some kind of mixture of a small furry gnome and a black cat. Most often, the brownie himself determines whether his household can see him or not. By the way, if you want to find out if there is a brownie in your apartment, ask your child about it. Perhaps he managed to spot a small furry man in the dark. If you happen to see your dog barking at the corner of the room or your cat hissing and trying to fight with emptiness, rest assured that the problem is the brownie. But this home spirit does not live in every apartment, and not in every house, as is commonly believed. It happens that modern multi-storey buildings are not to the taste of the brownie.

Would you like to see a real photo of a brownie? It appears below, illustrating a story told to me in a letter by one of my old acquaintances. I quote the text of the letter in its entirety.

The author of the story made a completely correct assumption. In the photo in the upper left corner there is indeed an image of a classic brownie. By the way, this is a rare case when a brownie can be captured in a photograph! And the poltergeist happening in the apartment clearly indicates the activity of a disgruntled brownie. Perhaps among your relatives, neighbors or acquaintances there is a grandfather - such a tyrant, always dissatisfied with everything and constantly grumbling. This is precisely the character inherent in most brownies - after all, they are quite many years old. So, don’t be surprised if your brownie doesn’t like the idea of ​​renovations in “his” home, and he will actively show his dissatisfaction. Although, over time, the house spirit will most likely “let go.”


People often ask: is a brownie good or evil? It happens differently. More often than not, the brownie is a kind essence, he protects the house from fires, thieves, and can even turn off the iron you forgot. The brownie is especially active on the eve of significant events in your life. During such periods, he may appear to you at night, trying to warn and prepare you for something. You can cross him and read: “Our Father” - the spirit will disappear, but it’s better to ask the brownie: “For good or for bad?” He will answer, not very legibly, though (“Dooo...” or “Huuu...”), but it is clear to you what to expect. And the moans and cries of the brownie foreshadow the death of the owner of the house. How to appease a brownie? It is customary to sometimes feed a good brownie with bread or cookies and milk left on the table at night. In the morning, give the leftover food to the animals.


Sometimes brownies behave arrogantly and unkindly: they hide things, scare children and pets, and interfere with sleep at night. In this case, you need to talk very seriously and demandingly with the brownie - he will hear you, rest assured! Sometimes brownies show sexual activity towards one of the women living in the apartment (age and external characteristics do not matter to these spirits). In my practice, I communicated with dozens of women who complained about brownie harassment! Moreover, the spirit of the house can be very jealous in its harassment, and does not allow any man to approach the woman, and may even contribute to the destruction of the family! Such brownies must be mercilessly disposed of by expelling them from the house, otherwise the woman risks living her life alone, and even getting physically exhausted. Brownies are not averse to feasting on human energy, which is why it happens that brownies strangle people in their sleep. In fact, this process only feels as if a person is being strangled. At this time, the brownie sits on the chest of its victim and drinks its breath, engaging in energy vampirism.


It is difficult to drive out an evil brownie on your own; a magician or a strong healer was always invited for this procedure. The standard idea that comes to mind for most people in such situations - to call the priest from the church - actually turns out to be a stupid idea. Consecrating a house by a priest very rarely helps get rid of a bad spirit. Evil spirits may be afraid of either a strong white magician or a sincerely believing righteous priest. There are still strong magicians, but finding a righteous priest is an extremely difficult task.


Brownies with good character protect your home not only from physical troubles, but also from damage and curses. Many cases of the so-called poltergeist (hum, noise, fuss, voices, etc.) are explained by the struggle of the brownie against the damage caused. Sometimes poltergeist phenomena accompany the appearance in the apartment of the soul of a deceased person, for example, a relative. But more often, a poltergeist is a manifestation of damage caused to a home.

I have read many articles and pamphlets about poltergeist incidents. Every time the police, geologists, electricians, scientists with sensors and tape recorders came to such an apartment. Everyone gave their own logical and well-founded explanations for what was happening, and the anomalous chaos in the apartment continued until the owners thought of bringing a healer or magician. The apartment is being cleaned of damage, and the poltergeist is gone. And centuries ago and now, the methods of dealing with poltergeists (that is, with damage) are just as simple: candles, herbs, water, a broom and spells. You can read one of these conspiracies yourself if a noisy spirit appears in your apartment.

Walk around the apartment clockwise with a lit wax candle in your hand, spray the corners and thresholds with Epiphany water, and fumigate the room with smoke from the smoldering branches of wormwood and St. John's wort. And then sweep all the rubbish out of the apartment - from the farthest corner to the threshold with the words: " In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Mother of God’s prayer, from the Jesus cross, from the seal of Christ, from the saints’ help, from my word, depart from this unclean demon, cursed spirit, from this house to dry trees, mosses and swamps. And there is your place, life, stay and will, and there you shout, and not in this house you are unauthorized! The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power and all the holy wonderworkers: Naphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, the Canon of Isauria, Dmitry of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker and my terrible word and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be in this house, get out now and this very minute with all the damage and spells and get away from here and go to your place where you were and where the Lord God sent you and where he told me to live. Go to the abyss of the underworld, to the empty unmade land; go there, live there, and leave this house forever, from now until forever! Amen, amen, amen".

More information about brownies is contained in my article:

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It has long been believed that the brownie lives only in those houses where there is cleanliness, peace, and good relations between the residents. He protects his home and its territory. How to find out if there is a brownie in the house, and is it worth making friends with him?

It must be remembered that the brownie is a vulnerable creature and therefore hides from human eyes. You shouldn’t expect that he will want to communicate with household members at their request, so you won’t be able to call him just like that. First you need to win him over, and this is not so difficult.

How to determine if there is a brownie in the house

To feel the presence of an invisible owner, you can try to call him:

  • In the evening, shortly before bed, you need to stand in the middle of the room, spread your arms to the sides, and turn your palms down. With your eyes closed, mentally (or whisper) call the brownie, ask him to show himself. If you feel warmth under one palm, the brownie has arrived. If nothing is felt, it is possible that the owner is not ready to show himself. In this case, the ritual is carried out after a few days.
  • In the evening, pour fresh milk into a mug and leave it for the “owner” overnight. If the milk has decreased in the morning, the brownie trusts the residents. So everything will be fine in this home.

Once the presence of the “hearth keeper” has been established, there is no need to be afraid; it will be more useful to make friends with him.

How to check if there is a home in the house

Simple methods will help answer this question:

  • Place the unwrapped chocolates on a saucer and place in a corner overnight. Of course, the brownie won’t eat them, but he can change places a little. This is a very good sign, indicating that the “owner” accepted the treat. After the brownie has enjoyed the sweets, they must be buried under a tree.
  • Brownies are big fans of playing cards. If you hide a deck of new cards in a secluded place, then after a while you may notice that they are a little mixed up or scattered. It will be clear that someone played with them.

You can’t call a brownie often out of curiosity - he can get angry and start doing harm. The brownie is a serious creature.

How to understand that a brownie lives in a house

People who do not believe in the existence of brownies can easily see signs of their presence:

  • domestic cats or dogs look around the space as if they see someone. Sometimes they start playing with the invisible man, and sometimes they start fighting;
  • at night you can hear footsteps and the clink of dishes (the brownie reminds you of himself);
  • things disappear and then are found (the owner punishes for the disorder);
  • residents have dreams with answers to questions or have a correct premonition before events (helps);
  • paws burn out and equipment breaks down (expresses dissatisfaction);
  • If there is an infant in the house, you can notice that, like animals, he sometimes smiles at someone invisible, coos and plays with him.

If the brownie helps, there is nothing to be afraid of. But if it is capricious and mischievous, you should find out why the creature is dissatisfied. Maybe there is a fight in the house, or they don’t take good care of the housekeeping.

The brownie does not demand anything unusual from its residents. Cleanliness, silence and a little communication are enough for him. And then his care will begin to show in full force: the flowers will stop drying, the children will stop getting sick, the food will turn out tasty, and there will be less dust.

Before finding out whether there is a brownie in the house, some try to install a hidden camera. This must not be done under any circumstances; the invisible owner will definitely take revenge. Creatures should only be treated with respect. They are stronger than people, and if they dislike someone, they will not give life.

Surely, you are sure that the little magical owner of the house lives with them? A variety of simple methods will help you try to see the brownie and even appease him.

How to see a brownie in an apartment?

Today, people debate whether various magical entities actually exist. There are many arguments that confirm, and, of course, brownies. Such a little grandfather, the owner, lives in almost every house.

If a person manages to establish a good relationship with him, then there is no need to be afraid of him. Since the owner will not intrigue you, scare you, and, in turn, will in every possible way protect you from various entities that may try to enter the home. It's worth noting that if you want to summon a brownie, the likelihood of you actually seeing one is not very high.

In most cases, using various rituals, you can only feel it, and only experienced bioenergetics specialists or good psychics can often see the owner. For most ordinary people, a brownie appears in the form of a clot of energy. However, there are still some ways that will allow you to see the brownie.

Remember, he does not have the most attractive appearance, so such rituals should not be performed by children and overly impressionable people. To begin, arm yourself with a large wax church-lit candle. On Good Friday, go to the temple for the morning service, while it lasts, stand there with a lit candle.

After the service is over, the candle must be extinguished. The next day, Saturday, go to the temple again, you need to defend the morning service again. Similar manipulations are also repeated on Sunday. As soon as you return home, immediately, with a lit candle, go to the closet, barn, barn or attic (depending on what you have).

The candle flame will illuminate the room, and in front of you you will see a brownie. It is at this moment that the entity is especially vulnerable; when it sees you, it will not be able to move. Don't scare the owner, just look at him, then leave the room and put out the candle.

The brownie was a particularly important figure for our ancestors. Such a house owner could poison the lives of the owners and even destroy their destinies if he turned out to be very angry or did not want to make contact. In such cases, rituals of expelling the brownie from the home were usually used.

If the Master turned out to be kind, then he became a reliable protector of everyone who lived in the territory under his control. Since ancient times, this simple method has come down to us, which will help to detect a brownie. Since he is a conscientious owner, every morning he puts things in order, rustles in the corners, and cleans. Waking up before dawn, you need to walk around your house or apartment.

Listen, in which corner you hear the most noise? Go there. This is where the brownie will stand. He may laugh and immediately disappear, which will indicate that he is in a good mood. If the little entity begins to cry or wag its finger, this indicates that it is sad or afraid.

You can also see the brownie using another method. It is suitable for those who live in a private house or on the first floor of an apartment. Open the door that leads to the basement, go down to the third step and look under the stairs. It is possible that a brownie will be sitting there.

If you have a clamp or sieve at home, you may also encounter a drum. Remember that this ritual can only be performed during Easter week. Exactly at midnight, go outside, go into the barn, if there is none, then you can go into the attic. Do not turn on any light sources, cover your face with the selected object, and then peer into the darkness.

The brownie will appear only in complete silence. As in previous cases, during this ritual you cannot talk to the drummer, you can only look at him. If you try to speak, it will only scare away the magical entity.

As the name implies, this ritual will help you see the brownie only on Bright Sunday. It is worth noting that trying to film the ritual on video or take a photo is useless, since the camera will not be able to capture the magical creature.

In the evening, take a shower, use cool water to eliminate the negative energy that has accumulated during the day, dress up in new clothes, stand in front of the icons, light candles. After this, start praying, at some point stop abruptly and turn around. There will be a drummer standing very close to you, right behind you.

Important: When performing the ritual, you should under no circumstances look into the creature’s eyes, as you may subsequently become very ill. Once you have seen the creature, go back to the icons and continue praying. When the ritual is completed, get up, turn on the light in the room, and then put out the candle.

Many people, even those who are extremely skeptical about various supernatural entities, say that they feel someone’s presence in the apartment. It is possible that this is a brownie. Unfortunately, people are not always able to understand why the entity is shown to them. Please note in whose image the drum appeared:

  • Animal(in the guise of a cat or dog) wanders around the house - a very important warning. The owner wants to stop you, warn you of some danger. It is possible that one of the people living in this room will become ill.
  • In his true form, at the workplace of one of the family members. For example, he sits at a table where there is a sewing machine, on which his wife constantly sews and tries to make something, sew something. This is a very negative sign. The brownie helps to do all the work that the person who will probably die in the near future did not do.

Do you often wake up to someone sitting on your chest? Perhaps you sometimes even felt as if someone was strangling you. Yes, this could indeed be the antics of a poltergeist. But there is no need to be afraid. First of all, when you wake up, say:

For better or worse?

After saying these words, close your eyes. If the entity gently touches your cheeks or hair, this indicates that you will receive very good news in the near future. If the poltergeist begins to sharply pull the hair, this indicates probable problems. For now, be very careful as the situation will be unstable.

The sudden appearance of a drummer may also indicate that he does not like the people who came to your house. He feels that they have bad thoughts and want to harm you. If you have a good relationship with the brownie, then he will immediately react negatively to those who are aggressive towards you and will try in every possible way to get the enemies out of the house.

Even if you have a fairly good relationship with your brownie, always remember to take precautions. After all, this is a magical entity that can cause damage to you. First of all, you shouldn’t constantly pull the drum, since he has his own affairs, he must keep order in the house. And he simply may not have time to play with you.

If you initially did not have contact with the brownie, then it is better not to start such rituals, since he does not know you yet and may react very negatively. Therefore, beforehand, leave him a saucer of milk, sugar, sweets, and bread in the kitchen every day for at least 30 days.